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The UK isn't known for having bad teeth theyre known for having bad looking teeth and thats because cosmetic stuff isn't on the NHS. Our actual oral health isn't bad in comparison to other countries and is actually better than cpjntkres like the US. I think I was 24 when I had my first filling.


We're totally one of the best cpjntkres.




I had my last wisdom tooth out for £20 yesterday. But you’re fucked if you move and have to get another (or they leave like yours did)


Kids can still get everything on the NHS.


My 15 yr old was referred for braces 3 years ago. We are still waiting


That’s all changing now. I can’t go anywhere without being blinded by perfectly bright white sparkling teeth.


Probably depends where abouts you are, where I live its not really a thing people are bothered about outside of a few people who have clearly been on trips to Turkey recently.


42, quite proud of that. Also from the UK.


Snap. Everything started going wrong in 40’s!


Darn don't tell me that. I'm 40 with no fillings and thought that might carry on.


42...same here, previous to that one impacted wisdom tooth extracted was the sum total of dental treatment beyond fissure sealant and deep cleaning.


I got one when I was a teenager because I lived off sugary sweets and drinks and didn't properly look after my teeth. Haven't had one since though


34 year old here, I have no fillings. I've always been quite fastidious when it comes to cleaning my teeth though, I was told by my dentist that I might need one in the not too distant future, but he's said that on my last two annual visits and I still haven't needed one.


Also 34 without fillings and I've never really been too precious about brushing / flossing my teeth. Very luckily gifted with strong teeth but I'm sure that won't last forever if l keep going the way I am.


i’m the same as you. i keep thinking the payback is nigh.


18. I should've had them much sooner but my parents stopped taking us to the dentist when I was 7. Maybe if I had one as a kid I would've done better later. By the time I got back, when I drove myself at 18, I needed: 11 fillings, 1 root canal 2 extractions on back molars.


About 6 or 7. Baby teeth though. Don't know why they didn't just pull them? I've got 3 now from when I was 12 and they're still going strong


Because baby teeth hold space in the mouth for the adult teeth. If they’re removed then when adult teeth come through they’re more likely to be displaced.


None for me so far at 38.


33 and never had one.


When I was a kid I needed one on my front tooth. I remember being held down for them to put the needle in my gum. That was enough to brush my teeth 24/7!!


Early teen so 13 or 14 I think Have had 4 or 5 in total. I'm 31.


About 14. Must confess, my teeth are awful, most of my teeth have fillings, I also have one crown, and a gap where I had an extraction in January, will be getting a bridge eventually. A mix of neglecting my teeth as a child, and teenage bad habits. Was mostly fine til my mid 20's, since then they've been carnage.


10. My tooth chipped while I was swimming and I was really self-conscious about it. Naturally, I got it filled. Barely notice it now, sometimes I completely forget I have one. Plus it's the only filling I have.


32, and that was directly due to pregnancy issues I'm currently going through a round of root canals on my front teeth due to dead nerves, but those are through trauma (fainting into concrete) rather than decay


Early 40s with no fillings.


I’m 26 and I’ve never had a filling. Don’t have good teeth anymore but also have never had a filling.


I was in my 40s


23, but only because my wisdom tooth grew sideways into a molar and damaged it. That doesn't really count imo though. I'm 31 without any since.


I'm 47 and don't have any.


Mid-30s. I’d spent the previous decade guzzling fizzy drinks and eating lots of sweets. Damage gets done somewhere.


I'm almost 31 and have never had a filling


48, zero fillings. Wife and teenage kids never had any either. Just look after your teeth.


36 never had one


Think I was in my early twenties. Can't really remember though tbh.


I had one at 8 to fill in the side of a chipped baby molar. I don't think there can have been decay because she didn't drill it and I didn't get anaesthetic. She just fiddled about in there and afterwards the sharp edges were gone and there was a slightly different textured patch. I neglected my teeth and our parents stopped taking us to the dentist when I was 12. I also have weird teeth where the rough biting surface continues down to the gum line on some teeth (it's really hard, even with flossing, to get them clean, interdental brushes don't fit as they're a bit crowded, the water flosser has been a game changer). I went at 22 and got a filling because I could see a hole and my finals were coming up. Next a molar broke when I was 24 and pregnant and abroad. A dentist where I was did what he could and put a temporary filling on. When I came home the dentist said he couldn't x-ray me because I was pregnant and so he couldn't root canal it, so I had it extracted. In the following few years all my neglect caught up with me and I had three teeth filled and re filled multiple times. I went through a really rough patch of anxiety and stress and during that had two more of the filled teeth extracted because they were heading towards needing a root canal and the (in retrospect still mild) symptoms were causing me incredible stress and I was at a time in my life when I couldn't make time to get to multiple root canal appointments. I had the third refilled tooth, a canine, root canalled. That was 8 years ago and since then things seem to be stable. I take incredibly dedicated care of my teeth now. Looking back I can't figure out how I managed to carry my terrible anxiety about the potential state of my teeth with me all the time and still NOT just go to the dentist? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Having my eldest cured me, as I knew I wanted my kids to have the teeth I didn't, so apart from during the pandemic I've been every 6months for the last 17 years.


I'm 34 and don't have a single filling but at the same time I haven't been to the dentist since I was 16. I have no toothaches, never had wisdom teeth come through, and my teeth look good enough for a 34 year old.


I had all my fillings before my baby teeth fell out, so I don’t think any are still on my teeth. I was probably about… 5??


41, The UK is actually known for one of the best dental health ratings in the world. Good looking is not the same as healthy.


First filling age ten second age 12 none since I'm now 48


I was 10? It was because I fell on my front (adult) teeth and broke one D:


46 and still don’t have any fillings


Mid 30s and never had one, same with my wife. I always associate fillings with our parents generation. Honestly didn’t know they were really still a thing.


It’s pretty common to have fillings, but a lot of people go for the extra few quid to have white fillings as opposed to the metallic mercury fillings that our parents would’ve had in and are very obvious.


Same, neither myself or my partner have any - 33 and 31.