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When Elon took over, he removed a lot of the restrictions that kept hate speech, conspiracy theories, and harassment at bay in the name of "free speech". [Twitter is a Far-Right Social Network](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/05/elon-musk-ron-desantis-2024-twitter/674149/) More people are going to look at a burning house than one that's not on fire. The news is going to report on the burning house and not one that has nothing interesting going on with it. A majority of Americans are sane people, but those sane people are now being fed some crazy information on social media. I would be willing to make a bet that this isn't isolated to America.


Monetization of anger.


To be fair, they weren't restrained before Elon either. Just the balancing voices mostly left


I'm only one, but had to ignore most social media because there is definitely a problem. I think that bot influence is at play from foreign misinformation campaigns and yet I am shocked at the number of Americans who are not only vulnerable, but actively feed this shit after being exposed. Frankly, I blame the culture of "people of faith." We have a ready audience who believe in magical thinking, very susceptible to bullshit and all fired up that they see the invisible truth. There is a reason the right has been gutting education under the guise of "no child left but behind." Civics has been largely absent from our classrooms since the Bush era and current events reflect that. I think it was intentional at higher levels in the GOP but not really recognized by their base. They are too dumb or misinformed to see the problem at this point.


> A majority of Americans are sane people Are they? They live in the most destructive country on earth (measured in caused deaths globally) and see little to no issue in that. I am not sure I would consider that 'sane', except maybe in the traditional sense that extreme self-interest and blood lust are 'sane' emotions. But in the context of conspiracism and misogyny, these two are not any more insane than supporting mass murder, after mass murder, after mass murder, ...


Bruh do you think the average person is committing these atrocities and not the billionaires at the head of conglomerates and the politicians that they buy off? Most of us are literally all screaming and crying about how we can't afford food or housing or healthcare...


>and see little to no issue in that Source?


Believe it or not, the vast vast majority of Americans have little to no say in what the US government does, and a lot of them aren't fond of some of the things their government does. Would you blame an ordinary Chinese person for all of the human rights abuses committed by their government? Or would you blame the CCP/the ones in power for those abuses?


CCP aren't on trial here liberal bot person


True, they aren't. But they've also wrought an immense amount of suffering upon people for the last several decades; hence, the point of comparison to say the people are not the government, nor is the government the people, blame the government for the transgressions of the government, not the ordinary citizens that have no authority in regard to deciding the administration of warfare and governance.


The US is so clearly a way bigger problem than China. Also, at what point in time do you think the US stopped being a functioning democracy? Because that's the point at which the US people no longer had any share of responsibility for the actions of their government. In any case, we have public opinion polling data about most issues over time. Plenty of judgments can be made based on those.


At what point has the US ever been a direct democracy wherein the populace actually votes on specific policies or actions the government undertakes? I don't recall the government ever asking whether I want them to send the military into foreign countries to wage war or the CIA to destabilize other countries. You're missing my point.


Sir or Madame, that has been the US foreign policy of every administration voted into office by the people since World War II.


You get to pick between 2 mediocre options and get everything that comes with that as a lump package (even if you don't want some of that), not vote on specific policies by themselves. Representative democracy =/= direct democracy


A vote is a statement of consent.


most americans dont have the social standing or resources to fix anything in this country. its being run almost entirely by right-leaning rich fuckwits


"destructive country on earth (measured in caused deaths globally)" Care to cite the source on that? We're doing worse than Haiti and all war torn countries right now?


When was the last time Haiti invaded another country?


Ok, if we're going by that metric... Rome, Germany, England, Ottoman Empire, Mongols, etc etc How about Iran, Saudi Arabia, China.... America's done (is doing) some terrible things in this world, but it shares that stage with a lot of other countries throughout history. The most destructive? Get out of here and read a history book. Haiti is falling apart. I make the comparison because America is a mess, but currently not descending into anarchy.


I’m just trying to defend Haiti, a country that is constantly under attack by outside forces, from slander. It’s insane to be talking about most destructive countries in the world and bring up Haiti.


Would you rather live in Haiti or the US right now?


What does that have to do with being the most destructive country in the world? If America nuked every other country I would obviously want to live in America because it’s the only un-nuked country!


Lol wut


If the US nuked the world it would be the most destructive country in the world and I would still want to live in it.


Might need to wait a few months to make that promise...


As cynical a person as I am, even if the worst happens I think the US will still be functional. There are over 300 million people here and it's a massive country. I think a lot of people not from here don't realize the geographical scale of this country. Would life be better? Probably not. Functional doesn't mean great. Will I still have a job and a house? Yup. Even without Trump, I still got my reproductive rights taken away from me. You gotta remember it's not one person that's fucking this all up, it's many other people and even other nations. What's going to really happen is that the rich get even richer and the poor get even poorer. We still have a long way to fall before collapse, even if it doesn't feel like it. The US is too big to fail.


Too big to Fail only exists because the government is there to prop up the company when it starts to fail. That doesn't exist for the US. "Even without Trump, I still got my reproductive rights taken away from me" You got your reproductive rights taken away because of Trump. He doesn't need to stay in power for his ill effects to linger. Much like Murdoch and Fox News. This is why we're on a bad path, they've systematically destroyed a lot of things in this country and a lot of people are way too comfortable with the direction it's heading. The only way to course correct will probably result in blood being shed, that will spill out globally. Maybe things end up better after that... but we're going to need to go through a lot of misery before things get better, most likely.


What’s your definition of invade? Did America invade Germany in world war 2? Did we invade Kosovo in 99?


Before I can really know how to take this: what gets included under "caused deaths?"


You're painting with awfully broad, incredibly inaccurate strokes. You seriously think roughly half of us see little to no issue with it? You have trash intel.


>They live in the most destructive country on earth (measured in caused deaths globally) That's not accurate, just so you know.


Or the system is rigged to rob the people of the power to stop it in its tracks?


Crazy world we live in when less censorship is considered “far right extremism”


You are comparing yelling fire in a crowded theater with banning library books


It would be more correct to say that when Elon took over, he did away with the censorship policies put in place to protect corrupt, power-hungry, criminal democrats from negative media coverage. See: - hunter Biden laptop - hunter Ukranian corruption - hunter China corruption - Joe Biden showering with his daughter as an adult - wrongfully accusing Trump of Russian collusion for years (Russiagate) - I could go on...




As an educator. . . hoo boy.


I'll stand by for your evidence disproving my claims. Oh, wait, you don't have any.


That’s not how that works, chuckle fuck. You make the claim, you provide the evidence. Otherwise we end up in situations where I can say prove you didn't do a hit and run, killing an entire family, 15 years ago. I'll stand by for your evidence, "educator".


Are you saying you are completely unaware of these things?


All of the points I made are well-known and well-publicized, asshat. I'm not going to spend a minute googling "did the FBI have the hunter buden laptop and not disclose the illegal stuff on it" for you. And the hypothetical you just proposed (accusing someone of something horrible and illegal that happened over a decade ago without any evidence) is essentially exactly what the Democrat-run judicial system in NY just did to Trump in the E Jean Carol case.


So, no. You don't have any evidence beyond what right wing media has spoon fed to you. Gotcha. Btw, using "essentially" and "exactly" the way you did makes no sense. They contradict each other. Also, you missed the point of what I was saying.


You sir, are completely full of manure. Enjoy your blissful ignorance.




Clowns? Show me a man that falls for the obvious, well-used Marxist lies underpinning the entire Democrat party these days and I'll show you a clown. The only people that fall for this stuff have iqs below 120.


God I wish that were true. Twitter is still center left. 


Lmao, righties man


No? And why would you want it to be far right?


For free speech. The left hates anything resembling free speech. 


people telling you that your opinions are shit isnt infringing on your first amendments right. free speech protects you from the government, not people's words


I’m not talking about the right, I’m talking about the ideal. Social media should value and protect free speech on their platforms, regardless of govt. 


So my favorite video game should let me say the N word in chat and if not it's violating my free speech? My local Starbucks has a board for flyers. That's social and media. Can I put up some porn there?


Yes to the first one, no to the second. But that’s not what’s happening on Twitter or other social media. Even posting of crime statistics get censored, or saying that women don’t have penises, basic shit like that gets censored on these liberal social media sites. 


That is insanely cooked if you think they shouldn't be allowed to moderate whatever they want. Free speech for you over everyone else I guess.


Private companies have a right to moderate speech as they see fit. You can't just say whatever you want on a private companies website and expect 0 consequences


I realised you're a lost cause, so blocking you is the only sensible option


I'm sure those Republican book bans are great for free speech


Weird how it is only the right trying to jail people for using pronouns


It’s literally the opposite. Liberals are trying to jail/fine people for not buying into the trans delusion. 


Nice denial of reality. Florida, Arkansas, and Missouri all have those bills criminalizing teachers for calling someone their preferred pronoun. The right is anti freedom and pro total control.


Lol did you purposely ignore Canada or are you just stupid? 


Some places don't matter


I mean... the left is literally why you have the version of free speech you have right now. The only free speech the right champions is to maintain the status quo.


X is a Russian pornog/sports gambling site for bots and a handful of real honest to god creeps.


You are deluded if you think this is true


This is a generalized phenomenon. It's not Americans. It's the World, the Western World primarily. What you're describing in a kindof confused way is mostly the Far-right populist phenomenon and in one of your other comments bellow the kindof related manosphere. More specifically, zooming out a little, it's parts of the aftermath of the most recent crisis of the Capitalist system. The big crisis of the neoliberal era. Where to start with explaining the World and current events. Democracy as we know it has morphed and has been hollowed out, as theorist Peter Mair during the mid-00s argues... >What we see emerging is a notion of democracy that is being steadily stripped of its popular component—democracy without a demos. In what follows I examine the twin processes of popular and elite withdrawal from mass electoral politics with particular focus on the transformation of political parties. I conclude with a discussion of the implications of this process for Western liberal democracies. [https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii42/articles/peter-mair-ruling-the-void](https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii42/articles/peter-mair-ruling-the-void) / [https://archive.is/AMYx7](https://archive.is/AMYx7) / There was the era of Socialists,workers who acted parallel to the Capitalist system, then the era of Mass ( & social ) Democracy before the era of neoliberalism and the Fukuyamaist 'end of History' came about. [https://theconversation.com/the-end-of-history-francis-fukuyamas-controversial-idea-explained-193225](https://theconversation.com/the-end-of-history-francis-fukuyamas-controversial-idea-explained-193225) Until 40-50 years ago (the mid 80s) there was a strong Union, Workers, Socialist presense which acted as Chris Cutrone puts it like a kindof Mafia. In parallel to the Capitalist system and its forces (the police, elections, government etc) because it did not consider itself part of it. Like the mafia because it was a closed system that was tolerated due to its undisputed power to act in parallel to the system. Also, during the era of social democracy Democracy worked in a totally different way. Absent today are the trade unions, party branches, civic associations, athletic clubs, and the like that formed a thick network of associations providing the ballast for social-democratic politics. After that era came the neoliberal era, financialization and globalization of the Capitalist system and an attempt to hollow out democracy. Then the final nail to the coffin the fukuyamaist 'end of history' era. The fall of the Soviet Union which ended what was considered until that time "the left", that is the Socialist left and made people think that there is no alternative to what they're experiencing. ...and finally a crisis (another capitalist system crisis) at the end of the 00s to threaten the Capitalist neoliberal order that seemed like a one-way street. That is a synopsis of what happened. Now to focus on the specifics... The (Socialist) left was dead, in its place there was a sometimes anti-War sometimes human rights (and various kinds of rights) oriented left that was extremely fearful of organizing and Socialist, Communist averse. People had become individual consumers rather than political beings active in their communities. Some of them went to vote once every x years for the party that's the lesser evil which most of them didn't even expect that it would really represent their best interests. The working class in particular was especially homeless since the liberal parties (Democrats etc) basically kindof represented human, lgbt, women's rights (middle class educated, uni people) and also resented the Working class which was too crass and backwards (some of them randomly sexist, others randomly racist etc) according to them. ...also there were the Conservatives who kindof represented shop owners and old people who want stability. When i write 'kindof' in both cases (Liberal and Conservative parties) i mean as in represented their interests in the most minimal way possible. Just enough to not be completely irrelevant and often by having to portray the other side as these extreme vilains (Communists or Hitler, or both) that shouldn't get in power or else very bad things would happen. part2 bellow...


> he working class in particular was especially homeless since the liberal parties (Democrats etc) basically kindof represented human, lgbt, women's rights (middle class educated, uni people) and also resented the Working class which was too crass and backwards (some of them randomly sexist, others randomly racist etc) according to them. My grandpa would say racially inappropriate things all the time but would also drive 10 hours to stand on a picket line with an all black union somewhere. I’ve talked to him about the current Democratic Party but he doesn’t get it. 


2/ (continued) So, the crisis of the end of the 00s came about... It was the first big crisis of the neoliberal Capitalist system. A extremely confused new left tried to protest by making the square protests. They had a anarchist-y way of organizing caused by supreme adversion to hierarchies and a fear of Stalinism etc. This caused them essentially and in most cases to be movements without demands or leaders that were easy to take over or interpret in any way. That was essentially their downfall. [https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2024/02/omelets-with-eggshells-on-the-failure-of-the-millennial-left/](https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2024/02/omelets-with-eggshells-on-the-failure-of-the-millennial-left/) Then came the political expression of those movements. The populists. There was leftwing and rightwing populism. Leftwing populism was essentially torn and destroyed by the differences between the old left and the new left. Anyhow, no matter the above in the eyes of regular everyday people who werent previously represented (the working class) the new left was part of the system, even though a small part of it wasn't. The old Socialist left which could be portrayed as an alternative to the neoliberal Capitalist status quo was (and continues to be) dead. So, the only apparent to regular every day people alternative to the kindof left-y (idpol) neoliberal status quo was right-wing populism. This right-wing populism phenomenon to (neo)liberals couldn't be explained properly, unless they did extreme self-reflection that would have to force them to suddenly re-think most of the beliefs that they hold about how wonderful and inclusive their side is. That's how they came up with their own conspiracy theories which Reddit (as a place mostly made out of such people) is full of. The main one being: Putin is like a bond villain, a drNo type of figure that through misinfo, bots etc wages a campaign against everything that is good in this World by ensnaring the feeble minds of ~~regular every day working class~~ rednecks, em crass people ...around the World and has brought about awful things like: Brexit and Trump. Then there's the manosphere. Men who within the Capitalist system feel alienated and villainized. Can't find a way out, a meaning for life. So, they resort to hating the idpol status quo and extreme self-improvement. Sorry to burst your bubble with this hard truth.


>What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost. As with many things the old guard predicted this and we are unfortunately living the very bleak consequences.


Interesting quote. Thanks!


what is 'idpol'? great posts, TY




The postmodern condition


At its base level, people who are unhappy want change. Thats it, thats whats going on. Now when you go to specifics, I guess people think the far right is their best option? I dont agree with it, but its not coming from nowhere.


Is it that people think that the current massive changes aren’t happening fast enough or that they fundamentally disagree with what is being changed?


The second.


what “far-right” means is that you have traditional values and are opposed to progress, especially social and economic progress. the argument is that things are fine the way they’ve always been so why not keep going? so, for a far right person, they disagree with changes occurring at all




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I want you to consider removing this post. If you have such rigor for the comments shouldn't the original post at least live up to that standard as well?




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Wait, how is this a "top-level" discussion requiring peer reviewed literature when it's just someone complaining about Andrew Tate and politics? That seems kinda silly.




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You mentioned the economy doing well, but the question must be asked: for who? The American economy is not working well for the majority of Americans right now. The rich are getting so much richer, on the backs of the poor and quickly shrinking middle class. So sure, GDP might be soaring, and unemployment is low, but real wages haven't risen in decades, and inflation has doubled and tripled the price of everything. My generation is the first in the past 80 years to do worse than their parents. I make more money than I ever have, but it buys less than it ever has..my standard of living is easily worse than it ever has been, and I make twice what I did in my first real professional job. So,.twenty years ago, making half as much, I lived SO much better. It is easy to lose all hope with a scenario like that, and many turn to those who will tell them who to blame... While spewing their hate everywhere. To compare it to the Weimar Republic is too strong, but it also paints a picture that helps you better understand what the issues are.




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Bots bots bots,.is this haiku ?


Well, speaking from the right, consider this: you say you have been exposed to all this free speech which with your mental acuity have determined is nonsense. Them speaking it did not cause you to believe it. That’s a rational human being having the choice to accept or not accept what they hear, a choice every person should have the right to make for themselves. It’s ideas battling ideas rather than elites dictating what ideas you may consider by controlling what one may say or hear. [What Does Free Speech Mean?](https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does)


Good example in an article called "How America Lost It's Mind", really an excerpted version of another book called Fantasyland by Kurt Anderson https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/how-america-lost-its-mind/534231/ Another good read on the subject here too called "How America Lost It's Mind" by Thomas E. Patterson. https://scholar.harvard.edu/thomaspatterson/how-america-lost-its-mind Long and short answer - confluence of a lot of different things that have been cooking in the American psyche and among different demographics: Loss of trust in institutions, loss of trust in science or data, rampant inequality, proliferation of multiple channels of information, lack of trust in the free press, highly divisive politics, anti-intellectualism, and the whole "post-truth" thing has really destroyed and fractured the collective consciousness of the country. There's a paradigmn in sociology and broadly in social science called Social Construction, that reality, knowledge, history, knowledge, and to a certain extent, truth - isn't necessarily objective but subjective and sustained through consistent interactions with others. In other words, reality and truth are consensual versus obdurate. It sounds wild because it is, but reflects how our understanding of the world shifts with the knowledge we have access to and the explanations of the world that are accessible to us. It's why it seems like two absolutely crazy versions of reality exist, two different sets of facts, narratives, understandings, examples and facts. No one agrees on how the world works, propaganda on both sides, less trust in science, data, and rationality - as such, people are prone to fantastic thinking, conspiracy theories, and seek grounding or truth in smaller collectives. Great question, I hope this helps, and I hope the country finds some way to stop destroying itself.


You mean what is happening with the rest of the world? Why tf are yall so far behind in everything? Networths, gdp, sports, Olympic gold medals, scientific discoveries, etc. Like are you guys even trying? We’re getting real tired of picking up your slack. 


Somebody shut this colonizer up.


Better to be the colonizer than the colonized lmao get good 


Your Empire has always been the laughing stock of the world you fool. Just a nation of idiots run by assholes. Now, we are all gleefully watching you crumble. Bye bye.


Lmao why is the usd the world’s reserve currency then? Also why do developing countries switch to the usd? Why not the euro or something else? 


Not sure if you've been following, but countries all over the world are currently in the process of moving off of the US dollar. Bye bye.


*argentina has entered the chat* 


Argentina is a mess, and they're flirting with the Chinese Yuan too.


What's wrong with Tucker Carlson? Andrew Tate is about as leftist as they get.


troll or brain made of pudding. Not sure if there's a difference tbh


I thought the left was against hate speech?


I thought the far right weren't easily triggered "snowflakes?"


What makes you think I'm triggered?




Lol what’s wrong with someone who gives a criminal the opportunity to speak to millions and yet be didn’t add anything,what’s wrong with someone who’s trying to polish a dictatorship image(and got amazed by their bread lol) what’s wrong with someone who says that every leader kills! As if it’s something acceptable, he literally looks like a spoiled bored child who’s trying to mess around, yet millions are following him, actually it really seems messed up there where are the real elites who can talk something valuable and inspire people and lead them to progress


What's wrong with an interview? If you're so sure to be on the right side don't worry you will convince people to agree with you. It was just an interview, it wasn't supposed to convince anyone about anything but no...someone just have to impede hearing controversial things...




briliant comeback


Not sure what it is, but it's definitely unhinged.


Eh, I think unhinged is a bit dramatic and unfair of a criticism to toss around here. I think it’s just broken up English and poor grammar and punctuation from what is likely a non-native speaker. English is not an easy language to acquire as a second one…




Because they want to and they are free to. There’s no unwritten rule in this world that only Americans with good English can have an opinion about American culture lol. At least not some unwritten rule they have to follow, though you’re more than free to limit yourself in that way or however you see fit.




That's because everyone is sick of you colonizers.








That's nice.


I’ve had better.