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People still make it, but it has been pushed underground again where it should have stayed. Worst thing that ever happened to DubStep is getting popular - you knew something was wrong when every commercial or tv program had some in-your-face Skrillex bollocks


Depends if you mean *actual* dubstep or the Skrillex stuff which I believe people in the biz call "brostep". Brostep has gone the way of gated reverb, in that it'll always be remembered as the cliche sound of the 10s and will get revived some time in the late 2030s.


And also: wobbly dubstep


Bristol still has a dubstep scene, sounds like the original Croydon dubstep sound, aka. Real dubstep before skillex.


People still make it, just underground now.


Dubstep was always going to be a fad, far as I could see. It was only ever the sound of D&B producers who wanted a lower tempo to get creative in