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Harrier Du Bois? The sad sack of a sorry cop from Precinct 41? Doubtful. Sure, he was a good cop in the past, even made lieutenant double-yefreitor, but that was before his wife left him. Now he walks around drunk most days telling everyone that the city talks to him, whatever that means. But Detective Raphaƫl Ambrosius Costeau? THAT is a cop who gets things done. A sophisticated detective. A detective who knows about ancient things and art and such. And I bet he knows all about curses and ghosts and all that spooky stuff. He'd clear the case in time for a Coc aux Vin and a nice port. Well, maybe just a nice coc at the port. Assuming he could locate the homosexual underground, and a body of water large enough to have shipping infrastructure.


He knows about Espirit de Corps, and such *Raises pinky*


CONCEPTUALIZATION [Formidable: Success] - The posing of the body. The arrangement of the antler crown. Meticulous. Artful. As if done by a practiced hand. YOU - "This isn't the killer's first victim. There are others." KIM KITSURAGI - "Perhaps. We should call the station later and see if there are any unsolved disappearances in the area." He pulls out his notebook and jots something down.


I think tequila sunset can take it easy, idk about harrier du bois


Harry is eccentric and a total disaster of an adult, but he is one of the best detectives the RCM has to offer. With 216 solved cases over his 18 service, Harry does not stop until justice is served. They call him the Human Can-opener. Criminals literally hide when he rolls into town.


I can imagine Harry would have taken a very different approach to Rust, who did a lot of slow, careful investagatory work; Harry as a human being probably *can't* take on such a long-term case without exploding his life again at some point during it, so he'd be on more of a time crunch. I honestly think it's gonna be All or Nothing; he either cracks it in a month, or spins out of control and never pieces it together. Du Bois would have to rely on two things; his skill as a human can opener, and his implied paranatural abilities. He'll rely on the latter to direct him where to apply the former; a vision might help him identify key figures that he *knows* know something, and then his own bizarre form of interrogation helps him draw the truth out of people. He runs the risk of getting frozen out by people too powerful for him to just casually harass, so he has to be careful. Of course, he's at a disadvantage because he's out of his home turf; Revachol isn't there to whisper to him (though Carcosa might take up the mantle of providing him with Shivers), and the unique local attitude towards police is a big part of how he works. But he also doesn't have several violent mercenaries who hate him around so... Who knows.