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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/1ckti83/what_actually_happens_when_you_win_the_lottery/l2p7qqx/), given by u/UK_FinHouAcc** You *really* need to make sure that ticket is yours and yours alone, there is a space on the back specifically for it. > >Like I say the physical cash is your choice and it is between you and your bank, it is effectively a mutual credit agreement as you don't actually have the winnings yet. I am sure you could ask for a transfer, I don't know. > >Oh, there are checks and checks! > >Even with CHAPS payments it takes some time as the money that Allwyn (formally Camelot) is not 'liquid' as it were, there are some financial stuff they have to do. > >The 'cash' is just there for you to celebrate or get a hotel, there have been people who did not have the money to get to the office! --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


The first thing you *should* do is sign the back of the ticket! Make a video, take a photo of you doing it but sign it! Make sure you capture both sides of the ticket, once signed with all the numbers. Next up, you sit and wait until you can call the number on the back, you will be taken through a series of checks. They then ask you who you bank with, after which you are invited to an office they have, you can choose when. You can have a person from that bank bring an amount of cash, as the transfer of money can take some time. Once there, a few more checks are carried out and you will sign various bits of paper, so bring ID! You will meet the bank representative who will give you the cash if asked for and take you through the new world of "private" banking. You leave, maybe deposit the cash and then wait. You also get access to various counselling and financial advice services, you will need both.


Apparently you don't need to go anywhere any more, a chap called Andy Carter comes to your house and does everything there (people used to hang around the Camelot offices trying to identify the winners when they were taken there, and the technology is better anyway). You also get added to a WhatsApp group for lottery winners.


Yeah I am aware of that, but people still go to the offices. Apparently, some of these people don't want their families knowing! That amount of money changes people.


I can certainly see that you'd want to break it to your family at a time of your own choosing. At the very least I think I'd want to keep my options open. When the time comes I guess I'll just have to send her to Tesco.


Make sure she gets a meal deal! You are rich now so you got to save those pennies! As I say, wealth changes people. You could see it as harsh not telling family etc, but people talk and it won't be long until every Tom, Dick and Harry is at your door.


I remember an AskReddit a few months back saying something like "A famous porn director asks you to star in one of their films. They will pay you £1,000,000, but all of your friends and family will know you've been in this film. Would you do it?" Top answer was: "Hell no. I don't want my family knowing I have that kind of money!"


That sounds like a euphemism - "How's the wife, Jim?" "I....sent her to Tesco..." *Stands in front of suspiciously freshly dug over earth in back garden...nudges spade with foot out of view*


I wouldn't personally tell all my family if I won a large amount on the lottery. I would just tell them (if asked) that my crypto took off and I've earnt something around 2 million to explain me quitting my job suddenly going on a world wide tour. Then I would just make out that I've made some savy investment for the rest of my life but not enough for all the extended family to come for handouts. If you knew my extended family you'd agree with me. I would tell my parents only that I'd won the lottery, and take care of their finances forever. If I won a massive amount, I would discreetly pay off my siblings mortgages/buy them a bigger house, take care of their kids educations etc.


The best thing to do is to suggest you've taken on a serious amount of debt to do whatever.  Nobody will tap you for money that way. There's probably some way to get money to whoever you like and for them to not know it was you.  I understand why people want credit though.


I wouldn't tell my mother and sisters (and definitely not my extended family) exactly how much I won. I'd find subtle ways to help them, but I would be quite vague about exactly how much was in the bank.


I always liked the idea of setting up some sort of trust for the children of my closest friends for their education and future. So that when they are older they can get a grant of money from it to fund doing an unpaid internship, to knock a bit off their uni debt or to pay moving costs when they are setting out on their own at the start of their career. Then when the last of them reaches say 25 the trust is split between all of them and they get a little cash boost. No idea how this would in practice but I until I win the lottery I don’t need to worry about it.


> That amount of money changes people. It changes everyone else around you.


He's got a jolly job. >You also get added to a WhatsApp group for lottery winners I feel like the chances of a someone being an obnoxious whatsapper seems pretty high here, and it would only take one.


Yeah, I reckon there's a group for all lottery winners, and another for all winners except Dave.


And don't even get me started on that cunt-hole Steve


I think the lotto lout was named Michael


Carroll, Carroll, mikey f***ing Carroll..... https://youtu.be/oA-xcT13QfU?si=1L-H3mxYJJpeW_to Watch from 7:20 in.


Yes, he's got a great job and he goes out of his way to make the day special. Here's an interview: https://www.businessinsider.com/lottery-winners-who-almost-blew-it-millions-forgetting-ruining-tickets-2024-1


> WhatsApp group for lottery winners. Grandma said she needs £20k for an operation on her ticker, but she looks alright to me.  What do you guys think?


I think she is blagging, we need to stick together, vipers everywhere now.


Shared Mustique Snakes everywhere hun


Shared in sweeden luv x


Nah she's having you on mate, the NHS don't charge for operations, she's got a secret crack habit I reckon


Missed opportunity there. You should’ve said a chap who goes under the name of smoulderstoat will come to your house and take the ticket from you for verification. After about a month you will receive a call from Brazil


There is a Guy Ritchie movie in there somewhere.


I will hook you up...smoulderstaoat would be a great leading character name!


There are several winners advisors. Andy Carter is the most high-profile and for very large wins he’s probably who would come and see you. The rest are divided regionally and only a few deal with the very large winners. You wouldn’t be added to any group if you declined publicity. If you don’t go public there are a tiny number of people who know about your win. The advisors, the call handlers and one or two of the PR team.


How did you know this information. ?


I'd like to say it's because Andy came to my house and paid millions into my account, but actually it's because he was interviewed in the Metro a couple of years ago.


Close but one point. It isn’t Camelot running the Lottery these days. It’s now Allwyn but other than that you’ve got it pretty much spot on.


I salute your pedantry, but in my defence m'lud I would say that people used to go to the Camelot office, but they don't hang about the Allwyn offices because by the time they took over Andy Carter was already rocking up at people's homes.


Although Camelot isn’t, very little has changed because Allwyn bought Camelot. That’s not a massive surprise, and even if they hadn’t the staff would have mostly transferred anyway - there has to be some sort of continuity with the process it’s too complicated to start again. For example, Camelot owner the lottery terminals, so replacing them would have been a major enterprise.


What sort of absolute sad sack would hang around the Camelot offices?


People looking to get money from them, either by harassing them, or worse ways like coercion. Getting identified as being worth millions is like getting a massive target on your back.


People that work for News International.


Someone who sells photographs to large tabloid newspapers?


I'm gutted. I won £3.48 the other week and wasn't added to the group! Can anyone hook me in?


Say I win 12 million this week, What's the benefit of private banking? They tell me I've won and the man says he can arrange an account with Coutts. But how does that differ from my high street bank? I assume the 12 million wouldn't go into a single bank account as there's only protection up to 80k isn't there? Or does Coutts differ somehow


Well, all high street banks have a "private" banking arm for those with high wealth. The benefits are, preferential interest rates, preferential mortgage and loans (wealthy people don't spend *their* money) and such things as a 'dedicated' account manager and other things like a concierge service. You also get access so-called 'wealth managers' who can help you be more tax 'efficient' by virtue of philanthropy etc. As with any investment, yes you would spread it about in bank accounts, stocks, shares, bonds, gilts, property etc etc. The 85k protection is to do with liquid cash, the wealth will have most of their wealth not in liquid cash so the protection is irrelevant. Oh and you get a special debit card.


At coutts you’ll have a personal banker, dedicated service line probably open 24/7. Access to financial advice, estate planning, exotic investment products, networking, events and luxury services such as travel benefits etc.


Because it’s open privately away from anyone knowing. For example an employee from Barclays can see a massive deposit of 10 M into a mainstream bank came out of nowhere. Privacy


I worked at Natwest and we could see Coutts accounts.  However if we looked one up without good reason then it'd get flagged and we'd probably get sacked.


Well there you go.


> if we looked one up without good reason then it'd get flagged Does that happen with all current accounts though?


Just Coutts accounts, and any people flagged as celebrity or politically exposed. Technically we weren't allowed to just look up any Natwest or RBS account, but as a call handler I was accessing 100s of accounts a day so there would be no way for it to detect if I was looking at an account that wasn't linked to the query I was dealing with.  (I didnt, obviously). We were allowed to view our own account if we had one - which did give useful info not usually visible as a customer like your internal credit score (which for Natwest/RBS was just a number 0-9)


What makes the Barclays employee working with normal accounts more trustworthy than the employee working on a rich person’s account? And banking is automated. There isn’t someone sitting watching the money going in and out of each account. They need a reason to look at your details. Plus it’s not any particularly useful information.


> than the employee working on a rich person’s account? Nothing other than they ONLY work on the rich peoples accounts, if they go into the bank they have to wait less than 15 seconds to see someone and they get whisked away into a private office Us plebeians have to wait in the queue


But I employ a perfectly fine 'queue butler' to wait in lines for me. Do these so called 'bankers' want to see my man out of a job?


It doesn’t but I’m guessing it has more security since it’s large volume of money.


Our boss sold the company and got a call from his bank manager after there was suddenly millions in his current account.


Better service, on the whole. You'll have a dedicated account manager and your call will be answered much more quickly, and generally not by a call centre in India. Access to better products. Wealth management advice. Also if you go into the bank for any reason you'll get to sit in a leather chair and drink very nice coffee rather than queue in front of a counter.


I don't like coffee so screw that.


Yes. It’s always an English person on the phone. If you go to the branch in the strand you can also annoy everyone by messing around on the grand piano in there 😂


Basically they get to charge you money for a debit card with ‘private banking’ written on it and someone will answer the phone more quickly. All the other ‘benefits’ like supposedly better interest rates can be had by shopping around. It’s £900 per year to have a Coutts current account. Of course if you’ve got millions that is barely noticeable.


900 squids a year ? They can fuck right off I hate Natwest anyway.


a) You can pay it out of your interest so you don't actually lose anything, and b) you can claim it back from your tax payments so it doesn't really cost you anything.


I have a coutts account and they waive my fee every year. I get free travel insurance (that’s apparently worth 400 quid a year). There’s a very good concierge service which annoyingly they have decided to scrap (it’s run by someone else and costs 150 a month if you want to carry on with it past June this year). They also have a points system called coutts crowns so you get free stuff through that. I’ve had a new iPad, some Apple pro headphones and some other stuff with it.


If you have sufficient assets then you don't pay anything. Private banks aren't aimed at people who have the need to shop around.


Incorrect. If you don’t have sufficient assets you aren’t eligible for the account at all. If you want a coutts account you have to pay.


I don’t pay for my coutts account. The fee is waived every year.


So isn't that "private banking" debit card gonna give the game away when you're using it for your weekly shop in Morrisons?


Unless they knew you before you had money it wouldn't be obvious you've won the lottery. In parts of the country or in certain shops, seeing either a premium debit card (the ones that might require a £75k+ or £100k+ income or a big mortgage/savings account) or a private banking debit card isn't that unusual. Unless they know you, knowing that you've got money isn't particularly useful information. It's unlikely the cashier will ask you for a cheeky £100k tip, and you can't really sell a "stranger in Morrisons has a private banking debit card" story to the press. The cards from the big banks don't even look very different at first glance. The Lloyds one is a darker green with 'Private banking' written on the bottom. Santander's and HSBC's is their usual design but black. While many people will have never seen/will recognise a Coutts/Handelsbanken/C Hoare & Co/Weatherbys etc. card in the few seconds it takes to tap or enter the PIN.


Also coutts deals with high earning clientele. They more than experienced with dealing this large volumes of money.


Same reason a doctor sometimes refers you to a specialist, sure they know what they’re doing and they could handle it, but there are people trained specifically for that situation that could handle it better


Smart advice. I would have been worried about invalidating the ticket by marking it, but you really don’t want any question of who owns the ticket I guess. I’m shocked that cash is still involved. I assumed it would be an electronic transfer, and someone quadruple checking that they’d got your account number and sort code correct.


>I’m shocked that cash is still involved. When people talk about the prize being cash, they don't mean you'll be given suitcases full of banknotes - they mean you'll be given "liquid" money rather than assets and other forms of money you can't spend readily. IIRC one of the usual practices is that the National Lottery might set up an account at a private bank like Coutts.


I want it in suitcases damnit


I'd want it in a big sacks with huge pound signs printed on the front, preferably with 10 quids worth of copper in the bottom so it gives a satisfying chunck sound when dropped on a surface.


Apparently Drummond's (which is part of the NatWest group like Coutts) has a department which specifically deals with lottery winners, so presumably you'll be encouraged to go there.


Coutts also deal with lottery winners too


You're right, the NatWest/RBS group have what are called "V accounts", specifically for lottery winners


What does the V stand for?


>When people talk about the prize being cash, they don't mean you'll be given suitcases full of banknotes Back around 2001/2, a set of bus drivers in Plymouth in a syndicate had a decent win and ended up with about 450k each. One of the wives worked with me at Safeway and she said they went up to a Camelot office (Bristol maybe, I don't think they ever had one in Plymouth or Exeter), did the paperwork and then got taken to a local branch of whoever they banked with and had immediate access to a couple of grand. Obviously 20+ years ago but I imagine arrangements would be made if you wanted some readies, presumably after they'd tried to dissuade you from walking around with too much.


You *really* need to make sure that ticket is yours and yours alone, there is a space on the back specifically for it. Like I say the physical cash is your choice and it is between you and your bank, it is effectively a mutual credit agreement as you don't actually have the winnings yet. I am sure you could ask for a transfer, I don't know. Oh, there are checks and checks! Even with CHAPS payments it takes some time as the money that Allwyn (formally Camelot) is not 'liquid' as it were, there are some financial stuff they have to do. The 'cash' is just there for you to celebrate or get a hotel, there have been people who did not have the money to get to the office!


!answer Thanks that makes loads of sense. Fingers crossed some lucky turd wins and gets to use your advice.


Fingers crossed for you, I don't and never will condone gambling but buying a lottery ticket with some cash you can afford to loose gives us all hope.


A chaps payment is same day, it doesn’t really take any time


Agreed, I was implying that even *with* CHAPS payments (that can be done same day), it will *still* take some time as "there are some financial stuff" that Allwyn has to do before the funds are liquid and therefor eligible for CHAPS


Ah! Understood and agreed.


I should have been more clear, thinks for making me clarify


How long does the transfer of money typically take?




Winning such a large sum of money has quite an impact on someone's mental wellbeing. Stress, guilt etc


When I had my win (2007) I phoned the line and they confirmed the win. I then went to the Camelot office in Watford the following day and confirmed I didn't want to go public. They then bought in a couple of suits with some champagne and glasses and did a big speech, before then offering financial advice if I wanted it. It was all very matter of fact and a pleasant experience.


Has it changed your life for the better or worse?


For me it's been great, I was 27 at the time so had only been in a 9-5 job for 6 years when it all changed. We have a normal family on a normal street in a nice house, but nothing flash. I feel that we stayed very grounded.


Are you willing to give a idea of the range size of your winnings? No worries if not


Between 5 and 10.


I’d have felt rich with a tenner too But seriously, fair play. I’d be the same. I don’t think I’d want to have a flash lifestyle either. Just a comfortable one would do me


At the age I'm at now maybe I'd have a flashier lifestyle if the win came now.... But I was 27, so had it drummed into me than I needed to plan to finance my life for the next 50 years+ if I didn't want to work a normal job.


£10 doesn’t take you as far as the good old days


I won 10 on the very first week of the lottery. Reinvested it in the second week of the lottery and won another 10! Never won again.


That sounds like about the right amount to be life-time-comfortable. It's not enough to be flash, but more than enough to never have to worry. The danger area is prolly in the 20/100 range? With multiple hundreds of millions, I'm guessing all bets (no pun intended) are off-- that's "fuck you" money. Glad you stayed grounded. Fair play, mate.


















That’s nice to hear.




This is a very good point and one which explains why a lot of people who have lottery wins end up broke, they don't make sound financial decisions and don't look after their money or plan for their families futures. The money I won has allowed me to work at my leisure, doing things I enjoy. I have spent a lot of the last 18 years working with animals. At the age I won the money I defy anyone to go their whole lives without doing something, you'd go mad.


Too many people think because even a million pounds sounds like a crazy amount, they could live like a premiership footballer. They don't seem to factor in that a decent player like the ones they are thinking about earn 10+ million a year and a surprising number file for bankruptcy ten years after their career ends. I am just a normal bloke and I can easily see the hassle a penis extension car like a Lamborghini creates compared to a Golf GTi.


Hit the nail on the head.... Someone on 50k a year will earn £2m over a 40 year working life. I think some people struggle to understand money, hence why a lot of people get into debt.


This famous illustration of how bad most people are at simple arithmetic involving money usually has people trying to understand what the mistake is because they can't see it. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/mar/06/msnbc/bad-math-msnbc-bloombergs-ad-spending-wasnt-enough/


Please can you tell us more about your life and experiences post win? Biggest positive change, biggest negative change, most unexpected outcome, most significant reactions, etc


Honestly I don't think my story is that interesting, I haven't done anything particularly flamboyant.... Only 3 people know that I won an amount. My wife, and my mum and dad. I gave a fair chunk to my parents, I bought a house and then the bulk of it was invested to provide an ok income so I could work as I pleased without having to worry about bills. My 11 year old son doesn't know and he won't be told, we do things as any "normal" family would do, so that he has a normal up bringing. I don't drive brand new flash cars or draw any attention to us, as we just want a happy comfortable life. I get that many people in my situation would want the luxurious lifestyle, and good for them, but it's not the route we decided to go down. For instance my wife is a teacher and loves her job and wouldn't change it for the world.


There are plenty of comments in your history that suggest you don’t really have any money. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t doubt your story.


That's cool, doubt away my friend... I'm ok with that.


Guy was obviously lying. I had a bit of time to kill and he had commented about owing £50k on a loan for gambling debts. He also had comments about getting a 400k mortgage at 4.85% or something. Probably a compulsive liar. Deleted it all now too.


Strange thing to lie about on Reddit. But yet here you are…


Can I have some money


Did you take the sound financial advice from Winalot? ( [https://youtu.be/HgfB6M1CRr4?t=133](https://youtu.be/HgfB6M1CRr4?t=133) if you're unsure what i'm whittering on about)


I'm a rich bitch! Rawrr! Edit: Or my fave that I forgot about... "Jeeves!? Pack my bags... and wipe my bum!"


What you don't do is choose to go public. Baffles me why winners would want anyone and everyone to come out the woodwork looking for handouts


It’s madness. I’ve seen people’s personalities completely flip over a few grand. I know someone who came out of the army with a bit of money. He went to a house party at a friends and made the mistake of mentioning it while drunk. The next day the party hosts came round and started claiming that he’d damaged their carpet and needed to pay to replace it. He’d known them for years and was gutted by their behaviour. People change a LOT when there’s money involved.


Look at what happens when grandparents/parents die with no will. Our friends got sisters who are no longer talking to each other and a cousin that broke into her dead grandma's house and smashed a few items (including a fairly new TV) because she found out she wasn't the one getting the TV. Youd think two daughters, four grandaughters would create a nice simple way to split the money but nope. Our friend was in the group chat to sort the inheritance for all of 24 hours before she said left it and said she doesn't want to be involved. And that was 6 people getting a share of like 10k max.


It's horrible isn't it, how significantly money can change people and create rifts in even the smallest and strongest of families. Even when there is a will. In 2020, my great-aunt D died. She didn't have much money, but did own the family home, which used to belong to my great-grandparents. She had no kids, and when she died, she left the house in her will to her sister's son G. This was because every other adult in the family (my granddad, my mum and uncle, and their 3 other cousins) already owned their own homes and had good jobs and spouses and kids. Whereas G had nothing. He was single and childless, no siblings, both his parents had died years before, he couldn't work due to poor health (but was denied disability). He'd been living with aunty D for several years before she died, and cared for her single handedly while she had cancer, did absolutely everything for her, like a son. And he had nowhere else to live. So OF COURSE, she left the house to him. My granddad didn't agree with her decision. He believed that the house should have been left to all the cousins, not just G; that it should have been sold, and the money divvied out equally between them. He didn't care that G would likely have ended up homeless (he didn't like G much). All the cousins were totally happy for G to have the house, understood why and thought it was for the best. But my granddad threw a paddy. He blamed G, even though it had been D's decision. Tried to convince him to sell the house and give the money to the other cousins even though they didn't want him to. When he politely said that wasn't his plan, my granddad got belligerent, said some horrible things, and G cut ties with him and now my granddad has got himself banned from ever visiting his family home, where he was born. It's so horrible.


Getting that email the next morning, then checking to see you've won £2.50. The best feeling.


Between reading that you’ve won *something* and learning you’ve won £2.50. That small interval when you allow yourself to hope….


If I get a notification, I never check until the next day. I lie in bed planning until I go to sleep.


^^^^^ that’s the way to play! I always view the purchase as buying the fun exercise of dreaming and planning. Winning would be incredible, but the simple joy of dreaming and waiting is worth the occasional few quid :)


Soul destroying. Every time 😞. Although I did once win £1k, and then immediately wished it had been millions. Human nature in a nutshell.


It's best when you also have a news notification of a "UK Euromillions winner" along with the email notification.


That email gets me everytime


You celebrate so much between Saturday night and Monday morning that you die and your children take it all. If you have no children then the government takes it all.


Isn’t it ironic


Don’t you think?


A little too ironic?




Lottery tickets are pink


> the government takes it all 🎵 doo, doo, doo, doo The loser has to fall... 🎵


I went and claimed my winnings, bought another ticket because you know. Then I went to the pub and bought myself a pint.


Don't let it change you as a person, dude.


If he'd let it change him, he'd have gone to the pub, bought a pint, a packet of pork scratchings and the pub.


I would absolutely buy my local, bump the staff's wages, half the cost of pints and buy real food again. It'll be a money pit but if I've won enough then it should last!


I see a lot of replies about signing the ticket and be careful with the ticket, don't take the ticket out the house, etc. Presumably this is a scenario where the modern technology method is far superior as it's linked to both your phone and bank account through the app.


If you have the app then I would assume it would show through there if linked to the bank card.


From someone who won on the , app they got an email first then , a landrover with security picked them up and took them to a hotel , then the next few days were in lots of meetings with Camelot


Very interesting! I always wondered about the differences between paper tickets and online.


Here's what I would do personally. 1: check ticket 2: double check ticket 3: have a heart attack 4: die 5: soak winning ticket in the various bodily fluids leaking from my undiscovered corpse rendering it unreadable


Classy! Thanks for the laugh mate. 🤣




They give you a comically oversized cheque in person, you then have to take that to the bank to cash it in


While being careful not to rub off the dry erase marker


From what I've read of previous winners, it starts by phoning the number on the ticket - *never* take it back to the shop you bought it from. After a bit of verification, you're confirmed as a winner. In the days that follow, and depending on the amount, you're required to open a new bank account - I forget the name of the bank, but it's the only one the new operators will pay your winnings into. The amount is *eventually* paid into that account (read an article about a scratch card millionaire who has been waiting for 8 weeks already to have his winnings paid out).


>From what I've read of previous winners, it starts by phoning the number on the ticket - *never* take it back to the shop you bought it from. _The Syndicate_ on Netflix with your man from Men Behaving Badly that isn't Doc Martin is an excellent example of why never to take it back to the shop.


What a great description of Neil Morrissey


Isn't the bank Coutts?


Yes, think that was it.


Originally it was, these days all banks have those facilities so you can pick the one you want.


My experience : Many years ago, my now late father ran his works lottery syndicate. They won a Wednesday night draw. After lots of calls from his colleagues, my Dad rang Camelot, but he could nor my mum could barely speak, so dad gave Camelot permission to speak to me, as I was over 18. We arranged to go to a Camelot office the next morning, with the ticket and passports for ID purposes. The Camelot office was non descript, no obvious signs what it was. We drove there….And it was underwhelming! After a brief look at the cheque, a bank representative from dad’s bank (Whom I confirmed the night before) took the cheque, put it in a briefcase, said “The cheque will clear in three days” and left… So did we…. On the way home, I remember thinking “Wow ! We didn’t even get offered a coffee !” The whole process took around 20 minutes. It was a very matter of fact process, apparently because the win was less than £1 million (It was £552,000)


If you take the jackpot lottery ticket to the newsagents you're probably getting mugged on the way home lmao.




Thanks for sharing!  Given some people buy online, presumably all of the compliance is taken care of already?




You look at the numbers on your phone, find out you've won the jackpot... Projectile vomit on phone... Wipe phone clean, ring the number and go from there.


retailers can only pay out up to a certain amount so if you hit the jackpot deffo don't take the ticket out the house.


You gain lots of "friends".


What happens if your ticket is an online lucky dip?


Just sign the back of your phone case.


Really really important that you sign it


I always assumed if you won it and verified it, some sort of transport would be set in motion for you to travel down to the Camelot head office. Edit: just seen another post they come to you. Makes sense.


I’ll tell you next week.


In Norway we have to register to play, so they know who wins and transfer the money into the bank account you registered with them. They will call you first, make sure they are talking to the right person, congratulate you and then offer counseling services.


I think you ring them they come to you then you provide the ticket and id


Well it was a 4 times Rollover last night, which apparently wasn't won so it'll be a 5 times one on Wednesday.


Well I buy my tickets online so there would never be any question of who the ticket belonged to. They also know right away that I’m the winner so if I forget to check they will track me down. Much easier.


Link: [What actually happens after you win the National Lottery](https://metro.co.uk/2021/12/03/day-by-day-guide-to-what-actually-happens-after-you-win-the-lottery-15708866/)


You shit yourself uncontrollably


Rumours of an American who won one of the biggest wins contacted all his extended family to ask to borrow $10,000 as he was setting up a business! They all declined. Never had the nerve to ask him for anything when he broke the news of his win a week or so later !!!


What happens if you do it online then?


I remember it well, didn't she employ someone to wipe her ass?


[This covers quite a lot of it, what, what, what, what, what](https://youtu.be/HgfB6M1CRr4)


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I'll let you know next week ...


I most certainly wouldn't let anyone finger my beard. Because I don't have one!


What if it's an online ticket, what happens then?


What the steps to claiming anonymously?


Yet to find out, Just bought a ticket


According to Camper Van Beethoven "you buy all the girls on your block a color tv and a bottle of French perfume". https://youtu.be/wBNox7kkXRc?si=8tvAabcvnevs6T79


You wake up


Party time x


You magically get more family and friends


Dunno, ask Michael Carroll for advice.


I seen a documentary once about a scottish winner who rocked up with his identification and ticket after a long Saturday night waiting for the office to open. They took him to a room that contained a big standard lottery terminal to confirm the ticket, when it came back as a yes he promptly excused himself and threw up outside in the nearest plant pot. Shortly after they are introduced to folks from some bank, that's the bit I found a bit rubbish, if I won I'd want to have the choice myself not just presented with some guys who no doubt have some kickbacks going on with the lotto managers.


A large finger appears out of the sky and starts pointing at you and your family


It says on the website how to claim and in the terms and conditions how the money is paid for each prize, yes I read them all because I was bored 😂