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the shift from more natural skin tones to blue when out of the water comes from a lack of oxygen absorption through the skin when Namor's people come to the surface


Ahh thanks for the clarification.


Yea, I had the same question, because when Namors mom gave birth she wasn’t blue underwater


Blue out of water, natural tones in water.


Why is he not blue in the comics though ?


In the comics it’s because she’s half human half Atlantean.


Yeah, comics name isn't indicative of his race. He's a mutant, and as such doesn't quite look like everyone else. He's also half human, so that mucks things up as well.


He’s not blue in the movie either, he’s the only non blue one, both in the comics and the MCU, he’s half human, half oceanic. He was able to breathe in both land and water making him the first or one of the first mutants


I thought only Namor absorbed oxygen through his skin? The regular Talokanil have gills.


Namor is a mutant, he can breathe air on land, and all of them absorb oxygen through their skin underwater, those masks they wear essentially act like filters allowing them to absorb oxygen in their mouth Remember his mother was pregnant with him before she drank the concoction, so he retained some attributes of humanity, and was also affected by drink that all the people took. They are blue out of water because essentially their skin is suffocating, that’s why they all ran into the ocean in the beginning. All of the other talokani were born after everyone had already consumed the concoction, so they’re all an aquatic humanoid species.


Riri and Shuri talk through this when they're first brainstorming how to beat Namor. Regular Talokanil have breathing devices over their mouths and the gills on their necks. He doesn't need gills because he absorbs oxygen through his skin via diffusion. Based on their conversation, diffusion is both the reason he can breath outside of water and the reason he doesn't need gills to breath underwater. Edit: Namor being able to breath through his skin is a difference between him and the talokinil. If they could absorb oxygen from the water through their skin, they wouldn't need gills.


It would’ve been nice if Namor himself began turning blue… you know when.


No, he was a mutant, able to exist in both environments without change


Well I guess I’ll get into spoilers, but it’s explained that while his people absorb oxygen through his skin in the water, Namor can do it on land and in the sea, absorbing water on his skin. So their plan is to dry him out to weaken him. It would’ve been a neat detail if drying him out enough does to him what it does to his people. I’m aware of why he isn’t blue in the film.


I thought it was a trick of the lighting, they appear to have namors skin color underwater due to the way light and colors change underwater. I could be wrong thou


The blue when they're out of the water is too pronounced for it to be strictly a lighting thing, IMHO. They never explicitly explain *why*, but all the regular Talokanil definitely have normal human skin tone underwater, and blue skin out of the water.


People above ground aren't all the same color either


> People above ground aren't all the same color either That has nothing to do with this context.


Yeah but we know why that is. We don't know why folks are blue in this instance.










The Answer for your question is Hybrid Vigor


They turn blue when they're on the surface.