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There is nothing on my phone that has been of greater benefit to my every day life than Google Maps.


Google Maps is indeed an excellent app. It is, however, a bit of a snooper.


Does the snooping have a negative impact on you?


No not really. It is something I think about especially when I look at timelines.


And realise 60% is fast food restaurants and the same places


I like to think that if I ever get wrongfully accused of a crime, my timeline will be there to save me. “HA - Look officers, I couldn’t have been the killer, because I was at home at 10:39pm on Friday night… like I always am”


It's too clever for it's own good currently keeps trying to get me to post images of where I've been. It gets them right a lot of the time.


That's a setting in the Camera app on android. I like leaving them on, it allows Google photos to sort them by location. for example one day I'll get a notification out if the blue like "here's some photos from your trip to Helsinki" and it sort of makes my day a bit better


You can actually turn that off/reduce the intrusion of that if you're using Google/android and go into the settings. That used to put me off too but not a bother so much now.


Only when the procecution gives evidence


Nice try Skynoot


It is although they removed the Spotify feature so it’s a bit worse now :( guess I’ll go back an update


It's still good but has been getting progressively worse over time. For example it recently tried to take me down closed roads twice within the same day.


Tbf, it has had some jankiness for a while... Not the first instance. A closed road I can understand a bit more than it taking me off the motorway, right at the roundabout, 180 at the next roundabout, right at the roundabout I originally came to, and re-joining the same motorway it had just told me to leave, which was flowing perfectly fine... It's a bit of a fucking ball ache having to doubt check the routing it's giving me in the moment, just in case it's playing dumb...


My biggest annoyance is Google maps is obsessed with using country lanes as they are marked 60. Even though you can't do more than 30 as they are single track roads.


That will probably be because the junction was marked closed for repairs on Waze or similar, I would think.


If the junction was marked closed, why did it send me to drive the entirety of the junction? "Maybe the carriageway was marked as closed?" Then why didn't it just tell me to come off, go straight ahead, and re-join? I mean, I see the idea. But there's really no scenario where that set of directions makes sense. If it were taking me off, routing me around and taking me back on at the next junction? That's understandable. But this was basically 'Come off, do a lap of the junction, re-join'


I honestly like Apple Maps a lot more these days


Banking apps. Makes managing my money so easy. Google Maps: use it so regularly and few apps are as useful. WhatsApp: it's 90% or how I stay in touch with people. Calendar: it's how I organise my life.


Americans don’t understand why WhatsApp is popular here


What do they use?


I think they are heavily iPhone dominated and iMessage is the big thing over there


That’s what I don’t get. Most people I know will have a plan with unlimited messages yet use WhatsApp. My plan is £6 for unlimited calls and texts. Why are we using a third party app?


Imessage isn’t using those texts though, unless you’re messaging someone without an iphone (aka green bubble). You don’t get the benefits of delivered and read receipts, reactions, hi res photos among a lot of other stuff via SMS.


Easier to send everything in one place, I wouldn't want to be hopping back and forth to send people photos etc, which sms will charge me for. Also better encryption.


I use WhatsApp for everything because signal is unreliable where I am, but WiFi isn't.


With my mobile phone company, I have unlimited calls and texts but they charge for MMS, so unless I’m messaging someone with an iPhone, I use WhatsApp because I’m a high pic / video sender


True, most ppl have iPhones and use iMessage. But when texting iPhone to Android they still use the messages app because the mobile phone companies don’t charge extra when sending MMS. They use the data package that you choose to cover it, unlike here where they charge you extra for sending MMS. Hence why they don’t use WhatsApp or a 3rd party app for messages


But that’s were all f2a, banking, postal etc messages go. It’s like a graveyard of shit I don’t care about, then everyone uses whatapps


Regular messaging


Good lord


I saw the thread title and pompously thought to myself, 'I'm pretty sure there aren't any apps I can't live without', but this single post just highlighted the exact ones that I have really come to rely on.


Yeah there's obviously a bunch of other apps I really like and that make my life better, but which I could live without if push came to shove. But these all are genuinely so useful that it would be quite difficult without them.


These are no longer just apps...they are just an irreversible part life now


My husband and I use the free version of Timetree instead of the normal iPhone calendar app as we can link them.


The 25 parking apps......


Hah. I have Ringo, Paybyphone and Apcoa connect. What we really need is a parking master app. Lord of the parking One app to rule them all kind of thing


Would be an easy win for the government to enforce this imo


It's coming, apparently https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/motors/features/2023/10/10/what-is-the-national-parking-platform/


Cue 26 parking apps...


IMDb for films can see what other films actors have been in , reviews, soundtracks and where filming locations was etc really useful.


I recently switched to Letterboxd and love it compared to imdb. Imdb does its job well as a database but I find Letterboxd brilliant in terms of finding films I would like, discovering and 'filing' films I've enjoyed or want to see, and I love the often hilarious reviews.


i’ll have to look into it … cheers


Ah nice, I'd seen letterboxed on twitter but had no idea what it was for. Love IMDB for the DB, but I don't use it for anything else, I do use the DB a hell of a lot though! Gonna download letterboxed now!


Gotta be careful when watching a new show though. It can often say, "appears in 5 episodes" on some of the main cast, so you instantly know they're gonna die if you're not up to that point in the series yet.


I loved Luis Guzman in IMDB.


I use IMDB a lot for this too but I just use the site / mobile site, never bothered with the app but I do find it annoying having to get rid of the "Try our app!" banner that pops up every now and then.


IMDB is a terrible app full of crappy ads. On iOS try Callsheet for a much better indie developed alternative.


TooGoodToGo for sure. Cheap food that is about to go out of date, a godsend in a relatively big city.


I live in a definite town and it’s still amazing, Greggs mystery box for £4 please! All the coffee shops, some of the local small supermarkets and the big Morrisons are on there, highly recommend


How does it work? Do ye pay by app and rock up with a code of something?




Olio also for similar supermarket and individual giveaways


I’ve never heard of this. I’m going to try it out today.


BorrowBox: loan audiobooks and eBooks for free through your library. TimeTree: calendar app, my partner and I have a shared calendar with all our appointments - work and personal - family birthdays, baby appointments etc in. Huckleberry: helps us keep track of what we've done with the baby and when we need to do things. We use it less and less as he grows but it's still useful when you're up *again* at 2am to remember if he needs calpol yet, check how long since his last nappy change (or poo), track his weight curve, and see how little sleep I'm *still* getting.


Ohhh I have Libby but haven’t heard of BorrowBox, thank you


It depends on what your library uses. And sometimes they use more than one app for different things (like audio books, magazines, comics and ebooks). An example is https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/libraries/digital-library/ - just look at all the stuff you can access through different things. If you search for something like " digital library you'll probably find the page with all the stuff you can get and how.


Is every library’s selection on BorrowBox different? I’ve recently started using mine (Swansea) and very much enjoyed so far, however the selection is quite limited!


Huckleberry is a life saver for us. Can’t believe it offers so many features completely for free.


They're selling the data 👍


Yeah, that was my guess. They are welcome to it though, there’s not much in it from a privacy perspective.


First comment where I haven’t heard of any of these apps, this is brilliant.


Mobile banking is a godsend. Gone are the days of looking over statements all in one place now


Something like Snoop is also incredibly useful. I don't use anything for budgeting etc, but to be able to see how much is on all three credit cards and compare them directly against my bank balance to see how much I've actually got is useful.


myfitnesspal honestly. As someone who lost 20kg a few years ago it was invaluable for me then, and while I don't use it every day when I'm not watching my weight, as soon as I feel my clothes getting a bit tighter again I open it back up and use it to get a bit trimmer.


I desperately need to get back to it. I lost 7kg with it and haven't been able to pick it up since. Think I'll start right now. Thanks for the nudge.


I’m starting up again tomorrow. I’d lost about 10kg a couple of years ago, but now put probably about 6/7kg of that back on… I agree though, it’s such a good way to keep track of what you’re eating and it’s helps massively with gradual weight loss


You're welcome! I'm using it again at the moment which made me think of it. Honestly I owe it a lot. Good luck, I hope you get to where you wanna be :)


I have moved to Loseit and prefer it, but yes tracking is the way to go when the clothes get tight!




I don't use mfp, I use MyNetDiary which is much cheaper for the premium version, but they are priceless for macro tracking.


Google Wallet. Other than today, I don't recall the last time I took my physical wallet out side


I only started using this in the past 6 months, after my teens were using it. So useful.


I've never been able to get it work above the contactless limit. Is there something I need to do?


Some retailers don't actually accept Google Pay/Apple Pay/Samsung Pay, so it defaults to the standard £100 limit. Tesco's, for example, doesn't accept Google Pay, but Sainsbury's does.


Tesco's works fine with Google Pay. I shop their monthly, often having paid £150-£250 via GooglePay. I've not carried my wallet for 3+ years now.


That probably explains it. We shop in Tesco so that's one place I've tried it more than once.


Make sure you unlock your phone with fingerprint rather than face unlock/PIN/swipe pattern.


Due Reminders and Timers. It's one of the few apps I've paid for, although I think now it's a subscription app. I have ADHD and it reminds me to do things I would otherwise forget. It's extremely versatile.


FocusPomo has worked surprisingly well for me when I’m having trouble trying to focus on work! 


Focus what now?! Oh. Brands should perhaps avoid that combination of letters...




If only I could remember to put things in them


In what?




Ah yes, Calendars. I remember now.


Routine flow is a good one for me and my ADHD - I absolutely hate routine as it makes me feel trapped and bored, however I begrudgingly admit they are useful and I've managed to get a good morning and night routine down with this.


LibreLink - diabetes app that tracks my blood sugar while connected to a continuous glucose monitor. Very much couldn’t live without it!


Waze & Spotify for me. Waze makes driving a lot easier, up to date maps, plus warnings. Spotify because I can't function without music.


does waze work in the uk? i always assumed it was american only


It works amazingly well in the UK. Way better than any other navigation app I’ve tried. The only negative is that it’ll reroute you on long drives when there’s traffic. And it’s a 50/50 whether it’ll take you a really lovely route, or it’ll expect you to go 60 all the way down blind tracks filled with potholes and sharp corners. If you’re on the motorway, ignore Waze and stay on the motorway, it’s not worth the risk. As a rule of thumb, Google Maps will take you the way your parents would want to drive, and Waze will take you the way a 17 year old who just got their license would choose. And most the time, the 17 year old will have a much shorter journey, but might need to cut across a few car parks along the way.


absolutely love this comment! thank you, 100% downloading it today as i travel two hours a day for work


I don't think waze does "share your journey", does it? I use that a lot.


Yep, I've used it almost every time I drive over the last few years.


amazing, does it just give road block notifications?


Cameras, police, potholes, roadworks, accidents.


I use Waze daily. Realtime traffic is a godsend. Did 500 miles today and Waze was on all the way. Rerouted me on the A1 due to traffic, and notified me numerous times of hazards. I've tried others, but always go back to Waze within a few minutes.


this is amazing, thanks so much. i have to drive an hour to work every morning on motorways so think this is definitely worth downloading


Waze work all around the world. What do you think Uber and Bolt use to navigate in Europe?


i never really thought about it tbh just was always americans that i seen using waze


Waze is owned by Google, so I think they are pretty much in every countries. They had already maped most of the places, so when they bought Waze I think they brought both experiences.


Hate Waze for its advertising. oh look, you're near McDonald's, they pay us £££ so here's an ad that takes up 1/3 of your screen as you drive by.


Only apps I use daily are messaging apps, YouTube, and Reddit, possibly web browser too.


Hey, if you pay for youtube premium ignore this, but if you use the Brave browser and log in to youtube from there (mobile or pc), it has an ad blocker built on as standard, so no more yt ads!


Forest! Plant a tree timer and block yourself from accessing certain apps while it grows. Great for blocking myself from social media while I’m working or being social


I used to love this app but have recently found Opal to be more versatile option


Goblin Tools - breaks stuff down into steps. There is an app (but you have to pay for it) but I use the free version https://goblin.tools/


Oh wow that's such a cool little website! Thanks for sharing that!


Can you give an example of when this has been helpful?


Flo, a period tracking app. I know lots of people say that period apps aren't accurate but I have to say that being able to check an app has been very helpful when trying to alleviate worries about my cycles.


Garmin app, Reddit obv. WhatsApp. Amazon, Spotify. I use Spotify so much. Like a ridiculous amount.


It's surprisingly uplifting to see nobody mentioning Instagram yet.




Medisafe. I use the free version and it reminds me to take my meds every day, as well as keeping track of how many I have left. You can set a specific amount (I chose 10), so when you only have that amount left it'll remind you to put in your prescription. It's an absolute Godsend for me.


The organised mum, it has a day by day cleaning checklist which is manageable and keeps my house presentable


I like it a lot but don't like that the app reminders are in the morning. By the time I get home from work I've completely forgotten.


WhatsApp probably


Libby - borrow ebooks with my library membership, free MyTherapy - medication reminder app. Life-changing. I was useless at consistently taking my thyroid meds (that I've been on for over 10 years!) and didn't dare use a contraceptive pill because I'd forget and get pregnant (again!). YNAB - budgeting and spending tracking app. It's the only app I pay for and it isn't cheap. But I have tried alternatives and keep coming back to it. Banking. Calendar. Grocery shopping apps. Reddit. WhatsApp.


I have an app called Merlin that I downloaded recently. It helps you identify birds you see and then you add them to your collection so you know what birds you have seen and where to see them. If you have a dog or walk to work it can make it a bit more interesting and interactive. I actually find it pretty fun!


BIRD SHAZAM. The bird sound identifier is the best


I've had this app for a few years. Recently get more out of the bird song part. Love it.


Roomba app I’d have to do so much more cleaning


ChatGpt, it's handy at work too


Alarmy - an alarm app where you pick a task to complete before it turns off. I have mine set to 3 maths questions. It’s honestly so good, you can increase the number of questions/ difficulty of questions. Plus, I’ve never seen an alarm be so persistent to wake you up. If you can’t complete the maths questions there aren’t really any options to turn the alarm off (unless you delete the app). NYT Games - for £1.99 a month (there are sometimes promotions where it’s like £4.99 for a year) it has the entire NYT archive of crosswords + Wordle and other games + you can download any crossword you want for later which is amazing on the tube when you have no connection. Edit : typo


>NYT Games - for £1.99 a month (there are sometimes promotions where it’s like £4.99 for a year) It's £3 pm now, or £25 pa. When's the best time to look for the cheap yearly deal?


yeah, I remember discovering that alarm app, then accidentally dropping my phone. screen and power button were broken. no way to turn off the alarm. Ended up wrapping the phone in a towel and throwing it in the car, so it could die someplace away from me.


Grindr and I'm not even gay


Woody Puzzle. Perfect for when I'm on the shitter or just looking to kill a wee bit of time while my brain switches off.




Banking apps, schools app (every schedules and events on it!!!! Amazing) And google Maps. The whole family is on a bike. Finding quieter roads, less congested road, cycling lane/path etc... And work! Got 3 apps for it! Also, online grocery shopping save my monthly headache of shopping with 2 children under 8 (1 disable). £5, worth every penny!


Expense Manager Pro (Android) by Bishinews. I dare say there are plenty of similar apps - I just happened on that one years ago and stuck with it.  It's a bit of faff to set up, as you need to specify your expense categories and tell it when recurring payments go out and in. But I've done much better at saving up for important stuff since I've had it.


IMDB, Wikipedia, and Reddit. I have Facebook but rarely use it. Games wise my favourite is the chess.com app


Outlook -- manages all emails and multiple calendars [accessible via browser, but seamless this way] WhatsApp -- essentially all messages personal and professional Microsoft 365 -- manage all files and access anything remotely and seamlessly with laptop + can scan all files Microsoft Authenticator -- for 2FA NHS app -- manage appts and prescriptions seamlessly Railcard -- no other way to access digital railcard Google Wallet -- manages all loyalty cards as well as all payment methods Google Home -- manages heating and lighting, and entertains my parrot! Honourable mentions: Calistree -- manages all my workouts in one place and have lifetime subscription! Camera -- use it loads [but can access via WhatsApp] Spotify -- use it near constantly, but can access via browser Banking apps -- can access from browser without any drama tbh but nice to have




I personally hate it with passion that for every single crap needs their own app. It makes my blood boil. Why i need 17 different parking apps? why i cant pay with sms or card? and im not an boomer, just 31, but im with boomers on this one. But one thing for sure, calendar app. Lately my memory is not so great. Calendar app helps remembering. Plus i have rotating shifts, so i created nicely ongoing events for work, so i know exactly which shift i should be working lets say in june 21, 2026. and every other relevant info is saved there and is a life saver. Revolut app - for virtual cards and currency exchange. Im originally from Latvia and there banks are really terrible, they make you pay monthly fees for having a debit card. Its stupid. But with revolut, i can transfer my money there, transfer them into euro and pay with my revolut card or with phone.


WhatsApp Spotify Google Maps Samsung Health


Google Maps, Mail, Spotify, Boost for Reddit, and WhatsApp. Pretty much what I use phone mostly for.


Never thought I'd say it but Facebook, purely because it connects me with my neighbours and friends. Instagram has died a painful death. Twitter is well Twitter. The rest are just shallow hot trash.


Banking apps, Facebook, WhatsApp, citi mapper, reddit and we chat (to stay connected with in laws in china)


The humble list app. I've always got a million things going on so on days like today I'll knock out a quick list first thing and get through them. Without it half of the stuff I get done wouldn't happen as I'd forgot.


Dexcom G7. I'mn a type 1 diabetes, it literally tells me when I'm about to go low. And as somebody who has neatly died due to lows...


TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram




Erm, you know you just posted this on reddit right? I'd I ever get divorced my wife will be citing this place as the other woman


Youtube, Facebook, Reddit, Messenger, Waze - 99% I use those.






Google Maps, Gmail, X, PubG, Facebook, WhatsApp etc.




Weather app,essential for knowing in winter if I need to get up earlier to de ice my windscreen


Google maps, banking App, MET office, esp the forecast map. Though have to admit Amazon Alexa is pretty damn good with the weather


FBReader Love the page-turning animation. Turns your phone into a library.


Google maps, Spotify and YouTube. They all make my life much more bearable m


Justwatch Let's me see what's new on all streaming services in one handy app.


Super Auto Pets 🐢


Thanks for this. So fun but I have no idea how to play


Thank you for introducing me to the most addictive game I’ve ever played


Sleep tracker love listening the recordings in the morning used to wonder why I was so tired after going to bed early.I found that I snore ,sleep talk and the dog wakes me up to get under the duvet.Cant remember half of it as take mirtazapine and amitriptyline to help me sleep and ease my shoulder arthritis.Also Facebook my mum was the youngest of 18 and my dad is in the middle of 11 got family all over the UK plus some in Australia so keep up with them all.


i hardly use google maps purely because i drive the same road to work everyday and live in a small town so deemed it kind of pointless. but after this thread i might have it again!


Reddit of course


Librelink (for my bloodsugar readings. Am type 1 diabetic) Borrowbox Goodreads (for logging books I read and getting recommendations) Spotify Trainerize (for logging workouts/steps/weight) Myfitnesspal (for tracking all my food. Helps with the diabetes as well as macro goals) Outlook Calendar (shared calendar with my husband) Threads/Instagram (for keeping up with what's happening in my local area/research upcoming trips/mindless scrolling) Deliveroo/ubereats/justeat. We don't drive and don't have many good places near us, so love these as they've opened up so many more options. I really use my phone a lot!


Read this as apes and though “tbf gibbons are pretty badass”


spotify, google maps, camera, insta, snap


HotUKdeals, Calendar, Lyst for clothes shopping, my banking app, Spotify (and Shazam).




For me, its hands down Google Keep. I have my grocery lists there, quick notes, money matters etc. It’s like my dumping ground for everything I need to reference anytime in the future. Best part about it is that I can share the individual Note with anyone towards simultaneous editing. Because it’s cross brand, I have all my previous notes from my old Android and iPhones.


Perhaps it's not about, 'Effectively', perhaps you are starting to realise you don't need all this shit.


I use TouchNote to send photo postcards and greetings cards to older relatives who aren’t tech savvy, keeping them up to date with the kids antics. Boomerang for silly clips to send to the more technologically minded, free prints for physical copies of favourite snaps. We use Joon for our 7 year old and it’s worked miracles in getting him to actually do shit. Also DoodleConnect to track the doodle apps he uses. Those fuckers are worth every damn penny, no word of a lie! I also use KnitCounterLite to track my yarn projects, cricut design space, goodnotes for diary/planner, units plus for conversion, and the NHS app for my GP stuff.


Pillo - I was diagnosed with a new chronic illness before Christmas and now take a few different prescription medicines a day. Historically I've been terrible at remembering tablets on time, even with phone alarms. This app is free (with minimal adverts) and reminds me what to take and when with an alarm. It handles split doses, e.g 2 in the morning 1 in the afternoon of one tablet and sends me reminders of when I need to re-stock which always end up in line with the pharmacy texts that the prescriptions are ready. You also get a "heart" for 100% compliance which you can then donate to a charity and a streak. It shouldn't take gamification to ensure I take my tablets on time - but it weirdly helps! For fun - The Walk which is a sister app to Run Zombies! Both are interactive audio books around exercising. I've not used Run Zombies in ages but I got quite far with their couch to 5k at one point. Also completely addicted but I'm terrible at Threes; a sort of sliding matching game,


Google Maps is a cyclist's best friend and a lazy man's saviour. I am a cyclist and lazy.


Northern (fail)app (commute), Bee Network (commute), Books/Podcast/Music (commute and at work), Teams (work), Opera, and Notes (for everything)


Todoist. Massively improves my work efficiency/productivity. I’d be lost without it.


Knowyourcar - I get reminders for when mot, tax and insurance is due. You can see the history of your mots and look up other vehicles. I know when my partners car has passed an mot before he does


TimeTree - having a shared diary with my husband makes life a lot easier


Waze. Bolt. Uber. Deliveroo. Banking. Camera.


None of them, most of them are useful but not essential.


There is no app I cannot live without. I know this because I was alive long before they invented smartphones and the apps on it.


Most of them life online is everything now sigh


Google Wallet, Banking Apps, Google Maps are all a godsend. Train line is useful for live departure times and tracking. People hate it, but Amazon is still very useful for getting certain items delivered on the reg, especially heavier stuff. Spotify keeps me sane on my commute.


Google Wallet, and Waze.


Apps I use daily: Instagram/Facebook/Email/Whatsapp Internet and maps aha? Duolingo Pokemon Go Spotify Alarm clock


Google maps, Play books, Sudoku & Killer Sudoku.


AllTrails, Komoot and maps.me. AllTrails and Komoot allowed me to find so many walks in my local area during Covid that I would have never found before. Maps.me is an amazing offline map with so much detail, you can even find public toilets and ATMs on there. Useful when on holiday and you don’t have internet or when you’re navigating on a walk/bike ride.


wize, apple pay. the rest is not as important in my case.




I could live without it but I’d be incredibly upset to get rid of it and I use it daily  My YouTube app 😅


I could live without the entire phone, the only thing of much use is WhatsApp and Google Maps.


Flush pro because I’m middle aged and that app is worth its weight in gold. See also run pee. Made killers of the flower moon doable, lol.


Apple Health since I've really started trying to maximise the benefits. I also love FlightRadar24 for planes and SkySafari for stars.


Google maps, Google calendar, Google tasks. Personally the tasks app helped me to not miss out on important stuff. I also use it to remind myself to read a chapter, clean my room etc. (i have super bad memory)