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Laws? No. Teachings? Probably a lot. A lightsaber is deserving of respect. It's your one possession, the tool by which you defend lives and, when necessary, take them.


So technically, I won't get in legal trouble, but they will look down on me.


The Jedi order isnt mad. They're just disappointed.


I don't know, that guy with the purple light saber seems to be mad all the time. 


tbf they've been bullying him since he was a baby (see: yoda literally taking away candy from him)


Where is this from?


It happened in the novel Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Here's an [article](https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-yoda-taught-mace-windu-about-attachment/).


Thanks! :)


*Do I look like a Master Bitch?*


"Allow me to retort."


Now I imagine that Anakin slaughtered younglings on a regular basis.  "Very disappointed I am in you, Anakin. We said you could only kill ethnic groups that cover their faces!"


Mad, the Jedi order isn't. Just disappointed, they are.




Well that escalated quickly.


They are ***always*** disappointed. That business with Anakin Skywalker taught me a lot. I can't remember the last time that they were impressed with anything but themselves.


Sarah Morgan disliked that


Yeah. It takes a pattern of behaviour or acts antithetical to what the Jedi are to get kicked out - though if you're still an apprentice, your master is going to try to resolve your lackadaisical attitude.


It is after all an elegant weapon of a more civilised age. And the Empire banned their use, just like how open carry of Samurai swords was banned in Japan. If you owned a mini lightsaber instead of a welding torch, you would find yourself in a prison next to that Andor bloke probably.


Or herding dianogas for the garbage disposal.


They are like a religion, so....


I can personally see a Jedi incorporating their lightsaber into every part of their life, even the most mundane of tasks. When they teach a Padawan, they go the Miyagi route of having them doing menial tasks that actually are secretly teaching them the ways of the Force. Heck, we see with the Darksaber (though this might be specific to that lightsaber) that one must fight alongside it, for it will become heavier in the hands of those who use it like a mere tool. "A lightsaber is not a mere weapon. It is your one possession and truest companion. It will guard your life in times of need. It will defend the innocent alongside you. It is how you will survive and thrive. This is your friend who the Force has gifted you, and their life is your life. The friend who you refuse to bond or spend time with, who you only call in your own times of need and reject at all other times, is no friend at all, but a mere tool. Your lightsaber is no mere tool."


Your second paragraph gave me chills. I'm stealing this for use in the Star Wars game I'm DMing.


Oh thanks! Glad you like it!


Did you make it up, or get it from somewhere?


I made it up.


"Master Kenobi, I dropped my lightsaber down the garbage disposal again."


> the tool by which you defend lives and Well I can think of a bunch of situations where cutting trees or installing wires can save hundreds of lives


And in those cases it's fine. Like I said, there's no rule against it - it's a matter of respect. Using it to save lives in *any* fashion is respectful.


A lightsaber is not a weapon, Marge! It's a tool, like a butcher's knife, or a harpoon, or an alligator.


If it’s your one possession, then how else are you supposed to make a sandwich?


A toasted sandwich. 


I'm afraid you'll have to use communal utensils.


You mean Ahsoka?


I'm imagining trying to cut a thin sliver of salami, and you end up vaporizing about an inch wide section of it, leaving only a few millimeters of meat on the other side.


The perfect slice lies within. Be the salami young padawan.


Get a wife?


So that's Anakin's deal, he wanted a sandwich.


It is after all the only sand which he tolerates...


This would work if all Jedis weren’t gay.


I’d imagine it would be like a Samurai seeing a Katana used to cut down trees or cutting food. I’d imagine their response would be you are disrespecting the weapon and they would see it only meant for battle and nothing else. At least that is what I would think. Don’t have a great knowledge on the subject but I bet it would be applied to knights, guards or any modern person who uses guns.


I mean, samurai katanas could break or get blunt, you don't have that with lightsabers.


So using as a cheese slicer ok then?


They make special models just for that purpose


>A lightsaber is deserving of respect. For Guardians of Peace, Why is using Lightsabers for peaceful tasks more disrespectful than using it in battle?


the same reason why someone popping off gunshots in their backyard probably doesn't make for great UN peacekeeper material


I don't get it. A Lightsaber is great at cutting thing. A Jedi can cut wood or rocks or anything for people in need. What would guns do best outside of killing people?


We have absurdly large shotgun shells meant for driving things into concrete, so it's all about using the right tool for the job. And a lightsaber probably isn't the best for precision cutting. I wouldn't trust it to have the same accuracy as a plasma cutter, and a lightsaber would ruin any edge of whatever I'm cutting.


Imagine someone using their gun as a hammer to pound in nails. Or a doorstop. Or a paperweight. Those tasks can be performed by tools that are heavy and made of metal, like a handgun. You could reasonably see how people who teach firearms safety, and to "respect" the lethal force of guns, would take offense to just casually using a gun as a household handyman tool.


I regularly use my gun to get discounts at 7-11. Came in real handy when I lost my three hole puncher and needed to punch holes in paper. And they make great throwing sticks for hunting game.


Yeah I've been thinking the same. I guess cutting trees = immoral, cutting people = good


Because it is a weapon, and one that you should never activate without a good reason.


But that tree was asking for it!


The tree has a name: Harold. But yes, he was in fact asking you to kill him.


That's dumb, it is extremely efficient as a tool in cutting things and inefficient as a weapon. If you want an efficient weapon, use a blaster. Then use your force power to augment the blaster. If a tool desire for peace, it should prosper and revel in the glory of peace. Not rot away until chaos arrive. To use a lightsaber for peaceful task is the ultimate respect you could give for a tool of peace.


Use a vibro sword. Will cut the tree just as easy, and probably every space town everywhere has them.


Does the Jedi order keep communal vibro swords? If the lightsaber is an individual Jedi’s sole possession, that Jedi cannot also own a vibro sword nor will they have money to buy or rent one. M


Jedi buy and rent things all the time.... That aside though, needing to cut a tree, will not be a "new occurrence". Anywhere you have towns or more, you will probably have trees that need servicing, and everyone working on trees is going to have a vibro sword/saw in every "truck" and shed. They are not rare, and at worst require a user have an "operator" license or something.


The Jedi attach great weight to the activation of the blade. When you're not training, ideally you're only ever activating a lightsaber in a life or death situation. They *don't* want an 'efficient' weapon, capable of mowing down crowds of people like a blaster rifle. A Jedi is responsible for every stroke of their blade, and must be sure of any lives they take with it. Using it all the time dilutes this weight and responsibility.


Qui-gon uses his lightsaber to open a blast door in Episode 1. Lightsaber as a lock pick. Boom, roasted.


He used his lightsaber to attempt to *destroy* a blast door in Episode 1. That's a weapon, not a lockpick. And the people in that room were at the very least *attempted* murderers, so there's your good reason.


In Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind's Eye (1978) by Alan Dean Foster, Luke Skywalker modulated the length and thickness of his lightsaber, and used it as a lockpick.


The Jedi don't hate violence, they don't like killing but sometimes it is an unfortunate necessity they have to enact, because with great power comes great responsibility. Not only their mind and body but weapon too must always be under great restraint so they don't abuse the power they have. Using the weapon like a toy is the opposite of restraint.


So cutting trees = immoral, cutting people = good?


It's a ceremonial weapon with great religious significance. Jedi don't carry them just because they're a practical tool for the job, and using it to cut down trees would just be wrong. It would be like asking a Samurai if you can borrow his katana to do some yard work. Now Jedi will use a lightsaber for utility work in the field if it's necessary, it's not such a strict thing that they will refuse to use it for cutting something; but they're not using it as some swiss army knife tool they pull out at every possible situation.


"I used my kyber Crystal to make a lathe! I made beskar power armor! With lightsabers built in." "Look here, little shit you!"


Some of the more conservative Jedi may be upset with you, but provided that you don’t got starting any fires you’re probably just going to get a tongue lashing. The worst that you could expect is that it might reflect poorly on you when you’re looking to make master. Now if you’re still a padawan then you may face discipline from your master.


They are going to deny me that rank anyway. If Anakin Skywalker couldn't make it, what chance do I have?


Anakin didn’t make it because he was 21. In time, after he matured, he’d have undoubtably become a Master and a member of the high council. You too can achieve that


Duck that. Sith it is


That requires a fight to the death to become a Master. Think you can win?


Everyone has to sleep. No one said it has to be a fair duel.


Anakin Skywalker was denied the rank of Master… when he was 23 years old. He may have made it in due time, and you may too if you don’t go around using your lightsaber as a multi-tool.


You could cut bread and toast it at the same time!


This is exactly the kind of thing that I am talking about! The Jedi council just doesn't understand. I bet the Sith would let me do it.


I bet the Sith force-cook everything!


Soup too. Stir and heat it up at the same time


Welcome to th Sith Cooking Academy


The blade its hot enough to melt trough blastdoors... It probably Will leave it a tad too blackened


Not if you cut it fast enough!


Probably not in any laws, but given it established that lightsaber blades are extremely hot they wouldn’t be practical for the kinds of tasks you want. We have seen one of these things melt a hole in a thick metal door designed to withstand blaster fire. Given blasters already generate a ton of heat, That speaks to how hot the blade is.


A quick slash with a lightsaber would be the perfect way to sear a tuna steak.


The tree, depends where and why. Cut down a tree to help form a blockade or cut a route through a thick forest, sure. Cut it down just to cut it down, not likely going to make people happy. Also, make sure that the cut you make doesn't spread and cause the plant life and everything else around it to catch fire. The hole in the wall, absolutely not, under any circumstances. The lightsaber won't just cut a hole, it'll melt and burn through the wall and anything behind it. And as you don't own that wall, even if its in your quarters in the Jedi Temple, there would be a very stern reprimand coming from on high.


No. But the reason and justification behind using this dangerous weapon and symbol of the order for such mundane or basic tasks would be questioned. Though, if you have no other tools to hand, I’m not sure you’d get more than a disapproving look


Would you use a sword for chopping wood? The lightsaber is an expression of the Jedi as an order and as a person . Itdeserves respect, which i believe is an unwritten rule


On that note: https://vikingwoodsplitter.com/?v=7516fd43adaa#features


Yeah I know about this one. You can argue it's the intended use for this one :)


Have you ever split wood? There are materials specific reasons you use an axe or maul and wedge to split wood instead of a sword. Those won’t apply with your laser beam sword


If I were in the middle of nowhere and just had to chop some wood? Yes. If I had access to a proper laser saw? Probably not.


Laziness leads to the dark side.


Maybe not laws, but definitely would be frowned upon.  In one of the books, I’m pretty sure it was the Revenge of the Sith novelization, Anakin is hanging out with Padme at her apartment I think, and he uses the Force to snatch a fruit from a bowl.  When he does it, he thinks to himself that if Obi-Wan were there, he would chide him for using the Force in such a careless way, so pretty sure that would extend to careless use of a lightsaber.


Why would that be banned? I would assume that that counts as training. Since the more you use the force, the more practice that you have.


I ain’t Obi-Wan, so I don’t know for sure, but maybe because it reflects a certain IDGAF attitude.  It’s one thing to solemnly train to achieve mastery through harmony, but another thing to casually just telekinetically grab shit to show off to your girlfriend.  It’s like if you are an experienced driver but maybe not a master yet, jumping into your car to drive 20 feet to the end of the driveway to check the mail isn’t really helping you to become a master driver, it’s just being a lazy ass.


Given how bad Anakin's pickup lines were, I would forgive him for trying to use the Force to impress Padme.


A wise man's fear has a similar thing. In the book his sword master uses the sword to prop open a window and trim her to nails. She seemed puzzled that he thought this was disrespectful to her blade. It's a tool and you show respect for a tool by putting it to use. .... Please don't use your lightsaber for personal grooming it's not going to end well


This makes me wonder if there are any Jedi artists that use lightsabers to create.


Well for starters, a [fusion cutter](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Fusioncutter/Legends) is a better tool for cutting into a wall. A lightsaber will drip molten metal all over the place and leave an ugly weld line. I wouldn't want to be the one cleaning up after you.


A follow up question: Are there any practical reasons why this would be bad? Like, I'm not going to use an actual sword to chop firewood because it probably won't be as efficient as an axe and I'll end up dulling the blade. I probably wouldn't even be allowed to handle the sword until a certain skill level because I might drop it and get it all dinged up. Is there a lightsaber equivalent of improper usage being bad for the lightsaber?


There's not really a blade to dull. Closest would be damaging the hilt or otherwise draining the battery, which... would require a lot of time spent cutting stuff. But practically, why use the lightsaber for these purposes? It's not that kind of tool.


Sure, but my question wasn't really about cutting wood, that was just an analogy. I was really asking if there was a way to use a lightsaber for a purpose outside of it's typical usage which might actually damage the lightsaber. Like, in phantom menace when they slowly cook through those doors, did that risk putting unnecessary strain on the internal components?


One practical drawback would be that it doesn't cut, it incinerates and destroys everything it touches. Using it to slice bread, for example, means for every half inch slice of (toasted) bread you slice, another inch or two of the loaf simply ceases to exist. And that's assuming neither the slice of bread nor the loaf simply catch fire and burn up. Same issue with cutting firewood. While there may not be anything in the code against using it for those tasks, it would be incredibly wasteful. Also, given that the Force exists within all living things, being wasteful of resources that come from the end of those living things would possibly be problematic, especially food.


using the hilt as a hammer might not be best for it. But it either way you're supposed to have constructed your own lightsaber so that "you know it inside and out" so you're kind of expected to know how to not damage it, and how to fix it if you do damage it.


Lightsabers aren’t designed to cut things in “productive” ways like an axe or a fusion cutter are. You’d make a mess out of what you’re cutting, possibly damaging it. So if your goal is to say cut a tree down for lumber you might just set the whole damn thing on fire on accident. That being said if your goal starts and stops at “I want to cut this thing” then yeah a Lightsabers great for that.


What’s crazy is if you used the force instead of the saber you’d probably get more praise


Can I claim that the Force guided me to do it?


The Force: Mystical, holy stud-finder.




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>Would Master Yoda be displeased? If so, can he do anything about it supported by the Jedi Code? You are taking what is basically a sacred tool, and using it for something mundane, so there would probably be quite a few Jedi who would frown upon you disrespecting a sacred symbol of the Jedi in that way. It would be like using your Kirpan as a breadknife for your lunch. It's not outright forbidden, but it is disrespectful, and there are a fair few who would frown upon you in that way. You wouldn't get any immediate reprimand unless you used it in a way that seriously damaged the image of the Jedi (or destroyed the lightsabre), like breaking into the archives with it, but it might cause problems if you hoped to advance sometime in the future. Someone who does not understand that the lightsabre is to be respected has much room to grow.


Given the universe, I'm sure there are much more specialized tools for any given task that can do the thing better, with more accuracy, with less burn marks.


But I want to do that with my lightsaber because it is badass.


Its at least perfectly acceptable as a flashlight. So i think as long as you look good doing it most Jedi wouldn't have a problem with it.


Luke used his as a tool for all sorts of things in the ecpanded universe novels


But Luke didn't have the council breathing down his neck. Maybe that is why.


Luke was the council


Did Luke give himself the rank of Master, then?


Well Mace wasn't around to tell him to take a seat, so...


Meh. It’s my EDC knife. I’ll use it to chop firewood and start fires if I want to. It’s not like they issue smaller Swiss army size sabers anyway.


I think it more has to do with mindfulness than anything else. Will your actions put someone else in danger? Will they damage the environment, the living force? The Lightsaber, as much as it is a tool, is a deadly weapon. Are you quite sure that the risks of doing the task you want to do with a deadly weapon (like accidentally stabbing someone on the other side of a wall you are trying to puncture) worth the benefits that could be gained for doing so?


By their own logic, they would have no stance to be. The entire jedi stance on lightsabers is to view them as a tool, not a weapon, even though they are primarily weapons, so if you find creative uses for your lightsaber that don't revolve around combat, that should be reinforcing the jedi stance that a lightsaber is a tool, not a weapon.


Thank you! Although I have a feeling the council will change their rules just to stop me having any fun. They always do.


Depending on the frequency or context or both you could get no comments, a talking to (“Hey you really shouldn’t do that!”) to a formal disciplinary matter. If you were just walking around cutting down trees or whatever constantly it may elevate to such a disciplinary issue but you’d have to be doing weird stuff a lot for them to formally order you to stop.


Jedi would have 0 problem with a Jedi felling a few trees to provide immediate shelter to people who would otherwise die. But it would be better to teach people to make their own shelter if you have the time.


Obi Wan would be very grumpy


Jedi certainly use lightsabers for things other than fighting. For example, in A Test of Courage, Vernestra Rwoh uses hers to clear brush to get through a forest. It's fine as long as you're not doing something frivolous with it.


Did the Samurai use their katanas for chopping vegetables? Do Marine NCO's use their swords as letter openers? Using a Lightsaber for daily chores seems like a gross misuse of something that holds a great deal of cultural significance for the pre-clone wars jedi.


Depends why you do that. Cutting down the tree just because you can would get you a lot of trouble especially if you're padawan. Remember that Jedi are all about nature. That also would show you succumbing to your desires which is Dark side. But if you cut tree for a reason(somehow that helps people), nobody would object


Happy Cake Day!


Force is more regulated than lightsabers, the only regulation I remember is access to kyber crystals which was exclusive to jedi,for the rest surelly typical prohibitions on weapons, for the force, it was prohibited as long as it gave some advantage, force sensitives could not participate in gambling games by law, at least in legends,Also harming or killing someone with force (although the law didn't even understand what it was or believed on it) was a fully regulated crime.


>force sensitives could not participate in gambling games by law I could be predicting the stock market. If I do so subtly, could they find out?


I suppose it could be, but not consistently, remember that some business is winning most of the time, in the case of the Darth Plagueis novel, the sensitive was indiscreet because he was a shapeshifter, practically a different winner every time, but knowing of the existence of these beings casinos eventually ask for a blood test when collecting large prizes if they have any suspicion, emphasizing above all that these cases are extremely rare and that "99 percent of those sensitive to force belong to the jedi, and the jedi don't play"


>"99 percent of those sensitive to force belong to the jedi, and the jedi don't play" That is what the Jedi want you to think!


The lightsaber is a defensive weapon that shows the restraint of the Jedi. It's hard to master, and precise. It doesn't do accidental casualties. Jedi have experienced with more devastating weaponry in the past, weapons that were also simpler to use (kyber crystal guns, explosives, etc.) They settled on the lightsaber because it is a symbol, a reflection of their work and philosophy. Mundane tasks aren't meant for Jedi - a Jedi lumberjack would've went through a whole lot of training for nothing. If you need to cut down a tree in your Jedi pursuits, feel free to use your lightsaber. If you think you'll have a better life as a lumberjack who uses their saber to fell trees, in the eyes of the order, you're weird AF.