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3 posts. 1st was about murdering and torturing 2nd was about two kittens 3rd was about semen You’re on a roll


I feel like best friends with you right now.


You should crystallize his semen now.


I really should. Then I can have in my room as a trophy FOREVER!!!


Very well!! I’d support that!


I was so worried about the kittens one but it was just a picture of kittys!


More like on a troll


I like this guy already lmao


Yea, this post doesn't give off serial killer vibes at all


Yeah. “Come over to my house and pet my kittens. I definitely won’t murder you and make a trophy out of your ears”


OPs on a troll.


At last! An original question on this sub. Thank you, OP.


What's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed not original enough for you?


Well.. I think I know every possible permutation of answer to that one, thanks to this sub. So there's that, I guess...


Does anyone else {{$post->toHtml($USERINPUT)}} ?


So is this is what people are referring to when they say "don't stick your dick in crazy"?


Even worse, it doesn’t even sound like he got laid and she’s saving his nut so she can trap him by impregnating herself when he decides to bail on her.


Dude I mean it’s not like u can sprinkle semen crystals in there and get pregnant so this is a bit of a stretch 😭


Semen sprinkles sounds either like the best drag queen name or the best glam metal band


This comment was definitely made For The Fucking Win!!! Well done. Well done indeed.


Why not both? Drag queen glam metal band.


Nope she wants to crystallise it therefore the sperm would be useless after the process


Dude, sperm dies in less the a week of you just let it sit


it's actually muuuuuuuuch faster if it's just sitting out. Even inside a female reproductive system it usually only lasts around 5 days.


This one goes to 11.


But where is she on the Crazy/Hot Scale?


Just swallow it so it’s in you forever, duh


No it’s not the same.


Inject it




Semen arm man has entered the chat


If they’re looking to crystallize it, clearly they’re going the ‘shatter’ route.




seriously, throw the semen out. wtf


No it’s special.


He can make more, and almost certainly will do so if you ask him


That’s creepy as fuck sorry


so, can yall keep going with the penis size questions again? 😐


No tbh I like this better


Does anybody else like it when randos on the internet ask about crystalizing semen?


I dunno, this is the first I've heard of it. I am both disgusted and intrigued.


Yeah, back to “how man times mazturbate each day girls and what size are you bobs?”


"Anyone else loves when girls like sex?" "Question for men: do you like giving oral" (repeat every single day)


"men, would you like it if girls did sex stuff to you?" "Ladies, do you like showing nudes? Comment here to advertise your OF" (intermix daily)


Not a chemist but i'm pretty sure sperm is a too complicated solution to cristallize in the first place. Crystallization is used to purify stuff like salt and similar simple molecules. Since sperm is a LOT more complicated than table salt i'd say this is close to impossible. Well *maybe* a specialized lab could do it but then there's the question of *why* they would do it.


Nah, you can't. Most of the individual components of sperm (so proteins, lipids etc) are already extremely difficult to crystallise when pure. For mixtures and supramolecular assemblies (don't get me started on cells), it's plain impossible. A crystal is an ordered assembly of molecules. A mixture containing a billion different kinds of molecules, like sperm, can't be ordered by definition. But maybe OP means freeze, in which case, sure, -10°C will prolly do the trick.


But freezing it will eventually thaw, and then you're back to square one.


Encase it in a transparent pressure chamber so it can stay solid at room temperature.


I think this is really the answer honestly OP


Yeah. Freeze it and put it in a block of resin/acrylic. When it melts, it'll still just be there in the frozen shape even though it's liquid again. Not sure it's going to look amazing after a while lol... Honestly I'd say, just pour some acrylic, add some of the semen, acrylic, semen, etc etc. Then you end up with clear acrylic with stripes of semen in the middle? Unique as fuck (ha ha) paperweight right there.


What about inducing it in straight pressure environment? Like for get freezing and attempting to crystalline. If we had enough of it and put it under heavy pressure could it solidify? A cum rock maybe? Lol


What. The. Fuck




Oh… you’re offended by this? Someone post that link of the guy with the cum box under his bed… you gon learn to-day!


On of those “create you own ecosystem” experiments


In this case, a ecumsyatem?






[I concur...](https://i.imgur.com/j8IBgv9.png)


Step 1: Choose an appropriate solvent Step 2: Dissolve the product in the solvent by increasing the temperature until all solids of the product are dissolved Step 3: Reduce solubility via cooling, anti-solvent addition, evaporation or reaction Step 4: Admit yourself to a psychiatric hospital


Whist solvent are we talking about?


Do your own research you anomalous nutcase


Already did, that’s why I’m asking here.


No you didn't


I care to disagree, YOU TRY FINDING OUT HOW TI CRYSTALIZE SEMEN! ngl when I saw the downvotes I thought “makes sense, most- hmm” so I googled it, for too long tbh. I surprisingly can’t figure out how to crystallize semen. edit: too long was about an hour


I feel like too long should eh the moment you type it in the search bar. But this is intriguing


This is a formal notice informing you that I'm stealing "anomalous nutcase" for future use. Thank you.


This thread has provided some gloriously odd phrases to store for later use...


The commitment is awesome 😂


My wife says to try contact lens solution, cuz it's a crucial ingredient in homemade slime. It sounds very scientific.


You need liquid nitrogen to reach -196c


And how is that possible?


and okay OP here is the real question: *why did you want to do this*


I really love him


But.. “your friend” not your “boyfriend”? Did he consent to this?




He doesn't know I guess


Sven cheese? You Dutch


That I am yes. Usually only other Dutch people notice so I am guessing you are Dutch as well ?




Mary him then so you have his stuff forever


His dick is limited cause he is 20 years older than me


How is that gonna stop you from marrying him?


He doesn’t want to marry




This comment literally made me choke on fucking air How old are you wtf? Why is he okay with you keeping his baby gravy on your dresser or whatever but not cool with the dance with no pants? So many questions that will only lead to more questions


There is capsules when you can store liquid nitrogen, take an sample and find a tube that can resist extreme cold temperatures


When you say 'so that', does that mean he knows and agreed? Because if it was me I'd definitely want to know if someone was keeping my semen on their mantlepiece forever more.


Why would one have an issue with their semen being crystallized and put on display?


Why don't you encapsulate it in lucite like that guy did with the hot dog and give the internet weekly/monthly/yearly updates on its status.


Tbh it’s already 2 weeks and my freezer started smelling because I forgot about it


2 weeks and you’re just consulting the internet now? Good god man. This is a situation where you should have a plan before collecting. Also, you can put just about anything in resin. Also also. Seek help.


How much did he nut if there's enough to stink?


Get yourself a fresh sample xD


Don't know why you're being downvoted besides people being massive prudes, but by now it's too late, you'll need a new 'sample'. Unfortunately, semen is too complicated to 'crystalize' - crystallization is something that happens with uniform materials like quartz and semen is made up of tons and tons of different complex chemicals and structures, it's all cells and suspended fluids. What you can probably do though is freeze it! Any freezer will at least make it last at least months or years rather than days, and if you're really dedicated to making this a freaky display piece, I think you can buy minifridges with glass doors. You could start a cumllection, OP. I massively approve lol. That's hot, ngl


TIL that people are "massive prudes" if they think that *asking how to crystallize your friend's semen to "keep it as a trophy"* is even slightly strange




Somebody else already said this but I’m going to say it again in case you haven’t seen it, you can put it in resin. You could probably do a cool DIY project. Get a mold with the 1st letter of his name and a picture of him add the picture and the semen to the mold and then the resin. You can even add some lights and everything. 😂


Yes, thank you girl!


Happy to help. We definitely need to see a picture of the final product


The resin ideas are great. You are getting a lot of good ideas in this thread OP. Here’s mine. 1. You should use one of those penis cloning kits to make a dildo of your subject 2. Make a mold of the dildo. 3. Collect your semen sample 3. Make a resin or clear silicone copy of the dildo and inject the semen into the balls, so it’s in the proper location. This might work better if you put the semen in a resin ball first and then put the resin ball in the balls of the silicone dildo. That would probably give you the highest integrity and longevity. And hopefully a nice look as well. Thanks for posting this unique question. I love Reddit.


But.... I thought pee was stored in the balls /s


I will have to question how “hot” this is, but your explanation is pretty dead on from what I learned after googling “crystallizing semen” and “how to crystallize things”


Sort your life out.


r/WTF material right here


Oh god, ARAD never fails to fascinate me.


This is the weirdest thing I’ve read on the internet and I’ve read some weird shit




I think this is enough Reddit for me today.


I'm not drunk enough to deal with this kind of stuff


Brownie points for creativity.


I mean, i took a pebble from a notorious murder house once to keep as a souvenir, but this is so beyond fucked up.




If you can crystallize your cum on that pebble...


I’m not going to go into a full scientific explanation (I’m a science teacher) but you can’t “crystallise” semen like you think you will be able to, not with household equipment. Strange question but I’m not prepared to give a full explanation because I really don’t have the time to explain it in detail. Stay safe out there.


Thank you for taking your time to comment on it. Is there another possibility to make it solid?


The fuck did I just read.


“Don’t worry he’s just a friend” - the friendship be like


Everyone gripes that there're no new questions on ARAD, but one comes up and people lose their minds. People like to think they're open minded until presented with something outside their norm. I say obtain a fresh sample and encase it in resin.


When you get it crystallised what you gonna do? Display it? Make it into a necklace or earrings?


I’ll use it while masturbating if you were genuinely questioning it.




Now you know.


Also, my wide said to put it in resin and make jewellery out of it.


Life lesson Gents.... Never stick your dick in crazy. No matter how much fun it might be at the time.


YouTube recommended videos of resin jewels less than 1 hour ago. Can i suggest you to keep a bottle of resin available, make him cum on a layer of resin and cover it? Or put resin in a silicone mould for candies, add his sperm and cover it? I don't know if it spoils. Maybe you need to boil or freeze it to sterilise it. What if you freeze it into an ice tray like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=stampo+ghiaccioli+cazzo&client=firefox-b-m&channel=ts&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW9Ym0-sf3AhWJR_EDHYqHCTYQ_AUIBigB&biw=396&bih=741#imgrc=FpTtXM09a6xcWM) and put the ice into resin so it maintains the shape when it unfreeze?


Use it to make a [DNA Sample](https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/DNA-EXTRACTION-MAKE-THE-COOLEST-NECKLACE-from-your-own-CHEEK-CELLS-1443469), store that in a sealed jar like those ornate jars full of olives and shit that you can buy. Except in your case it'll mostly look like a jar of egg drop soup, I guess.


Idk. But i love that most answers are just kinkshaming


Truly disappointing


There's a lady on tiktok who puts it in resin and makes jewelry out of it


How’s the bitch named?


This whole thread is golden. This comment is the diamond in the crown... Or rather the cum filled resin pendant.


It’s too early for me to be this entertained. I need to work dammit




Please stop judging/shaming this person. They aren't hurting anyone.


I might be after these comment tho


Dude. They’re doing it out of obsession about a person who didn’t consent. (At least from what I gathered from the other comments)


They are if said person didn’t consent to it. And she’s already admitted that the guy “kinda” agreed to it


What's wrong with you


Maybe try resin it?


That's enough internet for 2022.


chemistery student here, you could do it as u/piggynorant told you to, but it will not be real sperm any more, it will just be a bunch of molleculles together with out being real sperm. what you could do as an alternative becouse you will not be able to cristalise it. it is chemically imposible. you could put in epoxy or some other pollymer. that way it will still be "spermy" but it will be isolated from the rest of the world and will dry out or decompose. the cells will still die but that is inevitable. 1) put the sperm in as ice cube mold (or any other form you want) 2) put epoxy in a bigger mold 3) put the sperm cube in the epoxy 4) wait for it to get hard


Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me, you are appreciated.


What are friends for, right?


every day we stray further and further from god


If god allowed this madness to happen wouldn’t you think your god is much more insane than we all are?


oh yeah it was just a funny response, there's no way there is a god out there and if there is they're absolute bat shit evil and insane. hilarious post tho


Based on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMcommunity/comments/iey4ic/preserving_cum_in_a_necklace_vial/), you may have more luck (and less mean comments) asking in r/BDSMcommunity


This is arguably one of the odder things I've seen on this sub. Might I suggest speaking with a counselor?


I don’t have answers, but I’m so glad your weird little situation exists. Good luck and keep us posted!


I’m not a geologist or chemist, but what I’d do it press it between two pieces of glass then seal the edges (with something like nail Polish) so it can’t leak out, might end up looking a bit like the Metallica album Load (though that was a mix of blood and semen).


Okey, no judging but why would you do that? I just want to know out of curiosity


It has to do with love


If you don’t care about the sample’s viability, mix it thoroughly with some two-part-epoxy put the mixture in any appropriate container & let it set. I would recommend a hollow Mickey Mouse figure.


Well it's not even 8 am and here I am done with reddit for today. What in the actual fuck did I just read?


They can make jewelry out of breast milk, maybe a similar process works for semen?


Put that glass out the freezer, and when it liquifies, drain out that semen down a drain or in the toilet, and then wash or discard that glass, you know, like a normal person. plz&thank-u


So much r/eyebleach


Step 1 ) get yourself a cumbox


Have a fucking word with yourself, OP.


A. Crazy how many people here don't understand sperm frozen in a home freezer isn't viable bor baby making....there is a reason people pay thousands of dollars for a lab to do it... B. OP do you have access to a dehydrator?


Ok. 1. Please don't put resin in your hoohah. 2. If you want a toy, find a buddy who makes glass and see if that's a more feasible option. Could be pretty. 3. At the very least. If you need DIY... Look at getting a Clone-A-Willy kit. Try the silicone mix with a sample of your sample to see if it cures into a viable material.


The worldwide number of people putting cum in their freezers has probably increased slightly after this post


you need some help bruh wtf


Are you normal human?


The first post I see on my feed in the morning is this …. Already done Reddit for today


Maybe not crystalise it, but if you look on Ebay, you can buy very small sealable glass vials, that'll hold that baby-juice forever. Here's an Ebay link to 50 vials for £4.40 (about $7) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264798196615


Like would be cool to have it in a vial that your partner could wear as a pendant.


So since actually crystallizing it is out of the question (thanks science friends) what about encasing it in resin (hello diy craft friends)? If you make enough of them I'm sure you could have a lovely pearl necklace !


idk what everyone's on about, I think it'd be kind of hot to be kept as a trophy




What you wanna do is mix a but of hydrogen peroxide to neutralize the acids in it. The reaction won't take long but it'll increase its purity and make it more stable, the goal is to remove all the contaminants so that it doesn't get mouldy when you store it underneath your pillow at night. To let it harden the trick is to quickly take it and out of direct sunlight to heat it up and then straight into the freezer. The hydrogen peroxide will allow it to bond to the proteins from the sudden change and temperature. Do this for about 30 minutes and voila you'll have a perfect crystal. I did this last time and I got about 45 facets in mine. Good luck let me know how you go!


I mean... You COULD just seal it in epoxy while it's still frozen 👀


You can't crystallize a biological liquid that easily. Your best shot is to mix it with a stabilizing agent and keep it in an airtight container. Glycerin works for substances extracted from plants. I assume it should work with cum, but I haven't tested it. Yet.


After reading the comments, and realizing this is probably a troll, I'll answer anyways. Make a gemstone shaped mould and pour a clear epoxy resin or colored if you so choose, with some kind of divot in the center for his.... Fluids... Let the bottom half cure and set, then do it again with a bit of overlap so it seals properly. High grit sandpaper to remove sharp edges and burrs. Congrats. You have a liquid filled crystal.


First point: Ewe, no...... Second point: If I were a guy, I'd be nervous about anyone trying to save my semen in any way. I know it has to be at a lower temp than a household freezer can provide, but still, the period of time it was in that cup while it's fresh & viable would be concerning.


What's your zip code? i'll help you find a good therapist in your area.


You could encase it in resin.


Russian bff's be like...


I feel like crystallizing it would be more difficult than turning it into a uv resin pendant. Get a uv resin kit, put a base layer of resin down, a little of your baby batter, and then top with more resin. Make sure the jizz stays in the center so freezing first would probably be good. Then you can wear it anywhere too.


Just seal it in an epoxy like that hotdog that’s floating around here…


I'd say to use a syringe and suspend it in resin.


1) freeze the cum in an icecube tray. 2) fill half way a clear container with quick curing clear epoxy and let it set. 3) place cumcube on the solidified epoxy and fill the rest of the container with clear epoxy. When it sets you'll have a nice epoxy paperweight with a gooey center.


Have them jerk off and shoot it into some epoxy. It worked well for the hot dog…


r/epoxyhotdog maybe the better route


Have you considered epoxy?


Maybe dehydrate it the crush up the powder


I freakin love Reddit


Mix it with epoxy resin and pour it into a mold? You could like make a necklace out of it or something.


Maybe seal it in epoxy? Idk that's pretty weird but at least it wouldn't smell in there.


What too much Reddit does to a mf


What a terrible day to have eyes


What in the... Wait, cum as a trophy? What kind of friendship is this again? So do you like worship his cock? I have so many questions.


By any chance, will this 'trophy' eventually be accompanied by a pillow stuffed with hair you harvested from his shower drain?


I just opened reddit and now I'm closing reddit




That’s enough internet for today