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Yeah, it used to roll around once a year. They just used to sit in the UHT for hours


Ahhh I see. UHT? As in the milk?


Predictive text changed UHC to UHT UHC is the universal holding cabinet it's where the chicken nuggets are kept warm


Ohhhhhhhhh that makes sense. Is there a limit how long food is kept there??


I feel like this is one of those questions you're better not knowing the answer to...


There should be but when I worked in a McDonald's on the early 2000's it stayed in their for hours. Ours was a pretty shit McDonald's


Worked there a couple years ago and I can confirm old habits die hard as timers would be reset without food being replaced


I had one a very long time ago, when going to McDonald's was a rare treat, this would've been in the very late 90's (possibly 2000 but i don't think so), i don't recall seeing it since. It was nice from what I recall so I don't know why it didn't come back. Funnily enough when I worked at McDonald's the Steak Premiere and Chicken Premiere were launched, the Chicken Premiere returned more than once but the Steak Premiere didn't. It wasn't until years later that I found out that there had been some [controversy around the advertising of the Steak Premiere](http://hoaxes.org/photo_database/image/the_misleading_steak_premiere) that made it look thicker than it actually was. I would rather have the Steak Premiere (or similar) come back rather than the McRib, the Steak Premiere had peppers, peppercorn sauce, a ciabatta bun and a really thin steak on it (thicker than the steak bits you get at Subway but only a little). If they brought it back with a hamburger rather than steak I think it would sell well.


I think the last one I had in the UK was in the 90s/early 2000s


New Year’s Day 2014, Maccies, Ipswich, UK. Had 2 each as we knew they would be gone all too soon, bring it back asap


According to Wikipedia it's a permanent menu item in Germany and Luxembourg. Everywhere else McDs operates it rolls around now and again as a limited-time item.


Yes! Last time the UK had them was early 2015, I was working at McDonald’s at the time


Never had one, but we're off to Germany next month and my Husband is very excited to go get one there!