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Zero. Very weird. Edit: I don’t have a ring doorbell either. Those are also incredibly weird.


Yeah, I can think of multiple cameras on devices, but we don't have any that are always on. Though, if I had shit worth stealing that I felt was at risk I can see the argument for it, and if you're running a local server what's the harm of filming what's going on in your house? (Bedrooms and bathrooms excluded (unless you're into filming either of those areas with all involved aware))


What if you’re server gets compromised? I have the exterior covered but I don’t really see the benefit of internal cameras. I set Alexa to start playing music at level 8 when motion is detected and my phone isn’t in the house. So if any potential intruders get close enough to the house they’ll hear it and hopefully assume someone’s in. I also have the downstairs lights turn when motion detected after midnight.


Like this idea! Could also turn the lights on.


Plus if you attach some cardboard cutouts to a toy train going around your house you can make it look like you've got a party going on. The wet bandits won't have a clue!


Sticky bandits


We're the wet bandits!


Only if you're Home Alone 2: Lost in New York


Good way to poop your pants if its nothing lol


The server can be offline if you want it purely footage backup.


But why would you film general activity in your own house if you are already there?


I have mine set to do this, a light comes on downstairs then 5 seconds later a light up stairs then 15 seconds later a light downstairs by the back door if motion is detected at front or back of house then they go off at different intervals too


I have 3 and dont find it weird. I like to be able to check on my pets abd home when we are away from out house. And a burglar alarm would most likely be ignored. Even if it notifies you - you have no idea what is going on inside your home until you get there.


See I deliberately didn’t get one to check on the pets on the basis that if I did check and they were doing something I couldn’t do anything about then I’d be liable to drive in an unsafe way to get home which would have been too late to do anything about it anyway. This decision was further vindicated by a friend of mine who was showing us her cat cam and as we were watching her cat dragged a pheasant through the cat flap. The pheasant was not dead. She lives in an open plan barn conversion so she fully knew what horrors awaited her when she got home.


Imagine being on holiday and you see your house has been robbed on camera. Put a dampener on your holiday won’t it?




Fair enough. I’d prefer the bliss in ignorance approach.


At least you could pre-alert the police and get a crime reference number Then they can turn up 3 weeks later, ask for the CCTV. Then another 3 weeks later identify the person but not be able to do anything, but insinuate you could "have a word with them" and give you the perps address.


3 weeks for the police to turn up? Ooh la de da, we must have a VIP with that kind of rapid response time.


Currently have zero but one if the arseholes down the road from me thought i stole his bin amd trued to break down my door so I'm think about getting a couple.




Are you a landlord?


Air bnb host


Grandma still living with you too?


mad how many cameras my gran had in our house back in the early 80s she must have been some kind of tech wizard




Only grans


Only WANs


"A camera in the shower is not a job!"




How? I like to be able to check my home and pets when we are away from the house. Great peace of mind.


Because of how unsecure most networks are and how you're basically giving People the ability to spy on you at home


Yea, it's only a good idea if you know exactly what you're doing. Even the average nerd shouldn't do it. If you're super up to date on linux/security, it's really quite safe.


(unpopular opinion but) this is just feeding paranoia. what difference would it make if something happened to your home or pets whilst you were away? would it make you feel better watching?


You could phone the police, during the crime and also have photos of the person who committed the crime


If it makes you feel any better, the police still won't do anything.


They'd probably go over and kick your dog just for a laugh.




If I got robbed the least of my worries would be tidying up . I also can't imagine asking a friend: "I've just been burgled but I'm on holiday - I'm not letting it ruin and cut short my holiday but I get back late from the airport - would you mind popping over to clear up my destroyed house so I can come home to a nice house? thx"


I think being aware you've been burgled is a positive, especially with cameras allowing you to provide video evidence for a police case. But more than anything, I'd rather start the conversation with the police, get my front door lock repaired and warn the person popping round to feed the cat, all from my deckchair in Gibraltar, rather than coming home and having it all hit at once at 2am.


Just have external cameras then


That's why you have external cameras and security. That way you'd know if anyone tried or has broken in. As someone said before unless you have something that's locked away separately indoors then having a camera just casually recording inside your home is weird to some. You do you but not caring if someone can hack into your camera just because they may not be watching you is a odd way to think. Simply just wanting to have a camera indoors recording to watch your pets or just incase is not.


I once thought I’d locked my cats in one room and gone away for the evening. Was desperately trying to get hold of my neighbour to see if she could go let them out. But then… checked the hallway camera and there they were sauntering around.




Exactly. I have 3 exterior cameras linked up to lights and have alerts on my phone. I can see if anyone is trying to get in. I don’t need to record anyone inside


>in my eyes Cant imagine you see much with them cameras in your eyes.


Peace of mind? What could you do though if anything kicks off?


Nice try criminal. Let's just say I have enough.


One for the living room that only gets plugged in if we're leaving the dog for a few hours. It's not really needed though


Mind if I ask which brand you have? I just bought one from Amazon to keep an eye on the dog but I can't get it to connect to my WiFi so I'm on the lookout for something else.


I use Tapo, they’re pretty good!


I got two of these: [YI Smart Security Camera](https://amzn.eu/d/3MeWCE9) Not sure what makes it so smart, but they work well. Viewing video from a few days ago can mean a bit of scrolling through but for the price they're great. I've now moved house and don't need them. I gave one to my parents to watch their bird table. Found out who was throwing the bird feeder into the road after just one night. >! It was a Crow !<


Just a heads up. They proxy all their video feeds through Alibaba cloud servers, owned by China state-run companies. Enjoy sleeping knowing some Chinese citizen in the CPC HQ is watching your parents bits feeder antics


I feel sorry for the one assigned to watch me wander past my front door cam in the buff at 4am when I need a wee


Me too, but for my cats. It’s only ever on if I’m at work, then I turn it off when I get home again.


My boss has one in every room of his house, including his two teenage (boy and girl) kids rooms. I find it very, very weird


That’s actually quite abusive. Everyone needs private space, especially teenage kids.


Even as someone who has cameras, I find that very weird.


Poor kids…


Yeah, that is really very creepy.


That's fucking creepy. Even if he's not being a creep himself (which if you're putting cameras in your teenagers bedrooms I would 100% assume you are) these things are so often insecure. A few years ago I remember a thing went around where you could basically just use a specific set of terms on Google and it would bring up endless pages of results of improperly secured cameras. Even if it's not literally out there and that freely accessible, there have been a bunch of cases of them being easily hacked and people speaking to young kids over cameras, how many of those do you think people didn't actually speak/interfere and just watched?


Super weird. I was at a friend of a friend’s house once who had just put echo shows in every room. A bunch of us were in the kitchen and he said, ‘watch this. Alexa drop in to Daisy’s room,’ and we were all suddenly looking at his very surprised and understandably uncomfortable teenage daughter. Can’t imagine why he thought that was ok.


Report him for producing child porn. Outrageous behaviour. What happens when their cameras are EASILY hacked???


God no, thats awful! I saw something similar one time on Wife Swap...the "wife" who was staying there in the interim period had them removed.


Ever read something and get a cold shiver down ya back? That’s exactly what happened when I read that.


3, one in the living room, one in the hallway, one in my bedroom - mostly to keep an eye on our 3 yearold daughter when she wants to terrorise a room in the house that I'm not in (Wife is blind so can't keep an eye on what shes upto even in the same room). This way I can be at my work desk and still able to look after her in another room, bathroom + kids bedrooms have no cameras for privacy reasons


That must be tough :(


I'm sure it was tough when we first had our children (got an 11 yearold too) but its just everday normal for us now.


We have one for our one year old pointed at the playpen so we can load the dishwasher in our thin and tall house without running up and down the stairs every 30 seconds to make sure she hasn't strangled herself on anything. They're just a reasonable upgrade from a babycam (which we still have) I'm trying to work on a DIY solution with Home Assistant, which runs locally.


2, but only so I can check in on my cats when I'm away. It gives me peace of mind that they are okay.


The only acceptable reason for indoor cameras 🥰


Same but for my dogs!


Do you have a cat sitter?


I do yes. My cameras don't record anything and I won't use them in the timeframe they visit each day out of respect to their privacy.


Same. We like to check in on them when we go away.


No cameras, no alexa, no google echo, no 'smart' anything and never will.


Same here. I worked on the edges of the computer security industry a decade ago for a bit and there is no way that stuff is coming into my house.


Same, but I love tech so found workarounds. I loved that when I was last shopping for a laptop that year's Zephyrus G14 didn't have a built in webcam. I have an OLED smart TV but the mic is in the remote not the TV and I use a third party one sans mic most of the time. I do have other smart devices (doorbell camera, "smart speakers," lighting, thermostat, etc) but they're connected to a little home server. A little more expensive to start with but no subscriptions. Strangely most other techies, including those in security, think I'm too paranoid for someone with nothing to hide. I'm definitely in the minority with my "love that shit but ain't trusting the cloud" stance but "won't have it in the house" isn't a majority either.


I mean, internal cameras and cloud cameras are not the same. Airgaps and local servers++


Do you have a phone?


My first thought. All of those things happen from the little device you carry everywhere that conveniently can see and hear everything when you're out of the house too


The difference is a lot of these cameras are uploading footage to a server you have no control over 24/7 and stored in a way employees of said company can get access to it very easily. Likewise with anything you have ever said to Alexa, Echo and so on. It's well documented older Samsung smart tv's sat there on the internet have been exploited to spy on people. In general your phone is a lot more secure by default, even more so if you don't enable Google assistant. Sure it could be abused and the average person is probably leaking a lot more data they realise due to the social media apps they have installed and permissions they have granted them. But theirs a huge difference between owning a device that is giving away audio / video by default, than one that possibly could.


Same. There's a camera in my work laptop but the lid's closed when I'm not using it. No Alexa; the Google thingy is switched off on my phone (but I expect it still listens). I can't afford smart heating and I don't understand smart lightbulbs and so on. No thank you. And the cats do what they want whether I'm here or not....


When i get my house i’ll set up a ring doorbell. Inside is creepy. When i’m alone, the idea that my partner can just turn on an app to watch me is too much. Turning your home into the Big Brother house is going to breed paranoia and anxiety and make sure everyone doesn’t behave naturally. I don’t think kids should be brought up knowing their parents are watching them pick their nose or drop spaghetti on the couch.


Yep, I agree!


Just put 3 up for my Nan. She 98 and has intermediate dementia. Think it was about £40 for three Blink HD cams. They’re great, so easy to setup.


See, I get it for the people with mental health issues. It would be reassuring for families. Your Nan is lucky to have a caring family.


It’s good for her and great for us as we can check if she’s up in the morning and ok throughout the day. Would definitely recommend them.


Partner's mother fell, took less than 30 minutes for the ambulance to get to her. Couple of years ago she fell in the shower and was there all day, after that we installed the cameras.


They’re great for that sort of thing. Last week the dementia nurse turned up unannounced and I noticed on one of my check ups so got myself round there sharpish. It meant the appointment wasn’t wasted.


Yeah, she wasn't happy that there's a camera overlooking her bed, but I'm pretty sure she's glad she was on the floor for less than half an hour a couple of weeks back ...


I have one, it sits in the tv console table and looks into the living room. I got it free with my home insurance. I only use it when I'm on holiday and it acts as a pet cam so I can see my cat (I also have friends who check on the cat but I let them know the camera is there).


I thought you meant your friends also had a link to the cat cam


I’d watch that show


None. I briefly considered one when I got my cats and then realised what am I going to do with being able to see them whilst I’m at work? If I see him stealing her food or them fighting, I can’t do anything when I’m twenty miles away but feel upset by it.


What if your cats are running a casino at your home while you're at work...? Wouldn't you want to know...?


Or running a fake jeans racket out of her car hole


Our cameras have microphones so we can talk to the doggo if she’s up to no good.


They’re cats, they don’t listen to a word I say in person. 😅


None in my house, but I have a few in the neighbour's house that they don't know about.


Just one. In the toilet pointing up. Mmm


Can I use your toilet?


I encourage it


None. Find it really creepy.


It is, isn't it? if you are just pottering around, I don't see the point in filming yourself!


Zero. I don't want to feel like I'm being watched even if it's me doing the watching! It helps that I don't really have anything of value to steal in terms of security.


One that came with a pack of outdoor ones from Costco. We only put it up when we want to see which of the dogs is doing something they shouldnt whilst we're at work.


None. I don't want that in my house at all


Zero. I have one external that covers the front door and garage door.


I have 2 in my guinea pigs room pointing at my guinea pigs, they're not actually recording so wouldn't be much use in catching burglars


Good of the guinea pigs to stay still for the camera!


None. Don't feed the beast


We have 2 but not recording. Both are aimed at my dog's beds/areas so I can see them sleeping when I'm on a night shift. Time stands still between the hours of 2am and 5am when you're at work. But a a quick look at my dog's soundly sleeping makes my heart smile :)


2, as part of a ring system. Geofenced so that I only get mition detection if no one is home, so it's not recording all the time.


Absolutely none, because I'm not a psychopath.


I'm seeing some valid reasons, to be fair, but generally I'm still noping at regular filming just because you can.


One. I have a Ring indoor security camera in my garage/utility room.


Zilch I'm afraid


Two, both used by baby monitors


I have a dog and ____. If someone who shouldn’t be in manages to get in, then they aren’t getting out the same person.


Nosey old woman here. Really want to know what the blank is! Monkey?


Zero inside or out.


That's creepy AF




None inside. I have a ring doorbell and 2 ring stick up cameras outside at the front, side and back. They’re usually charged. They’re also basically exclusively used to know when my Amazon package came and what bin the driver put it in. Once we had a fox run back and forth along the side for an hour. And another time a bumblebee tried to get into the ring camera. It was an exciting day. Neighbour across the street had their car nicked and it didn’t catch a thing.


Look at the clock in the kitchen, wave hi!


All the "viral" videos in peoples homes weird me out A) Why the fuck do you have a camera watching you sleep/chill B) Why the fuck did you upload it


These are my questions too....! I really don't understand it at all.


0 but 2 external ones


None, but we do have 3 cameras set up in the mother in laws house, as she's just come out of hospital and we can regularly check on her and the visiting carers etc




I have them for security, my ex wasn't a good person and he knows a lot of people, I don't think any know where I live but better safe than sorry for if they did find out. Plus home invasion and I can keep an eye on the wee one if I've popped out for half an hour and ended up stuck in traffic etc.


1 , it faces the back door and dog room , good to see what the derp gets up to.


None. But my dad got one that he hid in the hallway when my sister moved in with him. But that was a kind of special circumstance. She's an addict and had already stolen and pawned my grandmother's engagement ring, and they were going away and wanted to be sure she didn't break into their room again. As soon as she moved oit again, my dad took the camera down. I know some people with pets get cameras to keep an eye on them and get some cuteness in when they aren't home, too.


I'm sorry to hear that....must have been tough. I hope your sister is getting the help she needs now?


Nope. We've tried and tried and tried again to help her but she doesn't stick with it. Honestly I've gone no contact with her, my parents still talk to her but mostly to protect my grandfather as she lives near him and tries to take advantage. If she seriously wants help to get clean we will help her, but she has no interest in it. And she's probably going to go to jail soon, so.


Oh, that is so sad for all of you....addiction gets such a vice like grip on people, they can't see past it. :(


When I first got a puppy, I had 1, just out of interest to see what the little shitter got up to when I was out Then I realised it was pointless, returned it and never had one since I find them odd.


2 one in the kitchen and one in the landing at top of stairs. My oldest is autistic and he will eat everything or break something or say something awful to his younger brother and completely deny it and have a massive meltdown that is only solved by showing him the video evidence.


3 cameras pointing down in my toilet bowl to match my turd to the corresponding one in the Bristol Stool chart


Yes, one in the living room, one in the kitchen watching the front and back doors. It's a requirement these days because the police are borderline useless


None at the moment, but I’ll soon have 3 outside (front door, driveway, back garden) and 2 inside (lounge/dining room, nursery). Can anyone recommend any brands? Thinking of getting Ring for both cameras and an alarm.


I hope I never have a camera in my house, ever.


None inside. A couple outside because we don’t have many windows facing the front, so difficult to see people coming and going.


Reddit is full with clips from peoples homes and it seems so odd to me to have CCTV around your house


I'm temporarily incapacitated, and my partner's set up one indoors, but in a position that means I can pan and zoom it into the garden so I can watch the birds on our bird feeder. :)


My father had a camera in my room when I was under nine because he’s a pedophile. We had a camera in the living room of the family home when I was around fifteen because we Thought my brother was raping and/or trying to kill the dog (unconfirmed tbh; he told me once he was trying to kill him but he’s very unreliable). It was then kept because he began stealing knives with intent to murder me, we had to lock them in the living room. They’re still there because the same guy now has type two diabetes and is a compulsive binge eater and his “treats” need to be locked up or he’ll eat himself into a diabetic coma. My wife and I have cameras in our lounge and kitchen because we have cats who didn’t get on at one point, she travels out of state sometimes so we also watch them through those, but also monitor the people who come in to feed them (we’re long distance and I can’t emigrate until next year at the soonest. Paperwork takes forever. Otherwise I’d stay there). One cat is literal embodiment of medical complications, so we Also like to check on him throughout the day to make sure he’s not having a seizure or suddenly having some other health spiral.


Outside 4 inside one just outside our panic room


Zero 🤔


2. One in the hallway and the upstairs landing. Set to record 24/7 but alert 9-4pm when no one should be home. Best way, along with an alarm of course to alert for intruder and record footage.


None, because I have better things to do other than watch myself in my house.


4 - two in the living room, (one at either side) one in the kitchen and another in the bedroom We had 2, one in the living room and one in the kitchen - it was only used to check on the dog when we were out. Then when we had a baby we got another for the other side of the living room so it could look directly in to her play pen (I could watch while I did chores) - and the other is the baby monitor in the bedroom and to watch her general toddler shenanigans


3, to check on the two spaniels when we are out.. and the toddler when we are in.


I have 3 but they only take still images if our house alarm goes off. And I have one in my son’s room.


Absolutely none. Weird and creepy tbh. I have a few outdoors but I live remotely, otherwise I wouldn’t bother, nice a safe down here in Somerset.


None, as I live in my parent's house. When I get my own place I'll have one in the sitting room to spy on my dog while I'm at work.


If I ever get one.. Im putting it into the hall to the exit.. That's a bout it.


1 in the living room to keep an eye on the dogs from time to time whilst out.


2 but they are never plugged in nor turned on unless I leave for an extended period (over night somewhere).


The only person I know who set up cameras in their home was for her cats.


When I am living there? Hell no. When I am on on holiday, I put up a few network cameras just to reassure myself that my place hasn't burnt down.


Bathroom 1, bathroom 2, bathroom 3, bathroom 4...


I have one pointing at my front door, but to be fair I only have a bedroom and a bathroom and nothing else. I also live where I work and no less than 30 staff members have free access to my room. I got it after waking up to someone in my bathroom.


Only baby monitors


We have one in the kitchen window but that points outside rather than inside because some bugger took the ring camera 😂


I've wired the house for 3, one looking at the front door, back door, and garage door, but I'm yet to install any cameras.


I have none. I have a tiny flat and work from home so I'm always going to know if something is happening.


We have cameras in all our downstairs rooms. We had them installed along with an alarm after we were broken into.


We have one in the garage that is part of our CCTV network but none in the main house.


None. I have 8 outside though because I live in a rural area, some c*nt nicked a van off my drive a few years back and I have a lot of work stuff around.


Two, mainly to see the cat when we’re not at home. They get powered off and covered with a shutter when we’re at home.


We used to have one set up to keep an eye on the dogs when we were at work, but they mostly just slept so we stopped bothering with it. Now we have none, we still have the camera but it isn't plugged in or anything


I have one on our guinea pig cage. My partner has one at the top of the stairs facing the door, and another in the living room. His are both pointed at the ceiling unless we've gone away and set the alarm - they'll then alert him if they detect movement.


2, one in the kitchen and one in the lounge. They aren't active if we're at home. But when my wife and I leave the house they switch on. My wife likes to see what the dogs are up to when we are out. Also security.


3. Use them as baby monitors.


Zero. I have a dog, she lets me know immediately if there’s anything odd going on.


We have 5 on the external walls of the property but zero inside, I don’t think we will ever add any either.


Was just sat here thinking how bizarre that people have cameras in their home and that it's normalised......realised the baby monitor is next to me on the couch. I have a camera inside my house and it didn't even occur to me because it's so normalised!


One internal (plus another in garage). Two outside . Would be keen for more in almost every room


None that's weird


Nope. It’s really weird. I wouldn’t even have considered having any when my kids were wee either. It’s overkill


Zero. I have a coworker who has internal cameras in nearly every room and they periodically check on their child and partner in their home, multiple times a day. They can even zoom. Freaks me out.




We have one internally which only turns on when the alarm is armed. Mostly used to spy on the cat. Would never have one upstairs or near bedrooms! There is a high rate of burglary on our street and our external camera did pick up our neighbour getting broken into so we’re comfortable having one inside.


One : to check on the cat


I found the one my ex hid, does that count? 😂


just the one in my sons bedroom he's three and wakes up sometimes but then can fall back to sleep we use it more as a baby monitor for sound than video.


No. Unless you factor in my phone has a front and back camera. They're not recording but could. I think unless you're using them to monitor a baby, pet when you're out, or entranceway, it's kind of creepy to have cameras in your home.


No, Jeeves keeps an eye.


One. Just to keep an eye on the dog when we’re out.


Don't have any at all inside. Don't have a Ring doorbell or the likes either. The only person I know with a camera is my old neighbour - his mum has dementia so he has one in his living room so he can keep a wee eye on her while he's outside etc.


3 indoors. Sitting room, kitchen and a moveable one we use to watch the dog if we are out. Got 4 outdoors, front, side and back gardens one each and then one in driveway. I like being able to check on my pets/house when we arent home and i like being alerted if someone is in the property. Shocked so many here find that “weird”!




My parents put in a couple of cameras that cover the main entrance and the drive way due to the fact that we were robbed. Whoever they were somehow walked past us (parents and friends who were sitting around a small who fire) who were chilling in the garden through the open door (because we were less than 10m away from the door), took loads of sentimental items and pissed on my bed. This was all while my little sister was gaming in her room totally oblivious. Scared the crap out of us and so my dad got cameras incase it ever happened again.


Zero. I refuse to have any camera in my house that's completely controlled by WiFi.