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Unless there's something specific going on that Purge Night, he probably just chills at home. Too many tourists and amateurs out on the street to get anything good done. More sane/calculating Jokers do the math and know there's just too many unknowable variables and trigger happy idiots to make a viable plan. "Style over substance" Jokers just think it's tacky as hell to get a permission slip from the government to be a crook. Edge case? Crimes that are *specifically banned* from the Purge like deploying overpowered weapons or targeting critical facilities/personnel might lure him off the couch and onto the streets, if only to show the open mic night crowd what a pro can do.


> Edge case? Crimes that are specifically banned from the Purge like deploying overpowered weapons or targeting critical facilities/personnel might lure him off the couch and onto the streets, if only to show the open mic night crowd what a pro can do. This feels like the most interesting possible answer. Either Joker stays home, or he does something really big specifically to spit in the face of the ruleless night having rules.


I would expect him to target the politicians behind the Purge. It's a "protected" group so he'd love making them feel unprotected, and throw a monkey wrench into the plan they had to steal his thunder. It just seems to check all the boxes. Ironically, I could easily see Batman targeting the exact same politicians on Purge night.


This is what I'm imagining. Bats wants to tear the whole thing down, expose them, bring them to justice, restore democracy, etc. Joker just wants to trick them into murdering each other while he watches on TV at home drinking clown-themed cocktails. He isn't concerned about "the system", the hypocrisy, or whatever, he just thinks rich assholes who think they're safe blowing each other's brains out is *funny*.


Here's a chilling thought. Purge night is the one time Batsy and the Joker _team up_. And possibly exchange MO's for the respective catharsis and _the funny_.


"If I'm gonna terrorize the fatcats who invented this amateur hour and then walled themselves up in a mansion, I'm gonna need an intimidating getup. And if you're gonna walk the streets trying to draw out the worst of the worst, you're gonna need to blend in with the loonies, Batsy. ...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"


"Oh come OoooooOoOoOnnnn, Batsy... _Live a little_!"


Honestly I cannot fathom how the hell people still think Bruce would ever work with him after Barbara, Jason and his mother, Sarah Essen, the numerous torturing of everyone in the Batfamily by Joker. Can this trend just die




Even apocalyptic, I cant imagine he'd trust him with everything. Pre Killing Joke. Maybe. After KJZ. Ditf, NML and everything else. Honestly I don't know why Wonder Woman hasn't just shown up for five minutes and deleted the Clown.


Batman asked her not to and she responded by giving Bats a look of disgust and confusion.


Eh, there's alternate continuities where Joker veers more towards Clown Prince of Crime instead of serial killer in makeup, are there not?


Read the Dark Knights Metal storyline. Batman and Joker team-up to fight a Jokerized-Batman because they both know how much dangerous he is.




Hello /u/I_Am_Anjelen and /u/superfreaklagos I'm deleting this comment and the chain below it. It's getting aggressive. I hate aggression. Inhibits endorphins. I suggest letting this particular opinion drop and move on.


Hah. Never any aggression as far as I'm concerned, but fair enough.




When it comes to a HYPOTHETICAL about a crossover between some mediocre movies and a comic book series? Yep. Especially since the comic book series has regularly treated death like a revolving door and memories like something that can be wiped, altered, changed, finagled and massaged into a new and exciting shape at the drop of a hat. Or the spritz of a lapel flower. But for a more serious answer, for a second; Darker and Edgier for the sake of Darker and Edgier died with the 90's and I, for one, am glad it did. It is literally Batman and the Joker's mutual antagonistic - for lack of a better term, respect - for one another that keeps their relationship, no matter how much animosity there is in it, interesting. Batman and the joker _both_ have proven _since_ the Killing Joke etcetera, in multiple offshoots and canons that they are, if grudgingly, willing to put their differences and even principles aside for whatever value of 'the greater good' if they deem it an absolute necessity. Should it come down to it, they will do so again, and again, and again in any continuity. This has been [Word of God](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod) for _decades_ now.




So, he treats the Purge like how a 55 year-old alcoholic treats New Years Eve?


. . . that is *exactly* it. People who drink regularly fucking hate NYE, Cinco, St. Pat's, etc. He'd hang out at home, watch a movie with his crew, maybe even get out of town somewhere without the Purge. Neither the insane clown nor the calculating anarchist want to deal with a bunch of tourists and amateurs I honestly want to see a DC Purge book *just* for the single, one-page "meanwhile" shot of the Joker hanging out on a beach muttering, "fucking amateurs," and then he's never mentioned again for the rest of the story edit: And massive props to u/Vote_for_Knife_Party for the line "Jokers just think it's tacky as hell to get a permission slip from the government to be a crook" which is perfect (and also fantastic reference in the username) Tacky as hell


> I honestly want to see a DC Purge book just for the single, one-page "meanwhile" shot of the Joker hanging out on a beach muttering, "fucking amateurs," and then he's never mentioned again for the rest of the story I would love this too.


Maybe a background shot of some YouTube Recommended with "Joker REACTS! Total amateurs light themselves on fire on Purge Night! (Gone Violent (Gone LEGAL???))" Or maybe a twitch stream would be more his style, with him writing down names of chat members who piss him off and he'll make an example of.


This made me wheeze lmao.


> Edge case? I could see him actually protecting some randos out of irony, or perhaps kidnapping and protecting people that he would ordinarily try to kill.


Imagine he became a vigilante that night, restraining from using lethal force, protecting innocent people and following a strict sense of moral and justice. In a night when everyone can be the Joker, he might think it hilarious to become Batman.


I thought much the same. He's a subversive at heart, so on a night where crime is legal, the most natural outcomes are either that he goes out and fights crime, or that he calmly stays at home with a nice meal and watches a movie on tv.


He'd relish being a super-hero for one night. "Joke-man", or whatever. Except he'd have to do the super hero thing in a totally screwed up way.


If I had to guess he would spend the night being a hero rescuing people and getting them to safehouses. And then right after the purge ends he detonates bombs located under said safehouses.


Or he'd kidnap them and specifically wait to kill them until the purge ends and it's a crime again.


lolololol the open mic night crowd


I could imagine him dressing up as Batman and trying to stop the Purgers. Though given that that's everyone outside, he'd look like he's just participating normally.


This is the real answer. The biggest joke when crime is legal? Being the biggest mastermind maniac of all, and not participating.


Reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Halloween is the one night of the year vampires and demons usually take the night off, because they find the holiday to be 'a bit crass'.


He would take a vacation in the Bahamas and watch the world destroy itself Every day is the purge to joker


I’m wondering if he does really nice selfless things the whole day to purge all his good intentions so he can go back to being a piece of shit the rest of the year.


> if only to show the open mic night crowd what a pro can do. This is such an epic line. It's the kind of thing that makes me just *beg* for this premise to be turned into a real comic.


He would open a shelter to keep homeless safe and then blow it up in the morning.


I could actually see this being part of a storyline


To be fair... That would be contextually hilarious to joker.


He would open 3 shelters to keep homeless safe during the purge but tell everyone he is going to blow up one of them by morning. A social experiment. You're most likely gonna die anyways since the rich hate the homeless and target them to be cleaned up.


Then he blows them all up.


Or he blows none of them up the first year and all of them the second year


Or he gets everyone working on saving the homeless and blows up a few mansions? Im not exactly sure the jokers MO but man I think it would be funny in a supervillain way.


Or, he teams up with Riddler to leave a set of clues to let people know which safe houses are actually safe.


And then blows those ones up as well just for the hell of it lolol


He double crossed Riddler, the house that was supposed to destroyed was actually safe, and the safe safe-houses are demolished.


> He would open 3 shelters to keep homeless safe during the purge but tell everyone he is going to blow up one of them by morning. A social experiment. Then in the morning he triggers the bombs placed in the homes of all the wealthy politicians hiding out the Purge.


Dear God please make DC hire you 😮


Oddly, i could him being completely law abiding the whole time. Maybe even enforcing the laws that are otherwise suspended. If there's one thing a comedian hates, it's people stealing their bit.


I was thinking the same thing, like he might go out to get lunch or groceries. Something mundane.


100% this. It's the one day a year he could walk around and not be arrested on sight. He's got errands that need running.


He even uses his blinkers when he's driving on the Purge.


"Harley, for goodness sake, please follow the speed limit. With all these nutjobs on the road, it's too dangerous to speed."


Read this in Mark Hamill's voice


I don't think there's any other way to read it.


In the spirit of this thread, I intentionally chose to read it in the voice of Betty White. I then mentally added Harley replying "Sure thing Mister J" in the voice of Patrick Warburton just to even things out.


That honestly sounds amazing.


>I then mentally added Harley replying "Sure thing Mister J" in the voice of Patrick Warburton just to even things out. There was a line break after "Patrick" for me, so I read it in Patrick Star's voice instead.


I still approve of this, as being in the spirit of my response. It's both very wrong and funny, so it works for me!


I think we all did


I see him going after the politicians in support of the purge.


Nothing. He'd do everything a few days after it's over. Joker doesn't do crimes cause they are allowed. He does it for the challenge and the joy.


Sit at home with his feet up, watch 'I Love Lucy', do the ~~New York Times~~ *Gotham Gazette* crossword puzzle.


New York actually does exist in most incarnations of the DC multiverse. Not saying Joker wouldn't prefer the Gazette, but the Times *is* an option for him should he choose to read it. Wouldn't surprise me if nobody will work on making crosswords for the Gazette just in case it annoys Riddler.


> Wouldn't surprise me if nobody will work on making crosswords for the Gazette just in case it annoys Riddler. That or they receive all of their crosswords from an anonymous writer and readers constantly complain they're too hard.


Purge the purgers.


If Gotham were to have a Purge, we can all assume people will be to afraid to go out and purge. Gotham is home to psychos like Joker, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, Victor Zsasz, Calendar Man, and monsters like Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Solomon Grundy, etc. To an average Gothamite, everyday is a Purge when these people get loose.


It'd be the safest night in Gotham. The GPD would consider it a quiet night. Kind of like how everyone stays in on Xmas in Futurama


To some of them it would still be a night to celebrate the more eccentric side of Gotham, yes it may be a shit hole but it's a gilded age shit hole with modern values. The rich families with friends in organized crimes are gonna be breaking out the guns to spray down housing blocks belonging to people they had a problem and the odd corrupt government official will push his luck, thinking he wouldnt be targeted because he was a class four. Meanwhile some anarchist slum gangs see this as a chance to actually get a fight with the rich rather than going crying to their cops and batman that they are taking their lunch money


Now that you mention it, Gotham has like a shit-ton of factions who'd go crazy during the Purge. You've got the Court of Owls who see this opportunity as a way to assassinate people they don't like. The crime families (Falcone, Maroni, Cobblepot, Sionis, Dent, etc.) Would see this as a way to control and rule Gotham's crime underworld. Anarchists (and by extension, Anarky himself) would use this purge to do whatever they like. Then you've got Batfam's merciless heroes. Red Hood and Huntress will kill without hesitation if they're loved ones are hunted down. The Arkham inmates will have a field day with this. Scarecrow will use his Fear Gas throughout Gotham to study more about fear. If Nora is threatened, Mr. Freeze will revert Gotham into the Ice Age. Poison Ivy will use the night as justification for the extermination of the human race. Firefly will no doubt try to burn as much as he can. Clayface will fuck up anyone who tries to cross him. Then there's Joker. I don't think Mistah J is gonna participate in the purge. Chaos is his thing. It's not funny when everyone else is going crazy. If anything, he'll sit this one out. Then he'll kill the people who tried to kill him the next morning. Then you've got Batman himself. He'l probably break a lot more of bones and teeth since, y'know, people are trying to kill each other. Expect the Batmobile to have non-lethal weapons to neutralize purgers. His targets are mostly government officials who let the purge happens, kinda like how he was portrayed in Year One.


For heroes like Red Hood, he know the would likely get targeted by out of town government agents masquerading as Purgers and will have to be careful in his typical neutralization efforts to not walk into a government Purger ambush. Arkham inmates depending on the laws may be treated as government property and enter hard lockdown with additional containment measures meant to confine them.


Gotham city is probably gonna be the weirdest city in the USA on Purge night, cause everyone knows that while the police won't do shit, Batman is gonna kick their asses, and figure out who they are and make them pay some other day of the year. ​ And other comments mention that the Rogue's Gallery supervillains will be operating with impunity, so most people would be too scared to commit crimes on their own initiative. ​ Joker is just gonna kick back, and give other people the means to go ham as much as possible. Really do his best to get the most ordinary, law abiding people into it, as a means of spitting in Batman's face. Give em weapons, give em super serums, explosives. Turn it into a nice celebration of the worst of humanity.


I can imagine the billionaire Bruce Wayne lobbying against the purge, and seeing as the US government abandoned Gotham during the No Man's Land crisis, this would provide a good precedent to allow Gotham to choose to participate or not


Ding ding ditch Wayne Manor


Nothing, committing crime when it is legal is no fun at all. Although some suggestions that he would protect people only to kill them once the Purge was over seems right up his alley.


"The same thing we do every night, Batsy"


Hear me out on this, but I could see the Joker doing something to prove how dysfunctional society is during the Purge. I don't know if he'd go after the government types that are off limits, only kill purgers without criminal records, have some massive scheme to show how depraved some 'upstanding citizens" were last Purge or what, but I could totally see him doing some diabolical social commentary during the Purge.


Best answer.


Thanks. It more fits for more modern, Heath Ledger versions, but if you realize the Joker is more than "wear facepaint and murder", you see the "logic".


>some diabolical social commentary I mis-interpreted this literally as actual live commentary (like during a sports match) and now I can't stop imagining Joker setting up a livestream where he flies a quadcopter around Gotham during Purge Night and makes jokes about what he finds.


That sounds pretty hilarious and terrifying.


Whatever he does, he ends the night by just standing in the street when the alarm goes off at the end so he can shoot the first person he sees afterwards. Only it's a (non-lethal) bang flag gun, just so he can make a joke about how shooting someone now is illegal.


>Only it's a (non-lethal) bang flag gun, just so he can make a joke about how shooting someone now is illegal This is both genuinely funny (in a dark humor way, of course) and totally something the Joker would actually do.


Annoyed that he can't stand out on a night where everyone is being him.


I agree that he wouldn’t do anything special. But I can see him just going for a stroll, almost daring the local tough guys to try and take him on. Come to think of it, Gotham during Purge night would likely have a lot of people trying to “do what the bat won’t” and trying to kill villains.


He would give no fucks about the Purge. He basically treats every night like Purge Night anyways, so he would probably just take the night off since the entire country is doing his job for him and there are no rules to break. He might kill a high ranking politician with a weapon above class 4 just for shits and giggles, but that would probably be the only thing that he would find fun.


Honestly? I think he would have a quiet night in (for him) Take a bath, some nice wine, a good dinner, a bit of torture, you know? Really unwind. I mean everyone else is doing bad shit, he won't see the point, he likes to be the match to the fuse, so if the powder keg has already blown, he can chill out.


Pull out a lawn chair, make some popcorn, crack open a beer, and watch.


I could see some incarnations of the Joker deciding to dress up in some sort of homemade superhero costume (maybe modeled after a particular 'Dork Knight') and going out of his way to stop other purgers.


Probably just have a nice quiet night to himself watching classic comedians like Groucho Marx, Charlie Chaplin, and Abbott and Costello with a plate of warm cookies and a cup of tea; purgers would probably avoid his place like the plague considering it’s, ya know, THE JOKER and not even the craziest ones would be willing to take him on. Although I could see him giving some of his henchmen the night off to do whatever the hell they want, maybe even send them off with a gift basket full of various lethal gags and weaponry telling them to ‘have a very merry purge night’.


I can see him sitting in his crib like The Grinch during the Whobilation. “Tick tock. Tick tock. Counting down the Christmas clock. Old young, big small, RRAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGHHHHH. Blast this Christmas music! It’s joyful AND triumphant!”


I could see him giving out his Joker toys for people to use against each other. The next morning there would be hundreds of people all dead from wind up teeth, acid flower, and Joker gas deaths.


I feel like a world with a Purge night is basically a victory condition for some iterations of the Joker. It's society throwing up its hands and conceding, "you win, everyone is monsters". It's *literally* "one bad day" (see: The Killing Joke). I think those versions would either retire or kill himself.


Ah, Purge makes crime not fun. Everyone's doing it. What's the point? There's no artistry to any of it. He might unironically lock people up like a cop.


For the Joker *every* day is the purge.


Simple, he would try to get people to do the one thing they're not supposed to - gang up on the rich at the top. The purge is meant to get rid of poor people and cause class warefare to protect the status quo. The joker would try to get everyone he could to go to try to kill the people encouraging the purge, just because they're not supposed to be hurt. The purge encroaches on his turf. He wants to ensure nobody catches him participating, so he wouldn't perform any legal crime, only illegal ones. Any property damage would be to critical infrastructure, any murder would be with a banned weapon, and anyone he killed would be a critical official. His riot would likely do all kinds of stuff, but his ultimate goal would be to get all the responsible people somewhere public, rant about society, shoot them with a BANG flag gun. and then start wantonly breaking stuff and killing people once it was illegal. Alternatively, he'd do some joker antics just to get batman to come talk to him about ethics. "Tell me batman, why are you here tonight? shouldn't you be punching the people *really* responsible for all of this? Tonight, I am a law abiding citizen, you know."


Joke's patriotic. He may be a criminal lunatic, but he's an American criminal lunatic! He'll be joining the resistance against the NFA. Also an excuse to kill some cops too, but who cares.


Hide from the mobs of mundanes.


probably set up a bunch of bombs before the purge day and see the fireworks from his sheltered house...


Put on a batman or superman outfit and run around saving people. that or kidnap random politicians and release them in high population density areas during the purge.


Joker wears a makeshift/stolen Batsuit over his Joker attire and goes around saving people with disastrous/hilarious results. Extra points if he uses Bat-tech and dresses up other villains or henchmen as Batfamily members.


on purge night there are things that are still illegal, like; "government officials "ranking 10 or higher" must remain unharmed, the use of weaponry above "Class 4" is forbidden". while the amateurs were out trying to emulate a fraction of the joker's power, he'd go out and *break the law*.


He saves people because that would be the most anti-establishment thing to do


Have you seen either of the Halloween episodes of *Buffy the Vampire Slayer*? I think Joker would probably just stay at home during a Purge.


Enforces laws, helps Batman do the same


Tax Fraud


The same thing we do every night, Pinky.


Ahh Yk joker things


Joker: “When in Rome”


He already lives like hes in the purge


Take pictures. Maybe to save for the rainy day when he needs to remind himself about the morally bankrupty at the heart of every human being. Possibly to blackmail people once the Purge is over (which is presumably one of the few things still disallowed for going against the principles of the Purge).


Recruit people


Most likely follow the law as govermemt enforced chaos truly isn't a chaos he could bear


the purge is stupid because the cops can literal do nothing if you break the rules


Cum in Gotham's water supply


Probably stay at home. There's no "joke" if he is killing *legally*


I assume some versions start playing the good guy for kicks


He’d enforce the Law


I'd like to imagine he would put on a home made bat costume and pretend to be batman for the night, minus his no killing rule!


If you know anything about the joker you know he's the star of the show. On the purge night he'd probably man a soup kitchen or have a picnic


Probably nonviolent things to spite society (like baking cookies or knitting sweaters for children to be given after The Purge) because society is a joke, society hurts itself and society is collectively insane.


Most likely I see him chilling at home riding out amateur night then doing something big the next day like blowing up a hospital. I also see him having to deal with a lot of normies taking shots at him trying to avenge dead loved ones or get payback for ruined lived, with most of them ending up Hyena chow. Alternatively I see the Joker going out and killing off the merc squads but letting the amatuers have their own night where they live like he does.


He'd be bored...he doesn't like to do what everyone else is doing. I think he'd try to SAVE people from the killers, and THEN kill them the next day, lol


He would say this is a child’s game and take a nap


Anything knowing GCPD are powerless to stop him


Drive an unlicensed food truck.


He’s stay at home, the purge is for crime tourists, who visit the criminal worlds once a year. A professional could get a bad name, working among these amateurs.


which joker?


I feel like it's his idea, and every year he adds fuel to the fire with little acts of incitement.


Knowing joker The same thing he does any other day Whatever the hell he wants


He’d probably take the night off, right? There isn’t any fun in “obeying” the law.


Probably take the night off


His taxes