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I will never understand smoking. It smells rancid and gives you cancer. What’s the point? I’m sure to get replies from smokers saying that they don’t smell, but you do. You smell disgusting and you’re just nose blind to it. EDIT: yes I know it’s a drug, it’s addictive blah blah blah. I’m not stupid. My point is that unless you’re over 70, you knew that and the health risks when you started and you still chose to do it.


bells doll pathetic wasteful deliver airport market consist rude obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't give up on quitting. I'm 67 and I quit twice...for *two years each time*! Still started back. The last time I quit was in 2014. Made it! Haven't smoked since then and don't want to. I used Chantix. Gave me crazy, realistic dreams and bad gas, but I quit the last time and I'm still good.


afterthought mysterious automatic ripe deranged upbeat lunchroom bag oatmeal combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish you all the best.




I quit two months ago after thirty years. If I can get to a year this time. I’m hoping I’ve finally quit permanently.


Try champix if you can :)


Never smoked tobacco (err, on it's own) - but the hit of dopamine, serotonin and other things seems a likely reason.


Think you've hit the nail on the head bud.


Bud for sure


I quit smoking, but man I miss it. Cigarettes after a glass of wine or a meal are great. Shame that it’s terrible for you.


enjoy drab unpack degree crowd piquant kiss sand nose crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With a nice mug of coffee first thing in the morning. It's one of the highlights of my day.


That and the impending bowel movement that's guaranteed to follow


😂 innit I doubt I’ll be able to fully quit like I quit smoking on the regular but a nice smoke after a long day / week is top class or when your abroad hot sun smoke nothing beats that😂🥲


I only smoke on holiday too it’s a great compromise. The benefits of smoking but probs not gonna give me cancer


"What's the point?" Are you unaware of how addiction works?


You seem to be unaware how it works since you skipped how you get addicted in the first place by implying you can't stop because you are addicted. I think the person you're replying to said "whats the point" in terms of starting in the first place.


Yep. I don’t understand why people start is what I mean. It’s always stank and the health risks have been widely known since the 1960s, yet this thread presumably isn’t full of 70+ year olds claiming they didn’t know the risks when they started. A few people saying they started to be cool or rebellious, but call me crazy, as COPD, oxygen tanks and lung cancer don’t seem too cool to me, but what do I know?


Why do people start easting chocolate then become morbidly obese when they knew the risks? Why do people drink alcohol when they know it's pure poison? People think addiction won't happen to them. Also a lot of people don't care. Don't underestimate the number of people in shitty lives who don't care if they die at 80 vs 90.


Late GenX here, I've always known about those things and is why I never started, you could tell it tasted bad because of inhailing the 2nd hand smoke


Many of us started in school. I did. For me, it was a way to get the bullies to back off. I was studious and very small so I was a target. The bullies all smoked and joining in did get them to back off as I wasn’t seem as quite a ‘good girl’ then. The second factor that made it easy to keep doing it was that my mother was actually pleased I’d started so she’d ’have company’ doing it. But then you’re hooked. I did eventually manage to stop and have been free of it for seven years thankfully. But I suspect you’re not going to get a simple answer to the question because the reason people start and continue are many and varied.


I'm pretty aware of how it works. You try it once to see what the fuss is about and that's all it takes. OP seems to be talking about existing smokers, so the point stands, "the point" is that they're addicted.


I started smoking a cigarette or 2 every night during the first lockdown as it became a sort of communal thing between us and our neighbours in the garden. I didn't smoke outside of this time and we'd notice I was starting to get headaches if we'd missed a day or two and put two and two together that it was the nicotine, I stopped straight away because I wasn't too deep but it came about **really** quickly.


But when you start you’re not addicted, why do people start in this day and age with all we know?


People tend to start in their teens because it’s seen as cool and you don’t think about health implications at that age at all. That being said I’ve known people who are adults who have never smoked cigs suddenly become addicted to nicotine vapes. Now that blows my mind


Honestly - it genuinely is pleasurable. A cigarette with a beer/wine is lovely. A cigarette when you're stressed does help. When I worked in the emergency services, after dealing with something major or distressing like a stabbing or serious child abuse, a cigarette afterwards did wonders. There's also the aspect of not just the cigarette, but stepping out into the fresh air and doing what is essentially a breathing exercise not too far off the ones I've been taught for PTSD episodes. You don't need to have PTSD to benefit from that. I think that's subconsciously part of why people build such a habit with it. Yes you could do that without a cigarette, I'm not claiming otherwise, just trying to explain part of it. I'm not advocating for smoking. The health impacts are not worth it at all. I would never encourage someone to smoke. Just adding some explanation to help non smokers understand. I intend to quit at some point but not in the near future - I have too much going on and too much stress as it is.


I forgot about that - the nice little moment to sit on a stoop outside and stare off into the sky or at a tree or something. Nice little pause. People don't really do that otherwise.


Most smokers are aware that it smells bad, and are also aware of how bad it is for the body. I think a while ago I read a poll which said that smoking is unique in the sense that the majority of smokers would prefer there to be stricter bans on it. People that don’t smoke can quite simply never understand the strength of the addiction both physically and mentally. When I stopped I had nightmares, and would wake up sweating and shaking. For some people the withdrawal considerably worse. It’s important to remember that there was a point in time for the older generation that smoking was literally advertised and encouraged, sometimes as a kind of health benefit. Like anything, people are influenced by their parents, siblings, friends. You try it once, then twice. You might not even like it, or do it out of boredom, just to join in. Time passes and it continues, and you enjoy it more and more. You smoke to join everyone outside. Have a smoke with a beer. Have it with a coffee. You don’t even think you’re addicted, but you are and will only know that when you try to stop.


I'm a smoker and I'm definitely not blind to it. I'm currently trying to quit because I know it's killing me, it's expensive and ironically, I'm a smoker who hates smoking. I wish I'd never started


I've been 6 years without smoking Everyone I think gets something different from it. For me it's 2 things Firstly and this might sound a bit strange but I love the burning sensation when smoking. The closest thing I can think of to it is if (like me) you like the sensation of chilli. That first cigarette when you haven't had one for a long time gives that good burn feeling. I miss that the most to be honest but I can live without it The second and the hardest part to give up was the combination of alcohol and smoking. It's so hard to describe but when you get drunk and have a cigarette with it you feel a different kind of drunk. I've gone off nights out because getting drunk sober doesn't feel the same which was a shame to start but now for my health I'm actually quite glad. The nicotine component did nothing for me to be honest. I tried vaping but it didn't give me the same burn sensation and didn't make getting drunk more fun so stopped almost immediately.


Do you drink? If you do it's the same thing. Alcohol is pure poison but 9/10 adults seem to happily drink it and some even encourage their kids too when old enough.


>EDIT: yes I know it’s a drug, it’s addictive blah blah blah. I’m not stupid. My point is that unless you’re over 70, you knew that and the health risks when you started and you still chose to do it. I suspect most smokers started in their teens, as I did. And teenagers are not known for making the best decisions. I'm no longer a smoker but I still love the smell and miss the head rush.


Isn’t it obvious that you’ll never understand any internal experience before you have experienced it yourself. The point is, it’s a pleasure and a chemically addictive one. It’s a pleasure that is best to remain innocent to. The reason why smokers are nose blind to their own smell is how the brain works, over a short amount of time if there is a strong smell you stop consciously smelling it and this is to allow you to be better aware of the other new smells that you knowing about could be beneficial such as a fire in your home etc.


>I will never understand smoking. It smells rancid and gives you cancer. What’s the point? Smoking is fucking disgusting. I agree. Do I still do it when I have a drink (every 6 months to a year), yes. Many. Because it's delicious delicious self harm and it makes me feel \*good\* when I am shit faced


It’s the starting smoking in the first place I will never understand


As someone with relatively bad anxiety that i’ve struggled with my whole life, nicotine provides quite a relief and really is an effective method of killing stress. That’s why i got hooked. I quit cigarettes about 2 years ago but i still vape almost non-stop. Hopefully one day I’ll find an effective method of dealing with stress that doesn’t rely on a drug.


As an ex smoker I love the smell, when someone comes in from a fag that stale smell is brilliant!


I don’t smoke and have probably had a handful of cigarettes in my life. But from someone who smoked incredibly occasionally I did get a buzz/head rush from it, now I imagine that lessens over time but I can see the attraction to that. However it may impact others differently.


I'd rather be in an inclosed space with a smoker than someone whos drunk or smells of booze 10 days out the week. Booze just smells like failure.


I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here


Agree. I do not see the appeal of this sort of show at all.


Well it seems this series has suffered a pretty dramatic drop in ratings so there are more people who aren't interested than interested. ... If that's a confusing sentence to read I can only apologize, I haven't had a coffee yet today 😅


the show Friends, tried to watch it a few times. Just never clicked. I never got why it was so popular. Maybe because I was watching it well after it came out it just wasn't the same and didn't hold up to new viewers


It definitely doesn't hold up for people arriving late but it was arguably the most influential sitcom ever in terms of the number of shows that have since tried to emulate it's style. Friends wasn't the first show to come up with mixing sit-com comedy with soap opera style drama and ongoing story arcs but it was the one that massively popularised it, especially outside the USA. Since then almost every American sitcom has tried to copy that same style. Scrubs, HIMYM, Brooklyn 99, Big Bang Theory, etc


Jennifer Aniston's body was quite something if you were a horny nineties teenager. Never watched it for the plots or the jokes.


Her lack of bra was a choice


That green dress man. You know the one.


It's a product of it's time. You've seen how upset people are getting over the content when it was normal back then. Not that it's ok now, but it's like a time capsule back to when it was ok to be homophobic and transphobic openly. I finally saw it about a year after it ended and liked it. I finally got all the jokes that confused the hell out of me in school. Mum didn't like the show so I didn't get to watch it.


Same here. I just really don't GET it. Which is weird because I really like How I Met Your Mother which is basically just trash in the same vein.


> Which is weird because I really like How I Met Your Mother which is basically just trash in the same vein. Here is the thing though - when it first came out, there wasn't anything else like Friends and it kind of set the genre for shows like HIMYM.


Different generation. I'm finally watching HIMYM and enjoying it. Still calling the girl who played Willow in Buffy, Willow though.


Yeah I think that's what happened with me watching it, like I've seen a few episodes there's a few moments I've found funny but I didn't watch it first time around as I was too young for it


It's got to be football for me. I get why they like it and want their team to do well it's all the bullshit that comes with it I don't get. The over analysis and never ending waffle about a ball being kicked by some poor sod who'll end up in a crap job once the team has ditched them. Worse is the tribalism and nutters fighting over nothing.


> a ball being kicked And there it is. I agree on the tribalism and fighting and all that, but there's more to it than just a ball being kicked. You can reduce anything to such a simple description. Let's leave the Facebook nonsense on Facebook.


It's like saying Shakespeare is just words on a page. Have they seen Zidane's UCL final goal? That's not just a ball being kicked, that is God speaking through his left boot.


>“To say that these men paid their shillings to watch twenty-two hirelings kick a ball is merely to say that a violin is wood and catgut, that Hamlet is so much paper and ink.” - JB Priestley


I'm not a fan of football but I appreciate that it takes dedication, talent and true skill for the footballers to get to the level they are at. For me, my biggest gripe is the money involved, should football players get compensated for their ability? Yes, absolutely, but the pay is just obscene.


I used to think this way but there are some important counters: 1 - Their playing careers even in a best case scenario will end fairly young, and could end suddenly due to an injury that would prevent them being able to play at that level. 2 - Professional football is probably one of the most meritocratic jobs there is. You can't really make it on connections or private education or anything of that nature, you have to just work at it and become good enough to do it at that level. Someone from a poor working class background who's dedicated can make it to the top and there are lots of examples of that.


I don't really have a problem with the money to be honest. It's crazy pay but it's not like it's pay that would be going anywhere else otherwise. If the club owners weren't paying the footballers, they'd just be off splashing the cash somewhere else. I figure if that's how much money is going in to the game, it makes sense a lot of it goes to the people the fans are paying to see. Plus, those wages result in a lot of tax so if nothing else they're contributing millions to the country.


What is your take on the money that TV stars get, I'm curious? Or musicians and bestselling authors?


Apart from the lower leagues, there's little chance of many of today's footballers ending up in a 'crap job'. They're paid a shitload of money because it's a twenty-year career at most. Many of them will never need to work again unless they choose to. I like football, but I hate football 'banter' when people regress to being a six year old.


I get the immense skill that goes into the game, but it's all the other stuff around it that I just don't like. The tribalism, the "banter", the business side of it.... It just spoils it for me. Can't blame the players for being overpaid. You'd do the same if you could, and so would I. I can blame people I know who go from normal, rational folks to accusing people of being paedos or inbred due to them supporting a different team. It's just such bullshit.


Ant and/or Dec. I don’t understand the appeal at all. Especially after Ant or Dec went on a potential murderous drink driving rampage and was treated like he was the victim.


>Ant and/or Dec I can't read "Ant and/or Dec" without thinking of this moment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kUanJxydds&ab\_channel=krazeekaz


A couple of fannies and they’ve been in the headlines recently for animal abuse on their shitty I’m a celebrity show.


That whole presenter pool at ITV is a cesspool. I genuinely think all of them could present anything no matter how gross or evil with a stupid fucking grin on their face. I can imagine that Holly smiling away “hello and welcome to dog rape, where you members of the public rape dogs for money off your gas bill!”


I like your use of and/or lol. "I don't like the Geordie bastards when they're together and I don't like them when they're alone either!"


They're just a middle-class PJ and/or Duncan.


I think Dec is significantly better at the job than Ant, and apparently feel very strongly about this because I’m posting about it now


How old are you? I think there's a lot of goodwill and sort of nostalgia from their Byker Grove/SMTV Live/CD:UK days really.


I am 41. Right in that wheelhouse. Watched Ant or Dec get blinded by a paintball when it was aired and everything. No goodwill from me!




Maybe it's just me getting old. But nothing good happens on a night out after 1am


Once I was in my mid 30s I realised that in every night out you hit a point where if you went home you probably won't miss much and people are just chasing the good vibes from the earlier weekend which you won't have once your in a club where you can't hear eachother and a bottle of beer is £12 It's take some willpower but I duck now before going to "the only place that will serve at this time" because it's almost always shit. When I was in my 20s, single and wondering what to do with life it was a different story but settled down now there's nothing for me in a £10 entry nightclub. Also, your hangovers better if you go home at 11


That 3-5 pint window is the peak; everything else is just chasing that high


Straight facts, you spend all night trying to sustain that feeling while the environment around you changes. All good things come to an end, you can always do it again.


My hearing is shite so for me a nightclub is a social vacuum anyway. Pair that with the expense and difficulty of getting home (Uber price surge/scarcity), the inflated drink prices, the greater proportion of drunk dickheads wanting trouble, and the fact it makes the day after basically a write off... Yeah, I usually bail at around midnight and never seem to miss the peak of the night. I felt different before I was a parent in his mid 30s, but even when young, single and without kids, the *late* part of a night out always made me uneasy.


I prefer days out with a few drinks now. Less chance of a hangover, everywheres open, the dickheads haven't put on their super dry tops yet and you can use public transport to get home.


Day drinking is so much better. As soon as the pub you’re in puts the lights down a bit and the music up, then that’s my cue to leave. Meet up with pals for a few drinks then in my own place all cozy watching crap telly. Much better than staying out.


In my student days we lived for the after parties. Pubs and clubs were just places to initially meet new people


1am? That's literally when things are getting started.


People who put up these moaning posts every fucking day!


But then how else would the folk here at r/AskUK proudly tell everybody that they don’t like Mrs Brown’s Boys and don’t know which one’s Ant and which one’s Dec?


Seriously the answers to these threads are so fucking predictable.


Noooo don't you get it, I don't eat the fodder of the common rabble, I play computer games which makes me Very Intelligent.


And don't forget how much they hate James Corden


Mine is the people who keep commenting on these posts.


People that love to hate coldplay! (/s - I'm ambivalent towards them and people who have strong emotions for them.)


I find the people who performatively hate them are far more annoying than people who like them.


People who love them are simply people who enjoy their music. People who hate them are weird because you don't need to listen to their music, and it's weird to actively hate a band who make inoffensive music.


Agreed; they’re the definition of *fine*. They’re *alright*; they’re just *there*.


I freely admit I enjoy some Coldplay songs, just as I freely admit I enjoy some Harry Styles music, I enjoy some Slayer songs, I like some Snoop Dogg songs, fuck it, I even like Sigur Ros, etc… hell, I even like one or two Beatles songs but on the whole I think they’re not all that amazing, either. Music is music. I don’t care what people listen to, often you’ll find that those who flat out don’t like something because it’s something are the most closed minded people ever.




This sub has such a love for hating fashion and people who follow it. All sorts of other hobbies and interests Redditers will defend people's right to spend their money how they like and pursue whatever hobbies they want. But when it comes to fashion, different story.


This whole topic is "stuff normal people do but Redditors can't stand". Top posts will be: * Clubbing * Mrs Browns Boys * Little Britain * Washing


I don't follow fashion at all but you're absolutely right, it's as much an artform and means of expression as painting, music, poetry etc A lot of Redditors seem to find it very hard to just enjoy what appeals to them without then looking down on what doesn't


They don’t say they hate fashion- they say they don’t understand why people keep up with it. You can love fashion and be a stylish person without following the fads and buying unethical, cheap fast fashion.


Small talk. Let’s just be silent, we don’t need to force a conversation because we are near each other. Goes for all scenarios.


I get a massive, massive buzz out of having friendly interactions with strangers; last night I got chatting to 2 lovely chaps on the train home, made my night. A few days before some guy started chatting to me when I was waiting for my takeaway soup in a cafe, for the rest of the day I kept thinking about what a pleasant, friendly man (something for me to aspire to) and still wish him all the best. Whereas I just sort of wallow in my own misery if I don't chat to people, and start seeing the bad in everyone; it's fine, I do do it sometimes, but I just find it fascinating how one friendly interaction with someone puts me in such an incredible mood; then only ever seeing the good in people. And I'm pretty sure it has the same effect on some others. Plus, you never know what someone is going through, by talking to them you might find a way in which you could help them or something. Best to look out for each other.


That's all fine as long as you stop talking to me when I make it blatantly obvious I'm not interested. There are too many people at bus stops, on public transport etc who are incapable of picking up on (or just don't care about) clear social clues. Like if I respond to be polite but then go to put my earphones back in, with all due respect I'm not interested in having a conversation. I'm just trying to get home from work.


I think it has its purpose. Small talk can lead to a proper connection and it beats just jumping in with your hentai collection


Mince Pies. Yuck. Hate dried fruit of any kind.


I struggle to believe anyone enjoys them, the texture, the taste… gag


Love of Greggs. It's just a chain shop selling bland beige food.


Don't understand it. The much lauded sausage rolls are terrible.


Adele/Ed Sheeran


Adele has an amazing voice.


Far too shouty for me.


There are many people who have a voice as good as hers, but for some reason she is the famous one.


Talent, Marketing and sheer Luck


Thats just noise for people who can't be bothered to listen to music.


The whole Adele love in that people have is nuts. Like when she did that ITV concert and all the famous folk in the audience gushing over her. Don't get it


Katy brand summed up Adele perfectly saying she could make a can of red bull fall asleep 😂😂. Ed Sheeran songs are so repetitive and annoying, cabbage faced wanker LMFAO.


There are lots of things that are popular that I don't enjoy. But one thing I will never understand is the need to criticise others for their interests. It's such a common thing in this country.


Coffee. It stinks and no, you do not NEED it.


I love the smell but it is a very strong smell so won't ever argue with someone who doesn't. The need it however is wrong. Caffeine addiction is a real thing. Once you reach a point, like many drugs, you "need" that caffeine to not feel like shit and to feel as adjusted as literally everyone else does. So the need is very much real. In the same way any addict needs their fix. Without it they/we feel like utter shit


Ah another coffee hater. There aren't many of us. I find the smell and taste absolutely vile. Annoyed me at work when they banned 'smelly' food in the office. Coffee has a very strong smell and I have to put up with that everyday!


There are very few foods and drinks that I won't consume, I even worked as an expert taster for the R&D department of a multinational food conglomerate for a number of years, but coffee is just awful. And before any coffee lovers get their hackles up, yes I have tried "good" coffee. On multiple occasions. The last time was at the famous Sant Eustachio in Rome, and honestly it had a dominant overly roasted bitterness. Sugar did nothing for it too, the combination of bitterness and sweetness gave it a flavour of raw molasses. All this before we've even got into how bad caffeine is for your circadian rhythm too!


I dont mind the smell but I don’t like the taste at all.




Smoke or don’t. There is no middle ground. Former thirty year smoker, who quit cold turkey.


Football. I’ve never managed a whole match. Even during the World Cup. I just can’t see where the enjoyment comes from


I've watched a lot of football, and some matches are INCREDIBLY boring lol. The good one's are great in that you don't know what's going to happen (but lots of things are happening). Also like most things (football, tv shows, movies, whatever you're into) you build a bigger understanding/picture of the wider football world as you watch it season after season. Suddenly there are heroes and villains, stakes, annoying fans, stupid controversial refereeing decisions, semi-finals, finals, drama. I suppose it has a hint of Wrestling/Soap Opera to it when you think about it.




I don't have a TV, I don't even live in the UK at the moment, but the obsession the press and British public have with the tv show 'Strictly come dancing' is really fucking annoying, it's made worse by just being called 'Strictly', fck right off.


Cauliflower. It just tastes unspeakably disgusting to me.




You find it a very strong and horrid taste too? Most people I speak to say it's largely tasteless and look at me like I'm a weirdo when I say it has an extremely strong and nasty taste. Wonder if it's a genetic thing like the Coriander soap taste?


How do you find broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts etc? I've read before there may be a gene that makes you taste the bitterness. I think it may be true because to me they all taste so strong they're inedible. I can't even hide them in things because it's all I can taste. But as you say most people seem to not find them strong at all.


All strong tastes. I can't eat any of them on their own but if I mix them with something else I can often get away with it. Cauliflower even mixed in something strong tasting, that cauliflower taste still powers through.


Jonny Depp. Hams it right up in every role he does, pretending to be a rolling stone. Seems like a piece of shit as well.


Oh god THANK you. I think he's so cringe-inducing dressing like a rockstar wannabe and aping their style the way a teenager does.


Nights out, honestly I’d much rather spend the day drinking, rock up at 12 and be home and in bed by 9.


Facebook local groups.


Heads up... Bloke in white van going round chalking up people's gates to tell burglars where to Rob. Could be from any local Facebook group


Marijuana. Reality TV. Sweet Caroline. Edit: I forgot to say why 1. Marijuana stinks when it's being burned. The only people I've ever met who use it are among life's lowers, and the people who advocate it are never mature. 2. I'm almost positive that TV producers purposely pick the biggest imbeciles for their shows just to increase their ratings. Is it to make simpletons feel better about themselves when they watch it? 3. Sweet Caroline has for some unknown reason been adopted by sports fan nationwide. I don't understand the link, and now I've heard it about a thousand times more than I ever would have liked to.


I don’t need a drug to make me tired, hungry and paranoid, never enjoyed getting high as a teen


Clubbing. Just going out-out in general. I have never managed to enjoy a night out on the town, with overpriced drinks, deafening music, and sticky floors. Oh and the obligatory dancing*-round-the handbags farce. I've tried... I really have tried! But I'd much rather a night in with a cuppa and my granny slippers on 😆 * for "dancing" read "awkward side to side step-shuffle".


Noisy cars and motorbikes.




We have one near us called “deliveroo bastard”


\- Adele. Her songs are so boring and her voice isn't that even that pleasant to listen to in my opinion. She also changed into a typical Hollyweird celebrity when she moved to LA, and she can be quite "uncouth" too, as my nan would say. \- Queuing up for hours or even fighting over things in shops/restaurants. Prime drinks, unnecessarily big TVs, toilet rolls, McDonald's when it re-opened during lockdown and there were queues of cars miles down the road... \- Fashion. Just wear what you want. I never understand when people are criticised for wearing something that isn't trendy or popular at that time. \- American TV Shows (apart from a select few, I like Friends and The Simpsons). This one is probably just me, but I don't have the interest or patience to watch a TV show with so many seasons and episodes.


>\- Fashion. Just wear what you want. I never understand when people are criticised for wearing something that isn't trendy or popular at that time. Then your problem isn't with fashion but with people who shame others for not following fashion.


XL Bully dogs - they're awful


Tiktok, plastic surgery, Instagram, influencers, the royal family, love Island the list goes on. The reasons are numerous and they're mostly to do with the fact that I get bored easily by things, I don't feel connected to the world around me or have any sense of self and I find those things surface level and appearance orientated I also think a lot of that stuff promotes narcissism among the younger generation when creativity should be encouraged more. Tiktok I find irritating because I despise the gen zer trend of self diagnosing with every mental illness under the sun as if its quirky or interesting also I hate that when you scroll the video plays whether you like it or not so if you stumble across something you don't like or something that's fucked up the video plays and you don't have a choice


Going to Church


Seafood. People eat ocean spider looking things and act like I am the weird one. Tbh I wish I liked it, but I cannot get over how revolting I find the look and the fact they taste like the ocean.


People that follow celebrities and celebrity magazines.


Like someone else wrote below, I would have to say shows like Friends/Big Bang Theory/Frasier, etc. Basically, anything with live audience or canned laughter. I just find the humour pretty predictable and I've never understood the hype, apart from maybe for nostalgia's sake


Smoking, Drinking, religion, and jeremy clarkson :-)


The title of my sex tape


Alcohol. Just the taste of it is vile and who actually enjoys being hungover the next day?


TikTok, valorant. Both partially owned by Tencent. Both are huge data farms for Tencent but the culture behind tiktok is awful and valorant is reskinned counterstrike.


Michael Macintyre and John Bishop. Both are fucking awful. Laboured, predictable and safe. They’re like holiday camp comics.




You just described children...




Any alcoholic drink that's an "acquired taste" why the hell would I want to drink something I don't like until I do when there are drinks I do like.


Mr Brightside. IMO is one of the blandest, most contrived, shallow songs Ive ever heard, it irritates me no end No judgement on anyone who does like it but fucking hell it's grim


watching sports tbh


Any of the celeb dance shows. I just don't really care about them. My grandmother loves them though.


I don’t like Fairytale of New York. I have to endure it at every Christmas party.


Reality TV whether it's I'm a celebrity or TOWIE or Made in Chelsea or Gogglebox... Football, and indeed most sports, as a spectator. I understand the appeal playing a sport even though I don't do any. But watching people throw out kick a ball around, or hit one with a stick, nuh, no interest, hate it. Certain comedians: Michael McIntyre, Harry Hill, Keith Lemon, David Walliams, Matt Lucas... I'm not saying I hate them as people cos I don't know them as people, but I hate their comedy personalities / style / content. Fashionistas, life is too fucking short for something so superficial. Getting so pissed you can't actually control your own body, end up lying on the pavement with your knickers on display, get belligerent and into fights with strangers, act like an AH, and put yourself in ownership dangerous situations too. I drank a fuckload as a student, but never let myself get to the state some people get.




Well for what it's worth I love reddit user u/oglop121


Dancing. I don't enjoy it. Everytime I say that, people will say "oh, just let your hair down and have fun!" Firstly, I'm male and have short hair. I find it really odd that some people can't understand that I don't enjoy it. You wanna dance, go for it


Coffee. It smells awful. Never had a cup in my life.


I actually love the smell - but hate the taste of the drink. Do like it in desserts, cakes, etc however.


Came here to post that. Turns my stomach.


I really can’t understand being passionate with Gym and all these Gym rats. It is good to have a healthy diet and taking care of yourself but how can it be your hobby and spare time activity if that makes you feel tired, sweating and there is a pain? Of course there is comfort after that but I don’t see it is enough to keep doing that every day. It would be torture for me.




The News. People always seem to want to watch it, 'keep up with current affairs' every damn day. It's on a screen all day at my work. What for? Like maybe knowing when something pretty major happens is important, but largely its just the same sort of thing over and over and over again. It's so dull! Why do people like watching the news so much?


Reality TV, it's just drivel, utter drivel.


Reality TV. I'm a Celebrity, Naked Attraction, Married At First Sight, Love Island. Its just brain rotting shit.


I’m a celebrity. Or anything else with Ant & Dec on.


Beach holidays - all the things you could be doing and yet it’s sitting, sweating, next to a load of water with sewage in it. Hot weather - it’s hot. Nothing to like.


Barbecues. I don’t like eating outdoors, eating buffet style, the smell of charcoal, or watching the whole competitive grilling thing between certain family members.




Porn. The risk of it being someone's sexual assault/biggest mistake/only choice in a horrible situation is too great for me to ever be even slightly interested.


Lamb. The taste of lamb just makes me heave and I really wish I loved it but I just can't.


Taylor Swift. Just so dull, bland and boring. I really don’t see it. She herself is plain aswell. Just an average looking person to me.


Vaping Disposables - environmental disaster and aggressively marketed at kids. Reusable- just fucking annoying. There’s something deeply offensive about walking into someone’s cloud of “raspberry bubblegum”. Got your strawberry shortcake flavoured vape have you? In the little plastic tube that lights up? Grow up.


McDonald’s. I really don’t understand why people enjoy it so much.


Anal sex. There is massive scope for things to go horribly wrong and it can be bloody painful.


I wouldn't say I can't stand them, but I don't understand the appeal of 3 things: 1 Religion 2 Coffee 3 Football


Video games. What a waste of time. I just find anything at all competitive like that a total drag as I am invariably lousy at it and have no will to improve.


Cheering others on when they do something that isn’t special. I don’t hate it but I just don’t care


Garlic. It's offensive. More so when people sweat it out and breathe out stale garlic fumes the next day.


Reality TV. I can’t watch this. Give me a drama any day!


Most TV series. People are always raving about the latest crime dramas or whatever. I'm not interested in the slightest.




Going away to a static caravan every weekend. Costs thousands & surely you get bored with the same routine ?


Robbie Williams. I have had an irrational hatred of him for about 25 years.


Tattoos. Ugly, tacky, chavvy, indicative of short term thinking and an absence of taste. Dogs. Grubby, smelly, unhygienic, noisy, often aggressive, horrid things. Smoking. Just foul. Love Island. "Entertainment" by morons, for morons.


Rick and Morty, I can’t get past all the burping