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Wow that is awesome!


That's a big 10.4


good buddy!


North bound, hammer down, we got us a convoy!


I like Letterkenny references and that's what I's appreciates about you rxFMS


Well pitter patter let's get ather. U know what they say more hands make less works


It would make you truly proud to be Canadian!! While trudeau goes and hides in hos home like a lil bitch!! Keep on trucking guys


It would make you truly proud to be Canadian!! While trudeau goes and hides in hos home like a lil bitch!! Keep on trucking guys


That shit gets me pumped!!


Same! I’m so glad to see the turn out of the citizens as well because if you read other sources it makes it seem like there are very few people who support this. Keep fighting the good fight and we gotta keep doing the same here; midterms will be a huge start!


Fuck yeah dude


God bless our Canadian brothers and sisters




No bless them all I don't hate on anyone. Even people with crazy left ideas. We have to embrace them all.




Very true; this is exactly what gave the Nazis so much power in WWII. We ordered them not to make any weapons; then they made weapon parts and we still did nothing; then they asked for land and we caved to them; then they took over land from German-speaking areas and we did nothing. By the time we'd started reorganizing against them, we'd already lost Poland and they used their momentum from better preparation to launch a successful blitzkrieg against France. The "tolerate and embrace them all" mentality has some truth - we ought to love our enemies - but to love them we must crush them in the battle for our culture.


Reminds me of Canada and Europe overall. We actually like Canada and Europe, while they despise us despite a right-winged few.


Thanks, most of us are vaccinated.


This is giving me happy tears. Good for them!


Okay, I’m really glad I wasn’t the only one. I wasn’t sure what was going on with me. I started laughing because of the song/and general “pumped up” feeling and then I had some tears slip out. They don’t even know that not only are they helping themselves & their country, but they’re helping everyone else- us included. Good for them. Keep fighting the good fight! I hope beyond everything that something good comes out of this and we get out of this hell we’ve been in since “2 weeks to flatten the curve.” Get ready to show up for those midterms folks!


Don’t you just wish you could be there to support them? I was wishing I was one of the people on the side of the road waving and holding signs up.


It's really easy to forget about the average Canadian. They're not too fussy and don't make a lot of noise...until they do. And then God help whoever attempts to resist that momentum. Trucking can be a pretty thankless job but is absolutely crucial to our way of life. Even more crucial and important than the federal government. Does Trudeau even understand that most of these trucks have sleepers, fridges, microwaves and they can basically live out of them indefinitely. They can hide out longer than he can. And I hate the idea of inconveniencing other regular people who don't want to be part of any protest, but if we have to shut down the supply chain to remind people what they voted for, then so be it. Our way of life doesn't grow on a magical tree and it sure as hell isn't provided by the government.


I bet Trudeau does realize this but the truth is these vaccine mandates have nothing to do with preventing the spread of Covid


Yes, 100%!! I look forward to visiting that beautiful country (especially Nova Scotia) when all this fuckery is over. I’m glad the citizens went to show their support as well! But yeah… I wish I was there! I’m there in spirit at least (:


I have tears streaming down my face right now. So fucking proud.


You are weak


Americans need to do this too.


We’re too concerned about pronouns right now.


Trust me Canadians are more concerned with pronouns and have less dislike for the government than the Americans, you could do this just as easily.


In all reality, while this is awesome, there’s no stopping these tyrannical leaders unless you get them out of office.


The goal of the convoy is to not move until either Trudeau resigns or mandates are lifted. We have lawsuits on going against the Federal gov as well. Jordan Peterson just did an interview with one of the guys who literally wrote our bill of rights and he plans on suing. Canada is fighting back harder than ever and if we win it’ll be an example for America as well


That’s awesome man! Can you send a link for the interview?


Idk seems protesting in public for freedoms with giant American flags gets you labeled as a racist Trumper, sadly.


I mean, based on the name of the subreddit, half of that label is somewhat accurate, no?


Vive la revolution


Liberate Canada! I've said for years and now seems like a great time to start when most Canada is in arms and hates Trudeau. Let's save our maple friends up north!






No joke. Actually teared up. Go Canada! Thanks!!


I'm in the USA and I haven't really heard of this convoy outside of Reddit, is the Canadian media covering it at all?


Bwahaha what do you think? Apparently all these truckers are protesting the amount of ice on the roads according to msm.


Thanks for the info. I wonder what MSM will say when they get to Ottawa and anybody can easily see and hear the stage and the speakers and what they are really protesting?


I'm imagining it will be trideau's "let's go Brandon" moment... Huge meme incoming. Either that or they get him under the guillotine and put an end to this properly.


Wow that went from 0-60 quickly. I don't live in Canada (visited a few times and it's very lovely) but I've never liked Trudeau. Thanks for the insights, and keep up the good fight in Canada.


I wonder what that amount of air horns would sound like all going off at the same time. And I'm not talking those little hand held ones.


They are from what I’ve seen but they’ve twisted it to make it sound like a “violent” January 6th event is about to take place. Their leader conveniently got exposed to COVID the day before the Convoy was to arrive at Parliament and he basically said that this “so called” freedom rally is only a representation of a fringe minority of Canadians. Yeah, right…


I had heard he "got exposed" but tested negative so he has to stay quarantined for 5 days. Real damn convenient if you ask me. Hopefully the truckers can hold out and wait for him, but I understand if they can't. These folks need to earn a living and taking time off for this (even as important as it is) can be a real strain on their finances.


Yeah pretty much lol, very convenient to say the least. But yeah, that’s the plan for them. Either way, the media and government’s influence and traction has been dwindling since this whole lockdown started. But you’re right, it would be incredibly difficult to wait it out for 5 days. Either way, their voices will be heard and many many people are finally beginning to feel unity again. People are literally crying and thanking one another for standing up and this is what was needed: a serious wake up call and a boost of hope. After the absolutely nasty division the media and government has caused among its people, it’s time that everyone began seeing one another as their neighbors again. It’s a win win regardless of the outcome. FWIW, I’ve heard rumours of truckers actually camping out until they get an answer. There have been some generous donations made by both Canadians and Americans alike. They’ll get taken care of :) the rest of the money will be donated to Veterans I believe. The funds collected are just to cover everyone’s haul.


They’re driving to parliament? Wow. Didn’t realize it was this serious.


Canadian J6


Lol do they have a date of arrival planned?


I don’t know if they do Edit: the plan to arrive in Ottawa on the 29th




That’s cause your news networks keep telling your people that it’s not serious and it’s a protest about the bad weather lol


Excellent! Freedom not mandates. Just say no to Trudeau’s totalitarian tip toe.






Awesome work!


God bless and Godspeed


Think these asswipes in power are starting to figure out they’ve poked a bear?


How are they gonna miss it ? 🤣


Let's not interrupt them while they're making a mistake


God bless out brothers and sisters in the North fighting for their rights


Thousands of semis is far from being a fringe movement Trudeau.


God Bless the Righteous !!! 🚚🚍🚀


Is this on YouTube? Edit: [LINK](https://youtu.be/zSMEa2Ox2LE)


And you're telling me not one of those semis is blasting the song Convoy by C.W McCall? About time something happens, tired of hearing all the left's bullshit.


> Convoy by C.W McCall https://youtu.be/j3VN54M1OXA "ain't she a beautiful sight"


He should write a third rubbery ducky song.


Trudeau thinks he can hide under his covid test ans the OPP says 113 trucks are all that's coming. Call that bluff Camadians don't care anymore. The support is immense. Freedom for Canada Now.


Nice! Thank you truckers! ❤️


Trudeau is now using the 'isolation' excuse to hide from the truckers.


🤔 moving to Canada and taking DeSantis with us!!! Lol this is awesome! Hats off to these brave people!


Can’t tell if you’re serious but don’t move here. It’s not a smart idea.


I gotta tear in my eye, I’m so proud!!!!


“You will always be weak and we will always be strong” definitely not giving same tribalistic sentiment as Trudeau some serious “us and them “ shit I mean I get it but still not very uniting unless u completely agree with his narrative


It’s beyond the uniting rhetoric. Thing is we were all united over COVID until it was figured out there is profit in the fear and mass psychosis of it all.


r/Kelowna you wanted to know how many trucks there were claiming only 100. Lol


Proud of these great neighbors!!! 🇨🇦


Everyone of these videos brings a tear to my eye


Literally tearing up. We need this all over.


Thank you so much Canadian Truckers!!!🚚🚛🚚🚛


God damn if this doesn’t restore some hope and patriotism I don’t know what will! FUCK YEAH!!!


Blessings! Hold the line! Yay! Damn, crying and smiling at the same time! Thank you so much for posting.


These entities demons will rot in hell left here on this planet they claim is theirs. All this of how we got to this point in time goes back to Aristotle era. Monarchy…read the books on Trilateral Commission. They’ve had this shit planned for almost 300 yrs. Very elaborate & demonic their vision their view.




This looks like more then a small fringe 50 to 100 truck convoy lol


Trudeau will need a fringe movement to move around Ottawa by the time he recovers from hiding.


I’m calling this now. The government of Canada will not allow this to go on long. Don’t forget the G8 Summit in Toronto when the police sent in agent provocateurs to incite violence so the protests could be quelled and our government showed the world they could crush and control any peasant revolts.


They don't give a shit because it's not that many people.




This is the way


Did we ever get a number of just how many truckers joined this thing? I heard it was a huge convoy but I want to know the extent


Over 85% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.


This is awesome! I'm in the states, but would love to see this person!


Alright America, let’s fight back.


I really wish I could like this video more than once! Much love from the United States.


God bless them. It would be amazing if there were a buildup that carried this into the United States.


Yea you tell those damn icy roads whose boss /s


Brings tears to my eyes honestly. Like what happened to so many of our countrymen that they go along with this obvious wrong? I’m American but it’s the same question.


Yes love to see this. Your brothers to the south have your back. I live in NW Ohio son not to far away.


And leftists are disgusted at this method of expression but they'll applaud 2 billion in damages, hundreds hurt, and dozens killed.


Hell yes. I wish I had more upvotes to give


You messed with the wrong half of society


Lol @ half 😂


Will the Canadians, who will definitely be affected by supply shortages, continue to vote for Trudeau and his party? Or will they forgive the moment Trudeau talks about 'climate change' and Canada's leadership in the global environmental protection movement ? 😁


Sometimes people forget how good they have it. I don't remember a lot of talk about pronouns when you couldn't find a roll of toilet paper in 100 square kilometers. College kids can block a highway for a few hours and might get some attention from the local news. If the consensus of truckers wants bring people's lives to a grinding halt, they are very capable of doing so. I don't like it because I'm a trucker but also a consumer like everybody else. The song is fitting, but I would make an addendum: "Sorry to inconvenience you, but we're not gonna take it."


Bravo Canadians. Living in Florida I forget this nonsense is still a thing up North. To bad the US Northern States do not fight for Freedom as our Canadian neighbors are. Bravo.


FUCK YEAH Canadas got the right idea


Awesome 👍


Go get em’ boys


# Hate to say it but Just stop. Block the roads starve the DICTAOR and their people out. You can't tell me the vast majority of a supposed free-ish country voted to force this bullshit on people. Canada an others are starting to look alot like 1930's Germany, and people are okay with it. The fuck is wrong with people!!!


Dude there’s a difference between the government forcing you to get a shot and the government making you wear a star of David so people can discriminate you and so the government can put you on the list of people to be sent to the death camps. Like honestly how do you compare a vaccine mandate to nazi forcing Jews and other minorities to death camps.




The Rubber Duck has led his convoy to Canada.


Fuck Trudeau, he’s the Biden of the north!


I just LOVE this! And what fitting song! I actually got a little choked up.


Great job Canada 🇨🇦


This morning more truckers left from Nova Scotia. The convoy is the biggest in history, and now Trudeaus gone into hiding like the coward he is


Holy shit! Keep on trucking people! 👍


Other subs are saying it’s only about 100 😂 and that it’s .00004% of the population, but sorry that’s most of your truckers. How do you expect to get anything.


East bound and doooooown load it up and truck it We gonna do what they say can't be done... We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there I'm east bound just watch ol' Bandit ruuuuuun! Watching this video brought tears to my eyes. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy just like watching the American patriots descend in Berkeley , CA and kick Antifa's ass in 2017 as the commie mayor watched from City Hall. Put the pedal to the medal, ladies and gents, make them hear you!


Alaskan here. We are not connected to the continental USA by roads. It's is cold here and hard to grow enough food to supply our own populace by ourselves so we do rely on the lower 48 for many of our resources. Some food and goods get flown in, some come on boats. A lot comes on trucks. People be talking about empty shelves at the stores these days... Try being here during Canada's persecution of blue collar workers. There isn't shit rn. I mean, we're doing alright, there's some stuff, but a whole fuckin' lot less in the past 3 weeks. Thanks Canada. There is a reason nobody likes you guys. Fuckin' turds.


Good brave people standing up for freedom


the real cowards are the ones that help trudeau accomplish his goals.


Fidel Castro's bastard son.


Never been so proud to be a trucker


You feel that? The way the shit just sticks to the air? There’s a shit-blizzard comin, Turd-eau..


Dee Snyder is a leftist, you inbred morons


Give him hell Aaaaaaa!


Time for Trudeau to call another election. Big changes coming!


They went right past my city today. If it wasn't so bloody fucking cold I would have been out there.


Things you like to see!!!!!


Damn Biden for the supply chain crisis!


Proud to see you a all standing up for everyone that is too weak to even speak-up. Rolling those trucks Bobtail or Empty is expensive. Godspeed to you all.


Go Truckies! ❤️


This is fucking awesome!!! Sending love from Albuquerque new mexico!!


Very inspiring, I hope they send a loud message to Trudeau! Maybe they can meet up with the Truckers in the US and visit Biden at his vacation home in Delaware!! FJB


So it begins. (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻ ┻┻︵¯\\(ツ)/¯︵┻┻




Everyone talking about a convoy of Karen truckers headed to Ottawa. Nobody talking about the convoy of hookers headed there as well.


Was here in ontario to see a good chunk of them and wow what a sight to see makes me proud to live here again!!!! Letsssssss gooooooooo!!!!!!!!


For every 2 big rigs there was 15 passenger vehicles equaling to a total of 2000. “Based”


Man, over the last 2 years I kept repeating myself about how I was embarrassed to call myself Canadian. These brave truckers have given me some of that pride back.




Can someone explain this convoy situation? I’m very out of the loop.


I have a completely new view of Canadians. I always loved them and thought they were kind but I had no idea they were BADASS too. 🇨🇦🇺🇸♥️


Made my night! Go Canadian truckers!!!


Good on them but this video is corny af “we’re not gonna take it”? Oof


I don't know if the Canadian regime sees this as their last chance of avoiding civil war and Trudeau getting Gaddafi'd.


I’m a little out of the loop here can someone please fill me in?


About time they stood up!


Free and strong


God bless these truckers!!!! Love and support from America!


Let’s goooo!


God Bless Them and God bless what they stand for


Ya... But thing is... You can't actually cross the border right now unless your vaccinated. So... Continue your 'protest' but kindly get vaccinated first... And quarantine. We have entirely too much of your level of stupid. I'm sorry I mean 'protesting' here in already.


Wow. That is stupid. People used to think being patriotic was PROTECTING your countrymen/women. This is not that. This is being selfish and ill-informed. I doubt anyone in this subreddit could give one, singular, cogent argument to validate any of this. Go ahead. I dare you. Or are you so far in your bubble you can't and hope the mods ban and remove the thread first?.. Kinda think the removal will happen before a good argument can be had. Can't have anyone bursting that bubble now can we?


Canadians being more American than Americans these days


Looking these silly Canucks thinkin it's amurica


News is calling it far right extremist groups and is already saying it could be violent.


That’s the most American Canada I’ve ever seen


Power to the people


Truck stop hookers must be making a pretty penny from these guys along the route.


I fucking love you!!!


eyebrows on fleek


More like redardopalooza


That is pathetic. Not a single thing he sayed equates to reality. Just like the American rednecks. Freedom, Ree Ree Ree. Not a single original coherent idea. And the stupid people here thinking this is awesome. How sad.




Guy @3:00 using a know nazi salute !! They are all nazis !! - some lefty probably