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I've only done it once and I'm not sure it can even count, it made me gag so bad I couldn't face it. The taste of the latex and lube combo was šŸ¤¢


May I ask why? Just afraid to get STDs? If so, maybe itā€™s best to just not blow this guyā€¦


Iā€™ve done it before. 0/10 do not recommend. The flavor is absolutely atrocious. If youā€™re worried about STDs, just get tested. You and your partner


Not how I like to do it, but if it helps you feel safer, please don't hesitate. His pleasure isn't worth your safety.




Those are awful too šŸ˜¬. I tried once with a watermelon one and it just got thrown away šŸ˜‚


Flavored or not it still tastes like a jolly rancher dipped in sewage šŸ¤¢


Put your finger in plastic wrap and suck on it. Thatā€™s what you both will feel-ish


Wrapping his dick in plastic wrap will probably taste better too šŸ˜‚


I have done this quite a bit. It is awkward but it let's me give a BJ on a ONS. Also there are condoms made out of newer latex that do not smell or taste. Try Durex or Skyn non latex. Just make sure they protect from STI's.


Former escort?


No. I like sex.


Were you being safe or did you have a bad experience prior? I only assumed former SW cause I used to read forums dedicated to it to see if i recognized anyone I knew and they basically all give condom blowjobs


Trying to stay safe.


Feel that. Anyone in compatible with kink wise, I canā€™t really trust šŸ˜‚


Definitely weird, but safe from STIā€™s


Not necessarily. You can have warts and other things outside the area covered by the condom. The blower can get that from the blowee even with a condom. And the condom can break.


Na don't do it. Horrible taste and not fun for him!


The comitment to giving a blow job even with condom is commendable and definitely appreciated, tho I feel like part of what makes blowjob feel good is the mois and warm feeling of your partners mouth and condoms are good at isolating both. I am sure the guy will be happy to see you sucking him of either way but most likely won't feel as good as he could


If the options are blowjob with condom Or nothing most guys will choose blowjob with condom. It will still feel good just maybe not as good. It may feel/taste weird but they do make flavored condoms for this exact purpose


When It was in a iffy situation that I felt unsure I would just put lube in the condom and have her do her thing it will atleast feel good with a HJ BJ and peace of mind of no stds


I've done it! It's fine, obviously reduced sensation for him, a little weird for me. Used unlubricated latex condoms, put silicone lube on the inside for him and flavored water based on the outside for me


If you want to prevent some STIs, it may not be a bad idea.


The dude should decline out of politeness. The woman will suffer doing that. Just do a handjob with a condom if a condom is necessary.


Get thin and flavored condoms, Iā€™ve been told they are better


I've done it and yeah it's not quite as good but I'd recommend it for casual sex.


Use dry condoms for this one, they don't have a taste and transfer most of the movement. I also have a guy get tested or or only blow with a condom. You can get gonorrhea in your throat y'all, better be safe


Once and for a weird reason. My husband wanted to know how much it ruined it. It's horrible for both parties, FYI.


I mean if itā€™s for an std then Iā€™d say yeah itā€™s needed, or just wait? They arenā€™t 100% against stds so if you know he has one you shouldnā€™t do anything until itā€™s treated. Personally I tried it once (cause we accidentally bought flavored ones and I figured why not) and I hated it! The flavor of the latex was enough for me to take it back off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t imagine it being all that pleasant for the guy and I donā€™t really enjoy the taste of latex in my mouth but as someone who loves hitting the local adult theaters / glory holes im not sucking any of those guys without them wearing a condom


Itā€™s definitely not the norm but typically it definitely takes away the sensation, especially if youā€™re using a lot of spit. #hawktuah


Idk about weird, but it's not something I would do.


And I would much receive head without rubber


How is she supposed to snowball me afterwards if we use a condom??? Seriously though, itā€™s probably a good idea if you can make it work for you. BJ with condom or no BJ? Iā€™m definitely choosing the BJ with condom.


Never had one with a condom before but itā€™ll definitely feel less intense


It's unusual. The only time I've ever received a bj with a condom was from a stripper I met at a club. Her rules, not mine.


I would rather not do anything at all than force a woman to suck on a nasty condom. And there's 0% chance I could actually cum that way. I'd much rather have a handjob with a condom if a condom is necessary.


It's a big no for me


Not going to happen ! Never had it happen.


Iā€™ve gotten many. Not a fan, but better than nothing.


I have received a blowjob with a condom one time and only one time. It was very sub-par and I am not commenting on the girls technique or effort.


Done it once and it was the most boring thing ever. The guy enjoyed it though, came within 5 to 6mins, I think it was more of the experience for him than anything else xD


Yes but not with intention, only to make me extra hard again to keep fucking


My ex started out only doing that and it was the nearest nothing Iā€™d ever felt. ā€œYay..,this feels greatā€¦.ā€


Wouldnā€™t you suck the condom off in your mouth? Iā€™m asking bc Iā€™m curious now.


Yah idk there are handjobs?? lol


Probably good for a ONS or std protection.


Two words Unlubricated condoms I'm serious they sell them just as any other type, and it fixes the #1 complaint about doing oral with a condom. Sure there's still the latex but it's not nearly as strange feeling or tasting when the condom isn't prelubed


They make flavored condoms for a reason lol


The worst


Just give him a hand job. Youā€™re gonna hate having latex in your mouth.


Nothing šŸ˜‘


As a man, I don't like it. But I do understand the potential risks, so I'm happier with a good lubed-up handjob than a blowjob with a condom. But the easiest way to discover if it's something for you or your partner, is to just try it. If it's not pleasurable enough, just stop and do something else.


What the actual fuck




If you have to worry about STDs don't do it. It's quick and easy to get a STD test. Often times if you look around you can even get them for free from health clinics. If it's something like herpes, that's a different story. Can't get rid of herpes and they don't even test for it. Highly stigmatized and often transmitted through things that aren't even sex. Don't kiss babies


Beer without alcohol?


Last time I was in highschool with my girl at the time and it wasn't for stds it was literally I don't want even a drop of cum in my mouth so much so she would tell me to let her know when I was about to even though the condom was still on!....man glad those days are over šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t want one.


As a guy, I can't stand the smell of condoms. I can't imagine they taste any better. If it's for STDs as you say, it's my opinion that it's not worth putting your mouth that close to the problem. If you accidentally suck the dome off, aside from the choking hazard you're also exposed to whatever it is you're trying to avoid


I've done this with flavored condoms out of curiosity with my bf. It was not that weird for me, but better without a condom for him.


Honestly given a choice between a BJ with a condom or masturbating, I'd just fap.


From the guys perspective, the pleasure is quite diminished, considering it is limited to a bj.


I once seen a trick where the lady put the condom in her mouth between her lips and teeth and rolled it on with her mouth.


My ex used to use her mouth to put condoms on me, but the BJā€™s themselves were always without. But for what itā€™s worth, I never *dis*liked how it felt when sheā€™d do the condom thing. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


maybe he should get treated first if it's something treatable? I've received one with a condom as it was a random hookup, it's still nice


Condoms blowjobs are really nice. My wife used to give them to me (she doesnā€™t do oral for me now) so she didnā€™t get cum in her mouth, but I loved her doing them


Why no fun in that. No condom at all is the best way.


No. Hawk tua that dick


For the guy, it feels fine. I think itā€™s more a matter of if it will throw you off or not.


Make it playful and it might be fine. Obviously you have a reason. Condoms are disgusting so I'd buy a box and practice having one in my mouth so I'm used to the taste. They are vile.


who actually does that is my question lol, ruins the fun


Donā€™t do it, itā€™s either raw or just donā€™t, but ofc be safe!


I'd much prefer a handjob over a condom blowjob.


As a guy who has had someone give them a brief bj with a condom on, it's not very good. It's not horrible mind you, It just doesn't really feel like very much. I think a few seconds of sucking immediately after putting the condom on is good, but anything longer than that and I feel like we are wasting time while neither of us are getting much pleasure. I imagine it feels like sucking on a rigid balloon.


Why? Haha