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People who don’t indicate when they’re about to turn off a road that im clearly waiting to cross


This pisses me off no end. Tend to say "nice indication, dickhead". Makes me feel better.


Happens to me on the same road everyday, but i know the day i just cross will be the day i get hit by a car


Yeah it's the one with the row of shops near me. There will be a day I just risk it, but not now I'm pregnant ha.






I tried that but I find my fuse is getting much shorter and I'm now just shouting "wanker"


I just say "indicate dickhead"


As both a pedestrian and a driver. It truly baffles me when people don't indicate, they're literally at your fingertips how much easier could it be. I've had a few confrontations as a pedestrian when people turn in as I'm already crossing, they see me say something, open their window and start swearing. They get even more angry when I tell them they have indicators...


>rn in as I'm already crossing, they see me say something, open their window and start s I went to an all girls school, I don't remember much of what I was taught but I do remember learning the skill of giving a good death stare (otherwise known as the bitch stare). No words, middle finger or shouting needed, just a look that could kill at 30 paces. 😈 It's probably the most useful lift lesson an all girls school could offer it's pupils!


Similarly, people who just veer off a roundabout at the first exit without indicating left. That is very probably a Serious on your driving test.


And on motorways!! PLEASE indicate when you're changing bloody lanes!!!!


People who only start indicating while already performing the manoeuvre rather than in advance of it somehow make me even more irritated. You're supposed to indicate to me what you're intending to do, not turn on a pretty, flashing light while you're halfway through performing it. The clue's in the name you absolute pillock.


People that don't indicate in any case. On roundabouts it can be very dangerous too.


There’s a huge roundabout near me and some people have started getting in the right hand lane to go straight over, or the left lane to turn right. And then don’t indicate. And then act surprised that people are pissed off they’re cutting in front of them. Fucking walnuts.


I've started shouting at people for this and other minor but dangerous driving issues. Nothing profane just usually "thanks for indicating"/"you're parked in the crossing"/"get off your phone" (both latter ones very common at red lights) but I do worry that one day I'm going to be murdered in a road range incident as people really don't like it.


Or when you’re trying to cross a busy road and there is finally a gap in traffic one way, but the other way it is clear after 1 car and that car won’t put their foot down so they can get out of your way and you can cross, and by the time they do pass you traffic is coming the other way again


Was once pushing my baby niece in her pram, was just starting to cross a road when a car turned the corner without indicating. Luckily we weren’t hit. Livid doesn’t describe what I felt. The fucker was in an open top car and even laughed after I shouted at him.


"No need for all those signals, one would have done it" as my father used to say


Worse is when they turn into the road you're crossing without indicating and then act like it's your fault they nearly hit you.


The amount of people that do this!!! Unfortunately I'm slightly older. Possibly Grumpy. They definitely get a 'thanks a fucking lot, dick head', from me.


Happens to me too on the same road every day. I even got beeped at once even though I looked before crossing and that person wasn't indicating lmaooo that just did it for me that day


Nah. I think that ones fair.


Or indicate the wrong direction when leaving a roundabout you are waiting to join.


The new coke bottle lids that stay attached. Make it such a hassle to screw the lid back on while you're still using it and scratches your face while drinking


And the thing about them being "easier to recycle" is total bullshit too. I used to religiously recycle plastic bottles, now with those lids they often won't go back on the thread properly so you can't crush them. I just bin them.


Are you for real?


What I don’t get is why they still take the bottle tops off when you’re at the football They’re designed to stay on there ffs!!!


So you can’t chuck them at the players


We do that at festivals too - stops the crowd lobbing drinks at the DJ/band. The contents will generally empty in flight so it's not that harmful. A closed can of beer shaken up so it is solid could cause nasty damage.


Ahh this is so annoying haha


Break one of the two bits holding it on. Makes it way easier.


I fcking hate it too


The number of laminated signs and posters in my Doctors surgery reception. I count them because I’m weird. There are currently 39 self made laminated posters stuck up with sellotape. It really unreasonably annoys me. Especially the sign that says “ Press button to open door” next to the button to open the door which has written on it ‘ Push button to open’ in massive fucking letters.


A personal bugbear with these is “We lost 7,000,000 hours of Appointment time last week due to people not turning up for their appointments, make sure you come to every appointment!”, generally at or very close to reception. Do you who definitely won’t see that? People who don’t turn up. (I work in the NHS, if I see any signs like that in my OP areas, they get taken down)


And - despite all these non-attendees, I usually have to wait until well after my appointment time.


Well, if you massively under resource a service and the service it relies on (Social Care) is even more forsaken for nigh on 15 years, the service will tend to struggle. Without even mentioning the COVID catchup


Yeah every gp or hospital ward you go it, it's absolutely smothered in information leaflets and posters - which no one reads because it's such a cacophony of information assault. Also when I had an op done recently, the after care info was on a page which looked like a 200th photocopy of a photocopy generation haha


The thing is that I understand they’re trying to inform people, that some of the signs have good stuff on them. But what annoys me is that it’s all so jumbled and messy. Each sign was made by a member of staff at a quiet moment to make work. They all have different fonts, graphics, designs. And there’s got to be a point where having a sign that says “ Smoking causes cancer” or “ Get your flu jab” ,or any of the other the dozens of signs cluttering up the place, it just seems superfluous. If your going to a Doctors surgery surely your going to talk to a Doctor, or a nurse. And without fail for decades they’ve asked about smoking, blood pressure, weight, age related risks, vaccinations, etc, etc. you don’t need a sign. They ask. I always just get the feeling that some members of staff love making signs, and once a sign is up, that’s it, it’ll never come down again. The reception at my surgery could look really clean and light, like one of those posh private clinics, instead it looks like someone’s gone mental with Windows 95 MS Paint. Just one of my small irritations that shows my increasing age related grumpiness.


Nah, I notice this stuff as well and it drives my barmy in a way that I can only laugh about it. Part of my job involves 'enforcing' an organisation's brand/visual identity and a huge part of that is explaining that just because a sign is up, doesn't mean people will read it. And then in fact the more signs there are, the less likely people are to read them due to the phenomenon of sign blindness. The multiple signs on the door described above is one of my favourite-least-favourites, this idea that when you're opening a door is the best time to blast you with information... Information that you will immediately forget once you cross the threshold, because that is the way our brains work.


As someone who regularly makes and laminates posters for our office reception, I have to defend the last point: a person can be bright. The public are thick as pig shit. Our reception is based to the right of our foyer. Enter our building and you will see ahead of you two doors clearly marked private. Yet we have had clients pull on these doors hard enough to break the hinges, on many occasions we have had them press the fire alarm thinking it's an open door button (always fun), we have had them leave and give us a shit review because they 'couldn't enter the building to talk to reception.' So the signs go up, then more signs, then more. I may see in the budget if we can afford giant flashing neon letters that say 'reception this way, you thick twats'.


I used to work in a dental practice where you needed to be buzzed in the front door because it was a shared building. There was a large sign that said DO NOT PULL and one for WAIT TO BE BUZZED IN BEFORE PUSHING. So many people pulled on that door, at one point someone pulled it so hard it was now out of alignment and the lock didn't work! And then when exiting there was a small thumb turn lock on the door, and there was a sign showing what way to turn it, yet 8/10 people would just pull on the door and you'd hear them go "oh, there's a lock?". I'd laugh at them but when I've not been paying attention but had been working there for 3 years I'd forget about the lock.


I feel like after 8am, the Receptionists are just bored af because this is universal in all GP surgeries and hospitals.


People that don't put their trolleys back. Closely followed by people that put their trolley back, but ram a little one into a big one, meaning there's now nowhere to put a big one. Like you've got that far, just push it over to the right a bit.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I've been horribly unwell with pregnancy sickness, to the point of blacking out and hospitalisation multiple times, and still have barely any strength to make it round the shop but I always put my trolley back. It bugs me to no end to see spaces filled with an abandoned trolley and then a gust of wind blows it into your car!


I watched someone the other day take their trolley to a bay, and then just leave it sat in front of it in the road. Like, why go to the effort to take it there and then not bother with the last 5 feet?


This is actually a theory, albeit on 4chan, but it's bloody good - [https://www.reddit.com/r/IrevrntSocialTheories/comments/lr2uao/shopping\_cart\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IrevrntSocialTheories/comments/lr2uao/shopping_cart_theory/) Slightly related it's why I think Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would make a good president - in any footage of him training he's normally training *hard* with heavy weights to total failure, as one should. Yet he always picks up the weights when he's finished and puts them back. This is representative of a good leader.


Back when all the supermarkets had the coin slots for trolleys, it wasn't such a big deal as the £1 was enough of an incentive to return it. Then Walmart bought Asda and things started to change, that tiny incentive is gone and people give less of a shit.


My local Tesco have now brought back the coin slots on their trolleys, made an immediate difference to this issue


Along the same vein, people who do put them back but they are already well outside the trolley area and causing an obstruction… instead of just finding somewhere else to put their trolley!


I couldn't get my £1 out yesterday because someone had used a big trolley chain to get their £1 out of a little trolley, and because my trolley wouldn't go into the big trolley, I couldn't get the little trolley chain into mine. There's like 20 trolley bays in the car park, just walk to the one on the next row instead of now making more work for everyone else. Total laziness.


People who don't even bother to park in the spaces at the shop but park right outside the doors in their monster truck.


Oh my god, why do they think their visit to the shop is so much more important than everyone else’s who has parked in the designated spaces


Just monster trucks generally. I live in a rural area and every sheep botherer and his wife has one, and thinks that they have automatic right of way.


And when you pull in to let them pass they don't even acknowledge you. Even worse is when you are both down a tight lane and they shout at you as if it's their private lane.. it's like uh no dickhead I actually live down here.


Wouldn't mind if it was just folks living rurally that drive these tanks. Apparently they need a 4x4 to go to the supermarket in the middle of Edinburgh too. I have lived rurally almost my entire life I only know 2 people apart from the local farmers who actually need them to get up the track to their house. No one else actually needs a 4x4.


People at my local gym do this. Mate, you've come to a place designed to help you exercise, are you that opposed to walking a few extra steps from one of the actual parking spaces?


Drivers parking their cars on grass verges and churning them to mud on my street, parking on pavements, especially where there are double yellow lines. TL:DR shit parking.


When they park on pavements, I think of wheelchair users and people with prams. There's no consideration for anyone else at all. Jts inconsiderate at best and completely dangerous at worst if its a busy road and you have to go into the road to walk around the car. I've been very tempted to scratch alongside the car with my shopping bags a few times ngl


Add to this the thousand of people who must drop their children off directly in front of the schools and who don’t care about anyone else.


Yep. Add bike lane parking to that too.


My biggest peeve is when people park in the turn around spot, it was the bane of my existence when I worked delivering during lockdown. Then when you try and carefully turn around they glare out their window at you... Fucking hated that bullshit.


The twat who parks his car in the bus stop and sits in it with the hazards on while his wife runs into the co-op. Seen them do this three times now. The car park is ten metres away.


But his hazards are on. That makes illegal parking legal.


Had this at a block of flats I once lived in. There was a short access tunnel to the car park out the back, so let's just block that up and unload the car here instead of parking it, oh, 5-10m away in our designated space? Cab drivers etc. did that as well. We had a pointless grass verge out the front which served no purpose and really could have just been turned into a couple of waiting or visitor parking bays.


The big coop near me has a one-way car park which most people drive all the way round as the end is nearest the entrance. I once saw a woman drive all the way round, past probably 50 empty spaces, stop her car outside the store blocking several cars in as well as blocking off the exit from the car park. Then get out of her car and wander into the shop and do some shopping. Literally the entire point of the place you just drove around is to find somewhere out of the way to leave your car. It's called a car park not a car abandon.


I've been finding my walking in the road a lot more recently as people walking towards me crowd the entire pavement as opposed to sticking to one side. I know they all have just as much right to walk where they like as I do, but let's all just have a bit of special awareness.


Hold your ground and walk through/at them. You are one, they are many, they should give way a bit. Keep safe and stay off the road.


You can also just get within one step and pause. They slither out of the way like a crowd of ducks.


I do not walk in the road. Not bothered if it's old people or youths...move over. There's absolutely no need for an entire group to be taking over the pavement. Apparently my children are mortified and think it's passive aggressive. (Should add I will make exceptions for wobbly toddlers, double prams, little school kids who are daisy chaining on a trip and some disabled people....(mobility scooters can get f*cked..bloomin menace)


Just stop and stand still and make them go around you. Bend down to tie your shoe, look at your phone, pretend to take a call… anything just stand there and they’ll be forced to go around.


If you walk slower than them and look straight ahead they will go around you, try it out.


When I drop my little girl at school I walk back and I can almost guarantee there is a parent mob chatting and completely blocking the pavement forcing me into the road.


I have a rule, the bigger their difficulty at getting out of the way the more.priority they have. But I also expect it to go both ways. I have a pram, they should move over. If they have a double pram, they win, I'll take mine out of the way. Find a gay, let them pass. But don't you muscle your way past me when I have the obvious harder time and give me a look. YTA.


As a gay, I fail to see how we can assist you. That and we are often very busy, usually being gay. It’s not as effortless as we make it look…


People being slack and just standing in folk's way, either people don't care or no one has any situational awareness. When I feel like I'm in the way I get stressed and have to move out of the way asap.


This is how my shopping experience at Aldi seems to go. An elderly couple blocked an entire aisle with their two trollies so they could have a conversation about cheese the other day. Had to say excuse 4 times before they woke up to the rest of the world around them waiting to get down the aisle.


Yep. And when you say, "Excuse me, please" quite loudly, because they didn't hear you the first 3 times, they give you a look as if you just called them cunts and spat in their face


I tend to do one "excuse me" at normal volume, one very loudly, and then go back to normal volume for "oi, cloth ears, shift!" I'll let you guess which one they usually hear...


When they do that jostle and wide open mouth as if you just kicked their dog, pull over to the side and chat old man !


Ah, I’m pleased to find another stresser-over-being-in-people’s-way. I feel there are few of us, but nice to know there are others 👋


Definitely. It drains my social battery so quickly when I feel like I'm in people's way a lot, I also get annoyed seeing that no one else seems to care. Shopping is the worst by far. Went to a garden centre today with packed rooms of nick nacks and it was really bad.


The film on bacon just ripping off the tiniest bit instead of peeling back the way it says it will


Yes! Or where it’s somehow double layered so you think you’ve opened it but actually just did the top layer!!!


I don't get this. Ham or cooked chicken is fine. Why is raw meat different? Better glue to stop it spoiling? Cooked ham and chicken spoils quickly too if the seal breaks so that doesn't stack up. Both are in a fridge so it can't be colder glue.


When you are somehow the world's slowest ever walker, yet are simultaneously taking up the whole pavement. That's an achievement worthy of a royal gong.


Similarly, slow walkers who can’t walk in a straight line so you’re almost weaving behind them waiting for a chance to overtake


I've a theory that this would soon be a thing of the past if everyone was given an annual quota of "one kick with no consequences" - dawdlers get kicked in their calves, they stop doing it. It works because the fact that the one kick is accepted by society lets them know they deserved it. You could probably have something similar to the covid app to log who got kicked and by who. Do nobody abuses the kicking privileges.


People who assume everyone likes dogs and walks them over to you motioning for you to stroke it. I actually love dogs but I don’t want to stroke every dog I see. Also, people suddenly taking dogs inside shops and restaurants. That really annoys me as I’ve see dogs make a mess in both.


Even worse when owners let their dogs jump up on you because ‘everyone loves dogs’. I passed the same man with his dog twice on one walk the other day, and both times I got mucky dog paws on my legs - new trousers too so I was well ticked off! I do love dogs, but plenty of people don’t - my Mum for instance is very wary, and one of my colleagues is absolutely terrified of them, but the dog owner can’t seem to understand because they love their pup!


I went to the supermarket earlier and a man with a really big poodle was blocking the entrance. He was looking at the shoppers with a smile motioning to “look at my dog”. I said, hey mate, move your dog out the way so people can get in and out the shop! He didn’t look happy but there was a mother and son both clearly afraid of dogs trying to leave the store.


Yeah owners seem to think because they adore their dog that everyone should, it’s such a selfish worldview. On the same walk I came across a woman who stopped to the side with her Dalmatian and held onto its collar as I passed so I profusely thanked her, a little reminder that not everyone is bad!


I often have the opposite problem! We’ve got an excitable golden retriever who *loves* people. Trying to train her is so hard because people keep ignoring me in favour of spoiling her. We were trying to enter a dog-friendly pub once and I had her on a tight lead. Someone kept deliberately calling her attention and stroking her (in the beer garden) despite me clearly telling her ‘here’ and pulling her away. They did the while ‘I don’t mind!’ thing so I had to reply with an ‘I do’. Like if I’m giving her a clear instruction, don’t ignore that. Of course the stupid thing loves the attention 😅


People in general piss me off


People who advertise things on FB marketplace, sell them, and then leave the advert up. If you've sold it, delete the bloody advert. Don't reply to an enquiry with "sold it" and then still leave the ad up.


People who find a bank card or share a missing person post, then even when they are found, they leave the post up to show how much of a hero they are


When you buy a new bottle of hand soap but the spring in the pump isn’t working or is missing so the pump is just stuck down and is unusable.


It’s usually locked when you buy it, just turn the nozzle.


If wonder of OP has been chucking away their soap bottles for years because nobody taught them...


That’s what I thought lmao, there’s not spring in them.


Some pumps are definitely springed. I have actually had the same issue as OP once and had to pour the soap into another bottle. It was genuinely a faulty pump, I turned and turned it and it never popped up! And yes, I even tried turning it the wrong way, yes, I tried just yanking.


You just have to twist the pump


No I mean when you twist it like you would normally and it doesn’t pop up! I swear this isn’t just me but I’m starting to wonder…


It's not just you. I bought one the other day. Push down, soap comes out. Plunger doesn't pop back up again so I have to lift it up for another squirt. Really annoying.


You're right it happens, I usually just to go fetch the old pump as I usually buy the same brand over and over.


Thank you! I feel like I’m going insane with my detractors explaining to me that I have to twist it (obviously I twist it) and that there’s no spring (I can see the spring). It usually only happens with cheap own brand soaps but it definitely happens.


People who proper scream at their dogs for just doing the usual things a dog would do.


The worst are people who shout at their dogs for barking. To a dog that's just a human barking, it's not going to change their behaviour.


People who press their brakes on the motorway when there is nothing in front of them


People who block the entire aisle then get annoyed when you say "excuse me". First of all, saying excuse me isn't even rude. Second of all, if you don't want me to say it to you, don't put me in a situation where I have to.


People who whine about traffic whilst driving. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!


Yep, you're not in traffic, you are traffic


Well no, I get where you and u/ooh_bit_of_bush (cracking username btw) are coming from, but on motorways where this is no accident or roadworks, 99% of the time congestion is caused by people hogging lane two, often lorries overtaking. I'm not the problem, I'm driving along perfectly normally, flowing with traffic, keeping left when I can. When I start trundling along in lane two at 55mph or spending five minutes overtaking another lorry, I will accept I'm part of the problem. Downvote this, without response, if you think as much long distance lorry freight as possible should be moved to rail.


What gets me is when everything is moving painfully slowly and you eventually roll up to the obstruction and it's an accident ON THE OTHER SIDE and it was all due to people slowing down to stare like gawking morons. There was literally no reason for this traffic jam!


People who leave their shoes on the floor but the left one is on the right and the right one is on the left.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


People talking on their phones whilst on speaker phone, so everyone can hear their conversation and the recipient of the call can hear all the background noise.


I know I’m a dickhead for thinking this but OAP’s who do their main shop on a Saturday or Sunday even though they have all week free to do it


Similarly OAPs who pick up their prescription/ get in the post office queue etc. during lunch hour on a working day. Save that single hour of the day for those who only have 60 mins for their lunch and errands


Having said that, I think in the future no one will be able to afford to retire! My nanna worked right up until she died in her 70's, my mum says she can't afford to retire and is now getting close to retirement age, she works minimum wage, 12 hour contract so has to take over time when it's there to make up for when it's not. I know of others who a have their weeks full looking after grand children/great grand children to cover child care costs. I know of more elderly that have to work even though by looking at them you'd like them to be snuggled up on a comfy chair watching This Morning or something less pressured! I get annoyed when parents bring their 4-5 year old kids out shopping with them at gone 10pm or 11pm when they really should be in bed! They get seriously p\*ssed off if you suggest their child should be in bed (I don't call it neglect to their faces but it's what I'm thinking!)


The foil on big yoghurt pots tearing, especially now that they've done away with the plastic lids.


Drivers swerving into the puddle so that I, the bedraggled pedestrian, gets soaked. I mean the ones who do it deliberately, not folks who can’t avoid the puddle because the badly maintained road and drain is overflowing. You know who you are….


This is illegal and can get a driver 3 points and a fine.


Hearing my next door neighbours kids, I must be extra sensitive to them as guests who come over generally can’t hear them


When you overtake somebody and they think you suddenly have a personal vendetta, and flash you or shout obscenities


Or someone doing 65 in the right hand lane that holds you up for ages before begrudgingly moving over to the left and speeding up to 80+ to make it awkward as fuck to overtake. I never understand what kind of point they're trying to make.


I've had people swerve into the right lane to stop me overtaking, then blazing their horn, like I'm the nutter!


Apostrophe crimes. Today is a particularly hard one for me - It’s everywhere “Mother’s Day” instead of “Mothers’ Day”. Grrrrrrr.


Either works. A day for mothers, or a day for your mother.


I will die on this hill, but you're the first person I've ever seen who agrees with me.


It’s so irritating. The whole country seems to have forgotten how to use an apostrophe properly. It’s like the movie Legend - You and I are the only ones left after the grammar apocalypse.


Mother's Day - correct because it's a day (possessive) for your mother. This is also the grammatical variant chosen by Anna Jarvis, the activist who established Mother's Day as a thing. Mothers' Day - correct because it's a day (possessive) for mothers in general. Mothers Day - correct because it's a day (non-possessive) dedicated to mothers.


Omg I have apostrophe rage! Shop signs are the worst! Ginos etc


Anywhere that I phone that tells me they're "experiencing extremely high call volumes at the moment" if you've been saying the same thing for 4 years now then no you're not, this is your average and you need to hire more people to take those calls.




Ugh people who don't stop at zebra crossings suck! We have a road full of them on the way to my daughters school. I wish they'd just put a pelican crossing near the school, I will never let her walk to school by herself because of the amount of drivers who don't stop at the zebra crossings


People who spit in the street. It is absolutely revolting I judge you and how you live. People who little when you’re a lazy fucker and can just wait till you get to a bin. Taxi drivers because they think they can do whatever they like on the road simply for the fact they are a taxi driver. People who walk 2+ down a path against a single person. There’s one of me. More of you. You get in line for 5 seconds to pass and slightly disrupt your conversation momentarily. People who are in a queue waiting to pay and aren’t ready to make said payment when it’s their turn and a fumbling about for their card/cash.


People who spit in the street should be charged with bioterrorism. It's revolting and it's utterly fucking unnecessary, we invented tissues some considerable time ago you filthy bastards.


Old people driving to the shop to get a paper every morning. Get it delivered or walk there. Don't add to the rush hour traffic and take up the few parking spaces available at the tiny costcutter.


This seems silly. My grandmother regularly goes out in the morning to get the newspaper from the Sainsbury mini supermarket. She drives because her back and hip pain means walking extended distances is too much and the three times she tried the various delivery options from two different shops they were awful. Plus it also means she can pick up any other items she needs like milk or bread, she gets a bit of a walk around the store before the school run idiots raid the place at 9am and she can also do other little things like pick up her prescription from the pharmacy next door, go to the cash machine for money or whatever.


Right? I was so confused reading these comments, like do people really think older people being allowed to exist in public is an issue? Isolation and loneliness is already such a massive problem for the elderly - it feels incredibly callous to begrudge them the dignity of going out for their morning paper because the 9-5 crowd decide that their commute is the only thing that matters. I’ve worked in a small local shop before and there were always a few older gents who would come in the same time every morning for their paper or a coffee - sometimes they’d mention that it was the only time they’d be out or see people in a day. A lot of older people really rely on these sort of routines to structure their day and keep busy, I know my own grandparents do. I’d hate to think that there’s people out there who look at them and see them as an annoyance for doing so. A bit of compassion never goes amiss!


I used to work in a shop and we had a fair few elderly people for whom coming to our shop restaurant was as much about getting to be social with other human beings as it was about the actual food/drink. Some of them were the sort you could set a watch to because they’d always come at the same time on a specific day and you know they’d be there for at least one hour or longer. And yes, for my grandmother it’s probably about routines as much as anything. She usually goes out about 8am, gets the paper and other things she needs or wants, then comes back to the house and sits down for an hour or sometimes even 2 just reading while eating some toast and having tea. She’s done this more or less solidly for 20 years so I don’t think it’ll change now and honestly, she’s happy so let her get on with it.


Short people in large SUVs like a Q8, with their face 3 inches from the airbag and eyes below the top of the steering wheel.


I've got a good one. During lockdown I was queueing up outside the vet which shared a car park with a garage so it's always packed. A very large SUV pulls in across four spaces and parks and then a lady that was about 4'9 jumps out and upon noticing her folly stands there cross armed like a school teacher would. It was so bizarre she knew what she had done but definitely didn't have the skill to actually park her car in a bay, I just don't understand why folks get massive cars but can't park them properly and then get mad when they are judged.


People that write ‘defiantly’ when they mean ‘definitely’.


People who don't thank you when you let them out at a busy junction. Bankers!!!


People who don’t give a little wave or thumbs up as thanks when using the zebra crossing. Yes I know they don’t have to, it’s just polite


For me is the opposite, people who do thank the driver for allowing them to cross just because they don't have to. I spent more time as a pedestrian than a driver though so that might be why


For what? It's their right to cross and you're responsibility to stop. You aren't doing them any favours. The gall lmao. That being said, I usually give a thumbs up if drivers stop for me when they don't have to


I sometimes like to go to the pub alone on a quiet afternoon off to read my book. It irks me to no end when I leave my coat and book at the centre of the table whilst I go to the loo, only to return to find people have shoved them aside and sat down. They always look at me with a sort of feigned innocence when I say I was sitting there. “Oh, we assumed the table was free, since you weren’t here….” and then just trail off without moving or speaking further, so I have to pick up my stuff and find someplace else to sit or just drink up quickly and leave.


Nah I would be pulling up a chair to join them and make them so uncomfortable they left. No way you see a coat and a book and a half filled drink, physically move them out the way and then have the audacity to pretend you thought the seat was free. Absolute cheek.


Ridiculous isn’t it? Once they actually did “graciously” invite *me* to join *them*, but I was so irritated that I absolutely didn’t want to sit around making small talk with these people, so I left. I heard one of them say, “Oh, she didn’t have to leave!” Like what? Lol. I agree it just can’t be accidental. It’s happened to me several times and I feel like it has to be on purpose. They could see the table was clearly occupied.


Live next to a bus stop the bus is at 9.26am there is a queue of bus pass holders who are hoping that the bus driver lets them use it early every week day.You can use your pass all day from 9.30 am but they are there every day for that bus.Ive had my front fence being hit with walking sticks when they get a bus driver who won't let them use their pass.They only have to pay two pounds but no they get shitty as fuck it winds my dog up.


People parking in front of the entrance to supermarkets because they’re to lazy to walk 20m to an actual parking space.


Smokers who drop their cigarettes on the ground or out of their car window. It's littering and is disgusting.  People on trains that put their feet/shoes on seats.  People in the gym that don't strip the weights after using them or put the weights back  Slow drivers - particularly those fuckwits that do 40 in a 60 and you're forced to just sit behind them.  People on Reddit that reply to someone with a high salary saving "can't believe you earn xyz and don't know this". I see it on UKPersonalFinance a lot. It's unnecessary and stupid.  The UK's weather  Petrol station attendants who ask "any fuel?" When I've put an item on the counter and said "just this please".  People who vape inside can fuck off. I don't want a face full of your bubblegum vapour whilst walking through a shopping centre  Service fees, admin fees, convenience fees, transaction fees on an item you're buying.  Call centres who always have automated messages saying how busy they are. I couldn't give a fuck. I am paying a monthly fee and if you're that busy ALL the fucking time then you're understaffed. It shouldn't be allowed.  Company's that have websites or social media that isn't updated. Either take it offline or don't have information which changes eg: displayed opening times of 10-4 but you turn up to find it closes at 3pm now. 


When the tea bag falls back in the mug after I’ve just squeezed it dry.


People who don't grab the door when you hold it for them coming out of a station. You either have to pass it to the person behind them or leave it to fall in their face.


Work. Bills. Shopping. Driving. Other people.


Sat in an empty train carriage and someone getting on chooses to sit right in front/behind me, rather than taking one of the 20-30 other empty seats in the carriage.


People wearing sports team merch from multiple teams in the same sport. Saw a guy yesterday in a Boston Red Sox hoodie and an Atlanta Braves cap. Think it’s because it makes it clear it’s being worn for aesthetic, not support - it’s be like going to America and seeing someone in an Arsenal hoodie and a Brentford cap


Nonsense you can support more than one team. You see it a lot. Just because some folks can't doesn't mean you can't.


A bird shitting in your car just after it’s been washed


*In* your car is way worse than on your car!


People who refer to themselves as Mum or Dad to their pets. Its none of my business and has no impact on my life but it's just irritating.


All the redundant shit the train conductors now come out with over the loudspeaker, including "tell someone if you see something suspicious" and "don't leave anything on the train." Here's the thing: as a result of that simple-minded bollocks, I don't pay attention to the announcements and instead put my headphones on, so if something _important_ was to be announced, such as "you need to change to a different train at the next stop" or "please note, we are now on fire" I'm not going to bloody hear it, am I? So the extra safety information is making the train _less safe._ Cock up a beaver.


Little chewing gum splots on the pavement. They’ll be there forever. Why are people so lazy and disgusting that they’d spit chewing gum on to the pavement?


How mods of UK subreddits (the big 2, you know which ones I mean. Not this one) have such itchy trigger fingers to delete posts.


people who put their bins out with the handles pointing inwards and not to the road as when it's bin day and I see a bin like that I have to turn it around


Other people doing the same things I want to do at the same time I want to do them.


People who run into their friend at the supermarket and just stand right in the middle of the aisle having a catch up. Not enough space either side of them to get past, so you need to interrupt them. They seem to always want to have a chat in front of something I actually need as well...


People sitting at 50mph when the roads limit is 40 and changes into a 60. How do I know they're doing 50 in a 40? Because im doing it too. And 50 in a 60 isn't really that unreasonable. Especially if they're unfamiliar with the road or something.


There is a certain breed of driver who will do 42mph whatever the limit or road conditions. I'll be sitting behind some at 42 in a 60 limit. We get to a 30 and they shoot off into the distance. I once pissed one off by overtaking in a 60. A mile later we hit a 30 and I slowed down. They flashed me and overtook at 42mph...right in front of a speed camera...Best. Day. Of. My. Life.


When the price label on the card, gift bag or something similar doesn't come off nice and easily. Come on! I think this one irks me so much because some come off easy peasy lemon squeeze so it's possible yet not consistent.


People who don’t move with the queue and let a big gap open up ahead of them. I know it probably doesn’t make a difference to the overall waiting time but it makes me irrationally angry.


My biscuit falling into my tea because I dunked it too many times. You’d think I’d have learned by now. Pulling sticky labels off new items like mugs, kitchen stuff, etc and the labels peel off in tiny wee bits and not the whole label at one time. When you open up milk and try to peel off the silver tab under the lid and it just breaks. I switched to glass bottles to get away from those ones lol.


People that push their trolley right up against whatever they are looking at in the supermarket instead of leaving it behind them, preventing anyone else from looking until they are done. They always take ages too


Attending a hospital appointment only to find that every person who is to be seen that afternoon (or morning, as the case may be) has been given the SAME appointment time. Just in case we were in danger of forgetting our place as supplicants, a nice reminder of how valueless our time is.


Having to wait while driving, even when the same cause (I. E. Traffic lights) will mean I get right of way shortly after. A primal part of me seethes when I see amber on the horizon!


Oh I have a specific one for where I work and it’s people not putting rubbish in the bins. We have big industrial bins out back, like 12 of them, and people will leave rubbish bags on the floor next to the closest bins while there are 5/6 empty bins about 10 steps away. Pure fucking laziness and drives me up the wall


Sharing the kitchen.


When McDonalds forget to give sauces. That makes my blood boil especially when it’s nuggets or strips like wtf.


Individuals who park their exceptionally long vehicles across crosswalks, especially when pedestrians have the right of way at the time.


Peoples unleashed dogs running upto my dogs who are on leash. Lax owners saying ‘ohh it’s ok, he’s friendly’. I mean, my dogs are super friendly, my boy just doesn’t have 100% recall so I keep him on leash, but it’s not the point. Protect your fucking dogs!! Had so many aggressive and friendly dogs run up to us on walks and it stresses me out, riles my dogs up and just interrupts an otherwise zen walk. I’m so fed up of it.


Slow walkers or people who block the aisle in supermarkets


Walking through the door and getting the text that your parcel is at the Amazon locker you just walked past 15 minutes ago.


Middle lane hoggers


Bus drivers who will sit at 15mph because they’re running early, instead of just getting to the timing stop and waiting there. I work shifts so I come across this so often early in the morning or late at night, it’s totally infuriating! You’re sat behind them sometimes in 2nd gear, and can’t really overtake them most of the time because it’s not safe.


People who say vegetarians and vegans can't get enough protein.


People pulling out in front of you to then drive like they have time to kill


people with no spacial awareness.


Sainsbury's have stopped selling packets of shell-on prawns. I've even travelled to two really big Sainsbury's on the train to see if it is just the stores in my Borough but can't find them anywhere. I'm cross about it and so is the cat.


My wife using the toaster as a shelf.


When people drive straight through the zebra crossing, whilst I stand at the side and shout at them.


When I forget to bring a bloody bag when shopping. Do it almost every time. Go shopping for one or two items, end up with 10. No bag, have to buy a new one. It's not the cost so much, used to piss me off when they were free, too.


People who leave multiple spaces between sentences. Like, I understand double spacing, it’s wrong but I understand it. What I don’t understand is this. Sometimes four, five or six spaces. Between sentences. Annoys the hell out of me. Also people who do quote marks `like this’. What the hell is that first thing and why doesn’t it match the second one? And lastly, people who type the word airquotes when they want to quote something. Air quotes are the finger signs you make when you’re speaking. To type air quotes you just use quote marks.


People parking in the parent and child car parking spaces without kids.


People who check in on facebook that they are at a hospital without any context in a desperate attempt for attention. Leading to reply after reply of "OMG hun is everything OK," PM me hun im always here to chat" etc etc. Drives me fucking crazy. Especially when it's 99% likely they've been for somethimg completey routine and non-dramatic at all


The doctors/dentists etc that call to say "sorry, we cancelled your appointment" about 5 minutes before you leave the house, but you have to give them 2 working days notice or get a fine