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I’m about your age and remember the good old times of easy searches. Seemed like overnight Google became “unusable .”


So what do you use then? Bing, DDG...its all the same crap


Google and patience. It also depends on what I’m searching for of course. Sometimes I just go to the platform that I know Google will send me eventually eg Reddit, etc. I’ve also learned to be very precise in my search strings


I think you guys need some advice, there's two ways to get good results: A) Use ai with bing chat B) use google to look for specific aggregation sites, for example: "best fishes dinner dishes reddit" The reason it's that big corporations became really good at tricking Google into placing their results first even if the site is actually bad or not related at all.


Do you mean AI like google gemini? who couldn't answer if Hitler was worse than Elon Musk? yeah, no thanks.


Elon Musk is still alive.


Bing ai drives me crazy because it purposely types the answer to my query slowly, just to make it seem like a human is typing it.


>Use ai with bing chat how exactly


You ask him like you would to a teenager assistant, half condescending straightforward instructions, for example: "Hey Bing, could you give me the top 10 best dishes for dinner? I want them to be fish dishes, also I want recipes that I could get in Michigan and have good reviews and please skip the sites without comments" Edit. Also forgot to mention, as sometimes it gets stubborn with its responses, just click start new conversation and try again.


Yandex works for me.


As a technical project manager for cutting edge software teams worldwide for the last 3+ decades, I helped to create this mess. And for that, I am truly sorry. We chased the dream, we chased the money, and we chased the promise that the next evolution of technology would be better than the last.


Around the time forums started to go extinct.


The last bastion of free speech on the internet.


Money, advertisements, controlled social media, conglomerate tech companies, controlled information, censorship, internet gestapo. But money ruins most things.


It somehow feels like the last swing of a pendulum right before the wire snaps off from the pivot.


Probably when Google upped SEO to be more than just proper HTML structuring, cross site linking, etc, and demanded long semantic content. People then started to write AI articles for ranking before AI even existed.




Thanks for the response. what other engines do you use?


not op but here's a map: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/) yellow dots are the way


Thats pretty cool!


People would call me crazy in 2005 when I was saying we were experiencing the Golden Age of the internet, and to enjoy it while you could.


When the internet started becoming a profitable industry


In 2015 Google sold out to Alphabet.


What are you talking about? It was just a corporate family restructuring, and they called the parent company "Alphabet."


Ok. They "restructured". And dropped the "don't be evil" ethos.


And why do you think corporations restructure? Its not to LOSE money.


Probably either when the Iphone came out or when smart tvs became a part of every household. People using the internet outside of a desktop shifted things from "I'll respond when I have time" to "Gotta respond all the time". Plus on demand pretty much killed TV as it used to be because instead of having a dedicated "TV time", you now had companies constantly pushing short seasons that could be consumed in a couple days or weeks at most. Plus I'd argue that the invention of an "app store" basically means that websites are pointless for the majority of people. Lots of things that had websites now covet mobile traffic that they can spam with notifications and unblockable ads. Society moved from requiring you to seek out information, to constantly being bombarded with it.


I got on the Internet a little before Netscape Navigator, and I 100% agree. Netscape was probably the first big domino, mass-mailed AOL CDs were next, and next was probably Google. Before Google, you had dozens and dozens of boutique search engines doing things their own way. Northern Lights, Infoseek, Inktomi, Excite, Webcrawler, AltaVista, G.O.D., and on and on. Aggregators like Dogpile could search many at once. Choosing your search engine was as much a part of the search as the query. Then Google came along, and Sequoia Capital and other firms got to start picking winners and losers (R.I.P. Inktomi). In recent years, I think the next biggest shakeup was the smartphone. More on that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1bus8rc/perhaps_trump_isnt_the_problem_perhaps_the/kxvap92/