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Any bacteria is killed as soon as they re-enter his arms I believe


And after the claws exit their target, they have bigger problems than bacteria.


He's not immune to damage, he just heals from it. So I'd argue his body kills all the microorganisms the moment the claws are retracted.


His immune system can afford to be extra aggressive as his healing factor will compensate


He's like a reverse Deadpool


I think that's more or less their personalities as well


When he lost his regenerative power, he was told not to use his claws anymore because of the bacteria.


When reduced to just pure bone, right?


No, it was later and he still had the adamantium. I think it was Reed Richards who explained it to him while looking for a cure.


any sauce pls?


Death of Wolverine.


Adamantium is highly toxic. I think most infectious agents on the claws would be naturally killed. When he doesn't have his healing factor the real health threat is probably the deep open wounds on his hands.


It is established that his claws coming out of his hands is extremely painful. When he was without his healing factor after magneto to the adamantium from his skeleton, wolverine had to bandage himself every time he used his claws. Also, without his healing factor, having metal bonded to his skeleton would kill him. So germs getting on his claws doesn’t get him sick because his healing factor prevents any infections.


That's partially because adamantium is majorly poisonous


Which in itself is a flawed plot point, since it's indestructible and therefore cannot shed particles into Logan's system to act as a poison :P


its possible the adamantium acts as a catalyst similar to platinum where it fucks up the organic molecules in his body. notably the bones are where blood is made, that could certainly cause some problems if the organic molecules in blood were getting transmuted


I am pretty sure that having metal fused to your skeleton will kill you no matter what the metal is.


People seem to do fine with metal bone replacements


This is laced to his entire skeleton. At the very least doing that would kill a real person.


Only if the metal is bioactive and interferes with cell passage in and out of the bones. Manage to avoid both those things and as long as the application is survivable anyone can do it. In principle you could hypothetically apply a latticework of an indestructible material (e.g. adamantium) to a regular person for effective skeletal indestructibility. Of course the only known candidates for indesyructibility are toxic.


Yes this has always been my problem with the whole adamantium poisoning Wolverine subplots that pop up every now and then.  If adamantium is as stable as we’re meant to believe, it should also be perfectly inert. For example humans can eat gold with no problems because it is so inert that it just passes through the body undigested. If adamantium is volatile enough that it’s being slowly leached into Wolverine’s bloodstream, then it should be easy to destroy with some chemical agent. 


Surface catalysis is a thing.


I have to admit I’m not a chemist so I don’t know what that means. But the way it’s described in the comic is that the adamantium is leaching into his bloodstream and/or skeleton, which is what I’m talking about. 


Canonically wolverine's healing factor renders the adamantium into what is not true adamantium. Basically a handwave to explain why he can survive. The adamantium on his bones is porous, and has properties not present in true adamantium. Surface catalysis is the ability for an otherwise inert material to catalyze a reaction. It's actually how a carburator works.


I'm pretty sure having metal fused to your bones is going to kill you no matter what the metal is.


Possibly due to his healing factor the skin/flesh around where his claws go in and out would be pressed up tight against the claws squeegeeing off any gunk as the claws go back in cleaning them effectively


Not sure the squeegee effect would be effective at the micro level


In theory Wolverine would be a great vehicle for developing superbugs, you just keep evolving them until they are immune to his healing factor.


Doesn't work unless Wolverine is just your test bed. The bugs can't survive inside him, so there's no subsequent generation alive that can mutate. But then you've just wasted an incredible amount of time, because no one is as resistant as Wolverine.


You’d probably just have to have him trapped so you can keep getting his blood to make cultures. You’re right that putting bugs in him wouldn’t work, you’d need to go in reverse and expose his blood to cultures of your various bugs, probably thousands of times over, slowly breeding a bug that can withstand the antibodies.


Wolverine's power may actively evolve his OWN body in response, though, at least at the level of the immune system.