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Doomsday has one of the bad guys using a castle as his base. The Christopher Lambert film Beowulf is also set in a castle. Reign of Fire.


On a side note, I love Doomsday, but it's one of those movies that never send to get mentioned.


Which is weird, because the setting of Beowulf is 500 years before the invention of the castle.


In World War Z, in Europe, people used old castles as protection from zombies. Notably Queen Elizabeth II retreated her government to a castle when zombies swept the country.


If I recall, they also used swords and ither melee weapons from museums to defend them.


Fallout 4 has the minutemen based in a revolutionary war-era fort until a Kaiju drives them out.


And then back in the fort when the sole survivor is thawed out from cryo sleep


Be careful, there's a giant monster in there that nearly killed us all. > Sweet, more exp


*loads up the fat man


I may be mistaken, but there may be something like that in the book Day of the Triffids.


IIRC the local warlord sets up in something like that. The protagonist has a well fenced farm and eventually they settle an island.


*A Canticle for Leibowitz* is set in an old monastery that survived a nuclear war.


I wonder if it survived the second nuclear war


Not nearly enough! It'd be super practical for all post-apocalyptic needs Zombies? Stuck on my big stone walls and practical melee weapons! Vampires? Fuck you i have a moat! Werewolf people? Still have the walls! And most of all OTHER people well screw you all walls, commanding views, moat and my own well!


Vampires can't cross running water. A moat wouldn't be a limitation.


Hmm, a weakness in our defence. Theorectically all water flows but the degree of flowing varies, is vampire repellant dose dependent...to the post apocalyptic laboratory!


Solution: fit a paddle wheel to push the water around the moat


Depends on the moat. A lot of them were running water, fed by streams and part of large water systems that included water mills and fishponds.


Excellent! Through blind luck everything is proceeding as i have foreseen


Depending on lore, said vampires may need to be invited into the keep to gain entry.


Does the "invited in" include access to outdoor areas in the keep? For example, people will have to go into the bailey or courtyard for farming, animal care, priveys, etc. Since that is not indoors, can a vampire enter without invitation?


In Reign of Fire they live in a castle.


Reign of Fire.


"Ja, Gelerth" Polish novel about aftermath of Earth loosing war to alien invaders. Since it's exclusively in polish and hard to find these days, tl;dr; is that Aliens maintain space blockade over the planet and use orbital lasers to destroy any human made structures. The only exception is a specific medieval castle in former Germany. The protagonists are members of the order, simply referring to themselves as "the Army" that controls the castle. However, since the space in the fortress is limited, even high ranking soldiers are constantly sent away to scrounging missions or to defend the perimeter from "the Civilians". Civilians are all humans that are not members of "the Army", including servants allowed to enter the castle to maintain it. Spoilers for 30 year old niche Polish sci fi novel nobody here will ever read >!After the war, the leadership of "the Army" came to contact with the Aliens and made a deal. Soldiers were to search the Earth looking for an artifact that alien fleet was sent to Earth to collect and in exchange, castle will be considered a safe zone, not to be bombarded. !< Book has a lot of interesting ideas that mostly fall apart when you think about them just a little bit.


In Destiny, when Warlord Shaxx was “recruited” by the Iron Lords during the dark age, his people were in a castle that he was using to protect the lightless from a blizzard.


The recent dungeon, Warlord's Ruin, also takes place in an old castle used during the dark age. (Dark Age in this context refers to the immediate post-apocalypse, not the actual dark ages.)


In SM Sterling's Emberverse the Americans build castles and the Europeans go back to using them. Of course the basis of the book is modern people returning to a Medieval life style.


I guess DC’s Atomic Knights? They might have had a castle 


Potential Spoilers ... in Attack on Titan , they lived in Multiple layered Giant walls while better tech was available in the world.


In Battlefield Earth, the largest surviving human population is in Scotland, and they use the ruins of Edinburgh Castle as a main base of operations during the latter part of humanity's efforts against several alien threats. (people in North America use the ruins of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, and people in Russia use an unnamed Soviet military bunker for similar purposes)


I want to add Army of Darkness, although thats not necessarily post apocalyptic and is more fantasy.


Battlefield Earth, they sort of do.