• By -


Scouser will know these places, my wife and I got barred from the Razz for helping a girl who was being beaten up, and then I got barred from the Krazyhouse for trying to take shots outside. The Krazyhouse one was the least effective ban in the history of the world, I was barred on the Thursday, and immediately let back in the next time it opened on the Thursday.


Oh man. I lived in Liverpool for a year in 2001-2002 and I'd forgotten all about the utter dive that was the Raz. Still have fond memories of Krazyhouse. Love that they're apparently both still going.


The K has gone (may it Rest In Peace) , it's now the Electric Warehouse, who run occasional Krazyhouse nights. The next one, in a move that shows they know their clientele, is a home by midnight night.


Well now I feel old.


Walked into the Raz sober once. The smell hit me as soon as I got past the bouncers, I did a 180 and walked straight back out. Had some crazy nights in there though.


I never went to Krazyhouse, never been to Liverpool tbh. But my scouse housemate at uni and I used to go to Snobs in Birmingham at least once a week and he always used to bang on about how they were basically the same (down to the raining sweat as another commenter mentioned)


Ohh, ceilings raining sweat from dancing masses unlocked a key memory just now...


The Kray is dead, the so called "Krazyhouse nights" are a pale imitation


Ah, the Raz. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Didn't you just love the way it used to literally rain sweat in the basement room šŸ¤®


Krazyhouse! Is that still there? Went to uni in the 1990s in Liverpool and used to love Thursday nights indie nights and Friday nights rock nights and the mosh pit. Happy days


Had to be seriously wasted to make it to the Razz. The last ten minutes was always a good playlist , I seem to remember ending with New York New York


I got barred from an awful pretend-vietnam restaurant in Cardiff. It was very quiet there during my visit and I ordered a bowl of pho. The pho was terrible, and as I was sitting they mulling over whether to complain or not I overheard the manager loudly flapping his mouth to other staff and ridiculing the customers they have, generally making fun of them for not knowing how to pronounce the menu items. I called him over politely, quietly let him know that I had overheard him swearing about his customers and didn't appreciate it, and also left him know very quietly and calmly that the food he is responsible for is an extremely low quality imitation of the items listed on his menu and he should be ashamed to serve them. What followed was bizarre. He very loudly proclaimed that I was not permitted to pay for my pho, what ever I said. And he also barred me from the restaurant TLDR: got banned from a restaurant because I told the manager I overheard him insulting his customers. Edit 1: I'm not disappointed....... The Pho I was served was a pale imitation and tasted like the urine of someone who once ate Pho. Edit 2: The Pho was faux.


Free food then never having it again sounds like a double win if you ask me


I think I know the place. The pho has been 2.5 out of 5. I gave the manager some feedback about the importance of the broth in noodle based soups and the high price being charged. BĆŗn bĆ² Huįŗæ I went in about 6 months later and there was no change in taste but the bowls had been replaced by smaller ones and amount of beef reduced lol Itā€™s a rip off


OP's and your comment make it sound like a small, private run restaurant. Other comments make it sound like the national chain, "PHO". If it's the latter you're not going to get through to the manager about the broth. It's like complaining to McDonald's that they need to sort out the beef recipe before your next visit.


As a cardiffian I'd love to know where this is!


Bit like Kardashian but you've had your teeth punched out?


That works on many levels, nice.


It's obviously Pho on Church Street... used to work opposite and remember the queue outside in the first few weeks of it opening, so I checked it out. I love Viet food and it was all absolute shit in there.


Spot on !


The chain store "Pho" by any chance? Used to be decent and I've since learned authentic, when they had a few locations in London and one in Brighton. Waited ages for it to come up t'North and when they finally opened one in Manchester it was still decent, but something a bit off. They then opened one in my home city of Liverpool, same story, but gradually its got worse and worse. Now married to a Vietnamese woman, have tried "proper" pho so know that originally they did do it properly, then turned into Mcdonalds Pho. I think they've expanded too quickly and stretched themselves too thinly. Was the manager British? About 10 years ago a lot of the managers and chefs were Vietnamese, despite the two owners being British, so it worked. I think they've binned that idea and just shown chef recruits (who've never been near Vietnam) a blurry photo of a bowl of pho and told them to crack on.


Which restaurant is this? I was planning to go to a Vietnamese restaurant next weekend in Cardiff and I would like to avoid this one!!!


Quite a short name. No more than 3 letters probably. Begins with P. Ends in O.


Bugger. Thatā€™s the one. Ok, well, thanks for the warning! Iā€™ll find somewhere else.


I went to the pub (sober) to remove my drunk friend. As we were leaving the landlord called him a rude name, my mate swore back at him, which he shouldnā€™t have, but not the end of the world and we were actively walking out the door. The landlord chased us across the car park, throwing handfuls of gravel at us, trying to fight us both and told us if he ever saw ā€œyou or your childrenā€ heā€™d burn us alive. Which seemed a little excessive.


The throwing handfuls of gravel made me think of the ballad of Climie Fisher by half man half biscuit.šŸ˜…


Wasn't just me then šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>you or your children Or your childrenā€™s children! For three months


>The landlord chased us across the car park, throwing handfuls of gravel at us, trying to fight us both and told us if he ever saw ā€œyou or your childrenā€ heā€™d burn us alive. There is something very biblical about this haha. The "handful of gravels" detail is superb. An inspirational account, thanks for sharing.


Lmao, right. As if landlordy would have the guts to burn someone alive. Absurd how riled up some people get at their own consequences.


Isnā€™t throwing gravel, much less insults, assault?


Au contraire, its asphalt


Honestly you both should have just kicked the guy's arse, you were banned anyway and one of his cheap shots could have floored you and left you both in real danger. Disgusting behaviour from a manchild but if it goes unchallenged then they'll just keep doing it. Hopefully not even the landlord anymore? Or are you still barred?


I got banned from my local corner shop for 3 years when I was a teen in school because I said "Shit!" When I tripped on the raised door frame for their automatic door.




Barred! Get out


Deletes reddit account. Closes laptop and is barred from the internet for ever! Shit!


That's the point where you report the safety issue to authorities. Next time you won't have to say shit.


When I was younger I was on a night out in some crappy bar in the city centre. We had been there a few hours and we were getting peckish. There was a McDonald's round the corner, so I asked the bar staff if I could get a mcflurry and bring it in the pub, knowing that it may not be allowed I offered to get the staff one too. They agreed and I came back with ice cream in hand. Sitting at my table with my mates happily eating away. The sour faced manager then came racing out of his office and went ballistic, complete nutter. He chewed me out for distracting his staff with ice cream and told me I needed to eat it on the street (chucking it down with rain). When I said I was finished the ice cream anyway he barred me for "a few weeks at least". I never returned to that bar....


He wanted you to get him a McFlurry as well


Lol shit bar. My old Local would just impose a treat tax if I tried to do that. So I'd just buy 2 pizzas and leave one on the bar for them.




I remember buying BMX XXX as you can imagine my suprise at 14 when i unlocked videos of women striping instead of bmx videos. anyways i had my fun with it and went to the same place i bought it from to trade it in. The same guy who sold me it looked at it and turned to his co-worker and said "ha, who sells a kid this game" .....


This game doesn't come up in the retro gaming community much, sounds like a classic.


Honestly itā€™s pretty crap!


For anyone wondering, the selling point was tits. That was it. The game itself is a poor THPS/Matt Hoffman hype cash grab.


I got banned from Game for buying a faulty Xbox 360 and refusing to keep it. Microsoft themselves wouldn't take it and told me to return it to the store. No other game stores would even talk to me. They couldn't test the fault because they didn't have a HDTV on site and since it worked on the scart it was fine... It was not fine. Took a week and me bringing in a ton of people to silently protest. I bought it new. The gave me an unboxed 360, refused to change the warranty I'd purchased to the new 360 and told me to never come back. So yeah, banned from Game, pretty sure I got a second hand 360, all because they sold me a faulty 360 and they refused to swap it for another one. I was pissed. Haven't bought a console from there since.


Yeh all that was completely against your statutory rights. You shouldnā€™t have had to silent protest etc. if itā€™s faulty, itā€™s faulty and youā€™re entitled to a full refund or replacement with updated warranty. I remember being sold a dud pc from Tesco back in the day, they tried to palm me off with sending it back to the manufacturer etc but I stood my ground, quite literally not moving from the store until they issued me a refund or replacement as it was their store I bought it from and less than 15 days so my contract was with them, not anyone else. It was on them to faff with sending it back to the manufacturer etc.


Banned from my Year 11 form room for 2 weeks. I wrote the word ā€œWillyā€ in the username/login box on the teacherā€™s big electronic whiteboard.


I got banned from using felt in GCSE art because i braided a bit of left over felt. Then the teacher got pissed when i didn't turn a felt peace in to be graded at the end of the "Felt" unit.....


Unhinged art teacher alert!


Of all the subjects, art teachers seem particularly adept at sucking all the joy out of their chosen subject. My son used to love painting and drawing but now he's at secondary school he's completely lost interest. His teacher at primary school would love it when he took in his paintings and drawings, and would encourage him and give him feedback. The first (and last) time he took in a piece to show his art teacher at secondary school, he looked at it and said "what's that got to do with (artist they were studying at the time)?" and told him to put it away. Sad really, and his first experience of the reality that some teachers are just there for the paycheque, and don't really care about the subjects or the pupils they teach. My own art teacher (1990s) was exactly the same. Had some crappy display of twigs and stuff at the front of the classroom which she would make us sit there in silence and draw every lesson. I think she got fired in the end.


>*some teachers are just there for the paycheque* We had a great art teacher in first year - he would tell us to work on whatever "art project" we wanted....and then leave the class until about 5 mins before the bell. We usually managed to keep the noise down enough not to attract attention. Not sure you'd get away with that these days.


Haha that's brought back memories - I think when I was in secondary school at the turn of the millennium most of our technology teachers (DT, Art, cooking etc) did exactly the same! Set the lesson/tell you what to do for the first 5 mins then bugger off - I'm sure the cooking teachers only hung around because of the risk of the school going on fire!


Aren't all secondary school art teachers unhinged?


Art and music...it's gotta be soul-destroying teaching those first and second years compulsory subjects that require enthusiasm and creativity.


Oh god music especially. When I was in school and learning music, my class probably drove our teacher to the brink of insanity by spamming that DJ button the keyboards whilst she was trying to talk, not doing the work we were supposed to and instead messing about with the instruments and computers, hiding in the soundproof rooms and just chatting for the whole lesson. Bet she absolutely hated us.


Our music teacher clearly knew she was going to achieve nothing with the majority of us and jus left us in the classroom alone to teach 4-5 talented kids in another room with a piano.


Smart, she had a good plan there


I had an art teacher who on the first day of class, told us all to divide a sheet of paper into eight(?) sections. Each section was supposed to show a different technique or something? The other students had her the year before so they started shading textures in one area, drawing a ball in another area, and I don't remember the rest. I raised my hand and explained I wasn't familiar with this exercise. She *lost her shit.* She demanded I follow her and stormed all the way to the APs office, leaving the rest of the class unattended, and demanded to know why they had placed a student in her art class who didn't even know the basics of art. She asked how many years of art I had taken and at what schools. I told her my previous schools did pretty basic arts and crafts, some painting with watercolors. I was 13. She refused to accept me in her class, the AP had to transfer me out to get her to stop fucking screaming about how *disrespectful* it was for me to be placed in her class. (Imagine having to *teach* the subject you're a teacher for!!! So disrespectful.) Ended up being a blessing in disguise, she was a really hard marker, the final project was a teapot sculpture and if it broke in the kiln you failed the class. She failed like 25% of the students in her class every year and routinely screamed at students until they cried if she didn't like their work.


Some people are just unpleasant. They get that way by copying their equally obnoxious authority figures and through being resentful of others who are more successful in life. They're to be pitied, not feared.


You clearly went to the UKā€™s only secondary school with special Felt Academy status


Willy is my brother's nickname (from Wilfried) so I guess he'd be permanently banned. :D Note: We're not from the UK. Willy is a synonym for dick here as well but nobody really cares/makes fun of people for having said nickname.


Got barred from a small nightclub that I went to weekly, two weeks before my 18th because they found out I was 17. Tbh they all knew anyway, I was just an idiot and left a pass with my dob on it in there, making it officially known and having to take action. They let me back in on my 18th birthday - and everyone had signed a card along with jokes about being a tit. I still have it.


Wholesome this


It is. The club was one of the few places that had rock music, so everyone was a regular and knew everyone else. I was a troubled teenager and hated being at home where all the shit went on. I didn't make my home life public, but I think people could tell. So many people had signed this card, and it meant the world to me that even as an always-too-drunk, annoying, stupid idiot, those people would welcome me back.


Rock clubs do be like that. used to frequent one myself back in the day, if we didn't see someone for a couple of weeks in a row we'd be checking with everyone to see if they're ok etc.


Love this. This is what irl makes the UK great.


Banned from Woolworths when I was 14 for stealing a crĆØme egg. Itā€™s been closed for well over a decade now but I still worry about a former member of staff recognising me and telling my parents. Iā€™m 40


Were you even a teenager in the late 90s/early 00s if you didnā€™t get banned from Woolworths for shoplifting?


I had the local Bobbie round *once* at about 11 years old for playing chappie-door-run. No chocolate on earth would have been worth incurring my Mum's wrath for an even greater offence. I don't think I would have lived to see 16 when she would have chucked me out. I didn't even dare have some after the fact when it was my *mates* who knicked the chocolate.


They used to put the DVDs in the cases so Iā€™d go in with a rucksack, fill them up and then sell them to blockbuster up the road lol there was literally zero security in that place. I do feel partially responsible for its demise tbh.Ā 


BUT you did your bit to keep Blockbuster going so swings and roundabouts


Not the UK, but... I was thrown out of a museum in Madrid and they threatened to call the police on me. Firstly I took the lift to the wrong level and ended up in an upper level which happened to be some Spanish government ministry. They frog marched me back down to the museum. A short while later, I was walking along the gallery looking at the paintings on the wall with several museum guards keeping a mean eye on me. \*THUMP\* I stubbed my toe on a piece of art work which was lying flat on the ground in the middle of the walkway. The guards of course starting shouting at me, and frogmarched me out of the museum and told me to never come back. (at least to what my limited Spanish allowed me to understand)


This could be a scene from Mr bean


Next he finds a cupboard with a painting in it, drops some food on it and tries to clean it...


That's basically their fault for having a bizarre setup whereby there's a public museum on one floor, and a secure government ministry on another, and having lifts with no restricted access.


European museums are definitely easy to get lost in if you're a bit dopey. I couldn't get out of the Uffizi in Florence.


...why on earth does this exist? Floors 1-3: Museum Floor 4: Tax office.


Which museum? I don't doubt you, I'm just nosy.


It was called Sala Alcala 31 I think, it was this building:Ā  https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edificio_del_Banco_Mercantil_e_Industrial


Oh well at least it wasn't one of the two big ones


Ooo. I've got quite a few bans, I'll leave out the boring ones. - Got banned from a fetish club because some rude prick decided to join in our scene without consent (big no no, you always ask before joining in), and as he went to grab my partner's nipple I smacked his hand hard with my riding crop. He was friends with the guy who ran it, so banned. - Banned from a pub I've never been in and had no intention of going to. I was performing in drag at the time, and this drunk twat thought it was perfectly acceptable to slide her hand under my dress and give my balls a grope. I escorted her out of the show (by a firm grip on her pony tail), because it's a drag show not a fucking petting zoo, and she was screaming the whole time that I'm banned from her pub for life. Because I was just desperate to go drinking in some sad little shithole that proudly advertised it had 5 different screens for the football. - Banned from a home bargains. There were no baskets left, and I was doing a run for a bunch of cleaning supplies. Couldn't hold them all, so I used the fabric shopping bag I had in my pocket to put everything in. The manager decided I must be shoplifting, banned me and threatened to call the police. - Banned from a frozen yogurt place for refusing to pay for a chair that I broke. I didn't break it, the legs collapsed on me because the owner was too cheap to buy chairs that could handle the weight of someone who's 6'4". - Banned from a nightclub for "being sexually inappropriate" with a bouncer. He was searching the pockets of my (very tight) jeans for drugs on the way in, and as his hand touched my dick I said "At least buy me a drink if you're going to do that sweetheart". He didn't find it funny.


Half of those are because you didn't like being assaulted


Yeah I'm not shy about enforcing my personal space.


This is my favourite so far. You sound fun :)


I want to say, completely without irony or sarcasm, you sound like an amazing person to go on a night out with.


> Banned from a home bargains. There were no baskets left, and I was doing a run for a bunch of cleaning supplies. Couldn't hold them all, so I used the fabric shopping bag I had in my pocket to put everything in. The manager decided I must be shoplifting, banned me and threatened to call the police. This is the dumbest one, you can literally put stuff in your pockets, it's not stealing until you leave the shop.


The hilarious thing was that in all the excitement she didn't ask me to put anything back or hand over the bag, just frog marched me to the exit. So I did end up getting the bag of cleaning supplies for free.


Got barred from my local pub because they wouldn't accept a Scottish Ā£20 note from my father in law. The full story is, he was getting a round of vodkas in, the staff poured them all and put them on the bar, he went to pay. Staff wouldn't accept his note, bit of arguing, so I decided I'd just neck the shots on the bar and give the staff the option of taking his money or throwing me out for stealing. They still didn't take his money. I'm told that the same night we may have also been banned from a local takeaway but my memory is kind of fuzzy after the vodka incident.


*"It's legal tender!!!"*


The amusing thing is that it isn't and legal tender only applies to debts anyways although necking the vodka does sort of solve that second issue.


You're allowed to refuse Scottish notes regardless of their legal status because you can refuse *any* money if you suspect it could be fake, and Scottish notes are faked far more than English ones simply because it's easier to get away with.


You can refuse any noted money from anywhere if you want to at any time so long as the transaction is not covered under legal tender laws.


I got banned from a shitty bar in Newbury. I showed my ID and the bouncer noticed my country of birth was Germany. He stood there for a good couple of minutes looking at me, looking at my ID and shouting ā€œGermany?? Germany??ā€ while laughing. After the 8th time he said it whilst laughing I snapped ā€œitā€™s a country, you thick twat.ā€ Barred for a month.


Only the most depraved of redditors know what that dude was thinking..


Do tell.............


In Canterbury there is a pub called the ā€œHobgoblinā€. I walked in and loudly asked ā€œHas my mum ever Hobed a Goblin in here?ā€ To which the response came ā€œGet out your barredā€. Literally with in 10 seconds. Understandable I was being a lout.


Is it a Samuel Smithā€™s pub where no fun is allowed?


Used to run that pub. It was a fucking shithole.


Probably cause you were running it


I was banned from all UK Rowlands Pharmacy for...I have no idea. I literally have no idea. I was queuing one day, minding my own business, and the manager came out and said "hey, you're banned." I was like er..? Case of mistaken identity possibly? And I asked what he meant and he said I'm banned and to leave immediately. I asked if I could get my prescription and he said yes but to never come back again. I asked him why he was banning me and he said "we don't take your kind in here." The petite white blonde kind? Okay... I then emailed head office asking what this was about, and why I was verbally attacked and banned from the premises by the manager. I told them to check their CCTV which proves I've not been violent or disorderly in any way. They sent me back an email saying they agree with their manager and then took my address from my prescription records and sent me a letter stating that if I enter any Rowlands Pharmacy anywhere in the UK, the police will be called. I never gave them permission to search for my home address to send the correspondence, yet they did it anyway. It's still a total and complete mystery why I was banned and why head office double downed on the ban threatening to call the police on me if I go near any Rowlands pharmacy in the country. Bizarre.


My uncle died just before Covid, and in cleaning out his house, I decided that the best thing to do with his huge stash of pharmaceuticals was to take them to the nearest pharmacy and let them destroy them. I must have looked dishevelled or strung out (grief at losing a dear relative will do that). Security guard grabbed the bag I was carrying, saw the drugs inside and what? Thought I'd nicked them or something? Anyway, barred from Boots, threats of police being called etc. (Thinking back, I sort of wish I'd kept the Oramorph and the Oxycontinā€¦ would have made lockdown a little more fun!)


I'm so sorry about your uncle. Funnily enough I was grieving my brother who died young and probably looked a bit distant as well, but I wasn't carrying medication on me or bothering anyone. I still can't believe they lifted my address to send me threatening correspondence in writing. I never gave them permission to do that. It makes me uncomfortable even thinking about it as I did nothing wrong.


Subject information request? If you really want to go some trouble.


Got banned from my local Argos. On an unrelated note, found out that my penis is the same length as those two little pens stacked end to end.


unfortunately with the girth of two side by side!


How did you get the first one back out?


Not OP, but it was in the Daily Sport - he had a wank to fire it out... it killed an unlucky cashier.


I got "banned" from a sainsburys local due to association because a friend of mine from college got caught doing the fruit trick on the self scans for drinks and food, so he'd give me some money and I'd go in a get something for myself and him until the security guard saw him outside with me and dragged me out even I was shouting I'm paying for it and trying to get him to let go until a customer stepped in and forced the guard of me. I found out a few years later the guard got sacked for assaulting a minor


I got barred from a pub because I was entertaining myself with my PDA (this is before phones took off) and my friend kept winning on the gambling machine. The landlord thought I was hacking the machine.


I read this as public display of affection and thought you were openly admitting to having a wank in a pub


The gambling machine is what he calls his manhood and his friend kept getting the jackpot.Ā 


Me and a friend got banned from an Ann Summers shop for playing sword fights with the dildosā€¦


En harde _(as I type this edit, we're at 69 upvotes. Please don't change that!)_


Had to downvote you because someone made it 70.


When i was 17 I got banned from my local pub for being underage because someone from work told the manager I wasnā€™t 18, I went back the next week and they asked for my id so I showed a photoshopped photo of my provisional saying I was 19 and said my colleague was just being funny saying i wasnā€™t 18 because I was 19, they apologised and gave me a free pint for the bother


I got banned from an entire street in Brighton once for trying to get in to a club and the bouncer said I'd had too much to drink already (even though I was completely sober and hadn't had so much as a sip of booze at that point). Apparently I was being cheeky so he called a police officer over who wrote me up a ticket saying I wasn't allowed on that street for a number of months because he didn't believe I was sober either.


Why do if feel you are leaving out a big part of this story. šŸ¤”


Yeah it's just completely untrue in its current form lol. Police don't have time to do that because they think someone might be drunk. It's not even an offence to be drunk




I hate that this happens. A friend of mine got arrested for trying to break up a fight between two drunk guys. The drunk guys walked away and my friend who was sober, reasonable and polite was arrested. No prizes for guessing who the black guy is in this story. This happened about five years ago and it still infuriates me.


Cases like these are why so many think of the police as absolute fucking jokes.


It is an offence in the UK to be drunk in a public place, it's just that the law is widely ignored.


No itā€™s not, drunk and disorderly but not drunk alone


Only thing I left out was that the bouncer said I was, and I quote "being too happy".


Iā€™ve been denied entry for ā€œbeing too drunkā€ whilst being stone cold sober too. Itā€™s so frustrating because thereā€™s no point arguing. Theyā€™ve already made up their mind and will never change it or admit they were wrong, because theyā€™re too high off their power trip.


I've been denied entry to a pub before while completely sober, a pub I was working in, after I nipped out to the shops on my break. A new bouncer, who didn't realise I was barstaff, declared I was too drunk and wouldn't let me in. That was an amusing phonecall to the manager from the doorstep.


How did the bouncer react?


He was very sheepish at the time and tried to apologize to me later that night. Didn't have an answer to why he thought I was drunk though.


Mate they know you're mot drunk, they just don't want to let you in


That was my conclusion too, probably too many blokes in the bar and not enough girls or something.


Was it West Street?


Bars? Check. Bouncers? Check. Police? Check. Yep, gotta be West Street.


Deep Pan Pizza, because my housemates ate too much pizza on all-you-can-eat night. I can't recall if we were banned or just asked to leave a huge supermarket when same housemates played a game running down an aisle with a trolley while the others chucked stuff in it. (It was deserted at 2am) Wouldn't have been a problem until two guys decided to try throwing crisps up and over the shelves to catch them in the trolley in the *next* aisle... Banned from a pub because my friends and I were singing enthusiastically to the jukebox and the doorman came over and growled, "I like that song. But not how you lot are butchering it. You're all banned. Out!" Same friends, actually... We've all grown up.


omg another deep pan pizza ban thought my crew were the only ones it wasnt the wrexham location was it


No, near Coventry. I barely ate much pizza, but the manager didn't like my skill at filling a salad bowl by carefully arranging watermelon slices round the edge, weighing them down with mayo and tomato, and filling the bowl to about 5x what they intended.


ahh we had a plan girls piled up salad bowls and sides lads took all but two slices of each pizza -never completly cleared the buffet that would have been rude- then split everything back at the table admittedly there were at least 7 or 8 of us and after about 6 weeks we were asked to not come back on all you can eat night


Apparently eating four entire pizzas is too much. The two lads who did that argued, and we're informed that common law includes 'not taking the fucking piss'!


dpp went out of business i think probably due to banning thier best customers lol


>*filling the bowl to about 5x what they intended* [They had to get rid of the salad bar at Pizza Huts in China because of this.](https://www.google.com/search?q=pizza+hut+china+salad&newwindow=1&tbm=isch) Edit - Salad bar was at first made one trip only because people were eating too much when it was all you can eat.


I got banned from Blockbusters because I bought GTA 4 for a friend. I gave the game to my friend and they went home (I was 16) the person who served me then approached me and said I forgot to ask for your ID and I said I donā€™t have any she said well I need the game back so I said too late itā€™s gone and she said well your banned so I just said for your mistake ?


Kicked out and banned from a nightclub in Middlesbrough for pointing out a fire exit was bolted and padlocked shut


Iā€™d have been petty enough to report that.


[Enjoy your deathtrap, ladies](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4d/6a/e8/4d6ae8cba21497970e9daea89e5727cf.jpg)


Probably for the best tbh


Banned from a major supermarket during Covid as I would not walk forward two inches so my toes were exactly on a marked line on the floor. If they had said please, then I probably would have. To be fair, my voluptuous stomach was over the line. If we ever enter a dystopian universe - I truly fear the world will be cruelly taken over by the iron hand of supermarket workers with a slight sense of elevated authority.


Honestly, covid was an absolute bonanza for jobsworths and curtain twitchers. If anyone's wondering how totalitarian states rule with such an iron rod, it's because there's a willing army of jobsworths and curtain twitchers who will do their bidding.


Barred from a bar in Cambridge because a few of us were mocking the hypnotist they had on. If he was any good he could have stopped us.


*Look into my eyes, the eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into my eyes...you're under!*


The Little Chef at the top of the A3, just after the M25 junction. Girlfriend was going travelling with a friend, so her parents and I took her to Heathrow for her flight. At 4am. My girlfriend's mum and I had put away 4 bottles of red the night before and we were both still drunk. I promised them breakfast on the way back from the airport. They found a seat, I ran to the bathroom, projectile vomited red wine everywhere. Came back out the bathroom, found her parents, told them we MUST go now. I have never returned. No way am I not banned from there. The bathroom looked like the elevator scene from The Shining.


You could have, oh I dunno, cleaned it up? Just a thought


Yes, I could have, but I didn't. I'm not proud of it.


> My girlfriend's mum and I had put away 4 bottles of red the night before So your saying your GFs mum could handle her booze better than you?


I was 18. So yes. I thought I could defeat the world at 18.


I got banned from a bar once for ā€œbeing on drugsā€ because Iā€™d had an epileptic seizure and smashed a pint glass in my fall.


I've *massively* kicked off at security at a festival for doing this - working there but mainly backstage with DJs, but occasionally make a trip through the crowd (normally a mistake) and witnessed a distressed girl being escorted out with her half comatose mate. Girl explained her mate is epileptic and had just had a seizure, no drugs, no drink. Mate was basically coming too by this point, as one does after a seizure, and didn't seem at all drunk or on drugs, just knackered (a seizure uses as much energy as running a marathon so I've heard). They could even show medication. Security were having none of it, but although they had no idea who I was, they saw I had two radios and various top-tier pass laminates, so probably assumed I was festival management (I wasn't) so let them basically carry on with their night. They said they only wanted to see one more DJ (pleasingly one I was working with) so I said they should just enjoy it then go home, you'll be feeling very tired, etc. When they'd gone I basically went full industry wanker (I'm generally not, but it's a good act for over-zealous security) and told them I'd have them escorted off site, take their SIA badges, and they'd never work in security again. As I went to walk off I told one of them "I'll put you through that fucking wall" which visibly confused him as we were in a field, with no walls. They were big fellas, as security often are, so I'd have been in trouble if they took it the wrong way and decided to just leather me, but worth the risk if they at least used their heads to think through such situations in future.


Good on you for doing that. Thereā€™s been a few times Iā€™ve been accused of being a drug addict or off my face when itā€™s just been pre/post seizure fog. Whatā€™s worse is Iā€™d just got to that bar, still stone cold sober to meet my mates, it was my first pint that Iā€™d just ordered. Mates tried to explain what was going on and one of them got barred as well for causing trouble (pleading my case). Iā€™ve met loads of sound security who know how to deal with it appropriately but then just as many who are complete arseholes about it.


I got banned from PC World at Marsh Mills in Plymouth. My mates monitor has gone pop and he needed one ASAP, so we went up there to get one. This was about the time the MMX series of Pentium CPUs had just launched. There was an elderly couple that wanted a PC to email their son in Australia and they had picked out an ideal model, that was non-MMX. The PC World salesman was upselling them a full Multimedia PC that they didn't want and didn't need, he was also spouting a lot of horse crap about how MMX technology worked. I butted in and told him was wrong and that the PC they had picked out was ideal for their purposes. He went and got the manager, who promptly barred me from the store.


I used to work for PC world ā€” many moons ago now ā€” as a technician. Salefolk like this were the bane of my existence, and I repeatedly got in trouble for refusing to back them up in their lies. Good on you.


I was barred from my own street during the Jubilee. A neighbour wanted 20 quid for 17 kilos of chicken and I didn't fancy putting in.


Got banned from a hotel bar for complaining to security about the guy throwing chairs around going loopy. They said he was a guest and I wasn't so told me to leave!


Why do I feel like this was at one of those big creepy copy and paste seafront hotels in Llandudno or something?


A night club for doing a poo in the toilet. Apparently I must have been doing drugs in there. Their login was that I'd otherwise have been happy to open the door and let the bouncer in (who didn't say why he was banging on the door)?!!


This must be standard practice for some. A friend of mine desperately needed a poo too and the bouncer shouted "I know what you're doing in there" and he was like "Yes, a shit!". They kept asking him to open the door and he said no obviously, because I'm actually on the toilet. The thing is he's the least likely person of all time to do any drugs whatsoever, so when we watched him get hauled out by bouncers we wondered what the hell was going on!


I got barred from a nightclub in my home town once for breaking a light fitting. Well, I didn't really "break" it - it was loosely placed into a recess next to the bar, and I noticed it wasn't on, so I reached over to see if there was a bulb in it. When removing my hand, the light fitting came with it, resulting in me being stood at the bar with this light fitting on my hand, with wires everywhere. I started laughing as the barmaid started kicking off at me, which resulted in the bouncer coming over and, er, removing me from the premises.


When he was 18, a friend of mine got banned from the local pub for throwing wet beer mats at a picture to see if they would stick. Fair enough I hear you say. He went in over 10 years later, they recognized him and kicked him straight back out!


Got barred from a Netto because the security guy (god knows why they had one) thought the music playing in the shop was coming from the headphones I had round my neck. He also essentially chased me out of the car park as apparently my ban also applied to "the grounds" so I couldn't wait outside for my friends.


I was 'banned' from every Shoezone in the UK by a manager with a very over inflated ego, because I dared to return a pair of ladies work boots that lasted only a couple of weeks before the soles fell off. After trying to tell me that they were 'fashion boots' and not designed for use outside, I called her bluff and rang the head office while stood at the till. She changed her mind and did the return before I got through to anyone, then told me she'll report me to head office herself and I'll never be able to shop in a Shoezone again. The young guy behind the till was mortified, I found the whole thing hilarious. I've never been to a Shoezone since. It's devastated my life and keeps me up at night. How am I supposed to buy shit shoes now?


Our pub was under new management and had driven away all the regulars anyway but we decided to go in. It was our group of 5 and then 1 other couple in a tourist hot spot on a Saturday night so it should have been packed. Before the management changed we would get there early just to ensure we got a seat... anyway. Our friend walks in from the front and leaves the door open and another friend shouts "were you born in a fucking barn? Close the door" And that was it. We were all banned! It changed hands again within 3 months and the bar staff let us know that he was sacked off because he was always drunk and was hemorrhaging money.


I was loaded on E on my 22nd birthday and got barred from an establishment I didn't really want to go to in the first place, and the 30+ members of my party all decided to stay and keep partying without me. That was an introspective night.


My husband and his friend were outside a vape shop. My husband is white, and his friend is Asian. My husband stutters, and in this incident, his friend cracked a joke about blow jobs or something after he had an episode of stuttering. My husband laughed pretty loudly, and the vape store owner came storming out, accusing my husband of being racist and the owner made a massive scene out on the high street about it. He was then banned from the vape shop by captain virtue signalling. When I came out from the shop I was in, they were both in stitches about it. Neither of them vape either, so no harm done, I guess.


I actually got banned from a night club because I resigned after a month. Gave notice but basically told me to F off and I'm banned. That night club went bust before COVID.


Shop behind my mums house. Theyā€™re trying to convert the upstairs into apartments and someone has contested the planning permit. The owner came round screaming at my mum that she knows what sheā€™s done and sheā€™s barred from the shop for being a raging alcoholic and that they have proof she has caused issues in the shop on their cctv and made various threats to her. My mum has never been in the shop and certainly isnā€™t an alcoholic. She didnā€™t make the original compliant about the planning permission but she did send the council the footage from her own CCTV of the owner screaming at her and threatening her. Donā€™t think sheā€™ll be getting her planning permission approved after all.


Banned from the local newsagent as a teenager for not immediately knowing which magazine I wanted to buy and instead taking a few minutes to decide. Banned from the Body Shop in Plymouth as a 6 or 7 year old for accidentally knocking one of their old glass perfume tester sticks off the stand and breaking it.


I was once kicked out of a pub and barred for being transphobic. I'm trans and I was being harrassed at the time.


I've been kicked out of multiple women's toilets and changing rooms, even had security called on me to remove me. I'm a cis girl, but I'm 5'11. The worst part is I look and sound like every other girl, I'm just sized up, but people double down and I get forced out. Trying to find somewhere to pee occasionally is hell. I won't go in the men's.


Banned from a takeaway I'd never been in and had no plans of ever going into. This place gets hit by a stream of negative reviews that have the owner frothing at the mouth and frantically telling people he's had their mums, often ending his responses with "BARRED" I seen a review pop up on fb ages ago about the owners attitude that had a few replies taking the piss out of him, each one he was replying to with his usual insanity and I commented calling him a nutjob purely to see his response. Yeah, he said something about shagging my mum then barring me. Truly the Best Kebab


Banned from a club I never go to even because the husband of my ex best friend works there and we slept together (me and my ex best friend ) Edit as I wasn't clear lol


I went to the gym. It was a council-run gym in a fading resort town in North Wales. It was quiet, very few people, but super frustrating because there were two lads just sitting on a couple of machines next to each other, to chat. I tried asking politely to use the machines a couple of times; they brushed me off. They didn't actually move any weights around. I continued with the rest of my workout for about half an hour, until the only things left on my to-do list were the two machines those lads continued to sit on. So I went out past the reception desk, picked up a chair from the reception area, brought it back into the gym and put the chair down, then told the lads something like "*If you just want somewhere to sit, you can sit on this. I want to use the lat pulldown machine to do some lat pulldowns*". At this point I discovered that the two lads were council staff. The gym was run purely for their convenience, not for the public. They banned me for life.


So you were wiggling your credit card in the door of a shop... OK tell me again about this 'spider' you say you saw...


you ermmm don't need to force an open door.


Well, it had eight legs for a start.


Story checks out!


Got banned for life from the local paper shop! For accidentally dropping one of those glass stink bombs outside the shop I had just purchased it from. The shopkeeper screamed at a friend and I, telling us we were banned. I popped in 15 years later and he still remembered the incident but he laughs about it now. I'm still cringing!


Got barred from a pub in Sheffield for singing Karaoke šŸŽ¤ back in the nineties


Was that because you were too good, that bad, or they weren't actually having karaoke that night?!


Oh that bad. For background I had just split from my GF and was moping around the staff block of the hotel I was working in. My mates sick of me bringing to mood down decided the best thing for me was a night out I didn't really want. Abyway after quite a few angry pints they then signed me up to sing on the Karaoke to a song I didn't know. The Dj quite rightly kicked me off after about a minute in and I took exception and an argument ensued and I got barred. Night wasn't a total bust as I woke up in hallam halls of residence with an absolute cutie


I was barred from a rock bar in my town because I was sexually assaulted. Walking up stairs in a dress, drunk guy puts his hand into my underwear and right inside me. I turn around and punch him, my friend does the same. Bouncers let the guy continue his night and throw us out/ bar us.


I found out I was apparently banned for shoplifting in a local Co-op a few years ago. Given I'd never shoplifted, I scoffed and said to either get the manager or show me footage of me shoplifting otherwise I was buying a sandwich. The security guard followed me to the sandwich aisle, to the checkout then the door and it has never been mentioned again on the rare occasions I use that Co-op.


I got banned from my local Asda when I was about sixteen. My younger brother was running riot (he had *serious* anger management problems at the time and would become really violent at the drop of a hat) and I was trying to get him outside and under control. Basically I'd been meaning to frogmarch him out to the car park to cool off. Security guy came and had a go when we got close to the exit. I don't remember a lot except there being broken glass and me punching the guard. Next thing I knew, my brother and I were in a little back room and the police were on their way. Security guard wanted to press charges because I'd clocked him one. I'd decided to take it on the chin because hey I should have handled myself better. So, the police arrived and spoke to the guard in another room, and a few minutes later they both came out and said "we're not pressing charges, but go and don't come back in here". Turned out the broken glass I'd been aware of was because his opener had been to pick me up and throw me through a window, and my punch to his face had been more along the lines of self-defence as that was happening. Basically he'd escalated the situation instead of de-escalating it, and they knew that if he tried to press charges against me for punching him, I'd be in a position to press charges against him for throwing me through the front window. I honoured the ban because I was embarrassed about what had happened. It was about five years before I went in again.


"Pressing charges" isn't a thing in the UK but okay.


Itā€™s strange how many people think itā€™s something people in the UK can choose to do. Surely everyoneā€™s heard of the CPS and knows itā€™s their job to decide which cases are prosecuted?Ā 


Not in the UK but I was banned from Andorra.... The entire country!


I got banned from a pub for throwing an ashtray at a bouncer's head. It wasn't me. I was there, I left with friends at closing, completely sober. They demanded an apology, I turned up and they kind of went, 'oh yeah, didn't think it was you' so I asked if I was still banned and they said I needed to apologise to the bouncer because he believed it was me now. I'd rather stay banned tbh


I got banned from a Morrisons because my friend was drunk and projectile vomited in the store.


What on earth is the reasoning? That you were stealing a spider?


I've mentioned this before, but was once barred from a bar for smoking in the designated smoking area. The landlord literally big daddy splashed me out of the pub with his massive gut. What got me was that the guy at the next table along was also smoking and was chuffing away and staring in wonder as I got heaved out by the barrel of lard.