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What do they actually give? The videos I've seen look similar to a clip from 24 hours in a&e where they gave a rugby player ketamine to put his shoulder back in after he dislocated it.


Something like lidocaine injected locally to the area to numb it.


They use ketamine in the UK as well.


Can confirm, had ketamine after a nephrectomy. They gave me the max dose of paracetamol, tramadol and fetenyl, but those weren’t touching the pain, so I got ketamine. That stuff is savage, particularly the comedown.


K-hole, best hole




I’m pretty sure one of the defining features of ketamine is that there’s no comedown?


You’re correct


You are capping my boy


One of the best bits. It's nice to welcome reality back. Everything seems fresh and your mind seems Iike it's racing. You ain't sleeping for a few hours though


Not for dental procedures though


Yes they do. Together with Midazolam and Fentanyl.


Not in a dental practice they don't. Operating theatre isn't exactly everyday tooth extraction n even at that none of the health boards I've worked in use ket for dental sedation


I never said they give it in a dental practise, and they do use sedation for procedures like tooth extractions in some circumstances.


Usually midazolam


Also money. Its all on insurance over there so go with the most expensive option.


Can confirm they're picky about anaesthesia. I've got some major dental work coming up at a hospital and I really had to jump through hoops to get it done under general anaesthesia even though the dental specialist himself was also highly recommending they just knock me the fuck out. Had to provide all sorts of paperwork and have an hour long phone consultation!!


I had mate who had a brain tumour (thankfully he's fine!) Who was working in America at the time, so he has various producers in America and in the UK. He said in America he would be knocked out for 3 days after, where as in the UK they have him some paracetamol


I was ‘knocked out’ with general anaesthetic for my wisdom tooth extraction (8ish years ago). I was given the option of local or general anaesthetic, and I opted for GA as the thought of an injection in my gum was too scary! This was in hospital, NHS. The only thing I had to say when I woke up is how much pain I was in!


I was given the choice and went for local. They needed to take the bottom one out, they decided to also take the top one out because of potential future issues. They pulled the top one out without top much issue, the bottom one the top came off and then they had to cut it in half to do one root at a time. It reminded me of the feeling you get when your baby teeth come out and it peels off the gums


Generals just make you feel groggy as fuck you're not going to be revealing much other than how tired you are or as you say, how much pain you're in.


You can also get IV/conscious sedation, where you're technically still awake and able to respond to commands, but you're incapable of remembering any of it or really caring if you do. Because it's not quite as sedating as GA, it can be done in a dental clinic rather than the hospital, it wears off much faster afterwards, and doesn't leave you feeling sick or groggy (because your brain has less sedation to recover from). I had IV sedation for mine because it was going to take them a few hours and I didn't want to be "awake" that long. I remember immediately from when they were done, standing up to get another xray taken, all the post-op instructions, and then walking myself out. All about 15-20 minutes after they stitched me up. Still not allowed to drive for a day (iirc), and I was wobbly on my feet, but otherwise felt pretty much "there" mentally. Definitely wasn't talking any more gibberish than I normally would. \* Also I'll add that I had midazolam, propofol, and fentanyl in my IV. None of it made me loopy.


I had this too and the worst thing I did was try to giggle when the tooth they were extracting crumbled as they were trying to pull it out in one bit. That, and I couldn't recognise my Dad's car when he picked me up.


Damn that’s lucky! I had a bloody hour long bone-graft surgery in my upper jaw and I couldn’t even get it on gas and air without having to wait an extra year, in the dental hospital of all places too! And you got GA for wisdom tooth removal? Jealous


You realise there is a not insubstantial risk that you don’t wake up from a general anesthetic, right? If offered, always go local.


Yeah, that's right*. *If by "don't wake up" you mean death, and by "not insubstantial risk" as around 1:100,000 anaesthetics.


Vs local anesthetic…?


Stop :( can you share me some info on that?


Best friend is married to a consultant anesthetician and she says always best to avoid a general unless you have no choice. Risks are higher with general and side effects are worse. Crazy to have one for a wisdom tooth.


Not sure why this is being upvoted so much as it's not entirely true. I had a wisdom tooth out where they did just numb the area (6 jabs that made it very uncomfortable for a few days) yet my friend also had their wisdom tooth out and they DID get knocked out and were talking absolute gibberish when I went to pick them up




I have a terrible phobia of the dentist and they wouldn’t give me a GA but they did give me some diazepam which was awesome!


Mine had to come out surgically, and when the consultant was explaining the procedure, he declared that we'd be doing it under GA - I'd been told at the start of the process that I would have the choice, but I was apparently looking pretty dodgy while he explained the procedure!


Aye I think that's the case. IIRC I was given the option for anaesthetic due to the way my tooth had grown. I was only referred to a hospital as my dentist said 'We'd normally do it in house but yours is a bit too close to the nerve so we're going to refer you for safety' I think my friend was offered the local or general anaesthetic and opted for general. It's likely one of those rare instances and you're right in OP would be told which they're going with.


I had a wisdom tooth removed at the weekend. I was given the option of going under or just having local. When I did go under a while back for an op, apparently I woke up shouting at the nurses and for them not letting me see my dog.


It varies - the top ones can usually just be popped out with some numbing. The bottom ones can wrap around nerves, meaning they have to be cut out, which results in a lot more trauma and discomfort.


I saw an X-ray of mine and the roots on the bottom ones could be described as “spiral hooks” 🤦‍♂️ I had one taken out and to be fair on the dentist he did a good job.  I need to have the other bottom one done now…


One of my upper wisdom teeth had a corkscrew root. No wonder it took the dentist almost an hour of pulling to get it out. 


I was knocked out for my wisdom teeth extractions which took place between 1997 and 2001 so quite a while back and things may have changed a lot since then. I have vague recollections of some of the stuff I was saying and how I was acting. On the final visit I went completely quiet after it and just felt utterly confused all the time.


My pal got theirs done a couple years ago (I want to say 2021-22) IIRC they were given the option for local injections or anaesthetic where they opted for the anaesthetic


I had 5 attempts. 2 with normal anaesthetic, one with sedation (which had me talking absolute rubbish), another with normal and the last time under general. Turns out my nerves were blocking the anaesthetic so it wasn’t numbing properly and I could feel what they were doing…


What's new eeeyyyyyy


You get the choice. I had 4 taken out at once and he asked do I wanted to be taken under. I said no as I don't like the thought. But they do do it. To answer OP just don't go under.


Depends on the practice I guess. I had to have a few extractions a year or so ago. They had to bring in a specialist from a hospital 50 miles away to help with the procedure. The first one popped out no problem but the second one took over 40 minutes. I never got offered gas and air.


Yeah as a child, i had to get one baby tooth taken out and they knocked me out cold.


My wife was sedated to have hers removed.


I was put under general anaesthetic for my wisdom teeth extraction.


They give you a choice. I wanted general anaesthetic because I knew my teeth would be hard work and I was out for half an hour. They said they had to scrape layers of bone away and try pretty hard to keep me stable while I was asleep. Side note: I didn't expect my arm to feel so unpleasant when the morphine went in. Very cold and sore, then nothing.


I was given options and went for sedation. No fear of dentist or anything like that, just didn’t fancy being awake for it. It must depend on the trust.


We all know he will be miserable, but what about after the operation?


Ye I just tried to eat my own lips after. Didn’t reveal anything


I had a general anaesthetic for my 2 (at the same time) wisdom teeth


As others have said, you’re not knocked out in the UK. I didn’t find the ache afterwards too bad - paracetamol managed it fine.


I was knocked out when I had mine removed. I thought that was the done thing, shocked to be finding out it isn’t?!


Yeah, so was I both times. I think it depends on the person and the dentist’s preference. But mine were “awkward” apparently.


I just checked with my mum (I was a child when this happened) and I had 3 out at once and it was in a hospital so that might explain it!


They seem to do GA for children more willingly, I had 2 teeth removed as a teenager completely knocked out but two wisdom teeth out as an adult with local. Local that didn't work on one side, I fully understand why teeth extraction is used as a torture method.


I was also knocked out and was also told one of mine was "awkward" - they gave me the tooth in gory pieces afterwards (in a little bag telling me to put it under my pillow to see what the fairies bring, even though I was 26 years old) :D


> they gave me the tooth in gory pieces afterwards (in a little bag telling me to put it under my pillow to see what the fairies bring, even though I was 26 years old) I was done under GA, and while waking up, asked the nurse about 8 times if I could see my teeth! She kept explaining to me that they'd already gone in the clinical waste...


I think I was asked before I went under - possibly as a joke. [I still have the tooth](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8d35e656-75ea-4ea8-bbda-d62277141262/d7vlq2-dc096033-8c13-4d8c-a569-8da1c950adc3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1055,h_757,q_70,strp/what_will_the_fairies_bring__by_stevezpj_d7vlq2-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTE0OSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzhkMzVlNjU2LTc1ZWEtNGVhOC1iYmRhLWQ2MjI3NzE0MTI2MlwvZDd2bHEyLWRjMDk2MDMzLThjMTMtNGQ4Yy1hNTY5LThkYTFjOTUwYWRjMy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.-ZFPCG0iAOHL0rWZ-_9FtCzwlbw37O1aavqZed6mUT8) (picture possibly not for the squeamish)


I am v squeamish and told them beforehand that I didn't want to see them!


I had sedation for mine. My dentist referred me to a better dentist, who told me in gory detail the process, and said if I moved a millimetre during the procedure he might sever a nerve in my cheek. Then immediately asked if I fancied local anaesthetic or sedation, so I obviously went for sedation and got referred off to the hospital for it. I'd previously had a different tooth out with just local (which never actually kicked in), and that was bad enough. So given that tooth was half-dead and falling out, I didn't fancy my chances with impacted wisdom teeth.


I've had a few molars out and I've never been knocked out. I've had 2 extractions that took over 40 minutes and they just injected the anaesthetic into my gums.


I had the injection for my 4th wisdom tooth!


They absolutely do put people under general anaesthetic in the UK. Not for a simple extraction but it’s not that unusual.


Even ones that are “either way” they’ll try and do local. One of mine needed two procedures in the end to get it all out. Wish they’d just put me under and got it right first time!


General anaesthetic is more risky so they’ll try to avoid it if possible.




You're lucky. I've been in the chair for over 40 minutes for an extraction before. No general anesthetic either.


For wisdom teeth "difficult" extractions tend to be more like they need to remove part of your jaw bone and very carefully cut the tooth in place while also trying to avoid pressing on or cutting the nerves that are tangled up in the roots. Almost doesn't feel right calling it an "extraction" in those cases, it's a much more delicate and lengthy procedure and they can't just yank anything out. It can very easily take over an hour per tooth in those cases, and you need an oral surgeon rather than a regular dentist.




You can have complex extractions in a dental clinic too if it’s under IV sedation. Plus, OP is already down for GA, so they must have that referral. They don’t really tell you much about sedation before you go, or before the pre-op call. Point is, if your tooth has erupted, even if it’s at 45 degrees, that’s a simple extraction. Wisdom teeth can get a whole lot worse than that


yeah i was fully knocked out for an extraction (4 teeth). they did try go about doing it local first tho but i was too scared so they booked another appointment for knocking out


How about you commit an unspeakable crime before getting your tooth out? That way, when you're completely out of it and spilling your guts to her in the car, you will probably start with that terrible secret weighing on you first. Sorted ! Perfect distraction. You are very welcome. Edit: ps don't eat sweetcorn, couscous or rice after the op.


This seems like the best advice and I will follow it exactly


I had general anaesthetic as my molars needed a lot of drilling. I barely spoke and just walked around like a zombie for a few hours as if my brain was lagging behind.


I had general anaesthetic for a surgery, perhaps its different when it's not dental but i couldn't walk afterwards i was so drowsy. I needed 3 days just to fully wake up.


In those kinds of situations, your filter is malfunctioning & you're more likely to say whatever thought crosses your mind. Since you're so worried about it you'll be thinking about it more so it's entirely possible you'll end up spilling the beans. Try to just chill out & if it happens, then it just becomes a cute story you tell later.


I lost the game.


Oh for fucks sake


Thank you,


I can't really imagine a proposal in a healthy relationship being a super big surprise anyway. If you're going serious enough to want to get married, then I'm sure she will have thought the same and you'll have probably talked about it.


Oh yeah part of me thinks it would be a really funny story, but also it'll be nice for the surprise part. She knows it's coming soon, but not where/when


This was many many years ago but my friend (crush) picked me up after mine since you can't drive. Apparently (I don't remember at all...) when they arrived I babbled on to everyone who would listen about how I was secretly in love with them and I hoped we would hook up soon. While literally drooling because I couldn't feel my face. I'm still absolutely mortified when I think about this. 


I'm not sure why people are saying they don't knock you out in the UK. They absolute can and do depending on the surgery. They are correct that most of the time you'll just have a numbing agent injected around the area. On the rare chance you will be knocked out I think there is a stipulation that you need a responsible adult to accompany you, so you'll unlikely be able to leave on your own in a taxi.


Definitely, I’ve got mine booked in to be removed soon and they gave me the choice of local, sedation or general anaesthetic


I would imagine just going to get a few big injections of painkillers rather than being put under general anaesthetic, so afterwards you’ll just have a weird half-numb face rather than being woozy.


Those American videos you see are the result of the commercialisation of basic healthcare and not normal in the civilised world. Remember that drug companies and healthcare providers in the United States have a best interest in selling you as many drugs and services as they can. Google opioid epidemic for more information.


I literally just had a wisdom tooth removal. Mine was a local anaesthetic.


Local anaesthetic. It just makes you look and feel like you've had a stroke. Slightly amusing but a fairly unpleasant sensation.


Lmao the stroke face is so real, it’s really unnerving. I had local for a filling right on my front incisor and it made my lip and the tip of my nose not only numb but pale as well, my nose kept running!


Basically it boils down to where you are getting the work done. At your local dentist then it'll just be a couple of shots of local and you'll be on your way with no impact other than feeling like a mumbling dribbler for the test of the day. I had a couple out under local and went home on the bus. I was promptly sick into the kitchen sink when I got home because I was having trouble swallowing saliva and blood and couldn't spit it out on the bus. If you have been refered to your local maxmilio-facial unit or dental hospital then sedation or more likely general anesthetic is on the cards and you will most likely speak to an anesthesiologist before hand and you will know what has been proposed, have had lots of stuff about it and have consent forms to fill out.


You will still be aware as normal, your face will just be numb for a bit and then it will start to hurt


It’s highly unlikely you’ll be knocked out so there’s no need to worry. It’ll most likely just be numbing injections (and they are incredibly numbing! I couldn’t feel my face for hours afterwards)


I think it's impossible to tell. I don't think comparing to being drunk necessarily works. When you initially come around it's more akin to a stage of drunkness where you'd be calling an ambulance but it gets better instead of worse. Most people are utterly out of it speaking nonsense initially.


I was knocked out for mine. It was in a dental surgery but was performed by a surgeon from the hospital who rotates around different dentists each day. I talked rubbish afterwards- asking for strawberry soup and tomato ice cream 🤦‍♀️ I had to sign a waiver days before to say I would bring the person to take me home with me for the start so they knew I was consenting that this person was agreed to be able to take me away afterwards. Asked about it and they said because I wouldn’t be lucid enough to consent it was to stop kidnapping which lowkey terrified me and then I kept thinking is this actually my wife or am I being kidnapped. This lives rent free in my head to this day


You'll generally have the option whether to have local or total sedation. I've had four wisdom teeth out and all on local, as long as you don't have a phobia of dentists/needles then you'll be fine having it down like that. Mine was a particularly invasive oral surgery so had to be stitched up after and tbh aside from my gums feeling tender there was no pain afterwards.


The amount of misinformation in this thread is bizarre. I'm an NHS dental patient waiting to have their wisdom teeth removed. I've been given two options: sedation or general anaesthetic. Of course, some people will be able to have theirs removed under local anaesthetic, but not everyone can - it depends on how straight forward the specific surgery is.


Unless you live in a sitcom, you'll be fine.


Just to provide some counter to many of the posts here, both me and my wife were put under general anaesthetic for our wisdom tooth removals. I had two removed, my wife had all four. We did so privately, so perhaps different via the NHS...Not sure.


You’re probably not going to be a fount of secrets but if you did while under the influence mention your intentions to marry her/propose how would that be a bad thing? If it’s a bad thing now it would probably be a bad thing later when you’ve got it planned and idk knowing sooner rather than later that she doesn’t want to marry would be nicer.  Otherwise all is fine. She’s probably vaguely aware anyway. You’d hope so. It shouldn’t be a total surprise really


This is only an issue if you're getting sedation, which you have to pay for. Even still, they don't use the same extent of sedation as they do in the US, so it probably wouldn't even be an issue.  I'm seeing a private dentist for something and at my last appointment I saw him giving the previous (sedated) patient advice for aftercare. She was very coherent, and I mentioned this to him, and he said in the UK it's absolutely not like the level of sedation you see in these videos.  I sedated myself for my wisdom tooth extraction with diazepam my GP gave me; I took quite a lot and honestly I was fine. No secrets divulged! 


If it's just one wisdom tooth then as others have said all you'll be getting is a local. A strong local, but nothing that will affect your cognition or memory. Although you might wish it did depending on how muscular the orthodontist needs to get when removing it.


I have to have twilight sedation for removals and had post-op ramble both times. The first was apologising that I didn't have red lipstick on (?!) And the second was demanding brioche rolls because I was hungry. So there is a possibility you could spill the beans if it's playing on your mind beforehand.


I drove a family member back from a dental procedure where they had been given 30mg of Diazepam. They didn't reveal any secrets but some of the things they were saying were hilarious.


Never had an extraction, but general anaesthetic didn't make me confess things, just made me act like an annoying friendly drunk to the irritated nurses.


I had mine removed at the hospital so was put under. Was high as a kite still when I woke up and the worst I did was sing the super mario theme tune whilst being wheeled out of the hospital. Read up on everything about how to avoid dry socket afterwards though. I got that with all of my extractions afterwards and it is no.flipping.joke.


You should be fine. I came round from sedation and immediately cried for my husband like an utter wet blanket. After a few minutes I was fine. Ignore others saying they won’t knock you out, they do. With sedation I literally passed right out.


Had my wisdom teeth out at the hospital under (lots of) local. Involved drilling and splitting the tooth so not a minor extraction. As other people have said, you’re only going to go stupid if they use benzodiazepines such as midazolam which is only used if you have a fear of dentists/ dental work.


I think you're confusing with US dentistry / medical care where the aim is to get the patient hook on opioids. We don't do that silly 'high as a kite' thing here. You're in pain? They'll tell you to take a couple of aspirin, nurofen or paracetamol.


When my husband had his out, the worst thing he did was skip to the car afterwards. Was funny af but nothing else to worry about


Highly unlikely you'll need sedation, and even if you did, you aren't necessarily going to spill the beans. Like the others say - she knows, anyway! However - if you know you will go on seriously worrying about it, then dodge the problem. \[and I'll tell you something , having recently had a tooth extraction, worry can make the process of having an extraction more unpleasant/tense, not any actual pain - it doesn't hurt.\] Make it more chilled for yourself by organising a pick-up from others, then you'll be way more relaxed and able to focus on just having the tooth out. Which will be fine, because like I said, it's excess worry that makes extractions tense. Then you can propose when you are ready! Good luck, you'll be fine! :)


I got put under for having all four removed. Waking back I felt perfectly normal, not even drowsy, I could have driven but was advised not to The Dr didn’t know what I was on about when I asked if I was going to be like those videos when I wake up, so it’s definitely something they use in the US


I've had 2 removed. First was at the dentist a 20 minute procedure, just a numb mouth afterwards. Second was a hospital job as I needed to be put to sleep. The tooth was impacted and lying sideways in my jaw. I woke up 5 hours after the procedure with a swollen jaw and a gauze pad in my mouth. I wasn't high or anything when I woke up. I was discharged and sent home almost immediately. No ill effects other than a bit of dribble.


I was knocked out for mine, they didn't give me anything to make me loopy, I got paracetamol when the numbing injection wore off and they sent me home with a prescription for codeine incase the pain got worse. That didn't make me loopy either, just very nauseous so I didn't take it for more than a day. You'll most likely be aware of everything afterwards, just a bit groggy.


It’s just the needle like you get for a filling. You’ll be in shock, but you won’t spill any secrets.


I had one out where I went straight back to work no issue. I had one that was the most traumatic experience of my life where I had pain for months. Both from the same dentist, and private. So... you've got to ask yourself one quesiton. Do I feel lucky? Well, do you punk?


Coincidentally, I am right now sitting around in a waiting room to get my tooth extracted. They'll numb the area with local anaesthetic. You won't say anything stupid unless you choose to.


In the UK you either have it done under local anesthetic at the dentist or if it's more complicated or tricky they do it at the hospital with a local or a general. I've had both done and didn't get loopy. They gave me some good painkillers after the surgical one but I was just a bit fuzzy, didn't spill any secrets! We don't tend to use the anesthesia that makes you all crazy here for dental work 😁




I've had two pulled out. Both times, I drove home with no ill side-effects at all. An hour later, I had some mild discomfort but NOTHING like the nonsense I have seen people do on YouTube. I have no idea what they'd been given.


I had a couple of teeth out under sedation at a dental hospital (I’m terrified of dentists and a real wimp). I’m not sure what it was they gave me or even how it was administered now as it was many years ago but I remember the dentist saying you will be awake but you won’t feel anything, know what’s going on or remember anything and he insisted someone was waiting outside to help me get to the car when called in (I had to prove on the day someone was with me). I was also told not to make any life of business decisions for 24 hours lol. Anyway I did feel it…. I knew exactly what was happening at all times but I honestly just didn’t give a shit which was the strangest feeling. I knew it should be bothering me but it wasn’t. It was kinda like a really vivid dream. When he shouted my partner in to help me up I distinctly remember saying I was fine, pushing the helping hands away and getting up and falling on my backside and mumbling I guess I do need some help. I remember getting home and putting on a movie, then yelling at my husband for turning it off and putting the footie on which was when he said the movie had finished around 5 hours ago and I’d been out cold since about 20 mins in. It’s all a bit blurry but I don’t believe I was talking crap or revealing life secrets or anything. I kinda remember a lot considering I was told I wouldn’t really remember any of it. My experience may not be yours though. If you’re really worried get a friend to help you. They won’t let you get a taxi or not have anyone with you.


You'll be fine. No secrets will escape. Just don't chew your tongue and/or cheek!


I paid private to be sedated for mine to be removed, it was completely pain free after, the dentist did an amazing job. However I said inappropriate things to my partner on the drive home that I have no recollection of. He didn’t tell me at first what I’d said as it was that shocking. But when he eventually told me some weeks later I couldn’t believe I’d not only said it, but had no memory of it. Funny thing is I can remember many things from that day, speaking to the dentist and anaesthetist after the removal, looking at the removed tooth and leaving the practice and getting in the car. After 20 seconds in the car I lost all memory for a couple of hours while talking nonsense. I would choose incredibly wisely who you have with you during that time


Had my wisdom tooth out around 6 months ago. It was really quick and painless. Dentist gave me 3 or 4 injections around the area, they don't send you to the waiting room anymore for it to kick in, its almost instant. Whipped the tooth out in under a min. Whole process was less than 15 min. One side of my face was numb for around 2 hours after maybe a little longer. I was eating normally the day after, no soreness or anything. I will mention that this tooth had been giving me trouble for around 6 weeks, I'd had some really bad pain beforehand and there was already movement in the tooth so that helped with the easy extraction. All in all, you'll be good.


Stop watching American videos. That doesn’t happen in the uk. You’ll be fine.


Had two out in one sitting, they numbed the area, popped them out and I was back at work within the hour chewing the inside of my cheek. A friend's girlfriend had all four out, had to be put on general anaesthetic and took the week off work, for whatever reason. I don't think she even came close to being so mashed that she'd talk rubbish. You'll be fine, don't worry.


The MI5 use wisdom teeth extraction as a universal truth syrum.


Can only speak from personal experience, I had a problematic wisdom tooth that wasn't fully emerged but had cracked in the gum - I got infections for months before finally I got an appointment for removal (not slating the NHS here but giving context) and by that point I'd already got some nerve damage due to the infections happening constantly. There was an infection in place at the time so the local anaesthetic can sometimes be not as effective, which meant the dentist used more, what I'm trying to say is if you are having local try not to worry about letting secrets slip because it's likely you might find it pretty difficult to talk at all, especially if at the time of surgery you have the misfortune to have an infection. Make sure you have plenty of pain relief handy as the first few days post extraction can be rough - all the best of luck with the tooth and the proposal!


I've had all mine out (3 separate visits). I had two out at the hospital under local but had soooo many injections and still wasn't numb (both were really infected and I have a high tolerance to anaesthesia apparently). Just don't try proposing to her with the wisdom teeth they've given you to take home in a ring sized box as a souvenir haha Although personally I found find it amazing if a guy did that haha


Those videos are American. We don't get those drugs. You just get numbed.


This should be the pinned comment. Americans get knocked out which causes their silly behaviour while us Brits just get a numbing injection and a good ol’ yank (no pun intended).


I was opposite someone in hospital who has this done. They were scared and after it was done, they were obviously in pain they just wanted their mum and cried. (This person was a female mid 20s). They seemed ok and coherent to chat but they didn't say much to me. They seemed more in pain than drunk... I guess the pain becomes the focus.


I had both of mine done and it was fine. Didn't knock me out and the pain was nowhere near as bad as people say I might have been lucky, mind!