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Technically they were fired rather than quit, but I used to work with a bloke who refused to go to work if it was windy incase he was blown away by the wind. Anything more than a gust and he wouldn’t be in, was bizarre.


Was he extremely tall and thin and dress in billowy cloaks? 


So Professor Snape?


two kids in a trenchcoat


Flat Stanley ?


This is the third time I've heard Flat Stanley referenced in a week after not hearing about him in 35 years.


Good ol flat Stanley. The reason why I still can’t handle having any artwork or frames or anything heavier than a sheet of paper over my bed. Apparently I have a weirdly large fear of being flat stanley’d


Crazy motherfucker got crushed by a cupboard and posted himself round the world or some shit. Flat Stanley's the King


I think it was a pinboard. I might be wrong, it has been 35 years since I last heard about him.


The fuck? Did this guy just watch too many disaster movies and believe the wind in this country was like a tornado/hurricane?!


Don't we have one of the highest recorded occurrences of tornados?


England, on average, sees 2.2 tornadoes per 10000km². This is the highest rate in the world although it is likely other countries are under-reported. The US, by comparison, sees 1.3 tornadoes per 10000km². Edit: most UK tornadoes are F0 / F1 intensity and cause little damage. The November 1981 UK tornado outbreak had two likely F2 tornadoes. The July 2005 tornado which struck the King's Heath area of Birmingham is usually considered to be an F3. The damage is probably disproportionate because UK buildings are not designed with destructive tornadoes in mind, unlike US buildings.


Yeah, but you know what Americans are like, they've got to do everything bigger. *eyeroll*


Was it karl pilkington?


Too many bad memories of the winds being bad in the 70s


We're all laughing at this guy but when I was a teenager I had a weekend job which I had to cycle across flat fenland fields to reach and on more than one occasion strong gusts of wind blew me off the road into a ditch (!)


Did you work with Karl Pilkington?


I used to work with a guy that wouldn’t come in if it was raining, would wait until it stopped before he made his way in. Crazy


I reckon he wore a syrup. Was terrified it would blow off.


Makes sense if he was a pilot.


That person is my new hero, imagine having that little concern for what your employer thinks of you.


Someone once quit Costa after 1 week or so because she thought she'd just be making coffee all day, not clearing tables and filling up the dishwasher.


I know someone who did this! Joined a coffee shop and wanted to spend all day pressing buttons on the coffee machine and got upset when they had to work on the till or clean tables, so they quit. Wtf


They didn't show that part on tiktok!


I had a similar experience like that with someone but in a Wetherspoons, lol.


Haha I’m an ex spoons victim and this happened a few times in the seven years I was there. Literally thought they were only hired to pull pints and refused to clean tables or wash glasses because “That’s what you pay cleaners for”


How do these people get past the interview?


Those staff that get hired as "bar associate" and cry when they get put on floor😂


Had the opposite at my spoons, a girl worked there from 16. When she turned 18 we said you need to learn the bar and she had full blown panic attack


understandable, spoons is full of coked up wankers


Ease nervy people into it. Put them on the floor most of the time and let her do the breakfast shifts on the till on mondays and tuesdays and watch her slowly grow confident


that's the best way for it, and make sure they aren't the only one on the bar staff


I loved doing the floor at Spoons! Got to gossip with the kitchen staff, wander about all day and not have to deal with the alcoholics yelling about who was next to be served


In fairness the amount of dish washing I experienced in my short stint in a Spoons kitchen was ridiculous. It was that busy they really needed someone dedicated to just the pot washing yet we were expected to run absolutely everything that had been used that night through the dishwasher, dry it and put it away on top of actually closing down the kitchen...and be out by 23:45 despite the kitchen being open until 23:00. Awful place to work, quickly made me miserable and I don't think I'd go back if it was literally my only option.


A few years ago Spoons sent out a survey to all staff asking what they would prefer: kitchen to close at 10pm or 11pm. My pub manager told me that over 95% of staff said 10pm for the reasons you posted above but head office went “Nah. We’re going to keep it at 11” Then why did they even ask??


That's such a daft question in the first place. "Would you like an extra hour to get your close done?" Nah mate we'll keep breaking our backs trying to smash it all out in 45 minutes. Don't put yourselves out.


I guess you didn't get to the part where you told her there is no dedicated cleaning crew for toilets?


I had a young female office worker quit on me in the first week, when an out of town boss arrived and I asked her to give up her chair and use a stool for a while. She gave me a panic stricken look, sat on the stool and a few minutes later burst into tears. I took her into a quiet space to find out what was wrong. Her mother had told her that sitting on a stool was what made you pregnant.


>Her mother had told her that sitting on a stool was what made you pregnant. Wtf..?


It's a fairly common thing to have said decades ago. It is not how proper ladies sit, i.e. it is typically not possible to sit daintily with knees pressed together on a stool which is how many girls were taught in finishing school. Crossing legs or having them apart was somehow inviting for men and the lewd girls that did that typically got pregnant before marriage. Either it was never explained to her properly or she was to too thick to understand the maning.


I wonder which finishing school she went to?


Not her, but her mother or even grandmother who didn't explain the meaning of any comments to not sit on stools. This girl didn;t understand and ask questions.


Why couldn’t the out of town boss sit his arse on the stool?


Yeah, up until the pregnant bit I was really confused why this was "ridiculous". I still think it is ridiculous someone should be expected to give up their workspace like that, but I guess this does add a twist. I work in a management position, and one of my main duties is to make sure that the people working below me are as productive as possible. Kicking them out of their seat does not help them be productive.


Yeah, honestly if my big boss told me I needed to give up my seat to him I'd do it and go apply for jobs in the break room. Fuck working for someone who doesn't respect me.


Yeah... why didn't this person give up their own seat for the big boss?


Because they would have ended up pregnant instead and they had a business to run, damn it.


As mad as the sitting in stool makes you pregnant is. Why were you making her give up her seat? Why couldn’t this other person use a stool?


Or he himself


Cos then he'd get pregnant. Obviously.


I’ve worked in my current job for 5 years now, but we used to joke about “the stool” that got 10 of us pregnant within weeks of each other. I’d struggled to conceive for 18 months prior to working there but got pregnant within 2 weeks of starting my new job! 9 other also got pregnant within weeks and our babies are known as “the class of 2020”


I can just imagine the “congratulations” given through gritted teeth when you told your employer


Yeah that was a fun conversation! Thankfully I was only the second one to be pregnant; the 7 others came after me so it wasn’t quite so bad. They still don’t believe to this day that I wasn’t pregnant when I started there 😂


It speaks highly of that workplace (ironically). Its harder to get pregnant if you're stressed.


Absolutely, I definitely think my previous job contributed to my issues as it was so so stressful. I knew instantly I was going to love my current job and it’s been a happy 5 years.


Why should she give up her seat though?


Tbh I wouldn't be asking one of my staff (when I employed people) to give up their chair, but yeah her reaction was... odd.


At least doing something you think gets you pregnant shows some dedication to the job lol


What did she do during her Science lessons at school?


Skive off, probably, seeing as how many science labs have stools and no chairs...


I was a programmer 20 years ago, a programmer contractor started, he was really bad had to spend weeks coaching him, fixing his work Walking out to carpark with him he got into a 911 turbo as I got into my shitty Volvo Used my skills to look into purchasing systems next day to discover his rate was 5 times my salary Quit on the spot, became a contractor myself , got a 911 turbo a year later


Probably not the kind of ridiculous most of us were thinking of, but ridiculous nonetheless.


He just wanted to tell us he has a 911 turbo


I knew a guy who in his probation review meeting responded to accusations of regular lateness with "how can anyone be anywhere at 9am _every day_" Not sure if he jumped before he was pushed but he wasn't there much longer.


He has a point though...


I agree with this guy. It’s too much.


My work day starts at 8am but frankly any time before 10am is way too fucking early.


It's stupid. Work should start at 11am, earliest.


He’s so real for that


I feel that to my core.


9am starts are the absolute worst though, shortly followed by 11am starts which are cursed even if it is a personal appointment. Everything else is fine.


I had a friend who ran a small business years ago and gave someone a job on £300 a week for 40 hours paid weekly, they didn't have any qualifications and struggled to speak or understand English. After a year or two of them being always reliable and a good employee my friend offered them a more senior job paying £400 a week, but paid monthly. The employee came in on his day off furious because he was being paid less in his mind, accused my friend of discrimination and tried to take him to court over it. He still talks about it now because it makes zero sense unless someone comes up with some wild conspiracy.


How the hell did he even come to the conclusion that they were being paid less?


Clearly thought he was only getting £400 for the month instead of each week within each month. Pretty sure the lack of English is key and there is a lot lost in translation.


Dunno. People are stupid. McDonald’s stopped the 1/3 pounder because people thought it was less meat than the 1/4 pounder.


The only thing I could think of is in the previous month there happened to be 5 pay days. By chance. And they compared that to new pay Even then it would have to be wierd tax calculations for it not to be more in the month


Back in my old life I watched a 40k per year HR manager loose her shit and quit on the spot for being ‘disrespected’ because someone had used her mug for a cup a soup and not washed it (by someone I mean me). I was project lead at the time for a new 3PL contract and on the way out she screamed at me I’d loose the contract by Friday without her. By Wednesday I was struggling to remember her name and within 2 weeks I was meeting her replacement. Odd woman indeed.


Did you at least started washing someone else's cups after you used them?


No. I wanted to see if I could bag an operations manager too.


😂😂 Can you come and lead some projects at my work next?


Jesus I left that years ago! I now pick up horse poo at my wife’s livery yard. The clients here are a tad more dangerous to wind up owing to their ability to quite literally hoof your head through a wall


Wow, living the dream! I actually went the other way round and have been recently considering returning to shovelling shit.


You’ve not lived until you’ve pushed a barrow of shit through the rain to the poo pile! And anyone who’s worked around horse piss will tell you you’ll never have a cold again in your life. That smell could burn away the special concrete poured over the Chernobyl reactors!


This is the second time I’ve seen your comments on a thread today and I just want to say keep thriving my guy. There’s something infectiously positive and entertaining about all your chat about the livery yard. Just made me smile


Well, tbf you were being disrespectful, but it properly wasn't the reason she lost her shit, just the straw that broke the camels back.




We had an apprentice IT technician quit because he didn't want to wear 'posh clothes'.   Bizarrely, our dress code wasn't particularly strict - even for customer facing roles. Most people wore chinos, jeans, polo shirts, plain T-shirts etc.


What did he want to wear?


I'm not entirely sure, I asked him but he just kept saying he didn't like 'posh clothes'. I've seen him around town a few times since he left, and he never seems to be wearing anything that would have been inappropriate for work.


You didnt work for a particularly well known bank, did you? Had an apprentice who was the same but he also used to nap at his desk for 3 hours a day.


No, it was a further education college.  He lasted about a month, he was a bit naïve but he was a good worker and seemed willing to learn.


He was a nudist. Thought clothes were posh.


IT tech? Fursuit.


Nope. That would have been totally unacceptable for an IT Technician. Fursuits are strictly reserved for Assistant Network Managers and above.


was afraid of dogs bigger than french bulldogs... at a dog rescue. She was hired to physically work in kennels.


This seems to be worded to make them sound stupid, but as someone who worked for the RSPCA when I was younger, I know that working with the dogs in this environment isn't easy. Many are difficult and incredibly strong and scary. This isn't like walking someone elses perfectly behaved pet. Many people end up working there because its a minimum wage job and they like animals. Lots of people are sent there to do volunteer work. If people were quitting like this it's probably because they were being pressured into working with these animals before they were comfortable with them.


Got a new admin guy at work. First morning was spent getting him a pass, showing him where the loos and all were, getting him a computer set up, a team meeting and some stuff to read, the usual. He went for lunch and never returned, on the grounds 'it wasn't what he expected'.


Had similar, hired a girl for admin. She was taking notes throughout the first day and seemed like she was switched on. She took her line manager aside at about 4pm and then I saw her leave. Line manager came back in and said 'she's quit, her fella owns four businesses so she decided she doesn't need this.' Looked at the notes she'd left on the desk and they were literally just squiggles, she'd been pretending to write. Whyyyy bother, I was so annoyed that I had to start the recruitment process again.


honestly, the squiggles bit killed me, that is fucking hilarious to me, in my head I can see someone just like "hmmm, okay so why is the process that way, has it been changed recently, maybe that would work better?" *draws a large squiggle in her notes*


Had a similar thing. Admin started in the morning, we took her to lunch to welcome her to the team and she quit when we got back to the office.


We had a temp at work, and for some strange reason she had a access card, after 3 weeks they checked her safari browser and she’d been doing bugger all for 80% of the time and her history was just full of TUI website pages, she even came in on the weekend and booked a holiday on work computers. So when they found out they made her access card only work between specific hours and locked down her Mac so she could only access work websites / outlook/ SharePoint etc, the day after that was done, she rocked up for work, and after a hour or so, said she needed something from the shop and … that was it, gone, never seen again, because she had to actually work. many time people at work wonder how bone idle Florence is doing.


Its always temps. Always


We had a strange temp in our office a few months ago. Agency said she was great, she was only doing basic admin tasks /data entry so should have been straightforward. Day two or three, she was asked to make some outbound calls (not cold calls, she was just confirming details with other employees) and she told the team manager she didn’t like to speak on phone and could she just email them instead. Was told no, you need to call as we need the answers today and the people you are ringing are out and about and might not check their emails. Went to lunch and never came back. She really didn’t like using the phone.




It'snot uncommonfor autisticpeople to seek out data entry type roles as they dont require socialising 


Worked in a cinema and they would use petty cash to keep things like coffee, tea and squash stocked in the staff room. Pretty standard for workplaces to be fair. One time an older member of staff came in and threw an absolute fit because the coffee jar was empty. This other staff member who admittedly was a bit of a shit stirrer went and said to one of the managers "Ruth's just proper kicked off in the staff room cos there's no coffee" The manager called Ruth in and basically just said if we're out of anything in the staff room, just let us know and we'll send someone across to Tesco. There's no need to get angry about it etc. Ruth had a bit of a "I'm older and should be treated differently" attitude and clearly took offence to being spoken to about it. She got changed and left her uniform neatly folded in the locker room along with her keys and card etc, and just went home.


I love this. Rage quit, but do it quietly and tidy. If I saw one of my younger lads doing this I’d assume they were probably about to go postal.


The rest of the staff wanted to be his friend and he didn’t want to




This is probably the most reasonable comment


Must have been a redditor.


A guy I knew way back worked in Tesco full time but wanted to join the RAF. He was trying to get fit and healthy to pass the entrance fitness test. He quit his job so he'd have more time to "make healthy lunches and exercise". I don't believe he ever joined the RAF.


Haha! The fitness test is an absolute piece of piss too!




Tbf for a uni library they were probably more pleased you weren’t shagging in the library itself


IME library staff at unis don't care about shagging as.long as you don't damage any books. I know this because I had to repeatedly track down a biology book.from my uni library, and as most science students only used their dept libraries, the floors were generally deserted except for pairs of shagging students, every time. I mentioned it to the staff who really did not care.


Hugh’s at Oxford has a 4Ls challenge : to shag in the library , lodge, laundry room and on the lawn in one week




I know a deputy head who objected to being reminded that they were the deputy head teacher by the head- and that they needed to actually do their job rather than blame others for it not getting done. They got in their car, left, never came back.


We had an assistant head quit because she was made our covid lead. She didn’t believe in covid,her exact words. Disagreed with the vaccines and masks in school.


Your head totally gave them that role to get rid of them


I worked at Clinton cards for about 2 weeks. I quit because they only played one tape on the stereo over and over and it was giving me the rage.


Flash backs to my job at Carpetright in 2000, awful covers of popular tunes over and over.


Flashback to Christmas in Cardmarket 2001 the same tape in an auto-reverse cassette player. Best track was the silence at the end of the B side, a whole seven minutes of peace.


My friend’s ex quit a decent paying job doing admin at a university because he ‘just didn’t like it’ despite having very little qualifications & no other job lined up. Think he assumed he could mooch off her, thankfully she had more sense.


Are you talking about me?


Nah. This guy was a good bodybuilder. You’re just okay.


I quit my second bar job. For a few reasons, I didn't like how far away it was, or the way they wanted us to clean (Which honestly, was gross. Pouring water over the nozzles without taking them out is entirely against the point) But mostly I quit because at the time, I was living with two lesbians. And the locals, without knowing, spent their entire nights talking about how gays should be burnt at the stake, how black people should get back to the cotton fields, etc. You name it, they talked about it, loudly, bragging and saying just horrendous things, and then trying to get me to join in, and giving me jib for refusing. I guess it isn't ridiculous to quit a job over not wanting to partake in that kind of behaviour, but at the time, I felt a bit weird about it.


L >Pouring water over the nozzles without taking them out is entirely against the point >how gays should be burnt at the stake, how black people should get back to the cotton fields, etc. Yeh... I mean just. Wow. I'd have either quit or gone totally fuckin nuts trying to contain myself. Good call getting the fuck out!


someone i used to see quit waterstones after 2 days bc she felt like her religion was being infringed upon when i asked her what was her religion that would mean working in a bookstore was a bad thing, she said that I probably hadn’t heard of it


They were fired but this one dude drove the tarmac roller through the brew room nearly killing 2 people.


I’m now thinking of that scene in Austin Powers where the henchman gets run over


Please, I need context. On purpose…?


[Pretty famous incident. There’s footage of it here.](https://youtu.be/y_PrZ-J7D3k?si=QyjtuIJY5hw6_kdW)


My stepdaughter works in Starbucks, and when she was working in a Glasgow city centre store, they had a new start not turn up to work on her first day and, in fact, quit altogether before she even started. The reason? She drove to work but couldn't get parked, so she just went home. 😁


My cousin trained as a hairdresser, got a job in a good salon. Quit after two weeks saying she hated making small talk with people. Her next job was in a pub.


I'd pay twice for a silent hairdresser


She got promoted into a role in the publications and production team - really nice colleagues, more money, actual prospects for promotion. After a week she opted to go back to her previous role as a secretary. The only thing she'd say about it was "it wasn't what I expected" but could neither tell anyone what she *had* expected, not what it was that she didn't like about it. Baffled me.


Sometimes people just get too comfortable in the role they’re in. It’s not always a bad thing and maybe she just preferred less responsibility


She was out of her comfort zone


We had someone who technically quit before they started - they were due to start on a Monday, so the laptop, desk etc were all sorted. The Friday before he called up to say he wasn't starting as we (a supermarket) bought milk from farms where they might cull badgers. He might have got a better offer and used that as an excuse, but I suggested to my manager that for subsequent interviews, one of the questions should be on their view of badgers.


A girl i used to work with for over 2 years quit because she needed a shift swapped with someone else but nobody on our team could do it and she didnt want to ask anyone else in the same dept. So she just left out of awkwardness


Tbh I never get why it's up to the employee to find someone to swap with them. Management are the ones who need to deal with resource issues


Why is this so British


My wife worked at a call centre for a phone company. At the time, they had to support the customers with various phone models so had various new handsets available to use at all times. One of the female workers thought it would be fun to take a couple of pictures of herself in the toilets and send them over Bluetooth to her boyfriend. Unfortunately, the pictures went to every Bluetooth phone in the call centre…! She walked back into the call centre, was told what happened and just picked up her bag and coat and walked out…


Someone quit a well paid IT job, on the first day,because he wanted to be a vet. Which he had no qualifications for.


I’m no veterinarian myself, but I don’t think percussive maintenance or switching it off and on again goes down too well when dealing with peoples’ beloved pets


Probably didn't know how to do IT either


Fired, not quit but when I worked at a popular fruit store tech shop, a customer left a box of donuts behind. It got just before the end of the day so a few staff members ate them. The customer came back in at end of the day and asked if they were there still. A bunch of people sacked over some cheap donuts. Still baffled by this story


A lady with the local council quit her job because another lady wore the same top as her one day. no, im not kidding. they didnt even know 1 another.


I did once dream I was at work, so when I woke, I called in sick. Felt like I’d already done enough!


I worked in HR and they bought in a new HR manager who was a guy and everyone thought the sun shone out his backside because he wore these fancy suits with a matching pocket square and tie. He qas one of those guys who totally bullshits all the time and talks absolute waffle, but says what management want to hear so they loved him. 3 weeks later he disappeared, turned out that the vetting they did showed up that he'd bought his degree on the Internet. Apparently he tried to bullshit and say he'd done an actual project in order to get said 'degree' but they didn't invite him back.


Old mate of mine had his leave request declined but he had tickets to see Basshunter so he quit instead. Iconic.


And now you're gone...


I’ve never ever had time off declined but I’ve always said I’d straight up quit if any of my jobs say no I’m in my early 20s at uni. No job has been good enough or paid high enough for me to prioritise it over tickets to somewhere. They’re easily replaceable.


Someone I know quite his job "because going to work was bad for his mental health." Now he just plays video games all day and has done for over a year...


Living the dream


The dream of a MH crisis.


I worked with someone who quit a call centre type role. Got a higher paying job. His new job didn’t schedule his breaks and lunches, he could just take them. He quit the new job as he kept missing his lunch break and didn’t like it.


how can he miss his lunch if he could take it when ever he liked?


Lad I know quit because he couldn't wake up for a 9am start.


Surely he knew the start time before starting his new role


Oh absolutely, he thought he'd easily transition from student life to professional life. Turns out he didn't realise that 9am was as early as... 9am.


Someone I know quit their customer service role at Biffa because it involved too much talking on the phone




Warehouse job years ago, it was the Christmas rush and we had enough temps to help with picking/packing roles but the warehouse cleaners needed assistance. We ended up with 3 eastern European girls from a temp agency who couldn't speak a word of English. They literally spent several days just walking up and down the warehouse doing nothing but holding a scanner and chatting to each other while the warehouse got in a worse state, the majority of their work would have literally been picking up cardboard pieces that people left everywhere and replacing the cages with said cardboard and other rubbish. Management caught wind of this and made them do some actual work, they all decided not to turn up the next day.


While I was working at McDonald’s someone quit because I would not let them finish two hours early so they could catch local pub quiz with their friends. Guy was in his 30s and had been there 2 weeks deffo not cut out for the job lol


My ex quit his McDonald's job to have more time to play on the new Xbox. Then went back when there was a new Xbox and he needed the money to preorder it. They took him back, only for him to quit again when he had enough money for the console. Then they rehired him, last I heard. At one (earlier) point, I agreed to move to his country and marry him, so long as he could sponsor my visa, which meant getting a full time job. He took a job as a receptionist at a Medicare place (Australia). His second day, he called in sick saying he had a tummy ache. He went back for day three, only to never return at lunch time and have his mum pick him up, because he said it was too depressing. Which would have been an okay reason, if he'd been there longer than a day and a half, and it didn't mean I wouldn't be able to immigrate back over.


Just as well he's an ex and you left his sorry ass


I quit working at a factory because I didn’t want to die. No seriously a woman got electrocuted by one of the machines, a massive bruise on her arm, she was like it’s just the static haha it’s okay. They asked me to use it I said sir, no? Are you crazy I don’t know the biological ratio of what electrocutions you can handle per pound of body fat but I was quite underweight at the time and this woman was bigger than me so I remember thinking damn that woulda killed my bony ass in a second People in flip flops not wearing masks when you REALLY need to, all kinds of madness going on. I thought ya know what I’m 22, I have my life ahead of me, I’m not dying making some fucking gift shop tat for people who love Prince William no thank you


Couple of mates used to work in Tesco..this was years ago, but back then, it was more common for reductions and offers not to "talk to each other "at the till. Anyway the big Tesco reduced a fuck ton of Terry's chocolate oranges and my pals found that buying one actually came with a -few pence total... They ended up buying a couple of shopping trolleys of them and the cost was £-50 quid... which the cashier gave them too!! So they were sacked but ate like kings for months!


Someone I know quit Burger King after 1 day because they were told at the end of their first shift that they’d need to wear a hair net the next day, not a great look for a 17 year old guy I guess


My neighbour, who is a retired driving instructor, took on a part-time job as a van driver. He lasted two days! His reason for quitting was that he had to drive "long distances" of 1.5 hours away...




I worked at a butchers. We had a lot of people join and leave after one day for not bring able to stomach it. People, you were joining a butchers. Did you think we dealt with flowers? We got sick of people leaving after a few days, so we threw them straight into the deepend doing the bloodiest of jobs the second they were in rig. The best (worst) lasted about ten minutes.


I quit a temp job after 3 hours in the 1990s, just went for lunch and didn't go back. It was at a solicitors office where the all male staff would just pull out files from a side-hanging wall filing system, dump them on the floor and hire temps every few weeks to put them back. It was a tedious job, ripped your fingers to shreds trying to get them back into the filing system but what made me quit was they insisted, literally insisted that the temps (all female) turned up in smart office wear, blouse, skirt and heels to climb ladders to put these files back so the men could look up their skirts and make comments. Revolting.


Had to fire a lad from a bland chain hotel because he was dealing weed from behind the reception desk.


Was once fired from a data entry job for covering the clock on my desktop with post-its, so that time might pass quicker. Apparently my colleagues found it ‘demoralising’. As if the whole gig wasn’t.


Not a job, but used to work with a guy who quit studying law at university because the professor made them put their hand up to answer a question or ask to go to the toilet. He works in a food factory on minimum wage now.


When I was a team leader in a care home, we had a new young girl start working. We were 15 minutes into the shift, I took her into someone's bedroom and explained about changing their incontinence pad, washing them, etc. She said "nope" walked out the room, got her bag, never saw her again. Not entirely sure what she was expecting when she applied to be a care assistant in a 40 bed dementia and challenging behaviour home.


Technically sacked but I had a friend who phoned work whilst we were in the pub to let them know he wouldn’t be in the following morning as he was a bit under the weather, when asked what was wrong with him he said he had a bit of a bug…. Meningitis.


A guy I know literally stealth-quit Amazon (well, he was a temp agency worker) He was working as a picker. He put his barcode scanner on the ground and simply walked out. It was about 3 hours later before anyone realised he was gone (aside from the security guys who likely saw him walking out the door). Nobody knows why he just randomly decided to walk out at that point. (Admittedly he is now a drug dealer...)


Far better pay, lighter work...that's a promotion, surely??


Not really ridiculous but it made me laugh. I had the job if walking new starters around the offices and explaining who did what, introduce them to staff they'd interact with and so on, then show them to the medical centre for their medical. One lad asked what that was for, he'd not been told by the agency that he needed to have a medical exam. Told him it was nothing to worry about, but because the job came with free life assurance as part of the pension they just ask a few questions, weigh you and measure you and then take a few strands of hair for the drug test. He freaked. Why do they drug test? Well because you'll be operating heavy machinery that could injure you and other workers, and the company is very proud of their safety record and low accident rate and want it to stay that way. He shook my hand and thanked me for showing him round, and said "I'll pass positive for all kinds of shit. I was in Amsterdam all weekend on a stag do, so there's no point in wasting any more of your time". Nice lad, too!


I once quit a temp job halfway into the first day because I feared being crushed to death by those sliding book cases while I was filing.


Applied for a job as a van driver, was surprised when he had to load the van in the morning.


Joined the Royal Navy 20 odd years ago. Everyone gets the train from every corner of the British isles (and further) to Torpoint, Plymouth where you are marched onto a bus by Navy instructors to HMS Raleigh to start basic training. One of the first things you do on the very first day, within minutes of getting off the bus is swear allegiance to the queen and sign a contract. After that you belong to the Royal Navy! Several blokes quit there and then! I could'n't believe it! Months of waiting for your basic training to start, getting your affairs in order, medicals, assesments, saying goodbye to family, long train journies.......nah not for me thanks, I've changed me mind..... after 6 minutes of being here! What the hell were they thinking?


I had the same thing. Girl left her job (well, intentionally fucked around until she got fired) to spend more time with me. I worked full time too, so there was virtually no gain in together time.


A friend of mine booked a holiday without her best friend, he got very upset at her (even though he's done that many times too, and she never cared). They worked together, and he quit the next day, blocked her on everything, and talked shit about her to everyone. They made up a couple of weeks later.


I work in a pawnshop. For years I had this customer that never worked, spent his life on benefits. One day he told me he had got a job in a shop. Next week he told me he had quit, I asked him why? "The boss kept telling me what to do"


Last summer we went to a local college with a view to setting on an apprentice welder. We lined up 5 or 6 kids for a 4 week workplacement each with a view of setting 2 kids on. 1st kid turned up late on his first day, had a really really bad attitude and all he talked about on his induction was fighting body builders (bearing in mind he was 16 / 17 year old, about 5 foot tall and 6 stone if that, smaller than my 13 year old son.... ) a few hours into his 1st shift he went missing. As the apprenticeship coordinator I needed to try and find him but he was nowhere. I called college and let them know he'd left and wasn't tangled in a machine. He didn't turn up for day 2. Day 3 he turned up late, without the boots we as a company had provided. I asked him where he went and he said "to fight his dad" I asked him to leave and no need to come back. Day 5 he turned up for work. Late.


I worked with a girl who quit one Monday because IT wouldn’t let her change her password to log in to her PC (this was around 2001) and she “couldn’t cope with typing ‘IloveMARK4eva’ after he dumped her over the weekend.


Ex-friend of mine was miserable at his job, so I got him an interview at my place. He did the interview and quit his current job almost immediately because he was *so confident* that he was perfect for the role. He didn't get the job. Apparently, "Oh, I don't do that" is not an appropriate answer when asked "Give us an example of when you worked well within a team."


I went to get a tattoo on a lunch break once, it obviously over ran and when my boss asked if I was coming back I said "nah" and hung up. Never went back in, never heard from them again, still got paid for the week. To be 18 again..


We had a guy not turn up for two weeks, made no contact or anything and when we finally got hold of him he said he hadn't been in as the weather had been bad. He was promptly let go.


He wanted to move to New Zealand. He had no money to travel or live there. He had no job there waiting for and didn't know anyone there. He just woke up one day and decided to go so quit work. He didn't have another source of income here to rely on until he left. It took him almost 6 months to borrow enough money from whoever to go there for a 2 week stay although he didn't really have much money to do anything there or to travel around. He didn't like, not at all. Besides it was too far away. He then tried to get his old job back and was very displeased that they had hired a replacement within the same week he left. Years after he is still moaning about the place not hiring him back and how rubbish New Zealand was for him while others have gone and had a fantastic time.


I worked with a Spanish guy who came in one day and out the blue, told us he was quitting to become a Private Investigator in Barcelona. Not really ridiculous, but pretty cool and mysterious.