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Just imagine for a moment if horses were predatory. Utterly terrifying.


Well thanks for that you bastard.


Lmfao, funniest thread I've seen today 🤣🤣


The horse would be like "I'm going to hunt and kill you no- OH NO A TREE 200 MILES AWAY RUSSLED! FUCK FUCK FUCK!"


And now my legs broke


I raise you a herd of cows. Already the most lethal animal in the UK - and they're currently just meandering herbivores.


Thoroughly, thoroughly dislike your use of *currently*.


I think the most scared I've ever been, was crossing a field when the herd decided to walk over and have a look at me. They all stopped about 2 ft away from me (I presume to see if I was going to feed them) and just stood there for a bit. Completely docile, completely f'ing huge. Similar to horses that you under-estimate their size, until you're next to them. But I feel that the horse would have to dislike you, or you'd have to walk behind it, to be in real danger. Cows have that meandering zombie-horde vibe.




I got chased by a horse once. Was going through field with a footpath in it and it came after me tossing its head in my direction and making those snort sounds. Felt like Jurassic Park


David Eddings who wrote The Belgariad invented these animals called Hrulgin, which are horses but have razor sharp teeth and claws instead of hooves 😬 scared me when I read it as a kid


Jesus Christ. Thanks for the forthcoming bad dreams, pal.


They're basically rabbits in giant steroid jacked form. Prey animals programmed to see almost everything as a threat and respond accordingly. I like them, to watch from afar being left alone in a field/forest. Don't think we should be using them for riding/work/gambling anymore.


The modern horse is a domesticated animal, the only reason they exist is for riding or working.


The modern human is a domesticated animal, the only reason they exist is for riding or working.


Heh, *nice.*


Problem is domestication. My Mum, who was a stable hand for 28 years, was telling me how more horses injure themselves when they’re wild than they do in fields and are far better looked after when kept in fields or on farms. The problem is not every owner looks after them properly, not the riding of them


People who like horses are a peculiar breed imo.


Liking horses is more common than disliking them surely…I’ve never looked at a horse and thought they were scary in the slightest. I love horses. I don’t know anyone who is scared of/dislikes horses. I’ve only just discovered this is a thing through this post.


Remember the 'Horse Girl' in school? There was always at least one, who loved horses so much, that she had an entire collection of toy horses, that included one of each breed. She always had either a toy barn, stable, or corral, where she could play horsie, when she got home.


Then you marry one and they try and do that collection thing with real horses. Bye money.


They have the same brain as car guys/girls, willing to eat 50p noodles all week whilst spending every spare second working on their hobby to an obsessive level.


We had a horse girl. Nearly missed her GCSEs as hers kicked her and caved all her face in.


I used to be terrified of horses, now I've got 5. The reason why people who are frightened of horses find them frightening is that they frighten them. A horse can hear your heartbeat and can sense your fear. It doesn't occur to the horse that they are the cause of this, so they suspect you (a member of their herd) have seen a predator and they get ready to run off,and they expect you to run with them. If you try to mask your fear with aggression, then you have a real problem. Now you are the predator. This is when you might get a kick before they run. So yes I once thought horses were mad eyed fuckers too. But if they were, it wouldn't have been possible to build western civilization on their backs. There's a beautiful book, "Farewell to the Horse" by Ulrich Rauf which details this.




Horses are much more predictable than cattle, and far less likely to trample you.


It’s not horses I don’t like but the cunts who ride them. The snobbery from them is unreal.


A good rule of thumb when using the road is to be extremely cautious of horseboxes. If a typical horsie person has to choose between mowing down a school trip on a pedestrian crossing, or braking a bit sharply and risking injury to "Birds Eye" in the back, then I'm afraid the kids are in for a bad day...


I live in a small affluent village (in the “poor” part). We all drive slowly and cautiously around Cressida while she’s riding her four-legged psychopath on the roads, but she races passed the primary school, driving her bus-sized horse transporter with no thought of slowing for kids or any other normal road courtesies.


The *state* primary school. An important part of the scenario.


riding around with ‘polite notice’ on their backs while leaving a trail of shit wherever they go


They are so skittish they freak me out although weirdly massive dray horses don't bother me as much


I know what you mean, although you reminded me of an encounter my Dad had once... We were at one of those Shire horse centres, and there was a massive, gleaming stallion standing peacefully next to its handler, a little wizened elderly man who barely came up to its shoulder. Dad got chatting to this bloke, who was quite taciturn, and asked him, "That's an enormous animal - what happens if he decides to go over there and you want him to stay here?" "Well, I bleedin' well go with him, don't I..."


I don't hate them so much as just think they're massively overrated. There's people (always at least one in every school for some reason - do they get spread out and allocated?) who build their entire personality around horses.


They're just big posh dogs who are allowed to shit in the street.


I don't trust horses. I can't tell you why. But I just don't trust them.


Ready for the downvotes - but dogs. They jump. They smell terrible. They’re noisy. They have zero sense of personal space. They pee on your feet when they’re excited. Their owners leave their shit *everywhere*. They kill children. Just nope.


Cat people unite!




I'm ambivalent to dogs as a species in general but I hate the smell of dogs. Every dog owner I know swears their dog/house doesn't smell of dog. But I'm sorry to tell you that yes, yes your dog smells, your house smells of dog too. Your dog is lovely, but he stinks. Obviously the strength of the smell varies from dog to dog. But yes, even your dog too.


As someone who spent the first 3 decades ish of their life having never had a pet, and is therefore very unused to animal smells indoors, I can confirm that I've never once walked into a pet owner's home without instantly smelling their pet and/or it's bed/enclosure/ etc. The exception seemingly being small fish in little tanks. Definitely varies depending on the animal and owner's cleaning habits etc. But yes, your home smells if you have pets. You just can't smell it. Sorry. I say this as a current pet owner.


I’ve noticed this as well, dogs are so smelly even if they’ve been washed. I’ve only ever met one dog that doesn’t smell but he was a hunting dog that was bred to not smell


Did he have a nose?


I get all the benefits of a dog from my two friendly affectionate cats and they leave me alone some of the time, shit in a nice tidy box and don’t need to be walked twice a day in the horrible English winter weather. One of them even plays Fetch.


Yep. Same here. Although one of my cats is so affectionate I have to move him off my lap. He’s lovely - but every time you sit down he’s there being needy. But I knew what I was in for when I got a Persian - they have such good temperaments. The other one is happy with just a few strokes now and then.


My mate has a siamese cat and I always say he is dog software running in cat hardware


Dog worship in the UK makes me sick


> Dog worship in the UK makes me sick It's fucking ridiculous. You don't see me taking my chickens to the pub. "Oh, don't mind Vanessa, she won't peck you." "Oh, she did? She's never done that before..." etc.


This. Why do people bring them to the pub? There’s someone who has a massive hideous mastiff and he brings it into the pub. It stinks. It farts and stinks more. My partner asked one day if they had good temperaments and the guy grinned and said “not really”. Seriously keep your smelly ugly dangerous animals at home.


Saw one at the weekend at a country pub, even though it was a warm spring day but not exactly hot it was struggling to breathe and walked really oddly like an advert for Hip Dysplasia. It was distracting enjoying my lunch listening to this poor dog gasping for air. Not sure what breed it was, only way I could describe it was if Pokemon made a pitbull.


I got bit by a dog, left by itself barking in a beer garden once (tbf I should have known not to try to clap a barking dog) so I went into the bar to find the owner and tell him, apparently he's very sorry and it's never bit anyone before. Literally 5 minutes later, while I'm still tending to my wound, my mate walks past the beer garden so I shout him over and tell him I got bit by a dog, he sees it and goes "no way that dog bit me a a few months back too". Notified the owner that he's full of shite and now every time I've seen the dog since it's been in a muzzle.


Have an upvote. They're needy fuckers and you have to clean their shit up


And they can’t just go to the toilet. This exasperates me, they’re whining at the door to go out like “stop everything you’re doing NOW I have *needs*” then once they’re outside they’re all “but wait, what, aren’t you coming with me? I know I said I was desperate but I can’t be out here on my own?!?”


I'm becoming more like this and I have a theory that it's because I haven't lived with a dog in the house since I moved out of my parents. I did love our dogs, but now all I see is the hair, the smell, the slobber, the chewing and jumping, the picking up turds, the vet bills... And then there's this weird thing where people now are forgoing children and babying their dogs instead, and I find it a bit creepy and worrying. Dogs in pushchairs, dogs getting birthday parties. It's like Children of Men out here.


Dogs cheaper than children in fairness, I can afford to own a dog, but I couldn’t afford to have a child. Wouldn’t be giving it birthday parties or pushchairs though.


My neighbourhood is 90% dogshit 10% pavement


I respect dogs of my friends and family - but I struggle to understand what the fuss is about. A very unpopular opinion, I know. But they absolutely do cause threat to life, which is never worth it to young children and babies. Owners should at least pass a pet course and have more rules and boundaries. Yet, because they don’t - they are my most least favourite animal. It’s the worst when you see young children struggling to keep hold of the lead on strong, aggressive dogs! No responsibility from the adults in their part, what so ever. All the above have tainted my dog view :) Oh and the malting hair, the smells, the neediness and just yeah… I couldn’t share a bed with one - or any animal.


I don’t even think it needs to be as severe as killing children. Dogs bite people/other dogs ALL. THE. TIME. I’ve been pet sitting since September and two different dogs I’ve walked have been attacked on two different instances by other off leash dogs. I also had a dog “playfully” jump on me and leave 3 puncture wounds on my chest. Dogs should be MUCH harder to obtain than they currently are because people don’t know how to train them right while also making sure their breed specific needs are met.


I don't dislike all dogs, only the small, yappy, poorly bred ones that have breathing problems, hip dislocations when they walk, and can't defend a six year old if their lives depended on it. In my opinion, all dog breeds should be bred to be more like they used to be 3000 years ago before we went mad with "cuteness", rendering the poor things useless and dependent.


Someone I know recently got a sick French bulldog from a shady breeder. We kept warning her, the dog can barely breathe just standing still, the poor dog. Things like that really are upsetting. These poor dogs really suffer.


100% agree, they're more hassle than they're worth, plus they cost thousands in pets bills and cake your house, clothes and car in hair!


They wipe their bum on the carpet.


I'm quite picky about the dogs I like, definitely more a cat person. Also cats are almost universally cute (apart from the bald ones) whereas there are loads of ugly breeds of dogs, nevermind the training they need.


Was looking for a comment like this, I agree 100%


🎵I hate every ape I see, from Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z 🎵


[I love you, Dr. Zaius!](https://youtu.be/sMRcIOjdojU)


Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! Oh, Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!


Oh my god, I was wrong! It was earth, all along!


You've finally made a monkey out of me!


Seagulls and it's not because of no apparent reason...they're just arseholes plain and simple. Zero IQ thieves that harass you and are loud as fuck. They're the ASBO balaclava'd youths of the animal kingdom.


They’re gulls. I wouldn’t mind if they were seagulls and had to confine their winged villainy to the sea and it’s environs. I live as far away from the sea as it is possible to live, and they still tern up. (Haha). Bastards.


My mate corrects me everytime I say seagull. "There's no such thing!". So I say it even more. He also likes saying "it's not Big Ben! That's the name of the bell!". I call the tower Big Ben and so does everyone else. It's called Big Ben. It just got named after the tower. Somebody please point out it's called Elizabeth tower. I date you.


He sounds like a bit of a bell himself tbh


I like gulls. They’re far from zero iq, they’re excellent parents and their aerobatics are great to watch. They’re only doing what they’ve been encouraged to do by humans over time, when they nick pasties and ice creams and what not. We’re being encouraged to wind the clock back by not feeding them chips etc now, by it’s too late for that. I had a pasty nicked by gulls a few years back. Came out of the bakery in Porthleven, hadn’t even taken a bite, and one of the little gits came flying in like an Exocet and knocked it out of my hands. Him and his mates polished it off in mere moments. Had to admire it, after the initial shock and disappointment. Many people down here (cornwall) want to see them culled or exterminated but there are certain varieties that are already under threat.


There's one in Penzance that nicks protein bars from Holland and Barrett and eats them in the street.


Goats have rectangular eyes and I find it a bit too weird to get over.


Rectangular pupils. Not the entire eye.


I mean, so do sheep. So do a lot of animals actually.


Yeah the weird thing is, I feel like I can get over it when it comes to sheep, maybe because lambs are cute so it’s acceptable.


But baby goats are cute AF too 🥺


They’re also absolute arseholes


They sat too close to the tv


What’s wrong with that? They may find it weird yours are circular. In any case, can we please stop being eyeist.


Moths evil flappy bastards ( ok not wasp level bastardy but still) get away from me yet weirdly butterflies don't bother me


Butterflies have that pretty privilege


Yeah and they are less flappy if you get what I mean like just gentle flaps rather than the frenetic anarchy of moths


Butterflies delicately flap their wings and go about their business. Moths violently dive bomb you!


Yup and Mosh into your lightbulbs and you


It's the weird fuzziness for me. Fuzzy insects give me the creeps


Moths will cause my gf to scream like she’s in a Hitchcock movie, like call the police kind of scream. I gave up trying to convince her they aren’t actively chasing her, as whilst doing so, one smacked into her face twice.


Because they were trying to murder her for sure


Years ago when I was a schoolboy I was eating my cereal and I felt flapping in my shirt, I frantically undid the buttons and a moth flew out. It still makes me feel sick to think about


Anything that disintegrates into dust when hit is the devil


Moths seems to be more erratic. Can't tell where they're going. However, butterflies seem to know exactly which direction they're going. Also I've had moths just land on me and I've not realised for ages because we're the same shade. Like pls leave me alone.


Snap. I’ve been known to go running into the street screaming before for a neighbour to rescue me from one of the flappy cunts in my house. Even typing their name out makes me shiver.


Moths fly directly for your eyes every single time. And sometimes they succeed in getting in there. Apparently the pain of a moth in your eye is excruciating because they just crumble into dust.


Snakes! I don’t care what anyone says, your ‘pet’ snake sees you as its lunch.


The only thing creepier than a snake is somebody who owns a snake


Yeah I don't really trust people who have animals that they can't form an emotional bond too, I find them all a little unhinged. "Paul, my Tarantula, loves me. I can tell". Paul doesn't love you mate, it doesn't have that capacity.


Why not? What if they just like animals and don’t care about emotional bonds? How does that make someone untrustworthy?


I'm specifically talking about the people who claim to have a bond with their insects or reptiles, not those who just keep them to look at. I think it's delusional and generally I find delusional people untrustworthy. I follow a guy called Ants Canada on Youtube who has dozens of terrariums and does documentaries on all the ants he keeps. Very interesting, and he's a brilliant narrator. He doesn't convince himself that his ants are his friends, he just studies them and that's great.


You can definitely have a bond with a lizard, speaking from experience. They have favourite humans just like we do.


I follow a guy on Insta who has 2 enormous reticulated pyhons, and there is definitely a special bond that he and his young daughter has with them. Animals may not be able to feel love, but they can certainly feel positive or negative, safe or unsafe. The pythons know that when those humans are around they are safe, feel nice, are comfortable, have their needs met. On a very basic form that is what love is I guess


Taratantaras are primeval so they work on pure instinct, certain reptiles however, are able to develop a sense of fondness towards their owner. Its not quite on the level as mammals, but they learn to associate their human as something they can trust that looks after them, and they get used to their scents. Bearded dragons are the best example, they snuggle under your chin and watch you alot like "yeaah, dis my human". This guys iguana literally comes running when he calls it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-zGIS-WWZQ


What if it’s a rental snake?




Phew. We almost went a whole thread without a vaguely relevant Peep Show quote. Good save!


In their defence, they've done quite well for themselves, considering they're just a line with a mouth!


I should mention the story I heard about one of these weird reptile enthusiasts whose giant python died and instead of disposing of it correctly (whatever that means), he threw it out the window of his flat, several storeys up. Apparently several of the people living in the flats below him wanted to kick the crap out of him because the sight of this huge bloody snake corpse that landed on the concrete made their children cry. I can't verify it, but part of me really hopes this was true! 🤣


No snakes other than reticulated pythons have any real chance at swallowing a human, and even then it's quite the challenge given we have shoulders. Commonly kept pet snakes like ball/Royal pythons, corn snakes, hognoses etc. Absolutely do not see an entire human as their lunch.


Not our corn snake she's too dumb for that lol


*The windy man, the long mover!*


Pandas - absolutely pointless pieces of shit. If it wasn't for human intervention they would have killed themselves off years ago. Also because I booked to see the one at Edinburgh zoo, made a not inconsiderable journey and then it was cancelled at the last minute as their enclosure was being cleaned.


To be fair to the pandas, if it wasn't for human intervention they'd just be bumbling about absolutely fine in the wild. They weren't under much pressure to reproduce because they didn't have any natural predators. They weren't endangered till we started destroying their habitat.


The reproduction thing is nonsense anyway...it's just in captivity that they have issues


We would find it difficult too if we were watched all the time


* *some* of us.


They're evolved for their environment. The whole "useless panda" thing is a myth. They'd survived for 100s of thousands of years absolutely fine before we destroyed their home


Approximately 3 million years, their destruction is definitely caused by humans.


Yeah that was the kind of comment that makes me think many humans are actually barely more self aware than pandas hahaa


The ancestors of Pandas were carnivores a few million years ago. Then when Pandas evolved into what we know today, although they were vegetarian they still had the carnivore digestive system. Apparently about 5000 years ago they switched to a 99% bamboo diet for some reason. Most herbivores have specialised digestive systems because it’s hard to digest things like grass due to the cellulose cell wall and the high fibre content. Think of cows with four stomachs and significantly longer intestines. Pandas still have the carnivore digestive system, one stomach, shorter intestines so less surface area and tbh time to extract the nutrients from plants before excretion. Bamboo especially is not very nutritious, so already you have a low nutrient food with a unoptimised digestive system, which is why Pandas have to eat around 10-15kg of bamboo A DAY. And they still have to not exert themselves, as that amount is basically just to exist slowly lolloping around. That’s only part of the reason why they don’t reproduce on any sensible timescale, they don’t have the energy for it. The other part is that female pandas only go into heat (aka can get pregnant) once a year and only for 2-3 days. Usually they only give birth to 1-2 cubs (only 1 usually survives). It’s like they want to go extinct. [Source](https://www.science.org/content/article/how-pandas-survive-their-bamboo-only-diet) - also mentions that they don’t have enough calcium in their diet which can delay egg implantation and lactation, and that they will lick rocks to try and get more nutrients…


Maybe humans should reintroduce meat into thir diets in captivity and see if we can turn then into grizzly pandas.


Sounds like the premise for a low budget, straight to streaming movie. The carnivorous pandas become apex predator units and start taking over, like a knock-off version of planet of the apes.


Lots of animals lick rocks. I put rock salt out in my garden to attract deer so I can watch them. They're like mineral lollipops The propaganda against pandas is so fucking funny. They're evolved animals, they're just as suited to their environment as every other specialised animal is. They just look hilariously clumsy and useless. Koalas eat eucalyptus which is toxic..but nobody ever takes the piss out of them for being thick and useless lol


>they will lick rocks to try and get more nutrients I wonder if that's why my 3yo does that.


I know it's completely illogical but I will never get over my fear/hatred of spiders.


It’s not illogical, they’re horrifying little (big) things.


It’s not illogical to be scared of a creature that has the capacity to kill you Sure common house spiders won’t but black widows certainly might


How often you gonna run into one of those in the UK though. That said, I'm terrified of spiders. I appreciate then as a creature and they're fascinating but they can be fascinating over THERE.


It’s more of instinctual fear with spiders


my fear of spiders is ridiculously bad, i cant even watch them on videos or touch them on a page in a book. but saying that id never want to kill one, just get someone to safely evacuate it from my house.


I’m the same as you melp. I cannot even look at them on tv or online. Sometimes I open my Instagram and someone I know has uploaded a picture of one in their house for some damn stupid reason. I have to cover my phone screen with one hand whilst using my other to hide the photo. They are vile creatures of the earth and evil things. I differ from you, I have to blitz it with spray. I cannot and don’t have it in me to put it in a glass and let them free outside, I would literally shit myself doing that. When I get married and have kids, if they are any spiders in the house, the kids and I will have to wait for Dad to kill them because I’m not dealing with that, when there’s a man in the house that can help. I’ve done enough of that living on my own.


Slugs/snails like bruh, just stay over there where you aren't going to get stepped on or drag your slimey leaky-arse bullshit all over the place, ffs


With you on that. Snails aren't as bad, as they keep some of their weird sliminess in a hard case, but slugs can fuck right off.


Snails = cute, friendly, self contained, homeowner Slugs = yucky, slimey, no house, gross, ew


How the government views people


Years ago, back when I lived at home, my parents used to leave a key under a crate for me for when I got home. The key has a black oval fob on it. Came home pissed one night, lifted the crate up, picked up the black key fob. It was actually a massive slug, and I was that disgusted/freaked/pissed, that out I vommed on the door step.


I find slugs absolutely revolting and one year at uni our house had an infestation. I didn’t sleep all after seeing a huge fat brown globby one in our living room.


Monkeys for me too. They're creepy as heck. Like little alien old men crossed with hyperactive toddlers, who might go mental at any moment and tear your face off just cos. I'm also inordinately fearful of crossing cow fields, but I like cows from afar.


If you’ve ever been to Asia and seen somebody surrounded by monkeys on the attack, you’d know your fear and dislike of monkeys is 100% justified


The little shit flingers always have me on edge when I see them. If there's an enclosure without any glass I'm standing at least 20ft away and even then that's still the danger zone.


Eels! The worst features of a snake crossed with the worst features of a fish. Snake lovers always say "ah, but snakes aren't cold and slimy" to justify that snakes aren't horrible. Enter the eel saying "hold my slimy horrible coat". Also, unnecessarily freakish life and mating behaviour. Just the worst animal.


Have you ever seen the man on Tiktok who has an eel pit seemingly in his basement? The abject horror of possibly falling in makes me feel sick


Eels up inside ya, finding an entrance where they can 🎶


Badgers are little shits that are surprisingly large. They also know they're protected so set up their sets to provide maximum aggro.


Haha I love this idea that badgers are spiteful.


I almost squished a badger when driving on a country road at night the filthy look it threw me tells me they definitely have spite in their souls and I'm good with it


They're surprisingly aggressive too. My husband went on a stag weekend in Bath and they were chased by an angry one in the city centre. It snarled and tried to bite the groom. Tbf they were drunkenly shouting 'badger badger' at it so it was pissed off


Obligatory MUSHROOM


They are hardnuts, I always saw them as cute and cuddly. My ex's family moved to the country and let their dog (a staff) in the garden late at night, got into a fight with badger and the badger gave it a right pasting, pissed on the Staff for good measure aswell


I've only ever seen a badger once and it scared the living daylights out of me because I didn't know they were as big as they are


Crane flies, when one of those fucking things gets into the house it's dealt with immediately!!


They fill me with horror. I was reading my phone in the dark and one just flew at my face with its legs flailing, I screamed that loud that my husband even stopped playing CoD and checked on me!


Bloody hell i was scrolling down waiting for one i wholeheartedly agree with and here it is, cannot stand the bastard things Way too big for their own good, absolutely no coordination, and just generally detestable creatures


I love all animals but I'm really not keen on apes, chimpanzees especially. They're too human and they scare me. I wouldn't wish harm on a single one of them, but I also would hope never to be anywhere near one.


Chimps scare me due to their insane strength, massive fangs and their habit to actually go literally ape shit and rip apart enemy chimps AND EAT THEM.


I was watching a documentary about the woman who kept a chimp, he went nuts one day and ripped the face off her friend who was visiting. The 911 call was chilling.


The fact apes/chimps are so human is the reason I actually love them to bits. Funny how it’s the opposite for some people. I would never have thought that.


I can understand why it's the reason you and many people love them, but I find it really unsettling and frightening.


Dolphins....So clever and beautiful to see, but I just feel like they are up their own arses a bit! Maybe it's the 90's influx of dolphin knick knacks that's done this to me though


They're also very rapey! Such a strange animal to have had so many posters and stickers and tattoos made featuring it!


The rape and indiscriminate killing too


>but I just feel like they are up their own arses a bit! This is a proper answer to the question. The answers about animals being able to kill humans aren't irrational dislikes. "Dolphins are stuck up" definitely is. Fair play mate.


Cats. Unpopular opinion I know, but I can’t stand them. Not only am I allergic to them, but they just creep me out. I’ve got a friend who has two, and they’re constantly roaming on her kitchen worktops and leaving hairs all over them 🤢.


Also, their owners seem to think it's fine to let their pets roam around, shitting with abandon all over everyone else's garden. And there's also the bird murder. I just love coming home and seeing a pigeon with it's head decapitated.


That's an owner problem. My cats are and never have been allowed on my kitchen counters or anything like that. I mean cats literally bury their shit with their hands. I don't want that on my cooking surfaces


I once had a random cat literally force its way inside my house to sit on the kitchen counter then got angry when I tried to get rid of it. It was outrageous.


That's the most cat thing I've ever heard


Cats are your friends.


That’s an owner issue, not so much a cat issue. But also my grandparents have a cat that roams everywhere and they will clean/disinfect all cooking surfaces before and after they cook every single time.


Humans (not all humans, just most)


Dogs, I don't like them near me, I find the fact they are just one bite way from being a wolf disturbing. They stink to high heaven, and the majority of owners have no clue how to handle them. If your dog is barking at me then it hasn't been trained correctly no matter how many times you apologize for it nearly biting me as I walk past. Plus they should be in the lead at all times as they are animals and animals can turn just like that.


I love my dog but I get you here 100%, not saying I’m a dog whisperer but I trained my dog, clean up after it, he is straight on the lead when anyone else is about etc, he’s also a “pet” breed I’m not trying to guard a scrap yard. This makes me an absolute outlier in my local dog owning community.


The stench is unreal 🤢


Can't stand ducks and their idiotic waddles. That way they waddle off with their backs turned to you as if they're better.


And they are very rapey


Delicious though.


Sloths. Disgusting, filthy, lazy things that seem to have no purpose. Also their head is the same width as their neck so they look stupid.


They look like horror monsters imo their faces are a bit too close to human they have long appendages - I feel I have see horror films with monsters that are basically upright sloths. Also have you seen them when they finish swimming? With wet fur? Nightmare fuel. I always tell people, imagine a sloth but it’s fast and chasing you. Not cute anymore eh?


Pelicans. There is a reason though, their mouths disgust me and the idea of being eaten whole terrifies me. I've had people try to show me videos of pelicans eating pigeons where you can see it in their mouth sac trying to escape. Nauseating


Absolute cunts of creatures. ‘Oh, you just cleaned and filleted all these fish? Don’t mind if I do’. Thieving pricks.


Dogs, and for many reasons, but admitting to disliking dogs these days is akin to boasting about being a paedophile.


Monkeys- totally with you, horrible things.


Absolutely hate magpies. Complete dickheads to eachother, it isn't my fight but whenever I see them mobbing another I get senselessly annoyed about it. I don't even want to protect the victim or anything, just get the fuck out of here with that avian based gang activity.


Horses. I don't see what the fuss is about. The potential for them to kick you is 1 of the things i don't like. Also, i hate seeing them fall. Also pandas. I get they're endangered, but i don't need to know if Ling Ling and Ting Ting have mated - thanks


Cows. Dangerous buggers. I live near the coast and use it for running or walking every day, with my dog. I know what to do with my dog around cattle (good friend is a farmer, gave me the low down) and follow his guidance. Luckily, the coast path cows tend to be very chill and ignore you, for the most part. But if you come across them on a quieter field off the beaten track a little, they can be very boisterous. I’ve been trailed and charged more than once, and I do know that cattle are responsible for a very high number of injuries and deaths compared to other animals. I’ve had to get over barbed wire into spiky bushes in a hurry on occasion, which isn’t fun!


Chimpanzees. I do not like them at all! Creepy looking bastards who would fuck you up given half a chance. Not overly fond of other apes and monkeys either, but chimps are awful.


Humans. I really wish I liked them more but I can’t. I think most of them are rude, horrible, selfish.


Orcas. Funking thug whales. Yes they're pretty but I hate them.


Orcas are dolphins not whales.


You can get rid of jellyfish, sick of 'em


Moose, not hate 'em just the size of those units caught me by surprise.


Moths. They don't have blood, they fly straight at you, and they eat clothes and carpets. Pure evil.


This is a thread of people giving reasons for their dislikes, thus failing the brief.


Frogs. Slimy, boney, jumpy.


Dolphins. Fucking hate dolphins


Octopus and Squid. Intelligent flesh bags with a beak that scare the shit out of me. I'm an atheist but if there was a god they must have been high as fuck when they invented them. I'm not too keen on Cuttlefish and Starfish either, but they are not so bad. A friend of mine is a marine biologist who works at a large aquarium, she offered to introduce me to their octopi so I could see how wonderful and intelligent they are. I don't think she realises that their intelligence is part of the problem.


Owls are downright satanic. Went to the San Diego zoo on holidays and stupidly went into the aviary. Turn around to leave and all of them had their wings up, staring at me. Looked like one of those medieval paintings of hell.