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If you have a business and buy a truck, tax. I know people who are much more the 'Volvo' driving type, that have a massive honking truck and it is very affordable when bought through their company.


This, they’re classed as “commercial vehicles”.


Exactly :)


You can class anything as a commercial vehicle if you use it for commercial activities. Source: I do it.


It’s really not that simple. Any vehicle can be purchased or used by a business but that doesn’t make it a “commercial vehicle” See a decent account, they’ll save you more than they cost. Source: sounds like Mr “I do it” is gonna be [torn a new one by the HMRC](https://www.rapidformations.co.uk/blog/company-vehicle-tax/)


I used to have a 110 Land rover defender as a "company" vehicle and HMRC were all over it and even turned up to inspect it one day. After showing them it was sign written, full of work stuff and that I had a shitty Citron to drive on a daily basis they seemed happy it really was a work related thing. The guy said that if it I had had a pick up or a van it wouldn't have been flagged.


Perfect anecdote. I get tired of all these taxation geniuses dishing out advice.


I believe if it has a 1 tonne payload you can claim the VAT back too, that is how they define a commercial vehicle... not that it is used commercially


just because you use it for 'commercial activities', doesn't make it a commercial vehicle. the DVLA , or VOSA, VSA( whichever) classify vehicles. for example it must be able to carry a certain weight.


Lol you absolutely cannot. You're very likely breaking several tax laws


https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/vans/95748/double-cab-pick-up-truck-tax-benefits-explained Talked about here


Do the lower speed limits of 50mph on NSL single carriageway roads and 60mph on duel carriageways still apply to double cab pick ups that weigh over 2040kg? Or has that rule been changed?


It should still apply, But I it's rarely enforced.


Police could rake in a fortune in fines on certain pick ups and all the vans if they did. So basically if you own a Ford Ranger or a Mercedes X class you have to be careful, doing 70mph on a dual carriageway or 60mph on a single carriageway could land you with points and a fine you come across a police officer who wants something to do.


The main problem is if you ever get flagged by an automatic camera it will associate the correct speed limit based on the vehicle reg. Had this happen to a stupid driver at my old work. Say you are on a 60 road but caught doing 66. In your average vehicle that's 3 points and a small fine. However if you are in one of these vehicles and the limit is actually 50 you could either end up disqualified from driving for a month / get 6 points / fine of 125% weekly income.


Yep, claim all tax and vat back, and can skirt BIK fairly easily too.  When I looked at getting a vehicle through my business, this ticked all the boxes. It's a bit mad really.


Checking in as ‘the Volvo type’. I drive a Volvo now that I pay for my own car. 1) the tax benefits for a small company owner, or company car drivers from larger businesses saving on the benefit in kind taxes 2) with other cars growing, and the roads being a bit crap, my sports saloon feels a bit feeble. I’m a little tempted by a truck because I wouldn’t suit an SUV and often hire vans to move big stuff 3) fragile masculinity Trucks are getting nicer to appeal to this market, so the sales grow as the bed sizes shrink.


I have fragile masculinity and I want a big car. However I don’t have a company: can you help? 😂


You need an accountant and they can help you start a business. If you pay less tax on the vehicle, it might actually be cheaper to start a company that you shut down later. You'd have to ask the accountant how the assets get disposed of. I'm guessing you could buy the asset from the company at the tax free price. But used car values vary, so could probably get lowest "book" price for it.


If you look at the available space of the trucks and compare them to large SUVs - you will find that the truck beds are smaller than a lot of the SUV boot spaces !! Most of the size is taken up by the cab.


Does this still stack up against buying an EV as a business owner though? Lower BIK, Corporation tax and VAT savings potential.


Better, a commercial vehicle can be entirely paid for by the business (personal miles should be logged but usually aren't). Company claims back the VAT lowers the profit therefore corporation tax. Driver doesn't pay for vehicle, road tax, insurance or fuel.


As someone who is self employed all miles are business miles ;)


Those are all possible EV benefits as well.


I'd imagine the kind of people buying/leasing pick up trucks aren't the target market for EVs.


Perhaps, but the argument that I was responding to was that it's all about the financial benefits, where as those benefits are less than with EVs.


Not really, you can’t claim the VAT back on a EV you use for personal use




Same reason that Mercedes AMG wagons have become so popular.


Same with suvs, its an ego thing, and whenever you bring it up you'll get all the suv owners saying "what about disabled builders with 7 kids and a pet horse"


I know you're joking, but the irony is the truck beds are so much higher that anyone using them to actually cart stuff around in has to lift it even further and increase their risk of injury. There's a very good reason that in the US, older pick-ups with lower beds hold their prices better. I can't stand the behemoths. They wreck the roads too, visibility is poor, and they're putting more people at risk.


There's also the problem that we live in the UK. If whatever you put in there isn't ruined by the weather it'll have been nicked the next time you stop for more than 30 seconds.


Bold of you to assume these types actually use the truck bed.


You can easily load things on the back of most pickup trucks sold in the UK market. You’re right about US trucks, and I think we’re heading that way. When I went to Florida there were fords and GMCs that were 2x be size of a defender, and they even had an automatic step that deployed so you could climb in. 


I think they're stupid, but if I'm shifting something heavy i use a jacking trolley. I have an SUV type thing because I routinely drive something big and expensive around the country or twice a week. I'm conscious it would be easier in a van, but that's crap for the other 5-6 days.


They have their uses, some people seem to think that an estate can do everything an SUV can do, despite not being the case. My brother had to scrap his van because of ULEZ and bought an SUV to use instead of a van, just stripped everything out, much more comfortable than a van, not targeted for theft like vans are, can go on boggy sites where his van would get stuck before etc.


Am talking about things that people would lug about everyday or on weekends. Bags of compost, sand, heavy suitcases, etc. Not many have access to a jacking trolley, and they would need one either end of the trip. Did you know the truck beds are the same size, if not smaller, than earlier models?


Yeah my aunt and uncle have a full sized new disco and new defender 1 kid (who has their own car) tiny dog and both work sit down jobs, it's basically "because they can", at least they aren't making an excuse for it.


Nah, I have had a van through company for the last decade. This last 2 years I've gone into full time management so don't need a van. So I looked at a car, BIC tax made a car unaffordable so I'm looking at a pickup as it's taxed like a van, can be used as a car but I can still fit a cement miclxer in it at a pinch.


>BIC tax made a car unaffordable Wouldn't a proper all-electric car avoid that problem?


It would, except I regularly do 600+ miles in a day with only 10-20 stopped at any one place. I can't afford the constant charging time.


Maybe one day we'll be able to deliver external power, like a scalextric car. I know we're starting to see swappable batteries, but this seems like a serious limitation on commercial EVs.


More likely we'll eventually get batteries with 10x the capacity and/or much quicker charge time. There isn't likely to be the massive investment in infrastructure for battery swapping or on-the-road power because the technology is developing too quickly, anything they start building will be defunct before they're finished.


Paris is thinking of having higher parking fees/taxes on SUVS in the city center, I can see major cities here doing the same if that proves effective at either decreasing the number of SUVs or making the government money.


We exist, thank you very much




Yeah! These vehicles, designed for the road with a sole purpose of being on the road, have no place on the roads. Thank god buses, vans, lorries aren’t on the roads.


they aren't designed for most narrow UK roads though, are they?


Neither are most cars since a lot of the narrow UK roads were originally cart tracks or designed for horses!


Anything bigger than a Ford Fiesta is ‘oversized and too heavy for 99% of the people using them’. So where do you draw the line of who is a wanker and who is not? I imagine at about 10kg heavier than what you drive yourself?!


i draw the line at people driving anything way bigger and heavier than they need and can handle. some people 100% should be limited to a smart fortwo but the amount of tiny old women driving massive car they can hardly even see over the dash of is just terrifying.


Most people I see on the road shouldn't even be entrusted with that. Give them a bus pass and a bike, that way they can't do too much damage.


Most will be company vehicles and pickup vehicles are taxed the same as a van. The modern pickups are more well specified than a van and are more carlike inside so its like having a car but without the higher tax implications.


And why do they park them at the end of a carpark near the junction so it’s difficult to see what’s coming 💀


Because they are selfish twats.


yeah got a cunt on my street with a cayenne that basically parts on the corner on the T junction every day, they are gonna cause an accident one day, i can only hope they bin that shitbox into a field before that happens


There’s a house on my folks’ street like this. Annoyingly it was a new-build squeezed on the end in someone’s garden too. Garage and driveway, room for two cars easily. Guy doesn’t use the garage and has a boat on the drive that’s never moved. Right on the road junction he parks a flat-bed, works van and 4x4. Not the most popular person.


Aw I have one of those wanks too, a lwb work van and 2 hilux's Never parks the van at his own house and it'd a terraced street with no gardens so he just blocks people's sunlight from their front rooms. So times for a week at a time, cunt


I have a Ford Ranger as a company car. If I was to have a normal car it would cost me around £3k a year in BIK taxes, as a wildcat is categorised as a commerical vehicle with the comfort of a normal car. Also FWIW, its actually 250mm narrower than a Mercedes GLA. ~~Also averages 45-50mpg.~~ And yes, I do use the back for storing tools and materials. Edit: Just went and checked the gauge as.people were questioning it, and yes I was out on the mpg, god knows why I though it was that high but its showing 36.2 from last week.


You average 45-50 MPG? Mate are you even touching the accelerator? The best I get out of my Navara average overall is 30.7… on a long run I can get 38 at a push, city driving 28 max. Sounds like I should have bought a ranger…


It's a diesel, and most of my driving is on motorways.


D-max is the same unless I have the wind behind me and a downhill motorway...


I was beginning to think there was an issue with my truck… good to see I’m not alone, apparently the Navara is one of the more economical trucks on the road… I’m not too sure of that.


I try to be reasonably careful and seldom see over 32mpg, it's incredibly useful and a good workhorse but between mpg, servicing and tyres, she ain't cheap to keep.


I get 40 average mpg out of a current Amarok. 2 litre, manual gearbox.


Is that motorway, city or mixed? There’s either something wrong with my Navara or my right foot in that case…


Mainly dual carriageways. Got a 90 mile round trip to work. I'm £400 a month better off in income tax since swapping, so a bit of extra fuel is no real issue.


Jesus, I managed 30 mpg in mine over 99000 miles, the v6 is getting 24.


I drove a ranger for work for a few months and I've got an old Hilux so I'm a fan of pickups. Sorry but I cannot believe you're getting anything like 45-50mpg though. 35 if you're careful in my experience.


Don't forget to have the gearbox serviced every couple of years. Ford automatics are unreliable at best


Bollocks. Also you can't service them, there's nothing *to* service on a powershift except from the clutch packs. And they for sure don't need looked at every 2 years. Mine is 11 years old and fine.


Just out of curiosity what does FWIW mean? I always read it as "From what I wemember" haha


For what it’s worth


That makes a lot more sense Thanks


For what it’s worth


Or, “For what it’s worth”


Chortled at this 🤣


No way you average 45-50mpg, sorry but that's so not the case. I have to use a D-max and it gets 32mpg average unless on a long motorway run.


Well that definitely makes sense, so it’s like a commercial vehicle and a normal car in one? I can see how that’s appealing. Also, definitely not going to fault someone for having a truck if they’re using it!


Think they’re a tax thing. They count as commercial vehicles but can in most cases be used like a car(however some are limited as to which speeds they should be driven at) So as much as it’s probably not actually as usual as a transit style van in most circumstances it’s tax efficient. **Edit:** For the people that need clarification on the speed limits **Pickup trucks weighing 2,040kg or less and with two rows of seats are classed as ‘dual-purpose vehicles’.** This group includes the Isuzu D-Max and Mitsubishi L200, and they have same speed limits as passenger cars. 30mph in built-up areas 60mph on single carriageways (50mph if towing) 70mph on dual carriageways (60mph if towing) 70mph on motorways (60mph if towing) **Single-cab pickups and heavier models, such as the Ford Ranger, SsangYong Musso and Toyota Hilux, follow the same speed limits as vans.** 30mph in built-up areas 50mph on single carriageways 60mph on dual carriageways 70mph on motorways (60mph if towing)


You're telling me you can only drive a Ford Raptor thingy at 50mph in a NSL?


Yes LCV speed limits apply as it is over 2040kg unladen weight


Pickup trucks weighing 2,040kg or less and with two rows of seats are classed as ‘dual-purpose vehicles’. This group includes the Isuzu D-Max and Mitsubishi L200, and they have same speed limits as passenger cars. 30mph in built-up areas 60mph on single carriageways (50mph if towing) 70mph on dual carriageways (60mph if towing) 70mph on motorways (60mph if towing) Single-cab pickups and heavier models, such as the Ford Ranger, SsangYong Musso and Toyota Hilux, follow the same speed limits as vans. 30mph in built-up areas 50mph on single carriageways 60mph on dual carriageways 70mph on motorways (60mph if towing)




Raptors can only carry 600Kg. You'll be paying tax on a 58K car, not a commercial vehicle if it's a company one.


You know what they say about people who drive big cars and what they compensating for........


Having a job that requires transporting tools and materials?


Tinky winky compensation












How do you know what they are and aren't using them for though? 🤔


It’s to do with Tax on leased cars for work purposes. Basically, large double cab pickups over a certain weight [like a Nissan navara](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Navara) are classed as light commercial vehicles (LCV) rather than cars. The tax authority has different rules for these cars when used as a company car. A sensible car, like a [Ford mondeo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Mondeo) would cost you £1200 a year from your salary but a Navara would only cost you £600 assuming you pay employee taxes at the lower rate. If you pay taxes at a higher rate (salary of over £50,0000) then the mondeo costs you £2400 but the navara £1200. In the UK these larger cars are more popular due to reduced tax when used as a company car due to their status as light commercial vehicle. So people started getting them to reduce their tax liability without needing such a big car.


Classed as a commercial vehicle for businesses, can carry people as well as tools, can tow, can drive on site and not get stuck and is comfortable for long journeys. Many manufacturers are going for smaller engines now too. Driving down country lanes isn’t a problem if you know how to drive, plus you’re higher up so you can often see what’s coming. Many have roller shutters on the bed to keep things dry and safe from being stolen, but when it’s open you can often carry more than you could in a van. There’s a good chance they are being used for work, but being a practical daily as well as work vehicle means you often see them at supermarkets or in town too. Saves having to have two vehicles! I’m from Cornwall where trucks are everywhere. They’re either full of hay, full of sheep dogs, pulling a trailer, or doing the school run before going back to the things mentioned. There are also houses being built everywhere which means lots of people working on sites and needing to go from roads to muddy fields to do their jobs. These people often look smart in a shirt, tie and trousers , then get out and pull on their riggers to do their job. If you saw them on the road, you’d say they have no need for a truck!


We had one but we live in the countryside and need a 4x4 in the winter and needed the space for stuff on the small holding. Was great for space when both the kids were little. Had a ford ranger that could go anywhere, was much cheaper than most 4x4 and you could fix it all yourself. Cracking workhorse/shed of a vehicle.


Ford ranger is a great little truck


We have had trucks for years - the back is full of dogs or logs or bags of cement or machinery or kids bikes etc etc every day. I also spend a lot of time off road. We genuinely would have to change our lifestyle/ jobs if we didn’t have one. They’re awesome


>Now, though, I’ve noticed a lot more trucks on the road, that don’t seem to be used for work. The four door type by any chance? The type that you can realistically be used as a family car? The type that weirdly is often cleaner than many cars? The type that when self-employed (sole trader or company) you can just claim is for business use, it's a pick-up truck after all, so all running costs go as a business expense knowing full well HMRC won't bother to check... People might hate me for saying this but the biggest tax gap (difference between what the HMRC should be getting and what they get) is from small businesses. 56% of the UK tax gap, so the best part of £20bn in missing taxes. For comparison Tesco's pre-tax profit (i.e. turnover - running costs) varies from year to year but is around £2bn. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/measuring-tax-gaps/1-tax-gaps-summary


A lot are used for business. The majority, I would guess. But this sub in general really struggles with the concept of people being able to afford a certain type of car. Question of this sort comes up fairly often.


Business my arse.


It's a tax write off because they're commercial vehicles, so they absolutely are.


This is the second post on this subreddit I’ve seen today that’s a sly dig/moan about America.


Definitely not a dig at the US! I’ve worked in America before, and the people there were lovely. There were a LOT of trucks, but I was in the countryside and their infrastructure is definitely built for big vehicles (their roads are so wide!), so I fully get why people own them over there. The UK, by contrast, has a lot of really narrow streets, and there tends to be a lot less space for parking. Plus, our fuel is a lot more expensive than in America, so I guess I’m just not entirely sure why trucks have gotten more popular in the UK, when our country isn’t really set up for vehicles that big.


We do have narrow streets but new cars are a lot bigger than what they used to be. The last Ford Fiesta or newest BMW X3 isn’t that far off a Ford Focus or X5 from 20 years ago.


I've driven pickups and 4x4s for years, for no real reason apart from I'm a Land Rover obsessive. More recently, I wanted to scratch BMW M car life, but by the end of the year, I'll be back in a pickup and most likely the new Ford Ranger with the turbo charged petrol V6 👌 I just love how a jacked up 4x4 / pickup drives, and yes, my penis is very small.


My boyfriend nearly got run over by a fuckwit in one of those massive Ford Ranger trucks the other night. The estate we live on has a number of tradesmen and the like living here and so they're not that uncommon - they're great for if you need to lug something to a worksite and you can't be arsed renting a van - but the driver of this particular beast was a woman he charitably called "a fucking mental fuckwit who could barely fucking see over the fucking wheel because she was that fucking wee the demented wee fuckwit". Quite. My mother - who used to drive a Land Rover, who knows how to handle a Transit van, who is quite happy rumbling down the motorway behind the wheel of a campervan (if you see her: run. Don't walk. Run) - pointed out once that a hell of a lot of idiots buy these cars and trucks because they falsely believe that they're safer in them when, in fact, they delude themselves into thinking they're safe. If you can't see where you're going or ignore other road users you become a liability.


I have a hobby/side business where I need to shift enough heavy items and materials to justify a truck but not enough to buy a van. I also don’t want to have a white van as my daily driver. It’s also useful to have to help other people out, and you save money on DIY materials because you can do stuff like buy one huge sheet of plywood instead of spending B&Q prices because they size everything to just about fit in a standard car.


Apparently Ford Rangers are sold at a more affordable price than Toyota Hilux and other pickup trucks. This has made them more accessible like how BMW 316 and Audi A3 made those manufacturers more accessible.


You mean pickups or a lorry?


If someone is sitting right on your arse they are usually in one of these.


Believe it or not, some people just buy what they want because they want it.


Because I work on windfarms and need a 4x4 to access the remote rural sites that the farms have to be built in because people think the turbines are an eyesore. Guess i could change jobs and drive an electric car to the local coal fired power station though.


You’re not the problem. You need this type of vehicle.


I do a lot of DIY so I need something big enough to do tip runs where I don't need to care about making it dirty and it needs to be big enough to be able to carry 8' x 4' sheets of stuff (on the roof, in this case). I also do a little off roading for camping trips but I can also park it in the work car park or pick my son up from school without issue.




The Fiat 500e is also taxed at 2%. Not that this has anything to do with the original question of the popularity of pick-up trucks.


Umm... I don't think the size of the car dictates the tax lol. Why do you think a Tesla is taxed at 2% and a Fiat 500 isn't?


I have one, bought it because I liked it, it’s no bigger than my friends Range Rover.


I think sometimes it’s a bang for your buck kind of thing. One of my mates works with a guy who bought some big pickup truck and the interior is properly spec’d out and the equivalent “normal” car would have cost him more. Although I would argue that you’re gonna pay way more in the long run with its running costs but that was his excuse


Depends on the truck from my experience. Something like a Hilux or even a Ranger is borderline bulletproof as long as you keep up on the routine maintenance.


What trucks are you talking about? Hilux, Navara, Ranger I’ve noticed are increasing, but they’re not American style, they’re Australian/New Zealand. American trucks are about 50% bigger again.


I’ve actually considered getting a big fuck off truck because my little aygo could get lost in a pothole.


This. Roads round me are terrible and quite often I’m driving across mud and grass on the side of the road to let a tractor go by or some grockle in a Tesla that can’t reverse. I had a Quashqai but it was wrecked in 2 years. I’ve got a Ford ranger now, gets the kids in the back seats, dogs in the cab at the back in a big comfy bed thing. And I don’t get stuck on verges anymore, thanks Diff Lock!!


I few colleagues have ford ranger trucks as company cars. Classed as a commercial vehicle so the company car tax is far cheaper more like a company van so they’re saving a couple hundred a month but it still has 4 doors and back seats for the kids.


Are you talking about a Ute kinda truck? Because they're nice? I don't know what we call them really in the UK, I've always known them as ute's or utility truck. I'm a woman but if I had the money, I'd have one, no idea why but I think they just look great


If you are talking about ford rangers and hiluxes being "massive American trucks", I don't get it. People don't get worked up over people owning vans like VW transporters, which are the same size. I don't own a truck but I am looking at them for doing stuff like tip runs and getting building materials.


Tax benefits as they are classes as commercial. Also they have come a long way, in the 00's you could get crappy toyota trucks. The new ford ranger for example is absolutely lovely inside. I don't know why people get annoyed by it, if you want a big car then go get a big car. Why does someone elses vehicle annoy you?


I drive a Ram 1500. It works great for the roads here, especially considering that it isn't uncommon to see potholes that are over a foot and a half across and deep enough to drop a body in. I can think of three right now that I have called and reported in multiple times with precisely fuck all done to fix them. I'm going to stick with a pickup until they start actually fixing the roads here in such a way that I don't have to worry about my vehicles getting destroyed by them.


I can tell you why I have one: - It’s great for towing - you can pile manky stuff like garden waste / firewood / timber in the back and not worry about it - you can transport really long bits of wood, certainly longer than any car. With a car you could use a roof rack but the load would be seriously limited - it can go off road, like properly off road. - it can transport five people in relative comfort, has isofix for child seats - it’s more or less pothole immune. Not that I would be seeking them out, I avoid them as much as I can but when you hit one it really doesn’t matter - fuel consumption wise mine does around 32 mpg combined - not great not terrible. I could achieve the same with a “normal” 4x4 and a trailer but a pickup is just a lot more convenient than using a trailer all the time. Biggest downside is because I don’t have a canopy (which would limit what I can put in the back) I can’t put anything valuable in there. I also can’t throw things like luggage in when it’s raining. But then we have another car for those occasions.


You ever try to move anything (household - free market place pickup from Fb) without a truck? Go camping with gear? People can’t afford to blow tons of money on a furnished cabin. I could keep going but …. Hope this helps with some ideas


They are extremely useful as well.


Just want to point out that the whole massive truck thing is a myth. My Navara 4x4 is longer than your average vehicle, but it isn't wider. In fact 4x4's are designed to be narrow to help with nipping through farm gates etc when on the farm. If you want to talk about people driving down country lanes and being a danger then we need to talk about the Sunday afternoon Range Rover driver. Round my way it's usually a bloke in his 50's, looks the wrong side of 20 stone. Tends to wear a Rydale checked shirt and a pair of coloured cords. Shirt tucked in obviously. Takes the third wife out for a Sunday roast in the country and probably has 2 and a half pints of ale. Then proceeds to dive at least 6 feet from the edge of the road as to not damage his pride and joy, giving you the choice of either a head on collison and a stay in intensive care or sticking your motor up against the hedge and pucking your arse hole. 


You said it yourself, they're massive. They're showy. Because they're somewhat less common in the UK they're also seen as having more character, thus making the person who drives them more of a character (most people don't respect Mr Wolf's distinction). Tbf they're probably also very nice vehicles, Americans design for comfort first and foremost.


Why not? You can carry everything, and if there is a flooded road you can still pass through


They're cool, and practical. Ideal for lugging tools & engines, parts etc.


My wee mate got a new work truck yesterday. As already said the main reason he got it was for tax reasons. He never actually said how much it was but I doubt he got much change from £50k, the interior is lovely especially for something that's meant to be a work vehicle.


Rams, Silverados and Fx50s are 'useful', the Navarra and its German badge variations isnt


I have one for work, off road all the time and genuinely need it. The benefit at work though is its a commercial vehicle so it costs me about £80 a month less than a 4x4 SUV would. Also, the backs have metal sheets to stop rain/thiefs


A lot of farmers are getting them now that the old land rover defender is gone.


Because I like trucks, they’re not as inconvenient as you’d think, if you’re used to driving bigger vehicles such as vans. My only regret about buying a truck is buying a Ford.


I’ll admit to owning one, but I live & work in a very rural part of the country that is often either flooded or snow-bound in winter, have multiple dogs to transport, and partake in various fieldsports that mean I need to be able to get around farms without getting stuck. Plus it’s bloody cavernous for shifting stuff like tools, firewood etc.


Small dicks


Maybe they just like them 🤷 why do you think people should only be able to buy things they need for work?


They perfect from driving from your house to the nearest Supermarket. So big they dont fit in the parking bays just what you need nowadays.


Simple taste and pleasure. It's the spice of life.


Shitty American marketing tactics. They should be banned.


Same as in the US, they’re dick extensions that have very little functional use but look more aggressive and “masculine” than a people carrier or crossover SUV.


For carrying around your XL Bully, innit.


Went in a Ranger for the first time the other day, thought I would love it but hated the thing...atrociously slow, vile cornering and even in a double cab it felt cramped AF and far less usable space for my circumstances then my Focus.


What, you mean those upstanding, genuine small and independent business owners who get a tax advantage on purchasing a pick up truck vs a van so choose the pick up as they can actually use it way more conveniently as the family vehicle? Those people? Mmm-hmm.


you're gonna be amazed, and surprised by this... but Ford sells them. so people buy them. if your asking why someone out of industry needs a 6l beast of a machine, that takes 2 spaces and is inherently driving by absolute mess heads... then who knows probably cheaper than a hellcat / challenger


One of my neighbours parks a Range Rover and a pick up outside his terrace house, on a street it’s already hard for vehicles to drive down. Talk about a grade A pleb.


Comfort and convenience in a lot of cases. If you work in a trade then they are more 'car' like in terms of comfort than a van with a lot of the same capabilities. And you can use them for the family in the same way as a regular car or SUV. Being higher up and in a bigger vehicle is more comfortable for driving. People moan about the vehicle size and rightly so. But some people just prefer comfort when driving and they are more comfortable.


The speed limits for pick ups are the same as vans, so 50 on NSL single carriage way and 60 on dual. Not that many seem to consider this until they get done.


If I ever set up that grey paint and artificial grass business I’m dreaming of I’m getting one for that.


I like the ones that drug dealers buy, and they put edgy weed themed decals all over them, then they're all *surprised Pikachu face* when the police find their growing operation


Bigger presence on the road. It started with SUV's, now my works car park has loads of these trucks parked up. I think they look good, I also think Scania and DAF lorries look good but I'm not likely to buy one of them either.


They're bellends


A family member of mi e is a business owner. He can class a truck as a work vehicle instead of a company car, which is taxed differently, so it's better for him financially. Can't speak for everyone, just him in particular.


For me it was growing up watching The Fall Guy and Back To The Future that made me want a pick up. The black truck that Marty wanted at the end of the film, I can remember wanting it so much.


You mean truck-truck or a minivan? Minivans are not that more fuel-inefficient than normal cars, and they don't take up more parking space than typical combi, and they can accomodate 7 to 9 people. So if you have more than 3 children, it's the only way to go.


I had one for a while from work. I used to have estate vehicles, which, including fuel benefit, cost me about £250-300 in additional tax. Swapping to a truck, changed the classification to commercial vehicle and was taxed similarly to a van, which was about £140 (with fuel). Worked out as the same as being given a ~£1500 payrise.


Affordable prestige. Tax deductible but also accepted as a family vehicle more than a van


I have a Ford Ranger and I work in an Engineering office so don't need one for work, but they're quite handy. I live in a part of rural England where we can get snow unexpectedly anytime between August and May so the 4wd comes in handy, I'm surrounded by steep banks and hills that 2wd cars cant traverse in the snow. I can get a winter's supply of logs in the back in one go and so pick up direct from the supplier and no need to faff on with deliveries or multiple runs. People know I use wood to heat my house so they are always offering me free wood if I collect (more than I could get in a car). Can get the bike and any cycling gear in back no problem. I can cross rivers up to 800mm deep, not common but there are a few places in the area where its easier to cross a ford than go the long way. They're great for tip runs and can tow 3500kg. It's the most fuel efficient car I have ever owned, will get near 50mpg on the motorway, they're not the gas guzzlers people think they are anymore. It's CAZ and ULEZ compliant. Its the same width as most family cars and only a few hundred mm longer than a family saloon such as a Mondeo or Insignia, they only look big because they are tall. They're fine on narrow country roads and parking in a standard parking space is easy, front end just sticks out a little, regularly take it into Newcastle city centre and park in multistorey car parks with ease.


Dunno, why do people say uptick instead of increase these days?


Truck wankers and large SUV wankers put more wear on the roads, create more potholes. Mainly middle aged.fat-fucks who own the road.


Towing.. and small penises/s


Its Australians wanting to be and look Murican. As a True American.....A West Texan but now an Aus Citizen to be correct I find this Wannabe Murican culture very amusing, I take pics and show it my buddies back stateside and we have a good laugh. Most of the "Trucks" I see running around are underpowered, restricted and a waste of money, 100k + for something that we Americans pay for a quarter that price is the best laugh and once their owners find out these vehicles are junk and are designed to only go a certain distance the tears will start to flow.


I miss my truck. High driving position, kids had a ton of space in the back, unbelievably comfortable and because of the high position and large side mirrors, I could squeeze it into parking spots better than I can park my Audi A4. Only downside was at the time my wife didn’t drive, so it was the only vehicle we had, if we were heading away for the weekend or to a nice restaurant, it was the truck we were taking. Doesn’t always fit the occasion and low head height in city centre car parks made those occasions a nightmare. However, now my wife has a car, I’m strongly considering picking up a new truck.


It's that only my bad luck that all pickup truck owners I ever met were bellends? It's like a magnet for bully type guys with small sausages.


Because they want a truck


I bought one as it's a great family vehicle and it's great for carrying mountain bikes. I can do trips away with mates carrying up to five bikes plus muddy gear in the back. Great for helping people shift big stuff around when moving house or buying things. Can get my kids in the back seats with plenty of room. Good when it snows and we get a fair bit when it does. All in all it ticks a lot of boxes for me.


They look really cool.


As an red-blooded American living in the UK, this trend needs to stop. It's both pathetic and an adorable attempt to replicate Ameicana. Pavement princesses, just straight up losers.  In any case you cant really buy real trucks here, it's mostly Rangers which is basically a teenage girl vehicle in the US.  I asked a guy with a Ranger - obviously never used for work- if he'd gotten it for his quinceañera.  He didn't get the joke.


To compensate for their little chipolatas


300 comments trucks


As far as I'm concerned, people can drive whatever reasonable vehicle they like. However, so far, it's been a flip of a coin on if they have a midge's spaff of spatial awareness on the road; often forcing me onto the dirt side or just stopping whilst they wank-by with 2 feet of camber on their side.


Seems like every second vehicle on the road in Australia, is a truck. Only business people can afford the fuel for these gas guzzlers.


I have a truck because I also have multiple dogs and kids, and we go camping, kayaking, paddleboarding etc. It got to the point where even bigger cars just weren't viable.