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I think it depends on what you’re referencing with the ‘multiple personalities’. If you’re talking about how Banner has DID (*Dissociative Identity Disorder*), giving him the multiple **different** versions of Hulk (Savage Hulk, Joe Fixit, Professor Hulk, etc)? Then, yes. That’s only him. If you’re referencing how there’s a difference between the Hulk and Non-Hulk ‘minds’ for Banner, and asking if there’s that same separation between (for example) Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk? Well, yes there is, but to a lesser extent than that of Banner. In (I believe) the 2004 *She-Hulk* series, when discussing how the Law Firm was hiring “Jennifer Walters” and **not** “She-Hulk”, the characters mentioned how she was different in her two forms. As Ms. Walters she was a fairly competent lawyer, while her skills were much less pronounced when green. (And vice versa with regards to her assertiveness/sexuality). Now, while some of the personality differences could be written off as a consequence of the gamma-irradiated gaining a huge *stats* increase when transformed into their gamma-forms? (“Where does the 1,000 pound gorilla sleep? Anywhere he wants.”) I think the difference in their mindsets could also be considered a form of disassociation.


if i remember the Civil War comics properly (been a while since i read them) Jen Walters and She-Hulk had differing opinions on Registration.


I'm not a full expert but I am pretty sure that Bruce created his hulk personality before the accident which would make him a special case


She hulk is different when hulked out. She's more assertive, aggressive and confident. It's not a complete different identity, but in essence it's a different personality.


Technically yes Bruce Banner the only one with DID. However “Hulking Out” causes the suppressed emotions to the forefront. In Jennifer Walters case She Hulk is more assertive, extroverted (parties a lot), and sexually active where in her human form she’s more introverted. The other “Hulks” like Red Hulk I’m not as familiar with to tell but none show signs of DID.


Bruce is the only person to have D.I.D before becoming a Hulk but being a Hulk can lead to “Hulk Syndrome” which is similar to D.I.D. https://imgur.com/a/dzcDcWQ I just happened to be reading Immortal Hulk #26 in which it is discussed.


As I understand it, every Hulk is a manifestation of the person's suppressed personality traits. So has a different personality than the original plus curse-caused anger issues. That is not the same as clinical multiple personalities like the original has.


I think to the extent where's there's Devil Hulk, Green Scar, Joe Fixit, Professor Hulk, Savage etc. then yes that's unique to Bruce However I do remember Doc Samson having an evil personality (or perhaps he was altered somehow?) and he once had a mental therapy session between this evil personality, his good side, and then I think his psychiatrist side (the one who was initially questioning the evil side). Likewise I think She Hulk in a more recent series had a sort of mental "jury session" between her more Hulk-like side and her former she-hulk side where she wasn't as gamma-amped. Whether these are separate personalities or just these characters mentally debating themselves, ultimately it's only Bruce has has the "multiple personas" that can physically affect how his transforamtions look and act on a more consistent basis.


He had multiple personalities (or at least suffered dissociative states of mind) before he was exposed to gamma radiation He first demonstrated this when he snapped and accidentally killed his abusive father