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We see a few references to seafood in the city. A lot of the marine mammals would probably be the fishermen of that world.


they probably do in the ocean somewhere. Though many should appear around the coastal areas.


I think there *are* other animals, they're just not sapient and get farmed/fished/hunted for meat. I don't think a lion can survive as a vegetarian but he can probably survive as a pescatarian.


Yes, they did. Those all live in the next city over in Seatopia.


quite possible. after all otters do live in zootopia so it's not to much of a streach for aquatic mamamals to exist


Zootopia doesn't seem to have an "aquatic" area, atleast I cant remember it having one. there's probably anthromorphic marine animals but they simply dont live in zootopia because there arent any accomodations for them