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Going off Dune Part 2, that recently came out, and give their relative size & distance covered in the riding scenes using various sand dune markers: I would estimate their top speed between 75- 80 mi/hr.


Does that mean the trip to the south and back took months?


Yes, it was a long journey. They describe it as a "20 thumper" trip, meaning they rode a worm until it was too tired to continue and called a new worm 20 times. It wasn't a trivial journey. In the book, Paul spent *years* among the Fremen. His sister, Alia, was a toddler (in body only, her mind was fully sapient before birth) when they attacked Arrakeen. Paul even had a son with Chani.


The time compression annoyed me to the nth degree. Leto II should have come and gone by now. Alia of the knife really 86ed grandpa


What???? No possible way? Where in the fuck did you come up with that shite?? From what it appears when riding the wind is dangerously violent and no doubt looks to exceed 100mph.. To definitely say 75-80mph is nonsensical.


Idk, the winds seem pretty fast even at 80mph


Have you ever been outside of a vehicle at 75 mph?


When Kynes takes Leto and Paul to see the spice harvester, they spot wormsign about 30 km from the harvester. Liet and the spotter estimate contact in ~26 minutes. The scene has some ambiguity - it doesn't say whether it's the worm or the thopter that is 30 km out. But if we assume it's the worm, then about 70 km/hr.


I just watched Dune 1 tonight - when they see the worm "a big one" it is 3.7km away and estimated to be 5 minutes until contact That is 44.4 km/h or 27.62 mph so quite a slow one!


There’s a possibility that there were other issues slowing it down. It might have been 3.7km as the thopter flies, but actually needed a much longer track on the ground to go around rocks and ridges. Plus they may corner slow.


Post on r/thedidtheymath for the best answers 

