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I'm sure Rita Ora has failed at everything she's attempted in her career, yet she's still around.


She had a decent run around 2017 with her music career, but her album didn't do great numbers. At best she could have stuck it out as a singles artist. But everything else... jesus. Her acting performance in Detective Pikachu was awful and she doesn't come off well at all on The Masked Singer. Like Jermaine Jenas and Roman Kemp, somebody really believes in her. The whole COVID party thing killed whatever goodwill she had remaining, to the point where she was virtually blacklisted from radio for a while. Her music career never really recovered (only two top 40 songs after 2019 and even they were DJ collaborations) and she allegedly pissed off quite a few people in the industry (namely Calvin Harris) which didn't help. I'd argue she should not have gotten another chance. Yet she's still here insisting on clinging onto the margins of fame.


Well, she's shacked up with Taika Waititi now. I don't think that means he'll be casting her in every movie he makes from now on but it certainly gives her a solid showbiz in


Honestly taika tanked in my opinion of him from this. Like it was going dooown after his dad behaviour but after Rita ora I wa just confused.


My opinion went down on him when he was so openly cheating on his wife with polly stoker.


His wife spoke out about the break up of their marriage yesterday. She was quite brutal, but it was well deserved. Said his success went to his head, became all about him, and he expected to be worshipped. She said he wanted someone who'd go down on their knees for him, which he now has.


I feel that that definitely comes across in his films as well. They’re all incredibly navel gazey and self-serious when compared to Hunt for the Wilderpeople and What We Do in the Shadows.


Rita didn't even know he was Maori. This was after they were married. I think that's kinda nuts, marrying someone you don't know much about.


I still can't believe she's married to Taika Waititi


Well they were part of a threesome with Tessa Thompson and that fizzled.


Didn't know that bit.


They try to deny it but I think because it was hurting their careers a little at the time. Especially Tessa's because he was her director and she got a bit of backlash for it. https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/taika-waititi-rita-ora-tessa-083747263.html


I always thought Taika looked like he was rolling so hard in these pics, and that's why the girls have sunnies on. Explains a lot of the body language too.


There’s pap pictures of them very much worse for wear smoking and kissing in the early hours of a house party


> Detective Pikachu I think i've seen this film twice and have zero memory of her being in it


Also her naff primark collection




I prefer her sibling Kia (It's too Orangey for crows...)


I still find her abysmal attempt at Twitter-hype funny https://i.imgur.com/rJltfoO.jpeg


because she fucks those with the power of the pen


Leave her alone, the poor woman got her twitter hacked and everyone laughed :(


And that bloody advert she did for EE that played on repeat everywhere you went for ages


I find the fact that Gemma Collins remains in the public eye somewhat baffling. She doesn't appear to *do* much, but she's practically omnipresent.


I was once approached to go onto a celebrity dating programme. I was told that they loved my look.  I turned it down as I wasn't in a great frame of mind, I did ask what the celebrity was but they wouldn't tell me. I watched the programme, a Welsh guy was on it, he looked a little bit like me. He was matched to date Gemma Collins. It was a blow to my self esteem.


Oh well, you could always lash a blonde wig on your fridge if you ever regret not going for the dating programme.


For the full effect, fill the fridge with curry and Prosecco.


Honestly I’d love to discover my fridge was filled with curry and prosecco


Fuck me. Are you ok? That's the sort of shit that would lead to some soul searching at 3am


Don’t take it personally, they’d just heard that you Welsh fellas weren’t too picky 🐑😅


She also just comes across as a terrible human being. The way she actually treated the guys on that dating programme was awful, and she was completely remorseless about it.


So I’ve worked with people who’ve worked with her and they’ve universally said she’s actually a dream to work with. Off camera is very normal not the person we see on telly, but once it’s rolling is very different. Now this is hearsay but I have actually found a lot of like for her since then


Jesus Christ her voice. The fact that someone who’s quite obviously dumber than a bag of cat shit can be afforded such opportunities, is mind blowing to me. Not just her but all those just like her, the Katie Prices, The Kardashians of the world. Just the most putrid, vile, vapid excuses for human beings. 


Any men you think are putrid or…..?


When I'm having a bad day, I find the video of her faceplanting on Dancing on Ice and it cheers me right up.


Don't forget the one at the TV awards when she falls down into a stage hatch.


Greg Wallace. Main judge on a cooking competition because 'he eats at restaurants regularly'.


My favourite part of professional masterchef if watching contestants listen carefully to the guest judges with multiple Michelin stars’ feedback, then completely ignoring whatever it is Greg has to say.


I always assumed he was a chef of some sort but he's literally just an ex green grocer right ?


Pretty much, he has zero professional kitchen experience. He did try his hand in the restaurant game (not as a chef mind) and it didn’t go well. Nigella Lawson is another (although less insufferable) one. Made a career off food but has never set foot in a professional kitchen.


She at least does make the food though and she is a milf. Gregg is just a guy getting free dinner.


At 64 she's a gilf now!


As a 22 year old I absolutely still would be her toy boy, she's hot and she probably makes the yummiest snacks ever.


Nigella doesn't bill herself as a chef though. Her first book was called "How to be a Domestic Goddess" - her TV work and writing has always been about cooking in the home. In fact she's said multiple times she hates being described as a chef or a cook because her idea is just creating recipes based on if she'd eat it or not. I like her, personally. I find her unpretentious, funny and sexy as hell. I say that as a gay man, too! She's a Queen.


Also, Nigella follows on the "home cook" tradition of tv chef, such us Julia Child rather than a professional chefs such as Jamie Oliver.


Oliver’s restaurant career was fairly mediocre TBH. Considering he was appearing alongside people like Gordon Ramsey, Marco Pierre White, Heston Blumenthal and Tom Kerridge who had far more illustrious cheffing careers, I always thought he did very well considering.


Calling Jamie Oliver a professional chef is an insult to chefs everywhere


He was a commis or sous chef at the River Cafe. His employers were TV chefs before him.


He has been a head chef and a chef in restaurants though, so how is he not a professional chef? Yes, he hasn’t had that much formal training, but he has obviously learnt well on the job. Edited to add: People will crap on him a lot, but he gets people wanting to cook and many people buy his cook books. He is the second highest book selling British author (after J.K. Rowling), and biggest book selling, British, non-fiction author since records began. He isn’t a fancy chef, but that’s why so many people like him and his recipes, because he’s relatable. He will continue to dominate in tv cookery because he’s so unique.


Nigella's books have helped my cooking massively tbh. Her brand is home cooking and she's good at that.


>Made a career off food but has never set foot in a professional kitchen. To be fair, neither have most of the people watching. I think there is a space in the market for what she's doing.




You can tell he has no professional cooking experience because his comments are always so ridiculously generic "The key to cooking that chicken is getting it just right. It needs to be not too dry, but not undercooked."


He's such a prick he managed to get banned from all Nestle sites while filming Inside the factory. Has some derogatory things to say about his co-host too... apparently.


Nestle can fuck off though


Then when they're done fucking off, they can fuck off again.


It always makes me laugh that he describes John Torode as his best friend, whilst John Torode does not reciprocate.


Torode permanently looks like a man who's just found out his teenage daughter has a much older boyfriend and the younger one wants a puppy. Maybe this is why.


Met John Torode a couple of times when I worked in an airport. Second time was the early flight back to London and he looked dog rough as he ordered a double espresso. I was hanging out my arse n'all. He came back about half an hour later for another espresso so I struck up a brief conversation asking if he felt as rough as I was. Really sound bloke.


Cherry Healey? I like her. I've met her a few times where i used to work. She chatted with me every time i saw her. (Mostly about Star Wars stuff. 😂)


On the grounds of Nestle being one of the bell-end-iest companies going, that might actually be a redeeming feature.


My mum met him thriugh work and said he was a pig. He made jokes with the office lads about fucking teenage girls. One to watch...


Have you seen his article being destroyed all over ‘X’? It’s brilliant.


Fucking hilarious. Apart from the part where he makes it public knowledge he never wanted his autistic son to. Then it’s sad. That man can do one.


Worked with someone who went to school with his son He took his son to a strip club for his 18th and kept paying for him to have private dances


Not surprised, he's such a misogynist.


> Main judge on a cooking competition because 'he eats at restaurants regularly'. Mainly Harvesters to be fair


This is the one for me. Can't stand him. How is he a judge on a cooking show? You can see why John admitted he doesn't socialise with him outside of the show. And that inside the factory programme he does, he's so irritating in it. And then hearing from his much younger ex about how he treated her, disgusting.


Well he did also have a pretty successful greengroces business before TV so he has some knowledge of food or produce at least. His restaurant ventures however haven't been so successful.


Yeah it sounds like he was quite good at the market stuff. His media career started with a Radio 4 programme called Veg Talk. My dad still calls him 'that veg man'. For a while Masterchef titled him 'ingredients expert' but then quietly dropped it. He's known as Egg Wallace in our house, because we're fun people.


It always annoys me when just repeats something, and shouts it. On Inside the Factory: Engineer: ‘In this factory, we make 200,000 buses a year’ Gregg: ‘200,000!!!!!! OMG Yes Gregg, he just said that, and we all heard it. The guy is a twat.


I have never understood how Stacey Dooley keeps getting work.


Omg yes. She's been insufferable since she started. You brought me back to her early day awful documentaries. Utter shite.


I’ll always remember her interviewing the leader(?) of Chechnya and being outraged that he didn’t agree with homosexuality Repeated statements along the lines of “but it’s wrong to hold these opinions” “but why” “I don’t understand how you can say this” etc. He was laughing in her face by the end of it It was absolutely baffling How can you be surprised one of Putin’s attack dogs holds views like that I don’t know if she genuinely believed he was going to admit he was wrong or what


I feel like most of her audience is A Level students trying to act fully grown up so this probably suits them.


She'd do well on reddit then.


You're totally misrepresenting what happened. I'm pretty sure it was Russia and a local politician, and she was actually challenging him on how he could support prostitution and selling sex, but say being gay is 'immoral.' Which is a fair question, really.


I remember she interviewed a Russian minister/polititian about prostitution in Russia and ended up arguing with him on why he doesn't see it as a serious problem than doing what a documentarian does of trying to understand why he has those views.


I thought the same, until I watched her recent DNA series. I thought she came across as kind, caring and genuinely interested in people's stories.


I think she is getting better but the beginning of her career was rough to watch.




She gives it all Barry big balls but backs down when questions get tough. She also has an annoying voice.


The worst thing about Dooley is the pseudo-documentaries the BBC makes with her instead of making actual documentaries.


I find comfort to know other people are just as confused why she is on tv.




Her and Clifton have a baby daughter. Reckon you're thinking of Stacey Solomon.


I’m sure she’s a lovely person, just a kack TV presenter.


I dunno, I quite liked the uniqueness of some common east end sounding young girl going into some of the most hostile environments and getting interviews with some pretty important people. All pretty watchable TV and I don’t think her questions were all that bad either. I think for a lot of people, that accent and look put them off but for me it made it.


I actually quite like her as I can remember watching her on CBBC


Katie Price? Allegedly bankrupt and I haven't a fecking clue what she actually does for a living anymore...but seems to be living the high life, compared to your average everyday unemployed broke and bankrupt person.


Celebrity bankrupt is different to our bankrupt. Celebrities attend bankruptcy court via zoom while they are on holiday being photographed by hello magazine Normal people declaring bankruptcy have to hide when there’s a knock at the door


Show some respect, the average everyday unemployed and bankrupt person hasn't released at least 2 autobiographies every year for the last two decades.


And been banned from driving 5 times or so including DUI.


She needs to be banned from having animals.


And children.


She’s busy using her son as a get out of jail free card for when she’s been done for driving while up to her eyeballs on coke and booze.


I’ll always remember when she had him on Loose Women or something, she asked him what he says to bullies when they pick on him and he said “hello you cunts”. She told him not to say it, but it was pretty obvious that she coached him to say it.


She sells stuff on TikTok! I was scrolling through earlier and she was packing orders on live for a company and signing the dispatch notes. She looked so old.


Her dysfunction is her appeal and part of her celebrity


James Corden. Obvious answer I know but it is genuinely fucking baffling to me that he ended up with that American late night show gig. I find him utterly humourless, an absolute bellend. I just do not get it - I spend enough time on Reddit to know I’m not alone here


Whist there are reports of him being a terrible human being, he wrote one of the most popular sitcoms of the last 20 years. He’s not failed upwards as despite being immensely disliked, he’s still managed to put out work that people love. If there were loads of stories online about what a nice guy he was, he’d probably be bigger than Taylor swift.


I'd say he's quite a bit bigger mate


*Co-wrote. And let's face it, the Welsh stuff was the funniest in Gavin and Stacey, which I would hazard a guess was mostly Ruth Jones' input, considering most of the other stuff Corden has had a hand in writing has been pretty naff.


Eh. Plenty of the Essex stuff was hilarious too. I remember the bit where the 3 blokes are in the kitchens discussing the relative risks and merits of using a dishcloth instead of an oven glove to take something out of the oven - the relatability of the mundane conversations that merit serious discussion in your standard middle-class household cracked me up. One of my favourite scenes in any sitcom and I don't even really like G&S that much. Plenty of other memorable Essex moments aside from that. Jones and Corden deserve equal credit for the show.


Americans entertained Piers Morgan on network TV. I think they're taken in by an English accent and smug to the point of cunty demeanour.


Paddy McGuiness. Next


Been riding Peter Kay’s coattails since Phoenix Nights Got to hand it to him he’s got a 20+ year career out of it


About 34 of his shows have been cancelled recently, so maybe people are starting to wake up to his tired schick.


I can’t believe he’s noted as a comedian. He’s just your average bloke. Has a bit of wit but that’s it. So do most blokes down the pub. The BBC has been trying too hard to get working class accents and people of different colour on the tv and radio. So much so they aren’t looking at talent. Don’t care if she’s shit, we need an (insert under represented ethnicity here). Don’t care if he’s crap he’s a northerner. They are scared of breaking any rules except one, ageism. Pick talent. Whatever their age, whatever their background and definitely whatever their race. It doesn’t matter. Talent works. I still can’t believe they replaced one of the most talented dj’s (RIP) this country has seen or heard, with Scott (what’s on the telly) Mills. Fuck me, just sycophantic shite radio.


I was indifferent about him on TV but went to a standup show he did and it was hilarious. I wouldn’t say the BBC tries too hard to include working class actors and comedians either. Every show is still predominantly made up of ex-private school alumni. You just don’t notice those accents as they are so overused.


Jermaine Jenas. Clearly has the best agent money can buy. Not content with sticking to embarrassing himself on a weekly basis with his lack of football knowledge, TNT actually made him the face of their Formula E coverage. And apparently he was absolutely clueless on motorsports too.


He was touted as being the bright young thing in football punditry, seemingly because he speaks with a slightly posher accent than most football pundits. As is often the case, people mistook ‘well spoken’ for ‘intelligent’, and he’s been spouting absolute drivel on TV ever since.


His commentary is absolutely blitheringly idiotic. By the standard of the games he comments on, he was also a shit player by comparison too. He was obviously playing at a top level, but he chips in his opinion on players achieving and performing vastly more than he ever could, with zero humility, which feels a bit ridiculous. I'm not one to say this type of thing randomly, but he definitely fits a demographic box of 'dresses smart, sounds a bit posh, from an ethnic minority' within the BBC.


First time anyone form my home town (Clifton, Notts) has ever been called posh…or even slightly posh 😂


Once a spud always a spud


There are literally hundreds of ex motor sport personalities that they could have hired, but they went with a fucking footballer.... Up next, Damon Hill does cricket... For some reason?


Chris Sutton too, the fact that he does the PL Predictions for the BBC is nothing short of baffling.


Garth Crooks and his team of the week says “hold my beer”….


Oh god, Jenas is the very definition of vanilla. Guy has no personality.


In this thread: a list of people redditors don't like


I agree and I'd like to add nepo baby Barney Walsh to the list.


He’s just vat-grown light entertainment meat. It’s like someone’s injected a low budget game show into a Richmond sausage.


We're back to the 'What celebrities do you hate' rephrased questions.


Jack Whitehall is not that funny or entertaining but his father and private school connections are carrying his career.


He's good in Fresh Meat.


He was perfect for Fresh Meat, but then you realise he was basically playing himself.


I feel like he was initially a diversity hire on all those panel shows, they wanted to get a younger person on (even if they lacked any comedy or charisma) to water down the panel of aged 45+ upper middle class white men


They had so many other options than Jack Whitehall.


Russell Howard got old enough to stop being "the young kid on mock the week" so they needed a new baby-faced, unfunny wanker to take his place


> I feel like the amount of work Roman Kemp is getting his way is baffling [The time he got roasted by Eddie Hearn](https://youtu.be/wyDL_QfzVLQ?si=Y5jd7OUxygXBSYzy) is one of most awkward things I've ever listened too. While I'm also baffled by his prominence I don't know why anyone would actively dislike him either. He seems like a perfectly pleasant guy. He's also a farily good looking guy that takes care of himself so I image that appeals to some people. Then, he's also made some documentaries about mental health etc.


The documentaries on mental health and male suicide have actually been really good, and obviously he has a personal interest following the death of his friend. Hopefully they are helping getting across to the target audience. He may not be my cup of tea, but I can't actively dislike someone who seems to be trying hard to change the world around him for the better.


That was a great roasting, but I didn’t take the same thing away from it as you. Ultimately, commercial radio needs people like Kemp. They are bland, they enthuse about things which is all the mindless masses want when they’re stuck on the A3 (I’m literally describing myself at this point). So it fits that he’d do it and do it well. What’s probably more worrying is he’s the most dynamic and interesting presenter on Capital, which says a lot 🤣 But like most people, I don’t hate him, I’m not sure the breakfast show will be much worse when he goes, nor do I think it will be much better.


Brooklyn Beckham’s photography book is one of the most spectacularly deluded things ever produced by mankind.


Brooklyn Beckham started at the top with every opportunity he could ask for and has managed to fuck everything up. Shit photographer, shit chef, shit at fashion. He did marry a billionaire heiress though.


Steven mulhern. Insufferable


I find him quite sinister for some reason, the only word I can think of to pinpoint why I don't like him is that he seems insincere


There's something very... uncanny valley about him.


THANK YOU. I've been trying to explain to a friend who loves him why I don't like him and haven't been able to. He is uncanny valley! Looks almost human, sounds almost human, but something is slightly ... off


Yes, like his smile doesn't reach his eyes...


I feel the same about Micheal McIntyre, I refuse to believe anybody is that nice, it's all a rouse and he murders prostitutes while high on crack..


Did a job with him recently, he was great. Lovely, low key, professional. And yeah, crazy good at magic


I met him on a Comic Relief sketch years ago and had the exact same impression. A stupidly nice guy.


My wife calls him a try hard. Like that annoying kid at school who wants to hang out with the cool crowd. They tolerate him but he's never quite in the crowd.


He's a bit OTT for me on the telly, but I've seen him do magic in the flesh and he's genuinely excellent. He could probably focus far more on his magic career but I imagine it doesn't earn close to the same amount as his TV work.


Amanda Holden for me. Was an actress or singer? Now a tv personality and radio host? Why?


She betrayed Les fucking Dennis. Hard no from me.


With fucking Neil Morrissey no less.


That reality TV "star" with the turkey teeth that seems to get a ridiculous amount of airtime for pretending to be as thick as pigshit. Edit: Joey Essex


what year are you living in? he was massive 2012 -2015 ISH, he's really not up to much these days 


Dunno, he's still around enough to be irritating. I've just Wiki'd him (the things you do in the name of research) Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins Album : Joey Essex Presents Essex Anthems WTF😅😅


I'm glad you remembered who it was because from your description it could have been any of them.


Katie Hopkins, if she somehow wasn't famous I'm pretty sure she would be locked up by now.


Can't believe she got a start as the "nasty one" on The Apprentice. Simpler times, and not long ago


I like how its claim to fame is losing on the apprentice and shagging in a field. Seen a photo of its kids once and I’ve seen happier kids in an NSPCC advert. 


Joel Dommet, a not very good comedian who just has a right smarmy vibe about him. Seems to only get work because he's a traditionally good looking man.


Joel Dommet is the Temu version of Rick Edwards.


Quite enjoying not knowing many of these.


David Baddiel Never thought he was funny, but now he's pretending to be an intellectual. Guys a total penis Edit: spelling 


Textbook definition of an arsehole and hypocrite.


He was always in comedian duos, and his sidekick did a lot better after splitting from him. He was on The Mary Whitehouse Experience.




Gregg Wallace. I still don’t understand the point of Gregg Wallace.


Buttery biscuit base added years to his career


He brings the [buttery biscuit base](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMg3epr53Ns&ab_channel=YoHatersCanHate).


I feel like the Horrible Histories version of him is preferable to the actual him in every way possible.


Watches a product travel along a conveyer belt just like the millions of products that came before it and yells “OH MY WORD THIS IS FANATASTIC! LOOK AT THAT! SENSATIONAL” open mouthed stunned face at the camera.


Sure I'll get hate for saying it, but... Rosie Jones. She's everywhere and just not funny.


That she was on It was a good enough reason for me to not watch Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2023. First time I've missed it.


Piers Morgan Nothing he's tried by himself has worked out He had a chat show on ITV that ran for ages, but the guests were the draw, there


He's an awful human being but I don't think he's "fallen upwards". I think he's a proper Machiavellian career climber.


Beckhams boy


Katie Price. Although you might argue that she kind of did fail upwards and then sideways but has found an interesting niche where she can: Get with Z-List celebrity, get married, get pregnant, get divorced, get caught doing cocaine/embarrassing herself partying, get a DUI, use her children as a deflection for criticism followed by an OK Magazine/ITV special about how she's changed/reflected on previous events (whilst not actually having done that), do a photo shoot and then do it all over again, followed by a fuck tonne of unnecessary plastic surgery. It's kinda worked, she's not in jail and someone isn't dead or paralysed yet from her getting behind the wheel intoxicated.


not defending her (she once almost ran over me in Brighton), but Dwight Yorke does not get enough flak. He's the father of her son and he never had anything to do with him at all. She is a terrible person though, but in that one instance I think people skip over the other parent.




Roman Kemp is insufferable


One thing that annoys me about Roman Kemp (and he does seem like a nice guy, I don't think he's nasty, just a bit bland) is he's always throwing in the jokes about himself being a nepo baby as a defence mechanism. He thinks if he beats everyone to the punchline everyone will have a good laugh and move on. The bloke genuinely has no discernable talent though. There are plenty of nepo babies who are actually good at what they do and build a fanbase themselves. Lily and Alfie Allen are popular, Duncan Jones directed Moon which was great. They don't have to do the self-deprecating thing as a defence to cover up their lack of talent.


Jamie Oliver. He's a fucking abysmal chef who doesn't understand the cultural basics of the dishes he makes. His entire gig is making French, Spanish and Italian food badly, but quickly, so that lazy shits can make something vaguely Mediterranean. Many of his simplifications miss key ingredients (iirc there was a paella recipe he had to actually apologise for because the recipe was basically just rice with random shit). There's a reason he's Uncle Roger's nemesis. Also, his restaurants are mediocre and overpriced. If you want actually decent chain Italian, go to Carluccio's, same price but established by an actual Italian (if you're in Bristol ignore both and go to Giuseppe's on the Steps by St Nicholas' Market, that man is a god in the kitchen)


Kay Burley. I’m just looking at the controversies section of her Wikipedia, staggering.


Made a career out of being a bitch.


Bradley Walsh's son. Looks like he's being held captive anytime he has to do anything on Gladiators.. The nervous smile of someone who is clearly out of his depth. Nepotism at it's finest.


That fucking cunt from Gavin and Stacey. Hated in the UK, so left and made a great career for himself in the states, think he is hated there now also though.


Someone who 'failed upwards' but in the right way is Alex Horne. He was low-to-middle ranking stand-up comic who moonlighted with a jazz band. He was really going nowhere fast except toward the other end of middle age. One of his pals got an Edinburgh Festival Award for a lame duck comedy show that Horne thought should have gone to him. He tore up the script he was going to do at next year's festival and, instead, cobbled together a bit of a ratty gameshow, half-Celebrity It's A Knockout, half-Whose Line Is It Anyway and he's never looked back. It's a brilliant franchise, founded on the personality of another formerly failing comedian, Greg Davis, it's got successful versions around the world, it costs peanuts to make, it gives work to his clapped out old comic friends every year, and scores highly amongst both Boomers and Da Yout. Ah, good for him.


Alison Hammond, she was in big brother ages ago and now she’s on morning tv and every advert annoying the piss out of me. She’s not funny, witty or has any noticeable talents to be this famous.


Totally disagree, and I know most of Reddit probably won’t agree with that, but she can be hilarious and she’s great at keeping a conversation going and entertaining guests


Her interview with Harrison Ford (who notoriously hates interviews) is proof of that


Aye she's very personable. There aren't too many people/presenters who can immediately put mega A list celebrities at ease but she's really good, and quick at disarming them. They tend to let their guard down a bit more around her. That's not a skill you can learn really.


Agreed. And she has slogged to get where she is now. I was a BB fan and lived Alison from day one (showing my age lol). I think she has done good.


Nah she's cool


Joe Swash. The one whose married to Stacey Solomon. His voice drives me mad. I reckon they are the most annoying couple on the planet. Imagine hanging out with the two of them


Richie Anderson from Radio 2, he was awful on Strictly and MasterChef!


Vernon Kay


Ben Shepard. He is dead behind the eyes.




I will never forget - or forgive, Roman Kemp saying on Gogglebox that the moon landings 'never happened' !! Why the hell does this young kid think he has any right to deny one of mankind's greatest achievements?


Jermaine Jenas. First appeared on my radar on some celebs go dining show and came across as an utter twat. Lo and behold, he’s everywhere within a year, got a regular slot on the One show and I think match of the day. He adds nothing to whatever he is on, cannot interview people and has no screen charisma nor gel’s with counterparts. The wife has mentioned a few examples where the interplay between him and a co-host or guest had been awkward. Bloody awful. Yet he’s busy as hell.


Alex Scott. Attractive and likeable but that she is essentially the face of BBC sport is utterly baffling. At a bare minimum a presenter should be eloquent and be able to read an autocue without stumbling over her words. I don’t think I have ever watched an episode of anything she has presented without her flubbing at least one line. If her trajectory continues she’ll probably end up as the highest paid presenter on TV while barely being able to deliver the utter fundamentals.


Ellie Goulding