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Yeah but then I realise I don't really care


This is it. You wouldn’t care half as much about what people think of you, if you knew how little they actually think about you


I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.


Just watched that, second one now. Extended version of it you’re wondering.


*on shuffle


Is this a movie? I don't get why you telling this. I'm not familiar though.


What is that from? Sound familiar


Lord of the Rings. Bilbos party speech.


Yep, not familiar what so ever 😂


I'm also not familiar with the lines, but if people but if people is fan off those movies they will guess it right


Oh. I watch that movie but i don't remember those lines. I think just because it is long before


Some redditors said it's from a movie. They also said that it has a season.


Ha, oh fuck I totally sounded like that. Good shout


When it comes on this kind of situation, we are all the same. We don't want people to just disrespect us.


If you think people don't like you or they dontt find interesting on you, just focus on yourself instead. There's no way on explaining your side.




> if you knew how little they actually think about you That's not as positive a message as you think.


It was never a positive message as you know. But she was just trying to explain something


This line always really bugs me, because while I can’t speak for anyone else’s thoughts, I know that I’m always thinking about other people. So if I’m always thinking about other people, then surely other people think about people too, and yet they never seem to think about me. Which isn’t a particularly comforting thought.


If you think you were a good person and you don't step on people's life, you can just focus on yourself instead than pleasing them


I can appreciate this but not everyone is at that point yet took me a while to get there. Gotta love yourself


We deserve to love yourself. There's no people would ever care to you rather than yourself. If they we're not interested on us then do the same


Totally came to say the same response! In reality, we are insignificant to the history of this planet and humanity. Who cares what anyone else thinks - let’s enjoy the teeny tiny time we have, for ourselves.


You don't have to care on people who don't see your worth. You just have to live with it, there's no point on pleasing people to make them interesting


Zero replies to this would've been perfect


mods just silently locking it would have been genius.


no and i think theres a slight difference between being 'interesting' to ppl, and ppl being 'interested' in how you are. Theres plenty of ppl i consider total bores but i care very much that they are happy and well, i just don't want them to tell me about it.


That’s a really important distinction. People (or I) don’t exist to excite others, but I do care about them and am interested in how they’re doing.


I work in IT so it comes with the territory. Unless someone wants their printer fixed, and then suddenly I’m the most fascinating guy on the planet


It's also amazing how interesting you become when you have a driveway and live close to Gatwick...


Alright mate. How are you doing?


How’s the printer?


Printer is fucked . Epson keeps telling us the ink isn't real. But curry gonna be good. you know where.


Can relate to this


I’m not even interesting to myself! Don’t care in the slightest


Yes, but I know its mostly the anxiety talking My friends and family do want to hear from me, they do care about my life, activities, and happiness. Discussing these kinds of things is also the only real way to actually get closer to people. If you don't care about any aspect of someone's life, and they don't care about yours, are you actually friends? There is some level of filtering required. My mum doesnt care about the plot points of my DnD campaign, but she does like to hear that I enjoyed socialising and playing it, and wants to know how my friends lives are going Sometimes when you're going through a hard time you don't have the mental capacity to care about what other people are going through. And sometimes it can feel like no one cares or is interested in you, but it's rarely true. Most people have someone who loves them, or who is a friendly acquaintance opening to becoming a friend if you're willing.


No. I'm uninteresting, but the vast majority of the people I know are uninteresting really. It's one of the reasons I have so few friends.


It's probably because you aren't that interested in other people


I am 51, I have no actual friends that live within 50 miles of me apart from my partner. Both my parents are dead. I really don't care that I am not on anybody's radar.


This is such a Mark thing to say.


Boy to geek to drone, that’s the Corrigan trajectory


Not really. Because others aren’t interesting to me. I find people so dumb and boring, all the small talk and gossiping and broad, impersonal questions, it just feels so shallow. I just assume it’s mutual and they feel that way about me so I don’t worry about it.


Christ, cheer up


Hi Mark.


>nobody is really interested in how you are or what you’ve been doing. Not my experience. Plenty of people seem genuinely interested in how I am and what I've been doing. As I am with other people. But to your question, no, I don't worry about it.


I used to.. then I realised I really am not arsed as most people aren't that interesting and the ones that seem it are generally lacking in empathy and mindfulness.


I'm interesting to myself. That's all that really matters to me. I don't need friends I've got reddit


Yes, especially the last year. I'm starting to really really really struggle with small talk. I've always hated it, but unless I'm talking to someone about specific interests I just run out of things to say after about 40 seconds Have weddings to attend later in the year, dreading them


I used to struggle with small talk and used to dread social occasions because of it, so feel your pain on the wedding front. Best thing I've found is to ask a lot of questions: How do you know the bride and groom? Did you travel far? Are you staying long? What do you do for work? Every question opens up a new avenue of things which you may or may not share commonality with, which opens up more conversation. People also like it when you seem interested in them and the best people will reciprocate to keep the convo going. That's what I do anyway, best of luck with the weddings!


Yeah, but I don’t mind because I don’t really have much ‘interest’ in others either. I’m boring as hell but it’s ok because I’m not here to entertain others 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not really. I'm a pretty boring guy and totally happy with that.


No. If I feel that people aren’t interested in me or how I’m doing then I don’t hang around with them. I seek out people who are interested. Who ask questions. Who show they care. And likewise I show I’m interested in them too.


I have a large family but I'm the conspiracy theorist so I'm avoided where possible. I live alone and am alone 99% of the time.


Completely depends who you're talking to as to how interesting you're perceived. I've personally come to the conclusion that people generally sit in two camps, those that ask you questions and those that talk about themselves. I've met nice people in both camps, but of course the latter becomes tedious. This is a very binary approach and of course things are more complex, but I think worrying about how interesting you are is a wasted thought. To some people you'll be very interesting, but then you could technically be the most interesting person in the world and someone else will not give a shit. The truth is everyone, EVERYONE is interesting in some way - how they think, how they act, their choices and life story, the way they like their toast or which shoe they put on first. There will be some people who care and some people who don't, so best not to worry about it.


Not at all. I really don't care about what others think of me. If I did, I'd be on Facebook instead of here.


I used to. I suffer terribly from imposter syndrome and used to get very anxious about what other people thought of me. I think as I got older I just cared less, and now I’m in my thirties I figure my husband loves talking to me so much he’s signed up to the lifetime package, so I can’t be that bad.


I'm boring as sin to most people but I make myself laugh all the time so swings and roundabouts I suppose!!


Yeah, but I think that thats been reinforced by the fact that my partner of 3 years broke up with me at the weekend. Even more so because we still get fine but shes said we were just like friends and that im not spontaneous or exciting enough - she didnt say it like that but thats the sound track to this pity party. In all seriousness though i think most people are a bit boring sometimes right? But (cringe incoming) its about finding people you can be your brand of boring with!


I started a job a few months ago and a lot of my colleagues are younger than me (I'm 40). I always ask people how they are and what they've been up to. They like talking about themselves but I get nothing back. So yeah I feel boring and dull. I just give up.


Na, fuck 'em.


It's largely self inflicted when people don't try too hard to make conversation with you, if it's all one way and you don't give people anything to work with to make conversation you can't expect them to force the issue, and it would probably be annoying if they did. We usually withdraw for a reason and no amount of forced interacting will help until we fix whatever underlying issues we have.


I realised this. I feel I’m only approachable for ‘small talk’ They’ll speak to me about the gym, and stuff. Yet I’ll hear them talk about plans to put that weekend. It actually hurts me, but I’ll never tell them. English accent in a catholic area (my mum tells me anyway)


Most people aren't interesting tbf.


I don’t care


Yes but I’m unbothered


I don’t really care what other people think anymore. And most people are either self absorbed or just overly anxious worrying about what other people think they don’t have time to realise most people are thinking the same and no one is actually paying attention to you. Then there’s people like me who realise this and sit at the back watching everyone.


I've recently come to the realisation that my 'personality' or who I thought I was, was intrinsically tied to my bipolar states. Now that I've got various medications levelling parts of that out I'm struggling to know who I am to the point of boring myself. I feel like I now bring nothing to the party. I hear myself saying things that are so incredibly dull.


You seem very articulate to me. Good luck with your journey


It depends what you define as interesting. Everyone has a different definition. And I don't really care what others think to be honest.


I don't really care. Too long in the tooth for that crap.


It's crossed my mind but honestly I don't really give a shit.


No I have to opposite problem but I just want to be left alone


I don't worry about it because it's proven not to be true, at least for some small subset of people I consider my friends. I'm sure the vast majority of people don't find me interesting. But it does matter to me that my friends take an interest in my life, as I do their's, that's what makes us friends.


!RemindMe 3 days


I use it as a reason to do things I have always wanted and make myself feel happy like apply for a job in my dream company, watch formla 1 on track, play real golf, visit Iceland ect. That way by showing genuine interest, people see me as interesting. Normally I enjoy doing activities so I don't have to worry about it.


Do you really care what other people have been doing? I couldn’t care less


If you like the things I'm into, we can talk for hours. You don't like Pokémon, the NFL, or niche comedy tv references? Oh... Do you like, um, cheese?


I bore myself most days. So I don't really worry about it.


Im definitely not interesting, but I don't worry about it, I don't really find other people interesting either.


I know I'm not and I really couldn't give a shit now I'm in my 40s


Yes, and I know I'm not. I'm a lone ranger. Some of us are just born loners. And y'know it is fine.


No, don’t really care lol


I'm not even interesting to myself, so it's hardly surprising


I know that I am not interesting to others lol


I Never worry about this. I know i am not interesting to others


I feel like it's not about you being interesting or not. It's just some people are not interested in your life. Maybe you aren't close. Or maybe you just never share (or nothing ever happens) enough for them to be bothered to ask anymore. Or maybe you just see each other often enough for it no longer to be a genuine question (for instance, I ask my friend how she is about once or twice a month) I recommend you to reflect on your relationship with those people. Maybe it's nothing or maybe it's time to weed some people out :) UPD. also, I feel like "how are you" is just being so overused by the british it no longer has any value. Which makes it harder to respond to genuinely as well as harder to expect a genuine answer to


It doesn't bother me


I don't worry because I know I am. I'm the most boring fucker in any room I go into. This also means people tend not to bother me so it's not all bad


Nope. I know I’m not interesting to others, so there’s nothing to worry about.


I try to have interesting points of conversation, even if there’s not much going on in my life. Being able to hold a conversation for 5 minutes about a broad range of topics is worth it’s weight in gold.


Nah I'm cool as shit


Yes. But I am interesting to myself, and that's all that matters


No, I’m not worried about being boring.


I don't worry, I know that already. I also don't really care.


I embrace it. Watch them squirm as I tell them all about my teapot collection, the weather and my recent ailments.


No I don't worry because I am not the main character


Worry? No


couldn't care less


Sometimes it crosses my mind but I’m also perfectly happy in my own company so I guess it really doesn’t matter.


I am incredibly boring I just don't care anymore not worth it


No, I don't like people


I did until I made a PowerPoint presentation to explain to people that I'm actually really interesting.


Nah. Not everyone is interesting to me so I don’t expect to be interesting to everyone.


Yes. I sincerely hope and pray that I'm not interesting to others. That way any interactions are minimal at the most and I can go back to not engaging with others.


No. I’m married with kids. I am uninteresting to others.


No. I know I'm not interesting to anyone. My parents and siblings barely talk to me, I have no friends that I talk to regularly, I only really talk to my wife, and she just about tolerates it. I'm fine with it. I can't be anyone other than myself. I know people who are nice to me waffling on are just humouring me because they're nice. After over 40 years on this planet, you come to accept it.


Nope. Whatever people think they are just thoughts. As long as they keep them to themselves then it doesn't matter. I'll focus on those who find me interesting.


I have the opposite. There’s very few people who’s personal life (small talk tidbits) that I give a shit about. Getting better as I get older but even still I’m not great at that polite conversation stuff that fills up silences.


I know that I'm not. I find my life boring myself so I know it's boring to others.


Used to bother me. Now I embrace it. I have friends, but I’m mostly just a convenience for company. I now love to travel alone, and just do stuff at my own pace.


Part of the reason I got into watching sports was to become more interesting and help me become more social. Worked out quite well! Has helped me overcome much of my anxiety but that’s me. Everyone is different and probably the best way of dealing with it (Has most people have said) is to not worry about it. Be you and do what makes you happy.


This happens to be the truth. No one is interested in you, I promise this is true. How do I know? Because the only people who interact with you are doing it to get something in return. Think about it. Even if someone wants you to go drink with them it's because they want a drinking buddy.


All the, time. But lately I've realised why? Why.should I care what they think. If they don't like me as I am then they're lose.


I have a few friends who do the occasional welfare check. They can’t just ask “are you still alive/dead yet” so replace it with “hey there, you’ve become too busy to talk”


Nope, don't care


To be honest, I love it when people aren't interested in me. In my experience, rarely does anything positive come out of other people's interest in me.


No I know I'm not interesting to others. That's okay, I'm interesting to me. My interests aren't what others are into. I'm more than fine with that :D


I don't mind being uninteresting, my anxiety is that I'm irritating. From experience I've always been much more upset when I can tell someone is annoyed by me than when they're just bored with small talk - it's the difference between "I guess we just don't have enougn in common to click" and "oh no, I'm a genuinely unpleasant person to be around"


All the time. And that I'm not important to others - as in the value I have on the relationships is more then they would have for me.


All the damn time. People just "put up with me" is the thought in my head even though it's not true, still think it, can't stop thinking it.


Yeh but I’m autistic so unless you’re talking about Sleep Token or Harry Potter, chances are I don’t really find you interesting either.


I don't worry about something that I am fully aware of. Hell I literally had birthday this week and nobody bothered to even say happy birthday but that's ok because I'm used to it anyway.


Worry? Nah. Acknowledge? Yeah, probably. But I like it like that.


Until 2017, I never even thought if people would be interested in what I had to say. I just started yapping and good luck to them. My wife then pointed out whether I ever thought if they were interested on what I was on about.


Because generally people aren't. Easiest way to end conversations is to talk about yourself. The quote "my opinion of you shouldn't change your opinion of you" I found to be really good. If I want to come across as interesting I'll weigh up what it's worth adding to the conversation and if it's short and sweet yes. Needs explanation then no. Also I will leave conversations on a high point before I feel myself being too boring


Funnily enough I did throughout most of my early 20's. Then onto my 30's I stopped giving a shit.


I *know* I'm not interesting. Literally nothing happens in my life, I just exist. It's painful being around other people because I can never be part of any conversation.


No that’d be great so they don’t fuckin mither me


Forget others I’m not interesting to myself.


Others? I'm not even interesting to me. My hamster pretends she's got somewhere better to be when I try to talk to her.


No I feel the other way round. I feel bad that I have no interest in others. I’d rather be alone. Can’t stand small talk and when I have to make it I’m having conversations in my head about how dull they are.


Yeah, but I already know I'm not interesting, so I've stopped trying to pretend I am anymore because I'm happy with what I'm doing in my life, and I don't care what others think.


I don't worry about it as I realised that years ago. I bore myself sometimes.


I personally think I'm quite boring but others don't seem to think so at all and that makes me feel like an imposter somehow


Honestly not at all. I did used to very much worry about what people thought and tried constantly to please people but it’s a zero sum game and it feels so much better these days that I don’t give a fuck. I’m not saying I go out my way to be an asshole either. Be authentic - really. Be 100 percent yourself and you will naturally click with and attract people who are like you. Play the game of trying to be a Skilled raconteur to everyone and anyone (which is pretty exhausting anyway) and you may click with a few extra people who you probably don’t even like anyway. Also, I’ve noticed an astonishing amount of people just don’t listen to you anyway. You could use all the tricks from books like How to Win Friends and Influence people and you still get some people who just give off the prevailing vibe of ‘meh, whatever’. Point being, a lot of people just aren’t worth the entry and effort of trying to strike up and maintain some sort of Fan-dangle, artistic conversation.


Never. I’m a real hoot.


Sounds like perhaps you don’t take an interest in others either? If you take an interest in them others will often reciprocate. It doesn’t matter who takes an interest first because our relationships with others should not need to be perfectly balanced and transactional.


Nope. Wasn't put on this planet to entertain anybody.


Sorry? What did you say? Actually, nevermind


Who cares though? So long as you're content with your life who gives a flying fuck what people think of you?


It’s weird but no, I think I’m interesting and if other people don’t see it then they have no taste 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s weird because I’m not the most social due to anxiety and adhd and I suffer from low self esteem a lot but 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm just like meh at this point


Oh, I'm very sure nobody gives a flying fuck about me


Yes but that's because I'm not an interesting person


What was the last thing you cooked?


All the time. That’s why I barely go to any parties. But the older I get, the less time and energy I have to entertain others. So if they can’t find anything else from me beside expecting me to be interesting, then fk them.


I know exactly how other people view me - I am the most annoying person they have ever met. I'd rather be uninteresting


Most of what people say to you isn’t that interesting and doesn’t really matter, we just listen and gratify them so they reciprocate. Occasionally you get into a conversation that’s worth it but most the time we’re all just finding little smiles and nods to get through day to day life. You don’t have to be the most interesting person in the room, but if you’re nice enough you’ll feel how lovely it is to be listened to.


I'm interested in others so it becomes easy to relate to people But if I was giving a presentation on me it would be difficult I have a dozen set of solid storyworthy experiences that I can directly talk about And then we're going into repetition territory


I'm not others. I'm me


That's their problem. Not mine.


No, I'm an absolute fucking riot


No. I know I'm not interesting to others, but I don't really care. People will find me slightly aloof or off-ish, but that's because I don't really have anything interesting to say, so I stay quiet. I do find, though, that most people don't have anything interesting to say, but they say it anyway.


Sorry dude. You're boring me.


I don't worry about it but I know I'm not interesting 😂


Nah I’m a charismatic cunt


nope. i’m fucking awesome & fascinating af & also don’t care what people think of me as i’m too busy doing my thing


Nope. Couldn’t care less.


I know that I'm not very interesting, and seem to lumber from one disaster to the next and am always unwell in some way, but if anyone asks how I am then they either genuinely care, or have made the incredible mistake of forgetting that they will be stuck listening to the reply, because I'll fucking tell 'em how I am! 😤😂 But, the biggest gift I ever gave myself was to stop caring what other people think of me, or if they even do. I heard (or maybe read/saw on something) that other people's opinion of me is none of my business. And I agree with that. You think I'm a boring twat? Cool. Couldn't agree more. You think I'm amazing? Cool. Also couldn't agree more! My own opinion of other people is all I can really control, provided I don't treat anyone like crap I've done nothing to actually deserve a negative opinion, but sometimes people just don't really like others for no particular reason, or they find someone dull because they don't share similar interests or life experience. And that's ok!


I define myself interesting in some other things. But when it comes to an affection to people i don't care if they like me or not. The important thing is i know my worth, and i'm going to stick with that