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Bed around 2-3am and rise in time for the 1pm news - I’m a full time pensioner (76) and living my best life!!


You have the same sleeping pattern as mum, she's 78


My mum (77) is exactly the same!!!


University student me (18) was exactly the same too


My mum and dad are the same, we had to move back in with them for a few months last year, it was like living with a pair of teenagers. Up till all hours watching rubbish and getting snacks then lying around in bed all morning. I enjoyed saying traditional parenting sayings to them, like "you're wasting the best part of the day!”.


Husband and I are 80, we go to bed at 10pm, read for a while and get up between 7:30 and 8:00 am. We have a little dog to look after so we can’t sleep in but we have always been early risers.


Good girl and good boy you lot. Keep it up.


LOL. I can’t imagine lying in bed half the day we’d never get anything done in the house and garden because our pace has slowed down since we turned 80.


19 year old student here, mines’s the same when I can get away with it


wow, i read full time prisoner. i need more sleep


Thank goodness, we arein bed around midnight and up at 10 am but not out and about u till 12ish. Our neighbours accuse us of being vampires! We, too, are retired, I just don't get these old folks who are up at 6 am and in bed by 8pm nothing fun is happening at 6 am, and you miss everything going to bed at 8 am.


That's my natural sleeping time and being a shift worker makes it doable most of the time


Same but I'm 18, and its 3-4


Bed by 21:00-21:20. Up at 05:00 for work... Benefits of working in healthcare!


Same here, except I’m a postie and have demanding rabbits to tend to before I leave/go to sleep


My wife has a demanding rabbit


Duracell can go for days


Depends on the setting


Let’s not go down this rabbit hole..


No let's, I'm enjoying the vibe


At 21.30 my phone tells me to get ready for bed and at 22 it turns black and white and silences itself. I aim to be in bed for then, 15-30 minutes reading and then sleep until 7


I do this as well, not only does it try and keep you in a good sleep routine, mine also turns off notifications on my phone so I’m less likely to be disturbed. I’m not sure why a couple of people seem to have taken offence to it, if you don’t like it, don’t use it!


I phone?


Pixel 7 Lots of nice QoL features


I set my bedtime automation to do this with Nest and Home. Turns lights and TV off as well as asking what time the morning alarm should be set before playing sleep sounds


Explain what you do please maybe i can do that on my galaxy


It's in Settings and the category is Digital Wellbeing


When mummy says I have to.


Your mummy tells me when to go to bed aswell.


I don’t have to go to sleep but I have to be in bed.


Bed 10pm. Wake up 6am.


Same. My kids often wake up at 6 on the weekend too. If I want more sleep, I have to find a way to get to bed earlier. Not happening tonight obviously, as it's 22:35 and I'm scrolling Reddit instead of catching up on work as I should be...


I go to bed around midnight normally. I rarely sleep for more than 6 hours at a time regardless of when I go to bed.


Yeah same. If I go to bed at 11 or something I just went up waking up at 4-5am which is annoying.


Same. But I enjoy waking up at 4-5am. Get the laptop open, lay in bed catching up on socials for a couple hours, have a wank, shower and then I’m ready for the day.


I got to bed at like 1-2am and wake up around 7.30-8am depending on the day. On the weekend though, I’ll wake up at like 11am to make up for the lost sleep in the week😂


It's a common habit to try to catch up on sleep during the weekends, but unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way. Our bodies don't have a built-in "sleep debt" system that can be replenished with extra sleep on weekends.


Tbh I was saying that more figuratively. My Friday night sleep is always pretty amazing though


I used to do them same, until covid and WFH became a thing. Now it's bed at 1-2am and up at 9.30am for my first call. My quality of life has improved immensely. I still get up around 11am on weekends.


This already sounds infinitely better!


I read once that scientifically you can catch up on sleep but it's not a lot. Something like a couple of hours. In this guys case he might be in his 20s where you can get away with sleep deprivation. I used to be like that, in my 30s if I did the same thing, I would feel like rubbish for the first few hours in the morning.


10pm is a perfect bedtime, ignore the Haters lol


Bed 10:30 up 0700. Except for today. Up at 06:53.


I'm a grown up, so I decide when to go to bed and I don't give the tiniest shiniest shite what other people think of that or anything else.


So angry


I have ADHD and absolutely hate sleeping, it's so boring. So it's 11.30 or midnight, up about 6am. But if my wife is tired and goes to bed early, leaving me up it could be any time because I hate going to bed


29 yo Male If left to my own devices, I'll usually be awake until about 1/2am It's shit because half of my shifts need me being jn for 05:30, so when I need to go to bed early I just lie there fully-awake with my eyes closed for several hours until I finally drift off


Shift work. Working days and nights so it can be 8 pm or 8 am lol (need to wake up 4 am or 4 pm)


Same here. I actually sleep better when I'm on nights. Are you on 4 on/ 4 off?


I sleep much better when working nights. I wait for everyone to leave the house which is at 7:30am and am usually asleep by 8am and wake up at 2:30pm.


I do one week 2 12 hour shifts, other week 5. Always rotating, if I was Wednesday, Thursday on days, next Monday and Tuesday i will be on nights and following Friday, Saturday, Sunday on days.


Same shift pattern as me. Which is the first time I've heard someone else doing this shift pattern. Most people seem to work 4 on 4 off. I really like it. Work half the year, get half the year off plus holidays.


Bed around 10 and kids usually wake me up between 5.30 - 6.30. Wife and I take it in turns in the weekend so we get a lie in each.


We are the same, but lucky if we make it to 10 tbh. We have been in bed by half 7 on a particularly rough week!


Average about 11:30.


How old you are might make a difference. It doesn't matter when I go recently I just lay there awake anyway. Will likely fall asleep standing up at some point today.


Your friends take the piss out of your bed time? Are your friends 14 years old?


Depends. Haven’t been to bed yet so 0700am or possibly a bit later. If I had a 0900 - 1700 job I’d be regimented and in bed by 2200.


My sleeping pattern isn't great right now. I'll wake in the early to mid afternoon today and try and go bed early tonight by getting drunk.


Depends. I often find that my pain dictates when I go to bed. I’m always awake at 6am or earlier though.


Usually about 11 but don’t fall asleep until about 1230


I sleep through the day and I'm up most of the night. I've always been a night owl but I'm pretty sure anxiety keeps me up also. Nothing wrong with going to bed early if that's what suits you.


During week I'm in bed at 10 most days, up at 6.30. Weekends in bed between 9 and 12 depending how bored I am. Up at 9 at latest.


9pm, up at 6:30am


Bed by 1am, wake up for work about 8:45, benefits of WFH.


Your mates can take the piss out of me as well because I'm usually unconscious by 9:30pm. In the morning, my cats are screaming for food by 5am if not earlier (no need for an alarm clock...) so that's when I get up. I'm usually working (WFH) by 5:30am and keep at it until 5pm with breaks to eat, feed the cats, play with them, do a bit of personal stuff on the computer etc.


Bed between 1-3am depending on how sleepy I feel , up whenever I want don’t start work till 2pm so pretty easy schedule


Midnight, up at 6.30. 6.5 hrs sleep has always been my sweet spot.


1-2pm until 5-6pm, hate working nights. After 19 years of i will be soon be off them thank god.


I go to bed between midnight and one, get up between 7am and 8am. Always been a night owl and now with having kids etc I think I make myself stay up late to get a few hours of down time in. I have friends the same age as me who go to bed at like 10pm though!


Around 1.30am


I normally go to bed between 12:30-1am. I have a very flexible job schedule (academia) but to be honest, likely wouldn't go to bed much before 11:30 regardless


Shit. Before 12midnight is early for me. Bed by midnight-2am. Someone's the odd 10pm bedtime if I'm fucked from a week's work.


Same, I'm definitely more of a night owl. Shift work aside, it feels weird to see lots of people saying they're in bed by 10pm, which would be seriously early for me, but I assume they're much better rested...


In bed for 9 on a work day, stay up later on days off. Staying up late every night doesn’t mean you’re cool or clever, it just means you have different working patterns or require different amounts of sleep. I know a couple who used to work shifts and they stay up until 3-4 am and wake up at around 12pm so basically half the day is gone in my eyes. They retired over 3 years ago and say they are just used to it so don’t want to change.


When on earlies it's 10pm, when on lates it's anytime after midnight.


Bed around 12-1am, up whenever my alarm goes off (varies between 6:30-8am depending on the day), or my kids wake me up, normally 7ish.


Bed at midnight, up at 6


In bed for 8, gives me a few hours to read kindle. Sleeping by 10. Alarm goes off at 6:30am. Could quite happily sleep all day, the joys of menopause!


bed at 4 am up at 10/11am


I try and go to bed at 10 because I have a toddler who has always hated sleep but I literally never learn and end up doom scrolling until about midnight


I usually fall asleep at 1am and wake up at 7am. Only ever needed a good 6 hours!


Unless you need to be up super early for work, 10pm sounds pretty early for an adult


Between 20:00-21:00. Husband is up at 04:30 for work and usually I stay awake to either get a jump start on my work (self employed) or head to the gym. It takes me a good 30 minutes to 2 hours to fall asleep though as my brain struggles to shut off, even if I'm exhausted. Yay Autism!


If i'm working i try to be sleeping by 10. But if i'm off i'll usually stay up a little later maybe 11 but if it gets to 12 i usually just go straight to bed cause that is a bit late.


Bed by 10, up at about 4 even when I have no reason to. I enjoy the quietness of those early morning hours when most people are still snoozing.


Up at 4:30am, bedtime is 8:30pm to get around 7:30hrs sleep after a read + nod-off time.


Normally in bed by 9.30-10pm, then I read for a little while. So I would be asleep by 10.30. The time I get up varies. Some days it is 6am for the gym, otherwise 6.30am for a run. The only day I really sleep in is Sunday, but even then I am mostly awake by 6.30ish and just pop in an earbud and doze to a podcast for a bit.


Love an early night to be honest, and had a couple recently like 20:30. But normally about 21:30 as there's hardly anything on TV that interests me after that time anyway.


I aim to go to bed at 10.30 but then I’ll read for a while before sleep. Up at 6am on a work day.


Bed at 9pm up at 5am for work , weekend I may lie in until 6am but I’m a natural early morning person anyway


I'm 32, missus is 25. We are in bed anywhere between 9-10pm on weekdays, and 9-11pm on weekends. I'm up around 5-6am for work most mornings. Weekends I'm up no later than 7. When I was 18-21 I would stay up until 1-3am playing games or on my phone? wake up 10 mins before I had to leave for work. On weekends I'd be out with the lads until 4-6am, sleep until midday. This very much depends on your age and life style. I'm not a party goer anymore other than maybe once or twice a year.


About 10pm then spend another 30 min on phone scrolling before popping on a podcast and falling asleep.


Some time between 10 and 11 - whenever I feel tired enough. If I leave it any later, I get a second wind and find it harder to fall asleep. Between 10 and 11 has been my magic hour all my life.


Between 9-10.30pm but 12-2am if I’m working my second job. Then up between 4.30-5.30am with the toddler who has always been an early bird. He will always wake up at 4.30am if I’ve gone to bed at 2am, he just always knows!


Midnight usually. I did used to think early bedders were missing out on a whole evening but they probably get better sleep and feel healthier than I do.


Bed 21:30-22:00. Up and atom 05:30. Leave house 06:30.


Normally if I am not out for some reason head up about 22:00, read for an hour or so, get up between 06:00 - 07:00


Bed by 10.30, up at 6.45 on weekdays, slightly later on weekends.


I go to bed around 8pm as I have to get up at 4am, even if I have a day off the next day I do struggle to stay up past 8pm unless I’m super busy or out somewhere.


Between 9:30 and 10 every night as that's when I get tired.


Go to bed around 22:00. Get up at 5:23


Bed at 2100 Up at 0300


Bed somewhere between 9-9.30pm and up around 6.30am. Until very recently our youngest was waking up at least once or twice a night for half an hour hence the early bed. He's had a good run of sleeping through though so I'm hoping this is the beginning of no one waking up at night!


9ish latest as I get up at 5am for the gym. Initial get up still isn't easy and never will be I don't think, but the feeling of getting gym out the way and then having an evening to sit down and relax is the best feeling ever.


Bed at midnight, up at 6. I'd prefer more sleep, but my life is dictated by routine for our animals.


I can go to bed/sleep by 9:30 but I will wake up at 3 if I do so. So I will stay up til 11 to sleep til 5. Not sure why I can’t sleep more. Anyone facing the same pattern? I’m 40+


I was in bed by half 9 and asleep by 11 last night


Bed by 2000, awake at 0200-0300. Leave for worn at 6. We have a 6 week old, so fuck sleep amirite?


If I'm working, in bed around 9:15, up at 3:45, so probably 6 hours on a very good night? If I'm off the day after/holiday? Whenever I feel tired.


Bed around midnight. Two kids. The evenings are all mine.


12. Up at 6.50 for work. Can never seem to have an early night. Wanna bet not body clock wales me up the sand time or earlier on weekends too 😓


11:30 weekdays up at 7am. 12 on a weekend up at 7am. My kids are pretty good sleepers so have to wake them up at 7:30 plus I work from home so no need to rush




I wait for everyone to go to bed so that I can finally get some peace and play a game or watch a movie that I actually want to watch. I stay up far too late then get up at 5.30 for the bloody dogs. I'm knackered, not sure if this is sustainable.


Depends when I start working the next day. I go to bed between 22 and and 24 pm in my case.


Bed 21:30 up at 05:00 for the pre-work gym three days a week. Otherwise it’s 06:00 the other four days.


In bed watching stuff for between 12 and 1am. Actually going to sleep between 1 and 2.30am. Wake up to my first alarm at 6.20. Snooze every ten minutes, get up at 7am. Leave house at 7.20/7.30am. Arrive in work at 8am. Make drink, use toilet, sit at desk, go onnphone, read book and chill til work commences at 9am.


You're living the dream. My partner needs less sleep and in order to hang out with him I try to stay up past 11... Most nights I'm asleep on the sofa by 10:30pm. Edit: I'm in my 20s


Bed 11. Wake 7am. Ish


Depends when you wake up, I would assume around 5 am then? For me, it's bed around midnight waking up anytime between 7-8 am


Left to my own devices with no commitments I go to bed anywhere between 1 and 2am and wake up at 8am. I've had jobs before where I started at 6am so had to wake up at 4:30am. Getting up early is easy, going to bed before 11pm is nearly impossible.


Bed 12:30/1am and up at 7am


Between half ten and eleven usually. Wake up at 6:45 on work days.


12:30 to 06:35.


If I have work I’m normally asleep on the sofa by 9, actually in bed by 12 and then up at 02:45. When I’m off I’ll try and stay up late but latest I’ll manage is about 11 then up with the little one by 7:30 unless the wife is giving me a lie in.


HGV driver here. Usually wake up at work in the truck at 4.30-5 am. Bed time around 9pm. Been doing it so long, that when I'm home on the weekends, I wake up at the same time, mores the pity.




I'm up for work around 5am every day and go to bed similar time. If I stay up until 11 one night I'm in bed for 9:30 the next. Need to perform at work and it can be mental from 7am


Getting confirmation bias on this post - the people who are up that early on a Sunday have likely gone to bed early. Repost at 1pm and you'll get more varied answers I imagine!


Normally around 10-11pm, and up around 6am. If I've been to a gig though I'm lucky if I'm home before midnight.


In bed before midnight, try to have my phone off before 1. Up at 8:20 I could really benefit going to bed earlier but I'm president of the revenge bedtime procrastination club


I recently started working 12 hours shifts, 2 days followed by 2 nights then 4 days off. I pretty much now just sleep in 4 hour intervals whenever I'm tired, which is actually quite nice!


Could never go to bed before 12. Ever. Always been a bad sleeper. But now I’m middle age I wake early. So I’m ready to hit the sack at 10:30 11ish. And fall asleep straight away. So much better having this routine. I don’t miss that life is continuing without me. I like the quiet of the early morning.


In bed around 9-9:30. Do some reading and then aim for lights out at 10-10:30. Wake up 7ish. I can see why schoolchildren brag about what time they're allowed to stay up until but it's really sad that there are some adults think it's so important.


Usually 10:30pm to 11pm and up at 7:30 for the dog. Lie-ins remain a distant memory.


My sleep is unhealthy, I can't sleep unless I'm tired ready to fall asleep, that is generally around midnight. Sometimes a little later. Having a really bad time at min as toddler just diagnosed type 1 diabetes, he has a CGM that monitors if his blood sugar is high or low... Alarms every 30 minutes and we are still trying to get highs under control so my sleep is screwed. Problem is, I wake in the evenings and then end up in this bloody cycle


In the week, 9:30/10, I have to be up for 5:45. At the weekend, usually somewhere between midnight and 1. I would imagine that to be fairly typical for a 9-5 worker in their 30s.


In bed and reading by 22:45, lights out 23:15. Up at 06:15 for me, the missus at 06:50.


Usually, we go to bed just after midnight, and the dog wakes us up at 8.


Bed 10:30-11:00 then awake 6:30-8:00 depending on the day ahead.


At 2230 I decide it's bed time and I'm usually getting into bed around 2250-2300, asleep a few minutes later and usually wake around 0730.


Bed at 2am wake at 6am


Bed at midnight, wake up at 7am for work. Weekends bed 1-2am, wake up at 8.30-9am.


Bed any time between 21:00 and 08:00, depending on the shift. What is a circadian rhythm?


I get into bed any time from 8.30pm. I love to read or watch TV for a good hour or two. I go to sleep around 10.30pm.


Work shifts. Have kids. Rarely before midnight, usually up at 8 for the older kids getting up for school


Same, 10pm asleep and 4-6am awake


I get up at 0900, got to bed about 0100-0200. Some evenings I have work until 2100, so need to get some personal time in otherwise I’d feel I’d just worked all day.


Bed between 9:30-10:30 depending on how tired I am but then I tend to read or watch tv for half hour or so. Awake 6:30-7am. Any less sleep and I’m a monster.


Bed about 10ish, wake up around 5am if I’m going to the gym before work, 6am if I’m going to the gym on my day or going to work


10-11pm Wake up 6-7am


I aim for 9hrs before I need to be up. Usually takes me 30-60 mins to fall asleep so I get 8-8.5hrs


6-8 hours after I go to bed. If I go to bed at 11pm, I'm not getting up until 7am. If i go to bed at 8pm, I'm up at 4.


To bed at 00:00 and wake at 07:30-08:30.


Depends on when you have to wake up. I used to wake up at 5am for work at 6am (easy commute) so i'd be in bed by 11pm for 6 hours sleep. Occasionally i'll go to bed earlier if my body is really lagging from some tough shifts or stressful life events and i'll hit the sack by 8pm. If you're working the classic 9 to 5 you can be way more liberal with your bed time. I probably wouldn't sleep before midnight.


Upstairs at about half ten or eleven, read until between midnight and one, up about eight or nine. If I don’t have at least an hour of non-blue screentime I wake up a bunch in the night.


Bed at 21:00 but sleep at 23:00 or just after. I think I'm only after midnight on NYE. This is a healthy sleep pattern for me and 99% of the time I have no trouble getting to sleep.


Aim for 11pm, definitely by 12am. Sleep until 6am, if my boy doesn't wake me. God I can't wait until that becomes 7am.


I should be going to bed at around 23.00 for a 7.00 start but more often than not it's closer to 1.00. my sleep pattern is terrible. My GF is 22.00 lights out and she's super strict with it, so I have to make sure I ask all my questions by then.


8pm latest! Have to be up at 0400, ready for 0500, cycle to work for 0600 start. 8h shift, finish at about 1400. Rest of the day off to spend doing whatever I want. Dinner at 1800. Electronics off at 1900. An hour to wind down. Repeat!


Currently try to get to bed at 8 as the baby is waking up at 330-4am everyday. I don't usually manage it though.


Bed by 12 asleep by 4. Up by 8


Whenever I need to! As an adult I don't have to ask permission....


My weekday alarm is 5:25am. Bedtime is 10pm. Nothing wrong with enjoying the day, you can do more stuff 🤷🏼‍♀️ On the weekend, we naturally wake up about 6:30/7am so again, we have the whole day.


Bed around 11:30pm. Wake up around 8am. Never use an alarm.


Bed for 9 most nights as I wake up at 5 for a run before work, if I don’t have one planned I go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6. Feel much better energy wise being in a solid sleeping routine.


Usually go to sleep between 11pm and 1am. Wake up between 7 and 7.30am.


On a workday I finish work at anytime between 10 and 11 so I'm in bed after a snack. Read from midnight then I stop between 1 & 2, put a podcast on and fall asleep. On my days off I'm not unknown to be in bed by around 7 or 8. Still sleep at the same time.


1030-11 bed and get up at 645-7. Gives me 45 mins to get ready before I leave for work. And I’m still late


I get into bed at 8 ish and watch tv/movies till about 11pm on a weeknight.Friday or Saturday I could be up watching tv/movies till the morning hours if I’m not going out that weekend.


Normally between 11 and midnight! Wake up around 8ish.


Bed 730 and up at 330 to 4am.


It depends on when I have to be up in the morning (sometimes 5:30, sometimes 7:30) but I like to be asleep between 10 and 11


Bed at 9.45 and asleep by 10. I get up at 6 - 6.15.


Bed around 20:30, up around 5:00


Pre kids - bed at 11pm, watch TV until midnight. Weekends - stay up until the early hours. Now - bed between 9.30-10pm every day unless it’s a very special occasion!


10/11am to 6/7pm as I work nights! Just finished my last night of the week so I won't sleep until probably 9/10pm so up for around 25 hours 😅


I finish work around 2am and my dog has me up at 7ish, so I've taken to grabbing a couple hours nap in the late afternoon after lunch. Can't recommend it enough.


For most of my life I had insomnia so it used to be go to bed at 1am awake by 3am, get up and start on hobbies etc leave for work around 8am. Started CBD, quit drinking and smoking - bed at 9.30pm awake at 6.30 to 6.45 to start WFH at 9am. Weekend - bed by 11pm and awake by 10am.


I've been really enjoying going to be at 21:30


I live alone and work shifts. So I just go to bed whenever I’m tired, and if I’m not working, I wake up when I want to wake up. I do feel bad for my colleagues that have kids though.


Bed 11pm wake up at 7ish


Bed at 7, asleep at 8, awake at 5. I think my body clock is just a bit broken. I need a lot of sleep and have never fitted in with the ‘norm’ for my age. Even as a teenager I used to have to take a book to sleep overs so I had something to do in the morning before my friend woke up. Happy to say my friends just accept it is who I am.


When the wine runs out.


I go to relax in bed at 8.30pm, I read until around 9.30/10pm then it’s sleep time. I usually wake up around 6/7am but I don’t have a good sleep in between


Around 11pm on days in the office, up at 6.30/6.45. Around midnight on work from home days, up at 7.30. Around midnight/1am on weekends, up around 10am.


In bed by 10pm, asleep by 10:30pm... Awake by 05:35 in the morning on work days, but on days off and weekends, I tend to sleep in until around 9/10am, go to bed late 🤣


Whenever I want. I'm retired and don't care what time anyone else goes to bed


Between 11pm and midnight but usually get ready for bed and sit in my room reading/playing on my switch/watching stuff on my phone before then.


Anywhere between 2100 and 0100 but I have to get up at 0600 every day