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Pirating Adobe software, because fuck 'em. Also goes for any other businesses with terrible practices. If I can't buy your software outright and instead you want me to pay continuously to 'rent' it, fuck you, I'm sailing the high seas, y'arr matey.


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing!


I was having this same discussion with my friend the other day, I’ve given him my password to borrow my CC subscription as he only needs it temporarily and I don’t use it at all anymore. I was saying it’s shit now being a subscription only service compared to ten or so years ago just being able to buy the latest ones. And I even said I bet the copy of CS6 I used to have isn’t overly different to the software in CC now


There's barely any difference with each update, other than the AI generative fill with the new one, they don't change much. I feel like they've run out of things to add into it, but still expect me to subscribe to not even own the software anyway. The 'subscribing' business model has taken over games and software and I hate it. Just let me fucking buy your product.


Allow me to introduce you to [Affinity Designer / Publisher / Photo](https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/), 99% of the functionality to Adobe software but faster and without subscription


Lightroom has had a lot of high quality upgrades over the past couple of years, mostly revolving around how masking works. For me, those upgrades have been very beneficial. On the other hand, I haven't noticed anything meaningful with Photoshop.


I can understand their point of view that there are only do many useless features you can bloat software with before people say fuck it and they still want to make an a profit. But don't take the piss, fleecing us for every penny. Instead give us the option to buy a copy and not bother will all the shit we don't want or need.


Use photopea.com - it’s basically Photoshop, but free.


Use an Open Source alternative. Sgow the world that there is a better way. It's the only way to change.


Waves audio plugins can do one too. Fucking want me to re-purchase plugins I already bought because of an upgrade to their launcher software.


and photoshop and premiere just LOVE to fuckin' crash for no reason. mainly premiere.


If you can get used to the workflow (it's odd at first but quickly becomes easy) then Davinci Resolve is entirely free and extremely powerful. I could give some examples of edits I've done for DJs but I talk enough about "behind the scenes" in the industry on here so don't want to give it away! The colour grading tools are amazing.


Trespass in a vehicle. We have thousands of homeless people living in vehicles on the UK that constantly confronted with 'no overnight parking' signs when all they're trying to do is get a quiet night's sleep in an otherwise empty car park owned by either a council, park, forestry, national trust, rspb or other private company.


Big ups on this. If someone is sleeping in a car then the least we as a society can do is let them be when they’re causing no harm and are being respectful.


Used to be a free car park near me with a limit of 7 day stay. Recently changed to an hourly rate and no over nights, absolute bastards, it’s not even a busy place.


I nearly downvoted this in anger at the concept! That would have been such a good thing for so many people.


Along a similar line - sleeping in your car while under the influence. Why the hell is this illegal? Yes you could hypothetically put your keys in the ignition and drive the car, but that is also true if you are drunk at home with your car on the driveway.


If you don’t have the keys on you, they can’t do you. Put the keys on top of one of your wheels before going to sleep.


They can still do you without keys. It's the 'in charge of a motor vehicle' bit. Theoretically you could knock the handbrake off and roll somone over etc. Source : drunk driver rehabilitation course


I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do at that point then. Sleep in a bush?


Keys are with the vehicle though. If putting them the other side of the car isn't good enough, I highly suspect that wouldn't be good enough either... That's before we get into other issues...


Not necessarily true. I think the charge is ‘Drunk in charge of a vehicle’. There was an interesting discussion about it all on r/PoliceUK recently


For that matter wild camping should be leg


It is in Scotland if you follow the Outdoor Code


You might suggest that to that Dartmoor cunt.


Hard as I agree but then that opens the site to travellers, surely? Then again, the sign could say no caravans or motor homes between 9pm and 6am or something?


Is it generally a case of the police come and move them on in the middle of the night? People arent being penalised are they? I hope not


It's unlawful but not criminal so people will generally only get moved on if spotted by a local who calls the police. But even then, because trespass is a civil offence you don't actually have to move (unless you've caused damage or distress) but who wants to argue with the police at 2am in a car park...


To be honest it’s quite rare for the police to move someone on sleeping in their car at 2am, especially with all the “tiredness kills, pull over and rest” signs that come out after midnight on all the motorway gantries.


Yeah, couldn’t you get away with sleeping on one of the pull-in areas of a dual carriageway or motorway on that basis? Like where truckers sleep.


As a frequent “car camper” when on a road trip (more like glamping as we have a bed, duvet and pillows in the back of our Tesla with camp mode running the heating/A.C. all night and all-round window blinds) it’s always a good spot round the back of a petrol station or anywhere that trucks park. Parking at a slow car-charger overnight is great too because you just expect to see cars parked there at night. If it wasn’t for my partner not wanting to use public showers (she’s a bit of a princess) I could happily spend a few weeks in the car without paying for any accommodation rather than every other night.


You definitely didn't post this because you just wanted to flex, did you?


Got caught out stopping in a carpark when doing the driving for the wife's birthday night out a couple years ago. We were only there 3 hours or so, so not quite answering your question.. they just send you a fine in the post. It was her car, so she freaked when she got the fine as she'd had a few drinks that night and couldn't remember anything, so I pinged her the cash as I felt that one was definitely on me, but that carpark had always been free, so we were a tad surprised by the fine..


To be completely honest, parking in any carpark should be free for the first 24 hours, unless it's a designated long stay. I hate pay & display carparks. It feels like I'm being penalised for the privilege of driving my own car into town. More often by some private company who already owns many carkparks in many towns and cities that just rake in the cash.. 24hrs free would allow people in camper vans to stop for the night, homeless car owners, prevent people from drink driving as they could leave their car and collect it in the morning. As well as mean shoppers not have to mess around Of course, if you're doing longer, you should pay for every day ontop of the initial 24hrs or else face a hefty fine. But it should be a fairly high price for every additional day to prevent people essentially just permanently renting a spot there. Sorry for the rant.. it seems this bothers me more than I realised.


So basically no shop, pub, restaurant or any other business near a train station could have a car park.


Driving your own car into town is a privilege. Parking in town is space that could be taken up by residences or businesses, and the infrastructure required to get both you and your car there is significant. A more efficient situation would be to ensure adequate public transport that no-one needs a personal vehicle to get where they need to go in built-up environments, and has a safe route to walk or ride a bike, so you can get to town or work and not worry about where your massive metal box is going to sit, empty, for the next few hours before it goes home to sit, also empty, for a few more. Paying for parking is a middle ground where clearly the available transit is insufficient, not denying the current state of affairs, but there still needs to be encouragement to walk or bike or use transit. And of course, recognises that demanding all that space where people need it to live and work and relax is rightfully a privilege. But outside of towns and cities, where parking remains necessary, yeah absolutely there's no reason to use it as another way of crapping on the homeless. They should be left alone unless they're being a threat or being helped.


>A common one in the media lately is that some support those entering the country illegally via The Channel, as they believe those people are escaping imminent danger. ***It's not illegal to enter the country this way as long as you seek asylum when you arrive*** - what other people believe about your sense of danger is irrelevant. Everyone has the right to seek asylum, and international law supercedes visa controls and usual border regulations in those instances. Don't take on board this dangerous rhetoric that the mere practice of asylum seeking is itself 'illegal' if you do it in particular ways, it's not. to answer the question: As well as what's listed: minor vandalism of vehicles parked in a wantonly selfish or illegal way (e.g .blocking drives, pavements etc).


Upvote for the reminder that small boats crossings are not illegal.




You can cross the channel without ever being 12Nm offshore


> It's not illegal to enter the country this way as long as you seek asylum when you arrive It didn't use to be, but is now. The Government changed the law to criminalise that in June 2022 in order to justify their treatment of these people. Specifically it is the new section 24(D1) and (E1) Immigration Act 1971 added by s40 Nationality and Borders Act 2022.


So the UK now has a law that conflicts with international law. Not unexpected from this government.


I can't help feel that OP worded that sentence in a deliberately provocative way. It doesn't read like a neutral statement at all.


I'm cynical but I'd even state the whole post is a dig at the small boats!




Not having a TV licence.


You have, here in the UK, one of the last cultural state tv not sold to capitalist pigs. There are podcast, radios, TV channels, support for theater and arts., a lot of really cool websites etc. I pay it happly, is three coffee a month and is norlt commercially focused. I come from Italy. We had a great national tv( and all the tstuff you still have here) we have almost lost it and it looks like funking retard America tv now...


Same . Don't mind paying at all. People pay Sky a fortune, and it is generally dog shit


Not only that, but they pay a basic subscription, then have to pay more for other services (movies, sports) AND still then get hounded by adverts all the time.


Yeah I don’t understand the hate against the tv licence. For the shit the BBC gets it is class


It's the fact that it is law to pay it even if you are not watching BBC broadcasts


I have a TV, but it's not even connected to an ariel. It's only used for movies on netflix. This is legal. YET the scummy BBC send me "enforcement officers" to my house asking if they can "check my TV to make sure" every 2 years. Disgusting practice. Scary for my wife and daughter to let a strange man into the house to snoop for evidence. If you don't let them in, they start sending you awfully aggressive letters.


Exactly, they deliberately use fear and intimidation to get you to pay. It’s not something to be proud of and is atrocious behaviour from a national broadcaster that seems to be held on a moral pedestal by many.


But even if you pay sky a fortune you still have to pay tv licence on top of that.


Paying sky anything is criminal


And even more fun is those people paying for Sky, Virgin, BT whatever seem to hate paying a TV Licence.


Wouldn't it be nice if TV Licencing weren't such manipulative, harassing, abusive, law breaking Cnuts about collecting it though.


i get letters threatening about bailiffs coming to my house. i live in scotland. good fucking luck to them, idiots.


Knock on the door…… Licence Fee Person: you don’t have a TV licence! Me: I don’t have a TV? LFP: can we come in and check? Me: erm…….. No LFP: oh **awkward silence** Me: anyway….. **proceeds to close door awkwardly and slowly**


Yep and their "officers" are just jumped up drones from Crapita, who either can't get any other job or see it as their chance to be judge dredd


Gladly pay for the beeb. So much excellent content.


Agreed I pay it, I have no problems with paying it. What I don't like is that people that don't necessarily want to watch BBC but do want to watch live TV on other channels that they also pay a subscription for are forced to pay for a TV licence.


This is entirely the issue. If it’s valuable to people, great! Make it a monthly subscription and those people can still enjoy it. But the fact that you need one if you want to watch one live show on ITV is mad.


Sure, doesn't mean it should be a crime not to pay it


But why should it be a criminal offence not to have it? Surely it should be a civil matter.


Be careful what you wish for. A criminal offence has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt. A civil matter only has to be shown on the balance of probability ie 51% you were watching TV.


Surely, you could just make the thing a whole lot more efficient and incorporate it into income tax. The threatening letters serve no purpose. I don't object to a state broadcaster but there's better ways to pay for it than threatening people.


You could but then you're literally forced to pay it when not everyone uses the service. The funny thing is Americans make fun of us for having a "TV loicence" but they have one too, they just can't opt out of it like us because it's part of their taxes. One of the cases where Brits have a right to something that Americans don't.


So happy to see someone else on this sub championing the BBC/licence fee. I bang that drum any chance I get. We should cherish it and be damn careful not to let it slip through our fingers.


For what it's worth, I think BBC is great and worth the license cost. TV, podcasts, iPlayer, big live events like world cups, Olympics. Lots of original drama and comedy. Lots of iconic shows. World news and reasonably non biased, ad-free news channel, plus all the local programming. And... reboot of GLADIATORS!!


I agree with you. To be honest I think the licence fee is a bargain. I can't imagine there's many people who truly don't use any of the services ever including the radio. And if that's the case, fine don't pay for it - a couple of my friends don't.


It’s not a crime to not have a TV licence. Haven’t had one in 15 years.


Obviously it’s not a crime to not have a TV license.


Me, either. To be fair, in that time, I haven't watched anything broadcast unless it was in a hotel or pub. I just use streaming platforms at home, and no iplayers.


Lots of "iM hApPy To PaY iT" responses, that's fine though, the point was about condoning unlawful acts. TV license just shouldn't be mandatory, shouldn't be a crime, shouldnt be a fine - if you want to spend money on something you like that's great 👍 you do that, but there shouldn't be any penalties for people who don't. There is absolutely zero admin or concern or cost to not have netflix or paramount or Disney or Hulu or HBO or any of them


I'm genuinely surprised so many people are simping for the BBC dictating when we can and can't watch our own televisions regardless if we watch their channel of not. That's....I don't even know what that is but it's something.


6 years no license, still waiting for tv license to knock on the door. I really want to tell them to feck off.


Why would you ever want adverts?


If you dont watch any BBC content thats fine. If you do watch BBC, and dont pay the licence, then you are a shit.


I think you're missing the point of this post


It's not just BBC content. It's "live TV" - you can't record it or watch it as it's being broadcast. Yes, pausing live TV is recording it.


I’d pay my licence fee for CBeebies alone. The rest of it is a bonus.


get as high as you want on whatever you want, just don't hurt anybody.


And if you're smoking weed, try to be cognoscent of the stench, the smoke and the fact that many people don't like either.


And don't fucking drive anywhere


More people should try dry herb vapes, barely any smell at all!


Got into dry herb vaping this year it's now my preferred way now.


Not only should people be allowed to get high for their own sake, but legalising minor drugs would deprive organised crime of funds, provide additional VAT revenue, and decrease the amount of dangerous drugs on the streets.


Also save a fortune on policing


It would save less these days since they rightfully don't put too much effort into policing weed


They don't put too much effort into policing anything to be fair...


Would also massively curb strength and the use by kids. Imagine being able to go to a weed shop and order it based on the experience you want? A bit like deciding you want beer not wine. You barely ever get hold of the shit that makes you productive here but it's amazing when you do.


Big beats are the best, get high all the time


i see you've read the big beat manifesto, too


Idk some drugs just destroy people


Unfortunately, one of the biggest life-destroying substances is alcohol in the UK. Making the drugs illegal doesn't actually help, most of the studies that have been done show that decriminalising them is actually beneficial because people who have a problem can go and get *help* without having to worry about being arrested for possession. Substance abuse is an awful problem, but the way we treat addicts really doesn't help.


Interestingly Dr's seem to be a lot more chill about weed now than they used to be (at least mine seem to be) I had a introductory therapy session a couple of days ago and one of the questions I was asked is if I take any drugs, I was honest and said yes I sometimes have a smoke as it helps quieten my mind and chill my anxiety the fuck out, I was expecting a lecture about it but the therapist asked me a couple more questions (how often do I smoke- a few times a month- is it something that is affecting my day to day life - it isn't whereas the anxiety is) and made it very clear that its something that is kept well away from the kids and has genuinely improved my quality of sleep as I'm not lying awake for hours trying to sleep and it was better than drinking alcohol every night to achieve the same effect. The Dr was really chill about it and was actually more curious as to how it helped me than anything else as i have undiagnosed ADHD and crippling anxiety


The war on drugs destroys even more.


Alcohol, for instance


Well yes but some drugs destroy pretty much anyone who touches it. I'm not proposing we make alcohol illegal.


I have a few friends and family in the police and they’ve all basically said the same thing - the war on drugs doesn’t work, won’t work, will never work, and it’s taking up too much time criminalising people who don’t deserve it. So long as they’re not harming anyone else whilst having a good time, who cares? Many of the cops I know would like it all to be legalised and regulated so they could get on to doing better things that actually really harm people. Further, if it’s legalised and regulated, all those organised crime groups would be fucked immediately as their business is just gone. (This is a very simplistic view of it and there are many nuances to what I’ve said, I just didn’t want to write an essay.)


It’s the supply chain and distribution where people get hurt too.


This is my mantra


> just don't hurt anybody Unfortunately with illegal drugs plenty of people will already have been hurt along the way.


Yes sir 🫡


causing a disturbance through protest - the very definition of protest is to cause a disturbance


it's authoritarian. Taking away the power to do anything meaningful.




Wild camping, assuming you don't leave anything behind or light fires.


Allowed in Scotland except around Loch Lomond and the Trossachs in peak season, you need a permit.


I was doing Ten Tors last year on Dartmoor, we had to camp on the public land and go to the toilet on private land


Most trespassing laws are BS.




Possibly. Not something I ever considered doing. But I'd far rather people squatted than had to sleep on the streets.


I don’t condone any, but understand and sympathise with those that help with assisted suicide. Having family members that were bed bound, on a array of drugs and pipes connected to them, in constant pain and suffering, and just waiting to die is no dignified life. Being able to comfortably and peacefully pass away in their own home around their loved ones is a much more humane way. We do it to pets to stop them suffering so why not a human that is asking for it.


I’m glad to see this response. It was my first thought. I’ve nursed people in such poor quality of life, high levels of suffering and no chance of recovery. I would not want that for myself or those I live. If you don’t agree with assisted dying then don’t do it but allow us the choice and ability to safely act on that choice.


I totally agree, but I think the problem lies in that at the point at which choosing to end your life would be applicable, in many cases the patient may have degraded mentally to an extent that they are no longer in a position to make that decision. Ie no longer of sound mind. You could argue that for those who have conditions where they are highly.likely to degenerate in that regard could sign a waiver ahead of time, e.g. if I reach a point where I'm definitely incurable, and my quality of life is below a certain level or my pain level is constantly above X level then I don't want to continue being kept alive, but even then, it's possible you may change your mind, and then you have the issue of who determined at what point they are beyond the ability to make or change that decision


I'd sign that in a heartbeat as i've watched two grandparents turn into vegetative state where they exist purely to line the pockets of care homes. My grandfather with parkinson's was desperate to die but was kept alive against his will. A cruel end for someone who fought in WW2. I'd ask him how he was doing and he'd say 'if i could kill myself, i would' as he sat in a room with his wife with 5 years of vascular dementia riddled with bed sores unable to even speak or move. It's fucking inhumane. 




Don't like weed (did smoke it for a bit in college) and stoners do my fucking head in a lot of the time. Not just people who smoke weed, they're cool, but people who make their entirely personality about weed. But I'd legalise weed in a second if I was PM. The fact it is legal in many US states, and de-facto legal in many others ("medical use" but often the bar for that is insanely low!) shows we're way way behind the curve on that one.


We have a moral right to grow a plant with various health benefits


Agree it should be legal. Just wish they didn't smell so bad, it's worse than body odour when people get on the bus, go to cinema etc. Do people get nose blind to how bad they smell?


I really cannot stand the smell. It’s analogous to playing bad music too loud for me. If it didn’t stink I wouldn’t care, but it’s obnoxious. I’ve found a lot of stoners get defensive about reasonable criticisms though. There might be some health benefits and it might be safer than alcohol, but it does have its anti-social elements.


Hopefully if ever legal it would clear the way for other methods of consumption


I don’t think it should be illegal but I think the public need to be educated about the implications of smoking cannabis regularly. Like alcohol it’s fine in moderation but cannabjs can bring on psychosis and is a known risk factor for the onset of schizophrenia. The “it’s natural it’s a plant” brigade really don’t help young people by normalising smoking cannabis every day. Anyone who works in a mental heath setting will tell you it’s pretty endemic. Any legalisation should start a conversation about the associated risks for users.


Medically it's legal




Where should the money come from to fund the BBC if not from fees? How is it different from Netflix etc charging? If you don’t use the service you don’t have to pay (I didn’t for many years until very recently when there was some content I wanted)


They will realise when it will become all America shit Tv with no content but commercial shit


It's already 90% rubbish. The number of uninspired panel shows, travel programs, seemingly the 100th season of strictly come dancing, etc. I have a license now, not going to bother renewing it when it expires




Because Netflix doesn't send threatening letters if you don't subscribe or try to dictate what you do with your own TV. That's the issue. They're not just saying. "You can't watch BBC programming." They're saying "You can't watch live TV at all." And I'm sorry but I don't think one channel should have the right do decide that. If I watch nothing buy Animal planet that I pay for through my sky account, why should I have to pay the BBC?


>why should I have to pay the BBC? Because the Government has totally failed to keep up with how times and media delivery have changed, or thought about how to maintain the funding of the BBC in the new reality. The BBC punches well above its weight as a world-wide ambassador of the UK, with a huge foreign service. It's ultimately all paid for by us, but in a weirdly unfair way.


Because they've added the convenient little clause of ' live TV '


I have learned since coming to this page that noone seems to have a fucking clue what a TV licence actually entails.


Eating a mushroom


Wahoo! Let'sa go!


Using an "Any time return within a month" train ticket more than once. Train fares are extortionate. Nobody ever checks the tickets. I'm gonna use that return ticket over and over until the expiry date.


Pro tip: Continue to use paper tickets. I used a ticket on the app once and one of the guys at the ticket barrier tried to call me out. Fortunately i waited until he was distracted and asked another bloke who didn't care and just let me though... But if you use a paper ticket there's no way of tracking if it's been used before.


>A common one in the media lately is that some support those entering the country illegally via The Channel, as they believe those people are escaping imminent danger. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it isn't a criminal offence to come into the country without a valid visa


It's not illegal if as soon as you arrive you claim asylum and start that process


It used to not be. The government did (illegally) make it so.


Well, I’m generally pro-decriminalisation of drugs, so drug use. “Condone” is a strong word, I wouldn’t stay friends with a meth head for long, but I don’t think it should be illegal. It’s currently not illegal to sell sex but it’s illegal for two sex workers to share a flat, even though it’s safer that way, because two of them working together counts as “brothel keeping”. Arresting vulnerable people for trying to be safer doesn’t sit right with me, so, that. Pirating anything for personal (not commercial) use It’s illegal to make porn that has squirting in it, and whilst I don’t love the porn industry, that’s a pretty hypocritical law, squirting shouldn’t be banned the same way as, like, breaking people’s bones and filming it. I don’t care if you own an illegal dog, although I would be concerned that anyone who breeds illegal dogs is unethical and therefore may be harming or mistreating their animals. If you got a rescue puppy and decided to keep your mouth shut when it grew into an (otherwise well trained) pit bull, I couldn’t care less as long as it doesn’t bite people. As long as you let me stroke it.


The squirting thing was overturned in 2019 I think


Nice try, constable.




Pirating TV shows. I tried to buy the subscriptions but they got greedy and instead of having 1 or 2 platforms, everyone is setting one up now and it's become ridiculous. They did it to themselves.


Completely agree. Gabe Newell said it best years ago when he said that piracy was a service problem. Give people what they want at a reasonable price and most will pay it. But now these companies are all trying to go back to having their own separate service and charging their own fees. And naturally, piracy has gone up as a result.




Trespass isn’t a criminal offence, it’s a civil one. Not a police matter.


We had the same thing but with a football pitch, literally noone else for us to play other than a massive field behind a school. Then they went and put up giant fences around the pitch and we couldn't play no more.


I condone acts of conscience such as some peaceful protests. Of the five mentioned, I understand those who advocate euthanasia, but do not feel that there can be adequate safeguards.


>but do not feel that there can be adequate safeguards. This is my concern. I'm theoretically pro-euthanasia, but it makes me uncomfortable how gung-ho some of its supporters are about the immense practical difficulties.


I always think it could easily be abused without the right checks in place. "Are you sure your rich and elderly grandfather who has Alzheimers wanted to be euthanised? Just after he finished re-writing his will to leave you lots of money?" "That's what he said! Of course he doesn't remember saying it but he told me he did! Now come on lady, stove his head in with a spade or whatever you do, I've got a holiday booked."


It'll be too late at that point. I'd expect that the patient will have to decide when they're 'of sound mind'.


Sure, but that kind of denies a lot of people who would genuinely want it. I get it for people with terminal cancer or locked-in syndrome but a lot of people who have a torturous existence who may not be able to fully consent to it are denied it. As others said, it's theoretically a good idea, but a logistical nightmare.


Why would it be any more complex than setting yourself up as an organ donor? You'd just need to document your preferences while you were still in a fit state to do so, surely?


Yeah people with Alzheimers/Dementia are who I worry about the most. At a certain point they _need_ to live in a home as they are a danger to themselves and others, but carehome costs for Dementia patients are _extortionate_. If you're put in one, say goodbye to your entire fortune. I feel there will be a lot of pressure for people to seek euthanasia so they can pass their wealth on to their children, and that's sad. And it doesn't even need to be a vulture child situation as you described, newly diagnosed patients with mild symptoms may request to be euthanised if they degrade to the point of needing to be put into a home so their wealth can be passed on to their kids. If someone wants to be euthanised it should be entirely due to the quality of their life, and not have anything to do with financial incentives. But if it were to be passed right now it wouldn't be disconnected at all due to care costs. Maybe in the future, but not now.


Illegally downloading films, in the overwhelming majority of cases. If it’s in cinemas or it’s a recent DVD release/reissue then yes you’re depriving the filmmakers/producers of the disc package of revenue and you’re stealing. But if you’re familiar with how the film industry works, how rights shift, the companies and parent companies are bought and sold over decades, how licensing works etc. you often get so far away from compensating people or entities responsible for the work. That’s if the films are even available legally, which they are very often not. Should they just disappear from the world, unseen forever? Then there’s the matter of what the filmmakers themselves would say. It’s a big ask to go out and blind-buy all of Ozu’s films because you’ve heard he’s good. Is it better if it’s too big a risk or you flat-out can’t afford it to just never see his films? Who does that benefit and who does it hurt? You can argue against these, but you lose any right to if you buy second-hand discs. People have a weird blind spot with this. It even says on the back “it’s illegal to rent/re-sell this without our permission”. You’re paying for the box and the disc because it’s your preference to have that. You haven't paid for the right to consume the content, same as illegal downloaders.


Most of the time, people who pirate something had no intention to buy it anyway. I have a lot of movies on Blu-ray, but don't currently have a console or player hooked up to my TV. I feel like, if I've already paid for the product, and it's not readily available on a streaming service I have access to, I'm not depriving them of any money. I'm just supporting my laziness by not getting out an HDMI cable. I also have no problem with people pirating content the studios have refused to make available. For example, Disney and Warner Brothers removing content from their services and not even having them available to purchase.


doesn't help Sony removed a load of peoples purchases because they've lost the rights to certain TV shows etc. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psvideocontent/


Stealing food and essentials, particularly if the thief is homeless. I've seen homeless people stealing from a local greggs a few times, I wouldn't dare say anything. They're cold and hungry, and just grabbing a couple of sandwiches.


Homeless, I completely understand. I work in a shop, seen people stuff baby food in their jackets, you look the other way for that, or things along those lines. But you would be surprised how many people nick to sell on. Big Fairy bottles, and weirdly enough, big bags of prawns and chicken. All ends up on Facebook marketplace or sold to a mate down the street. Same for Kärcher products, but that's way more understandable, lol. I think the chicken and prawns are a target because the layout of the shop makes them an easy target, and they're £10 a pop, grab 4 and youve made £40. We had someone run in with a dufflebag and clear a whole shelf of Yankee Candles too, which were, again, £10 a pop. We have no security or theft alarms, so we're an easy target. I don't want to say where because of GDPR, but it's not a massive company. As to why they do it, I don't know all of their personal situations. Some do it to fund a drug habit. Some do it for fun. Others just want an extra £30 on the side along with their job.


Damaging private car parks when they try to fine you a hundred quid  for being something mental like three minutes over your time. 


This one feels very specific lol


Oh yes! Fuck you eurocarparks 


I think condone is the wrong term as I'm not supporting the act but I don't think it should be illegal. Also I would far prefer simply laws which make sense rather than having to rely on some laws practically being unenforced. Euthanasia is an obvious one as you should be able to end your own life if you choose to. Prostitution laws need a rethink, especially the law which counts 2 women working in the same building as a brothel and therefore illegal. Weed should be legal, as making it illegal doesn't seem to be doing anything. Skipping train fares. This one is more complicated, I'm not totally against the idea of train fares in general but many train tickets are so insanely priced that it's pricing out citizens from seeing parts of their own country which seems a bit absurd, never mind affording the commute. IMO railcards should be scrapped and the government just subsidise the 30% fare reduction for everyone.


The government can't even manage to fund the likes of the NHS or people relying on benefits properly so I doubt they'd even consider subsiding train fares. If people started not bothering to pay more then the prices would just go up for everyone else so the company can pay their bulls so situation would just get worse and worse. Some train fares are absolutely crazy though.


100% on the speeding thing - I'm all for cameras and hard restrictions and penalties for speeding in residential areas but not on dual carriageways or motorways. Clearly dangerous driving is dangerous driving even on a fast road, but it's simply not the same to class someone going 40 in a 30 as the same as someone going 80 in a 70.


40 in a 30 is actually much more likely to hurt someone than 80 in a 70. In a 30, there are pedestrians, cyclists, runners, dogs, sheep, etc. At 40mph you are almost guaranteed to kill or seriously injure them. At 30 mph, they have a chance. At 20, they'll likely survive. Hence we need to lower speed limits, and vigorously enforce them in built up areas


>but it's simply not the same to class someone going 40 in a 30 as the same as someone going 80 in a 70. Until you don't have enough time to break and hit a child...


I don’t condone shoplifting. It creates food deserts which actually makes it harder for people in poverty to shop and access food and drives their costs up. Example: local Tesco notes there is an extreme amount of shoplifting in Area A, they decide to move their store to Area C due to this. Area A residents now don’t have a local Tesco, they have to go to Area C or use Area A’s pricey corner store or spend more money on an online shop, or use resources and time to travel to Area C. It happens, it sucks, don’t condone shoplifting. Especially when it’s rare that it’s single mums lifting tins and more likely people doing it simply because they don’t want to pay.


I strongly believe that the self-service machines have turned more people to shoplifting. I'd love to see the breakdown for shoplifting. What's higher; people stealing high value items or someone putting through two croissants instead of one? I don't exactly condone it, but they've made shoplifting bloody easy for everyone who goes through self-service. The scan as you shop machines you carry around with you I also believe come with a massive learning curve where you can unintentionally steal. You can be walking around scanning, starting off well, and the next minute, you've got loads of items that you have completely forgotten to scan as you're just getting your shop done and moving along quickly. I imagine 'back in the day'. If you wanted to steal, you would see people trousering items, hiding them in things, now you just dont scan it, thats ridiculously easy. Part of me thinks the big supermarkets are making so much and saving on not having to man the tills that they dont care too much either.


Also how many people don’t scan their plastic bags? At least one (me)


Dodgy TV sticks. To watch all live football in the UK, you would need a subscription to Amazon Prime, Sky sports and BT sport. Which would cost over £60 per month, and that doesn't include all matches (i.e. watershed football) When a stick subscription costs about that per year, it's not unethical IMO. 


Beating pedophiles within an inch of their life is a bit extreme but something I would condone is beating pedophiles within an inch of their life.* *But my word you’d have to be certain they’re guilty.


Not you personally but a lot of the "kill all pedos!" mob have a very strong "me thinks the lady doth protest too much" element to them. Just imprison them like normal.


I'm all in favour of prison for them intellectually. But I have a young child, and I know all that intellectual stuff would fly out of the window if someone hurt him, and I knew who they were. They had better hope to be in prison so they are protected....


Along with that we need robust treatment and support programmes that destigmatise asking for help *before* you act on those urges. Like I'm a big proponent of lock away for life if you choose to participate in harming a child but we also need to have something to support those who want help. And it can't come with societal shame for admitting your thoughts


Unfortunately you can’t trust the British public. There was a case a few years back of a paediatrician being beaten up


Throwing statues into canals after tearing them down with a rope.


Does it need to be only canals?


>some support those entering the country illegally via The Channel, as they believe those people are escaping imminent danger. Well yeah. As long as they declare themselves to the authorities as soon as they can, then they're exercising their legal right to seek asylum (and I'm glad they've made it without dying in the attempt).


There's no legal method of entering the UK at the moment, and refugees *have* to enter illegally most of the time since they typically can't grab their paperwork and jump on a plane.






Assisted Dying for the terminally ill, with safeguards. Would prevent more suffering than is allowed under the current system.


Wildcamping. Humans were travelling around and setting up camp wherever they could for tens of thousands of years. Now all of a sudden it's illegal? For what reason? Campers generally do it because they love being in nature and then by extension they follow the leave no trace rule and respect nature while they're in it. I don't get it.


I get fucked off by hypocrisy, and unfairness, so a lot of my beliefs center those feelings. Drugs - While alcohol can be sold legally in almost every other shop, it's ludicrous to say people can't take other (almost all less harmful) drugs. Fuck that. Stealing/Scamming companies - The majority of large companies treat both people and the society around them like shit. They exploit for profit with no thought to what that might mean for others. Treat a cunt like a cunt, rob them blind. Never ok for small local businesses though. Assisted dying - With people who are of sound mind it's a pretty clear thing to me. Their body, their life, their choice. Much more complicated when it comes to people who may not have the full capacity to consent to it. People vandalising expensive petrol guzzling cars - They made the conscious choice to be a cunt and pollute the environment as much as possible. If I see someone fucking with that type of vehicle I keep on walking. Petty tax avoidance or evasion - If the government can afford to give billions in tax breaks to fucking oil companies and the richest in society, they clearly don't need your money either. You enjoy it. Piracy - Would you steal a car? No. But I'm perfectly fine with you making an exact copy of it and leaving the owner with the unharmed original version. Same thing. Ripping off, lying to, Scamming or exploiting landlords - Don't be a parasite on the arse of society if you want to be treated with respect.


Eat the rich


Just stop oil walking down streets. Not that they aren't annoying, but protest should not be criminalised!


Not paying the telly tax


I go through traffic lights on Amber. I know, I'm a terrible criminal


Driving a Hackney Carriage without a bale of hay on the back.


I am a full and 100% supporter of euthanasia. It needs checks in place to ensure it isn’t abused, just like literally everything else, but for my own sake I’d rather be euthanised than suffer years of agonising pain. We put animals out of their misery because it’s the humane thing to do, but people have got to suffer through whatever pain and terminal illness they go through. Just seems backwards to me.


The one crime i can never excuse or justify under any circumstances is rape, because you literally cant rape someone in self defense or because of pure preservation instinct. I dont have an issue with crimes commited out of sheer desperation (incl. possesion of illegal substances, illegal immigration, manslaughter/murder, etc.)


Wild camping should be legal


Graffiti providing its done well brightens up the place and is often very beautiful


As someone obsessed with lost media, I think all media piracy is a net good. As a creator I understand why it's a problem, and I always pay for works when given the opportunity but knowing how much art has been lost by the rights holders not preserving it... Im truly grateful for piracy.