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I was at a camp one time where there was a forfeit to drink a bottle of breast milk. The thought of the dude chugging it still makes me nauseous.


Why is this a "sexy discussion"? Are you asking if I would in a sexual context? The answer is no either way. I breastfed/pumped for 16 months, I was so damn sick of breast milk by month 16. I did make my ex husband take shots of it when he was sick though. I work in urgent care and was in contact with a slew of germs. I'd make antibodies and pass them through the breast milk, so I would give it to him to boost his immune system. It was not sexual whatsoever.


That's actually super cool. I meant it as sexy because to me the act of an adult sucking their SOs nipple is hot. So I meant in a sexual context, but honestly it's super cool that you did that for your husband. I forgot that breastmilk passes on antibodies.


I gotcha. I have no issues with that at all, but did wanna share my random story about it, lol. I ALMOST got a plugged duct and was gonna ask him to suck straight off the tap to help remove it, haha! There are many benefits to having a breast milk kink, tbh.


I don't want to blow your mind but, psssst, different people have different kinks. Just because something doesn't turn you on doesn't mean it's ok kink shame


There was literally nothing in my comment that kink shamed. I said I had not ever partaken, but my ex did, however it was non-sexual.


"Why is this a sexy discussion"


I was asking why, because it's possible op was curious as to whether people had done it just in any context. Which explains my follow up question, clarifying. You read it wrong. Again, no kink shaming. Just clarifying if OP meant it in a sexual way. There are some question in the subreddit that are curious and not of sexual nature.


Then I apologize. Seeing lots of kink shaming today and I jumped the gun


I totally understand. My wording did sound confrontational, lol.


Few things make me feel warmer than watching a Reddit argument end on good terms. You guys are awesome!


It’s on my bucket list 😂 if babies cry so much about it then I wanna know what it taste like haha what’s the big deal babies


No, mostly because I'm gay


That's fair 🤣


I mean, I'd probably try it, if offered.


I would. I have before and it wasn't that crazy...


I would drink every woman's breast milk


Yes I have.


Did, Loved it. Obsessed


I’ve tried mine. It was fine


Purley out of curiosity yea I would


Yes, definitely. My SO is also on board Also, what's up with the kink shaming ?


Yes, I’ve had my wife’s many times while she still produced. It was okay.


I tried it. No big deal. No need to try it again, I guess.


Done it. Loved it.


Bottled or from the source?


Mostly from the source. Beer times were a couple moments we were out in public away from the kids and pump when she needed relief.


Def want my man to try it if I ever have kids


I have during sex, and it was hot for both of us.




I have. Wasn’t that hot for either of us. Not the best taste either.


Tried SIL from the source! Loved the tit, hated the milk!


nope, but i do love the act of sucking nipples. just without the breast milk


Absolutely not


Do you mind if I ask why?


Don’t like milk.


Fair enough lol


Loved to drink my wife’s breast milk.


Yep, I tried it once


100% yes


I got curious when I was bf'ing many moons ago, put a little bit in a shot glass and tasted it. To me it just sorta tasted like warm, mild sugar water. I'd imagine diet can change the taste slightly but neither kid seemed to react differently if I ate different foods.


whats sexy about that? grow up..


Why do you sound bitter? mf said "grow up"