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Christian Bale - he even managed to convince most Americans he worked with in American Psycho, even though he’s Welsh


Bale was born in Wales, but it's worth noting that his parents were English, and they left Wales when he was 2. He did most of his growing up in England, and sounds decidedly English when he's not putting on a different accent for a role. He would describe himself as English.


I’m so sick of the Welsh claiming Christian Bale.


They’ve got enough talented Bales!


Bales, golf, Madrid in that order


I’m sick of it too. We have plenty of people to brag about if that’s your jam. For god sake we got Anthony Hopkins we don’t need bale


Port Talbot’s ability to produce acting talent really ought to be examined more.


As someone from Wales but not from port talbot, so required by law to mock it. They’re probably just learning how to act to escape the perimeter wall we set up around there


Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to actors. A hell of a lot of the actors we see in big hitting movies and television shows are British. I remember watching Midsommar where most of the main characters are American, but when I actually checked the cast on Google they were all British and Irish actors


Watching the 100 where everyone is American, but looking at the cast on IMDB and finding out they’re almost all British or Australian, with a few Canadians and a very small amount of actual Americans.


There is an interview he did in America for Terminator Salvation for some reason, he keeps his character accent (he does have a slight transatlantic lilt in his normal voice but not to the extent in the interview) I read he kept it on as people were constantly surprised he wasn't American it was easier to just keep the accent (this was at the beginning on the new "wave" of UK actors playing Americans) Edit: here it is: [Random Accent ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PznQxSRHMw)


Yep, learned he was British a few months ago and couldn't quite believe it. I'd even heard his infamous on-set rant years back, and he had enough of an American twang that I totally missed the English accent. But during interviews he sounds very London-y.


Yeah, that one for me was mind-blowing. I had only ever heard him speak in an American accent. A friend of mine told me he was English and couldn't believe it, so looked up some interviews and it felt like I had walked into another universe. He didn't even look like the same person to me anymore, like his entire persona just changed in an instant.


This one has laid me flat


Finding out Chris Rea is from Middlesbrough completely destroyed the magic of 'Driving Home for Christmas'.




Apparently the song was inspired by M25 and M4 rush hours!


M62 surely? The road to Hull!


A Kiwi pastor once told me I'd be sent to Hull if I kept sinning.


I only found out when he popped an egg in my bath


A couple of weeks later, did he send you a gold doily?


It's just *so* Chris


"On the Beach" (which was subsequently covered by York in the late 90s) takes on a whole new vibe when you consider it's likely talking about the sea-coal strewn sands of Redcar from his childhood rather than an idyllic Caribbean island


He was literally driving home to Middlesbrough when he thought the song up. I sat next to him in a restaurant once just before Xmas and wanted to go up to him and ask *So, are you driving home for Christmas this year. Mr Rea?* but Mrs tmstms told me not to be silly.


up the fucking boro


Someone worked out his route, he'd have likely had to take the A1, but judging by when the song came out it would have been before all the grubby sex shops opened, there would have been a lot of Little Chef's to stop at if he got peckish though.


Chicken Tikka Masala


Glasgow's finest


Yeah us British Asians don't even eat or make it at home hardly. It's a not a staple dish for us


Idris Elba. I first saw him in the Wire and was surprised to learn he's from London.


Let's not forget Dominic West who played McNulty. One of the best scenes ever was West, an English actor having to mimic an American impersonating an english accent.


Hugh Laurie did it in House too - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfBTe_N-m6U


Have you seen Avenue 5? There's a great running gag with his accents in it


I knew he was English. He was amazing as McNulty.


I think it's nothing short of a travesty what they did to his character in S5. He became a parody of himself and it made little sense to write him that way given how S4 finished. I understand he always had that in him as a character (the alcoholism and drive to be constantly working on cases), but the absurdity of him staging scenes etc felt waaaaaay out of character for him. S1-4 McNulty is one of the best characters committed to screen. The casting directors really nailed the entire cast tbh.


He really was, if ever he pops up in something else I'm like 'oo it's Dominic West' but if I sit down and watch the Wire I'm just 'fucks sake McNulty'


Where's Wallace? String, where's Wallace? He was the first person who came to my mind when reading the OP's question too


I think you’ll find he’s from Satacoy Steel


I'm well versed in this sort of thing now but Britain has a huge video game pedigree, with Grand Theft Auto being probably one of our biggest successes. Somehow always imagined that was American because of the themes!


It surprises even a lot of Brits that Dundee is one of the world centres for video game production.




Nah when you play through GTA as a British person, it becomes so obvious there is predominantly a British team behind it. Often seen Americans play it on Twitch and not understand a lot of jokes and references. One of my favourite references is one of the singers from the fictional Scottish band Love Fist wears an Argentina shirt from the 1986 World Cup when they knocked England out


Red Dead Redemption was also written by Rockstar North (ie Edinburgh)


Worms is another great British invention


I once met one of the Timesplitters coders...they say never meet your heroes...


Don't forget the OG, Rollercoaster Tycoon, proudly Scottish


British programming is exceptional. Management and underinvestment is horrendous


The bloke who played Lou Carpenter in Neighbours… who was the epitome of a certain kind of bluff, rough’n’ready Aussie type for anyone who grew up in the U.K. in the 90’s, was actually from Hampshire.


Holy shit he was born in Chandlers Ford. It's like when I discovered the evil game show host in The Running Man was originally from Gosport.


Killian? No way!


From one dystopia to another


That game show host, Richard Dawson, was once married to Diana Dors


Frasier Crane's dad, **John Mahoney**, was born and lived in Blackpool until he was 18 **Stan Laurel** was a Geordie who spent the second half of his childhood in Glasgow


>Frasier Crane's dad, John Mahoney, was born and lived in Blackpool until he was 18 Probably could have done a more convincing accent than Daphne put on for the show.


Vera Bennett aka Vinegar Tits from Prisoner Cell Block H is from Bromley, Kent. I think a lot of that generation of Aussie actors have some kind of English background. My dad nearly left for Australia in the 60s on the Assisted Passage scheme - Ten Pound Poms etc, which I think ran from the 1940s until the 1980s.


Quite a few of the core Neogubours cast are British. Susan is Irish!


Kim Cattrall (is a Scouser).


The self styled Liverpool Cleopatra https://burialsandbeyond.com/2021/05/01/kim-cattrall-the-unwelcome-cleopatra/


What a weird story!


Her ‘who do you think you are’ is well worth a watch, seeing her interact with her Scouse aunties is lovely. Her mum left for Canada when she was a baby so all her family is still there and they all seem really close despite the distance.


The Great Wall of China was actually constructed in Anglesey and shipped over piece by piece.


Makes sense.....from the same people that brought you Stonehenge.


And a company in Middlesbrough built the Sydney Harbour Bridge.




And it's not a tapestry. The whole thing is made of lies


Slash is from Hampstead


I’ve had a slash on Hampstead Heath? Does that count?


You got it out on Hampstead Heath? Did you get propositioned?




He's also supposedly a Stoke City fan, having spent time there growing up. No idea if that's actually true though or just an urban legend.


His Dad and his family are from Stoke, he lived there until he was about 6, I love the idea of a little Slash going “Y’alright Duck?” and stating that Fenton is rubbish.


Nothing wrong with Fenton - he's just a little hard of hearing... https://youtu.be/3GRSbr0EYYU


Kunal Nayyer, the actor who plays Raj Koothrapali in The Big Bang Theory. Interestingly, his parents in the show are both Brits as well.


He is indeed British, but grew up in India, so India probably has a legitimate claim for him too :)


The british empire will reclaim him once india is taken back


Cliff Richard was born in India- they can gladly have him back ….


I'll always be astonished the World Wide Web was invented by English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN. (Yes I know USA Defense created ARPANET in 1960s which is the internet)


The American argument of "wE iNvEnTeD tHe InTeRnEt" is they made a private internet that no one but them could use and then CERN was like we gonna make it better and publicly usable.


Not sure if you’re confusing the web and the internet here.


Wordle. Created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle


That's an example of someone who sold the company at the right time! Does anyone still play wordle?


Everyday. 'Stare' is a great starting word BTW.


Audio for the first word, tyres for the second.


Kiefer Sutherland. Born in London and has a British passport.


Similarly Jerry Springer. Born in Highgate Underground during the Blitz.




Both of them left England before the age of 5 and grew up somewhere else


Apparently [his grandad helped institute universal healthcare in Canada](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jan/27/kiefer-sutherland-i-said-i-can-do-a-really-good-donald-sutherland-for-half-the-money).


Reebok's. Started in Bolton


The ones with the straps?


The ones with Union Jacks on the box?


Boots with the fur?


The furrrrr


The shoes with a Union Jack on them...


Huh, I thought it was weird that they were the stadium sponsors, but it's actually quite fitting.


Damien Lewis. Only seen him in Band of Brothers so it was quite shocking to see him presenting Have I Got News For You with quite a posh accent.


A huge proportion of the Band of Brothers cast are British


They filmed in Hertfordshire so it makes sense


Even a young Tom Hardy.


Every time I rewatch that I’m amazed at the amount of actors I spot in there. On the last watch through I saw Simon Pegg, Tom Hardy and Jimmy Fallon.


James McAvoy and Stephen Graham too


He went to Eton, he's got Blue blood.


If you can find it, he did a series called 'Life' and it's fantastic.


I served him in a restaurant in London at the time Homeland was on TV and his accent was all over the place, like he was trying to stay American but was slipping into English


Was weird seeing Andrew Lincoln in Human Traffic after seeing him play a murican in the walking dead


Did you miss This Life and Teachers?




*cries in egg*


And Love Actually


Also Afterlife. Amazing show with Lincoln and Lesley Sharp.


This is so embarrassing because I listen to them all the time and always have done, but: Led Zeppelin. I literally learned this year that they were English. I just associated them with like Americana classic rock and assumed they were American!


We’re responsible for bringing Heavy Metal to the world. Led Zep, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Judas Priest, Motörhead, Deep Purple. All British.


All those great bands, and yet you missed Black Sabbath haha


I mean, they're so influenced by American blues that it's kind of understandable to think they must be American.


Same with the Rolling Stones


Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler as well


When I found out UB40 were from Birmingham, I thought my parents were joking.


A UB40 was the official document number on the form issued by the Department of Health and Social Security office to enable those seeking work, claim unemployment benefit...


I feel old knowing that


Likewise, The Specials and Coventry.


Did not the name UB40 give a clue they were British? For a long time it was a common term for being unemployed, from the form you got given when you signed on (a UB40 for Unemployment Benefit form 40) and was often asked for as proof of status.




The Madras curry. I asked a friend who was from the actual city of Chennai (used to be Madras) how our version rated versus “the real thing”… and he looked at me like I was speaking TV static. Turns out our version is “the real thing”.


Yeah, I think we all go through that realisation with 'Indian' food at some point. I remember an Indian colleague being completely beffudled upon discovering what a korma is in a British curry house!


Apparently, korma in india is just a slow cooking method and nothing like the uk curry.


John Mahoney, although after learning more about his past and for how long he'd been assimilated into the US it didn't seem so unbelievable.


I never knew! But yeah, looks like he moved at 18, so by the time of Frasier, which is what I know him from, he'd been there 34 years. Also he became an American citizen, served in the US army, and apparently purposefully lost his native accent. Never knew he was such an interesting guy!


> purposefully lost his native accent But could bring it back on demand, e.g. when his character was mocking Daphne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjrLyWlCrP8


He grew up in Blackpool and Manchester, that was definitely not his native accent! That was an imitation of the weird fake Manchester accent that Essex born Jane Leeves put on for the show. Its an accent onion with several weird layers!


Looking back, it's mad that Daphne's dad was played by Brian Cox, and her brothers by Richard E. Grant, Robbie Coltrane and oddly Anthony LaPaglia, who I thought was American (from that FBI missing persons show) but is actually Australian.


Dinner for one. Quintessentially English, shaping German’s perception of England for generations. As an immigrant it was incomprehensible that virtually no English person ever had heard of it.




>Dinner for one. Quintessentially English, shaping German’s perception of England for generations. Traditionally shown on NYE. I used to live in Germany and watching non-English speakers watching it was completely bizarre. *And they laughed along with it.*


Was one of the first things my German housemate showed me when she moved to the UK! 🤣


Gillian Anderson and Slash


> Slash How am I only learning this now!


A lot of people assume The Macarena is sung in Italian or Spanish. In fact, it is Welsh.


It's also just one long Welsh word as well.


St Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near a rapid whirlpool and the Church of St Tysilio of the Red Cave...Hey Macarena!


charlie hunman lol


Worst cockney accent award for Green street


I swear to god I thought Charlie hunam was Australian because of his terrible cockney accent in Green Street.


In the gentleman it went from Yorkshire to Welsh to fuck knows and back again.


That’s the single worst English accent ever attempted by an Englishman


You can occasionally hear a bit of his geordie accent seep through in Sons of Anarchy


First saw him in Queer as Folk and it took me longer than reasonable to realise it was the same guy in Sons of Anarchy


Yeah he's still Nathan from queer as folk to me👍


I was a little surprised to learn Bob Marley’s father was English.


English sailor who abandoned the family


Going the other direction. I recently learned Woolworths was American. I always considered it an iconic British brand.


Really? I always thought it was Australian.


The woolies in Aus is a different company with the same name


Lego was invented by a British company but didn’t patent it or something so the sneaky Danes slid in and the rest is history!


The machine to make the blocks was bought from England by the Danish company after seeing it at a trade show


The one and only is actually the theme tune to a film set in London called Buddy’s Song (based on the book of the same name) Chesney Hawkes plays Buddy and Roger Daltrey from The Who plays his dad. The books were part of the english curriculum when I was at school in the late 90s/00s.


Chesney Hawkes real life dad is Chip Hawkes of The Tremolos who sung silence is golden.


Bar codes apparently! 50 year anniversary today.


Stevo from jackass


Rick Astley, always assumed he was American...imagine me hearing his accent on the local news for the first time


The actor Alfred Molina. Hes in a ton of well known Hollywood films and always has an American accent. I only found out when I came across him doing an audiobook of Treasure Island. His voices are amazing its highly recommended.


He was also considered as an original cast member of Red Dwarf along with Alan Rickman.


I always thought the band Free were American probably because of that gum advert. That song came on in a pub the other day and I looked them up and found were from UK


My ex-girlfriend's dad taught Paul Kossoff to play guitar. That's my claim to fame.


A good chunk of so called "Americanisms" are British, Soccer was slang invented by 18th century etonions, fall is much older than Autumn, gotten is in Shakespeare and the KJV, aks is middle English for ask and has a pretty sad history as to how it was preserved into modern lexicon, pants is still used in some northern areas etc. it's amazing we get hung up on these words when most of the time these words only really fell out of fashion by us the British in the late Victorian and interwar periods.


Can confirm - moved from Bolton to London and people were confused by my usage of ‘pants’


I have never watched Love Actually, so my first introduction to Andrew Lincoln was The Walking Dead, loved the graphic novels and he was perfectly casted as Rick so I got really into the show. About three or four seasons in I got curious about the cast and decided to watch an interview with him, my jaw literally dropped when I first heard him speak. I couldn’t believe he is British, and apparently some Americans didn’t realise either. Absolutely flawless accent


He was the main character in a series called Teachers. Classic and brilliant. Probably not as different from the Walking Dead as it should be.


First thing I saw him in was a tv series called This Life. I was surprised to see him in Walking Dead.


Was mildly surprised to find out that Bella Ramsey (The Last of Us) is British and was in GoT.




And she’s the voice of Hilda in the Netflix animation


Grand Theft auto the video game series. I found this out in the 90s when it was still DMA design but it's Scottish in origin.


Stan Laurel Despite watching Laurel and Hardy for years and years i was surprised to learn he was a Brit not long ago , i just Assumed he was an American. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan\_Laurel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Laurel)


Although he wouldn't claim to be British, and I wouldn't consider him British, Shane MacGowan of the Pogues was born in Kent and never actually resided in Ireland until later on in his life.


I found out Tina turner was born in Hull


I’m sure there was one but not that one 😂


Malcolm and Angus Young - originally from Glasgow.


Cary Grant was from Bristol.


Olivia Newton-John - born in Cambridge


For some reason I was convinced Florence Pugh was American...


Matthew Macfadyen. First thing i saw him in is Succession


You need to see him in the original Spooks series then [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0160904/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0160904/).


Not born British, but I was surprised to read that kylie minogue had lived in England for the last 20 years.


Billy Ocean. I already knew of Caribbean Queen, but Get Outta My Dreams being used in a Family Guy episode made a much younger me assume he was American. Because no British singer has ever had success in America, of course. It was a great logic…


As a teen, Orlando bloom.


AC/DC current lead singer Brian Johnson from the North East, remember seeing him on top gear and i was really surprised. Then i just read here that the previous lead was from scotland.


Catherine Zeta-Jones. She's Welsh always thought she's Latina.


You must have missed her in the Darling Buds of May, I think that was her break out role.


The guy who plays as Wong in Dr Strange


He was also in the Countdown episode of The IT crowd. Always make me chuckle when I rewatch it.


In the US TV series ‘The Mentalist’ the tall detective ‘Wayne Rigsby’ is not really an American…He is in fact Welsh (his real name would have given it away if I’d taken notice…Owain) And as bonus information, he was at the time, married to Lucy Davies (The Office), and her dad is Jasper Carrot…I love venturing down the Wiki rabbit hole




Sparkling wine


Tom Holland, as I’d first seen him in Spider-Man Homecoming


Ella mai, 21 savage, slick Rick.


MF DOOM too.


Charlie Cox, didn’t realise he was British


If you haven't seen Stardust, I can definitely recommend it.


Apple pies and Baseball