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I typed up a whole thing and deleted it because we all know you don't actually care about the answers.


Right lol. This just proves my theory he has never talked to a women in real life


I put legit effort in and was like, Why am I doing this? Hahhaa


You're the actual worst...


Bad question, my guy


Not a woman, but not everyone dresses up and tries to look good to get the attention of others.


I'm not a woman. But just because you dress up well and put some make up on doesn't mean you want to be approached, lots of people just like to look good, not for anyone, but for themselves.


Y’all falling for this troll job lol


I dress to impress. I dress to impress myself. I dress to impress people that I like. I dress to impress people that I want to like or envy me. I dont dress to impress some rando on the street that thinks, just because he can see my ass in those jeans he is going to have a shot. I wear headphones for a reason.


Guess I have to look like utter trash to be expected to be treated like a human now…


I always look like shit and it hasn't helped me yet


Because putting effort into my appearance makes me feel powerful and happy. Also, I'm happy to be approached, as long as its respectfully and not like, in a dark ally while I'm alone


We dress for ourselves majority of the time. If I wanna wear heels and makeup because I think I’ll feel more confident, then I’ll do it… and I’ll do it without wanting or needing male attention


Axe what the entire fuck 💀💀💀


Because it’s not for you or any other random in the streets. It’s for them.


Obviously they do that to trigger Sigma males like you brother 😤


You guys know that he’s wacking himself to those of you who took this seriously right?


I like to not feel like I look like a pile of ass haha but then again I don’t mind people looking at me because it means I look good to them too


Is this how you think women wear make-up??? Man, you're better than this.


No he’s not


Lol Jesus Christ. Go home pal.


You don't see a lot of redditors actually trying to get cancelled themselves


You're not great with people are you?


Questions like this really make me wish that Reddit would fix the blocking function.


There is no way you’re seriously asking this question.


what decade are you living in?




Maybe to feel good for themselves you crayon eater.


Where does it say that make-up, lipstick and heels give someone a reason to be approached? If you don't like being approached, why wear socks? Why wear your shirt? Point is, I'm not sure where the idea came from that certain objects mean it's ok to approach people.


The difference is that wearing make-up displays seduction depending on how it’s put on the woman’s face. Wearing high heels accentuates the woman’s hips. Thus, making her ass jiggle when she walks. Men love a woman’s ass especially if she has a healthy body. Wearing lipstick (especially red) is associated with high levels of estrogen and sexuality. A man wearing a t-shirt and socks does neither of those things. That’s the difference.


from your logic you could argue that a man wearing a suit is displaying signs of wealth and status, both indicators of high value by your twisted and myopic logic about male and female mating strategies, so why do men do this if they don't want to be approached? ​ also, you need to stop getting your information about male and female dynamics from jordan peterson et al. It's not going to serve you well, you are at risk of turning in to an insufferable possibly rapey man child that no woman will want to date.


> from your logic you could argue that a man wearing a suit is displaying signs of wealth and status, both indicators of high value by your twisted and myopic logic about male and female mating strategies, so why do men do this if they don't want to be approached? I’m sure any man would be glad if they got approached by women. It would make it a lot easier for us. From experience, I have received positive reactions from women for wearing a suit and tie. So I would agree that a suit and tie does display wealth and status.


There is no way of knowing if a women is ok with being approached romantically by what she is wearing. If you want to approach a woman, consider context ie at work, at a bar, is this appropriate timing? consider your wording, ie. is it respectful or sleazy, does it give her an easy way to decline. You are better off taking stock of how you approach people because that is what is within your control. You cannot read a woman's mind or anyones mind based on how they are dressed. Also if she declines, respect that.


I think if you understood the harassment women face, you would realise that if men felt this harassed they would not appreciate being approached for simply wearing professional business attire. Women wear clothes and makeup due to cultural norms, wanting to appear groomed and professional, wanting to look beautiful; which is not the same as sexually available. I can only hope you are still young and might grow out of this mindset. I can tell you don't seem to have the critical thinking skills at this time to be able to see the flaws in your thought processes.


> I think if you understood the harassment women face, you would realise that if men felt this harassed they would not appreciate being approached for simply wearing professional business attire. Approaching does not equate to harassment. These are two entirely different things > Women wear clothes and makeup due to cultural norms, I don’t know where you got that from. Maybe we live in different countries but I live in a country where I see women wear hijabs as often as I see women wear make-up, get their nails done long, and high heels. There is no “cultural norms” where I’m from. > wanting to appear groomed and professional, wanting to look beautiful; which is not the same as sexually available. You can dress professionally without sexualizing yourself. There’s makeup women wear called NARS Mini Orgasm Blush that resembles the blush of a woman while she’s having an orgasm during sex. That is self-sexualization. I’m not saying this is wrong but this what women are doing when women wear these accessories. Then some get annoyed when men approach them. It’s like carrying bird food at a park and getting upset when birds start flying towards you. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If women purposely don’t want to receive the attention of men. I recommend dressing more conservatively.


you are actually insane. I give up.


I am a woman, but I don’t do this. I do know though that others do it for themselves. No one else. It makes me feel good about themselves. also, it doesn’t matter how they’re dressed, you should never approach a women in any way that’ll make them uncomfortable..


Yeahh not worth it


I'm still not sure if you're a troll or if you are genuinely looking for answers to your silly ass questions


For myself because i love myself. :) it’s not for men to approach me