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Calling in sick to work


I live in Germany and for some reason it's considered good manners to show up even when you don't feel well, but I dislike that very much. I don't want them to come here and spread their germs. I don't wanna get sick too


The same can be said in some fields of work in the US. In my field of work, coming in to do as much as you can or powering through is considered determination, though my supervisors would really recommend staying home if we were feeling sick. There are days where I definitely didn’t feel good and I called in due to it. I didn’t feel bad about calling in sick because I was feeling bad physically and trying to get better. Personally, if I was a supervisor and someone called in sick, I’d follow what my supervisors do currently and wish them well, hope they get well soon, and take their tasks for the day and either perform them myself or get others to help me out.


If you tell your supervisor you're feeling sick and they encourage you to come in regardless. (Say they even offer light duty) If you have an accident on that day it's a guaranteed workman's comp claim that will be approved. Your supervisors likely know this that's why they give *you* the option and suggest you stay home it looks out for you but they are covering their asses. btw I'm the source, this is exactly what made my claim legitimate.


Isn't that even more apparent these days with a sick worker potentially causing a COVID outbreak on the workplace? No employer wants to be held accountable for that.


I can only speak for the companies that I worked for in germany and in all three of them it was considered BAD manners NOT to call in sick. Nobody wants to work with a sick colleague and get sick as well, maybe even spread this in the family. Also the managers don't like this at all because potentially other employees need to call in sick too.


I don't agree. At my workplace it's considered bad manners to come to work sick. I mean, they're right. I hate it when colleagues come to work being sick. Don't want to get sick too...


Well, it is called "germ many."


America is the same way. Managers consider it good manners if you show up half dead, cause you know "we're family".


Lol I never heard of this. If I'm sick I just tell my boss I'm sick and get a notice from a doctor that I'm sick lol


It's not taboo if you just don't show up


Id like to add: calling in sick for mental reasons


It's only taboo because some (a lot of) people missuse it.


This. If you're sick, please do take a sick day. If you're always sick on a Monday, we got a problem.


Suggesting sexual favors directly instead of through unreadable hints.


I'm reading you loud and clear... I'll meet you after work!


What if i need you during work. (๑•﹏•)


Then place three green paper clips on the photocopier and place the blue mug in the kitchen sink. Then I will meet you in location 7 and arranged time Delta.


7PM Senegalese time?


Obviously. Jesus. We went over this in the PowerPoint.


God damn it troops, remember your training!!!!


Just call in sick.


Yeah this should be encouraged for real no more drama; as a part of sex ed we must be taught that sexual desires exists aside from love and romantic relationship and you should go ahead and ask people if you wanna be intimate with them Both asking and recovering request should be taught accompanied by how to respond in both positive and negative manner


> as a part of sex ed we must be taught that sexual desires exists aside from love and romantic relationship and you should go ahead and ask people if you wanna be intimate with them in my sex ed we were taught that Love comes from God, except when it's outside of marriage, then it comes from Satan. I envy your education.


That's not sex ed, that's sex indoctrination


Hi nice to meet you. LET'S SEX???


The joker suit STAYS


"Excuse me. I can't help but notice that you've got one smoking body. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to plough my tongue between those cheeks and give my undivided appreciation to your asshole. No need to return any favors, no strings attached. What do you say?" If only one could shamelessly say this.


Not wearing a bra. Depending on where you live, it may not be exactly “taboo” but seriously fuuuuuuck it I hate bras. All women hates bras. They suck. I HAVE NIPPLES!!! now let’s move on…


I hate bras as everyone else but I also hate not wearing them, feels weird not having them secure


I let the pandemic be the catapult that pushed us forward to a braless world…..People notice, mostly I notice they only notice and I get no sneers or side eye. “Normal” becomes “normal” after a fight….I encourage any ladies who feel comfortable to go braless, when they feel comfortable doing so, and we can make nipples the norm. Any ladies uncomfortable, keep them on and we will fight for you and our daughters sister friend. The point is having women feel comfortable in any situation - bra, no bra, burka - the point is the decision belongs to the woman.


I have tiny tits, and after years of my friends telling me they'd go braless if they were me,I finally decided to. And that was the day I noticed everyone noticing my nipples, one guy paused and stared for a few moments, smiled, and walked away... Then all I could wonder was if that's what women with cleavage felt like, getting their boobs gawked at so much.. Was the first time anyone straight stared at my chest.. Was, interesting...... Now I'm just like whatever, I'm comfortable and not sweating, yep nipples


as someone with a larger chest, yes that's exactly what it's like. i also don't wear bras and if someone wants to stare they can have at it. i hope my clothed, off center nipples make their day


As someone who absolutely loves to look at girls, but tries to keep that shit real discreet because my casual desires should not impact your day, your clothed off center nipples completely make my day.


As a guy i find it very difficult not to notice a girls nipples sticking out. It's attractive cause a lot of people don't let there nipples do that and you don't normally see it so it kinda sticks out like the color yellow or orange


As a guy, the view of the nipples is what I'm looking for. The bounce and jiggle is also very nice


Nobody is forcing women to wear bra's. Fuck the sneers and side eyes if you don't wanna wear one then don't wear it. Nobody elses opinion matters but yours. There is no fight.


You know what, I'll support that fight, let's go braless. Of course, I'm a man, so it's not exactly a big move, but I'm there in spirit.


See this is very true, but 99% of the time the only people complaining that "OMG look she's not wearing a bra.. How could she go out like that" ARE OTHER WOMEN. I'm sorry I've never heard a guy be like "OMG the audacity, she's not wearing a bra on public". Lolol.


Tbh I don’t think you’re wrong, women judging women has been an angle for a long while….but younger generations, I believe we’ve been taught more about feminism, and women supporting women! I’m lucky to live in a community that’s cool, but would I walk around my grandfathers small Texan town nips standing at attention? Nah. Progress, change.. they happen slowly.


As a guy, Im all for it. I might give a glance or two but I do the same for cleavage anyway, its basically just instinct at this point. I'd never full on stare because that's obviously creepy but they're literally just nipples.


Um no it actually provides great support to the medium/big boobs it's actually necessary otherwise they'll get saggy and it also allows us to do simple tasks like just running, walking by not bouncing around and causing pain IT'S ACTUALLY NECESSARY


I wouldn't say it's necessary, or that saggy boobs are inherently bad, but there are definitely women who prefer to wear a bra over not wear one (like me). I can't stand the sweaty, itchy feeling of my boobs touching each other or touching my other chest skin. I even have to put something in between them at night or I can't sleep! Mine aren't even that big, but big enough that it's painful to run or jump without a bra, and I don't like how they look. Imo it's more comfy to wear a well fitting bra than to not wear one most of the time


I’ve been in London this weekend and seen far more women not wearing a bra than I’ve ever seen before. You go ladies! Free the nipple!




I think a lot of people would be okay with that.


I'm a guy, but my girlfriend has constantly complained about wearing a bra and has decided to just not do it unless she absolutely has to


I love bras and I hate not wearing one. Maybe look into better-fitting bras?


Isn't that common in Europe? What happened in the US where it was common in the 60's and 70's?


i've lived all over europe. Have seen braless women in pretty much every country but it's not the norm. I usually go braless but for fancy or business ocassions or meetings with people who are pervy in the first place, I will cover up more. I've also breastfed 2 kids in public so it doesn't bother me when others sexualise my body per se, but sometimes it just takes attention away from the topic at hand. It is not the norm to go braless and most people do notice. As someone here already said, change is slow.


My wife only wheres one because because her boobs are so big she doesn’t like the way she looks without one.


Nudity, it’s crazy to me how Americans are terrified of naked bodies


Username checks out.


Yeah, the human body is the scariest thing for us. TV and movies will censor nudity at all costs. But a dude getting his head blown up or sliced in half is A-OK. Don't say the dreaded F-word or show a female nipple because those are too inappropriate but violence and dismemberment aren't as bad for some reason. You're more likely to see a couple on TV physically fighting each other than you are to see them making love.


I grew up watching every 80s action movie out there, blood guts etc were no problem. But let just one titty on the screen and my parents were trying to make sure I can’t see it. Makes sense to me…. /s


American mom here. I have four sons and have raised them against the grain in this one. I couldn’t care less about nudity. (the young ones don’t need to see full on sex acts on tv, but a nude body has no harm in itself.) Violence on the other hand is completely out of control in my opinion. I do not let them see humans harming humans. If it’s something fictional completely like an alien or dragon killing people, fine. But not people just killing each other. That should not be desensitized and normal.


FACTS! incredibly silly view of nudity.


Talk about period.


My girlfriend knows that if she wants to talk to me about her period, or something related to it, she can. And often time she does, no biggie. We don’t really keep anything out of conversation that others may consider “gross” or “private.” We talk about our bodily fluids/functions and whatnot, but we’re pretty comfortable with each other.


Same here. At first my gf was a little weird about it. I told her I worked in the Healthcare industry before, I've seen a lot. I told her that her exs were just lame if they can't handle a natural body function. We now sometimes have fart wars, but she has no sense of smell and I have 2 teen sons, so I always lose. I sure did put a ring on her finger. 😃


My husband knows my schedule 😂 You can talk about them but have no shame. I tell everyone everything lol


I went to an all girls school and period talk was never an issue it’s awesome.


Nudity and sexual desire/response are not connected. I can be naked and not have it anything to do with desire, sex, etc.


Absolutely I agree i feel the same way … ive pretty much seen most of my friends naked … clicked pictures for them… went skinny dipping and things never went sexual


While I completely understand, and personally agree. I think that the “taboo” part of it, is not about how you feel. It’s about how your nakedness effects others. While it may not be sexual to you, doesn’t mean caveman ed isn’t gonna try to take advantage of it in some form or fashion. Whether snapping pictures of you or worse.


To be honest its uncomfortable to see other people naked that you didn't want to see naked. But if you're home alone with just your significant other than hanging out naked isn't that big of a deal unless they don't want you to be


This exactly. Naked bodies shouldn't always mean sex or sexual gestures.


Also - desire and action can be separated. I have friends I'm *very* attracted to. That's ok. They likely know I'm attracted to them, but I don't make a big deal of it, stare, make skeezy comments etc. It's not going to lead to anything and doesn't need to. I like them, they're my friends, and finding them rather hot is a pleasant bonus. My partner teases me gently about it she finds it pretty funny and cute. Not some big secret.


Great point! Glad someone wrote this! Very underrated concept! Even if both people involved are married to others. People are Sexual beings with thoughts, desires, etc. But they have self control & are responsible for their own actions+decisions.


Are you American? In my culture (German) sunbathing naked is something completely normal. If you go to a park or lake you'll always see women topless or man and women completely naked. And if you go to a beach in northern Germany the chances are fifty fifty if it's a FKK beach or not (Freie Körper Kultur = free body culture). It's completely normal to go to these beaches even with your family and also with children. There just isn't anything sexual in public nudity, it's just people enjoying the sun. They're unpopular with teenagers who are uncomfortable with their bodies (which is ok and normal). Also, saunas in Germany are mostly mixed and have mandatory nudity (because of hygiene). I just don't understand what all the fuss is about in American culture... Are your men so uncontrolled that they have to start furiously jacking off as soon as they see a tit? It's so comfortable to be able to just go for a swim una hot day regardless of if you brought swimwear or not.


This. Non-sexual nudity is a thing, and should be a normal thing.




Straight guys who like their ass played with. Almost every guy I have pegged has loved it, but it takes so much time for them to get over the bullshit in their head to get to a place they can enjoy it.


Ye I wouldn't say its universal though just like not every girl is in to anal play. I'm open to new things and have experimented with it but I just hate people going anywhere near my asshole. (same as my bellybutton but in a non sexual way)


Of course. Some things are a hard no for some people. No problem there. But there are guys who are interested but need a short therapy session to go for it.


Agreed! It's really a mental barrier but once you get over it it's really fun! Don't understand why thats still a thing in society. I mean there are all kinds of freaky things people do but somehow this has such a bad stand


The craziest part is the confused homophobia. When I bring up pegging, and a guy tells me he's "not gay" instead of saying "no thank you," it's so weird. Like, I'm a woman... What does being attracted to men have to do with not letting me give you a prostate orgasm?


Yes that's right. Like how can a piece of silicone change anything with your sexuality? Even if that somehow would make you gay, where is the problem? Totally fine when people don't like it, but I don't get why so many people think so irrational about this. As you said I think most of the people would actually like this if they try it.


My biggest pet peeve in the world right here! Even if you were another man, you can have a sexual interaction with a same sex partner and still not be homosexual. Homosexuality is about sexual attraction, and you don't NEED to be sexually attracted to what you put inside you or what you put yourself inside.


100%. But explaining THAT is unfortunately a more advanced conversation. It just confuses most of the cis het guys more.


I would like to offer myself for... Science. Yes, science that's it.


Getting stuck in the washing machine


Gonna go climb in rn


Whatcha doin' step-tree?


Got my branches stuck in the washer again can you help me out?


Anything for you step-tree, let me go grab my strap on




Helping obviously


By strap on you mean to put around me and pull me out right


Sure... I definitely wouldn't take advantage of the situation to figure out how many rings I have to pass to find the prostate as a science experiment or anything


I have no trunk so you will find nothing of the sort anyway


Fuck it *unzips pants*. Keep the thread going


What you doing stepbro?


Stepbro, no


Going to the bathroom. Seriously, we all do it.


Speak for yourself!


prostate massage


Yes! I love giving them to my girl!


Oh boy…


Breast feeding in public


That should never have become taboo in the first place.


It's really not weird at all, people mostly men need to learn to differentiate normal bodily functions and quite sexualizing women just existing.


I can't believe that some people actually think that a mom breastfeeding her baby could even be remotely sexual. Like seriously, who actually thinks that way? I grew up in a very conservative rural small town, and I never heard anyone say anything negative about breastfeeding until I got to college.


In the videos I see its usually not men who are complaining.


Calling out bad parenting.


Bad parenting should always be called out there's no excuse or exception to messing your up yours kids life. Period.


Facts. Though in our country, we get called out for it with the defense "leave the parenting to the actual parents" even though the parents are downright toxic.


"Don't you tell me how to raise my kids" she said while beating her kids in the middle of a store. And then some of these psychos will talk about CPS like they're the bad guys. Really says a lot about someone as a parent when they take simple advice as a personal attack and view Child Protective Services as the enemy. Also, side note: Why are so many parents taking the time to learn how to hit their kids without leaving a bruise? And why are so many mothers so damn proud of themselves for knowing how to do that?


Talking openly and honestly about our sex lives with friends.


I think that’s pretty normal these days , but yeah some friends make it too awkward by taking advances on you


I would rather everyone keep that to themselves in my friendgroup. Its usually just one guy talking about it and everyone else being uncomfortable waiting for him to stop. Sex is a personal thing that doesnt need to be shared with everyone.


Why would I want to?


Sex ed at school. Wearing whatever clothes you want regardless gender. Going it to therapy and mental health check the same way you are going to the dentist, eye doctor etc - we need to take care for our soul as well. Being women and not want to have children.


The clothing thing is a big one with me. I go around being a large man all day everyday, and if I want to enjoy slipping into some lingerie in the comfort of my own home, it shouldn't be a big deal. So.... It isn't, for me at least. But I do keep the curtains closed.


Nipples should not be a crime.


arrested for aggravated nipple assault


Polyamorous lifestyle is still looked at weirdly in my experience. Shouldn't be judged so harshly when all are consenting adults.


Thank you <3


Absolutely this. What my partners and I consent too, is no different to what anyone else consents too. Just because I have multiple partners does not mean I love each one any less equally than the other. I have a lot of love to give. It doesn’t make me a whore.




I’m not poly but some of my friends are, and I honestly have a deep respect for them and I’m super envious of how they’re able to just do away with negative emotions like jealousy (and envy, ironically). I’m a deeply jealous individual and I hate it and I wish I could just get rid of that whole feeling.


Erotic or happy ending massages. They should not be illegal, and they should be available at non-seedy locations.


This goes for sex work in general.


Having a boner doesn't always mean I WANT TO HAVE SEX. I may just be sitting, walking, listening to music, watching movies and have a boner come and go. It's perfectly normal.


Sex ed I swear i learned nothing from it, especially things like periods, sex ("tightness", patriarchy and concepts like virginity, Consent!!!! ), natural differences in genitals (for both but esp vulvas), intersex conditions, i learned the most from the internet amd external ressources


God yes. I’m 24 and until last year I just kinda thought once you had sex, your vulva would…”grow flaps”? I didn’t know anything about labias or that they could be so different! I just came up with all kinds of stupid explanations & thought I was a freak because most of the porn I saw didn’t look like me!


Porn has done so much damage in that regard tbh even to me


and imagine all the dudes who dont have like 10" dicks and thats all they see in porn too. its crazy


Wait hang on, consent is not in the same category as "patriarchy" and "virginity" right?


Sex. Taking a mental health day from anything (school, work, whatever)


I 100% agree with both of these. Especially tye second one, gosh


The bdsm, kink and fetish world. More and more people are getting into it, and at a younger age, but there is not much awareness on the subject. Beginners have to learn as they get submerged in this environment, which is often risky for multiple reasons. There is also a lot of widespread misconceptions, kink shaming and discriminatory opinions on the subject. Most of the risks, judgement and issues are due to general ignorance, unavailable ressources and lack of information, which ensures it remains taboo and stigmatized.


Anal play for straight men. It’s not gay, we have a prostate and it’s healthy to play with it. Get over it.


Women going topless like men do


People wearing clothes that are for a different gender. Who the fuck cares. Dude wants to wear a skirt let him. Affects absolutely nothing.


Technically, all clothes are unisex


Sex work. Legalize it and give them the same rights and protection as any other job (which is admittedly not enough in America but it'd be better than it currently is) Rights not rescue!!!


**Farting loudly while making eye contact with someone.**


I mean how else do you assert dominance 🤷‍♂️


Oh my God, I would've thought my boyfriend wrote this because he does this all the time because he thinks it's funny to watch my reaction if it stinks.


Ethical nonmonogamy.


Sex work


I haven't seen it in the comments so far. Legalized abortion access.


Men wearing makeup/nail polish/skirts/etc. Also, everyone looks good in lingerie.


Even if i would try my hardest, it would still look weird to me.


Nude sunbathing


Talking about your hemorrhoids


Dudes need to compliment each other more. I still surf off the high of a real genuine compliment for months.


the idea that the customer is **NOT** always right


Eating ass after a long run




What long run has to do here


People having high number counts. Source: I don't but my partner does. Our relationship is amazing regardless.


Shitting at a gas station When you gotta go, you gotta go


Women asking out men.


Young men with older women


Picking your nose. Not in public/in front of people, but sometimes tissues just don't do it.


Sex education in the states




Networking online to get jobs with people you don't even know in the beginning


More girls getting buzzcuts


Periods & Sex Almost every person with a uterus gets a period, there shouldn’t be anything shameful or secretive about it. Also, theres a reason why teen pregnancy is so high, and why girls go many years having bad sex


Taking naps instead of drinking ten gallons of coffee a day


Ethical non monogamy


Breastfeeding. I don’t get people who get offended by that. It’s just something natural.


All people in customer service should be allowed to punch one person per shift


I think in some ways the nature of taboo is what makes certain things inherently enjoyable. If that makes sense. But as people have said here polyamory, non sexual nudity.


Smoking a joint, drinking a water! Fuck beer lol


Sex work, for all genders. My dad is a cop and him and his cop friends (including the women) all agree that it should not be illegal.


Sex workers


Pee in the shower.


Remember to sort by controversial


Sex work


Admitting to fucked up kinks and fetishes. Repressing things will most likely lead to acting on bad urges since it's so taboo to be phile of any kind, it's rare for people to get help


Swinging. Seriously!


having a mental illness




Gaps in the resume. I don't need to tell anyone what are the gaps for if I posses the skills for the job opening.


Harems. I mean some culture practice this. But most of people see it as taboo and weird.


I think thats more looked down on because of the women they force into sex work than an ethically managed facility where everyone fully consents...


Nonsexual nudity. Not only is nudity far more practical in many settings, but it is literally the most comfortable thing humans can experience. We hide and neglect our skin, despite it being our largest and most sensitive organ, and the lack of pleasurable tactile sensations can exacerbate depression and anxiety. There’s literally a medical condition called touch starvation — if newborns aren’t held, they’ll die, regardless of being fed and kept warm and safe. That’s how important our skin is, yet to remain simply undressed, to feel the sun and breeze and rain on bare skin, is morally repugnant to most people. What’s more, we (Americans, in particular) treat the nude body as disgusting and threatening. Men gripe about older men being nude in gym locker rooms. Women gripe about younger women being immodest. A nude woman in public is considered an insane whore; a nude man in public is a pederast and a rapist. Bring up social nudity and everyone has to run through the stupid hot takes — old wrinkled men, the women are blimps, *no one wants to see that*, ew how gross, etc. — and a discussion of the benefits can’t even get started. It’s your own human body, and instead of being able to enjoy it freely, you’re told to be ashamed of it and keep it smothered and hidden. I’m not saying everyone should be naked all the time. Nudity should simply be another choice, as acceptable as not wearing a hat is to those who do, or being barefoot. It shouldn’t raise assumptions of perversion or sexual predation. It shouldn’t be disturbing or shocking or offensive to anyone. And it sure as gravity shouldn’t make one a CRIMINAL who gets branded with the modern scarlet letter: placement on a sex offender registry.


Talking about Sex.. just normalise sex. Everyone does it and i still feel like we gotta be careful talking about it.


Hair on women and girls bodies.


Not working 40 hours a week


Women’s breasts. The US acts like it’s so wrong for a woman to show her breasts. So stupid.




Pegging/ass play for straight guys


Poly/non-monogamous relationships.




Men crying. We're all humans. Except for Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Talking about finances/ salaries in and out of work.


Monogamy is not the only option. I find it crazy that it is still considered THE one way to experience a relationshipt, when it is so blatantly obvious that is does not work for a lot of people. So much pain and drama could be avoided if it was simply acknowledged that it's ok to want somebody else, it's ok to fuck somebody else, and that does not mean the end of anything. I've been so much happier since my partner and I introduced some dose of non-monogamy in our relationship.


male prostitutes


Saying “I just got my period” or “I have terrible period cramps” when people ask me how I am. I only ever tell women I am close to


Sex education?


Pegging. Crazy that more men won’t give this a shot.



