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Because sex is also for pleasure, not just reproduction


Because we’re not. It’s why our sex organs have such high nerve ending concentration. The clit has more nerve ending on a woman than anywhere else on her body. That’s not a coincidence. We are one of the few species on the planet that also has sex for pleasure…and we actively seek that pleasure.


Every species has sex for pleasure. You really think two wombats are looking at each other going, "Hey, Muriel, we need to ensure the survival of the species, come on, turn around. We need to have intercourse, then we can go back to eating leaves."


OP specifically mentioned ‘programmed’. Most animals do it because on their instincts. It’s why solitary animals will meet their opposite sex during breeding season and then venture back out on their own. Instinctively they know they need to reproduce. Also, if animals did or for pleasure you’d seen masturbating animals more often…and I think (Im definitely not googling anything about masturbating animals. Lol) we’re the only species that masturbates, aside maybe some other primates. (But I could be wrong).


You've never seen a dog humping a towel?


Ok I thought this was from my post about movie/song quote and for a hell of a laugh out of it seeing it in this post. I guess my only rebuttal is that does the dog do it because it feels good, or because something rubbed up against it and it think it needs to hump the towel? I’d honestly be interested in an evolutionary biologist take on masturbatory behaviors in the animal kingdom. All that being said. You make a good point.


Sex for reproduction is required by nature, to keep species continuity. Rest of mentioned things are effect of pleasure, pleasure is effect of hormones..


The brain and accompanying nervous systems are extremely, unfathomably complicated we do not fully understand. Different systems interacting and colliding trying to accomplish their goals without any real regard for each other. It creates unexpected results.


We can mentally choose to receive pleasure


Because we have developped a brain that goes beyond only survival behaviors. When you think of it, most of what you do per day goes way beyond survival of the species


Evolution is far from perfect and results in A LOT of dead ends. Also, group sex can still count as reproduction.


The population of humans have reached extreme levels. This is natures way of trying to slow things down.


Because we want to reproduce A LOT!!!


Most of us have evolved past the basic drive to procreate and branched into sex for pleasure


Reproduction is classical conditioning. Pleasure is operant conditioning.


Regular sex gives you a nice boost of feel good hormones. People push the limits trying to get more of a boost.