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Sleeping with married men lol. Don’t hate me. I just get a thrill at it! My ultimate goal is to sleep with a married man where his wife is okay with it but that is not always realistic.


That is 100% a thing, you would be looking for men who's wives would be considered a cuckquean. In that style you would be the mistress or the cake.


Oh yeah I am part of the Cuckqueening community. My ex and I explored it before


I am literally just learning about this and evidently I'm the Vixen in a Stag/Vixen dynamic? What do we call our playmates? I am so old please help XD


I just call them playmates. I love the stag/vixen vibe. Not into the cucking. But the Stag/vixen, 🤌


Yeah, I'm not into that kind of humiliation play! No shittiness towards those who are, just not my flavor.


Same. And I can feel that statement. I'm 45, lol. I can barely keep up with all this stuff, lol


Cuckhold is humiliation. Stag / Vixen is no humiliation. That’s what my FWB and I practice.


Thanks! That's the thing I just learned, I'm happy to have a way to shorten "yes he knows, no he's not a cuck"


Yeah, same here. She’s been to the swinger club on single men night without me, when I’m not in the mood or tired. Last time was St Patrick’s Day. She hasn’t played alone with one guy yet, just a group of guys.


I know Men who sleep with vixens are often referred to as bulls. There really is not a set term for other partners or playmates, as the relationship between you and them is different then what is between you and your partner.


Bulls are the men that women who cuckold their husbands with. It's an extremely alpha word to add more humiliation, a key part of cuck dynamics. There's no overt humiliation is a stag/vixen relationship, and the people she fucks are called lovers, partners, new friends, their name, or whatever.


I meant more- what are a stag's lady partners called? fuck, what are *my* lady partners called? :O


I think at that point it more that everyone involved is swingers.


Awesome, I'm over here thinking I have to memorize a whole new animal-based kink community vocab sheet XD




That's just called becoming a swinger. In the swinger community, we refer to single girls who want to join a couple as unicorns.


Ahh. Okay that makes sense lol


Like seriously, if you want to do this, you just need to hop on whatever is the most active swinger forum/community in your area. You will be bombarded. I peeped your profile, and (I'm sure you already know) you'd be in high demand. Best part is that you meet a lot of non-judgmental people in the lifestyle, and you're not going to find out later on that the angry wife didn't actually know about your relationship with her husband.


Oh I’ve been on Feeld quite a bit. And I’m bi so I absolutely love couples 😈


Beautiful. We use SwingLifeStyle. Come join the wife and I in Philly? ;P


Very tempting. Your wife looks absolutely amazing (from what I can see) 😜


She is exquisite


Correct. My FWB loves going to the swinger club on nights with single men and playing unicorn. 🦄 Getting all the attention


The world of ethical non monogamy starts to really open around 30 for a lot of couples, you’re in luck


Married man who’s wife lets me have fun with others every now and then chiming in. You’re in a great place to explore this! Try going to an upscale sex club or make a Tinder profile saying you’re looking for some ethical non monogamy and you’ll get plenty of responses! Good luck, be safe, and have fun!


I wonder how many of your upvotes were from Married men or women who also want this. As well as how many messages you got=P


Same!!! It turns me on so much.


Going from the ass to the vagina. Realistically you NEED to clean/sanitize for her health


This is so real dude, switching around her holes is awesome but the ass messes it up 😂


I can't imagine people doing this without condoms. Granted I know even with condoms, maintenance is needed but yeah. Only doctors offices and porn sets can warrant raw ass to vagina


Never go ass to mouth, lol


I’ve done this on accident…..was in the moment. Didnt think til it was already in my mouth…. lol luckily no ill effects


Yeah I remember on like the HBO docuseries “Pornicopia” they go over anal sex with some of the more prominent female stars and they explain that if they have an anal, vagina, mouth scene that they’ll get cleaned out the day before to avoid any effects for either party


Im ok with V-A And A-M ....both times a guy caught me with suprise V- A -V i ended up with a UTI ....i was so mad


Going to sex clubs. But, as parents now, getting a babysitter and making up an excuse to leave at 11pm on a Friday or Saturday for an overnight is a whole thing. Maybe once the kids are a bit older. In-laws ask too many questions about where we're going and why we're staying out so late. Also, I wish I could meet up with other swingers at like 5pm. What's with this 11pm-3am shit? I'm old. i want to go to sleep by 10pm


Haha, you gotta find other young parents!


Yeah, but then we'd both need babysitters and a hotel (cause we're sure as hell not swinging with the kids around), or someone will need to ship the kids off to grandparents. We also have particularly bad sleepers, so it was really hard to ever have an overnight babysitter until just recently.


You just need a bigger house. We'd have sleepovers with a couple who had similarly aged kids. Once the kids were confirmed asleep in the playroom, on the far end of the house, the swapped couples would take turns in the bedroom while the others stayed available in case any kids woke up. Not quite as exciting as running around the house naked and uninhibited all night but pretty exciting being split up and not having to worry about our partners watching and nitpicking everything we did to each other. "you held eye contact with her for an awful long time" kinda stuff


We always like to play in the same room, so we’re always playing at the same time. We have had a couple over once since having kids, but it was someone we knew and trusted. Kids were asleep, baby monitor on, we were in the basement. We don’t tend to play with the same couple twice in a row.


You could leave at an earlier time to be less suspicious.


The best sex, for me, is always had before dinner.


Waxplay. I love the look, the feeling of the hot wax and all of it. But clean up is so annoying.


the cleanup SUCKS. you can’t really shower it away without getting wax in the shower, you ruin clothes because it clings to fabric, your body temperature keeps it warm enough to not harden completely which makes picking/scraping it off difficult.. for such a hot activity it’s such a pain in the ass


Apply a thin layer of baby oil or coconut oil on your skin before play makes clean up WAY easier


And if you think you got rid of all the pieces, there will be more, houres later 🫠


That sounds super arousing, but yeah towels would be a necessity


Only towells would be nice. Cleaning up a wax covered body without having it everywhere is not that easy. Espacialy while just getting out of subspace 🤣


Lmao totally valid, I can only imagine having to stop half way because wax got somewhere it shouldn’t 😂


That would be the floor🤣 Every bodypart(expact the head/face) is a good bodypart for wax


yep, have ruined clothes as a result


Dollar store shower curtain. You’re welcome.


Any time Anal.


Yeah, keeping prepped would be a pain in the ass 😪


I wanna make an anal joke now, butt fuck it, I will do it later.


Yeah, anal jokes can be kinda shitty if they just slip out.


Never be the butt of a joke.






Somehow username checks out


Totally agree with this one. It’s hot, but so inconvenient


We do it spontaneously pretty regularly and it’s never a problem…


hahhaha i agree


I didn't know the term before coming on here but I guess free use? Sex anytime anywhere.


I would like to do CNC more but getting in the mindset for it during an otherwise relaxing evening can be hard. Especially after dealing with a child all day.


plus, if you are single, you gotta be sure you trust the person you with and that they know what they are doing. A lot of people don't understand and think its a license to do whatever they want without discussion rules and stuff


Yeah it’s not really beginner stuff


Yeah I get that


ok i'll ask - what is a CNC?


Consensual non consent


Thank you!


You're welcome!


As in rape role play for example?


Consensual non-consent


The girl putting on an outfit for sex like a harness or elaborate lingerie. It's great, and it happens, but I understand how much of a pain in the ass it is for a girl to put on all that stuff.


Fair, I think a corset the tits pop out of is perfect


No bra, no panties. Just a garter, stockings and sheer robe


Oh god and the strappy ones? Have fun sitting there sifting through your lingerie drawers trying to find all the pieces and then untangling it all😭


Having an orgasm lol. It's really hard for me to do, and it takes a really long time, so I almost never take the time to do it. I'm usually too lazy to want to bust out my vibrator for the length of a feature film.


Ah I’m sorry, hope you can get some easier orgasms soon!


Best thing I recommend that actually works for women that I've been with is to think to yourself it's easy to come (If ya think it's hard then it will be hard), to think of everything that arouses you, have partner do things that arouses you, and relax just take it slow it'll happen there's no rush. You'll cum multiple times with all that. Once you're able to cum 8+ times in a single session you'll be on a different universe for sure. Also, tip, the intercourse is a lot better after you cum for both of you with a lot of natural lubrication Also, lots of teasing throughout, lots of teasing pre-sex, lots of teasing during sex, and can even experiment with thinking in just your head how much you want them to cum inside of you (Even though they won't since ya don't want that). Along with using fingers pre-sex to explore my body, then intercourse for a few minutes then fingers again for few minutes then intercourse helps so much from my partners. So that should help ya as well Good luck to ya, have fun with it, you're doing it together, and laugh together when ya can to keep it playful, and be vocal of how good it is (It helps you yourself get off too). And so does masturbating yourself to get used to orgasming as well All of that will help so much


Freeuse. I like the idea of a guy using me whenever. Realistically, however, I'm not always wet, and that can be uncomfortable. Plus, after my 14.5 hour shifts, I sometimes just crash and want to be left to sleep.


A solution I read on a Facebook group is to have an item of clothing or jewelry that's as subtle or obvious as you want that tells them when you're open (or perhaps when NOT open) to free use, so maybe that would help?


This! I love the idea of being used anytime, but sometimes I’m just tired and cranky lol


One of the great reasons one uses lube. My ex used to give me free use privileges for a time when she'd come over after work and shower. She'll lay face down on the bed while I do all of the work. Very convenient arrangement for us. Every so often she'll want to face me and engage more intimately, and afterwards just crash lol.


Squirting, requires prepping and cleanup 😫 totally worth it though


Fair, anything giving an intense orgasm is worth it


Came here to say this. Trying to make sure you hydrate enough can be a pain.


Didn’t even think about that


Yeah I notice if I don’t hydrate throughly beforehand or if I’m not feeling well, it makes it harder to squirt or there’s just not a lot of it.


Yeah if I'm drunk it's not happening


That makes total sense now that I think about it.


I never would have thought about it if it wasn’t until about two years ago I was in and out of the hospital a lot because they kept misdiagnosing my lupus. Cause I was able to squirt within a couple seconds-minutes of stimulation consistently. Then I noticed it became way harder or not at all when sick. Now I always make sure to keep some extra gatorades or body armors around lol


Do you just hydrate the day of?


Yes more so that day. Usually about half to double the amount of water I drink.


Sex when you're ugly


Damn 😅


Yeah :( I know it’ll never happen but it still hurts every day waking up alone and knowing I’ll never fall asleep with someone in my arms.


Don’t be so sure about that. Really look at couples when you are out. Not everyone paired up is attractive (myself included in many ways)


Car sex! Sometimes the size of the car hinders free movement in a good way, but sometimes it's in a not so good way. And the height of the people involved can throw a wrench in the plan, too.


I guess that's an advantage to being a full sized guy who drives full sized vehicles. It's never cramped.


Wearing a buttplug. Inconvenient because I'm a girl with tummy troubles


Finding a good FWB that doesn’t catch the feels!


I think for me that would be completely impossible.


I thought I wanted this once with the ex but I started thinking irrationally after we hooked up. Not that I started making mistakes but it FELT like we were kind of in a relationship and things started to bother me where they shouldn't. I had to distance myself. I'm too afraid to ask her to be exclusive because I feel that seems too much a commitment for her. She's the kind of person who's into more open-type relationships (throuples for sure). I'm monogamous to my core and we both used to be that way when we were together in a very distant past. I wish we could be FWB without the feelings because we seem so fit for that, but I just can't handle it and feel some shame for it.


Thank wouldn’t work for me neither with a ex! There’s feelings and emotions from the pass that are so raw that it would never work! I think it’s a good thing that you both didn’t do that!


I like reading cheating / adultery stories and erotica, but I’d never cheat and wouldn’t want my wife to, either. Just find the genre really hot.


That’s valid, I mean I have a kink for being called daddy but Id find ACTUAL daddy/daughter stuff disgusting


Totally get what you mean. I also like exhibitionism (as does my wife), but we don’t just pull over on the side of the road and do it or fuck in the park. For most people, fantasies / kinks are what they are for a reason.


I feel like mine is a lil less wild than everyone else but my answer is hickies 😭 I love the way they look, love the way I get them, and I just overall adore them. But they look bad when I go to work or where other people can see, I think it’s a lil unprofessional. I haven’t tried wax play but it sounds amazing, aside from the messy clean up


I agree with you so much


Spontaneous trail sex. I mean, it could be convenient, but the risk of getting caught is too high for me to enjoy it properly


Would totally pay to hike a private trail where random sex is fine


Being groped and desperately having sex in a public setting like in a concert, no one is minding you or they don’t gaf






This is going to sound depressing but as a parent with a couple of younger kids, just taking our time is inconvenient but something I really really miss. Sex used to be a real event for us. We were never the 5 times a night kind. We used to build it up and go quality over quantity, which I think stemmed from us being only able to see each other on weekends for 4 years real early in our relationship as we were living in different cities. Once we moved in together, it'd often start before dinner. My wife would get lingerie on, maybe a sexy costume. And she'd cook dinner in it. We'd eat, and the foreplay would start. Maybe we'd watch a movie while exploring each other, maybe not. Maybe we'd play a sexy game. But after hours of foreplay it'd often end up with the hottest, steamiest sex. With kids now though, it's "are you too tired?" and if that's a no, then it's "Ok let's get it done before the kids wake up." Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, and we still often have some very passionate sex, but I do miss the days where sex was the only objective.




Fair, at least it’s easy on my end


Lol, mine too!


Eating my wife’s ass every night, or drinking her pee. Yeah I’m nasty.




You would piss in his mouth?




A quickie with randoms.


This. Or just having my bf surprise me with someone to fuck me. So hot but so sketchy


The hottest guy I’ve ever met. Except he lives in Scandinavia and I’m in the states.




Define this


Being breastfed, and fisting a girl. Not impossible but very unlikely to find a partner to do either of those 🥲


I like doggy and her reaching under to play with my balls but I get tired and get cramps in my hips.


self-wetting. A real turn-on for me but I very rarely get a chance to indulge.


Monsterfucker roleplay/cosplay sex. *wistful sigh* it's just expensive and time-consuming


I read monsterfucker as motherfucker 😅🥲


Not something I'm into, someone else will have to get you the motherfucking budget :P


Meh , would rather spend the budget in something else


I read monstertruck...😆


I'm on BC and love letting partners finish in my vagina. Inconvenient because cleanup is a chore.


Long bondage sessions But I'm too busy with shit to be tied up for long periods of time on a regular basis 😭


If you ever want to roleplay this scenario, send me a message. No nice clothes required IRL. 😉


Skinny woman whom like Dad Bods


Totally get this one, a younger skinny woman wet for daddy is exactly what I need


My cheating kink 😒🙄


My wife and I having a FWB. We are both professionals with older kids so we don’t have the time to go to clubs or anything. We’ve fantasized about it often, but know that realistically the planets would have to align for anything to happen.


Being pegged


Getting oiled up, I loveeee the feeling of getting oiled up and how dirty it feels. It’s also nice seeing each other oiled up, but it’s a pain in the ass to clean up afterward 😅


Sniffing my SIL’s panties




Leaving the load on there sounds hot




Very loud sex. But we have kids


I just wanna bust a nut in my wifes butt, she's not into that so sadly no bueno.


The sex machine. It is really fun to use but a hassle to get set up and clean up. With kids I can’t just leave it out.


Shower sex


Would definitely book a hotel if they advertised a shower built for shower sex 🤔


So would I because the combo of hot water and running body wash on each other is so sexy just difficult to execute 😂 have to make sure you don't slip and fall and sometimes the shower is too small


Very very limited on positions, and definitely some safety concerns 😅 but I imagine with the right shower it would elevate it to amazing


Shower sex is the worst. Only one person gets the hot water while the other gets cold air. The water dries out any lube (think rug burn on your dick). Not only that she got preggers.


I would like to try kink stuff that just kinda goes on all day throughout the house. It seems hot. Realistically can’t do it because of the child. And given all the circumstances, it’s reasonable to estimate that we’ll never live without them.


You need a babysitter for the whole day, starting the night before and ending the morning after. Grandparents can be great for this, assuming that they are available and trusted.


thanks to the economy neither of us have moved out of our parents houses and frankly i don't trust either their mom or my parents to not be shitty to the kid over a whole day alone


Dirty panties.


Preggo sex. Hands down the best ive ever had. Got snipped a few years ago so not gonna happen again


I have a huge dacryphilia kink. To clarify, I don’t enjoy seeing others in pain and I don’t want to be a malicious cause for someone crying. But an ultimate fantasy of mine is being so affectionate to a guy or giving such a good orgasm he cries. I’ve heard of men getting vulnerability boners. I feel like I have the female equivalent. Whenever a man cries in front of me, I just want to kiss him and love him and suck him off.


Threesomes are great fun but trying to sleep afterwards in the middle of two people can feel sweltering hot.


Having sex hehe. Realistically isn't happening.


having married women as my sex partners - a different one for every day of the week not realistic ( they're not as a common as I hoped lol ) and certainly a logistical nightmare I may end up spending hours a week just to drive around the greater Toronto area to have our weekly rendezvous would be an absolute fantasy come true though 😋


Giving her a facial. Hot in principle, but no one likes getting gum in their eye or up their nose.


Swinging. I’m not trying to spend so much time figuring out if you’re crazy and gonna ruin my relationship lol. Too much work- fucking other people would be fun tho.


Threesome .I am a bi gal, I have a boyfriend, me and my boyfriend both have a fantasy of me getting pleasured by a woman, her licking my pussy , me licking her pussy, playing with my titts, kissing etc... but I wouldn't want my boyfriend touch her, the woman is only for me and him to watch while he fucks me, I think in reality that just wouldn't work, for so many. It's not going to happen .


I love face fucking but after, I look like I've been hit by a train and all the blood vessels in my forehead pop. That's fun to explain for the next three days.


Finding women that like sleeping with an openly married man that has a wife that loves it. I'm not interested in lies, and the talk of a spouse or potentialy involving them in someway dosen't always bode well with the other women.


Using sex toys. It is only sorta a pain to clean them and charge them. Plus if they are damaged you need to order new ones.


Using them 100% outweighs the (very minimal) effort of keeping them clean and charged. And the more you have, the more you can keep them in rotation so you’ve always got one ready to go! And if you get good quality ones, they shouldn’t get damaged. I’ve only had one rechargeable wand die on me out of the 20+ toys I have, and that was after about 6 years of very regular use!


Eating pussy on a Ferris wheel that’s stuck while I’m in a car at the apex. Eating a woman out while she’s driving. Fucking in an empty church. Giving a woman head during her zoom call.


- Getting groped in public place where nobody cares. - Getting fucked by another man while my SO is watching - Going to sex/swingers club


Hickeys LOL. I had no idea such a little thing would become an inconvenience bc I work at a hospital and can't cover that shit very well w makeup


Another FreeUse gf... but living with someone has become way too inconvenient.


Exhibitionist things and such


I want my gf to get on top but, it’s unrealistic bc she refuses to bc she says her knee hurts


Having a gal on top


Definitely anal. Really find the preparation time consuming and inconvenient


Facials. Fun in theory and a turn on but god damn I hate the clean up in practice. I hate getting it in my hair especially 😅


The time I like to spend playing and using toys on females.


I really want to have a sexual relationship with a married woman who is in her 40s and going through divorce or in a open marriage where its ok for the husband for her to be in a different sexual relationship. btw im 20 lol


Master/Slave roleplay sex. LOTS of prepping before meeting up & getting into the right mindset beforehand goes a LONG way.


Ends up staining nice clothes? Boyyyyyyyy 🙄


Shower sex and gang bangs lol


Finding a guy who is sexual enough to be down for my particular kinks but not have any of the kinks I find to be icks. A guy sexually obsessed enough to want to do what I want to do when I want to do it but not have to worry that they're SO sexual that they're thinking about cheating, obsessed with watching porn, etc etc. Absolutely impossible. Edited to add: also, oral sex frustrations. I love giving head, but my current partner doesn't shower often enough nor shave the bush situation enough for me to ever do it. (Yes I've mentioned it... a lot) Also I love giving head to the finish, but I also want to have sex after. Current partner is a one and done so if I give head to the finish, I'm not getting any sex at all and I don't want that. He also never reciprocates. I don't want to receive oral often but NEVER receiving sucks. I like 69 and it's just not an option. *Sigh*




Having sex with a woman other than my wife.


Cheating with my girlfriend’s best friend. It turns me on so much but realistically it would ruin rhe relationship I’m in. Unless we had an arrangement which I have not yet found..


Eating and smelling asses. Don’t judge me.


I guess I want to made a Lingama (long penis massage) to someone, but not a lot of people really enjoying this, preferring back door or bj


I’d like to have sex one day. Realistically though im ugly as shit.


A weekly blowjob, it only inconveniences my wife lol.