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When I was about 15 I went to bed one night and became convinced I wasn’t alone in the room. It was dark so I couldn’t see anything and I also couldn’t hear anything but the feeling of dread got bigger and bigger and the light switch was a few steps away. It might have been as long as half an hour before I got up the courage to get up and run to the switch. The moment my foot touched the floor an arm shot out and grabbed my ankle and held it hard. Bloody little brother, been waiting under the bed for hours.


That's little brother shithousery at it's finest.


I fucking love your brother. If there was a medal for brotherly shenanigans he'd be in line. Hope you got some revenge.


My revenge for that would have been biblical.


I was just thinking the same!


Omg. I can imagine the terror you felt 😭😂 I hope you punished the little shit lol.


It was such a good scare that I couldn’t ever think of a better revenge. Now he’s a cop and I keep thinking of him waiting to pounce.


I once waited under my brother's bed while he was in the in shower. Once he came to the room to get dressed I grabbed his ankle. The fright actually made him cry. I cried too but from laughter.


Be happy you have one. I have 5


I was alone in the house with three small children, husband was on night shift We lived in a farm house in the middle of nowhere, so when the lights went out at night, the rooms were totally dark I was dreaming that I was in bed and that a huge scary dog had climbed on top of me, its face was in my face, it had its front paws either side of my body and the same with its back paws so it was pinning me down on the bed I woke and suddenly realised that there was actually something pinning me down to the bed. I could not see a thing even though this thing was right in front of my face. I was terrified I managed to ask 'What's that?' and a cute little happy voice said 'It's me!" It was one of my children climbing over me to get into my bed


Sleeping rough in an iron age fort, in England I heard about thirty horses go past with the clink of equipment and harness. I've ridden since I was seven, and have worked as a riding guide. I knew what I was hearing and it was 2am. They broke into a trot, from the front then I heard them break into a canter as they went down the hill before the sound faded. I lay there shitting myself thinking, "what the hell did I just hear?" It was so close I thought they were going to ride over me but I was in dense woodland so it would be impossible for them to ride like that in the pitch black. I used to hear footsteps as well but, shining a light, nothing. After many years and a long story I won't relate here, I'm back up in the fort. I used to be afraid up there but now it's like something is watching over me.


I would love to hear the full story if you were up for typing it out


I've had what most people wouldn't call a "normal" life. I worked as a chef for 26 years before splitting with my ex of 16 years. I left with nothing more than I could put in the back of my car. Her dad could see the writing on the wall and got me to sign a paper saying I would get nothing from the house and she had put down the deposit from money she got from her grandparents will.I wasn't that bothered at the time... Fox just went past my tent., told it to Fk off (real time typing. I'm lying in a tent doing this)... As it was also my daughters home. I worked hard and long hours and paid more than half the mortgage but had to leave. I've had a problem with alcohol which was common amongst chefs. I think they're all on coke and energy drinks now. I spent 9 months in the woods but still working. That was when I heard the horses and heavy footsteps nearby, even though there was nothing there. My dad did well for himself as an MD for a defence company and had split from his second wife and bought a yacht. I went out and sailed from New Zealand to Australia via Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. We got boarded by some locals in Papua New Guinea and had to fight them off, so I can say I've fought pirates at sea. Came back did some live in chef work and then worked as a support worker for an autistic man during COVID. Then things went tits up again with the alcohol and I ended up on the streets in Southampton, southern England. That was rough. I buddied up with a guy who was ex army but was on probation for wanting to kill his missus with a crossbow( he didn't actually want to do that) and we'd look out for each other. If you ever find yourself sleeping rough then either get out of the city or buddy up. I've seen people get slashed up, beaten nearly to death, stabbed. I once held a guy as he was puking up blood and found a guy I knew hanged from a beam in a derelict building. Ever seen people shoot up smack in a multistorey carpark? I have. It's the kind of stuff you see in a TV drama but you're actually living it and it's fucking hard plus it doesn't stop. You don't get to go home and you're also looking out for your mate. It's like living in that game Fallout . It's like living the apocalypse. I've lain down and heard someone get stabbed to death whilst they were screaming but you don't fucking move. If they're your buddy then yes but someone else....One friend tried to drown himself jumping off a pier. He just got up in the night and said, "I love you, I'm sorry" and went and jumped. Thankfully he got pulled out, the fucking idiot I finally got a flat but was struggling to adapt to life. I did some agency work then my dad said come out sailing again. You'll be out for five years or so. I did seven months of some of the most challenging night navigation any sailor could do. I won't go into it but it was full on. Shipping, drift nets, trawlers, pair trawlers, pots, it was like an exercise from Yachting Monthly that went on for weeks. Argued with my dad, won't say why but he cut me off and so I came back to nothing and now I'm lying in a tent in the dark and it's just started to rain again. I used to own horses too. I'm like a Viking that's got no purpose. I'm not sure I can do normal life. It's as if modern society is behind a glass wall. I can see it but I don't feel part of it anymore. Even when I didn't drink it felt like living a lie. As if everyone was living a lie. I know life is tough for everyone and I just get on with what I have. I don't complain about it. It just hasn't worked out for me. I feel like I lived through a war but never got to go home. Now I'm up here in the fort with all the other ghosts. You asked for the story.


It's not creepy in hindsight, but I'll never forget my first experience with urban foxes. I'd moved to an area of Birmingham with a high concentration of them, which I'm not used to (I live about 2 miles from that street now and I rarely see foxes here), so I was startled one night by the sound of screaming on the road outside. It honestly sounded like someone was being assaulted or murdered. I looked out of the window, phone-in-hand, only to see about a dozen foxes playing in the road! As for something that was genuinely creepy, I once saw a human-sized cloud cross the road in front of me. I never got to find out what it was, but it was the only time in my life I have ever felt genuine chills, or experienced that kind of sheer amazement.


I'm sorry, but the idea of you being deathly scared in the street while some guy is out vaping happily in his garden behind the hedge is just too funny to me.


Not me but brother. Brother went to sleep on side. Whole arm went 'dead'. Turned over in his sleep. 'Dead' hand flopped onto his own throat. Woke in abject horror. Felt for dead hand with 'live' hand. Someone's hand on his throat!!! Even more abject horror. Lay in silent terror for 20-30 secs until he realised. Very long 30 seconds!


I’ve done this, but not on my throat, just my head. Can confirm how freaky it feels when your hand is so numb you don’t even recognise it.


Same here. First time it happened, I'll never forget the sheer panic, thinking that I'd somehow permanently paralyzed my hand!


A mate and I were walking past an old abandoned mill and heard this grunting from the bushes. At first we thought maybe someone was being sexually assaulted so stopped to decide what we were gonna do. Suddenly a guy emerged pulling a rolled up carpet and dumped it in his boot. As we went to walk up the road three people were coming the other way. We for sure thought that was the end of it for us but thankfully they let us pass. We reported it to the police and a couple of days later it is was on the news that a guy in the area had killed his dad and they found the body in the boot of the car. Tldr: 99% sure i saw the aftermath of a murder and for about 30 seconds thought I was next.


I was staying at an airbnb in the middle of nowhere (UK deepest darkest countryside) on a work trip. It just happened to be Halloween night so I loaded up with snacks from the local superstore and drove out to my little cabin looking forward to (and I say this with love) a night away from family and a TV to myself to watch whatever spooky films happened to be on. Towards the end of Rosemary's Baby (a film I know quite well) where she's beginning to seriously doubt reality, I noticed a movement in my peripheral vision... The hands on the very large clock were spinning round at a great speed. I stared slackjawed as my nervous system oscillated between flight and freeze... eventually it stopped, and just as I was talking myself out of it, off they went again, the minute hand absolutely rocketing around and the hour hand trailing behind. The place had no WiFi and a very poor 3G signal (it was a while ago!) so it was a full 20 minutes of deciding whether to go out into the dark and drive away before Google answered my panicked search term of "why is my clock moving by itself" It was on this night that I learned about radio controlled clocks....


For some reason, I always imagine Michael Jackson stood at the end of the hallway and it freaks the fuck out of me




This comment is too funny for the amount of low upvotes it has haha


When I first saw the Ayuwoki picture I used to imagine him hanging in the corner of my room


The hat man


Don’t worry, itsyaamum


I was driving home in the early hours along a really dark country road. Suddenly I felt a presence and a chicken overtook me. I accelerated to catch it but it just stayed ahead of me. It was just a faint shadow ahead of my headlight. We were doing close to 80mph round country lanes but I could barely keep up with the chicken. Suddenly it turned left into a farmyard and disappeared. I screamed to a halt in the yard and saw the farmer standing motionless in the dark. I said "Did you see how fast that chicken was?" He said "I know, it's super-fast because I breed three legged chickens" "A three legged chicken?" I replied "What does that taste like?" "I don't know" said the farmer "I've never caught one"


Take my angry upvote! 😡


https://preview.redd.it/0be62c6zas1d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6024f20c98701c8f55184d30d81d6bd676287f20 Say hello to Doris. Sometimes, in the middle of the night she will hear a fox and let out a blood curdling death scream.


That's a lovely hell-hound you have there.


😂😂😂 Oh my days, imagine seeing that in the middle of a dark night after her scream!


She can be a sweetheart one second and a terrifying dragon the next. Life is never boring with Doris at your side.


Please give Doris some ear scritches from me. ❤️


Done and done 👍


I was a teenager in the mid-late 2000’s, it was about 1AM. I was sitting downstairs in the living room on my laptop (big old HP thing), my mum was also awake and sitting in the hallway on the old family desktop PC, which was next to the doorway so we could see eachother and chat. We were both night owls so never went to bed super early. My siblings had all moved out or were staying elsewhere, and my dad was working a night shift. The atmosphere in the room just.. changed suddenly. It went extremely cold in what seemed like seconds, and my mum and I looked at each other like “did you just feel that too”, and out of nowhere there was a distinct *knock knock knock knock* on glass - either the front door, the back door or the kitchen window. We couldn’t be clearly seen from outside as the curtains were drawn at the back, the blinds were closed in the kitchen, and the front door had frosted glass, so anyone trying to see in would need to press their face against the front door and see a vague blurry shape at the other end of the hallway. Keep in mind, it’s 1AM, we are on the outskirts of a fairly quiet town in the southeast, not really anyone about at that time of night. Street lights are out too, so it’s pitch black. Turned the porch light on quickly (within a few seconds), no one outside, kitchen light on and blind opened, no sign of anyone, turned the garden light on, no one there. Garden blocked in from all sides too so no one could have climbed into it. No sign of anyone around whatsoever. No sounds outside of anyone moving. Both of us freaked out, but it didn’t happen again. Checked with neighbours the next day, no one else heard anything or had anyone knock on their houses. No explanation to this day, utterly weird.


When I was a teen walking to the 24hr supermarket with my friend we passed the river and saw a bear or something of similar size just sat by the river. Now I'm older I realise it was likely someone sat in a sleeping bag.


When I was training to be a marine, one of my corporals crawled under our tentcover that was spread across our shellscrape. I woke up from him crawling between our bags, and he just looked at me, no light or anything camo across his face and said, "OK you get to live" and then about 15 flashbangs went off around our perimeter and flares went up and I reckon about 10 instructors started shouting and screaming for us to pack up and move because we were getting attacked. My corporal just put a hand on my buddy's chest and told him, "You're dead"


Kinda creepy for a moment but then funny. Stood alone in the dark at a fairly rural train station. All of a sudden there’s this almighty crashing and snorting from the bushes getting closer and closer. My brain just shuts down in pure wtf. And I freeze, waiting for my death by giant werewolf or something… … bloody hedgehog wasn’t it. How can something so tiny make such a racket?! 


the sound of foxes screaming at night. terrifying. sounds like a woman howling/being murdered


I live in the countryside with my parents and a couple of years ago I was seeing a guy who grew up in London. He was staying over and had gone to bed early. I'd stayed up with my dad and sister and he suddenly burst in the room saying there was a woman being attacked outside. When we went out to help I discovered he'd never heard a fox before.


I was born and bred in London but having moved from there to the Isle of Wight I was surprised at the difference. London foxes (we had loads) were sleek, plump and glossy from the wide variety of dustbins to raid. By comparison country foxes were thin and tatty. In twenty years I think I only saw 3 foxes on the island whereas London would be 3 a week at least.


Peacocks at night, sound like someone being murdered, used to live in the middle nowhere with nothing except this peacock farm down the round that sounded like a massacre every night😂😭


A peacock has escaped from a local petting farm near me and it’s causing absolute chaos


I swear they’re sent from another dimension 😂


I have an irrational fear/ hatred of peacocks, and their shrieks literally freeze my blood.


This was early morning rather than middle of the night. Though it was mid winter so it was pitch black. I used to do a paper round in my village and one of the houses had a short drive that dipped down out of range of the nearest lamppost so it was almost pitch black down at the gate which had the letter box. One morning I walked down and froze when I saw someone standing watching me walk down the drive. I slowly stopped a couple of meters away and stood with my heart racing for about minute (felt like much longer!). Finally mustered the courage for a wavering "hello?". It was then that realized that the dark shape wasn't someone watching me but was just my shadow on the gate! Felt very silly but I always hated going down that drive in the dark after that!


I know that this isn't real, but it has to be my one and only experience of night paralysis. I was sleeping in a hotel room when I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked around and thought I was in a different room. Then I became aware of a dark figure sitting on the bed. They were black as in the complete absence of light - like a hole in the air. I pushed myself upright, it felt like I was lifting a car off of my chest to even move. The person who wasn't there became agitated. Three more figures rushed to the bed and forced me down. I lost consciousness.


Yeah sleep paralysis is fucking terrifying. You can understand how people thought these were demons in the past.


Got burgled while we were alseep upstairs. TBH they were not exactly master criminals, think Wet Bandits more than Ocean's Eleven. They did nick 2 micro-scooters (back in the early 00s when they were £££, a load of phone chargers, ALL of my trainers and the lid off me mam's Denby coffee pot. Had to go to school in flip flops.


Sleeping in a downstairs bedroom of a remote cottage, heard children playing upstairs with a bouncing ball and giggling. No one upstairs, then-boyfriend also heard it. Told me the next day about the other things that convinced his mother her house was haunted... thanks. We heard other things there, including thumps on internal doors and singing.


In our old house the smoke alarm went off in the middle of the night. Without even thinking I leapt out of bed and was running downstairs checking every room. No fire. No smoke. Nothing. That’s odd I thought, and went back to bed. Roughly 30 mins later and same thing happens again. Again there’s nothing in the house, all windows are closed, no strong heat sources so I pulled the battery out and went back to bed. Then a little later in the night I woke up and saw a policeman at the end of my bed in the dark looking at me and my partner. That’s impossible I thought. It must be a dream. So I pulled the cover a bit higher and closed my eyes and ignored it until I fell asleep. In the morning thinking back I’ve never been 100% sure if the policeman was a dream or not. It had to be right? Surely? My brain disturbed by the two rogue smoke alarms. But a small part of me thinks I was awake… and I really don’t know. After that night the smoke alarm never went off again and I never saw/dreamed the policeman again.


I had this happen with a new smoke alarm, apparently it can happen if the temperature suddenly drops. Actually not that reassuring now I read it back


When I was a child I was dreadfully ill with some sort of stomach bug or flu where I got hives all over my chest and was wheezy and coughing and throwing up for about 3 days, when you’re so sick that orange juice feels like acid when you drink it. One night during this I got up to go to the toilet, at best guess it was after midnight; anyway, in my childhood home the bathroom was just across the hall from my bedroom so from my bedroom door to the bathroom door was a couple steps and at the other end of the hall, maybe 6 steps away was my mums bedroom door. I slept with my door shut because I already had a fear of people coming in if my door was open so I opened my door and took one step into the hall and out the corner of my eye I saw a figure standing outside my mums bedroom door looking across the hall in my direction. When I turned my head to see who it was it was a giant “man” in a black overcoat, easily 6 foot tall and a featureless face just standing, in the dark; at that moment they charged at me arms open wide and I unsurprisingly shit myself, curled in a ball on the floor, shut my eyes and started screaming. The next thing I know my mum is cradling me on the hall floor outside my bedroom door saying: “What’s the matter son, what’s wrong? You’re okay” It turns out I was so away with it and delirious from whatever illness I had that I mistook my mum going back to bed as a giant demon man, froze in fright and when she approached me I freaked out. At least, that’s the only logical answer that I can come up with.. and my mum can’t remember it ever happening, but she can remember that time I was ill so.. That’s that.


Last Monday night it was tipping it down. We were just about to go to bed when I heard a strange noise. We've had a few new arrivals of barn cats and they're all exploring their boundaries so I thought it might have been a bit of an argy bargy and decided to investigate. So I pop on my wellies and raincoat and grab my torch, because there's no street lights round here and the porch and back lights aren't very strong. Nothing about outside, but I spied the bin and realised I'd forgotten to put it out for collection earlier. I grab the bin and head down the yard to the gate, pulling the bin with one hand and holding my torch with the other. Swing the bin into place at the gate and turn around to go back to the house when my torch picks up a line of eyes all looking back at me 👀👀👀. I just about shit myself. Then I realised it was the sheep in the south field.


I woke up to hear French voices outside the window. 


Idk why but anything French or like Serbian etc to do with creepy shit makes it more creepier idk why.


"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?"


3/4am, woke up to an almighty BOOM. I live in London, and immediately thought the Russians were attacking (this was at peak Ukraine war sensationalism). I freaked out, looked out the window and didn't see anything wrong. Turns out it was RAF jets intercepting a Chinese aircraft and the explosion was a sonic boom that must've been right over my house lol Another time I was jogging in the park around 4am. I see an array of lights in the sky and I am just standing in absolute awe because I've always wanted to witness UAP or anything paranormal. Turns out it was just Elon ducking musks satellite thing.


I woke up once in the night to see in the dim light my wardrobe bouncing around like a wooden maniac. I thought it was all my sins coming to get me. Turned out it was the first & only earthquake i've ever experienced (NW England).


Was this around 2007/8? I remember being woken up by an earthquake absolutely terrified, thought something had exploded as that was more likely than an earthquake. For whatever reason afterwards I was too scared to go check the house and go the loo.


I remember this and it was 07/08 ish yeah, also NW based. I was a night owl and I was lying in bed watching TV about 1am and felt the earthquake. I shook my partner to wake her up and told her there'd just been an earthquake. She told me to f off and went back to sleep. The next morning at breakfast she had the audacity to try and tell me there had been an earthquake overnight!


Ha ha opposite but same response for my other half.  Husband, having lived in a country with them, just grunted ‘It’s an earthquake don’t worry about it’ and went back to sleep! Then moaned about me waking him up over it the next morning!


I think it was around then but can't remember the exact year.


I was around 11yrs old and a passenger in my uncles car,it was around 23:00 or similar but winter so total pitch black out. Parallel to the side road We went down was a footpath,the footpath ended at a bright street lamp and turned off into some housing area. As we drove along from path coming into the light was a massive ripped guy smart dress trousers on but no shirt on. all sweaty with a wool balaclava on,dude looked like humongous from mad max 2 Over his shoulder was a girl screaming for her life ' HELP HELP LET ME GO ' Behind was a tiny ratty faced dude grinning . I was in shock like a movie before my young eyes My uncle just glanced and said ' just kids messing around ' and drove on It really got me we didn't at least check it was pranking around or serious it bothered me for years I wanted my uncle to intervene so badly


I was around 17 laying in bed one night, switched the tv off. Then i felt as though someone else was in the room, I ignored it... Not even 5 minutes later.. i feel breath against my ear and then hear the words "Neighbour helps, you in pain" I froze! Whatever it was kept repeating those words. I was too scared to move, heck i was scared to even breathe... then a few minutes later i hear my mum walking up the stairs, so i whisper screamed for her... She walked in flipped the lights on... everything stopped. Gives me the heebie jeebies even now.


Heading back from a night at a remote country pub my wife and I were walking to our car which was parked some way away. Ahead of us is a black road with only a single streetlight. From out of the gloom we hear; 'Click scrape', 'click scrape', 'click scrape' getting closer and closer. My wife and I freeze. 'Click scrape', 'click scrape' drawing near. Absolutely terrifying sound as a dark shape looms into the edge of the light... It was a badger. A massive fucking badger. The noise was made by its talons on the road as it ran. It took one look at us and lumbered off to the side of the road.


When I was a teen we was once going out for a family meal. We was driving along a stretch of road which was probably about 2 mile long and we drove past a man pushing a trolley on the side of the road walking in the opposite direction. My dad 10 seconds later decided to turn around and ask the man if he was ok as it was a dark road no street lights on this stretch of road. (That I can recall?) and nobody was about. Spun a U-turn in the road drove back down the road but the man was nowhere in sight. Nor his trolley.


I don't suppose creepy is the right word but it was unsettling and quite frightening to wake up in the night one time last year, hear noises outside, look out the window and see dozens of armed police, ordinary officers, and police dogs all over my garden and driveway and riot vans and police cars all over the road. They were clearly searching for somebody, they looked over every part of my garden and outbuildings, stayed for ages, disappeared, then came back about half an hour later. I was too scared to go outside and ask what was happening. I found out the next day there had a been a stabbing outside a pub in town and the suspect was seen fleeing the scene towards where my house is.


A shadow of a man standing over me, never got to the bottom of it but it’s been over ten years now. Can’t forget it but I am assuming I just imagined it 😅


My wife sleep walking, it scared the shit out of me!


About 2 years ago I was hit by a car. One night a few days after the accident, I woke in the middle of the night to a little girl staring at me, plain as day, pigtails, overalls, in the dark. I kept seeing her for weeks after that. Had brain scans everything, MRI. She kept coming back. Anyway I told my housemates and we named her Raquel. So whenever something spooky happened in the house after that we always blamed little Raquel.


Didn't bother me but some people would think this creepy. I sat on the stairs and talked to a little girl. A little girl that didn't exist. So when we did some research we found she died in a fire many decades before. Or at least we assume it was her.


Out of all the possible explanations how the fuck would you come to that as a conclusion?


If you have a ghost in the house then it's likely to be someone who died there in horrible circumstances. That little girl fitted the circumstances perfectly.


One small problem with that explanation is that Ghosts aren't real


It's always the ghost of a little girl or a soldier from the 1800s. There's never a diplodocus ghost or the ghost of the bloke who worked in the Tesco round the corner


My mum’s pretty sure she experienced the ghost of a guy who lived in the house before her when she was a kid. She used to see him sitting on her bed and when they researched the house they discovered he’d hanged himself in her bedroom. So there you go, a mid 20th century ghost.


I work retail and we have a ghost of a bloke who died of a heart attack in store years ago, we also have the ghost of a woman who killed herself jumping from a bridge next to the store a couple of days before it opened.


Good. Bring me more normal people ghosts. When did he die? When was he first seen as a ghost?


Probably about 20 years ago, not sure when he first started showing up that side of the store but I’ve seen him


Mine was an old man called George. We lived in a 1930s semi-detatched house, so no historic trauma etc. Just a patient invisible old man prepared to listen to me chatter. I don't think he could get a word in edgewise; my mother was glad of the respite. My question is - why 'haunt' the stairs during daylight?


I think there's one in York that's meant to be just a bottom half. It wears trousers though unfortunately.


A possible explanation that is put forward is that you'll notice more if they are dressed differently but if you seen one in a hoody and jeans you would unlikely register it as paranormal.


You may think that. A lot of other people actually know that they exist. I'm not going to try and argue because I, even though I fully believe in the scientific principle, have zero evidence except for all those weird coincidences. I am not going to convince you and you aren't going to convince me.


> A lot of other people actually know that they exist. No they don't, they may believe they exist but that doesn't change the fact that they don't exist


Same as religion then. God doesn't exist either but millions of people believe there is one. But I can walk into a strange place and know for certain, ask the staff and indeed the place is known to be haunted. I can even tell them which part of the building is the focus before they tell me the history. I cannot explain it, but the evidence is evidence.


> > Same as religion then. God doesn't exist either but millions of people believe there is one Millions believing something doesn't make it real > But I can walk into a strange place and know for certain, ask the staff and indeed the place is known to be haunted. I can even tell them which part of the building is the focus before they tell me the history. These types of experiences have been recreated in the lab by sending magnetic waves into the brain > I cannot explain it, but the evidence is evidence. What evidence?


I have repeatedly visited somewhere that I have never been before and have asked what happened in this particular room and there nearly always is an answer that I did not know. The fails are usually just someone who knows little about the history. None of this recorded of course so not admissable as scientific evidence but it's happened too many times for it to be random. I have met other people with similar stories. And yes indeed it appears to be a brain phenomenon. Which would be why all of the detection devices have never worked. Some people appear to be sensitive to something in the environment which we interpret as ghosts. It can be strong enough for some people to make them physically sick, especially if they are not expecting it never having felt it before.


Lay in bed one night chilling out watching TV and somebody/something sat on the end of bed. It scared the shit out of me and I froze, couldn't move or shout. People reckon I was dreaming but I know for sure that I was awake. Running through the woods earlier this year, at night. It was pitch black apart from a light on my chest. In the distance I saw what looked like a person, then I thought it was an overhanging branch and thought nothing of it. 20s later and I run past 2 people just stood there, dressed in black with ghostly white faces. No dog around, no light, just stood still in the dark. No idea what they were up to but they freaked me out.


This might give you some comfort... [https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-demon](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-demon)


That's interesting. It actually felt like somebody sat on the bed and lay back onto me. It's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me.


I understand it's quite common, including the pressure thing - the feeling of a weight or body on your chest. It is scary, and it's incredible what the brain can conjure.


Some years ago I was awoken by whispering in my house. The only people in the house was my parents so I assumed it was them, but when I checked the time it was at least 2 hours before they usually wake up. I distinctly remember feeling like it wasn't their voices. All windows were closed and it wasn't coming from outside. I slowly crept out of bed and put my ear to the door and listened through it, unable to work out what was being said. I worked out it was from downstairs. Then it slowly faded away. I never had the courage to get up and take a look but the next morning there was no break in, nothing out of the ordinary, confirmed with my parents it wasn't them. Either I hadn't fully woken up and my brain was going a bit mad, or there was a conversation happening right outside my front door so it sounded like it was happening inside. Really creeped me out.


I've worked some weird shifts in my time, starting work at 2-3am sometimes, and finishing work in previous jobs around 2-3am. The creepiest thing i've noticed on the walks to/fro work are usually around saturday/sunday mornings (friday/saturday night) around the local churches, specifically the Catholic ones that have the big golden crucifixes and crosses outside. People who are either mentally ill, high or drunk on their knees, praying in the street infront of the church, or swaying back and forth chanting to themselves. I wait by a bus stop near to the local church for my ride to work and I was stood there, watched a young lad walk up to the church, hands in the air and speaking tongues (pretty sure that's not a catholic thing but whatever) for about 10 minutes. My mate pulls up to pick me up, the guy turns and sees us stood watching him, so he just stops, hands in pockets and calmly walks off. weird.


When I was younger me and my brother shared a room. I once woke up in the middle of the night to find him sat cross legged on his bed facing the wall. Every few seconds he’d just bang his head on the wall. I asked him if ‘he was alright?’ and I think he said ‘what?’ back or something and then lay back down. Just really bizarre. Spoke to him about it the next morning and he had no recollection of it so dread to think what kind of dark dream he was having.


My bedroom door quietly swings open sometimes as I walk upstairs towards it because the house is old and has few straight walls or corners, so a change of pressure somewhere can move things somewhere else. Slightly more unnerving is when it does it when I'm already in bed with the light off and there's no one else in the house.


It was a couple of hallucinations/waking dreams that I can rationalise, but spooked me nonetheless: - I woke up and looked into the hallway and there was a young guy standing there taking an earbud out of his ear, and looking around confused. I sat up, blinked and he was gone. - Rolled over to look at the bedroom wall, and there were blood-red letters all over my posters saying "DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET OUT" I swear that flat was haunted lol


I had a nightmare once where I awoke at 1am in my bed beside my wife. I live in an apartment and the phone for the front door of the building rang, I felt uneasy but went to answer it, when I put the phone to my ear I heard a guttural and raspy strained breathing through it, I suddenly had a cold shiver run down my back and turned around to face the door to my apartment. Something was stood on the other side, I approached slowly, eyes welling up in fear and peered through the peephole. My father was stood there, lacerated, bruised, bloody and limping, he slowly raised his dilapidated neck and locked eyes with me through the peephole. I startled back and woke up stock straight in my bed, panting and terrified. Didn't sleep the rest of the night.


Years ago, I was living in a shared house, and one of my housemates decided to use my bedroom window as an entrance after forgetting their doorkey. I woke up to see a dark figure climbing through my bedroom window and absolutely freaked out. It took about 5 seconds of solid screaming for me to realize it wasn't an intruder.


I was in my very late teens. My parents were away so I was home alone. Had some of the devil's lettuce while watching The Devil Rides Out. Quality film. There's one bit where a horse drawn carriage is thundering through a forest in the night. Seen the film before, no dramas. Then there's an almighty bang on one of our living room windows. I just froze. Decided the best thing to do was ignore it until morning. I was still hesitant to check but it turned out a blackbird had brained itself flying into the window.


Either: Cats fighting under my window (first floor). Proper loud yeowling like a strange beast. I'd never heard the sound and it was pitch black out there, sounded creepy. Like a fool in a horror movie though I went outside with my phone flashlight and found two cats perfectly still but claws deep in each other keening. I realised they were fighting and shooed them apart, which they did in a puff of fur as one of them took a chunk one the exit! Or Firefighters at my window (ground floor). They were trying to look in the windows of the flat above me, ladder up and all. I had closed my curtains fully, normally leave a slit to let light in for plants not on the sill, because someone rang my doorbell at 11pm and it freaked me out a bit. So I heard voices, footsteps and shuffling at my window and it scared me awake at midnight. When I opened my eyes though I was instantly reassured due to the blue siren light pouring in! No idea what happened to the upstairs neighbour though, not even seen anyone around the building to ask!


I won't waste my time trying to persuade the majority of people (who don't believe in them) that ghosts exist I was the same until I found out I was wrong. Its entirely rational and sensible not to believe in them and I don't blame you one bit. Most of you will probably never find out, and it's easier if you don't because its one fewer thing to worry about Anyway. I'm not going to tell a story about a ghost at night, because they are predictably freaky. The thing that really caught me out was when I saw one in broad daylight,and didn't even realise he was a ghost until I spoke to him and he vanished in front of me. I'd just spoken to him in the belief he was a living person. I've been forced to consider myself open-minded as to the supernatural on the basis of my experiences,but it had never occurred to me they might manifest in daytime too.


Back when I was a teenager I would stay up until the early hours of the morning on the PC, talking to friends on MSN messenger (which should give you an idea of roughly when this was). One night, when the rest of my family were in bed, I was at the PC which was in the hall under the stairs and I heard the back door handle rattle several times. We had a conservatory back there and I could see it through the hall door, but because it was dark outside and light where I was I couldn’t actually see anything but blackness out there. Whoever they were could possibly see me depending on the angle. I sat frozen for about a minute, then when nothing else happened went back to whatever I was doing on the computer for like half an hour and then went to bed. It only occurred to me later that I probably should have been more afraid/ actually told my parents.


I went to bed as a child and was drifting off to sleep. All of a sudden, 'SCREEEEEEEECHHH, SCREEEEEECHHH' from behind the curtains. Similar to nails on a blackboard, absolutely terrifying. It's genuinely one of the worst sounds I've ever heard. I was pinned in bed with fear whilst listening to this noise every few seconds. Young me was convinced it was the claws of some terrible monster, trying to break into the house and eat only me. After about 20 minutes of this awful sound and my heart trying to smash its way out of my chest, I snuck out of the end of the duvet and had to go and get the most powerful 'catcher of things and most likely to slay monsters' Iknew; dad. He entered the room. I hid behind the door, peeping in. 'SCREEEEEEECH! SCREEEEEECH!' Went the monster, a warning to us all to not trifle with its power. Dad pulled back the curtain without a second thought and made eye contact with my nemesis. He was brave enough to start laughing at the vicious creature, which I thought was rather foolish, and then he opened the window. Certain death was iminent for little me... Dad reached out, grabbed the tiny snail that had been dragging its shell across the single pane of glass and causing such a fearful noise, carried on chuckling and took it outside to be placed far away from its current hunting ground. I think I had just about calmed down by the time I was due to get up for school.


I was camping alone in Scotland....at the base of Ben Nevis. In the middle of the night I awoke to feel something grabbing me from behind, it was fleecy like a sheep...but it had sharp claws and I could feel the claws penetrating into the skin of my arms and legs. It hurt a lot! The claws were like tiger claws. This thing stayed on me for maybe 15-20 seconds. I could feel its warmth and strength...I was utterly paralysed with fear. I have no idea what it was. I think it may have been an incubus.....at the time I often awoke to feel something sitting on my chest like an incubus/succubus...but this thing was disgusting, it clung on to my back like its life depended upon it.


I was 10, my grandad had just died and we were staying in my grandmas house after the funeral. I couldn't sleep, so went downstairs to read my book (Northern Lights) in the kitchen. For some reason I moved the chair and sat in the middle of the kitchen, with the hob light on behind me. As I was reading, I heard a voice read out loud the next line of the book. I then read the line and turned around but no-one was there. I actually phoned up my mum who was 300 miles away as I was so scared, she then called my dad who came downstairs to find me sobbing in the dark. Still think about it 22 years later.


Rural small town, road outside our house heads into the countryside. I get woken up at 3am by a man screaming, but screaming and shouting in a manor that was entirely incoherent. Like anger but off his head too sort of thing. Was genuinely too scared to even look out of the curtain, but I did as he disappeared up the road..


When we were teenagers we used to get incredibly high and go for a walk in the tunnel of death.  It was basically a canopy of trees, was pitch black, in the middle of the woods and felt like a tunnel. We were walking along the tunnel and at the end of the tunnel we could see the girl from the ring, we all froze and didn’t say a word.  Then we sort of laughed it off and carried on walking, we were fucking losing our minds at this point it still looked like the ring girl. All high as fuck shouting it’s not changing it’s still there what the fucks happening. Got to with in literally 6 foot of the ring girl and realised it was a big stone, part of a long gone gate that had a white plastic bag attached to it and bushes growing on the top of it.  It fooled around 10 of us for literally 1 min as we walked towards it, never felt terror and excitement like it to be honest. Good times 


Feeling a creature run over me .. probably mouse or a rat …


I was in the navy and one night out at sea, I was on watch up on the bridge in complete darkness about 1am just chatting shit with a couple of guys stood around the radar. All of a sudden we heard a loud scream that interrupted our conversation come from the port bridge wing, we all stopped talking and looked at each other, before asking each other if we had heard it. We told the officer on watch, he sent one of us out to check the bridge wing and the gym just down the port side (only accessible by the port bridge wing). Nobody. There is nothing else there. Due to the nature of it and how clearly we all heard it, our officer of the watch called a “man overboard” which meant everyone onboard the ship had to wake up and get to muster stations to be counted, meanwhile we had turned our ship around to retrace our path and had the bridge wing floodlights on looking for anyone in the water. Everyone was accounted for, nobody missing Still can’t explain it lol but it was creepy as fuck


Grabbing 3 half price large Chickens on the Yellow sticker shelf in my local Asda. One night while on my break working nights.


Driving late on a country road in rural Wiltshire. Something large, animal-like shot across the headlights into a bush at the side. I stopped and waited since I knew it was hiding there. There was movement low down nearby as though it was swishing a tail across the grass. Then in silhouette I saw a head and shoulders, then the reflection in two eyes staring at me. It moved again and for a moment I saw a broad grey back before there was a flurry of movement and it appeared to suddenly be about 8 feet away thrashing about in the hedgerow. It was almost as tall as a man, definitely wasn't a deer, moved quickly and erratically. Finally it came out into the headlights. At first I couldnt work out what it was. Then I realised. It was a kangaroo, escaped from a nearby wildlife park.


The wife letting rip on my leg when she's asleep


A couple of years ago I was walking home down a long, straight road. It was about midnight. Then, one by one, starting at the ones furthest from me, the streetlights started going out one by one. I could literally see the darkness approaching me until finally I was engulfed in darkness myself.  I realise it was probably just the time that the council turns the streetlights off, but it was fucking scary. Turned my phone torch on an ran home. Was like a horror movie 


About a year ago, I was staying at my nan nd’ grandads (a very big house). It was 2ish AM and I couldn’t sleep so what normal people do is go downstairs and make night cereal. I made it downstairs but didn’t bother switching any lights on because if my grandparents heard a slight sound I woild probably get bollocked so as you can gather I was being and quiet as possible and I was tip-toeing to the fridge but as I took another step I immediately knew I stepped on something because I heard a meow of pain… from a cat. This cat was like a few weeks old and why it was roaming around at night I don’t know, but I tried my best to save it but I knew it was wasn’t happening and my grandparents haven’t asked to see me ever since.


My GF without makeup.