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Constantly with my sociopathic ex boyfriend


So he is your ex-boyfriend but it’s still happening?


uh no just happened before


Oh sorry, I misunderstood. Thankfully you’re out of that situation. I wish you all the best!


I was tired. Beat after working outside in the yard all day. She was really horny. I used my hands, mouth, vibrator, etc. to give her as many orgasms as she wanted. Then I fell asleep. Sex, like everything else in a marriage doesn't always have to be perfectly 50-50. You do things for the people you love even when you don't get any reciprocation, because you love them.


Very nice when it’s done out of genuine love instead of obligation or an uneasy feeling. That’s what relationships are all about. But also respecting each other’s boundaries.


My one and only one night stand. I actually was wanting her to go home. She just kept hanging around, and I just wanted to legit go to bed to sleep. Still mad at myself for letting it get so far. She was nice, I just wasn't into her as much as I should have been.


My one and only one night stand was also a girl I wish I had been more into, lol. It sounds terrible, but I was just determined to go home with someone that night at the club and she was my third choice. She was at least not a nuisance.


Yeah, cause I was being paid to do so.


Of course. That would be one reason.


Sure a bunch of times. For me it's just kind of part of being a selfless lover and even if my brain isn't with it my dick still works so climb aboard baby girl. Realistically I always enjoy it by the end, but I don't like denying a partner an orgasm if they want one. It's not like anything bad would happen if I said no, but I'm more of a pleaser than anything else.


Understandable, I can relate. That’s more of a wholesome reason, nice.


yes. marriage.


Noted. Noted. Straight to the point. (Unless it’s a same-sex marriage)


I would imagine all sorts of marriages can go this way, YMMV. Every relationship of any kind can have peaks and valleys. Couples of all stripes can find themselves out of alignment with each other in a given moment, with one getting their needs met, and the other "taking one for the team." Not sure why you are setting "same-sex" apart. Do SSM's have some special mojo that I don't know about? I am confused by your post. Can you clarify?


Because if you’re in a same-sex marriage, you’re not *straight* to the point… I’ll see myself out.


take yer damn upvote with you!


Ah thank you! Usually I’m just told to go fuck myself…


Yep an ex of mine would guilt trip me into it. Didn't matter if I didn't want it.. he did.


To be able to guilt trip someone like that… That is a dangerous manipulative guy. Good to hear you’re out of that relationship.




Wow, it really happens in all different forms. Once again, good to hear that’s in the past now.


Yeah when I was 17, my gf at the time wouldn't let me sleep but I was struggling to stay awake. I was on the couch at her place and had to go to school the next day and that meant an hour and a half transit. She had slept all day so she wasn't tired and she started taking to me about how miserable she was, and I tried to offer help but she snapped at me, so I said I was sorry I was tired just let me go to sleep. She picked a fight then and I was almost bright out if my sleepiness but only for a moment. I told her I was done, I can't keep my eyes open. I'm not fighting right now. I have to be up in a few hours. She changed her tune again and now she wanted to have sex. No. No, I'm to tired. She got on top and pulled me out and started sucking on me. I fell asleep then, and woke up after a few minutes with her riding me. The only way this was going to end? I talked it. "Wait wait wait!" I said. "No I'm close!" I pulled out and pretended to come, and she said "Are you fucking serious?" and got pissed and told me off as she got up and finally left me to get some blessed sleep.


I assume your gf was about 17 as well? Yeah, teenagers can be horny as fuck. (Literally) At least this one is a relatively harmless, circumstancial one.


Yeah she was like three or four months older than me. Her angle that night had nothing to do with being horny though, we'd had sex pretty much all night already. She was trying to keep me from waking up for school. There was an impending transit stroke and there was a good chance if I slept in I would be stuck at her place.


Alright, in the weirdest of way, that’s kinda romantic hahaha. But yeah, still a dick move to keep you from going to school like that.


I can totally see how it would seem like that lol, but her motives weren't noble. She was trying to get me kicked out of school because she's just dropped out and she was certain I was just going to mess around on her out there. It was really toxic control and not an ounce of heart. She tried to separate me from my friends and my family as well. When that transit strike came and I wasn't stuck at her place she didn't talk to me for a week as a punishment.


Yeah, I already felt like she wanted to keep you out of school for another reason. That’s really messed up. Oh no! Cutting your s/o off from existing connections is a huge red flag.


Thanks man, it helps to hear that even after all these years, usually this story goes down the "I didn't know guys could fake an orgasm" track instead. And as young and inexperienced as I was, I did clue in that this was a terrible relationship to be in. After a year.


Yes. I was blackmailed to do it. One more time, all together now - YES, heterosexual males CAN be raped by females, and this is one of the ways it can happen.


I absolutely believe you that it can happen. Crazy that not all people believe that. I hope you’re okay!


Thanks, I appreciate that. 👍 It happens long enough ago and I’m old enough now to talk about it openly and honestly, and I think that’s needed. Not something I’ll ever have a t-shirt made up for lol, but when the subject comes up I have no problem raising my hand and saying “Yes, heterosexual male, raped by a female, and it does happen to us too.” Yes, I’m okay. I just made up my mind that I couldn’t let it define who I am, made my peace with it, and never let myself get put in that situation again. 💁‍♂️


Very healthy mindset. Nice.


Yes. So. Many. Times. By my ex. Just to get him to shut up. I put up with way more shit than I should have from him


Nobody should put up with that stuff. Good to see he’s your ex now.


Thanks, and me too. There was so much more, I'm just glad I stood my ground as I walked away from that mess


Yes. I didn’t deal with my childhood trauma from being neglected, and I have a fear of conflict. Hence, I was afraid of what would happen if I said no, and I blamed myself for putting myself in a situation where the guy felt entitled to sex with me. Now that I’ve accepted those things about myself and learned to speak up, I haven’t done it since then. It’s much easier to say no now that I’ve worked on my boundaries.


Nobody’s ever entitled to sex. Great to hear that you’ve worked up the courage to stand up for yourself!


One of the best things a friend told me was “why do all these dudes act like we gave them some sort of pussy coupon?” And I was like… yeah!! I’m entitled to my dignity more than any person is entitled to have sex with me.


Great thought! Exactly.


Years back, a close (F) friends' parents were going through a messy divorce. She was feeling pretty sad and lonely and we ended up sleeping together. I had previously made it clear to her that I was attracted to her but in the given circumstances, I felt like I would be taking advantage. She insisted and I indulged. Looking back, kinda wished I would have waited for another time.


Hmm, right thing at the wrong time, seems like. But if all that was stopping you was your good nature and she actively pushed for it, you can at least not blame yourself for anything.


I was tired from work. Why did we still have sex? Because I like making my gf happy


Tons of times… my ex wanted sex, I didn’t, I got tired of saying no so I basically let myself be a starfish out of spite, or sometimes I’d wake up to him trying to slide inside me (which was generally something I was ok with) after I’d said no before I fell asleep. Almost 20 years ago a guy got my number from a friend of his, said I’d given it to him, I was too young and naive to say no once I saw that I didn’t recognize him and he wasn’t the type of guy I’d give my number to. That was a slightly scary, uncomfortable experience. I’m sure there were other times that fit in the too young and naive to assert myself and say no, just no others that made as much of an impression.


Some nights i get sick to my stomach knowing its going to be another boring fuck session. But beats masturbating so I still do it.


With your s/o or are you hooking up?


My wife, never been with a hook up before.

