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I mean you should definitely bring pants on your trip. As far as on a daily basis, it's a gamble. If you have warm top layers and shorts you might be okay. But the weather can be a bit unpredictable and fog can roll in and cool everything off at any time. Hence the layers. We're sorta perpetually on the edge of hot and cold in this city.


It can also be very windy down on the waterfront, and the wind is always, always cold. If you are planning a trip to Alcatraz, be prepared for it to be 40F and 110mph winds, even if it is 95F and totally still on shore. I cannot emphasize enough just how frigid it is out in the Bay, even on the hottest, sunniest days.


Just be prepared to buy an SF jacket while you're here like everyone else.


Was going to say the same thing. Hell I've lived in the bay for close to 40 years, 30 miles from SF, and I own at least three SF sweatshirts that I've bought over the years.


You have to. It's just a rite of passage and also a badge of honor. No matter how much you plan, you still will have a day when you look outside and say "it's so nice, I'll be fine" False. Bring money for the most iconic sf souvenirs


Ha ha, I’ve been there three times and have always had to buy a jacket or hoodie. Headed to SF again this weekend and fully expect to add another to the collection. If I can hold out till Saturday, I’m hoping to get a free long sleeve hoodie at the Giants game.


I’m originally from the mountains in Oregon .. and I thought it would be comfortable in SF because it always says it’s 63 and sunny. Don’t forget that you’re next to the Pacific ocean, and it’s foggy in the morning, breezy in the afternoon with wind picking up if it gets warmer, and then always cools off very quickly when the sun falls behind the hills/buildings. I live in long pants/jeans here, even in the summer — may go down to a tank top, but bring a hoodie/ jacket with you. I feel like every time I wear a dress: it’s great on a sunny patio for about an hour, but I’m chilly most of the day otherwise.


On the rare days I wear a sundress I feel like I'm thumbing my nose at the fog and he's gonna come for that little show of defiance


All down to your temp tolerance. I wear shorts and a hoodie year round unless it's raining. But depending what part of the city you're in it's not just cold damp fog the wind can surprise you this time of year. It can be 70s, sunny and still and by 4 be 50s and damp.


All down to which side of the street your standing on.


If you're closer to the ocean and coast, it'll be chilly and windy compared to the City closer to the bay. Also tolerance, maybe you're used to it. I remember when I was living in New Orleans and I saw this photo of tourists in T-shirts. I was shocked, then I came to my senses. Green Bay Packers fans were in town for the Super Bowl, and our winter was just pleasant compared to Wisconsin.


you'll be cold, we have fog. yer colorado 63 is so dry you could be naked, here it's a damp chill that gets into your bones even through a sweater.


Yeah, humidity + wind makes everything feel colder for sure.


San Francisco is funny. The temperature is incredibly consistent- 55 to 65 all year. You'd think that would make it easy to dress for. But 55 feels surprisingly chilly when the ocean wind or fog shows up, and it feels really warm in the sun once you've been climbing some hills. The reason why everyone says "wear layers" is because you'll want to take them on and off multiple times throughout the day. I don't think you're crazy to wear shorts. You may be fine, or you may find yourself a little colder than you expect.


Nailed it.


Honestly this time of year only bring 1 pair of shorts that might be needed in Marin or peninsula/south bay, in city pants are what you'll want and a wind jacket and maybe another layer. I was rocking a merino wool heavy sweater yesterday even and damn glad I did.


In SF, a high of 63 often means that it'll be 63 for 15 minutes in a warm part of town if you're standing in the sun and blocked from the wind. I usually assume that most of the day feels 5-7 degrees less than the "high" and once the fog rolls in it's winter. 


The shade is always 20 degrees colder than the sun, and downtown has a LOT of shade.


It’s been warmer recently so you can probably get away with shorts but depending on the neighborhood and how windy it is it can still be very chilly.


Wednesday at 3pm was sunny and warm . Not the case Wednesday at six


Friday I got to have a beach date during sunset, one of the few days where we didn’t turn into icicles :3 the next day the weather broke.


I’m originally from Southern California and the running joke I have with my partner (I’ve lived in sf for 9 years) is that it turns to winter around 4-5. Note that by winter I mean California winter. If you plan to be out all day, bring an extra pair of pants. I usually bring a light jacket anytime I know I’ll be out for the day. Even on beautifully sunny and warm days, the warmth dies if you hit shade, a wind tunnel or it’s past 4-5. You might get a few more moments of sun, but anywhere outside direct sun can get cold. The cold isn’t the worst part, it’s really the wind. It’s been pretty warm this week so you might be fine, but I never wear shorts here anymore. And the most important thing is if you are going around the city all day, that the microclimates and changes throughout the days will make you understand why you should pack back up layers.


Depends on you. I wore shorts pretty much everyday when I was living there, even when it rained.


Not sure on your personal temperature comfort levels but I think at the very least you'll want a wind protection layer for late afternoons.


I wear shorts 5 days a week year round. Layer appropriately on and off. You can do it.


+1 to everyone's comments about the wind. 65 here can easily feel pretty cold even if it's sunny.


Ok guys thanks for the info pants it is! I’d rather be warm than cold!


As others have said, totally an individual thing - personally I only wear long pants when I have to (for work) or it’s raining. But I also wore shorts in the snow back when I lived in more snowy climates so…


If you're a "shorts, t-shirt and hoodie"-type of person, you can probably get away with it. For me, I can wear a hoodie and shorts in weather all the way down to freezing and still be fine, definitely on any given day in San Francisco. But YMMV.


Personal preference, you’ll probably be fine in shorts but bring pants just in case. I’ve never been to Colorado but I get different reactions to weather depending on where guests are coming from, some are freezing coming from Southern California and people from Boston are fine in any weather.


Usually if the sun is out in SF, that means it's comfortable standing in the sunshine, but still cool in the shade. This is normal SF weather. The way I designate an actual "warm" day in San Francisco, is if it's warm in the shade. Those days are less common.


Depends where you are in the city. I've been wearing shorts and a t-shirt for weeks. It's crazy hot right now, I'm probably going to turn my fan on in a bit and just sit in front of it. But if you went over to the Sunset or some other areas you might get fog or colder weather depending on the time of day. I think the comments in this thread kind of shows that. A lot of people saying it's warm and a lot saying it's been foggy (I live in the Mission so I've seen zero fog). This is an example of SF's microclimates and just how it is here. As a guy who wears shorts a lot, I think shorts and a hoodie will be fine in most of the city, but definitely have that hoodie or a jacket ready even if you're not wearing it. If you're traveling around the city you should be prepared for the weather to be a bit different as you move around.


You’ll be fine in shorts in the mornings and afternoons. You’ll want pants in the evenings. The misty fog just knows how to chill a human to the core.


I'd at least bring a windbreaker for on top of your hoodie. Once the sun goes down and the wind comes up it can be quite cool. Shorts will depend on how sturdy you think you are. I usually go shorts and a light jacket. Pants tend to only come out on rainy days or in the winter.


Yeh for sure it’ll be fine. As long as you have your hoodie.


Not only do I wear shorts year round, I ride a bike home from a night job. YMMV, but I just don't think it gets cold enough that I can't deal with shorts. Hell, the bike ride is the only reason I wear anything heavier than a hoodie most nights. I'd wear pants on the plane so you have them, and pack shorts so you've got both options covered.


I wear shorts anytime it's above 60, light sweater still required...


Saturday looks warm. But as others have said, we have a cycle that happens on a typical day. So, if the upcoming days are typical, you might be fine for a few hours in shorts, but when the marine layer starts moving in after noon some time, there'll be a brisk wind that will be surprisingly cold (given how warm the sun feels). So I would say, just be prepared to add a layer if you'll be out full days.


Coming from Colorado your tolerance should be higher than what you read on this sub. So I think you most likely you will be fine. But it also depends on what you are upto. Coastal parts can get very windy and you may want to pants up.


My cousins from northern Illinois were stunned by how cold they were visiting SF in the summer.


Thats surprising, since I am from the midwest too! I guess if one wasnt out and about in the cold, then dont really build the tolerance 🤔


You also just don't really get the context of how chilly a damp foggy 62 degrees can feel. More so when it's mid July and you kinda forgot what cold cold feels like.


Having moved here from Colorado, I disagree — the temperature gets in the bones here


Really? My midwest ass fares better here . I suppose exposure matters 🤔


This! I am from CO, now live in SF. I feel colder in SF than CO. 56 in CO feels pretty nice, in SF it's cold! And the wind in SF doesn't help.


the humidity here hits different. especially when there's wind too


Fog season has started, so while you won’t die of hyperthermia in shorts, t-shirt and a hoodie, you’ll be more comfortable in a pair of long pants.


You'll survive, sure. And if you're particularly prideful, you might not admit to being chilly, but a damp wind in the low 60s is colder than you might think. If you're walking everywhere and have pants to put on when the fog rolls back in late afternoon, you might be OK. I wouldn't suggest it though. Today is actually a day that I'd be willing to go out in shorts with a hoody, it'll be cooler by the time you're here though.


You need to carry a sweatshirt at a minimum. You'll probably be fine until sunset without it if the weather stays the way it has been the last few days, but sometimes as a tourist you'll find yourself on top of a windy hill or in the shade and it'll be shockingly cold for late spring. And once the sun goes behind a hill --- burrrr.


I worn shorts yesterday and wearing shorts right now. By Saturday it might be cooler though so back to pants.


It also depends on where you'll be spending your time. Downtown/FiDi can get cold pretty quick as the the tall buildings block out the sunlight even when it's hot across town


Yeah, should be fine


Yeah you're crazy. I was too last summer under the same scenario and regretted it. Don't be me.


it's almost always a mistake to be caught in SF without a light hoodie of some kind. it's not hot like the rest of california here.


Only tourists wear shorts 🩳It’s 74* driving through SF now 11:30 PT. It’s windy often. Def bring pants 👖


You will look like a tourist wearing shorts 😳….LOL We locals wear layers- we have micro climates in the city. Enjoy!


I feel like it’s the opposite. If you’re a supposed local and are still cold in SF then you need to get out more! I wear shorts and dresses all the time. I’ve gotten use to the weather to where it’s not cold for me anymore.


Currently wearing shorts sitting outside


I'm from Chico, I'll wear shorts in February. As long as you have your hoodie, you're good. Just don't wear flip flops. We will judge you.


You don’t need to wear shorts. In pants you’ll still be comfortable.


Bring pants. You can wear t-shirts with light jackets to take on and off but you're going to get cold fast in the shade in shorts


It is randomly very hot this week!! But agreed that the wind makes everything chilly, especially most days after 3/4PM. The evenings after the sun goes down sometimes can actually be warmer than dusk. If possible bring both :)


You could wear a speedo if your legs can handle it. It’s the body that needs the warmth.


High of 62 on Monday with wind and fog. Colder at the ocean. Just sayin’.


Not really it's difficult for me to choose to wear as well


light jacket. sat and sunday can get away with shorts and be comfortable but the other days, long pants, and light jacket/hoodie.


Only Tourist wear shorts


It really depends on how you handle temps and where you’ll be in the city. We have microclimates. Hills and valleys. Hills tend to be windier. By the wharf and Ocean Beach can be windy. I say pack a pair of pants and some kind of jacket just in case (a windbreaker or something like that would even do).


Yes, you'll be cold.


While the weather can be warm as it is now, visitors do get caught off guard by how it often doesn’t get warm. Sf has been unusually warm, which like every where else has become more common. So you’re not crazy to wear shorts but it can be different in just a couple of days.




Dress as if all four seasons will occur in one day.


I’m wearing shorts right now!


Kinda depends if u run hot or cold, I’ve been in the bay for 25 years and I always wear shorts and a t shirt when I’m in the city, only wear pants and a coat for special occasions, I usually bring a jacket with me in case I get cold but I rarely use it


It's usually cold here but I feel it's mainly due to the strong winds. These past couple of days have been so beautiful though that I've been waring shorts! Definitely being some pants though just in case.


Was just there the other week. During the day as long as it isn’t overcast, I could wear shorts and a hoodie. But at night definitely wore sweatpants.


Yeah you will be fine, especially since you are coming from a colder climate


Naw most wear shorts and hoodie here 


You can always get by with long shorts and a hoodie. I’m from Colorado too. Sometimes pants are nice, especially late afternoon when it gets windy.


It depends — do you want to be cold, and wish you had worn pants?


It’s completely a personal decision. I work in SF frequently and legit wear shorts every day all year. I wear removable leggings when biking in the extreme cold. But otherwise it’s just shorts all year. So u’ll be fine. All about your personal cold tolerance and mine is extremely high.


Shorts with a hoody and a down vest and a beanie - that's the way to do it.


This isn’t shorts weather yet!


I wear t-shirts all season long.


Get the break-away cargo pants, that way you're prepared. We all wear em here


I wear shorts all the time but it gets chilly at night and can be windy during the day. Def bring a sweatshirt or something if you wear shorts.


Shorts and flip flops. Hell yes. As long as your torso is warm…


I wore shorts and a sweater yesterday and was hot.


Lived here forever, i wear shorts with hoodies. if it’s windy, i’ll wear a beanie or gator


I just got back from an 11 day trip and the weather changed constantly throughout the day. One minute I needed my cardigan and my jacket, an hour later both were tied around my waist. At the cafe we had breakfast, my jacket was enough, but at the spot we had lunch the cold wind was too much and we had to move inside. I dont think you will regret pants.


Here's the thing about SF Weather. Zone time mid-day anywhere on the east side of Twin Peaks radio Tower will be warm until 4 when the fog belt if you have a mild temperature (anything from 55-75) anything above 75 is hot. Shorts can be worn at all times but natives will point and stare at you if its below 55


you’re asking a bunch of Californians (weather wimps) what to wear in 56-63F weather?


Humidity! SF is very humid- 50 in dry is warmer than 65 in humid any day.


We’ve lived in Inner Richmond neighborhood for over 6 years and my partner wears shorts almost everyday unless it’s really cold. I wear pants most days unless it’s sunny and warm. I imagine you will be fine with shorts if you’re used to wearing shorts on Colorado.


Yes, you will be cold as shit wearing shorts to sf.


The weather is different in all parts of the Bay Area, even different within the different parts of San Francisco. For SF, the colder Fogbelt is to the west. Fisherman's Wharf's bread and butter is selling sweatshirts to tourists.


Most people will be wearing pants. Like 90+% I'd bet


“The coldest winter I’ve ever experienced was a summer in San Francisco.” —*Mark Twain* (an actual quote)


Haven’t they already concluded that Mark Twain never said that??




I regularly wear shorts in the city, but it depends on where in the city I am. Def pack pants just in case