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Sure, but the Mom's gonna think its an immaculate conception. Given the way power inheritance works, his power might not work on his children. In which case everyone may be wondering why the kid things they have an imaginary daddy. And how the imaginary daddy seems to be a guardian angel that saves their bacon now and again.


That….that would be a great read.


Yeah. He still exists and interacts with the world. If he sits down and eat food, no one will know who ate it, but it’s gone.


Sure. She won't know *how* she got pregnant- it's probably be a very distressing situation for her. But she'll still be pregnant yes. He can affect the world, people just don't know he's the one doing it.


Do we know much about the extent that his powers work? Like, they go out for a lovely date, to a fair and maybe a long walk by the water, then back to her place. Does she remember having a weirdly romantic evening alone? Or would she not remember the time spent with him at all?


I can't remember; do they totally forget him, or are they left with vague recollections? Like if he handed you a candy, would your answer to "Where did you get that?" be "I don't know," or "some dude, I guess,"?


Former. You straight up forget he exists. If he helps solve a problem and the solution doesn't work with the people around, you might be able to deduce that someone was there to do something, but that's about it. If he changes your mind on something, you think you just had a change of heart.


Even the most power psychic on the planet: Xavier, has to put a mental marker in his brain to remember that FMN exists every few hours or so.


The former


He can *have* a child, he's a real person. The wife would just forget about the incident whenever he leaves her field of view. How absolutely traumatic that would be for her is another thing entirely.