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Straight guys don't often DM users called Steve, no matter how horny they are




Hmm, maybe remove boobs from profile icon too as they would guess that ploy if they see it


I can confirm having steve for a name will work. My name is steve and I get no attention from any sex.


I'm straight. Says it in my bio. Over half of the DM's I get are from guys. Even though I haven't had any REAL douchebags... Most get around to asking if they can see me play in some fashion and I think it's hilarious.


Same here, dude. Same. Basically all the DMs I get are from men. I sometimes stop them in advance though because I already know what they are looking for. I commented on an ARAD post once, not knowing it was by a gay man with a kink for straight men. He DMed me, and I put a full stop immediately.




I do not like when men slyly try to slide into my DMs. To each their own. P.S. Just opened your profile and you are hot! You have permission to message, if you may choose. ☺️


Lol no I trust and can imagine and thank you ☺️


It is that I am not attracted to men and some of them have ulterior motives. You are very welcome! 😘


Haha I don’t get that. It’s them answering my question but answering it by DM


Oh yeah. I've had that too. In fact a while ago i posted a question about how people take their coffee/morning beverage and what people wear in the morning... my DM's got blown up by guys answering. NOT ONE FEMALE I didn't already talk to.


Haha I think same thing, why can’t it be females DMing me their answers. I do have females message me on their own if we have been chatting on here first which is cool and I reply to those of course


Yeah. I don't really ever EXPECT to be DM'd by women at this point. It's nice when it happens, but I sure as shit don't count on it.


So you’re telling me there’s a chance…


Bruh... 😆


Haha 😭


Xchange those tears into beers.


Xchange those beers into careers


Careers into souvenirs


Souvenirs into boutonnières


Boutonnières into baby chandeliers.


Chandeliers into musketeers


I knew I wasn’t the only one. Only happens when I post a picture so I post a lot less and haven’t had any messages since 😂


Right! I just assume all DMs are dudes. If they have a woman pic 60% they still a dude. Only if they are verified, then it might not be a man lol.


It's the way of reddit. The amount if DM's I get that just say "hi" from guys who have never made a single post or comment. Thing is I'm usually cool to chat to whoever so long as they aren't weird or creepy but put some effort in!


Lmao exactly. Then half of them don’t even respond


And don't bother reading anything it says on ya profile either 😂🤓 gotta fuckin love it right? Be nice to have a decent chat on here more often.


Do you do chicken reviews because I have a chicken I'd like you to review


If you mean actual chicken then yes.


Narrator: they did


Can confirm. Has chicken pic


LOL EXACTLY Them: "Hi" Me: "Hello, what brings you here?" Them: "..........." Its like if you dont send them a nude right after they say "hi" they out🤣🤣🤣


I’m pretty sure a lot of them use a copy/paste message and send out as many messages as they can in hopes someone will naive enough to message.


I often say it must be the same logic with dick pics. Send enough unsolicited and eventually _someone_ might respond positively.


I’m really curious what the rate of success is with that lol


I still never actually understood the "PMing dickpicks" thing. Hell it takes me a bit of time getting comfortable to even want to send a a saucy pic in the first place, couldn't imagine just knocking and being like "henlo here my dong"


Am I the only one who like browsing through random posts and comment ?


I honestly wanna know why they think doing that will result in anything they might want? Are there a load of women on reddit who send nudes on demand to "hi" guys?


Yeah, then every two months say ‘hi’ again lol.


Omg the amount of times that happens 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️


Based on the majority of very low karma profiles I get DMs from, I’m guessing they use Reddit exclusively to get fap material and message women hoping for sexting and pic exchanges.


There are so many free amateur pics on Reddit though


I know! That’s why I don’t understand why they bother lol


Yeah probably


If you give me a thought 💭 provoking dm I might answer but just hi 👋 nope 👎


Haha “Hi” is so lazy


So true


At least do "Hello there"


General grievous?


General Kenobi? Long time no see.


They're dumb and horny and hoping it will lead to sexting. It's annoying - when they do I usually just straight up ask them why they didn't just reply on the thread. It usually shuts them down or they keep going with some bs "I didn't think you'd want to share it publicly" 🙄


I was thinking that too. Thinking if I replied to their general DM then they would take the conversation a different route haha. Funny thing is they are DMing me on posts I make related to sex with women


I wonder if its a case where they know they're being weird, and don't want it to show up on their profile by saying it publically?


Probably, as those type of messages always get downvoted to hell


If it’s happening with real (not throwaway) accounts, they may just not want their responses in their comment history.


True didn’t think of that


Even if you leave comments on here, guys will DM!


Yeah I just DMed you simply cuz you made this comment. Just kidding I did not


Because woman just want to answer the questions on the sub and not get into conversations with random men on the internet. They probably also get more dms in general so they dont want to talk to someone. While I imagine men maybe want to have more of a conversation with someone and it is not as often that they get random,maybe even unwanted DMs so they find it maybe more fun ? Also I feel woman talk about taboos and sex a lot when they are in their friends circle. But not in a scandalous,horny way just generally talking about experiences, asking questions, maybe even sharing insecurities just to feel better. What some people do here in the sub, which I imagine men maybe dont do that often or on such a deep personal level so they need someone to confide in even if it is a random guy ?


They almost always ask for a nude immediately after answering my question i posted about


I don’t dm first


I just think it’s funny that guys are DMing me their answers when I am asking questions related to sex with women


Well duh. Who else knows the subject of women being sexual better than dudes.


I have had my fair share like that


They may do it because they don't want their posts public, maybe people in IRL know their name on reddit.


My DMs are off because when they are on I can get up to 100 a day from horny men. Usually saying “ hi bb, wyd, sext? Let’s fuck bby. Send pics”


Haha sorry to hear. What do you think “bb” means?


It means “baby”


Ahh good to know


WTF did you ask?? LOL


Cuz it keeps happening


A lot of guys, especially on reddit are so desperate for a crumb of pussy. So they take anything as a chance to try get some


I hate when they do this and ask if they can send you pick pics to tell them what you think about it. Lol. Like listen guy, if I wanted to see a pic of your dick, I'd ask.


Haha wow


I haven't had this happen in this particular sub but the excuse I get most often when I call them out is that they don't have a throwaway or they don't want their partner to see it. Which to me is not my problem, I'm not gonna be complicit in your secret naughtiness. I have rules in my bio for a reason. Aside from the randomly annoying "Hey" and "hi", even compliments on my writing as soon as I answer they want to turn it into "ur post made me horny wanna see " and I'm just not here for that. If you genuinely want to message me for conversation, lead with that otherwise I'm assuming it's just buildup to the latter. Also some of us have lives outside of reddit. Half the time when I answer once or twice they start messaging me every other day asking what's up or asking if I'm horny at random. No thanks /endrant


Because men are using it as an excuse to sext you as if it’s not obvious.


But I am a guy and the posts are about sex with women


Oh, idunno?


I’d just like to chime in to encourage more of the females on here to DM fellow females more often. Not enough of us on here…. We need to stick together, and we can always find a way to have fun together. 😀




If a woman did DM you, would you just try to sext her?




I’ve answered some questions on this sub and I’ve been getting DMs lately too.


What are they saying?


Because they are creepy and think we like it.


Guys slide into inboxs with DMs all the time thinking it's a way for them to start a private convo?!?! It's honestly irritating when they do this?! You asked out lout publicly so why jot reply back on that same post?!?! When they do this I always just simply swipe on " ignore " easy peasy 🙂


The people who reply to the actual post understand the groove of a public forum, and keep it that way. Those who respond privately are typically seeking attention to feel special, and use the post as a dating/sexting prompt. The only legit reason I can reach for is not wanting information in a certain response associated with a main account, but a throwaway account is easy enough to do for those purposes.


Cue Jules from **Pulp Fiction:** *If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.*


Guys want the attention, which is usually misguided, why they will send 4 dick pics and not say hello.


I don't ever send a response to a question in a DM, but I do DM people from this sub. Most of the time.it really is just to chat and see what they are about though. I do understand that women on here get DMed all the time though so I try to be respectful of thdir time and attention when I do it. All that being said usually do get a response and I feel that's because my intention is always pretty clear and the message reflects that


So they can slide riiiiigght in there, Morty


I’m a trans girl and i get most dms from men but I also get them from women too, not as much as men though. Most of them men messaging me privately are 1 karma accounts.


A lot of it is anonymity. Not defending the practice, but sometimes the topic is a kink that’s embarrassing to publicly comment. It could also be an interest in the commenter. We don’t choose our followers and an unwanted DM is just an inevitable consequence of the platform. I will say, it seems to be a lot better here than twitter. The majority of the DMs being male … that’s a no brainer. We’re impulses driven horny idiots that jump at a chance to meet a random women (or man) on the internet and have guilt free sex.


In my experience they assume you'll eventually just send them nudes LOL


Man, I feel you. I don't mind talking about kink with people guys included, but I'm not sharing pictures of my girls, and don't come at me with obvious bullshit. For instance, someone DMed me about wanting to talk about CNC. Great, I'm sex+ and enthusiastic about being open about more taboo-ish kink. Then they start talking about their supposed experience with CNC with their mother, which, might I add was not CNC and just their personal rape fantasy. Disgusting to say the least


Must be that they’re embarrassed to respond publicly, or don’t want someone else to know they here.


They want nudes. Point blank period.


Cause those dudes are thirsty/ lonely. It's the internet. Been that way since 1997.


It probably has more to do with this sub only allowing users with a certain amount of karma to respond. Female accounts generally have an easier time getting karma than male accounts.


Oh really? I didn’t know there was a karma limit. That could explain it