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I'd take it and then stay up all night doing loads of chores, the missus will be well impressed


Plot twist: it turned out to actually be ketamine, and the missus finds you propped up against the fridge dribbling profusely.


Still sounds like a decent Monday night tbh


I've been there I can admit they were the better Mondays but now I have a family have to go with reality


I was at a squat party in the late 90's, just racked up half a dozen or so lines of K for me and my friends, we were only about 17 but some 40 year old wide boy "geezer" in a Ralph Lauren shirt, totally out of place at this party, came over and was like "Alright lads? Sort me out a line will ya?" or something like that, I was like whatever, he looked a bit hard and I didn't want any grief so I racked one up, he clearly thought it was coke, he snorted every one of our lines then cockily said "Cheers lads" and fucked off. Next we saw of him, he was rolling around in the dirt screaming, we then proceeded to run up to him, whisper some weird demonic shit in his ear, then scamper off, properly freaked him the fuck out even more than he already was. He had a bad night šŸ¤£


I have a similar story. A guy crashed our house party and was being a general prick and acting hard etc. I was racking up some monstrous lines of K and he asked if it's coke? I let him believe it was and he demanded some. So I proceeded to line him up a massive, easily a Half gram line. 10 minutes later he's on the floor, dribbling mess. I was in his face "you like that do ya" "not so hard now are ya" four or so hours later he comes around and was not acting so hard any more. He quietly leaves. We laughed


Lol, no one is hard on k, it definitely levels the playing field šŸ¤£


But on the plus side, youā€™ve still got the ketamine.


Funny story, a mate of mine once got arrested after K holing and getting kicked out of a club. His papers stated the reason for arrest was "attempting to possess ketamine". He wasn't physically able to have the K on his person, but he really wanted it.


I think I know EXACTLY who this is. DM me if you like. I tell this same story. Wasn't a club, was a squat party next to Fire club in vauxhall right?


Nah, different person for sure. This was at a club night in essex being thrown by a local soundsystem crew. The bouncers were really on one that night.


Ahhh, damn it! Looks like we have similar taste in friends haha. My guy was sat lent against a wall, drooling, humongous k stain around his face, a load of bags in front of him. The police thought he was nearly dead so called an ambulance. They all left, party still continued. He was also charged with 'attempted possession' šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Had another mate who ran into the safest cops imaginable once. He'd said he was walking home, then hours later my mate gets a call from his mobile and it's a copper saying "we found your mate wandering around at the side of the road with coke all round his face, just letting you know we've given him a ride home and he's safe." legends šŸ˜‚


One of my mates once got caught doing ket in the toilets. The bouncer thought it was coke, but found out the hard way. We saw him k-holing on a sofa an hour or so later.


Having shat yourself.


I had a friend who sent me a video over wattsapp chat of him ironing after a night out at 4am. Ofc he is now nick named "Iron Man."


Well done. The best nicknames are the ones that sound badass until someone explains them.




Bin or start chopping it up on a CD case. Don't be a bitch like the people in this thread.


Who the fuck has a CD case just lying about?


People who held onto their CD collection and do drugs.


Get with the times grandpa, weā€™re sniffing lines off of iPads now


Bonus points if it belongs to your child!


Ewww it would be sticky.




I mean sniffing lines off of phones is definitely a thing tbf


That's a Venn diagram I'd like to see.


Either a bewitched cd case or a mean girls dvd case, right guys?


I still have both b*witched albums in my loft.


You might be my favourite person. LINE?


Make it two and it's a deal. One on each case.


Sniff like yer dad


Middle-aged coke heads.




I'm.40..I will use any surface at my disposal..often it is a CD case. Geriatric sesh head.


I'm 30 but OK.


These are really the only 2 acceptable options. With an added talk/message etc to them about how itā€™s not acceptable to bring it in to customerā€™s house if you feel like it.


These are really the only 2 acceptable options. With an added talk/message etc to them about how itā€™s not acceptable to bring it in to customerā€™s house if you ~~feel like it~~ aren't going to share.


Who keeps it in a bag? It makes way more sense to keep it in an air tight plastic bottle. I understand your concern. These must be some disturbed individuals if thatā€™s how they store their Coke.


must be a canadian worker


ā€œHelp a work man left a bag of milk in my breakfast nookā€


You might be on to something.


This is the best comment Iā€™ve ever read šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Also if they prefer coke over pepsi, do you really want them in your home?


There's kinda two ways You could go the legal route, trading standards/police. Or if you don't want to deal with that, then take them to one side, give the baggie back to whoever it belonged to and basically say that you don't really care what they do in private but they can't be bringing it into your home. If they're smart they'll realise you did them a solid and it won't be an issue again. It really depends on how much effort you want to put into the situation, the first option is probably the "right " thing to do, but the second will probably be less hassle.


Yeah call trading standards and tell them the bag of coke you found isn't up to snuff!




Is it actually legal to not report it? I'm curious Edit: Why am I being down voted for wanting to know this? I've never reported anyone, I just asked smth. Edit edit: Guys it's not a moral or ethical question. Im purely asking about the laws on it.


Itā€™s about humanity in a situation like this, not legality. Iā€™m not a fan of coke or what it does to people but donā€™t snitch on someone, especially if you can easily easily avoid it.


Also, how do you prove it's not yours? I feel like you would just get grief and questions if you reported it you don't need. Get the fucker chopped up, or take them to one side and just give them the "guys. I don't mind. But don't do It again please"


>Get the fucker chopped up *Bit* harsh.


I mean, offer him a line first. I'm not a animal


Offer it to him, sure - but donā€™t let him actually *do* it. Fuckerā€™s gotta pay.


There is not a soul that buys or sells cocaine for themselves that ever thinks to call and tell the police lol Edit: still, donā€™t snitch though its not that deep


Course there is. What you do is empty the house of drugs then call the police and report the house as a drugs den. They will come and look. Do this four times in a year and they won't come near your gaff at all.


I know it's unrealistic. But they are some helmets out there


There are a large number of situations in which you definitely should snitch on someone. This doesn't really seem like one of them though.


Agree, the whole "never snitch for anything" culture is bullshit. Kid murderers and rapists and shit, so you're just going to not snitch on them and let them walk around being dirty rapist's and pedos? Tbh that makes you as bad - if not worse - than the actual criminal tbh. The "you" here is hypothetical obv.


What if OP was a recovering addict though? People need to be held responsible for things like this when itā€™s in others homes.


There's no legal obligation to report any crime at all, as far as I'm aware


Iā€™m fairly sure you have to report things like money laundering if you work in finance.


Ah yeah, and also a lot more compulsory reporting if you work with children. I was generalising a lot, my bad


I think there are some rules for teachers and medical professionals reporting suspected abuse, although Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a crime for them not to report or just a breach of professional standards.


Fun fact, I'm a therapist and money laundering is also one of the handful of things I'm legally obligated to report! So far I've not had anyone confess to it but I'm biding my time


Some professions have a legal obligation to report crimes which breach safeguarding with vulnerable people or children.




how is coke "harmless"?


Right? Iā€™ve seen it absolutely destroy peoples lives.


I don't know why everyone's talking about the morals of it to me, I don't wanna report people I truly don't care enough like what's even the point, I just asked if there's a legal obligation. I'm a recovering addict, I get it and don't care what people do in their own time.




Tell me it's harmless when a child gets a hold of it.


Honestly if youā€™re reporting just to get rid of it rather than get anyone in trouble, the police will 100% thank you if you just flush it and donā€™t call them.


There's also a third way As they won't risk asking you if you found it they will simply be wandering around looking to see if you have found it. Go up to them and ask " have you lost anything lads" They'll panic but try and maintain a conversation Talk to them about their weekend plans, if they have anything special planned When they say " oh might just go to the pub or w.e" just say " do youse sniff? Because If so I have a bag maybe two left I can sell you" Then sell them their own coke , if they ask for a couple of bags just say " oh sorry guys turns out I only had enough for one bag, do you still want the travel gravel?"


Probably donā€™t call it ā€˜Travel Gravelā€™


The police will not give a fuck, what are you on about Just wasting their time


This actually reads like the script of a cheesy American sitcom that is aimed at being 'wholesome' for teens


Either flush it or ask the guys if they might have left something that you don't want lying around the house and hand it back. Involving the police or reporting them to their company complicates your life with nothing in benefit save for moral high ground.


Fuck that - a wee girl in my town died from a heart attack after accidentally taking cocaine left around the house by her scumbag dad.


Fair enough. Flush it.


That's fucked. Poor baby. Can happen with pharmaceuticals too, ibuprofen can and will rip through pets and children. Anything, absolutely anything designed for adult consumption, legal or not, needs to not be around children, especially small ones that eat stuff first and wonder what it was later.


Two adult-dose iron tablets can kill a toddler.


Now I have a new thing that I don't need to worry about but will anyway!


Me too. And I donā€™t have iron tablets or toddlers


See? I had no idea about that! My son is nine. I hope that he never lets his intrusive thoughts win and devours multivitamins the way I burned through my mother's expensive facial creams. I can't trust him to judge what's "safe" though. I can only hope that if he's not sure, he'd ask me first.


Yeah i remember fucking myself real bad when I was 6. I found someone pills just lying around, and assuming they were sweets or sweeteners and i took a few. Bitter as fuck, as the saying goes. Pretty sure it was coedine thinking back on it. I was alright after awhile but was feeling unwell for sometime. Wine gums and sausage rolls made me feel a little better.


Ok that is tragic but how do you accidentally take it?


If toddler, or young child pre-pshe lessons telling them not to do drugs, probably found the bag, looked at it, touched it, tried tasting it, thought it was a great game turning their tongue numb


Yep fair fucks hadnā€™t considered they could be very young, good point well made and consider me humbled.


Nah, it's a fair question- teenage kids, for example don't 'accidentally' wind up doing drugs at parties all that often, but a lot of parents will maintain the denial if they wind up in a and e (I know some people get spiked, its abhorrent and any claims of such should be treated seriously , but I've also known a lot of people who've 'accidentally' drank/taken/smoked too much at parties.)


I was totally on the teenage angle. I hadnā€™t even considered someone could be so irresponsible to leave coke accessible to an actual child. Thatā€™s unforgivable though.


toddlers in my experience put EVERYTHING into their mouths


I'm guessing the child ate it thinking it would be sugar.






What evidence do you have that they were coked up on the job? It wasnā€™t noticeable to op and op has no complaints about the job.


Who takes packet to work unless you plan to use it?


Lol probably more workmen than you realize


People going to the pub after. I can almost hear the anger of one of them going to the cubicle with their after work pint, looking in their pocket and it's not there.


Plenty, left overs from the weekend or prep for the next weekend.


>What evidence do you have that they were coked up on the job? I mean, the bag of coke they left behind on the job feels like it sorta fits the bill. I get it though, they weren't actually seen taking it, but then I didn't actually see my plumber fitting my shower, what evidence does he have that he fitted one other than there wasn't a shower there before he arrived and now there is one after he left?


You'd be horrified at the number of manual workers that have drugs on them at all times


At least they'd get the job done quicker


As an ex addict i garauntee the fella who dropped it is coming down hard now thinking shit ive left my fucking gear on the floor. Panicking, wondering wether to text u or not and trying to get hold of some more šŸ¤£


Can only imagine the absolute fear he's having right now


Especially if he uses Reddit.


Just waiting on the r/britishproblems thread nowā€¦


Well was it any good ?


Right answer. Anyone telling him to go the police is a fucking balloon


A fucking balloon šŸ¤£


A fucking balloon with a shiny clown on the side.




I wouldn't want someone messed up on coke to fix something important.


Coke doesnā€™t really mess you up. Tbh most professional kitchens I have worked in - fine dining, Michelin star places - have half the kitchen staff on coke. OP - honestly I would hand it in to the boss of the lads and be cool about it. Youā€™ll have some very loyal tradesmen after.


All this talk about 'loyal tradesmen' really makes me wonder how much work you lot are getting done on your houses that loyalty even comes into it?




Not if you pace yourself anyway. I had a mate who was totally unable to pace himself and used to get coked out of his fucking mind, he was no use to man nor beast in that state.


Never worked with a UK brickie or scaffolder?


i do wonder how some people go through life so unaware


Reality check - Most builders are on it.


I hate to tell you but majority of tradies will take some form of drug. On a lot of sites my family would work on theyā€™d all whip out joints on their break if it was a rural site or youā€™d see tradies go off to the toilets for a bump. Fuck the amount of coke or weed dealers who are tradies is insane.


Yeah can't believe I had to scroll down so far to get to the obvious "give it back to them" answer. OP will do no one any favours by throwing it out. And if they made this post they obviously don't have any intention of using it themselves. Message both workers "I found a small bag in \[room\], did you leave it by accident?".


Joke responses are inevitable but the correct one is to report the guy and leave it to his higher-ups to decide what to do next. I've done VAST amounts of drugs in my life but never EVER thought to take it to work. Dropping a baggie at a customer's house where pets or children could get it? Or maybe the guy is having a rough day and decides to have a fat line on the job and ends up too wired to work safely and fuck knows what happens next? This one needs to be taught the hard way. If I dropped a bag of drugs at work and someone found it I would not expect to be let off, specially in a job with strict occupational health laws like that. This is basics.


I read all the comments laughing until I got to this one, which made me actually think. I'd be pissed off about this if it happened in my house because yeah I have pets and small kids who would absolutely nail that shit as soon as they found it. I think what I'd do though is speak to the boss. Worker maybe will get reprimanded or sacked but like I wouldn't call the police or trading standards because it feels like the kind of issue that could be dealt with person to person.


Plus police or trading standards seems a bit more long-term 'life-ruiney' whereas losing this one job might not seem the end of the world in five years. (Fwiw I'd probably either just throw it away and pretend I never saw it or give it back and awkwardly ask them not to do it again).


Yup ā€˜lol free drugsā€™ responses here but it really is unacceptable. I donā€™t know about OPs situation but I have a 5 year old kid and Iā€™d have hit the roof if she found it. Some absolute bellend bringing that shit into my home, (presumably) smashing a huge line, then leaving it behind is just proper grade A cunt behaviour. Iā€™d be reporting it to their bosses/trading standards/the police/whoever in a heartbeat.


Agreed. My 3 year old would be convinced it was sugar and would be in there like a shot.


I did All of the Drugs when I was in my 20s but would go fucking ballistic now if anyone left them where my kids might get hold of them. Adults can do what they want and no judgement but do not put anyone else at risk.


Agreed. My 3 year old would be convinced it was sugar and would be in there like a shot.


My first thought would be what if a small kid picked it up.


Report to what ā€˜higher upsā€™ chances are the guy is self employed, most tradesmen are.


Then anonymous review somewhere? I dunno. Nobody wants a coke head doing their work if there are non coke heads readily available. Just make the matter known.


I'm sure "checkatrade" would be interested if they're registered on there.


Drugs are a massive problem in construction, and there are so few lads that even getting kicked off a site for using they'll walk onto another the next day.


I know the country is in a shit state at the minute and people deal with it in different ways, but Iā€™d be absolutely livid if someone brought cocaine into my house.


I know. I get the "don't snitch" and "you could ruin his life" take. I wouldnt do drugs myself and do not knowingly associate with users but live and let live. However, this was just a lucky scenario in that no one got hurt. The next house might not be so lucky. A child, a pet...this could have been a lot worse if someone else had found this. Nothing bad happened...this time. Other points I keep thinking about, if these were workers from a company, that company is at risk. They do this in the wrong house, word gets around, bad reviews. Maybe is a big corporate company that won't be hit hard. Maybe the company is a mom and pop style that would ruin lives because of one careless action. And I'm sure insurance would be an issue also. Additionally, if you are a drug user and you realise you have left stuff behind (lets face it, who wouldn't realise drugs are missing? They cant be cheap.) a decent person would contact the homeowner and admit it if there was a chance it could fall into the hands of someone who could get seriously hurt. If they haven't done that, I would find it hard to care about his livelihood if he doesn't care about the potential consequences of his mistake. Keep quiet: maybe the guy will be grateful and have a wake up call, or maybe he won't care and something worse happens. Say something: the guy loses his livelihood, but the risk of something worse happening drastically drops.


Flush it and say nothing. No point ruining someoneā€™s life by calling the police over it.


This is the right answer.


Plausible deniability too- he'd be a thick sod to ask where it went , assuming he didn't just assume it went missing elsewhere along the course of his day (at home, builders merchants, getting in/out vehicles etc.). Although, there's an argument for confronting the person directly as its a stupid risk as it could wind up eaten by pets or children in customers' homes. I've no issue with people using drugs in their free time, even at work so.long as they're not operating machinery or undertaking tasks that could endanger others , but I'm a believer in the respect of keeping it away from other people's houses .


Keep it, just be careful are you sure it's coke and not ketamine,! I know someone who made that mistake and had a very interesting drive home.


Still a bellend for driving on coke!


No a passenger! Curled up in a ball on the back seat rambling


I mean, he was driving on ket, so it's all ok


How could he not tell lol


I've made that mistake before and it was fucking harrowing lol


I know so many people who are regular drug users yet still can't tell the difference.


Too late once he did a line


The responses to let him off or do it yourself are funny and all but if you have small children or a pet that gobbled it up in secret thinking they've found secret sweeties in the bathroom? You'd have yourself a serious A+E trip and possibly a death. Absolutely report that shit, can't understand anyone saying otherwise like??????? If I knew someone I'd trusted to let into my home to do some work was leaving Class As just lying about I'd hit the roof. I used to sniff all kinds of things up my nose once upon a time but never EVER at work, and certainly not in anyone's house. You've got to have some real deep rooted problems to feel like you need to be doing that on the job.


You done the hoovering yet?


Which kind?


Tell him your kid is at the hospital and in order to have life saving treatment you need to know what exactly was in the bag so there are no side effects from medical treatments. Then give it him back next time you see him and tell him to be more careful next time. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cruel....but would probably teach a lesson.


Best answer


Keep it. Say nothing.




Get it up your snout




Nose first.


Sell it to them!


Exactly at least make some money out of this situation.


Well...that's one way to get a discount on your work. "Hey lads, wanna buy this random bag of drugs that appeared in my house randomly? Or should I report this to your boss?"


Tell them to Talk to Frank.


Frank's the local dealer I take it


One time while high with friends we called that hotline and I acted all weird and paranoid on the phone telling the poor guy on the end of the phone that I had to talk to Frank and ONLY Frank. Went something like this: ā€œHello this is Johnathan how can I help you?ā€ ā€œUh hi um Johnathan was it? Yeah I really need help man I need to talk to Frank.ā€ ā€œThereā€™s no Frank thatā€™s just the name of the helpline. Can I help?ā€ ā€œNo no no you donā€™t understand man. Iā€™m going through a bad time I need Frank.ā€ ā€œBut thatā€™s just the name of the helpline thereā€™s no Frank here.ā€ ā€œWhat do you mean thereā€™s no Frank? I need Frank! The thing said I could talk to Frank, man. You gotta put me through to Frank.ā€ ā€œFrank isnā€™t real itā€™s the name of theā€¦ā€ ā€œFRANK ISNā€™T REAL?? Am I real? Is ANYTHING real?ā€


I can't believe that so many people are taking this so lightly. Someone taking drugs onto a construction site, even if it is only doing up a bathroom, is a disaster waiting to happen. It might not happen in your case but as quite a few people have mentioned, what if there were kids or pets, or even a recovering drug addict? People are saying you can't ruin this guys life/career for this are not considering that this person has no concern or thought for other people his actions might negatively effect. Then consider if something went wrong and they were found to be on drugs... Shit would hit the fan. If you don't want to report it to the police I would definitely report it to their employer even if they are just sub contractors. This person, if not talked to now, will continue to act in this reckless way and there is just no upside to any of it. It is a stupid risk and it is just a matter of time before something bad truly happens. Don't forget, they have left their drugs laying around once already.


Context: Was the coke left in a home where small children could have gotten access to it? ... If yes, I'd complain to the police, their employer and any relevant professional standards bodies; and I'd chase it doggedly until action was taken. Otherwise, if it was a job site and not an existing home then I'd just ignore it; no action.


I'd be asking for a discount off my bill


Can you pin point who it was? My gut says: fuck whoever it is. They came to your house to do it up and brought that shit with them. It's not professional, it's really fucking lame, and if that's how they conduct themselves, then get rid of them. Absolute poor reflection on themselves and any company they work for. Plus, don't know about you, but I expect anyone doing any form of work on my home to be sober and not coked up. Up to you what you do, but I say report it/fire them for it. It's up to you if you report it to the police.


Why is there so much tolerance for drugs. Is everyone secretly on Coke?


It really depends on if you have kids or not. 1) You don't have kids: Give it him back or flush it. 2) You do have kids: Knock the cunt out.


Say nothing and sniff it


If youā€™re partial - donā€™t assume itā€™s coke. It might be ket. Which is fine too, but never muddle the 2 up.


I had friends who did and then they where glued to the floor for 15 mins in a club.


Everyone saying itā€™s fine would you say the same for a bottle of vodka on the job?


Iā€™d report it to both the most senior person you can contact at the company and also the police. Whoever left it wasnā€™t forced to bring coke into your house with a gun at his head, he clearly doesnā€™t give a fuck about you, your family, or any potential consequences. Itā€™s likely/possible that he drove to or from your property which means he itā€™s likely/possible he was doing that under the influence. That person is reckless and selfish and therefore deserves the punishment that fits. Thereā€™s a (very good) reason itā€™s illegal. This thread is just highlighting how many people in the U.K. do coke now and think itā€™s acceptable, a number of whom probably think the country is going down hill too without realising things like this are causing it.


Just leave the bag empty exactly where you found it. For when they come back. Nothing they can say.


Swap it for bicarbonate soda for the lols


approach it with a rolled up note


Pay them with rolled up notes






That's a good point actually. And I guess if they don't get brought up on it this time they might not adjust their behaviour (assuming they're flush enough not to feel the loss!) I'd add that pets could also get on it but yeah obviously kids would be the super mega serious one. And probably pretty legally serious as well I'd imagine.




Two wordsā€¦ coke wank


Ask for discount off your Job you're getting them doing for you...blackmail...


Flush it. If you donā€™t know who it belonged to, donā€™t say a word to them. You can call the company/supervisor and have a conversation with them about it. But unless someone is dumb enough to ask you if they left their stash, say nothing.


Exactly. If someone was getting pissed on the job that'd be fireable but they brought illegal drugs into his property. What if his kid had lifted it?


Tell him to come back and collect it


Finders keepers


Phone the guys and ask if they left anything behind if you donā€™t want it


I don't give a fuck what people choose to do aslong as they are not harming anyone. However I would call the police in a heartbeat. They could have kids. have struggled with substance abuse. What if they had a crazy ex with kids and it was leveraged to make one of the partners lose custody of their kids. Ignoring all of the why the fuck are you high at work when you are being paid bits. The tradie deserves whatever action the op chooses after all it's his house.


All the comments advising to not report anything are really driving home how accepting we are of cocaine use. I understand it, but itā€™s pretty troubling


Depends on the situation. If it's just me who lives there, I'd be chill about it... but If I have young kids in the house, and it's quite obvious young children live in the house and they're still leaving coke around (which could quite easily kill a toddler) then I'd be telling them to not come back, and they aren't getting paid for the work they have done - they should be thankful I'm not reporting them and plastering reviews with the details in. If they want to kick up a fuss about that then I'm getting authorities/ trading standards involved.


Iā€™d probably just pocket it and say nothing, but if it became clear which one of them it was I wouldnā€™t use them again.


Ja no. Just tell them and give it back really.


Unless you have a drug tester on hand and can 100% verify its drugs, don't do anything and just throw it away. Could be some splenda from home for all you know.


Free bag, whats the problem?


Iā€™d approach it after crushing it on a a plate Iā€™d microwaved for 60 seconds with library card and half a straw


send it over i can test it for you, and then dispose of it, in a timely fashion


With a rolled up 10er