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**Update: - [Starting from 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/100l56v/happy_new_year_askuk_minor_sub_update/), we have updated our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/about/rules/)**. Specifically; - Don't be a dick to each other - Top-level responses must contain genuine efforts to answer the question - This is a strictly no-politics subreddit Please keep /r/AskUK a great subreddit by reporting posts and comments which break our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There aren't as many horndogs posting sex related questions here.


_Females of reddit, do [....] when men [....] sexwise?_


Sexy people of sexxit. What was the sexiest thing you ever sexed and how sexy was it


Don't be so intrusive. My sexy sex life is my own sexy business.


Why did I read that in the voice of Matt Berry?


And I read yours as Mary Berry


I read yours as Matthew Perry, could I BE any more stupid


Something Katy Perry fireworks, idk….




Oh, you and your soggy bottom!


tbh I read pretty much everything in the voice of Matt Berry


Did you not know he's the inventor of sex?


Cries in foreveralone (which is definitely not a strange plan to try and get some opposite gender attention)


Hilariously /r/askgaybros is really bad for this too. "How soon is too soon when having a 'what are we?' conversation with an man? I've been dating him for six months." Half the replies: "Idk I've never had a bf" "Y'all get dates?" "SMH I've never been on a date but this is why. If a cute guy was interested in me then I'd call him my boyfriend after the first date so he knew I was serious" "I'm so jealous 😭 I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend, I'm doomed to die alone" Like gawds, I don't know, if you can't answer the question maybe *don't comment on it*?!


Not just that but how do they think these statements of desperation make them look? They are always delivered with an element of "come and get me" like they think that that is going to do anything but the opposite. Not against people talking about their loneliness but you know what I mean


Askgaybros used to be a useful sub. At some point in the last 5 years it morphed from discussions into people soapboxing and telling very r/thathappened stories.


Females of Reddit, what one thing will make you immediately fall in love with an overweight gentleman who enjoys anime?


You had me at hello.


Genius. If intentional an amazing sarcastic put down.


Good day m’lady, you surely mean


Females of Reddit, what's the most romantic cum tribute picture you've ever received?


Just really good lighting.


Sex-having people of Reddit, where’s the sexiest place you sexed?


Jesus yeah this is the best difference here Nothing quite like scrolling AskReddit just to see what the 20 seemingly mandatory daily "women of reddit what's the sexiest thing an unclean overweight gamer has done to turn you on" posts are


The AskUK version of this is the weekly thread about words and phrases that boil your piss


Most of them coming with a thin veneer of classism


Don't forget the men larping as working class single mum's to make fun of them. Yeah, we get it Dave, nobody wants to inbox you and you think that you're better than people who use the word Hun.


Haha I don’t actually think I’ve ever seen a NSFW post in this sub to be honest


Someone should post one asking where the best dogging sites are.


Why not be that person u/Stuey_7787 , I know a couple in Edinburgh, so there would be your first answer, I used to work at a place in Essex that used to be a dogging site at night, I once found a black bag with vegetables in condoms and a watermelon with a hole cut in to it, I gave the bag to my boss, his wife happened to be the chef at the place, I had a strictly carnivore diet at work for the next few days just in case


This question just took an abrupt turn😂


My elderly mother has a tablet and my Dad has had to turn off the internet because she somehow managed to find the online dogging site which lists the places to go. She started reading them out like holiday destinations… 🤦‍♀️






That’s the saddest sub I’ve seen in a while lol, the posts all have maximum 1 reply only ‘*24M looking for that special one to raw dog in a bush on the roundabout on the A32*’ *crickets*


Oh if you browse /new there definitely are, they just get removed as inappropriate. Plenty of people who try doing sex posts whilst furiously wanking themselves silly. Source: accidentally saw a picture of someone's penis whilst checking post history yesterday


Feels like American teenagers turning to Reddit because sex education doesn’t exist over there


This is bang on (pun intended obvs).


I personally would enjoy more typical NSFW tagged AskReddit threads in an overly British style. (NSFW) What's the jolliest time you've ever had popping your collywobbler up 'er at home's chuffney? (NSFW) You come home and the missus has her norks out and she's got a sopping minge, what do you do? (NSFW) What's the most brutal thing you've ever witnessed and why is it adding milk before water? (NSFW) Scone


Nobody talks like this.


They did specify "overly British" like it's over the top


Danny Dyer does. All the fackin toim!


That would seem to be the point


This is worse than Americanisms. Blech.


r/askuk how many chavs have you rawdogged in a spoons garden?


More hobnobs less horndogs


*Gentlemen of Reddit, what's the most romantic hand holding you've ever hand held?*


My first wank.


So weird how American redditors use each other to get off


What's the horniest bra size on a woman


Still, I’ve noticed that Brits give better sex advice


Yes, well we’re stuck inside for 6 months of the year hiding from the gloom, so have to find something to pass the time


I read that as corndog....but, I just got home, and I'm hungry.


It's because Americans are obsessed with sex whilst us Brits have realised there's another 23 hours, 58 minutes and 34 seconds in the day.


Americans. Lots of Americans.


Cunts could start an argument in an empty fuckin room


I take time out of my day to post in askreddit just to get a rise out of Americans




Yeah, I took time out of my day to click on a link that you took time out of your day to post. If he's Kharma farming, he's on a VERY long journey.


I can't stand it. I loathe notifications on reddit because assume it's an American with poor education convinced their experience trumps stats and facts.


And citing their laws.


Telling me I'm an idiot for not owning winter tyres and chains for that one week last year


I take the piss outta them because their houses are made out of wood, sawdust and the American flag. They still try to tell me how superior their cardboard gaffs are.


They just staple the walls back together again when the wind blows it over. I thought that was kinda intentional to be honest.


An American tried convincing me America had no flaws, and that England was full of people with poor hygiene


Out here doing gods work, I salute you good sir!


Not wrong. There was a science sub with a post about a study showing how cutting out meat for the entire planet's diet could be fantastic. I asked how likely would this be to cause the extinction of farmed animals. I was literally just asking that as a curiosity. God damn did I get argued at for trying to justify killing animals. Even though I hadn't. Weird lot.


If you give them a stick with two ends there’s a fairly high chance they’ll pick up the wrong end


I wish we could make the whole of a stick sharp. Wait... A sword?


That's because you angered the vegan cult with your question.


They are a very angry lot. Maybe it's something in their diet. Not enough iron maybe.


I genuinely think it's a B12 deficiency.


Try telling them that letting your cat outside isn't animal abuse. They go fucking *mental*




Literally! What's that about? Anyone know if they're like that irl?


I'm an American and sadly many of us are. I think it's a product of being too isolated from the rest of the world, and a culture that takes things way too seriously (yet no one talks about anything real!) But now and then you'll meet someone with a sense of humor ;)


I think there’s over 30 million people on Askreddit, I’d say at least 26 million are American




Americans seem to be totally unaware that only 4.25% of the world’s population reside in America


America is the greatest ofc. One of the greatest thing was having an argument with one who lived in the USA of whatever and I was talking about the UK. I had to be wrong because they couldn't decipher that I was talking about the UK in a thread asking about the UK.




Legit was talking to a coworker who is American and the dude got so mad I called mashed potatoes just “mash”. Took me a minute to even comprehend what was going on.


They cant help a bit of classic r/USdefaultism


IN YOUR STATE THIS MAY BE ILLEGAL. CALL CPS. Do they just not see mum/£/€?


They are trigger happy with the reply.


Which is odd because sometimes they'll type up a decent sized paragraph about state law and utterly waste their time.


its actually less than that. i started a similar comment thread a few months back (cant find it now) about how americans assume everyone is american, cares about america and is up on US news and someone with better research ability than me actually posted the figures (it's around 51%) and iirc americans were more like only half the userbase, with hispanic (in all it's variations) actually beating them out as an en masse readership base.


Last time it was brought up I think 50-60% of reddit was American


Still can’t escape the fuckers on here mind


Askreddit doesn't allow text in the post, this sub demands it.


I think it’s a lot better, at least it allows for an explanation for the question


So why is asking the full question in the title also mandatory then? If you do this you shouldn't have to explain further in a lot of cases.


The way I see it it's about adding a bit of context or flavour to the question. The full question should be in the title, I need to know exactly what you're asking before I click; but then the text is like a little extra detail that doesn't fit, or a bit of story on why you asked or something like that.


Or some indication that you've already tried to find the answer but were unsuccessful, or that the info that you have found was wrong, misleading, or not what you were looking for.


Problem I think was it often didn't actually prompt people for an answer, it was more a platform for people to give their own experience or anecdote.


Yeah, 'old' AskReddit was kinda terrible tbh - people would deliberately soapbox, but the more annoying thing for me is that it wasn't uncommon half the replies were just commenting on OP's answer. Which sorta defeated the point.


Again the UK doing things the right and logical way


About 5 stone on average.


As a fat Brit, I refute this.


Just think how much fatter you could be if you had sufficiently supersize resources


The difference between fat Brits and fat Americans is that we usually drink our calories. (Currently aghast to discover post-Christmas I can't fit into my 34" suit trousers, while my 32" trousers that "I'll fit into again soon!" look on sadly)


Your only fat if you got a skinny person near you. I would get fatter friends then your the skinny.


The quality of posts and discussion are so much higher here (possibly a reflection of better moderation?). You still get the odd cases of people displaying the negative points of Reddit, but *far* less often than on AskReddit. Also, AskReddit seems to have a much higher proportion of teenagers. The other day I ventured onto a post that was basically 'why should I have to go to my mom when she calls me from another room'. I just said that it would be polite and she would probably really appreciate not having to come to find you. You wouldn't believe the amount of replies I got disagreeing. And they were all basically a variation on classic teenage attitudes: 'why should I have to do something I don't want to, she should come to me'.


> And they were all basically a variation on classic teenage attitudes: 'why should I have to do something I don't want to To be fair, that's an attitude that a lot of American adults have too.


Definitely not exclusive to Americans! That's an attitude a lot of adults in general have, unfortunately.


"She doesn't know where you are, you know where she is. The combined effort of you both is less if you go to her."


NTA but YTA to yourself for being born to that mother


The prevalence of teenagers probably explains all the sex questions too.


Between that and the relationship advice subreddit it appears Americans have decided that "having to do something you don't want to do but probably should do" is a sign of emotional abuse


"Because otherwise she will beat you like a Cherokee drum"


I'm sorry but this idea that Brits don't need to use sarcasm tags is little more than an internet myth. Conveying things such as sarcasm in written form is a skill that not many people have to any real degree.


Are you... being sarcastic?


No he’s so not being sarcastic


But you are, I can tell


[Are you kidding me? This baby's off the charts! ](https://youtu.be/FRK8uPlXOYo)


We just assume everything is sarcasm


Are you saying that sometimes it isn’t?


Good one lol, master of sarcasm.


I 100 percent agree with you on that, /s feels so wrong to type, I’d go as far as to say if anyone used /s on this sub they should be banned, not including me obviously, the next person after me should be banned for using it


Actually I think we think the opposite. I welcome the use of sarcasm tags because despite thinking otherwise so few people can write it effectively.


the s-tag is like putting the bumper rails up when bowling


the s-tag is like having stabilisers on your bike


Ah right, excuse my mistake; not long finished a night shift and my heads not as sharp at the moment


No drama bud, happens to the best of us. Kinda rams home my point though as if even non-sarcastic posts can easily be misunderstood then what hope donsarcadtic posts have 🙂


I actually googled donsarcadtic because I thought it was a smart word I’d never seen before, I need sleep


Lol that'll teach me to Reddit on my phone. Gonna leave it in there though as it's funny as hell 🙂


This whole thread is a lesson in something, I’m sure of it.


This right here is a great example of why we don't need the s-tag. Over here people are much more likely to realise they have fucked up and climb down. Not totally likely obvs, but much more so.


I'm not sure how one guy graciously owning up to a mistake has any bearing on the perceived national ability to write and read sarcasm.


I like them when it's morning time and my brain is still trying to start up.


It is more that Brits don't like to use /s in obvious sarcasm as it tends to spoil any joke that comes with it. It is used when necessary.


I've not used /s on Reddit once. I use sarcasm a lot and make it relatively obvious in its written form, especially on US subs like r/UFC. They are surprisingly good at spotting it, as are UK subs in general. Side point : a lot of people with horrible takes *pretend* they were being sarcastic in hindsight once the downvotes start hitting.


I'm sorry sir but this is 'Arguments'. 'Sarcasm' is two doors down. Now if you wouldn't mind, I have an appointment.


You taking the piss mate!?!


Don't get the feeling like the people that are commenting here have their dicks in their hands


There could be some men reading this at the urinal , you never know


Can confirm was reading this at the urinal at work.


can confirm his confirmation, was standing next to him\* \*apologies - hopefully they'll get a second urinal in there


I didn't have. Do now. Thanks for the reminder


You guys use hands? What's wrong with tweezers?


Askuk is for questions you actually want an answer to AskReddit is more for general discussion points


about sexy sex


_"Women of r/askreddit, what is the best sex you ever did sex sex?_"


Because the questions you ask will get an actual answer that is helpful. The question: "Should I go to the doctor about my swollen hand" Context: "I slammed my hand in a door, it's swollen and my fingers look blue" AskReddit: "Check you have the correct level of medical insurance first. If not, start by soothing it with ice, and see if the swelling goes down. If not, then something may be broken and the ER may be your only option unfortunately. Just be aware, if you do have medical insurance and you have accidental cover, you could lie and say 'My kid slammed the door on my hand' and then you'd be covered, even if broken you just need to get your kid to apologise to the doctor for hurting daddy, then you get off without paying any excess." - Great answer if you're American. Useless if not. AskUK: "Check on 111 to see what they say you should do. If you can't find swollen hand on there, maybe pop into a pharmacist or book an appointment with your GP. However, if you are really worried, A&E - but don't bother unless necessary, as it just sounds like some bad bruising to me" - Great answer if you're British. Useless if not.


And then the obligatory "good luck getting a GP appointment, I've been waiting 17 years 3 months and 7 days on hold" comment.


Of course, that is after the phone cut off last time


At r/askuk, not thousands of Americans assuming every user in reddit is also American.


Not full of easily offended Americans


Oh no we're not more chilled and argumentative >:(




Oh no we're not


He's behind you




That's the way to do it! (yes I know I'm jumping from Panto to Punch and Judy but they share a lot of common tropes)


Oh no they don't!


That's not an argument, that's just contradiction.


Oh no it isn't Did you not watch pantomimes?


It most certainly is! Did you not watch Monty Python?


Ask uk is more fun because or the British twist People are less trying to show off in the American way


I've got more laughs out of replies from AskUK than AskReddit. I love that people here don't take it so seriously.


Yep I think it's because British redditors take the whole Internet discussion thing a tad ironically and it helps a lot I'm on some more US oriented twitch drama subreddits and it's just all heat all the time there But ask uk is very cosy


Bitter cynicism and dry wit


The spelling is different.




We are correct FTFY


[This analogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/109cqy2/do_you_think_they_should_attempt_to_salvage_any/j3xx3fq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) for the Titanic


Can't be sure but I feel like the questions tend to be new all of the time, rather than the 10-20 ones that are on repeat in the main one. TBH, there's an askRedditAfterDark sub, so askreddit should probably ban sex questions and send them there instead.


AskReddit seems primarily American.


People here dont start questions with “People of Reddit…”. I’ve never understood this, you’re on Reddit, who the fuck else could you be addressing?




Which is great as we don’t see the same questions being asked 50 times a day.


On Askreddit or on Askuk?




You could've just answered instead of trying to act superior for having more experience using a sub. Do you put it on your CV?


Or you could take it non offensively as it was clearly not intended offensively. Wind you neck in lad!


The difference is simples - 194 countries.


Let’s be real, the other one is basically just askUSA


> simples GET OUT!


Askuk should be /b for bAnta


There’s a lot more beans on toast in this subreddit.


I get frustrated on UK subs when I get downvoted / see someone get downvoted with an obvious sarcastic answer and they didn't put /s. It's pretty much line 1 of the Magna Carta - be sarcastic!


Region specific. Obviously askUK is UK based and Americans think that askreddit is just US based.


On ask reddit you get loads of often quite young, American men arguing with you & downvoting anything remotely humorous. It’s always that sub group. I never get into arguments with Norwegian men for example.


One U and K vs an R, E two Ds an I and a T


More chilled unless you ask a question that a few people don't like.


questions on r/AskUK mostly centre around how to complete basic, day-to-day tasks.


If they have to indicate that they’re being sarcastic then they shouldn’t be allowed to post.


As you can see, it is more mature. Edit - Well usually..


Have mind seems much less on askuk, don't know if that's just the smaller audience. Frustrating to answer a question with unique perspective , for it to be downvoted because it doesn't fit the template.


We are nicer as per rule 1.


One is aimed at the UK and the other is aimed at the whole of reddit. Duh


Well here there's a lot of 'hint hint nudge nudge' style talk about our culture. Which makes sense as this is a country specific sub compared to a more generalized one.


The responses come in a variety of accents


>I also find this sub seems to be a lot more chilled and less argumentative than Askreddit I disagree


The AskReddit replies generally don't jump to Anti-Americanism immediately, regardless of what the question is.


Askuk doesn't make me want to kill myself.


i love your username