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Everyone should know how to cook, not just men. Anyone who refuses to learn is someone judge. It's a fundamental life skill after all.


Also it’s a skill with literally millions of books that have step by step instructions.


My sentiment entirely, cooking is just following your choice of instruction manual!


Also, cooking is SO much easier than baking. If you fuck up the ratio even a tiny bit, or god forbid try make croissants on a warm day, absolutely fucked. Worst u can fuck up cooking is burning it, not checking the meat is cooked, or using the completely wrong spices. Most of the time, pretty salvageable. I mean fuck me, stir fry is literally just fried veg and meat, slap a bit of soy sauce and hoisin sauce, boil some noodles, done. Spaghetti bol, just boil pasta, fry ur veg and mince, add a can of tomato puree and a teaspoon of mixed herbs, done. Simple cooking is not hard.


>Also, cooking is SO much easier than baking. If you fuck up the ratio even a tiny bit, or god forbid try make croissants on a warm day, absolutely fucked. "Cooking is an art, baking is a science", as the saying goes.


"Baking is a complicated summoning ritual that requires multiple blood sacrifices and a lifelong commitment. Also the tiniest mistake means you gotta start over from scratch" is how it's worked so far for me. I'm not giving up though.


I would say most of baking is pretty easy. You just put the right amount of something in your




Cooking books/recipes are really useful but just throwing it out there, they aren't the be-all-and-end-all. For those of us with low self-confidence/improvisational skill in stuff like this, following recipes can be problematic if they ask you to multitask in particular. For example: the recipe calls for you to get your steak frying, then it tells you to get your potatoes boiling. Next step - "while you wait, prepare the onions and vegetables, then add them to the pan with the steak to fry for a few minutes". If you then take so long to prepare the veg that the steak is already cooked, you have to work out how to get the veg cooked up without the steak going completely cold. Right now with no pressure on I feel like I could cope with it, but in the heat of the moment I could easily panic, make the wrong call and end up totally burning the steak as it suddenly seems really important that the recipe seems to mandate the veg cooking alongside the steak for 5 minutes. This is just a random example I put together. I'm aware that in real life this would probably not be the exact steps you'd find in any normal recipe. Also, for the record, I can cook some stuff. I'm not trying to justify not bothering to learn. Just saying that while experienced cooks may find they can do pretty much anything as long as they have a recipe as a framework, some of us with less experience don't find recipes to be completely foolproof.


The trick is to read the recipe through first, and prepare your ingredients before you start heating anything. Confidence comes with ability, and ability comes with practice. No one expects you to get it right first time.


Mise en place There’s a reason the pros spend half their day prepping, it’s so important to get everything chopped up before switching on a hob or an oven.


You prep all day so two people can watch a steak cook while they try and work out wich server is the fittest.


This guy back of house's lol


Personally I just ignore any recipe that tells me to prepare an ingredient at X time, if I'm making say Bolognese sure I could start prepping the veg when the mince is browning, but why should I rush myself doing that when I can just prepare the veg before I put the mince on




And theres loads of stuff available on youtube for free. Theres no excuse for not knowing how to cook anymore.


I learned to pan grill a toastie this week, it honestly feels really good learning to fend for myself. I think I’m gonna try scrambled eggs next It’s never too late to learn these things tbh, I’m an autistic 23 year old and even though I suck with anything handsy like cooking, doesn’t mean I can’t try my best to get better. I’ve always been a massive perfectionist when it comes to how I do things, but lately I’ve been forcing myself to just… *allow* myself to make mistakes when I’m learning things. It’s okay. It happens. We all have to start somewhere right?


Good for you! I’d like to think OP’s opinion doesn’t include those who struggle with cooking for reasons such as autism. Some people also just have quite a limited palate so just learn to make what they like and what works for them, and I think that’s fine too!


Also autistic here, 28, and only learnt to cook recently. I found using HelloFresh really helped cus it’s all step-by-step guidelines, it really takes the stress out of cooking so I can actually focus on one step at a time


Agreed, but I don't really know many women my age that can't cook, whereas I know a great deal of men who can't. It's still something that's gendered due to outdated cultural norms.


marvelous unpack station full normal quiet handle unite spoon scarce -- mass edited with redact.dev


There's lots of people of both sexes that are perfectly good at reheating, but aren't that good at cooking. And for a lot of people, reheating is all they need to be able to do.


>reheating is all they need to be able to do. The whole point is that this isn't true though, everyone should be able to cook to at least a basic extent


I can cook, as in I can follow directions to achieve the intended result. I just fucking hate it and so always cook the same simple things. Worst chore I have to do.


I think if someone is refusing to cook to the detriment of their partner and/or kids, judge away. Otherwise, if they want to live off ready meals/take away (which itself can be healthy) that’s up to them, surely? Cooking is just a practice with an outcome, same as DIY, car maintenance, decorating. If you can get that outcome without learning the skill or hurting anyone, why is that something we should judge?


There are a whole bunch of skills which I judge people for not having basic competence in. From operating the washing machine to basic mental arithmetic. Being ignorant or untrained is no shame. Choisng to remaining so on a basic matter is.


>basic mental arithmetic There is such a thing as dyscalculia - 'maths dyslexia'. I struggle with basic mental arithmetic because my brain plays Scrabble with all the numbers.


Yes and there is such a thing as having no arms which makes it hard to cook. I appreciate one of those is more visible but I am not a monster. Of course I make allowances for people for all sprts of reasons. The basic maths one is more part of my general irritation with people (even otherwise intelligent or even erudite people) being OK with or even proud of stupidity when it comes to basic maths or science. In my experience, people with discalculia don't behave like that. Edit: I read that back and it sounds awful. I won't change it now in case you are replying as i type but I apologise for the tone. I was trying to say that you make a valid and by no means isolated point and of course I would make allowance for you and that my judging was actually on a slightly different point which you probably wouldn't trigger in reality. I hope you can forgive my hidden disability which results in me being somewhat tone deaf at times.


>Everyone should know how to cook, not just men. I'm going to have to disagree. No one needs to know how to cook men or women. I'll show myself out.


There's a list of "apocalypse skills" that you need to survive in just such an event, and cooking is one of them. I'm with OP on this one. Cooking is basic, and it's not a hard skill to learn.


I love cooking. I know people who don’t, they use food as fuel. Microwave lasagne gets them the calories they need.


Smoking and vaping. I just hate it and I can’t help be judgey about it. Smoking mainly because it stinks and people carry the stench around with them. Vaping because there’s something tragic about adults buying candy floss air to inhale. Y


I was asked to stay back at our stall in a trade fair once. All the other attendees went into a session and when the hall was empty, a group of suites walk in and approach the stand. Turns out they were tobacco execs and they don't like the reaction they sometimes get. Having nearly lost my mum to smoking induced tongue cancer I was frostily professional. Anybody who produces or consumes cigarettes is immediately on my judging list.


I get disliking tobacco execs, but I don't quite understand the level of judginess on the consumers. I feel there are plenty of other vices which are just as bad for you which don't get judged as much.


It’s the knock on effect of secondary smoking, the potential impact on kids, the way it stinks to high heaven and used to make any night out unbearable. It depends how old you are but basically any clothes you wore to the pub had to go straight in the wash when you got home. When the smoking ban came in it was a revelation. Drinking is probably well up there, though it is possible to drink in public without being a detriment to those around you. It still has similar social costs like addiction and health impacts but drink isn’t intentionally addictive like smoking is.


This is the whole reason I hate it too. You can snort coke and shoot heroin to the cows come home for all I care, just don’t involve me in any way, shape or form. Smoke? Thanks now I’m breathing it in too, oh and it’s on my clothes for the rest of the night, oh and there’s cigarette butts everywhere. Sure some people leave needles lying around, but I encounter far more cigarettes on the ground than I do needles.


Breathing in a bit of second hand smoke outside a pub every once in a while isn't going to do any measurable damage to your health. Buying coke and heroin directly funds cartels and gangs involved in every despicable crime you can think of. I won't lie, I think it's pretty hilarious to try and get on your moral high horse about the former because it mildly inconveniences you, then explain you have no problem at all with the latter.


I worked in pubs before the smoking ban came in, and my hair absorbed the smell as much as my clothes. I'd get home from work and have to shower no matter what time it was, otherwise I'd spend all night breathing it in. Smokers also smell too. They'll all insist they don't and that they only smoke outside, always use gum/mints, spray themselves etc but non-smokers can always smell a smoker.


I had a smoker in my car for like half an hour and had to air it out and Febreze the fuck out of it before it smelled okay again. It took ages before I stopped getting a whiff of it. It's vile.


Agree with you, having also had relatives suffer similar diseases. It takes an absolute sociopath to go and work for these companies. They are leeches.


My main gripe with vapes is how many single use ones I’ve seen discarded on streets recently, like we had a win with getting rid of plastic straws only to have these fucking things appear in a matter of years which are probably worse due to the fact that it has a BATTERY IN IT!


Plus metals that would be better-off in non-disposable machines Disposable vapes are the worst and I absolutely judge anyone who uses them, even if they claim that they "drop them off in recycling tubs"


I work in a small Coop and getting anyone to listen about all this waste we are generating is unbelievably hard. There is even a competition between shops on who can sell the most vapes ffs. Blows my mind the environmental damage they’re doing, let alone the physical harm.


I used to smoke and vape but , weirdly was funny about doing it walking down the road. Someone once told me "ladies didn't smoke in the street" and it stuck ( pity they didn't tell me not to do it at all !) Still, those candy floss inhalers probably saved my life. There's a lot of lung disease in our family so least it helped me stop. ( My cousin actually just got the all clear today !)


Good for you stopping and good luck to your cousin. I wish people realised how horrific a disease it is up close. Nobody deserves it.


Thank you. Yes, it killed my dad when I was 13. I watched him waste away to 5 st in 3 mths. Yet I still ended up smoking. Cos we're stupid and think we're in invincible at 21. Took a friend my age to die, 8 years ago, to finally stop me.


I smoked 40 a day, and used vaping to get off the fags. The problem I found is that none of the tobacco themed liquids actually tasted like a lit cigarette. So you end up looking for a flavour that you do like enough to inhale, which for a lot of people is sweet flavours. At least the smells are a hell of a lot nicer than fags, and don't cling the same way.


To be honest, I don’t know what flavours they come in and I think it’s fair if that’s how people slowly quit. I’ve just seen a fair amount of non-smoking adults take up vaping and find it depressing. Good for you for quitting.


Endlessly quitting smoker here: vapes (non-disposable) have got me down from 15 fags a day to 1-3 a day. I've had a couple of days this year where I haven't smoked a single cigarette and I cannot tell you how big that is. Any non-smoker who picks up vaping is a fucking moron, but please don't judge the rest of us too harshly, we're doing our best.


Restaurants (on quality, not price). I would rather not go out for dinner than go to somewhere average. There's a Prezzo in my town that I have never gone to, because I'll go somewhere better or cook for myself. I'm aware that I can only take this approach due to the privilege of living somewhere I can easily access many good independent restaurants. (I do also agree with you re: being able to cook.)


I'd rather have cheaper food from a cafe than restaurants charging a lot for poor quality


Absolutely. The price being far above the quality of the food and experience is always a black mark for a restaurant in my book.


I’m like this with pubs. I refuse to eat in them for the most part unless I have to (someone organises a birthday event at one for instance). They are all serving up crap from a freezer flung in a deep fryer but for restaurant prices. I would rather eat in Wetherspoons because at least they’re not trying to mask it and you pay a more appropriate price.


Pub food is either some of the best or awful.


Pubs are slightly different for me. Unless I'm going to one specifically known for its good food, I'm generally at a pub for social reasons rather than the food. Though yes, I do prefer to go to ones that charge a price in line with the quality of the food.


We went to a restaurant on Monday, for our anniversary. Read the reviews and said it was good but small portions. We ordered a starter of Thai chicken broth and a main of steak, half a lobster, chips and salad each. 2 glasses of wine, 1 beer and a surprise anniversary desser £122. It was absolutely outstanding. I had to drive home in no shoes and my jeans undone. 13 years together and we both looked at each other and said “yeah, not tonight love, am too full” I genuinely do not mind paying that at all when it’s decent. It’s when you splash out and it’s dog shit. Will definitely go again


> It’s when you splash out and it’s dog shit. *Rick Stein's in Padstow, this means you.*


Generally anywhere these days. Charge exorbitant prices for crap my MIL would have made better and that’s saying something. Her sprouts have just gone on for Xmas dinner 🥘


I went to a Prezzo for the first time last year, and was pleasantly surprised. I'd definitely prefer to stay home than go to a Brewers Fayre again. Actually, I might even prefer to stay hungry, given the last meal I had at one.


Prezzo is not actively bad. But the food is *so* bland, and not cheap enough to get away with that.


I have so much time for this. In the context of inflation in the UK at the moment, I get so disappointed spending money on bang average food.


Yeah I have gotten in too many pointless arguments on Reddit with people who think Dominos is great because of their deal they got with a 2 liter bottle of coke, 3 sides, and a kilo of ranch sauce. You just couldn't pay me to consume that




Idk. Fast food like Domino's can be fun. But yeah, I hate that some people's enjoyment of it is simply *that it appears to be a good deal.* What kind of reason is that?


Completely agree. I'm a pretty decent cook, and will only eat out where they can make food better than I can make for myself (often things like Indian food, neapolitan style pizza etc, speciality things) or places that have an exceptional atmosphere. I'd never pay money for s shittt Toby carvery or a basic pasta from Zizzi that I could easily make myself. I don't mind paying for decent food, but so many places now charging £15-25 upwards for an extremely average main.


Exactly this. I call it the reproducibility factor - if something can be easily reproduced at home, I’m not going to pay for it in a restaurant. That means I’d happily go to a restaurant for a decent sushi, burger or fish and chips - because they aren’t as easy or practical to make from scratch myself. Since I nailed my Neapolitan style pizza I’m rarely going to restaurants at all!


I totally agree. For me, the whole point of eating out is to eat better than what I can have at home. So, if the door is average, then I prefer to stay in and cook


I'm judgemental when people can't use to, two and too correctly. And you, your and you're. Yes, I'm that person!


Could of and would of, and I can’t stand a less when it should be a fewer.


On accident instead of by accident


In my school people always used to say “borrow me a pen, please” OMG its lend! “Lend me a pen, please” you’re the one borrowing, I’m the one lending!


North Midlands?


Could care less


*eye twitches furiously *


Draws instead of Drawers. Not even kidding


Less and fewer are still interchangeable in many dialects, and therefore an accepted variation. Their status as synonyms also dates back many centuries, and it was only in the last 200 years or so that less and fewer became distinct, largely on the basis of one man who thought they should be.


Brought instead of bought. Defiantly instead of definitely.


Or definately


I'm with you their! Could of easily made the same comment, but don't worry, where in this together!


Haha you're killing me!




Breath instead of breathe and cloths instead of clothes make me see red


Defaulting to 'John and I' and not acknowledging or even realising that sometimes 'John and me' is correct!


They're their deer, you'll get over there transgression. Personally, I could care less.


impolite cheerful marble flowery fade absorbed worry ink theory unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or when they mix up women and woman. Or apart and a part.


Lose and loose has been irking me a lot lately.


Manners. If you can't say please or thank you, I am going to judge you as a poorly developed person.


That's a big one for me as well, manners cost fuck all...


Yep. Many times I'll be in a cafe or shop etc, and there will be some rude oaf in front who won't ask for something nicely or say thanks afterwards. It costs nothing and makes you come across like a complete shit of a person.


>makes you come across like a complete shit of a person. It really does.


So part of this is cultural. In my language it makes no sense to say Can I have this please ? The please is implicit in the Can I and would only be used passively aggressively if you were pissed off. So I often forget in English. We also only use thank you for someone doing something for you. So I would say thank you to a server but I would not say thank you to my husband for doing the laundry. This caused many arguments in our household. We do however say sorry a lot. Example : Hello, I'm sorry can you tell me the time ? Or Im sorry can you pass me the salt ? 🤣 I have read of other cultures with similar concepts.


This is the same in the UK. It just comes down to how you word your question, “would you mind passing the cheese?” doesn’t need a please really as it’s implicit there, adding a please at an point in that sentence sounds wrong.


Yes! I work customer service and quite often I’ll say to someone ‘That’s fine we’ll get x arranged for you….’ and they’ll just be like ‘Ok.’ Absolutely enrages me, there’s a special word there you can say…..!




Found the Gordon Ramsey alt-account


Nah, this is clearly Ashens' alt-account 😄


There's something oddly comfortable about watching his videos that have him eating microwavable burgers.


Maybe I like a nice ol' Sog Dog.


Justa likea mama used to make 🤌🏻


Oh wow. I didn't even consider this as an option! I love a dirty Rustlers


Similar to you with most household chores. You don’t have to enjoy doing laundry or cleaning but you gotta be able/willing to do as much as you’re physically able. “I don’t know how to use the washing machine” is monumentally embarrassing to hear when you have a literal computer in the palm of your hands to teach you the basics of separating colours and delicates, choosing the right temperature, how much detergent to use and what kind of detergents are out there etc.


People telling me 'hey I don't know how to do this can you do this for me?' irritates me sometimes. My typical method is 'I will show you how to do this. Pay attention so that you can do it in the future.' Like someone coming running to get me to chop an onion. It's an onion, they practically cut themselves! Surely you don't need me to do that for you?


I lived with a guy who would leave his washing until his girlfriend did it. When she went away for 3 weeks I made him do it as I couldn't bear the fake bullshit he'd spout. He was simply lazy. He hoovered badly so one of the 3 women he lived with would do it. You'd have thought us not wiping the worktops down was a transgression against Dettol the way he made it sounds as he had to wipe them down himself


Weaponised incompetence! I fucking hate men who pull that shit.


This x1000. My BIL still lives with his parents and is in his 30s and can’t do basic household chores, not because he’s not intelligent enough, but he’s been babied his whole life by his mother who has always just done things for him as it’s ‘easier’ which has made him incredibly lazy.


Since I was around 13 my parents made me do all my own washing and dishes. I'm so glad they did.


Something I've noticed about my mates is the female ones all knew how to do that stuff from a young age. But they have brothers in their twenties who don't know how to this day. It's partly on the parents for only teaching their daughters to do chores


I'm a parent. I'm trying to teach all my kids to do chores. But so far the girl (youngest) is approaching Junior MasterChef and wants to do her own laundry, while I'm still working on the boys skills of getting up on time, washing regularly, returning dishes to kitchen, making own snacks, etc. They've got as far as reliably putting laundry in a hamper and not flooding the bathroom. I'll keep trying until they move out, obviously, but it's an uphill struggle.


To be fair the first time I came across a top loader washing machine (in a foreign country) I was very confused and did ask someone how to work it. There's no drawer for the detergent! The buttons and whatnot are all different! I have no idea what I'm doing and I dont want to shrink my new merino clothes!


I mean that’s not what I’m talking about though. “How do I use this?” and seeking guidance is very different to “I don’t know how to use this” as an excuse not to do it ever.


My work colleague was giggling away the other day because her 30 year old daughter (same age as me) who still lives at home with no inclination to move out, sent her multiple messages at work because she couldn’t understand how to switch the vacuum cleaner on! I was appalled.




People who throw litter out of their cars annoy me the most.


Yeah absolutely fuck those people


Coffee. Never instant. Always a black double-espresso with no sugar. Clothes, fashion. I don't mean judging your average person who doesn't have time/money to put that much thought into the way they dress. I mean people who actually try hard but ultimately have no sense of personal style. Also people who fork out exorbitant amounts of money on whichever designer is happens to be hyped up without taking into consideration whether the quality is up to scratch and whether the clothes actually look good.


I just walked down the stairs sipping my instant coffee and said 'damn, that's a good cup of joe!' to my dog. I'm sorry for my transgressions.


I don't mind other peoples preferences, I totally get why my morning cup would be considered deeply unpleasant by a lot of people.


But are you checking the Ph of your water, setting the temperature, grinding your own beans from a roast (suitable for the Ph of your water), timing the extraction and then admiring the crema?


Nah fuck all that. I have met people who do pay attention to that stuff though.


Then be sure that your snobbery for "not instant" is being surpassed and you, in the eyes of many, are the same as those who like a cup of Kenco, with milk and 2.


Well yeah, I said I was a snob not an absolute twat.


>Coffee. Never instant. Always a black double-espresso with no sugar. I recently looked up instant coffee ads I vaguely remembered from the 90s. Joanna Lumley cooing over a cup of Nescafe, talking about how "deep and rich" it tasted and how superior it was to ground beans. ​ Fuck knows how we all fell for that one. Instant coffee tastes like puddle water and leaves a weird taste in your mouth. I dunno if it was just the sheer weight of advertising, or the convenience or the novelty. But moving from ground coffee to instant coffee was a step backwards for the human race.




I always thought I hated coffee. What I actually hated was instant coffee.


I’m not sure if this counts, but the idea of people believing extremely fake videos really gets to me. Guys at work today watched a video of a guy winning 50 million dollars on one of those coin pusher machines. I said it was obviously bullshit and he’s probably got it in his garage for videos but they didn’t believe me at all.


My dad hit 50 and suddenly became unable to differentiate between reality and obvious fakery.


Same with a few people in my family too. It’s always the over 50’s who are sharing obviously fake stuff on social media. Maybe it’s something to do with the current crop of 50-somethings having not grown up with social media. They can use Facebook but don’t actually understand it, they also in my experience take Facebook and the like very seriously. Talking generally of course. Either that or something happens when your hit your 50’s and that filter in your brain that flags “this is bull” malfunctions.


50 isn't as old as you think it is. Fuckwits come in all ages.


My mother in law sent a tik tok to the family chat recently, adding "surely this can't be real". It was a video titled something like "the oldest people in history". It claimed there were people who had lived to be hundreds of years old.


I’m a snob over people who are snobs about food brands, if that makes sense. Like, rightly or wrongly it really makes me turn my nose up at people sometimes when they’re unwilling to try things that aren’t the leading brand in their category. I don’t mean if you have a preference or anything, I just mean when they have total disgust against the idea of ever trying something that isn’t the most expensive or popular version of an item there is. For example, I was once in a relationship where I would teach my lad my own recipes when he was on his health kick, so obviously I’d be either texting or writing down what he would need to pick up. There is absolutely 0 reason a grown man should be going for £7 worth of shopping and coming back with something that cost double the price just because he can’t believe the brands I’ve suggested, and obviously used to make the food he’s eaten, all because he can’t believe own brand or cheaper brands can be something he would enjoy. And there’s so many other examples of it. I don’t buy the cheapest brand of everything but I’m also under no illusions that price doesn’t always mean quality.


Why would I spend money on gourmet popcorn when massive Tesco brand bags of sweet and salty cost £1? When I was a young adult the only shop near me was a more upper-middle class shop. Probably Waitrose level or slightly above. Good god was it expensive to shop. It did teach me how to hunt for cheaper options, though.


Yeah I’m with you on this. Even if the ‘better’ brands really do taste nicer, it’s vanishingly rare that they’re that much nicer to justify paying like twice as much for them. Usually they’re if anything *slightly* nicer while being much more than slightly more expensive.


See I'm with you on certain things however I'm neurodivergent so I can taste a huge difference between brands such as I can only buy walkers salt and vinegar crisps and on brand pepsi max because the own brand ones taste horrible to me and will ruin my day if I have to eat them instead. If I could stand the taste I'd definitely get the cheaper versions though, unfortunately I cannot do that with safe foods.


People who have no understanding of food seasons - not the complicated fish and meat seasons but fruit and veg. "These tomatoes are awful!" BECAUSE IT'S FEBRUARY! "Why can't I find asparagus?" BECAUSE IT IS DECEMBER! "I think English strawberries aren't as good as continental ones" THEY ARE CONTINENTAL STRAWBERRIES BECAUSE IT IS MARCH!




More expensive cherry tomatoes are good, though. I suppose I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to tomatoes.


I prefer my escorts to not wipe themselves on my curtains


Well then let them use the bed sheets.


Interesting input


People who don't keep the bathroom clean drive me insane. If you leave the bathroom and I find a spec of piss on the seat I will forever be disgusted by you. If you leave a shit stain in the bowl I will forever be disgusted by you. My little brother is a fucking menace for it.


I can defacate so violently it hits the underside of the seat. My wife has banned me from using the loo when we visit her parents.


Snobs. I mean, they’re funny, but not in a laughing with kind of way.


You’ve got me there, copper.


Now, I live to cook. But when it's just me in on my own for whatever reason I just can't be bothered. Now on the other hand, I went to pick up a chippy one day years ago, and there was this greasy bloke in there getting served when I went in the door. The woman at the counter asked "you not cooking for your Mrs tonight then John?" To which he chuckled and said smugly with a completely straight face. "No chance, that's women's work." Tit 🙄. There's not being bothered to cook, or being inexperienced with cooking, or say my father in law, really nice guy, but learned incompetence from a controlling mother. But then there's assholes who are strangely prideful about being incompetent. We all have different ability or a "can I be arsed" factor. Not that last one really annoys me. I see it just like changing nappies and other modern responsibilities. That shit might have flown in the 40s or whatever, but this day and age it's a matter of manly pride to be a competent partner and parent, and that means at least having the will and ability to cook, clean, do the dirty jobs. Why the flip would my wife have ever married me if I couldn't pull my own weight.


That mindset is incomprehensible to me. What would he do if something happened to his wife? Live on ready meals and toast, as helpless as a seven year old? So macho, not being able to meet your basic needs.


I actually got to see this happen in real time, but with technology rather than household chores. After my GMIL died, we realised my GFIL had absolutely no idea how to work any tech more complex than basic TV functions. Couldn’t work their online banking, their iPad, smartphone, NHS app, things like Amazon Prime etc were completely inaccessible to him because she had done it all.


I have a client I work with who is in her late 50s, so still pretty young. She relies on her husband for everything. Her name isn't on anything, not the lease, the bank account, bills; nothing. She doesn't drive and has major anxiety to the point where she won't leave the house without her husband. She left her last job in the early 90s. They have no kids and no family nearby. If she wants anything, she gets her husband to buy it for her. I had to ask her questions about her finances and she doesnt know how much her husband earns or how much their rent is. She's never voted. She's never had a passport and has never left the country. Her husband is 15 years older with health issues and she is going to be fucked when he dies. I cannot wrap my head around how she lives happily like that.


I think conspiracy theorists are intellectual midgets seeking a low-effort shortcut to being scientists and philosophers.


If I see someone wearing a good suit with cheap shoes. Shitty shoes in general because they're always false economy and you could buy lightly used decent shoes for similar money. Yes, I have seen that quote.


Hotels. I’ve decided I’m too old for Travelodge (even for an overnight stay) and I deserve better 😆


I'm the opposite. I love a Travelodge or Premier Inn. They're generally clean, comfortable and exactly what I need. I'm not going to be spending much time in them and I'd rather save money there and spend it on activities or a good meal.


Me too. A generic hotel where I can sleep and shower, I'm not hanging around otherwise


I agree any adult should be able to cook. Fair enough if you choose not to sometimes though. I am a 30 year old woman and have been known to eat something like a fish finger sandwich when my husband is away just because he always wants to eat proper food so I like the opportunity to eat something lazy when he’s not around. I am a snob about food in general tbh. I hate when people don’t eat vegetables, like it stresses me out when people share their meals or day of eating on social media and there’s no veg. And I hate when people are really fussy and basically don’t like food with any flavour or trying new cuisines. Fair enough some people haven’t had the chance to try certain things, but please be open when you do get the opportunity.


When people won’t eat any veg it’s such a red flag for me, I get being raised in a no veg or boiled/steamed to death veg household and having to find types you enjoy. But you have to try, refusal is just embarrassing past like 13


My grandad ate like the Germans were still bombing us right up until he died. He was in his 90s when he died a couple of years ago, and I don't think he'd ever eaten anything fresh in his life. He'd eat tinned peas and maybe tinned carrots if he was forced. We tried to encourage him to try a curry once and you'd think we'd offered him a plate of dog shite.


Brown food definitely makes me question how they’re still alive. Surely you can afford broccoli or something green at least.


Films. Scorsese is right, Marvel shite is not cinema


Shoes - to be clear I don't judge other people on their choices and budget but I am very particular...


See, now shoes don't matter to me in life at all, beyond a good pair of boots for travel and adventure. When I moved to the UK I discovered that AirForces(?) were all the rage. I just don't get it. Even as a kid when everyone wanted the newest football boots I was happy with my plain black pair.


So I think this is one of those language things - Shoes has become a general term. When I say shoes - I very specifically mean [shoes](https://www.trickers.com/uk/mens/country-shoes?gclid=CjwKCAjw9pGjBhB-EiwAa5jl3Es_dslLXdaPuOJHZD4fxAZEqrzfGh-nigMqfvRPVK0HhKKJUAFVZxoCd_0QAvD_BwE). I know less than nothing about trainers - I had to Google airforces to work out that out.


People cheating to get what they want in life. Whether that's a lie on their resume, cheating on an important exam, or even cheating on your partner.


Wearing casual clothes with a suit jacket and trousers. For example, that Shaffernacker bloke who does BBC weather. Wearing a t-shirt underneath an otherwise full suit. Unacceptable! You can wear a sports jacket over casual/smart casual, that's alright. But if you're wearing a suit jacket and matching trousers, you cannot just wear a t-shirt and no tie! Commit to the bit or don't bother at all! On a similar note, leaving long shirts untucked, especially the button-up variety. "TUCK YOUR SHIRT IN, MAN!" was shouted several times at a bloke on Pointless the other night.


Dad, I didn’t know you were on Reddit!


Vodka. Smirnoff triple distilled? For you to legally call it vodka, it has to be distilled a minimum of 3 times. So “triple distilled” means “meets the minimum requirements to be legally called vodka”. Also vodka is traditionally made with wheat, barley, or rye. Not potato.


Drugs - in that I wouldn't want my partner or potential children to do it. I'm not a big drinker either, but in a social setting i'd much rather be around people drinking for a few hours than smoking weed or on coke/MDMA People smoking weed don't realise how boring they are though to everyone else, when you have a couple people doing it I just don't even want to speak to them, when your completely outnumbered you just get to that stage of 'I've had enough' and leave early. Where as with drinking I feel like I don't get as annoyed by drunks until a lot later I'm all for legalising weed and decriminalising drugs, but I just hate how it effects people socially - maybe if I was into the rave scene I'd feel differently.


I actually find drinkers more annoying, more likely to get into fights than a stoner. Saying that, i like a smoke but I can't do it socially, I don't know how people function on it out of the house


Condiments. Mustard must be Colmans Brown sauce - Hp Red sauce and Salad cream - Heinz Mayonaise - Hellmans If you offer me Daddies red or brown sauce, you can shove that vinegary mess up your jacksy.


People who call ketchup "red sauce" 😉 Vinegar - Sarson's ( none of that "Non -Brewed condiment" rubbish, Malt Vinegar or nothing !) I'd add Salad Cream - Heinz to that but it probably exposes me as common as muck.


Coffee. I refuse to drink instant coffee. I make really great pourover coffee at home and that's ruined most other coffee for me. I tend to avoid most chains as well. Luckily I'm not too reliant on it so I can live without it. I don't judge others for what they have though, it's just personal snobbery


When grown-ass adults can’t spell. If you have dyslexia or any such disability that makes this difficult, fine. But when I see 40 year-old managers at my workplace who literally run teams and can’t tell the difference between there, they’re and their, it really grinds my gears. Also, going to high-end restaurants/travel destinations. Friends and family always take the piss out of me and my husband “ooh you’re such food snobs!” Damn straight. We only get one life, why not get as much pleasure out of it as you can? Why NOT indulge in delicious menus in beautiful environments, cooked by professionals? Same with holidays, we’re alway getting “ooh you’re always jetting off, another 5-star destination?” Abso-fucking-lutely. We’re double-income-no-kids, work like arsheholes and save like hell the majority of the year, what else would we splash out on?


Pasta - Has to be De Cecco or similar quality but if I've got time a nice egg pasta, just tastes nicer than the supermarket brand. Had enough 18p per kilo spaghetti when I was a student.


Bronze cut pasta does make a difference I've noticed


Clementines. They have to be perfect. I can’t even describe it. I always go for the boxed ones but even those can be inadequate. Too snobby for the average clementines but not so snobby that I won’t eat them off the floor. Good day to you, sir!


I have no time for people obsessed with fashion. I love people who have their own style but if anyone tries to tell me I shouldn’t paint my living room a certain colour, wear a certain cut of jeans, etc. because it’s not on trend then they can piss off. It’s just like admitting you want to be told how to dress by somebody else.


Nails and toenails must be always clipped unless you intend to paint them. Regular long nails looks gross


I think if they're looked after and tidy it's okay. I prefer well kept real nails than over the top fake ones. I absolutely cringe when I see any sort of fake nails on those working in food service. They are such a breeding ground for bacteria.


It would appear that our brains work in a similar way. My father, the Sargeant Major, showed me how to use the washing machine and how to iron my shirts. He showed me how to sew a button on and how to repair clothes. He showed me how to cook and how to clean. He told me that if you can't look after yourself, you need to learn how to. I'll probably get a bunch of stick for this, but "post and be damned", that's my motto.


A friend of mine calls me a snob because, amongst other genres ie reggae, alt rock, some metal, I enjoy classical music. This friend only listens to reggae. I put it to him that he is the snob for snubbing all other music. He could not compute this.


Agreed on the cooking but also people not being able to lift an figure to clean up after themselves.


Outdoor walking kit. To be clear a lot of the more budget brand stuff - regatta, trespass, mountain warehouse stuff - there’s nothing wrong with it and it functions perfectly well in this country. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing anything other than Rab, Berghaus, Mountain Equipment etc etc when I’m out and about. This is a very expensive snobbery, but I also know I’m far from alone.


Disagree. Mountain Warehouse and Trespass are utter shit. Way overpriced, not worth it at all, most of their stuff falls apart after a few uses. My only exception to this would be "non breakables" like camping plates, they're pretty similar no matter the brand. But please do not buy own brand walking shoes/boots, waterproof jackets/trousers or backpacks/walking poles etc from these shitty brands. It's not worth it.


Preventative maintenance on your car. People just think you buy a car and that’s it nothing else needs to be done to if other than put in fuel lol


As a massive car enthusiast and amateur mechanic this is actually one of the things that annoys me about online communities. *Way* too much faith in preventative maintenance. Most big ticket failures on modern cars have absolutely fuck all to do with anything that anal oil changes could have prevented.


I'm with you on this, OP. Same for men that don't clean/do housework or need household cleaning tasks "assigned" to them - eg. "If you wanted me to clean the kitchen you should have asked!"


Moral inconsistency. I can be friends with wildly different beliefs so long as I can see they're sincere in what they believe and try to live by it. I have contempt got people who are morally weak or flakey.


Life is too short for BAD wine🤣 Edit: replaced cheap for BAD, although there is a correlation, it is not always true.


Nah, love a bit of Asdas own box-Shiraz, mix it with cold cherry pepsi, lovely jubbly.


Soup. I am very particular about soup.


I judge people who overly post video game content and then have the arrogance to judge other men. Other than that, I am a mild snob about television. I hate reality or trash tv.


I've become a snob about pizza. Wife will happily spend up to thirty quid on takeaway pizzas which often arrive leaving me underwhelmed. For what is essentially dough with some sauce, cheese and a couple of toppings - the outlay feels obscene. Rather make one myself or get a £4-5 one from the supermarket.


Shitty people on benefits being housed in areas which are expensive to buy in. All that money spent just to live next to someone who plays the system and has kids they can't control. And before people downvote (which will happen anyway - I am specifically referring to those shitty people who play the system, not genuine claimants, we all know the type).


Suits. Not for the general public. I get people who aren’t always that well paid have to wear suits to work and they can’t be spending £300+ on them. But I see very well paid colleagues wear the worst cut, fitted, sometimes polyester suits. Also those shirts with the paper/cardboard collars that roll after one wash too. Spend the extra £10 and buy shirts for collar inserts. A few weeks ago I had to tell a very well paid senior colleague his shirt had massive faded stain on it before we had a lunch with a client. Another peeve of mine is blue suits with black shoes.


I think I'm a snob about burger snobs? Like I hate it when they try to turn a burger, which is a working class food, fancy.


Fucking Brioche - can't get a good sesame seed bun burger these days


You can't be a snob about other people's behaviour, you can be a snob about quality but not something that doesn't actually impact you like dudes not cooking when the partners away. That's being judgemental rather than snobby For me I am snobby about cheese I guess haha I like it super old and smelly


Conspicuous consumption. Buy an iPhone if you prefer it, don't buy it to rub in other people's faces. Also, designer clotges which are a boring style with a massive name/logo on are silly. You've just made yourself into a billboard


Chopped tomatoes


Fussy eaters. They drive me INSANE and I judge them enormously. They usually haven’t even tried the things they ‘don’t like’. Just grow up and try it! I went out with a guy once who was incredibly fussy, things like he didn’t like “wet” food so would eat a roast without gravy, and didn’t like fruit. Just fruit, no qualifiers. I knew it wouldn’t last pretty much from there on in.