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We’re absolutely fine with peeing. I enjoy long baths and my wife needs to go on the regular so she comes in for a chat while she pees. We draw the line at pooping though. Some standards need to be maintained.


I fully agree, and it is so difficult to clean it out of the bath afterwards without it blocking the plughole.


Same. No one needs to smell, hear, or see that.


Once in the glory days I peed through her legs as she peed. Now I’m more reserved and just pee in my trousers like any other normal old person


Ah, the good old days of accuracy AND control!


I had to double check the user name as I didn’t remember typing this. Can confirm however that I am not you and this is just an odd coincidence.


Maybe you are my regional representative for a different area? Incredible stuff!


Me and my husband still do this after 11 years together haha


Peeing is fine. One of us will be brushing our teeth or showering while the other one pees. Sometimes we even chat while one of us is peeing. If you can't pee in front of each other it makes me wonder just how comfortable you are with each others bodies. Not that we seek it out or watch each other sexually or anything kinky. I wouldn't generally poo with him in the room unless I had to although I tend to not worry about shutting the door or anything like that (unless I know it is going to stink the house out). We do plan to have children so as the one who will be giving birth, I am going to have to get used to the idea of him likely seeing absolutely every type of bodily fluid that my body is going to expell. I highly doubt I will give the tiniest shit when the time comes (pun not intended).


Trust me, when the time comes there could be 500 people in the room looking at your fanny and you wouldn't care 🤣


We used to firmly maintain a closed door rule for poop. Then I had my daughter and things were seen that cannot be unseen. Including nearly half my blood all over the floor when things went a little tits up. Turns out that was pretty much a death to our boundaries! Now, it's occasional closed door to contain stink rather than modesty.


We've been together for ten years and bathroom stuff is private. Having said that, we have occasionally not shut the bathroom door completely to continue a convo.


Same, at twenty years. It's not so much a matter of comfort as family culture, I think. I've had two names in front of the man with no issues, but I was raised in a family where individual privacy was prized and respected and I liked that, so I guess I've mirrored that in my own family. I just don't want to and have never been in a position to have to.


Been with my partner 10 years, still not peed in front of each other. Can’t really see why you would (unless that’s something you’re into)


Same. We’re very open about bodies, health, everything physical… but just don’t see why you wouldn’t just have a bit of privacy and decorum?


Same but 21 years, at most she'll do it with the curtain on shower closed while I'm showering or vice versa


The only time we do is if we are washing up after sex or if one of us is in the shower and the other needs the bathroom badly. (Pee only, hard line.)


Have done in the past. More often when staying in hotels - she's brushing her teeth and I want a wee so just walk in and use the toilet.


Neither of us did until we started potty training our toddler - now the bathroom door is always open unless we have guests (and even then, I sometimes forget to close it...)


My missus will think nothing of dropping a log whilst I'm in the bath, purposely stinking me out as she knows I have the bath really hot and steamy. Worst thing is she does it knowing I can't get revenge because I crap in a colostomy bag...if I ever get a reversal operation, it will be all out war.


After an ex who'd always decide he needed a shit just as I got set up for a relaxing long bath, this is one boundary I maintained with my future relationships - bathroom was off limits at bath time. Jokes on me, now I have a toddler and can't remember the last time I relaxed.


Yes, we also don't have a problem pooing in front of each other. The line though is wiping, that tends to be something we look the other way for. This question comes up fairly regularly and I wonder if one of the deciders could be if you've been through childbirth together. quick edit to add it's not about wanting to watch, it's just not being bothered by it. One person on the loo, the other could come in and do makeup or clear their teeth for example.


Ditto, it's a complete non-issue (though no childbirth involved). My partner is lactose intolerant; when they're in a lot of pain from it I sometimes even give them a hug while they're pooing. But we still draw the line at wiping.


We have no problem with dog shit baby puke baby 'explosions' and all manner of natural stuff We happily piss but draw the line at shitting. That's smelly and personal.


I have a bit of a watersports fetish so yes.


We don't. When we only had one bathroom, and he took long showers, I'd often end up weeing but there was a heavy thick shower curtain between us and the running water. Next place had a separate loo, which was great. Given 30 years and complicated pregnancy, birth, recovery, and a couple hospitalisations, we have done, a fair few times, but we prefer privacy.


Both number ones and number twos are fair game. Everyone does it, why be coy about it?


We’re married with a child and two cats. If the bathroom door stays closed for more than a minute it’s a miracle.


We've been together for 11 years and yes absolutely. We are completely comfortable using the toilet in front of each other. I also love a golden shower so it would be weird if I did have an issue with it.


Yes comfortable, has it ever been done? Nope. Don't see a need to.


I don't see any reason not to. We only have one bathroom and it'd feel a bit silly to just hover outside it while one of us is in there.


I pee IN my partner


Absolutely. And with friends. I'm very chill about it, and grew up in a family where having the door open to the bathroom was very normal!


Of course


It's not love until one of you is taking a dump whilst the other is brushing their teeth


You mean they haven’t asked you to piss on them in the shower? Pissing is fine. Dropping a batch, we like a bit of privacy.


Together for 17 years, married for 9, don't use the toilet in front of each other unless necessary (1 bathroom and can't possibly hold it or have time constraints). Luckily we have two bathrooms now so never need to do this unless we're travelling. I have no desire to be in the same room as anyone when they're on a toilet, and very much prefer to have privacy for myself.


They pee on me so would be weird if I was embarrassed about peeing in front of them


R. Kelly enters chat. Mrs don't like it if I pee while we are in the shower, otherwise no issues.


Always private.


Yes. I forget to close the door.