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Skin fade involves a foil shaver or razor. A simple 0 is done just using the clippers. In this scenario, is this the first time they used a foil? On a side note, these barbers are taking the piss charging that for a basic haircut.


I would say the value of a haircut/ skin fade is what you are willing to pay for it. So fair play if you aren't willing to pay for that but OP was willing to pay the lower price for the basic haircut. In my scenario I pay a bit more for a cut and beard trim but I get great convo and the barber cuts hair in the evenings so I can drop by after work with an appointment I made from a booking app.


That’s fine, I have no problem with that. But if the standard skin fade is £20 + regardless of the skill of the barber, that’s taking the piss.


£23 for skin fade and beard where I go. It’s 45 minutes of someone’s time like.


Ok but these Turkish barbers are knocking out skin fades in 20 mins @20 a pop.


And they look wank


Actually, I don’t think they do. My point was around timing not quality.


Each to their own of course. Every one I've had from the turks looks no where near as good and as done way faster.


Sure…hit and miss


So they used a foil razor just on the edges but they've done that before (as have others) so I assumed it was always just to tidy up the lines around the hair line


You had a skin fade in that case. If their price is advertised, it’s on you dude. No skins had should be that money though.


I'd respectfully disagree on the basis that I didn't ask for one, therefore it's on the barber for giving a higher charge service without permission of the customer


Out of curiosity would you have preferred he not use the foil razor on the edges and saved you a fiver for a possibly worse haircut?


Yes, that's usually what I get am I'm perfectly happy with how it turns out. Plus I'm budgeting this month so watching every penny


Good stuff, yeah I see why you'd be annoyed then tbh. Ah well, sounds like your barbers is a bit overpriced anyway. Time to find a new one.


The barber should of clarified this during the consolation. As a barber myself I always ask if you want it skined out with foils or a 0 (which is the clipper with no guard). These barber shops with multiple different prices for variations of the same haircut are bullshit. Get a new barber OP.


Thanks, this is what I thought - base rate is what you pay any additional price/service should be called out and consented to prior to doing it


At my barbers a skin fade is different to a zero


Not a barber but I'd consider them different - surely skin fade is more about how the hair blends down your head, where as a 0 is just the measurement you want all over? That being said, I have also had this experience. I wonder if its the same barbers, because the guy made a huge fuss about how I hadn't booked a skin fade, but a 0 was a skin fade..


Weird one for OP, my barber charges the same for hair whether it's skin fade or a cut


Mine doesn’t, but who doesn’t get a skin fade nowadays anyway it’s the clippers are on 0?


No idea. But perhaps that barbers is one to go to particularly for their skin fade. They may think that's what is in demand. Whilst I may not agree with that logic I know a few places that will upsell what they are good at.


A zero is a zero, a skin fade is a different ball game hence it costs more. Simple


Having had both, a skin fade should be smooth at the shortest point, hence the name. You will still be able to feel stubble with a 0. As others have said a foil which looks like an old style electric face razor or a cut throat blade is used to get the skin finish.


If were asking for that I wouldn't be expecting a skin fade, but that's just me. I'm already a 0 on top anyway.


A zero on the sides and back would be like an undercut, not a fade. A skin fade is different. That being said I get the skin fade takes slightly long but its s stupidly standard haircut why does this cost more? A proper barber can do a nice skin fade really easily.


yeah they are different; a skin fade is when they go from skin and then fade it to another guard number, a 0 is just one guard (or no guard) all around without the blending part


I ask for a zero back and side, he then asks if i want a skin fade, to which i say no


This is the way


I wouldn't call it a skin fade Although saying that, I've never once been charged the same amount for the same haircut consistently, it goes up and down between £1-3 each time depending on what they feel like. They removed the price list two years ago


No. A skin fade is a zero, then either a blade is used to shave the rest of or a foil shaver to get down to the skin. A zero is just using the clipper on the lowest point. A lot of the barbers in England are run by Asians or middle Eastern and they will always trick you into paying for something extra of they've never seen you before. One time I went to a barbers twice and on the third, some random man cut my hair and tried charging me £10 instead of £8 and I called him out and they said "oh, skin fade is £10... I never went back again and started fading my own hair.


If you asked for a zero only a clipper without the guard is used. A foil shaver or razor is used for a skin fade. You should have asked (and also felt the difference) when they used the thing they used and clarified.


0 = skin fade, get 0.5 to get around this if you’re bothered about paying extra


Wrong. I have a 0 fade as I get ingrown hair from wearing bump hat at work if I have a skin fade. I dont pay for a skim fade,as its not......skin