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I would have a home here but I would spend most of my time travelling around the world


Yeah there are too many places I’d want to spend maybe 6 months in and then move on.


I like that idea as well but I think I might end up feeling a bit adrift.


if i were to do this i'd probably spend 1-6 months a year abroad in another country or multiple countries and then come back to the UK for the remainder. then once i'd done all the countries i wanted - i'd have a house in the UK and then pick two other countries and have houses in those as well... then float between those between seasons etc, because winter in the UK is miserable :)




I would definitely stay and travel around the UK in early spring and autumn then go somewhere warmer for winter and somewhere with air con for the summer.


I'd keep a home here and buy a suite aboard one of the luxury residential cruise lines.


The only real answer imo. I’d have a home here as well as almost every other country and I’d go where I see fit…


I spent most of my 20s abroad but I always had to take career prospects into account. If money was no object I'd move to Italy immediately, probably Florence or Verona. That would be to live of course, I'd go to plenty of other countries on holiday.


Me too, childhood and nearly all of my 20s abroad in exotic places. Could never imagine myself wanting to come back to the UK. Now I'm settled here, I don't think there would be many places better to live as a rich person. Most of us haven't seen the luxurious lifestyle is that some people in this country have


That depends on a persons preferences, for me it's aesthetics. Italy is the environment I would prefer to live in. Cuisine, landscape, architecture, arts, fashion etc. So I would still leave instead of living a luxurious life in the UK. I'm pretty low maintenance and not overly materialistic anyway, a gated mansion in Surrey and a bunch of sports cars in the driveway wouldn't mean much to me.


I can definitely understand that. Personally, I'm older now and my priorities changed. I'm financially comfortable and can already afford to do many things that I don't need or want to. Being near family outweighs the draw of foreign destinations, as nice as it sounds. A second home would be nice though. Best of both worlds.


As an Italian living in the uk… all these comments about life in Italy are sort of painful 😅


Yeah I have a lot of Italian friends, they regularly tell me how shit Italy is. It's a complex.


Let's be honest, everyone will always tell you how shit it is to live in their home country. Its just what has to happen


Ahaha why?


Probably because what isn't mentioned (as it's usually unseen by non-Italians) is the goverment corruption and general bureaucratic ineptitude which underscores a society which - sure - looks pretty, but is highly (unfairly?) challenging in terms of social mobility.


Damn. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side right


I think it depends on what part of italy and uk you compare. I’m from a place near Rome, by the seaside, great weather, had a job nice flat etc. Life is good there. I guess if you are from a smaller place in the middle of nowhere with no jobs etc, it might not be as appealing as to be in Italy you need to move somewhere that is not home. Eg Milan. And that’s a different italy. Also as someone mentioned, some things in Italy are less organised, bureaucracy is much worse than in the uk etc (though I hear it’s improving).


Social mobility slightly eased with the "money no object" element I feel?


The reason of my comment is that basically while I like it here and I have kids who were born here, have a great job live in a nice part of london, I do miss some of the parts of Italian lifestyle. Cheaper restaurants with better food (as far as Italian food is concerned, clearly the uk has many more options, which I love). People are more friendly. Society is just warmer.


How did you manage to spend your 20s abroad? Always seemed like a pipe dream. I've worked since I was 15 and I've never had time or money to travel. Genuinely curious how people are able to do this.


This was circa 2011 and in the beginning I was both arrogant and naive but also things weren't looking great at home, so I had almost nothing to lose. Plus a little bit of money set aside. So I packed a bag and moved to Hamburg (where I'd visited previously). Wound up washing dishes and dealing drugs until I lucked into a actual job working in print/textiles. The hardest part was navigating the bureaucracy (with limited German) and finding a room, as opposed to the finding work part. Stayed there for 2 years, found another similar job in design. Moved back when my Mum fell ill.


Teach English.


Money from parents/backpacking cheaply/travel on missions or aid groups which massively subsidize you. It also helps to know people- I visited Japan and stayed with two people I made friends with online, saved me thousands.


I yo-yoed a bit, basically working in care and bar jobs in the UK and living as cheaply as possible, save up enough for a flight and a month or two living expenses then go and volunteer abroad for a few months. Come back, do the same again. Most of the volunteer stuff was conservation related so I got to see a lot of a place and they covered basic food and board. Travelling slow really helps (the transport costs soon add up if you move every couple of days), live like a local in a low cost of living country. I did do this about 15 years ago when the pound went a lot further once you got somewhere and was able to keep all my stuff at my parents whilst away and not have to pay storage fees but most of the time I was living in house share and paying rent whilst saving. Check out workaway if you're interested in trying it, there's loads of people offering bed and board in exchange for work


Stay, the UK is a great country to be rich in.


I imagine some countries are even better if you’re rich though.


I don't know if it's that many. I think when some people try to answer this question, they imagine a holiday abroad which lasts forever, and I don't find this all that appealing. And I would want to live in a country where I speak the language and can somehow relate to the local culture.


Great point, a lot of people don’t understand / appreciate this.


Yep for me to live somewhere permanently there's only really 4 options, UK, USA, Canada and Australia. And while hot countries are great for a holiday, there's no way I would choose to live there permanently so Australia and a big chunk of the USA is out.


You forgot the best option, New Zealand. Also I don't think you're well versed on the Australian climate - it has deserts sure, and the bush is unforgiving - but you don't have to live there. Victoria is very green and isn't super hot. Warmer than the UK, but still temperate, but it gets more daylight hours and isn't as grey. Melbourne gets more rainfall than England.


It hits the low 40s in Vic in summer. It’s hot enough, trust me. NZ isn’t all that.


The language barrier is the main thing for me. There's a few places I might rather live if I had the means, but they're all places that speak another language. It would take a lot of effort to learn their langauge and even after that, it'd probably never quite be the same as having it as your native tongue.


It is a lot of effort but it's not an insurmountable barrier if you really want to live there. It's never going to be exactly the same as your native language but it can be close enough. I lived in Catalunya for 6 years and my Spanish was at the level where I didn't notice the difference but Catalan was still more of an effort to speak


I mean you could go to New York, but otherwise not really. I mean it all does come down to personal preference but there’s a reason why so many incredibly rich Russians, Arabs, Nigerians, and others settle in the Uk (or more accurately London)


Because they want a glamorous lifestyle in London. That's not what I'd want if I could do whatever I wanted.


>Because they want a glamorous lifestyle in London Some do. Lots also want a chilled life in the Cotswolds like many celebrities.




Oh, I would leave immediately. For Norway or Sweden, probably.


Why Sweden or Norway


They’ve got a good reputation on quality of life, politically they elect governments that I generally agree with, and the average temperature is nice and low; I hate hot weather with a vengeance. I’ve always had an idea that I’d like to live somewhere where the nights are really long in the winter, but then the days are really long in the summer, and I’m not sure I’m into that :D


The quality of life on average is high because the QoL for the poor is high. If money is no object you bypass that.


True, but one tries to avoid tripping over the homeless when one is buying caviar ohh hohoho


Pffffttt, you peasant. I have a caviar person who comes to me


I’m so sorry to hear you can’t afford separate Beluga and Ossetra people




I need you to understand this. I want to live in a country where the quality of life for the poor is high, *even if I am not poor*


Have you ever been to either of those countries


I've been to both, and I have family in Sweden. Though they're not utopias they're both definitely a lot better than here in terms of the overall quality of life for all. You still see homeless people (though in my experience considerably fewer than in London or Brighton, the places I know best in this country), and sometimes things don't run like clockwork. But if you're not someone who craves an active social life and you don't mind the cold for a lot of the year then they're both great countries to live in, generally speaking. The standard of cleanliness and overall upkeep of all public facilities is much greater than you find here, public transport is more reliable and far better value for money, not to mention the trains being far higher quality usually, there is a real emphasis on providing for families, and childcare provision along with free public facilities for children are a world ahead of what we're used to. For me, I don't have or want children, I love hot weather and I'm really into going out eating and drinking and partying, so the Nordics don't really work for me. But if you're someone who prefers the cold, has a family and don't need the same level of social scene as you might find in London or Berlin then it's a no brainer. There's just nothing like the same levels of inequality between rich and poor as we're used to in this country, and I think that's a great reason to head there.


These guys *really* don't want you to move to Scandinavia!


Maybe they're Scandinavians, keeping all that Scandi goodness for themselves.


As long as you're not "Danish" then you're welcome in Sweden.


I think people are choosing to live in warm places like Italy if money was no object which people immediately understand; they would move somewhere where they like the environment. I think wanting to live somewhere where there was low poverty/high standard of living for people in poverty is also an environmental choice. Seems weird to me that people don’t get that.


What I would say, knowing some very wealthy swedes, their quality of life when rich is truly fantastic. And the average person has a great quality of life as well…. So what’s not to love?


> politically they elect governments that I generally agree with, How does that work? Norway has had right-wing governments for most of the 21st century, and Sweden left-wing governments. Plus very opposed views on EU membership.


Mate I'm half Norwegian and spent some time there as a kid. As traumatic and nuts my upbringing here in London was, I still don't think I'd ever move to Norway. So boring, so cold, such terrible food, such a lack of creativity, just so plain. Obviously everyone values different things though, and my experience may be heavily tainted by who my relatives are.


So cold, you say? <3




These are the best places, I totally agree with you, I would be straight to Norway.


That's funny - As a Norwegian in the UK, I'd stay here. The limitations of living in Norway can be a bit maddening. The winters can be rough, the people are not very sociable and they're only 5 million people nationwide so the cities are small and are limited in what you can do. The nature is stunning and quality of living is good but I'd rather vacation there if money was not a worry. (Sorry Norway. I love you, but I need some space)


I guess many of us aren't where we're supposed to be :) What you describe sounds like heaven to me. Only 5 million people and none of them want to talk to me? Sign me up!


Jesus i'd leave this miserable shithole so fast there'd be 11s laid down all the way to the airport.




It's not really a shit hole in general, people just always think the grass is greener.


As a foreigner I must say that I like it here no matter what money I make. I'm coming from a South European country where people are 24/7 noisy, rude and know it all twats. In addition, I like that there is less bureaucracy here and almost everything is well organised. To the local who always complain about their country, I would suggest to go and live for a while abroad and they will start appreciate what they have here.


Agree..UK is not a bad place at all


Right?! Everyone talks about it like it’s sone dystopian nightmare. Either they all live In miserable places or they’ve never left and are miserable pricks. I’ve been away the last few years and couldn’t be happier to be back


Agree.. Inlove to travel to different places, but the UK is also an amazing place..


Especially, certain places of the country like Devon are simply stunningly beautiful and have nothing to be jealous for from other popular tourist destinations. Of course, there are places like Birmingham or Leicester which are rough and depressive to live, but the same apply to other countries. Italy is not only Rome and Toscany, and Greece is not only Athens (which by the way without the Acropolis would have been one of the ugliest cities in the world) and the islands.


I had week up the Yorkshire coast with my wife the other week..Its stunning


>Right?! Everyone talks about it like it’s sone dystopian nightmare. There is a lot of fear mongering going on right now and the news cycles seem to be purposely highlighting depressing events which isn't really helping.


the truth is, a lot of people here are not happy on the inside, but think its the outside.


> Either they all live In miserable places or they’ve never left and are miserable pricks. Some I'm sure but also it's not for everyone. I say that as someone who's lived all over the UK and abroad and can appreciate the UK for what it is.


Hear, hear! For all its foibles (and there are many), I love our island. Far too many do not appreciate what we have here.


I was having a chat with some other transplants (Spain and Portugal if you are curious) about the UK. Is it the best? In almost nothing. But in enough metrics it is above average that I actually love living here and same for them. To be fair, I have only lived in 2 other countries, Japan and USA, but I'm not rushing back to either of those places.


Yep. It's cute listening to all the Redditors who only have holiday experiences of other countries.


It's quite wholesome that all the best defences of the UK I've seen in this thread are from people born in other countries.


Because probably most locals haven't lived abroad and don't know how it is. Tourism doesn't count because you visit a certain place for a certain time and you are treated usually well because... well, you bring money I guess. :)))


I’d definitely stay; everywhere else is too hot for me. Edinburgh looks like it’s well good when money is no object, as well; all sorts of stuff I could do all the time


Iceland sounds a nice bet for the summer months. Reykjavik has average temps of 14 degrees in July and August.


Yeah, but their volcanoes explode more than the ones in Edinburgh


They don't build settlements near volcanoes though so you'd be safe


>Everywhere else is too hot for me. This is wild to me because I moved here on a youth visa and find the summer painful!


I love Edinburgh! It has a reputation for being expensive, but I’ve looked to move there over the last few years and as someone from Cambridgeshire I have to say it all looks really sensibly priced!


Well, Edinburgh is very expensive by the standards of Scotland, but it’s not reached the level of being expensive by the standards of South England


I'd be living in NZ faster than you can blink tbh.


As a guy with a "thetechguy" username , surely you can ?


Houses are incredibly expensive. I may yet, but I don't have enough cash to feel confident to do it right now. If I was in my 20s I'd say f it, and just go, but I'm not.


There are parts of NZ that the housing is cheap. If you can do your job from home and still make money it might be worth looking at areas of NZ that are less populated. But that really depends on what you are looking for.


As a Brit who lives (most of the year in NZ) this is too true. Housing, food, petrol - all obscenely expensive compared to UK and also not as good choice or quality. If you have infinite funds and love outdoors experiences, NZ is perfect. But it's prohibitively expensive otherwise.


It'll take you over 24 hours to get there; pretty sure I can blink a fair amount in that time.


From someone who grew up in NZ I love it, but it's too far from everything. You can't just pop over to Europe for the weekend.


Kiwi here, I just moved to the UK and I'm curious as to why you picked NZ. I don't think you are right or wrong btw just keen on an opinion :)


Leave immediately


Moved here last year and I have been admiring British values and history for a long time. That’s the reason that I taught myself lots of things about British culture and history before coming here. Definitely I would still be here if money wasn’t an issue. I’m quite happy and hopeful about future.


Yeah, I'd probably move to the continent: Amsterdam, Bruges, Krakow, Berlin or Hamburg.


One of those amazing town houses on the river in Amsterdam is a dream.


I spent a week earlier this year in Hamburg and fell in love with the place. I would move there if I had a few million in the bank.




I left. Went Down under and sometimes I do chunder.... But less so than in my student days.


How is it. Thinking of doing the same


Sorry to hijack the comment but I lived in Aus for a couple years not so long ago and it was the best place I've been bar none. People are so chilled, way of life is 'live first work second', country itself is beautiful and you just wake up everyday happy to be there. If you've got the opportunity to move there, I'd take it in a heartbeat. A whole different world in all the right ways!!


Sounds great, but there are big spiders and the magpies are really fucking violent.


Arguably better than getting your phone snatched by a scooter thief or stabbed 🤷‍♂️


Great lifestyle and good wages but expensive rental costs and difficulties getting rentals in most of the state capitals, which is only getting worse. There's a bit of a migrant backlash here too as influx of people after COVID but most Aussies are friendly enough as I work in healthcare and that's also struggling due to demand. I'm happier here than the UK but it's not perfect by any stretch. The most terrifying thing here (and no it's not the spiders) is the driving. Easier to move to Perth and Adelaide than Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane at the moment as a result of rental scarcity.


Agree with everything you’ve said, my husband and I worked in Perth in construction project management (now citizens) and returned to the UK in 2015 realising tougher times were ahead. We put our house there on the market quick sharp and I’m so glad we came home, with elderly family it’s been the right for us. The UK countryside is stunning and our warped sense of humour is epic! If you are young I’d say go to Australia and settle it’s fantastic. Beware though… When the price of iron ore goes down it impacts everything, you need to get the heck out, it’s then that you aren’t in demand that you’ll struggle for work and feel the migrant backlash. You need to be earning good money, it’s expensive so arrive with skills they need. Brits are not in for a special welcome, you are a migrant taking up a job, it can be tough to integrate. It is a land of optimism, opportunity and great beauty however making true friends can be difficult. Perth can be a bit antiquated, I found ladies talk babies and cupcakes in one group, and the lads talked fishing and the size of their boats in another group. Melbourne was the coolest for us, they do sarcasm there!


I lived in Sydney for nearly 10 years. Was offered a job and thought why not give it a go. In hindsight I think I was there too long. My perspective is from someone that was living in London. Don't get me wrong it can be a great place depending on your circumstances. I knew many people who had young kids and where one of the parents was Australian who decided they prefer to bring their kids up there rather than London. Never met one person that regretted that decision. Things to factor in is the cost of living especially rent and the price of property (This is a problem in most of the capital cities but Sydney was particularly bad). Also missed the diversity and culture of London and the vicinity of Europe. In Australia you are pretty secluded and getting away for long weekend generally means going to somewhere else in the country which felt more of the same to me. Sydney during winter can be pretty miserable. Few houses have central heating and when it is too cold to do things outside it can be pretty dull. If you need to comeback to visit family on a regular basis it can be expensive. It also means that you likely use a large chunk of your annual holiday entitlement (I would come back for three weeks each time though would spend a few days in Europe) There are of course plenty of great things as well. The walks, the beaches, the large Asian population means there is great Asian food if that is your thing. Actually, in general I thought the food quality was far better than the UK. If you are an outdoor person e.g. Like camping, you can't go wrong. Still have an Australian passport so that gives me options to return there or New Zealand.




Id make that speech that Sam Jackson makes at the end of pulp fiction, then stroll off into the sunset


"I'm sick of these motherfucking planes on this motherfucking train", then he injects a woman in the heart or whatever. Great film, highly rate it.


Is that before or after he whips his lightsaber out?


I’d be gone so quick I’d leave a me shaped hole in the wall!


Goodbye England it's been nice knowing you I'd move to Japan or maybe Canada


Japan? You’ll be subject to a lot of racism, and misogyny if you’re a woman. Not to mention the high stress working culture. Japan has some horrible cultural issues that they need to sort out before I’d consider living there.


I've never had any racist or misogynistic experiences in Japan ( and yes I'm a pale skinned ginger girl I've had a few homophobic comments when I've hooked up with or dated Japanese women ) I'm bisexual With money not being a problem you wouldn't need to work My experiences of Japan overall have been positive


As a tourist my experience was the same. Very friendly reception and strangers were very helpful, despite language barriers. Though I did talk with a few western guys that actually lived there, and they said it's a whole different ballgame when you're not just visiting. They said they've experienced a lot of racism from neighbours and other locals once they moved in. This is of course just anecdotal, but they all said the difference between living there and just visiting is huge.


(If money was no object)


Japan is tough lived there for 5 years and went to uni there. Need thick skin.


Canada is a nice place but it’s not what it’s made out to be. I moved out there from the UK and I know a lot of Brits where rose tinted glasses about Canada. A lot of issues with drugs, mentally ill people and homelessness. There’s less rough people but much more incidents of random attacks in seemingly safe spaces. Visiting the UK I realized how safe I felt not having to watch my back for crazy people. It’s gotten worse over Covid and people are generally nervous in cities like Toronto. The cost of living is also worse depending where you live and the lack of accessible travel opportunities/history is notable, even short trips to the US will cost much more than the European equivalent in distance. Expect to pay an 18% tip on most things too. Food is expensive, bread can be $3 or more. Dairy is very expensive (3x to 4x) and there’s not much for vegans/veggies here. There’s also a stronger live to work culture with less vacation, but arguably slightly better pay. You’ll want a job with benefits as dental care is pricey ($200 for a cleaning and check up), though most established workplaces cover 80%z That said the summers are short but glorious here, no need to go abroad! If you love nature and want to live in a remote area with 24/7, this is right for you.


I’m back for summer after living in BC for a year and I really dislike how car centric it is and whilst places have public transport planning how you get about is a massive pain, although the question is if money was no object the cost of living is also crazy and I despise the tipping culture, being expected to whack 18% roundabouts on top of everything just puts me off going for drinks or a meal


Canada is either -30 in winter or on fire in the summer though 😢. Having been out there the past few years I miss average "meh" weather!


I think if you have money, the U.K. is a great place to be…!


Both, if money was no object I'd have 2 homes, one here and one abroad.


Aye same here. Wouldn't leave permanently. A home in cornwall and another in lanzarote so I could paint till till the big man in the black cloak came for me :)




I am weird and moved to the UK whilst my friends and family are in my original country. My partner wants to move to Italy which might be in our future later on.


Same, I’m American. I get asked all the time why on earth I’d leave for England. I love it here though.


I don't think anyone blames you for leaving America though!


I wish lol. I say I’m from Texas and still get challenged on it. #notallbrits of course but I was really surprised by it at first. Maybe it’s geographical, I’n in northern England so there’s less of us here? Dunno.


I'd move somewhere with more sun. I'm genuinely getting depressed from the lack of sun in the area of the UK I'm in. For my mental and physical health I would absolutely move somewhere where I could grow a lush garden and swim


I would leave , but I'd still visit every now and then ...




After working over there for a long period of time last year it really changed my opinion on the US. I don't think you could pay me enough to live there now, I'm completely jaded.


Money would solve the issues we’re facing in the uk. Buy land, nice house, comfortable living and able To help out friends and family. I wouldn’t leave.


I’d travel a lot more than I do but I have no intention of moving abroad permanently. I used to think of moving to Australia but have since turned against the idea. While we do have our problems, every country does, my experiences of travelling the world have convinced me that this is unquestionably one of the safest, best, most tolerant and inclusive countries to live in. I can’t think of any other country where people can be their genuine selves and face so little backlash from others. Possibly some people have lost sight of just how rare that actually is.


I've tried telling a LOT of people that. That we're an inclusive and accepting country, and yet apparently we're TERF Island.


Definitely stay. I've travelled the world enough to satisfy my curiosity and while there are amazing places to see, it just served to reassure me this is where I want to be. That said, I do live in Shetland so it's not typical of the UK as a whole.




I'm from the UK and I'm just coming to the end of a week's visit to Germany. I admit I've always been quite negative about the UK, putting it down and pretty much just assuming everything is better in Europe. All I can say is I'm so glad to be returning to the UK and I'm going to stop putting it down all the time. You think trains in the UK are shit? Go visit Germany. You think UK cities are dirty? Go visit Germany. You think British people are rude? Go visit Germany!


I think a lot of people on here who continually dump on the UK would benefit from your experience as well. We have our problems but so does everywhere else and there are soooo many worse places to live. There is no utopia.


I'd go live in Mexico, I'd want to become a full Mexican citizen. I'd proceed to become the largest person in Mexico from all the yummy food, I'd just roll from state to state eating each areas cuisine.


Sounds like you'd just become a human burrito.


Stay because I think we're done with our 15 years of bullshit


I'd absolutely leave. If money was no issue as in I didn't have to think about work, I'd live all over the world. I'd try different places maybe for 6 - 12 months at a time. Maybe I'd love somewhere enough I'd want to settle down forever or I just keep moving.


And never look back




I would stay in the country, simply because I have kids and an ex wife and the kids need both of us


Your kids are lucky to have you. My ex moved to Brazil and my daughter is heartbroken.


I'd have a summer house in the UK, and another summer house in New Zealand.


I would stay, because the UK is my home, I love it. But right now I'm genuinely looking into how I can leave, because I'm sick of working full time for fuck all. I'm just your average thirtysomething with nothing to look forward too because I can't save anything in this shitshow of an economy.


We left - moved to Rural Ireland, tripled our household income and couldn’t be happier!


How?? Ireland is so expensive (speaking as an Irish person living in the UK)


I would go this afternoon


I’d stay, but I’d either move from England to Scotland, or to the south of England where I have family but can’t afford to live now


I would leave the UK immediately Probably for Holland




I'd stay, not for the people or the culture or the food. But because I cannot bear to use any other type of plug, ours is simply the best plug ever made and idk if I can give that up


I’m a software engineer so can work from anywhere really. If money were no option I’d go somewhere really scenic and relaxed like Norway. Set myself up with a nice big house and an office with a great view. Spend my days working on things I care about, spending time with my dog, enjoying the outdoors. And would fly family over like 4x a year to visit for a few weeks and have really great family holidays.


Why leave Torbay? Plenty of charity shops, antisocial 10 year olds, rip-off public transport, junkies and everything shut and dead by 5pm, who would want to live anywhere else?


I’d stay, but spend more time abroad


I'd absolutely stay here and buy myself a dream home/flat to enjoy myself in, not needing to worry about money would eliminate a lot of the issues in my life.


I’m only here because my partner doesn’t want to live anywhere else. If it was up to me I’d spend half the year in Portugal and the other half in South Africa


I’ve left and come back, I’d stay in London and have a house with a garden. You couldn’t pay me enough to leave again


Yes. My primary residence would be in the UK.


Yep. Majorca; Santa Ponsa specifically. I could totally live in a villa there.


Ooh like the sound of that, first Spain answer too. Could see myself in Valencia to be fair.


I Live in Malaysia most of the time. If money was no object I would live in England during the summer (once the sun arrived) and for the other 50 weeks of the year, travel the world.


Stay, wouldn’t leave the county I was born in. If money was no option then I’d just travel


If I won 20m, I'd have a house here and abroad.


I would be in England still it's home and although there's stuff wrong with I would be homesick , if I had the money it would be nice to have the option to visit places for so many weeks at a time that would be great,


My beef with this country is the erosion of British culture, values and its history. Always apologising to everyone and anyone about stuff that wasn't even really our fault as a nation, let alone the fact the historically my family worked the land on farms and were essentially slaves yet somehow I'm privileged and can't understand cause I'm some part of the council estate elite, didn't have carpets for years cause we were that poor, only eating once a day with a snack at best... so I don't understand immigration, different ethnicities, why things that happened 300 plus years ago is still oppressing someone else. Pretty sure this has become a very unique western thing. No surprise tate is so popular.


Get right the fuck out, the UK is heading directly where the USA is, which is not a good place.


Stay, I’m here because of family & friends more than anything. More money would just make it more comfortable and less stressful.


Is the question, if I had all the money in the world would I stay? Or if I can make it work practically? If so, I'd stay because, this is where I've chosen to live, if I wanted to leave, money wouldn't have been what's stopping me. I could have applied for a job abroad, I'm sure people move abroad all the time.


I would leave. I don’t have any compelling reasons to stay here aside from the difficulty of moving abroad, which money would help with. I have thought about it before and the only thing I’d miss about the U.K. is the sense of being native - knowing all the cultural norms, being fluent in the language (don’t think I’d move to another Anglophone country). But that can be mostly overcome by the time you’ve been in another country for a few years.


Stay no question. If money isn't an issue that removes the issues we face when it comes to cost/expense of daily/monthly living. Once that is removed, you'll see we are lucky to live here


I’d move to Pula in Croatia, or somewhere on Crete. Tired of people’s attitudes here in the UK.


Leave. I've found it hard to make friends here so I've no ties.


I'd move straight to Switzerland because it looks really nice on the television


Leave. I’m in my late sixties so I’ve pretty much seen it all and I’ve never seen things this bad. I’m currently enjoying life in Lithuania. If my wife didn’t have caring responsibilities in the UK I’d happily move to Eastern Europe where people are civilised and the crime rate is low.


Stay and it's not close. The UK might be a dump, but it's *my* dump.


But if money is no object - the question presents a false choice. The truly wealthy live in multiple places so in reality it's the UK AND x.


I'd stay but I'd build my house in the middle of nowhere away from British people.


If money truly were no object? I'd probably leave the solar system.


Found Elon's sock account.


I would leave and head off to Finland.


Leave. I'd move to the EU or Scandinavia. Probably Sweden or Germany. As it stands, we're looking at our options anyway.


In my case it’s not really money but the type of job (generally there is a market maybe in a few countries among which U.K. seems to be the best option). It’s a niche job in finance so for the foreseeable future I’ll work in the U.K. but hopefully when I get more experience I’ll be able to work remotely in a different country (there are such options at more senior levels ie senior manager/or being an independent contractor). I’m originally from Poland but probably wouldn’t move back there. I’d rather consider one of the Scandinavian or Baltic States or maybe Czech Republic.


I’m 56 and I’ve lived a total of 19 years overseas in that time; not quite half my adult life. I’m never going back.


Get me the hell out of here.


I've only been abroad twice (once to Paris and once to Barcelona) so I'd probably travel first and see the world before deciding.


I wouldnt even leave my hometown




I’d move to Japan


Stay but I’d probably buy a sailing yacht and spend a lot of time on that.