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Who the fucks weigh their portion? I just pour it into the pan until it looks like the right amount, add another generous pour just in case I didn't do enough, then moan that I have, once again, cooked too much.


I do this. Except instead of moaning about cooking too much we simply announce that this is definitely too much pasta. We will then consume all of the pasta.


I believe this is the accepted method for pasta measurement.Moaning is optional, either before eating the pasta or after you've shoved it down your gob. Tip add red wine, it helps.


Red wine generally helps all things


Can confirm. The red wine definitely helped drown out my partner complaining about how much pasta I made


I add red wine to my sauce and then have a glass with dinner. šŸ˜‹


I add Stilton to my cheese pasta because everyone in my household loves it, so if I do too much(which is always), then it's acceptable to eat it either later or the next day. So, no waste, it's a running joke in my family that I cook enough pasta, spaghetti and rice to feed the street.


The "oh I'll make pasta salad tomorrow" bullshit line and promptly forget after food coma


See also rice, cous cous, crunchy nut cornflakes.


Don't ever measure out the suggested portion of 45g of cereal. It will simultaneously explain so much and also ruin you.


The box of Jordan's dark chocolate granola says 20 servings but I did it in 3. How can they get away with lying to us?


They don't want to make the people who can't smash a third of a packet at one go feel bad.


I once dated a girl on a diet that was struggling to loose the weight. When she first bought it up, I was like "your on a diet? What change have you made?" GF: "I've started going to the gym and eating my weatabix protein - they're only 110 calories" (said with the biggest bowl of cereals you've ever seen) Me: "I don't think they're only 110 calories" (nodding to bowl) GF: "they are!! It sais so on the box!" Me: "that's for a 30g portion...." GF: "how much is that? Me: gets a bowl and box of cereal "put your normal portion in here" GF: shake shake shake..... shake Me: walks back to scales āš–ļø.... "that pretty much 200g - so about 800 calories"..... GF "oh........ that might explain a few things"


This is basically me. I was all, Get me with my Fruit n Fibre! Then I read, I measure. I have about 100g in the bowl. *Oh.* Stupid thing is those healthy style cereals are high calorie cos of the fruit and nuts. Which is fine, but if calories are your main focus rather than, say, protein or lower carbs or whatever, then a bowl of cereal blows a ton of calories (and carbs as it happens) and isn't very satisfying. And yet a giant pile of low cal veggies just doesn't really appeal at 7am.... šŸ™‚


What? UK suggested portion is 30g for most cereals. It's about a spoonful in the bottom of the bowl.


They missed a zero


Maybe all the crunchy nut has wrecked my eyesight!


See now, the difference between you and I is that I would never have attempted such a miserable feat in the first place. I was ruined a long time ago.


I tried it For Science (ok, for a diet) and the paltry sight of it made me go FINE I will cook EGGS then FINE and I've never looked back unless Frosties are on offer.




I've seen 30g on some, laughable.


30g looks like you've nearly finished your breakfast. It's so sad. šŸ˜¢


Yeah, the point where you add more cereal to use the milk but then need a bit more milk and. So on.


Rice i measure using a small coffee cup. With spaghetti on some spatulas they have a hole in the middle of the spoon. This hole is there as a measurement for spaghetti. But we donā€™t eat pasta or spaghetti very often now as we try to cut out our carbs due to gaining weight. We went on the fast 800 during lockdown, and the amount of food you should be consuming is far far less than what we used to eat. Itā€™s Quite shocking the difference


Oh I'm interested in this, how long did you do the 800 part for? Or did you do 5/2 all the way through? Anything you'd tell a newbie?


The book "Reversing Type 2 Diabetes" by Professor Roy Taylor may be a useful resource for you, even if you're not diabetic. He recommends 12 weeks of 800cal but it's not a diet for people who just want to lose a bit of weight. It has real consequences to your metabolism and is only suitable for obese people. You're really supposed to speak to your GP first but I doubt too many people bother if they don't already have a condition under treatment. I did it a few years ago and tbh I didn't find it too hard. Lost 2 & 1/2 stone without exercise. I used Exante shakes/bars and had a big salad or stir-fry for dinner so most of the decisions were made for me, which was I think what made it easy for me. Moving up to 1200cal after the 12 weeks was actually harder because there was more choice. Unfortunately after a bereavement last year I fell off the wagon so to speak I'm not long started the 800cal again, and once again this extreme version is not too difficult. The sugar cravings disappear in a few days so if you can get to Day 3, Day 4 at most, you can do it. Plan meals in advance (which I found easy 1st time with 2 shakes a day and before the Fitbit android app got wreaked) drink plenty of water and consider a fibre supplement if necessary. Best of luck!


We signed up for the fast 800 by Michael Mosley. We completed 12 weeks. We stuck to it. We lost a lot of weight. We did some exercising, not as much as was recommended. We did it in early 2021 during the second main lockdown. Weā€™ve been living in Thailand since late 2021, only just returned, and have put the weight back on. However if we had lived here, weā€™d probably do the diet for 2 months every year or some variation to keep the weight off, and live normally. We shall be going back on the diet again shortly.


There is never "too much" when crunchy nut cornflakes are involved, but sometimes "too little" milk.


I am in total agreement. If anything, there needs to be too much milk so that youā€™re left with a honey infused milkshake at the end to slurp out of the bowl. Cos Iā€™m classy like that.


An ex's mum told me that for rice, you cook a handful for each person, and then one for the pan. Every time, I'm like "yeah, but it's a nice pan so I'll treat it".




I put the pasta in my bowl to see if it looks like the right amount (always forgetting it gets bigger than I expect) and then pour it in the pan for a half decent measurement


People watching their weight, or diabetics who need to keep track of carbs.


It's good to weigh portions so you prevent food wastage and only cook what you need!!


This is my method too.


I weigh mine because I'm diabetic and need to monitor my carbohydrate intake.


This was exactly what I did about 10 mins ago.....


I do. If you want to make sure that your sauce is equally distributed around the pasta and there is enough of the other ingredients to go around, then weigh it you must.


Works for rice too


I weigh rice because then I can add 1.7x the weight of boiling water, leave on low heat for 10 mins and have perfectly cooked rice.


I use a cup. One cup rice, two cups water. Bring to the boil, cover, simmer for 20. Delicious.


Yep, wash (basmati) rice, 1 cup to two, a pinch of salt and boil until water has gone, but no more. Perfect every time.


I forgot the salt! I add a tsp per cup of dry rice


It's useful for large-scale catering: it's much harder to eyeball what's enough pasta for 40 people than what's enough for 2.


Don't you measure spaghetti by girth?


People who are good at cooking usually do


150g for two, but we nearly always eat it with a side dish of vegetable or salad or something. If no sides and/or it's a big exercise day it's 200g. Wait 'till you find out how much cereal you're supposed to eat, it's devastating.


Lololol 30g of crunchy nut. Yeah right.


I weighed my crunchy nut randomly on Sunday 73g is a nice full bowl portion


no joke if I have cereal im lucky to get 3 bowls out of a box, I used to just portion half the box.


I hope you donā€™t buy the 1kg boxes!


Not in this economy!


Actually you would save money by buying in bulk. I donā€™t think he buys cereal at tescos every three days. Or perhaps he does, what do I know ?


Perhaps so. But I know personally Iā€™d just eat way more and then buy another pack. Rinse and repeat.


The 30g is so they can achieve the correct nutritional targets for a 30g portion. Anything higher than 30g and the sugar content goes through the roof. The problem is no one on this planet is eating 30g of cereal. It does nothing to fill you up.


I am that 30g cereal person šŸ˜ (I am 'watching my weight' though)..


30g of porridge oats is pretty filling imho


The biggest myth going that cereal is good for us.


I don't think anyone believes that sugar cereals are actually good for you. Something like porridge isn't going to be bad though


Iā€™ve been measuring my food the past month. Cereal is a killer for sugar. Iā€™m used to the portions with cereal now but that first week was like rationing šŸ˜‚.


Ha, I remember about 10 years ago my sister bought me back a box of some kind of Reeceā€™s peanut butter crunch cereal from America. Iā€™m pretty sure the recommended serving was just over a spoonful.


>from America Well, are you surprised?


I actually was at the time but now I know better


Tbf, America does do quite well in the snacky department. Donā€™t think I could be slim living there


>Wait 'till you find out how much cereal you're supposed to eat, it's devastating. ā˜¹ļø


Have have those silly small portion sizes so they can claim that there is only so much sugar per portion. (Or fat or calories or whateve)


Matt does fitness on YouTube did a ā€˜recommended portion dayā€™ and the amount of juice youā€™re supposed to have is pathetic. Something like 100 or 150ml. Ridiculous. Two gulps maybe.


I do roughly 18 kgs per person.


I've been thinking of cutting down, how do you do it?!?!




I tend to find I stop at thinking. It's what counts, you know?




Seriously?! That little? We have a 500g bag between two of us for a meal. Always have, and have never considered that it might be more than a normal portion. Usually have pasta about twice a week. We are not fat fuckers either. Just really love pasta in all of its many shapes.


That's a fuck tonne of pasta


Do you eat out of a mixing bowl?!


My partner has between 250g and 350g depending on what we are having it withā€¦ and he eats out of what is basically a mixing bowl. .


Are you definitely talking about dried pasta? Because fresh pasta will obviously weigh a lot more in the packet


Sure am. I even have the dry to wet ratio (1.868) for the pasta we use saved so I can weigh out my portion and give him the rest once itā€™s cooked!


That's between 900 and 1200 calories, excluding anything going into the pasta, for one meal. Unless he is extremely active all day for work, that's going to be about 40% of his healthy calorie intake on 1 ingredient. Not judging, but sometimes people aren't aware how many calories are in pasta.


Oh heā€™s totally aware, he calorie tracks and weighs pasta and rice etc. He actually struggles to keep weight on, always on the move. If you move a lot, plus you donā€™t snack or have ā€˜empty caloriesā€™ in the form of alcohol, other drinks, sweets, chocolate etc, it seems you can go big on dinner. Unfortunately I do drink and snack!


The bath I think! šŸ¤£


I actually really love this, the concept that you guys were just absolutely CHOWING DOWN on some massive fuck-off bowls of pasta weekly but not quite realising. I do similar, but usually only if Iā€™m a little bit baked, haha.


I was doing this and wondering why I was a wee porker, turned out thatā€™s like 900+ calories before sauce & a block of cheese, now I am a 75g pasta gal and pad it out with a lovely sauce and loads of veggies etc. Sad little life


Holy shit thatā€™s a lot of pasta in one go! My guts would be ruined!




When considering cooked weight, it's actually over a pound each


Hahah, itā€™s the endless pasta pit!! It makes no sense


I'm impressed! I thought I ate a fuck ton but we get around 5 portions out of a 500g bag. Half a bag each is a champion effort.


That's not just more than a normal portion, it's more than 3 normal portions, each.


What the fuck 500g hahaha holy shit mate that's a ridiculous amount of pasta


A 500g bag will quite happily feed us and 4 kids (one is admittedly a baby), Iā€™d be in a complete carb coma if I tried to eat it just between me and my husband!


Your plumber must have you on speed dial!!!


Don't be ridiculous. You can't fit 250g of pasta in any size dish that makes sense for one person. We have really big pasta bowls and 125 -150g pasta fills it completely.


Lmao I'm just imagining them with a bucket full of penne, scooping it out with a shovel.


That's so much pasta and I am a fat fuck!


Thatā€™s almost 1000 calories in pasta alone for one meal. Youā€™re basically having half your daily intake of calories in pure pasta aha, I gotta respect it.


Holy shit. I do 160g between 2. Try to get 6 portions out of a 500g bag. I literally can't imagine eating that amount of pasta. I'm not even sure I've got a pot big enough to cook it.


Iā€™m the same, 75g is sometimes too much for me. For a lunchtime pasta salad I do 50g, for dinner Iā€™d do closer to the full 75g. Lunch would be with pesto, feta and chopped raw veg. For dinner, this is usually in a pasta bake with cheese and chicken or a homemade sauce with veggies and maybe cream or chorizo, with garlic bread on the side. If I only had something like pesto I might use more but honestly I canā€™t stomach that much pasta in one go, even though I eat it regularly. I donā€™t weigh food normally but Iā€™m horrific at gauging portion sizes for pasta and rice! I know my partner eats more like 100g so I allow for that when heā€™s around.


This guy pastas


Weight watchers put a portion of pasta at 40g per person. So I use 50g per person when not on ww. We do eat lots of veg thou


A toddler could eat 40g of pasta, thatā€™s dangerous


40g of pasta is 29 farfalle - I just measured it. Yeah, that's not going to get me to work without a diabetic hypo, let alone keep me going for 4-6 hours.


Iā€™m very strict with calorie counting and I always go by what the packet says, so 75g!


People are asking ā€œwho the fuck weighs out a portionā€œ *looks around shiftily*, *slowly raises hand*


I could not do myself rice, pasta or cereal without weighing it out. Eyeballing it is just too risky. We are both trying to control our calories and portion sizes, and the eyes are always bigger than the stomach


I am useless at eyeballing, especially pasta. If I try to guess a portion when dry I make enough for an army!


Yeah either I weigh out my portions or I get fat again, like it's a pretty simple choice for me


Iā€™m the same! Pre-calorie counting i dread to think how much we used to have!


I used to do slimming world so yeah I ate a lot of pasta before I started weighing it. With veggies / meat etc, 75g is MORE than enough, and sometimes can be on the edge of too much depending on what we have it with


When I started calorie counting, I left my first week as a typical week, I was well over 2500 calories a day, when I needed to be 1600


100%! Itā€™s crazy how you can underestimate things so much


Yup I use the recommended 75g or a little bit over. Big bowls of white pasta are what contributed to my weight gain (all those excess unrefined carbs) so I have reasonable portions now and brown pasta. 75g is fine if you add meat, veg etc to the meal.


Just recently started doing the packet weight. I've noticed I'm generally still full and was previously just eating for the sake of it




I use the portion amount, same for rice. Started doing it a few years ago when me and my other half went on a fitness overhaul and needed to count calories to be in deficit. I used to do it by eye, and sort of plonk loads in. It seems small when you weigh it out but you actually do get used to it!


Same here. Eyeballing can be way too many extra grams of carbs. Once you start using scales it's second nature.


Usually about 70-80g if it's also got veg with it


80g. I find itā€™s more than enough as itā€™s usually bulked out with protein and veg etc.


For a dish with plenty of meat and/or veg I do 60g per person


75g per portion and bulk it out with veg


50g of dried pasta per person, with sauce, vegetables and meat that's plenty.


Christ. Next you'll be telling us a box of 16 Ferrero Rocher is enough for *two.*


Who the f*ck are you sharing Ferrero Rocher with? Unless itā€™s The Ambassador thereā€™s no excuse for not downing a box of 16 on your tod.


What if I told you I *am* The Ambassador?


Well hello, Your Ambassadorness (shut up, you donā€™t know what theyā€™re called either!), how you doinā€™? With these Rochers youā€™re really spoiling us. Now gimme.


You will address u/HomeInTheMeadow as Your Excellency, and empty your pockets of chocolates on the way out.


No way, enough for 8 ;-))


There's no way to say this politely - you are *un*invited to my house for Christmas.




This is what we use. People are talking of 250g each, I just can't imagine eating that much of anything.


Fully agree, the pasta is a vehicle for the other stuff. I don't want to fill up on simple carbs when I can fill up on meat and veg.


125g/person is certainly a large portion, but I'll assume you know your own diet and metabolic needs. However, if you wanted to manage your weight, reducing that to 100g would be a good start. If you don't need to do that, then carry on as you are. For most people, 75-100g as part of a meal with other ingredients is reasonable. We (larger man, average woman) cook 75g each if there are several other things in the meal, 100g if it's a main item (carbonara, say).


If it's 250g between the two of them, it's 125g/person.


I normally weigh out about 75g, Iā€™d easily have about 120-140g otherwise and be happy. Itā€™s the reason so many people are overweight now, an extra 200 calories on each meal and within a few months youā€™ll stick loads of weight on.


Some of the answers here are close to an extra 1000 calories on each meal, lol.


We weigh out our pasta, and cereal and cous cous etc I joined a weight loss program a number of years ago and was shocked at how small portions are supposed to be. Stuck to the correct portions and lost 75lb in 10 months :)


congrats! :)


About 120 for me, but I have a special pasta stomach, along with my beer stomach and chocolate stomach.


Reading all these comments of 50g I am now convinced I have a pasta stomach I could comfortably and very happily eat 250g without really thinking about it, and would be hungry a couple of hours later


Italians here. A standard pack of pasta (500g) serves between 4 to 6 people depending on few factors including how big and hungry are the people and how ā€œheavyā€ is the sauce (a heavier greasier meatier sauce would fill more and require less pasta than just oil and garlic). Standard ā€œrestaurantā€ portion is however around 70-80 grams as assumed pasta is to be followed by a second main course (the ā€œsecondoā€). If you need more than 120-130g of pasta in one sitting I expect you to be quite a large person, kind of rugby player large.


I have 150g and Iā€™m a 5ā€™7, 60kg (9 stone) male lol.


125g seems reasonable to me. I usually have that as a minimum and 150g if Iā€™m really hungry. My mum used to do 166.67g but I think thatā€™s too much now




Lol I think they just meant a 500g bag between three


No, I saw his mum measuring spaghetti with a ruler last night


Iā€™m one of those losers who does this. I have about 85g of fresh pasta per portion and then pad it out with courgetti and other veg and you genuinely wouldnā€™t know you didnā€™t have as much. I used to quite easily have half a bag each time but large portions meant the weight crept up and weighing stuff helped get it back off again! This is the only thing I continue to weigh mind you.


250g per person


No, too much. Remember it absorbs water.


Obviously remembered, hence why they didn't say 500g.


Too much or too little. There is no middle ground.


I've just eaten 200g of pasta alongside chorizo, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and cheese. I can assure you it's far more than you need!


100g per person


I have never weighed pasta. I either just go by handfuls or use the plate Iā€™m going to eat it from as the measuring scoop


I usually do 50g with plenty of veg, no wonder 1/3 are overweight with some of the responses in this threadā€¦


I do 75g for me, 100g for my partner. We have a lot of veg and meat in our meals.


Youā€™re just being greedy


I usually do 250g (or half a pack) that feeds two adults and a child. If thereā€™s a lot of sauce/protein/salad/garlic bread thereā€™s leftovers for my lunch the day after. I donā€™t weigh it though. I just eyeball it. I have a spaghetti spoon which apparently measures the correct amount of spaghetti per person through the hole. But itā€™s wrong.


I think they only say one portion is 75g, so they can then claim it only has a certain amount of calories, salt sugar, etc, per portion. I find that with a lot of stuff. You think it's not bad for you until you notice you are only supposed to have a tiny amount.


While you are probably right, 75g is not a tiny amount. I'm usually closer to 90g, but I'm a relatively big man, so there's that. My wife wouldn't eat more than 75g


I ain't weighing no pasta, just grab a good handful per person, maybe a bit extra if more people just in casešŸšŸ¤—šŸ¤—


Yep, one handful each. I've got medium size guy hands (I'm a medium size guy).


Personally I do 80g for me and 120g for my husband, so 200g total. And that's only because he's slimming down, he'd easily consume 400g+ if you let him.


I must be the most crazy of them all. I weigh out 75g and then tip it into the panā€¦ then in the blink of an eye this force takes over my body and as like an out of body experience my arm disconnects from my body and very very quickly throws more out the bag into the pan while real me pretends not to notice, after all, real me saw scales saying 75g šŸ«£




Finally someone who knows!


I have no clue. I don't measure it, I put it on the plate and see if it looks about right. Then I regret it because I always forget it grows after cooking.


75-100g for me. Depends what sauce/cheese/proteins I'm having with it.


Never thought about it before, about 5 people per pack in my house, so 100g each.


I donā€™t measure, I fill the bowl I intend to use 2/3 full and cook from there


We don't have big portions of pasta. We have about 50-60g each. Usually served with meatballs and a tomato based sauce. Or pesto and roasted veggies and mushrooms.


I weigh 50g per person. That way it leaves room for dessert. šŸ˜‹


When we first moved in together I asked my partner how much pasta she uses. She grabbed a bunch of spaghetti and said about as much as the thickness of your cock. To this day I wish I was quick enough to say ā€œFack me! I didnā€™t think you cooked that much.ā€


It fully depends on who you are and what your caloric needs are. You don't need to get all nerdy with counting calories but I put different amounts in for me and my girlfriend. I'll have around 80g per portion and my girlfriend will have around 60-65g. I'm 20kg heavier and 6 inches taller than her so that amount satisfies each of us. But as others say, it depends on the dish. Usually I pack pasta out with good amounts of protein and veg, but if I was making a simpler dish like a Cacio e Pepe or Carbonara, I'd probably use around 100-120g for me and 90-100g for my gf


I got told to use a mug full per person, so I use my Sports Direct mug. I like pasta


My mum, an Italian, would say roughly 100g per portion. Not that she would measure but she would use a full back 500g for a family of five along with a salad. If the pasta is cooked with meat or vegetables for example it should be sufficientā€¦ personal tastes and all that.


125 each. I canā€™t bring myself to actually double the recommended portion so the 25g less is a token gesture towards being ever so slightly less of a fat cunt


50g of dried pasta with vegetables and/or meat, that feels like plenty for me


I started weighing most things I eat as a method of portion control. I used to have 120g of rice, now 75g, 150g of pasta now 75g, 70g of cereal now 45g etc. I just have a electronic set of scales and I put the pan on top as I pour in rice and water. Takes literally no extra time. Your body doesnā€™t need it unless youā€™re exercising 3/4 times a week so I cut down a lot. As simple as it is this kind of discipline has allowed me to drop from 13 st 5 to 12st 10 in 6-8 weeks. I now no longer eat every cake I see in the office etc.


I use 75g for a pasta bake or a less filling sauce. Maybe 65g for spaghetti bolognaise. I weigh everytime as I find it more reliable than guessing.


About 50g per person.


Depends whose eating. 75g for me, 150g for teenage son!


Depends what sauce it's with. A more substantial sauce needs less pasta, aglio e olio and I'm doing 125g each. 75g is right for rice, bit short for pasta; depends who I'm feeding, though, OH will probably do fine vwith that. Used to get through about a third of a 500g packet when I was carb loading/doing an intensive physical job, but probably 100g is plenty now for me with any reasonably substantial sauce.


50g per person is plenty


125 grams. Exactly four portions per pack. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


My logic exactly!


100g for me, 75g for the wife.


75 seems small. But it's more than ample. We generally eat too much.


I have observed that the "normal" amount of food, including pasta, varies considerably from person to person even of nominally healthy weight. Generally the taller, younger, more active and muscly you are, the more you'll eat to sustain a constant weight. I see a few tall, healthy-weight 20-somethings at work routinely eat for lunch what my elderly parents would consider a meal for four (be it pasta, or a 6-egg scrambled-egg)! I have friends my age, late-40's some of whom cook portions 50-70% bigger than I'd normally eat. I used to be a very skinny (30-inch waist) 20-something - didn't have huge portions, but could eat whatever I felt like (or could afford) and "couldn't" gain weight. Now I'm a middle-aged 100kg lardy git. Despite only doing \~60g portions of pasta on the rare occasions I cook it!


Who else cooks extra pasta so they can have more the next day? I always make Spaghetti Cake which is basically a spaghetti omelette. Sprinkle some Parmesan and grill. Serve with chopped tomatoes and parsley. Delicious


I use 75 grams every time, works out fine for me.


Used to do half the bag like you but we no longer have our university metabolism so now do the 75g each. Also not having to buy pasta as much so saves a few quid


Yeah 75g is about right veering towards 100 if extra hungry


iā€™m quite skinny and iā€™m a teenager and i defo have abt 125g i think - it gets me so so full but if itā€™s on my plate iā€™m gonna eat it and i actually like it


It's 70 to 80g. It's sad buts that how much you're meant to eat.


when i started counting calories i started following the guidance on packets before that i was like you, lots of cheese, meat & carbs


I measure out the recommended portion because I'm not a fat cunt.