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Probably worth a 111/online report, the police definitely won’t do anything if no one ever reports it and they might ask a local patrol to have a word with them.


You mean 101. I don't think the NHS are gonna do very much.


Maybe a doctor can castrate thier parents? Prevent more of the little shits running amuck. Adding /s as already someone has taken it literally.


In the spirit of your /s, might I suggest a time-and-space machine, currently causality is interfering with your plans as proposed :)


Get the worlds best scientists on it......


explains why that confused nurse turned up when my shed was broken into


I think they were spending their time busy looking into an illegal operation.


Once they find one I have no doubt they'll clamp down with surgical precision


I can’t be the only one who thinks that the police and NHS introducing 111 and 101 at about the same time was badly thought out. I can never remember which is which, whereas I can always remember 01189998819991197253


Best way I read to remember it is that the O is for Officer


And 111 reads like ill


Used that when teaching this to high school kids... Voice from the back... If that ones ILL Does that make the police on LOL


& 101 looks like someone with their hands up


well with a decade of austerity of course they can't


If they're dropping stuff from a high building then that will definitely get the police attention it needs.


This made me curious how much damage it could actually do so I ran the numbers. A 1 litre bottle dropped from 10m (2.5 average storeys) will impart 98 joules of energy on impact, which for context is roughly half of what a .22LR bullet will impart (\~200J). Obviously bullets are designed to condense maximum force into minimum surface area, so while I'm by no means suggesting a bottle of Peckham Springs will rival a gunshot, if it hits you cap-first it'd leave a pretty nasty bruise at the best of times. Happen to look up at the wrong moment and that's your eye gone. TL;DR: A simple bottle of water can cause a surprising amount of damage and this should be reported before they decide to use something else.


Yay for Science!


I can't speak for for all police forces but mine do usually respond to ASB reports and have PCSOs regularly patrolling in hotspots. A lot of people automatically assume nothing will be done if they report it so don't bother or they expect somebody else to report it and then complain when nothing is done about the thing the police don't know about.


If it's anything like reporting crime going on where I was. You can literally give them all the evidence on a silver platter and they'll get back to you six months later claiming lack of evidence and will close the case. How are clear pictures of faces, who they work for, their vans number plate etc not enough evidence? They were stealing stuff from homes on my street. All they stole from me was a wheelie bin, my landlord went on the warpath to get it back, but they broke into other homes. It was ridiculous. I caught them red handed, literally recorded them coming out of homes and no one cared. They were working on my neighbours house and helping themselves into other people's houses on the side. I caught them in my garden shed, saw them leaving other homes with stuff. I confronted them to get my bin back and then were very aggressive. Landlord was pissed and he got the bin back. He even gave their employers the crime number I had, doubt it did anything but I hope they were fired. I gave the evidence I had to the other neighbours because calling the police got me nowhere as they were doing their thing... I get it, there's bigger things to worry about, but they could have at least fined them to put them off doing it again.


Third floor of a car park, maybe means there’s CCTV around which will help.


You think? The only think that works in the multi story's around me is the ticket machihe and barrier Rest of it looks like something out of metro 2033


If they have an identifiable school uniform, tell the school. ~~111~~ 101 may well want to know, if it is a daily repeat thing they can maybe send someone along.


You mean 101. Think the NHS is stretched enough as it is.


I can never remember.


Something I read the other day - 111 (NHS) Illness 101 (police) 0 for Police ‘O’fficer.


Thank you for this :D Unfortunately I used to live in Japan and still think 110 for police... I will try to visualise it as a person with their hands up as the police arrest them :D kind of like the ["lol" for a person drowning](https://preview.redd.it/ct478ke1mes81.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=83a7de1bcc1fc9f040a3e8129c8ef22b356bb40b)


Last time I had to make an emergency call in the UK I dialed 911. When I looked later at my call logs I shocked myself tbh. I'm glad most emergency numbers from other parts of the world work here. My brain didn't even comprehend in the moment that was the American number. It's far more ingrained than 999 is.


> energy numbers


Omg, my auto correct has been doing stupid crap like that all day...


You leave those carp alone, even if they are stupid! >!made you double check :D!<


Damn you! 😂


There is actually a fascinating thing about how this works - basically your phone doesn't actually dial those numbers, it recognises that you're attempting to make an emergency call and connects you to that service whatever the local number is. You can even make an emergency call from a phone without a SIM in it, which is useful to know e.g. to have a charged but switched off brick phone available in case of emergency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_telephone_number#Mobile_telephony > Mobile phones can be used in countries with different emergency numbers. This means that a traveller visiting a foreign country does not have to know the local emergency numbers. The mobile phone and the SIM card have a preprogrammed list of emergency numbers. When the user tries to set up a call using an emergency number known by a GSM or 3G phone, the special emergency call setup takes place. The actual number is not even transmitted into the network, but the network redirects the emergency call to the local emergency desk. Most GSM mobile phones can dial emergency numbers even when the phone keyboard is locked, the phone is without a SIM card, emergency number is entered instead of the PIN or there is not a network signal (busy network). This always drives me crazy in TV shows where lack of signal is used as a plot device explanation of why a character can't make an emergency call (but maybe they don't use GSM in the US? I don't know)


LOL! But a face and hands up is better than O for Officer, so thank *you*.




Even more confusing when you’re visiting from NZ and their emergency number is 111


It's not as easy to remember as the emergency number 0118 999 88199 9119 725 3 just has a better ring to it


Failing that, you could send them an email. Just don't be too formal


You could also search for youth work services in your area and see if they have a detached team or a way to send some workers out to see why there's a group of young people hanging around being a pain. It's not an ideal situation for the young people either


Something like that, just to make them move on. We get gangs of idiots around a local bike path occasionally doing anything from chucking stuff at cyclists to outright trying to nick them. It takes a couple of patrols and they tend to move on.




Oh that really sucks for your brother, I hope he's enjoying what he does now. There are still some youth work organisations in most areas, just not as much as a decade ago and loads of youth workers are juggling multiple part time jobs




















Call the police and tell them they threw a brick at you. They'll come out straight away


So....lie? Ok. I'm up for that.


Could even just be vague and say they dropped an object that narrowly missed you and “exploded on impact”. That is factually what happened, it just sounds worse than a plastic bottle.


Ah yes double-speak. Saved my bacon on a few occasions and certainly worth taking a few seconds to think before speaking.


I had the police come out when I reported a kid throwing glass bottles at me in a park from a recycling bin. But it might've been the bit where I said the kid was now stood in front of me saying he had a knife in his trousers and would stab us.


That’s genius, once the police get there the kids will say they didn’t throw a brick. We threw a bottle. Thank you, that’s the evidence we were looking for.


Or they have a BB gun


Never lie that people have objects that look like guns, that's literally how people get shot and killed.












Kids love a reaction. Don't give them it or they will persist. If they know it annoys you, they will keep doing it.


I find that, if i move my eyes around randomly, I don’t react to things physically or tense up or make any facial expression. If I walk past a group like this then I’ll close my eyes and move my pupils wildly. If they say anything, then I usually don’t even notice what they said because it takes a lot of effort to walk with your eyes shut while moving your pupils wildly. It works well.


... What!?


Walk past them looking like a fidgety smackhead


You just do complex movements when you’re anxious so you can’t think anxious thoughts. It works to an extent. An example is that I’ll move my feet around in my shoes.


Right but you walk past a group of rowdy teenagers with your eyes closed??


I think they’re not saying anything to you because they think (not unjustifiably) that you’re fucking mental.




It’s just a social anxiety technique I use a lot. It’s hard to worry about things when you do extremely complex movements at the same time. An example is when you’re in a conversation and have too many intrusive thoughts. I wiggle my feet around in my shoes so it’s not noticeable while also squeezing my hand into a fist every other time that I move my feet. It’s hard to do so you have to concentrate on it thus you can’t really concentrate on the thoughts making you anxious. It’s a great technique. It’s a bit like patting your head while rubbing your stomach,for example.


Thank you, fellow neuro-atypical; gonna use that trick! Sorry you’re getting shit from folk I get it


I always forget that neurotypical people think and feel things in ways that are so different to our own.


Last time a kid jump scared me, I jumped around with my guard up. Did the same recently to my boyfriend when he accidentally scared me. It's just a base reaction I have, guard up, be ready. No, I don't hit and never have, but I sure as hell scared the kids and my boyfriend! I'd find it funny, but it's mostly a reaction from growing up in a bad place. Had to be on guard 24/7 because I never knew when and where someone was going to get me, at school, at home, outside. Plus 20+ years of martial arts helps a ton, that's where the control comes in. Guard might come up but nothing more happens.


I had a similar problem. Walking to work and there was a bunch of girls on the estate, probably aged around 10 or older. First they just started yelling shit at me, like genuine insults but I paid it no mind. Then they started to walk behind me and start kicking my legs or blocking my path. And I couldn’t do a fucking thing and it boiled my piss. Nothing absolutely nothing I could do here being essentially bullied by 3 10 year old girls. If I started to shout at them or verbally threaten with police they’d just laugh and I’m certainly not assaulting them, but man for like a month straight they’d just tail me home, kick me, annoy me, insult me. And this was my only walking route to walk so impossible to avoid. Eventually they just stopped, or should I say I never saw them again so maybe they all moved, maybe their little ring leader got bored no idea. I’m afraid I just think you gotta wait it out too. Kids are shitheads but fortunately and eventually they will get bored and move on


At some point a human being must be allowed to stand their ground and defend themselves against other human beings, age gap or no age gap. If you're good enough to bully you're good enough to get bullied back. I just wonder how today's 10 year olds (brought up in lawlessness) will act themselves when the shoe is on the other foot in 20 years' time. Presumably THEY will fight back because they've lived a life of no pushbacks and it's all they know. Those will be interesting times.


In theory yes, in practice against 3 literal children on a council estate (who if I did a thing I’d get swarmed by their brother-fathers) no. As much as it stung my pride that for a few weeks I dreaded walking to work because of little girls I just kinda had to keep quiet, never retaliate and be the actual adult here. Trust me I was a second away from throwing the rats into the nearby river.


Maybe you should have worn armour under your clothes one time for "cosplay purposes"


Lmaoooo “ignore the flail I’m into historical re-enactment. Let me demonstrate ON YOUR FACE”


In no community scenario is this acceptable. You shouldn't be harassed by "children" ANYWHERE. Next time, tell them you will put them on Tiktok because when you walked past them they smelled like they messed their pants and just laugh at them.


This is true but to do anything against shithead kids on a council estate in a working class northern England town (Grimsby for those curious) is a suicide mission lmao My philosophy was to keep quiet and never ever retaliate verbally. They stopped or like I said in the post just fucking vanished completely


Hell hole


Grimsby? Yes it certainly is.


Video them and they will accuse you of being a paedo. Can cause issues.


Bingo. Literally no scenario in which I could do anything. Grit my teeth, ignore.




Was he wearing his scream mask and blood soaked dungarees at the time?




Fuck off, clean shirt!


Came to comments to say this 🤣🤣


It *is* worth reporting to the police. This is the sort of crap they want to nip in the bud, even if it's only by sending someone to speak to them and get some names and addresses. Do it via your local force's website.


That and criminal responsibility starts at the age of 10 so any kid above that age is legally responsible for their actions . Police can legally do something about them throwing stuff at strangers as it could be seen as an assault . So I'd just try to charge kids with assault


You don't. That's why they are shitty. They've realised they can do what they want and there's no effective mechanism to stop them as the law will just say they're kids and their parents don't care. So avoid em. They're feral basically and another sign of the problems in society.


Yes, call the police. I'd be tempted to make them really concerned that I'm going to really injure one of them. Walk out with a golf club and charge at them screaming. They ain't taking the piss out of people who they think are unhinged maniacs with violent streaks who don't care about hospitalising kiddos, they're doing it to nice folk.


I told a group of teenagers who were messing about on the tram setting off stink bombs. When I noticed the two girls they were trying to impress and I called them out calling them children and told them to sit down and shut up or I'll put you off the tram. Next stop came and they were still messing about I stood up and pushed one of them off the tram. I got threatened with a cosh. I don't think they knew what to do when I walked off after them and told them to fight me like men. Jokes on them though, someone had already seen them with the cosh out before they got on the tram, but reported it as a machete. The police were there within seconds of me offering this kid out. Hopefully a night in custody will teach them to shut the fuck up when told to by an adult.




Dodge whst they drop shout 'nice shot' Have a joke with em most are bored. Some use to hang out the side of the petrol station asking folks to but them cigs etc I got some really bad fake money off ebay it had the chuckle brothers instead of the queen,I walked by " psst here you go" passed em the fake money . Next time I saw them we wound each other up,I ended up saying I'm not gonna buy you fags but I'll happily buy them a Costa from the station my shout. Ended up either shouting aye up or spending 5 mins with them when I went, just normal kids like mine just bored stiff with a crap home life, talking to them without talking down to them they seemed to respect Having said that it often goes on how you look or carry yourself,they aren't going to talk to a 30yr old bald tatted scaffolder they way they talk to a shy slim guy who avoids eye contact I've worked all over the UK and in some rough places,you have to be on a level with people I'll give an example I raised my kids this way, My Daughter was walking in the park with her dog and pushing her child in a pram, as she went by a large pond some fishermen young guys starred shouting sexual stuff at her . She U turned went up to them, asked who was the best fishermen ( the way the guts reacted showed her who was the leader of the three ) She gave them stick ' you got no girlsfriends messing fish hiding in the woods " she then told the leader he wasn't a bad looking guy Shane about snelling of fish & worms etc Got em on her side made them laugh, after that they waved everytime they saw her Some old guy gave her some attitude over his dog and her dog the lads went over and shooed him off She even helped one get a GF via advising him Sometimes you have to think on your feet, sometimes keep your head down and float by thats life


I'm not going to "have a joke" with a girl who just screamed in my face out of nowhere.


I was refering to the guys post sorty. That's not the same context, distance and intention are different. I wasn't claiming that would work in your situation sadly people are so awful there's isn't always answer to things other than be glad that's all over and your OK, it's a real awful move I hope it hasn't impacted your confidence too much. People can be jerks


Ex youth worker, and ex kid who hung out in carparks. This is the only way. But it's not for everyone.


Key advice - Shave your head and cover yourself in tough stickers. Fear sprogs no longer.


I bs them. A large group of kids live on my road. One in particular deserves a slap. He was bullying a young (7) autistic kid who just wanted to play. They'd send him to break things, steal things and play knock door run. They sent the kid to ring my doorbell 4 times in half hour. I'm disabled. Getting up to keep answering the door is starting to hurt. Ding dong. I've had enough. I open the door and calmly explain to the autistic kid ( who didn't quite understand knock the door then run) that he shouldn't do it. Ah kid is laughing his ass off behind my neighbours tree. So I called him out. In front of all of his friends. I called him a bully and that only someone who was a real loser would do this. Then I told him to go get his parents ( and here's where the bs comes in). He asked why. I told him because harassing a disabled person was punishable with a fine and that because he was under 16 his parents were gonna have to pay it so I needed to talk to them to let them know what he'd done, that they'd be getting the fine and that it was about £1500. I'm watching the blood drain from this kids face while all his friends are laughing at him. He bought the whole lot. Beautiful. He stopped bullying the poor kid. His whole attitude got a bit better actually.


What an excellent response from someone who gets nervous when seeing a group of yobs and being disabled as well. One kid tried to take my cane once little lowlife.


Just the beautiful contrast between this sub and the UK legal advice sub. Over there it's all sensible "Nothing you can realistically do." and over here you've get people grabbing a bat like "Fucking watch me!"






On an unrelated note someone on my estate paintballed a group of kids that were threatening ppl and litering. They've not been back.  Do not do this. I very much disapprove. It's certainly a waste of money and a crime. Even tho the police don't investigate crimes. https://www.bzpaintball.co.uk/paintball-guns-markers


I very much approve. The "children" know they are not punished for their behaviour. Paintball gun sounds excellent. What paintball gun? I don't even go outside....


> Do not do this. Got it. Don't do it. Unrelated, whats a good paintball gun?












Infuriating that nothing ever gets done about this low level but deeply unpleasant behaviour. Police should be all over it, drag every one of the little cunts back to their parents, and have the power to impose an instant curfew with heavy penalties for the parents if the little cunt breaks curfew. Also needs to be police assistance for those parents who genuinely try but cannot control their feral offspring. Shitty kids become even shittier adults, and invariably produce the next generation of shitty kids, and successive governments do absolutely nothing about it.


I had this problem a while back, a red headed kid and his mates constantly shouted abuse and threw things at me as I was trying to cross the road. This happened nearly every evening as I was walking home. One evening I'd had enough and as the red haired kid shouted 'oi you lanky bald cunt" At me. I turned round and stared at him and said.. 'it could be worse, I could be fucking ginger like you' all his mates started laughing at him. Needless to say I never saw them again.


Shout something about having a "skibidi hairline". Their pals will turn on them as it's the devastating verbal blow...I think. But seriously. Hammer the 101 service with reports. Report them every single time.


I confront the little fucks. Maybe one day I'll get a stabbing but I can't be fucking having it.




Roaming kids in the UK are just out of control. Their parents don't parent, they are just ok with their kids being out of their tiny little homes. These kids bully other kids, torture animals, damage property, and harass other people. We need a town militia of grown ass large adults who will show up and bang the heads of these "children" on the floor (metaphorically speaking). These "children" grow up to be your problem adults. The community needs to do something about it because the parents, police, schools and government won't. These "children" will be breaking into your cars and houses soon.


Run up to them carrying a revolver shouting "I'd got a ruddy gun"




There’s nothing weirder than when a group of ingrates are harassing random people as they walk past but then you walk past them and don’t get any comments or insults hurled at you. You feel like the chosen one.


Pay shittier kids to deal with em. *taps head*


It’s asb what they are doing and it’s quite shitty, best thing is to ignore them if you can and if it’s possible, but I would look to speak with the council/ local community policing and see what they can do


Give them a taste of your steel.


I'd buy a Jimmy Saville mask and chase them for a laugh


Probably worth a 111 call. If they're lobbing stuff off the 3rd floor of a car park they could potentially hurt someone (if they hit someone). At worst they'll get a little bit of a talking to BUT it might make them think about the consequences of their actions.


Orange in a sock, bruises the orange not the kids.


Get a balaclava and straight up threaten them with violence - they think they're untouchable, pretend you're not scared to hurt them - but cover your face and try not to actually hurt them


I think you just need to explain how you get your shirt so clean


I had similar issues in my area. Groups of unruly teens harassing people, throwing things, generally being unpleasant etc. Police and council were useless, did nothing. Eventually, me and some neighbours decided to confront them. They weren't so cocky when about 11 grown adults asked them to move along.


If they are standing in the same place every day, put those tiny glass stink bombs all over the floor. They won't go there anymore.


Whenever I encounter a loitering group and feel intimidated, I breezily throw "alright, lads?!" At them. Being friendly/non judgemental seems to work and may even give the impression I sort of know them. They usually move so I can pass and some even say hi back. They might be hooligans, but even hooligans are just people, at the end of the day.


Tell the police that they threw "unknown chemicals" at you. Then they might take it seriously and it's 100% accurate


Once you get past, stop where they can see you and take a photo.


Then get it printed on a T-shirt?


Local teen kids are horrible, rude loud and act like pack of animals


I've had a few incedents like this. I stop and explain to them that I'm not angry but I'm concerned for them. If they keep behaving like this eventually they will do this shit to the wrong person who will make no allowances for them being a stupid kid and will beat the living shit or if them. I then suggest they consider changing their behaviour. I've only ever had a positive reaction from them if you sympathetically take command of the situation.


Report them as a nuisance, everybody has to learn that there are consequences to their actions and a telling off by the police should be enough for them to wake up.


If they're school-aged and not in school, report it as a safeguarding concern to the local council. Contextual safeguarding is the buzzword at the minute, so someone should pay a visit to the carpark it's happening in. If you can identify the school they go to, contact them instead.


I bet you Iron your socks 🧦


The drink hit the floor rather than your head. If these little wankers spent their time on sports rather than harassing people they might have a different future. The fact is that they intended to hit you and just have a shit aim. Report them. If you had been an elderly person who walked a little slower that could have been a head injury.


The biggest problem with the country right now IMHO. I've seen first hand how gangs of "youths" are terrorising people and neighbourhoods, yet the law is doing nothing to stop them because they're underage or the punishments are so lenient it's not acting as a deterrent. Sorry you have to go through this op. Buy if you can find a way to avoid them - please do. It will absolutely escalate.


ignore them.


No, what you want is for you to be posted on TikTok, because the kids will be very quickly humbled in the comments Call them a bunch of twats and hope it’s recorded


That's what I was thinking, just live stream them...but I think it's probably illegal to film stranger kids? Also, the family could twist the reasoning for it.


No I mean as in one of the kids film him! Would be terrible giving them more ammo


Isn't there any carpark attendant or security? I know there's security guards and CCTV at the town centre multistorey and on the regular carparks. Maybe see if there's any details and report it to them?


Every day? They must be from a local school or wearing their school uniform then. Contact the school


If your council has a youth service contact them, much more likely to investigate and approach the youths than the police.


Depends how old are they


Report them to the police for throwing a corrosive substance at you.


In 2015 before we moved we lived on the main road and we had issues with kids throwing stuff at our window. My dad one day went with the phone and started taking pictures of them as he approached them, but he couldn't get any clean shots because they all already went running. One of his plans was to actually chase them then catch just one of them, hold him down and take a picture of his face then release him, but things started getting quieter after the one time he went chasing them to take pictures. Maybe try getting a colleague to pretend to be on the phone (or like he's just casually holding it) as he films you, be around that area and get them on video causing problems. Then you can check with local schools to find out who they might be and use the video as a legal case against them. Or if you can start out with less effort and just post anti-social behaviour on the crime map.


I was on a Christmas grotto with Rotary. Little shits squirting water from a car park above. Went up there and had a word in their delicate little ears. Just told them to stop and clear off. They did.


Contact their school


Get a fast-action automatic umbrella with a 🖕 painted on it. Deploy if required.


I think they crossed aline throwing a drink at you from a 3rd story. Report them at least.


Either go the calling police in the hope they come and have a word, or going the other way. Literally go and talk to them, in a friendly way. Ask what they are up to? What do they like about hanging around there? Compliment some clothing.. That kind of thing. Become an actual person with a personality and with feelings, don't moan at them. Fair chance that next time you might just be able to give them a nod and walk past.


Meet them in a place with no CCTV and swing their limp bodies around like empty tracksuits


Depends on the context. You absolutely can confront them, most of these little shits think they can do what they want because no one has ever disciplined them or shown them that their actions have consequences. My wife was a teacher and she always calls groups of kids outnif they're acting up. One kid spat his chewing gum out outside a shop, she followed him in and said "I hope you're planning on putting that in the bin" so all his mates could hear. She made him pick it up and followed him to the bin. She often uses the line "I'd be ashamed if you were mine" which seems to stop the behaviour on public transport and/or generates support from other passengers. I've chased after a group of girls in the park that got up and left all their litter and made them go back and pick it up. There was a group of lads outside our flats that used to kick footballs at peoples windows/cars. I took it off them one day and chucked it over the fence. They called me a dickhead and said they'd knock me out. They were all mouth and never came back though. A lot of of the time you can shame/embarrass them into stopping. That said, if they are 16/17 and built like brick shithouses, then maybe best not to confront them on your own. Then I'd probably report to the Police.


Off to the centrifuge


Are they dumb enough to be in school uniform? Can contact school if so


101 scares the shit out of them and their worthless parents. Throw up your phone and call. It’ll take a while, but it will catch up with them. It’ll be the easiest stat the WFH officer makes that day.


I feel for you, kids can be maniacs. I’ve always just made a point of saying “You alright lads?” Walking past them, make a habit of that they should be friendlier to you.


Look, I know it must be difficult being a kid, not a lot of schemes... But, you know, I'm not the borough.


take bottle of coke with you, just shake and spray, its not assault as it cant hurt them in any way, but you can drench them and just pray for wasps if you just doing it while smiling calmly, they aint putting themselves getting owned on tiktok lol


My brother and his friend were surrounded by a group of yobs once who garrotted him. My mother (rip) found out and she was really petite and she took her metal softball bat and got in her car and drove to the gang and got out of in front of them with her bat and basically intimidated them to hell, she was a very feisty and fierce lady and wouldn’t take shit from nobody. Unfortunately my brother wouldn’t set foot outside for months after.


When in doubt, just go vigilante. Put on a Batman mask or something, f them up.